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Headline: _____________________________________
No. of units: ____________
The PNU school elementary launch the anual cleanliness & beatification contest September 16 at the school social hole.

In a mating with Presidents and vice-presidents of each class from Grade III to Gr. Six, Mrs. Alegria Flora Principal

explain the procedures to folow.

According to the principal, its class class will be given an areas to cleaned. Ones a week, school officials will vissit the

area and chose the cleanest amongst them.

Prices will be awarded to the class who’s area will be pick the cleanest for 3 times. Th

This will give insentives to the students explained Mrs. Flores.

The handsome and intelligent Mr. Garcia Ramon, vocation al teacher who facilitated the meeting told the studes that thru

the contest cooperation will be developed

while order and cleanliness be maintained.

Congrattulations Mrs. Garcia.

Check the corresponding number of the correctly spelled word:
1. 1. ocasion
2. all-right
3. embarassment
4. inspite of
5. harrassment
6. privileges
7. commitee
8. diphtheria
9. dessimenate
10. tommorow

Verbal deadwood
Column A Column B
_______ 1. for the reason that a. died
_______ 2. a larger proportion b. believes
_______ 3. at the present time c. although
_______ 4. succumbed to injuries d. now
_______ 5. at an early date e. remind
_______ 6. is of the opinion f. many
_______ 7. in the neighborhood g. near
_______ 8. in the event of h. soon
_______ 9. in spite of the fact i. because
_______ 10. draw the attention of j. if

1. The final conclusion revealed that the dead corpse was a victim of a fatal murder.
2. The other alternative is to get some new recruits.
3. It was definitely decided to give free gifts to the underprivileged poor on Christmas.

1. The play will be shown in the month of December.
2. The meeting lasted for a period of two hours.
3. These children are the ones who are influenced by indecent films.
4. The building closed its door at five o’clock p.m. in the afternoon.

Opinion and editorializing news articles
1. Mr. Amador Cabansag, a very energetic teacher of electricity in the famous Osmena High School, held a very successful
demonstration lesson.
2. The most efficient and knowledgeable principal represented the school in the well-known national press conference.

Correct Usage, Grammar, etc
1. 1. The sick man was (taken, brought) to the hospital.
2. Where is the other (pair, mate) of this shoe?
3. It is (unhealthy, unhealthful) to stay (in, under) the hot sun.
4. The article (shaded, shed) light on the whole subject.
5. The cadets are marching (on, in, at) the campus.
6. Come to work (in, on) time or you will be (fired, fired out).
7. Put all your (bedding, beddings) away and (take, bring) your (baggage, baggages) (in, on) the corner of the room.
8. Our main concern (is, are) reference books which (is, are) very dear nowadays.
9. Five and six (is, are) eleven.
10. My friend and teacher (wants, want) me to visit her.
11. I (was, have been, had been) absent yesterday.
12. The criminal was (hang, hung, hanged) by the mob.
13. The owl unlike most birds is awake at night.
14. Claro m. Recto wrote “Abajo los cocoteros” and “Shadow and Solitude.”
15. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor (Dec. 1941; December, 1941; December 1941)
16. The birthday (celebrant, celebrator) received many gifts.
17. Mother is often tired from the (everyday, every day) chores.
18. Peter tried to (reason, reason out) to his father about his low grades.
19. The jeep (collided, crashed) against the wall of the school.
The old (is, are) richer in expertise than the young.

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