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Clean the thermometer with soapy water or alcohol, then swing out loud with a jolt on the wrist
until the thermometer shows the figure of less than 36 degrees.

Next, place the thermometer under the tongue to the mouth or under the folding clasp arm if you’re
bitten thermometer. Let the thermometer stay there for approximately 3 to 4 minutes.

Next, take the thermometer and read the figure which shows the mercury stops the body
temperature was measured. If the figures show the number 37 then the normal body temperature,
if the figures show between 37 to 40 then include hot, and if above 40 then categorized as high heat.
For the record, temperatures tend to be lower axillary fold compared with the results of
measurements using the mouth.

1. What is the second step to use thermometer?(.........................................) Next, place the

thermometer under the tongue to the mouth or under the folding clasp arm if you’re bitten
thermometer. Let the thermometer stay there for approximately 3 to 4 minutes.

2. Thermometer can used with …(.........................................) under the tongue to the mouth or
under the folding

3. Dea : I work in surgical ward and what about you?

Aisyah : You mean ‘where do I work?

Dea : Yes.

What the meaning of ward in the bold word above? (.........................................)bangsal

Case : Mr. Rahman’s mobility is seriously affected by Parkinson’s disease, which he has had

for some years.

Nurse : Assalamualaikum Mr. Rahman. How (4) your disease condition it

(Parkinson’s disease). (5) and you?

Mr. Rahman : The (6) parkinsons disease is the worst. It’s difficult to start........ (7) movement and
I’m so slow. All I can do is shuffle to start with and then my steps....... (8) to be shorter and I get
faster and faster, can’t ......(9)motion and I likeky fall over. I....... (10) may really lost my confidence.

Nurse : Do you have any other movement problems?

Mr. Rahman : I get that freezing where I can’t move. It’s hard........ (11) 11. For movement

some things because my arms are so stiff.

Nurse : What things...... (12) which your make hard movement particulary difficult for you?

Mr. Rahman : it....... (13) 13. It is movement mainly things like turning over in bed,

reaching out for a cup, getting up out of a chair and turning round once I’m up .......................

The text is for number 14-17

Nurse : Good morning Mr. Putra.

Mr. Putra : ......(14)morning too, Nurse.

Nurse : How are you doing now, Sir?

Mr. Putra : I am feeling ......(15 heat

Nurse : Terrible! What is going on with you?

Mr. Putra : I have pain on my .....(16 headeache

Nurse : I see, do you have any else complain, Sir?

Mr. Putra : And a little stiff on my leg.

Nurse : Okay, Mr. Putra, let me check your ....(17) temperature and your
temperature first?

Mr. Putra : Yes please.

You are patient diagnosed with gastritis and gratic erosion

Aggravating factor:

Heavy drinking, smoking or simply eating too much, eating something that is either too spicy or too
acidic. Medication aspirin

Symptom :

Vomit, bloody vomit, upset stomach, nausea, loose bowel movement.

Medication : Atacid (mylanta)

18. Did you take any medication for your pain? (.........................................) yes, i take medication

19. Do you know the causes of pain? (.........................................) yes, i know

20. What medication do you take? (.........................................)atacid

21. Where is the location of pain? (.........................................) at stomach

22. Rearrange this procedure of Blood tension into a good procedure! (.........................................)

1) Wash the hands

2) Take the belt tension at the patient’s hand

3) Explain the procedure to the patient

4) Pimp blood tension’s balloon until no pulse heard

5) Organize the position of hand

6) Take the stethoscope on the patient’s pulse and flat the balloon

7) Note the first pulse and the one before finish

23. If the patient may have hernia, where is the location pain? (.........................................)

Choose the best answer A,B,C or D for Each Question Below

Nurse : Good morning Mrs. Blue. How are you today? Do you feel(......24.....) ? Let I
(......25......)your blood tension first.

Mrs. Blue : Morning nurse. Not very well, I already wake up all night.

Nurse : Oh, it’s not good for you Sir, you need much more time to(......26.......).

Why you didn’t slept last night? Your tension is (.....27.....)but why you can’t


Mrs. Blue : I think it caused by the medicine, because after I (.....28....)the medicine last

night my eyes already open and I can’t close my eyes.

Nurse : Okay, I will check again your medicine, may be it just the contraindication of

the medicine.

Mrs. Blue : Yeah, but I want you to change my medicine because I feel not good after

consuming this medicine.

Nurse : Well, I will (......29.....)the doctor about it and just take arrest in your place.

Dialogue number 30 – 32

Doctor : what is his complaint, nurse?

Nurse : he feels a headache.

Doctor : other symptoms?

Nurse : yes, he has runny nose.

Doctor : what is your diagnose?

Nurse : he may get measles.

Doctor : do find any skin rash?

Nurse : yes any bit in his forehead.

Doctor : well, let’s check his condition

Nurse : certainly, Doctor.

25. What is diagnosed from those symptoms? (.........................................)

26. There are some symptoms in the dialogue above, except : (.........................................)

27. Is there any skin rash in his hand? (.........................................)

28. Mention kind of disease, except .... (.........................................)

29. Today is Monday, March 21st 2014. So, next Monday will be.... (.........................................).

30. * RASYA

· Sympton : painful waterwork, having dull, heavy ache in croth( around the base of penis). Fever
with temperature 37.5 C

The diagnose is.... (.........................................)

31. What is pain like? (.........................................)


32. Maaf Pak, saya perlu mengganti alas tidur bapak.


33. