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In this fourth edition I have worked toward four goals:

I. To help students increase their experience and ability in

problem solving

2. To make the reading or the text easier nnd more fun for students

3. To bring the presentation of physics up to date to reflect the

importance of the role of quantum theory

4, To make the text more flexible for the instructor in a wide

variety of course formats

Enhanced Problem Solving

To help students lenm how to solve problems, the number of worked

Examples that correspond 10 intermediate-level problems has been

greatly increased. Especially notable is a new two-column side-by-side

example fomrnt that has been developed t

o better display the text and

equations in worked cxnmples. Care has been taken t

o show the students

a logical method of solving problems. Examples begin with strategies,

and oncn diagrams, in II Picture the Problem prologue. When possible,

the first step gives an equation relating the quantity asked for t
o other

quantities. This i
s usually followed by a statement of the general physical

principle that applies. For example, this step may be "Apply Newton's

second law" or "Use conservation of energy.'' Examples usually

conclude with Remarks that discuss the problem and solution, and in

many cases there arc additional Check the Re.mlt sections that teach the

student how to check the answer, as well as Exercises that present

additional related problems, which students can solve on their own.

Also new are innovative, imeractive types of examples, each labeled

T1J1 ii yourself. In these. students arc told in the left column how t

proceed with each step of the problem-solving process. but in the right

column arc given only the answer. Thus, students arc guided through the

problem, but must independently work through the actual derivations and


A Problem-Solving Guide appears at the end of each chapter in the

form of a summary of the worked examples in the chapter. The Problem­

Solving Guide is designed to help students recognize types of problems

and find the right conceptual strategy for solving them. Herc again,

general principles such as applying Newton's second law or the

conservation of energy are emphasized.

Concluding each chapter is a selection of approximately one

hundred !'rob/ems. The problems are grouped by type, which may or

may not coincide with the section titles in the chapter. Each problem is

designated easy, intermediate, or challenging.


Qualitative questions and problems arc integrated with quantitative

problems within each group, in the hope that this organization will

elevate the stature of qualitative problems in the minds of students (and

instructors). At the back of the book, A1mvers arc given to the odd·

numbered problems. Preceding the answers for each chapter is a Problem

Mop that charts which odd-numbered intennediate-level problems

correspond with worked examples in the text. Complete solutions to

every other odd-numbered problem, worked out in the two-column

example format, arc available in the Sof111io11.I' Mamwl for S111de111.1.

I do not believe that students can be given too much help in solving

problems. Students learn best when they arc successful at the tasks they

are given. The hierarchy of worked examples, "Try it yourself'

examples, Problem-Solving Guide, and Problem Map gives the student

and the instructor maximum flexibility by leading the student through

progressive levels of independence. "Try it yourself' problems take

students step by step through a problem without doing the math for them.

The Problem-Solving Guide gives an overview of the techniques that

have been demonstrated in the chapter. The Problem Map shows

students who arc having difficulty where help may lie in the chapter but

gives no other assistance.

Student Interest

Much effort has gone into making the written text more lively and

informal. Students build their understanding of physics on the physics

they've already learned, each concept serving as a building block that

will provide the foundation for further inquiry. Over one hundred

enthusiastic student reviews indicate that the changes in the fourth

edition will successfully reach the widest range of students and will help

them to enjoy learning and doing physics rather than focusing on the

difficulty of the subject. To further stimulate the interest of students,

supplemental, brief "Exploring ... " sections offer essays 011 various

topics of interest to science and engineering undergraduates.

Modern Physics in the Introductory Course

Although quantum theory revolutionized the way we describe the

physical world more than 70 years ago, wc have been slow to integrate it

into our introductory physics courses. To make physics more relevant to

today's students. the mass-energy relationship and energy quantization

sections arc included in the conservation of energy chapter, and the

quantization of angular momentum is discussed in the chapter on the

conservation of angular momentum. These ideas arc then used

throughout the text, for example, in Chapter 19 to explain the failure of

the equipartition theorem.

In addition, two optional chapters, "Wave-Particle Duality and

Quantum Physics'' (Chapter 17) and "The Microscopic Theory of

Electrical Conduction" (Chapter 27), have been written so that

instructors who choose to do so can integrate them into a two-semester

course along with the usual topics in classical physics. These chapters

offer something completely new-support for professors who choose to

introduce quantum physics earlier in the course. Chapter 17 on the

wave-particle duality of nature is the concluding chapter in Part 11,

immediately following the chapter on superposition and standing waves.

This chapter introduces the idea of the wave-particle duality of light and

matter and uses the frequency quantization of standing waves, just

studied in the previous chapter, to introduce energy quantization of

confined systems. Many students have heard of quantum theory and are

curious about it. Having just studied frequency quantization that arises in

standing waves, students can easily grasp energy quantization from

standing electron waves, once they have seen from diffraction and

interference patterns that electrons have wave properties.


Because there is little time to cover even the usual material in the

introductory course, some instructors arc reluctant to consider adding

even one more chapter such 11s Chapter 17. I would argue that quantum

physics is at least as important 11s many of the other topics we teach.

Chapter 27 on the quantum explanation for electrical conduction is

positioned so that it can be covered immediately aner the discussion of

electric current and de circuits. The classical model of conduction is

developed, concluding with the relation between resistivity and the

average speed v._ and mean free path A of electrons. The classical and

quantum interpretations of v.,. and A are then discussed using the

particle-in-a-box problem, discussed in the optional Chapter 17, to

introduce the Fermi energy. Simple band theory is discussed to show

why materials arc conductors, insulators, or semiconductors. My hope in

offering these optional chapters is that, given the choice, instructors will

take advantage or the means to incorporate simple quantum theory into

their elementary physics course.


To accommodate professors in a wide variety or course formats and to

respond to the preferences or previous users or this text, there has been

some revision in the order or material. With this new edition, instructors

can give their students a brier exposure to modern physics integrated

with the classical topics, or they can choose to skip the optional chapters

on quantum physics entirely, perhaps returning to them in the final part

of the course when this material is traditionally taught. To make room

for these optional quantum chapters, some traditional material may be

deleted from the course. To aid the instructor, material that can be

skipped without jeopardizing coverage in other sections has been placed

in optional sections. There are also two optional chapters in nddition to

Chapters 17 nnd 27. Chapter 12, "Static Equilibrium and Elasticity," and

Chapter 21, "Themrnl Properties and Processes," gather material that

instructors sometimes choose to skip over or offer as added reading. The

"optional" labeling or sections and chapters enables the instructor to pick

and choose among topics with confidence that no material in nonoptional

sections depends on previous coverage or an optional topic. Optional

sections and chapters arc clearly marked by gray borders down the side

or the page. Some optional material, such as numerical methods and the

use or complex numbers to solve the driven oscillator equation, is

presented in "Exploring ... " essays.


Many people have contributed to this edition. I would like to thank

everyone who used the earlier editions and offered comments and


Gene Mosca, James Garland, Robert Liebemrnn, and Murray

Scureman provided detailed reviews of nearly every chapter. Gene

Mosca also wrote the student study guide along with Ron Gautreau.

Robert Leibennan and Brooke Pridmore class-tested parts of the book,

and assisted in obtaining student reviews and feedback. Howard

McAllister was instrnrnemal in the development of a standard approach

to problem solving in the examples.

Many new problems were provided by Frank Blatt and Boris

Korsunsky. Frank Blatt wrote the solutions manuals and offered many

helpful suggestions. Jeff Culbert helped to enliven the problem sets with

his story problems. Several of the graphs at the ends or the examples

were provided by Robert Hollebcek.


I received invnluable help in manuscript checking from Murray

Scurcman, Thor Stromberg, and Howard Miles, and in checking

problems and solutions from Thor Stromberg, l-loward Miles, Robert

Detcnbcck, Daniel G. Tcklcab, Jeannette Myers, Scott Sinawi, John

Pratte, Yuriy Zhcstkov, l-luidong Guo, Fred Watts, llon Joseph,

Monwhca Jeng, Harry Chu, and Roy Wood. Any errors remaining are of

course my responsibility.

I would particularly like to thank the more than one hundred

students who read and studied from various chapters and provided

derailed and valuable comments. Many instructors have provided

extensive and invaluable reviews of one or more chapters. They have all

made fundamental contributions to the quality of this revision. I would

therefore like to thank:

Michael Amell, Iowa State 11011 Joseph, Columbia Umversny

Unfrersity David Kaplan, University o


William Bassichis, Texas A&A1 Califomia, Sa111a ttarbara

Joel C. Bcrlinghieri, The Citadel John Kidder, /)(lr/1110111/, College

Frank Blatt, Retired Boris Korsunsky, Norilifield !i.'11.

John E. Byrne, Gonzaga Ile, 111011 School

U11i1·e1·sity Andrew Lang (graduate student),

Wayne Carr, Sle\'CII.� tnstinee o

f Umversity o
f Ali.n-0111·i

Technology David Lange, Umversuy o


George Cassidy, Unil·ersily o

f Coiifomio, St111la Barbara

Utah Isaac Lcichtcr, Jemsa/em College

I. V. Chi vets, Tri11i1y College, o

f Technology

University o
f IJ11bli11 William Lichten, Yale U11frer.\ily

Harry T. Chu, University o

f Akron Robert Lieberman, Come/I

JeffCulbert, Lo11do11, Ontario University

Paul Debevec, University o

f Fred Lipschuhz, University o

llli11ois Co1111ec1ic11t

Robert W. Detenbcck, University Graeme Luke. Columbia

f JIermom Unfrersity

Bruce Doak, Arizona State Howard McAllister. U11il•ersi1y o


Unfrersity IIan aii

John Elliou. University o

f M. Howard Miles, lfl(ls/1111g1011

Manchester, Engkm,J Staie University

James Garland, Retired Matthew Moelter, University o


Ian Gatland, Georgia l11s1i1111e o

f Puget So1111d

Technology Eugene Mosca, U11i1ed Stales

Ron Gautreau, New Jersey Nam/ Academy

lnstitude ofTeclmology Aileen O'Donughue, SI. Lawrence

David Gavenda, University o

f Unfrersity

Texas al Austin Jack Ord, Unil'ersity o

f waterloo

Newton Greenburg, SUNY Richard Packard, Unirersity o


8i11glwm1011 Ca/ifomia

Huidong Guo, Columbia George \V. Parker, North Carolina

U11i1·e1·sity Stale Umversuy

Richard J-laracz, Drexel University Edward Pollack, University o

Michael Harris, Umvershy o

f Co1111eclic111

Waslli11g1011 John M. Pratte, Clay1011 College &

Randy Harris, University o

f Stale University

California at Davis Brooke Pridmore, Clayton Stale

Dicier Hartmann, Clemson College

University David Roberts, IJrcmdeis

Robert Hollebeck, University o

f University

Petm.!iJ'fra11io Lyle D. Roelofs, Itoverford

Madya J a l i l , Unfl'el'.\'ily o
f /1/alaya College

Monwhea Jeng, University o

f Larry Rowan. University ofNorlh

Califonua. Stmw Barbara Carolina c11 Chapel I!ill


Lewis 1-1. Ryder, University o

f Samuel Milazzo, University o

Ke11J, Canterbwy Colorado al Colorado Springs

Bernd Schuttler, University o

f Anders Schenstrom, Milwaukee

Georgia &hoof o
f Engineering

Cindy Schwarz. Vassar College Daniel Schroeder, Weber State

Murray Scureman, Amdahl University

Corporation Ashley Schultz, Fort Lewis

Scott Sinawi, Columbia University College

Wesley 1-1. Smith, University o



Kevork Spartalian. University o

f Student Reviewers

For this edition we invited the
Kaare Stegavik. University o
input of student reviewers at all
Trondheim, Norway
stages of manuscript development.
Jay 0. Strieb, Villanova University
A number of the student reviews
Martin Tiersten, CiJy College o
were blind submissions. The
New J'ork
reviews of rhc following students
Oscar Vilches, University o
were especially helpful:

Fred Watts, College o

f Charleston Jcsper Anderson, Haverford

John Weinstein, University o

f College

A·lississippi Anthony Bak, Have,ford College

David Gordon Wilson, MIT Luke Benes, Cornett University

David Winter, Columbia Deborah Brown, Northwestern

University University

Frank L. H. Wolfe, University o

f Andrew Burgess, University o

Roches/er Kent, Canterbury

Roy C. Wood, New Mexico Stale Sarah Burnett, Cornell University

University Sara Ellison, University o

f Kem,

Yuriy Zhestkov, Columbia Canterbwy

University Ilana Greenstein, Haverford


Sharon Hovey, Northwestern

Focus Group Participants

Samuel LaRoque, Cornell

Cheny I Jill, New Jersey. .!11/y 15.
Valerie Larson, Northwestern
John DiNardo, Drexel University
Eduardo Flores, Rowan College
Jonathan McCoy, Haverford
Jeff Martoff, Temple University
Anthony Noveco, l..afayelle
Aaron Todd, Cornell University
Katalin Varju, Unfrersity o
f Kem,
Jay Strieb, Villanova University
Edward Whittaker, Stevens
Ryan Walker, Haverford College
tnstitute o
f Technotogy
Matthew Wolpert, /·lave,ford

Denver, Colorado. August 15,
Julie Zachiariadis, /·lave,:ford

Edward Adelson, Ohio Slate

I would also like to thank the
reviewers of previous editions,
David Bartlett, University o
whose contributions are part of the
Colorado at 1)011/der
foundation of this edition:
David Elmore, />11rd11e University

Colonel Roi f Enger, United States Walter Borst, Texas Technological

Air Force Academy University

Kendal Mallory, University o

f Edward Brown, Manhattan

Northern Colorado College


James Brown, 11,e Colorado Duncan Moore, Uutverstty of

School of/1./ines Rochester

Christopher Cameron, University Elizabeth Nickles, A lbany College

f Somhern Mississippi o
f Pharmacy

Roger Clapp, University ofSoulh Harry Oucson, Utah State

Florida University

Bob Coakley, University o

f Jack Overley, University o

Southern Maine Oreg on

Andrew Coates, Unfrersity Larry Panek, W idener University

College, London Malcolm Perry, Cambridge

Miles Dresser, Washing/on State University. Uniled K ni gdom

Universily Ar1hur Quimon, University o


Manuel G6mez-Rodriguez, Massachusetts, Amherst

University o
f Puerto Rice, Rio John Risley, North Carolina State

Piedras Universily

Allin Gould, John Abbo11 College Robert Runde!, i sissippi State

M s

C.E.G.E.P., Canada Universily

Dennis Hall, Universily o

f John Russell, Southeastern

Rochester Massochnsens Unfrersity

Grant Hart, /)righam Young Michael Simon, Housatonic

Universily Community College

Jerold Izatt, Unfrersity o

f Alabama Jim Smith, University o
f Illinois,

Alvin Jenkins, North Carolina Urba,m-Clmmpaign

State Universily Richard Smith, ontana Stale


Lorclla Jones, University o

f Universily

Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Larry Sorenson, University o


Michael Kambour, Miami-Dade IVash ni gton

.Junior College TI1or Stromberg, New A1ex c i o State

Patrick Kenealy, California Stale University

Universily at Long Beach Edward Thomas, Georgia Institute

Doug Kurtze, Clarkson University o

f Technology

Lui Lam, San Jose State University Colin lllomson, Qu eens

Chelcie Liu, City College o

f San University, Canada

Francisco Gianfranco Vidali, Syracus e

Robert Luke, Boise State University

Universily Brian \Vatson, St. Lawr ence

Stefan Machlup, Case Western University

Reserve University Robert \Veidman, A'1ichigan

Eric Matthews, Wake Forest Technotogioat University

Universily Stan \Villiams, Iowa S tate

Konrad Mauersberger, University University

f Minnesota, i
A1 m, eapolis Thad Zaleskiewicz, University o

Pillsburgh, Greensburg

George Zimmerman, Boston


Finally, I would like 10 thank everyone at Worth and W. H. Freeman

Publishers for !heir help and encouragement. I was fortunate to work

with two talented developmental editors. Steve Tenney worked on the

beginning phases of the book and is responsible for many of the

innovative ideas, such as the example format, summary fonnat, problem­

solving guide, and problem map. Morgan Ryan worked on the final

stages, including the entire art program, and made significant

improvements in the entire book. I am grateful also for the contributions

of Kerry Baruth, Anne Duffy, Margaret Comaskey, Elizabeth Geller,

Yuna Lee, Sarah Segal, Patricia Lawson, and George Touloumes.

Berkeley, California

December I 997

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