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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari / Tanggal : …………………….

Kelas / Semester : XI TKR dan RPL / Ganjil Waktu : …………………….
Nama : ……………………………….. Kelas : …………………….
Petunjuk Umum :
1. Perhatikan dan ikuti peraturan yang ada
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum menjawabnya
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas Ulangan apabila terdapat Lembar Soal yang kurang jelas, rusak atau tidak
4. Tidak diijinkan membuka Handphone, Google, buku tulis atau sumber buku lainnya
5. Periksa kembali pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas UAS.

1. Lisa : .......
Verny : Just tea, please.
A. would you mind some tea or coffe? C. would you like the tea or coffe?
B. Would you like to bring me some water? D. would you like some tea or coffe?
2. Iwan : .......
Kim : Yes, she is.
A. she isn’t your girlfriend, isn’t she? C. she is your girlfriend, is she?
B. she isn’t your girlfriend, was she? D. she is your girlfriend, isn’t she?
3. Dinda : May I know and use your ID?
Hanna : What for?
Dinda : I need to order something. I lost mine yesterday.
Hanna : .... it’s private.
A. Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t C. Well, it’s up to you.
B. All right, but you have to keep my ID after this D. I’ll gine you my ID
4. Rina : Is there nothing I can do here? ....
Marisa : You’re right. It’s so boring here.
A. I’m so boring here C. It’s so annoyed
B. I’m so bored D. I’m getting boring
5. Audy : ......
Ridha : No, my mom cooks it for me.
A. You cook the food by yourself, are you? C. You cook the food by yourself, don’t you?
B. You cook the food by yourself, aren’t you? D. You cook the food by yourself, do you?
6. Sean : Rina, can you bring the camera tomorrow?
Raisha : What did he say?
Rina : He asked .....
A. if I could bring the camera tomorrow
B. if I can bring the camera tomorrow
C. Whether I must bring the camera or not
D. whether the camera is with me or not
7. Mother : you must not come to the camp this Sunday
Father : what did you mother ask?
Lisa : .......
A. She asked me not to come to the camp this Sunday
B. She asked me if I had not to come to the camp this Sunday
C. she asked me whether I must come to the camp this Sunday
D. She asked me to come to the come this Sunday
8. Lola : Is this fan mine?
Dean : No, it’s not yours ......
A. it’s me B. It’s mine
C. it’s the fan of mine D. It’s my.
9. Rosa : What is your dream job, Lia?
Lia : ....... it is the cheapest way to reach my dream to go around the world.
A. I want to be a policewoman C. I want to work as a guide in an international travel agency
B. My dream job is to be a doctor D. I want to be a business woman
10. If I knew that he would leave, .........
A. I will prevent him from going to a faraway place.
B. I would have prevented him from going t that faraway place
C. I will prevented him from going t that faraway place
D. I would prevent him from going t that faraway place
11. Why Can’t you stop .....
A. to talk about this case over and over?
B. talking about this case over and over?
C. to talking about this case over and over?
D. talked about this case over and over?
The text below has incomplete sentences. Choose one word or phrase from each number that best completes
the sentences.
Fear is an unpleasant feeling of preceived risk or danger, whether it is real or imagined. Fear also (12) .......
as a feeling of extreme dislike towards certain conditions, object or situations such as fear of darkness, fear of
ghosts, etc. Fear (13) ...... some phenomena of behavior modification, although these phenomena can be
explained without adducing fear as a factor in them. Furthermore, application of aversive stimuli is also often
ineffective in producing change in the behaviour intended to be changed.
Humans can become very (14) ......... by fear, causing them to go along with one’s wishes without (15) ......
about their own input. They can also become equally violent, and can even become deadly, it can caouse an
instinctive reaction to rising adrenaline levels rather than a consciously thought-out decision.
12. A is describing C. Can be discribed
B. can discribe D. Means
13. A. could be describing C. Is underlining
B. can be shown D. May underline
14. A. intimidated C. Intimidates
B. being intimidated D. Intimidating
15. A. be cared C. Care
