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Chapter 7: Allocating item quantities

When you allocate an item, it is reserved in inventory and the quantity available for
the item and for the site is reduced in inventory. You must allocate items before you
can fulfill them.

Allocation information is divided into the following sections:

• Quantity shortage options

• Selling an item from another site
• Substituting an item

Quantity shortage options

A quantity shortage occurs when the quantity on an invoice is greater than the
quantity available in inventory. If there is a quantity shortage, the Invoice Quantity
Shortage Options window will open and you can choose how to treat the quantity
shortage—sell balance, override, or other options.

Sell Balance Mark to allocate the quantity available in inventory for the site to
the document. For example, if you entered 5 for the quantity on an invoice but have
3 available in inventory, the quantity is set to 3. The quantity available in inventory
for the item is now zero.

Override Mark to ignore the shortage and sell the entire quantity. The quantity
available in inventory will be negative.

Do not override a shortage on an item that is tracked by serial or lot numbers. Your
inventory will be overstated when the quantity is replenished.

Other options Mark and choose Options to open the Invoice Quantity
Distribution Entry window, where you can sell items from another site or substitute
items. For more information, see Selling an item from another site on page 39 or
Substituting an item on page 40.

Selling an item from another site

Use the Invoice Quantity Distribution Entry window to check the quantity available
at other sites and allocate the item from other sites if there is a quantity shortage for
the item at the default site.


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