Case Report Rsa Fix

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Moderator :
Dr. dr. L.P. Lusy Indrawati, M.Kes, Sp.THT-KL(K)

Presentators :
Ardilles Varian (15324)
Jimmy Sebastian (14883)
Eka Tuniasih (15154)
Finna Magdalena (15162)
Rizka Fauziyah (14915)
Chavia Zagita T(15307)

Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University
Dr. Sardjito General Hospital
INTRODUCTION years old, while viral tonsillitis is more
common in younger children.
Palatine tonsils are two in number,
and are also the biggest structure in the Tonsillitis may be caused by viral,
Waldeyer Ring. Each tonsils is an ovoid bacterial, or fungal infections. Viruses
mass of lymphoid tissue situated in the that may cause tonsillitis are the same as
lateral wall of oropharynx between the those involved in a variety of upper
anterior and posterior pillars. Medial respiratory illness: rhinovirus,
surface of the tonsil is covered by coronavirus, adenovirus, herpes simplex
non-keratinizing stratified squamous virus, parainfluenza virus, Epstein-Barr
epithelium which dips into the substance virus, and cytomegalovirus. Clinical
of tonsil in the form of crypts. Tonsils presentation of viral tonsillitis is similar
act as sentinels to guard against foreign to that of bacterial infection, nut often
intruders by providing local immunity with less severe symptoms including
and providing a surveillance mechanism sore throat, odynophagia, otalgia,
so the entire body is prepared for headache, and fever. Tonsils may appear
defence. Lymphatics from the tonsil enlarged and erythematous, with or
drain into upper deep cervical nodes without exudates. Coxsackievirus may
particularly the jugulodigastric node cause herpangina which may present as
situated below the angle of mandible, small vesicles with erythematous bases
and its nerve supplied by lesser palatine that eventually ulcerate and typically
branches of sphenopalatine ganglion present on the anterior tonsillar pillars,
(CN V) and the sensory nerve supplied palate, and posterior pharyngeal wall.
by glossopharyngeal nerve . (1)
Epstein-Barr virus may present as
tonsillopharyngitis with dramatic
Tonsillitis is defined as
tonsillar hypertrophy, sore throat, fever,
inflammation of pharyngeal tonsils,
cervical and diffuse lymphadenopathy,
which may also extend to the adenoid
palatal petechiae, and malaise. (3)

and lingual tonsils . Tonsillitis most


often occurs in children, although the Bacterial infections in tonsillitis

condition is rarely seen in children usually involved several microbial
younger than 2 years old. Tonsillitis pathogens in nature. The most common
caused by Streptococcus species bacterial pathogen which causes
typically appeared in children aged 5-15 tonsillitis is group A beta-hemolytic
streptococci, with varying contribution
from other pathogens, including group C As tonsillitis is clinical diagnosis,
beta-hemolytic streptococci, Neiserria laboratory studies is not indicated unless
gonorrheae, Corynebacterium when group A beta-hemolytic
diphtheria, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and streptococci (GABHS) infections is
Mycoplasma pneumoniae . (3)
suspected. Throat cultures are the
criterion standard for detecting GABHS.
Chronic tonsillitis may arise as a
Radiologic imaging is indicated for
complication of acute tonsillitis or
patients whom tonsillitis is suspected to
subclinical infections of tonsils without
have spread to deep neck structures . (2)

an acute attack. Chronic tonsillitis

mostly affects children and young adults, Treatment of chronic tonsillitis could
rarely occurs after 50 years . The (1)
be done by conservative treatment or
chronicity of tonsillitis may be attributed tonsillectomy. Conservative treatment
to multiple overlapping infections consists of attention to general health,
caused by different pathogens within diet, and treatment of existent infection . (1)

fistula and purulent pockets of the tonsil Paracetamol or ibuprofen is preferred for
parenchyma even in the absence of children presents with sore throat
clinical symptoms . (3)
without lockjaws or any other
complication . (4)
For tonsillitis with
Clinical features of chronic tonsillitis
GABHS infections, oral penicillin V or
are recurrent attack of sore throat or
oral amoxicillin for 10 days, or single
acute tonsillitis, chronic irritation in
dose of intramuscular Benzathine
throat with cough, and halitosis (bad
penicillin G are the antibiotic regimens
taste in mouth and foul breath due to pus
recommended. In case of penicillin
in crypts). Thick speech, difficulty in
allergy, oral cephalexin, cefadroxil,
swallowing, and choking spells at night
clindamycin, or clarithromycin
may also be found in chronic tonsillitis
administrations for 10 days are
when the tonsils are large and
recommended. Oral azithromycin
obstructive. In physical examination,
administration for 5 days is also
varying degree of tonsillar enlargement
recommended as alternative antibiotic
may be found . Peritonsillar erythema,

regimen in individuals with penicillin

tender cervical lymphadenopathy,
allergy .

tonsilloliths, smooth glistening tonsils,

or excessively cryptic tonsils are sign of Options to recommend tonsillectomy
chronic tonsillitis . (3)
are offered in cases of recurrent throat
infection with a frequency of at least 7 diagnosed with tonsillitis about 6 month
episodes in the past year or at least 5 ago and indicated for tonsillectomy but
episodes per year for 2 years or at least 3 refused by the parents. The history of
episodes per year for 3 years with asthma, diabetes mellitus, and allergy
documentation in the medical record for are denied.
each episode of sore throat and 1 or
General examination of the
more of the following:
patient was compos mentis, well-
temperature >38.3°C, cervical
nourished, and non-anemic. The vital
adenopathy, tonsillar exudate, or
sign pulse rate is 96 beat per minute, the
positive test for group A β-hemolytic
respiration rate is 22 times per minute,
streptococcus . (6)

and the temperature is 37 C. The body


Complications of chronic tonsillitis weight is 22, 5 kilogram and the height

which may occur are peritonsillar is 135 cm.
abscess, parapharyngeal abscess,
From nasal examination,
intratonsillar abscess, tonsilloliths,
Discharge is seen on both conchae. The
tonsillar cyst, or focus of infection in
discharge is clear and serous. There was
rheumatic fever, acute
no blood found on the conchae. There
glomerulonephritis, eye and skin
was no mass, no conchae edema, and no
disorders .(1)

hyperemia found from examination. On

CASE REPORT the face examination there is no
tenderness on the sinuses. There isn’t
A 9 year old boy came to ENT
any Salute sign, Shiner sign, and allergic
clinic in RS UGM on 29 January 2018,th

crease found on the patient.

with chief complaint of sore throat.
Patient had a sore throat since 4 days From ear examination, there is
ago accompanied by fever with no hyperemic, deformity, and mass on
temperature around 38,5 C. Patient also
the right and left auricular. When
had cough and sneezing complaint. The palpated, there is no tenderness on both
discharge from the nose is clear and the auricular. From otoscope examination,
viscosity is serous. Patient doesn’t have the cerumen is minimum, there is no
a swallowing pain, hoarseness, dyspnea, mass and inflammation sign found, the
vomiting, and regurgitation. Patient also tympanic membrane is intact and the
doesn’t have foul breath. Patient was light reflex is positive.
From oropharyngeal examination, the DISCUSSION
lips is symmetrical, no deformity, and
Chronic tonsillitis is a common
no inflammation. There is no sign of
condition in children and young adults,
inflammation, mass and lesion in buccal
rarely occurs after 50 years.
mucosa, tounge, gum, and teeth. The
uvula is hyperemic, no sign of mass, Treatment of chronic tonsillitis
lesion, post nasal drip, and granule. The could be done by conservative treatment
tonsils are hyperemic. Lacunar crypts or tonsillectomy. Conservative treatment
are present on the tonsils. Oedem consists of attention to general health,
and hyperemic are found on palatum diet, and treatment of existent infection . (1)

mole, anterior arch, and posterior arch. Paracetamol or ibuprofen is preferred for
The tonsils are enlarged with the grading children presents with sore throat
of T3. There are no detritus found on the without lockjaws or any other
tonsils. The oropharynx is hyperemic complication . (4)
For tonsillitis with
and inflamed. GABHS infections, oral penicillin V or
oral amoxicillin for 10 days, or single
Based on the data above, patient is
dose of intramuscular Benzathine
diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis with
penicillin G are the antibiotic regiments
acute exacerbation. Patient was treated
recommended. In case of penicillin
with amoxicillin 300 mg 3 times per day
allergy, oral cephalexin, cefadroxil,
for the duration of 7 days. The patient
clindamycin, or clarithromycin
was also given decongestant
administrations for 10 days are
pseudoephedrine HCL for 3 times per
recommended. Oral azithromycin
day if needed. Paracetamol 250 mg was
administration for 5 days is also
also given for 3 times per day for the
recommended as alternative antibiotic
duration of seven days. Patient is told to
regiment in individuals with penicillin
come back in a week to evaluate the
allergy .

efficacy of the therapy. Patient also has

been educated to keep the hygiene of the Brook, 1989 in his study
mouth and body. The patient also told to demonstrates the efficacy of amoxicillin
rest until the fever gone and wear mask / clavulanate potassium in the therapy of
if going outside. Patient also been told to acute episodes of recurrent tonsillitis and
avoid cold and spicy food and prevention of recurrent infection . (13)

Clarithromycin was more In contrast, there is still
effective than amoxicillin/clavulanic controversy about the effectiveness of
acid in eradicating pathogenic bacteria tonsillectomy in adults as there is a lack
in the tonsil core. Pseudomonas of high-level evidence . (9)

aeruginosa might be responsible for Current evidence suggests that in

resistant or recurrent tonsil infections. adults with recurrent episodes of
To prevent endocarditis, antibiotic pharyngitis tonsillectomy may not lead
prophylaxis toward S. viridians, which is to a clinically significant reduction in
the most prevalent bacterium in the the number of sore throat episodes and
tonsil core, should be kept in mind for sore throat days in the first five to six
patients with heart valve damage . (12)
months following surgery as compared
to (initial) non-surgical treatment . (10)

Options to recommend
Tonsillectomy is chosen to
tonsillectomy are offered in cases of
relieve patient’s complaints, such as
recurrent throat infection with a
pain on swallowing, dysphagia, and
frequency of at least 7 episodes in the
snoring when sleeping which resulted
past year or at least 5 episodes per year
from obstruction in oropharynx . (11)

for 2 years or at least 3 episodes per year

Complications of chronic
for 3 years with documentation in the
tonsillitis which may occur are
medical record for each episode of sore
peritonsillar abscess, parapharyngeal
throat and 1 or more of the following:
abscess, intratonsillar abscess,
temperature >38.3°C, cervical
tonsilloliths, tonsillar cyst, or focus of
adenopathy, tonsillar exudate, or
infection in rheumatic fever, acute
positive test for group A β-hemolytic
glomerulonephritis, eye and skin
streptococcus . (6)

disorders . (1)

The main potential complication

for tonsillectomy is hemorrhage. In REFERENCES
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