B. being care D. Caring
16. Lila : Do you have a plan this weekend, Susan?
Sissy : No, I don’t. Why?
Lila : ..........
A. I’m planning to have a vacation. Would you like to go with me?
B. I will have a vacation. I think you might have gone along with me
C. I was just asking. Maybe you went somewhere
D. I’m going to go to the beach
17. Coach : prepare yourselves, kids. We ......
A. are going to be late
B. are prepared
C. are going to have a big match tomorrow
D. will going to play now
18. .... this weekend.
A. I was going to Korea
B. I will get to go to Korea
C. I would go to Korea
D. I am going to Korea
19. if you don’t study hard tonight, you ....
A. are going to be successful
B. will regret your decision
C. will fail in your exam tomorrow
D. are going to having a bad result
20. my mom ... if I don’t go home now.
A. is made at me C. Will mad at me
B. will be very angry D. Is going to have been angry to me
21. if I were able to wake up early, I ....
A. would not miss the bus C. Would not missed the bus
B. would have not missed the bus D. Would not have miss the bus
22. the cildren would have come home earlier, if .....
A. it was not raining last night C. It has not been raining last night
B. it had not been raining hard last night D. It didn’t rain hard last night
23. Back then, his heigt was less than me. Now, .....
A. he is much shorter than then C. He is as taller as I am
B. he is going to be less tall D. He is taller than me
24. Narsha : would you like to come to my psrty tonight?
Jean : oh, I’d love to but, .....
A. I think it’s agreat idea C. I have already had another plan for tonight
B. I don’t know about that D. It’s okay
25. Mom : ..........
Desy : I would like some soup, Mom, tahnk you.
A. what do you want to eat for lunch, honey
B. do you want me to cook for you?
C. let’s just go on diet today
D. would you like some refreshments
Question 26-30 are based on the text below
Everyone should have their own dreams. They can be about waht job a person wants to get when they
graduate from school or any activities and hobbies they want to do in the future. I have a big dream that I want to
achieve when I graduate from school.
I want to travel around the world as a backpacker. I love travelling and so far, i have traveled to many
places in Indonesia and some other countries in south east asia. I have been to java (where i was born), Sumatra,
Borneo, Sulawesi, and papua. While the countries of South East Asia I have bakpacker in are Malaysia, Singapore,
Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia.
My next destination is Europe. I heard that backpacking in Europe is easier than in Asia. We only need one
visa which is called as Schengen Visa to travel around, while in Asia most countries require a visa.
I believe where there is a will there is a way and i will make all my dreams come true.

26. the writer’s dream is to backpack ......

A. all over the world B. All over Asia C. All over Europe D. All over Africa
27. the word “they” in the second sentences of paragraph one refers to ...
A. dreams B. Job C. College D. Activities
28. Why does the writer think backpacking in Europe is easier than Asia?
A. because it is cheaper
B. Because backpacking is an interesting activity
C. Because Europe is a beautiful place
D. Because a traveler only needs one visa to travel to countries in Europe
29. Which countries has the writer visited?
A. Korea and Singapore C. Thailand and Uk
B. Malaysia and Thailand D. Indonesia and Europe
30. the five big islands of Indonesia are ........
A. Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia,and Vietnam, Cambodia
B. Sulawesi, Java, Borneo, Sumatra, and Papua
C. Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Thailand, and Papua
D. Sulawesi, Europe, Korea, Japan, and China

1. Make asentence of simple future tense!
2. Make a sentence of simple past tense!
3. Create a dialog based on of the situation below!
- In a market, you want to buy a bag, but the price is too expensive for you. Therefore, you want to
bargain for a cheaper price.
Complete the following sentences with must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to, and doesn’t have to, 4-5!
4. You ................ smoke here. It’s a non-smoking area.
5. He likes Sunday because he ........................... work


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