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C o n s t r u c t i o n Te c h n o l o g y U p d a t e N o .

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Control of Floor Vibration

by D.E. Allen and G. Pernica
Excessive floor vibration has become a greater problem as new rhythmic
activities, such as aerobics, and long-span floor structures have become
more common. This Update describes the nature of floor vibration and
provides options for avoiding it through design, or in the case of existing
buildings, reducing or eliminating it through alterations.
Floor vibration is up-and-down motion Vibration Limits
caused by forces applied directly to the floor Floor vibration generally makes people
by people or machinery, or by vibration uneasy and creates fear of structural collapse,
transmitted through building columns, from although such fear is usually unwarranted
other floors or from the ground. because of the small displacements and
The problems associated with floor vibra- stresses that are actually produced. Never-
tion are not new. In 1828 Tredgold wrote theless, perceptible vibration is usually
“girders should always be made as deep as considered to be undesirable because it
they can to avoid the inconvenience of not affects people’s sense of well being and
being able to move on the floor without their ability to carry out tasks.
shaking everything in the room.”1 A simple Vibration limits, or acceptable thresholds,
floor deflection criterion (deflection of less are best expressed in terms of acceleration,
than span/360 under distributed live load) has as a percentage of the acceleration due to
been used to control ‘excessive shaking’ for gravity (g). The limit depends primarily on
more than 100 years. But today, when longer the context, that is, on what people are
spans, thinner floor decks, less structural doing when they experience the vibration.
damping (an absence of materials and com- For example, people sitting or lying down
ponents that absorb vibration energy), or the in offices or residences find distinctly
use of buildings for activities such as aerobics perceptible vibration (accelerations of about
are responsible for vibration problems, this 0.5% g) unacceptable, whereas those taking
approach does not work. However, new part in an activity such as aerobics will accept
guidelines that address and deal with these much greater vibration (about 10% g). People
problems — based on what people perceive dining beside a dance floor or standing in a
and find acceptable in terms of floor vibra- shopping mall will find vibrations that fall
tion — have recently been introduced. between these two extremes (about 2% g)
Generally, it is not the participants in a
particular activity or event who are most
disturbed by floor vibration, but those who
are located in adjacent spaces, as they find it
annoying or disruptive to their own activities.
If the vibration is very large (more than
20% g), and occurs frequently (e.g., in a
health club), then fatigue failure of the floor
can occur. To prevent collapse due to fatigue
or overloading, the National Building Code of
Canada (NBC) requires a dynamic analysis of
Figure 1. Repetitive forces produced by human activities a floor structure if it has a natural frequency
of less than 6 Hz.2
Principal Cause
The main factor underlying most vibration
problems is resonance, which occurs when
a load is exerted on a floor at a particular
frequency. For example, a group of people
dancing applies a cyclic force (their footsteps)
to the floor at the frequency corresponding
to the beat of the music (see Figure 1). The
cyclic force produces a maximum floor
acceleration, which depends on the ratio of
the natural frequency of the floor structure
to the cyclic frequency of the applied force
(see Figure 2). When the natural frequency
of the floor coincides with, or is close to,
the forcing frequency, resonance occurs and
the consequences are most severe. During
each cycle of loading, more energy is fed
into the system and the magnitude of vibra- Figure 2. Floor acceleration due to a cyclic force
tion grows, until a maximum is reached. for a range of natural frequencies
This maximum is dependent on the amount
of damping in the floor. Because of the large forces generated by
During any rhythmic activity, people rhythmic activities, resonance vibration is
apply repeated forces to the floor, ranging generally too large to be acceptable. To
from 2 to 3 Hz. (This frequency is known as control floor vibration due to a rhythmic
the step frequency). For dancing, resonance activity, the floor structure must be designed
occurs if the natural frequency of the floor to have a natural frequency greater than the
is between 2 and 3 Hz. forcing frequency of the highest significant
If the repeated force has an impact compo- harmonic, as shown in Figure 2. Minimum
nent, as is the case for aerobics in which every- acceptable natural frequencies are provided
one jumps at the same time (see Figure 1), in Table 1 for several combinations of activ-
then resonance can occur not only at the ities and floor constructions.
step frequency, but also at multiples, or har- For design purposes, the natural floor
monics, of this frequency. For example, an frequency (fn in Hz) can be estimated using
aerobics class jumping to a beat of 2.5 Hz a simple formula,
(the step frequency) will produce harmonic 18
vibrations at multiples of 2.5 Hz — i.e., at fn (Hz) =
2.5 Hz (first harmonic), 5 Hz (second har- ∆(mm)
monic), and 7.5 Hz (third harmonic). Since where ∆ is the total deflection of the floor
the natural frequencies of most floors are structure due to the weight supported by all
greater than 3 Hz (they often fall between its members (joists, girders and columns).
4 Hz and 8 Hz), problems are most likely to For example, if the floor deflects 9 mm, the
occur as a result of the second and third har- natural frequency is 6 Hz. To get a natural
monics. However, the lower the harmonic the frequency of 9 Hz, the floor must deflect
larger the vibration produced by resonance. only 4 mm, which is practically impossible
Rhythmic Activities for floors supported on very long members to
Vibration problems due to rhythmic activities achieve. (See References 2–4 for methods
occur in stadiums, auditoriums, buildings of calculating natural frequency and floor
with dance and health clubs, and convention acceleration.)
centres, which are used for a wide variety The primary factors affecting the design of
of activities. floor structures for rhythmic activities are:
Table 1. Minimum Floor Frequencies (Hz) for Typical Activities Span. The longer the floor span the lower
and Floor Constructions the natural frequency. Convention centres,
in particular, have very long floor spans
Rhythmic Activity Steel/Concrete Floor Light-Frame Floor (approximately 30 m). It is generally not
Dancing and Dining 5 10 practical to design such floor structures to
Aerobics 9 13 achieve the minimum natural frequency

shown in Table 1 for rhythmic activities Increased stiffness. This raises the natural
that have impact (e.g., aerobics). In this frequency of the floor, shifting resonance to
situation, the choice is to relocate either the a higher harmonic, which reduces the mag-
rhythmic activity (to a stiffer floor) or the nitude of resonance vibration and hence
sensitive occupants. annoyance. Stiffening methods include
increasing floor member depths and ensur-
Storey height. The taller the columns
ing that there is composite action between
supporting the floor on which the rhythmic
the beams and the concrete slab.3
activity takes place the lower the natural
In the case of solid concrete floors, which
frequency of the floor. An example of this
have high mass and stiffness, walking
occurred when aerobics on the top storey of
vibration is rarely a problem. Some precast
a 26-storey building caused second harmonic
concrete floor systems may, however,
resonance due to the axial flexibility of the
require evaluation.4
columns. This resonance produced annoying
vibrations of approximately 1% g in the Light-Frame Construction
offices below. Because the aerobics activity Light-frame floors of wood or cold-formed
could not be relocated in the building, it steel joists with a wood deck typically have
had to be terminated. floor frequencies of between 10 Hz and 30
Selecting the location for a rhythmic Hz. Someone walking across a floor can be
activity (i.e., storey, floor area, etc.) is there- a source of annoyance to a person sitting in
fore the most important consideration in a room because of the jolts caused by sud-
the design of floors. Properly positioning den changes in floor elevation produced by
sensitive occupancies relative to rhythmic each footstep.
activities is also important. See the Design considerations for light-frame
“Measures to Remedy Vibration Problems” construction include:
section of this Update for guidance. Stiffening. The actual stiffness of a light-
Walking Vibration frame floor depends not only on the stiffness
Walking vibration, which is largely depen- of the joists but also on the transverse
dent on the type of floor construction, is stiffness of the floor system (from floor deck,
also an important consideration in the cross bridging, blocking, etc.) and on the
design of floor structures of most buildings. composite action of the joists and deck.
Steel/Concrete Floor Construction Increasing floor stiffness reduces the jolts
A steel floor with a concrete deck usually due to walking.
has a natural frequency of between 3 Hz Deflection criterion. When walking vibra-
and 10 Hz. A person walking across a floor tion is likely to be an issue, e.g., in a house
applies a force at a step frequency of approx- or multi-family dwelling, light-frame floors
imately 2 Hz, which can result in resonance should be designed to meet the deflection
build-up when the natural floor frequency criterion for a 1 kN concentrated force
is around 2, 4, 6 or 8 Hz. As for previously (as shown in Figure 3). This decrease in
mentioned activities, the higher the harmonic allowable deflection with increase in span
the lower the magnitude of resonance. is due to a number of factors described in
A design criterion has recently been dev- Reference 4.
eloped3 in which the acceleration due to har- The most practical approach for designing
monic resonance is calculated and compared light-frame floors to minimize the effects of
with a vibration limit, e.g., 0.5% g, for office walking is to develop span tables based on
and residential occupancies. If the limit is calculations that satisfy the Figure 3 criterion,
exceeded, design alterations can include: e.g., those contained in Part 9 of the NBC.
Increased damping. Damping of the floor To evaluate floor systems not covered by the
system (increasing the rate of removal of NBC span tables, see Reference 4.
vibrational energy) reduces resonance vibra- Measures to Remedy Vibration
tion (see Figure 2) and thus annoyance. It
depends primarily on the presence of non- There are a wide variety of actions that can
structural components such as partitions, be taken to correct floor vibration problems
ceilings, mechanical services and furnishings. in existing buildings. These actions can be
Full-height partitions are most effective in categorized as follows:
adding damping to the floor system.3

Floor deflection due to 1 kN force, mm 2.5

2.0 Unacceptable

1.5 Reduction of -0.6(L-2)

Damping. For steel/concrete construction,
0.6 + 2.5e
effects. It may walking vibrations can be improved by
1.0 suffice to do increasing the amount of damping of the
Acceptable nothing about floor system. The less damping there is in
the floor vibra- the existing floor, the more effective the
0.5 tion itself, but added damping. The addition of nonstruc-
rather to make tural components that interact with the
0 alterations that floor structure, such as drywall in the ceiling
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
reduce the space, provides some damping if there is
Span, m
annoyance little to begin with. There are also other
Figure 3. Design criterion for light-frame floors associated with damping devices, such as damper posts or
the vibration. tuned mass dampers, that can be effective
These include the elimination of noise (e.g., in reducing floor vibration.3
rattling) due to floor vibration, and removing Isolation. An effective method for reducing
or rearranging articles that vibrate noticeably. floor vibration due to machinery is to isolate
Relocation of activities. Either the source the machine from the floor by placing it on
of vibration (e.g., aerobics or machinery) or soft springs.3,4
the sensitive occupancy may be relocated.
For example, a planned aerobics exercise Summary
area might be relocated from the top floor Most floor vibration problems are caused by
of a building to the ground or first floor. resonance and, for light-frame construction,
Complaints of walking vibration can some- sudden deflections due to footsteps. Vibration
times be resolved by relocating people, or can usually be controlled by stiffening the floor
equipment, to areas where vibration is less structure, although sometimes the problems
likely to occur, e.g., placing them near a can be addressed by adding damping or by
column. isolating equipment. Proper placement of an
activity (e.g., aerobics) or machinery in the
Stiffening. Increasing the stiffness of the building is the most important consideration.
floor can reduce vibration due to walking or
other rhythmic activities. Introducing new References
columns between existing columns from 1. Tredgold, T., 1824, Elementary Principles
the affected floor down to the foundations of Carpentry, 2nd Ed., Publisher unknown.
is very effective in the case of flexible floor 2. User’s Guide — NBC 1995 Structural
structures, but is often unacceptable to the Commentaries (Part 4). Commentary A:
owner. If there is sufficient ceiling space, Serviceability Criteria for Deflections and
welding new components to the bottom Vibrations.
flanges of steel beams or joists (as shown 3. AISC/CISC Steel Design Guide Series
in Figure 4) is an effective technique.3 No. 11: Floor Vibrations Due to Human
Light-frame floors can be stiffened by adding Activity. American Institute of Steel
transverse stiffening, such as decking or Construction, Chicago, Ill., 1997.
blocking.4 However, it is important to 4. ATC Guide on Floor Vibration. Applied
determine whether the vibration is caused Technology Council. Redwood City, CA,
by flexible supports (poor seating, flexible 1999.
beams, etc.) before proceeding with stiffen-
ing the joists.4 Dr. D.E. Allen is a guest research officer in the
Building Envelope and Structure Program at the
National Research Council’s Institute for
Research in Construction.
Dr. G. Pernica is a research officer with IRC’s
Building Envelope and Structure Program.

© 1998
National Research Council of Canada
Figure 4. Stiffening technique for steel joists and beams December 1998
ISSN 1206-1220

“Construction Technology Updates” is a series of technical articles containing

practical information distilled from recent construction research.

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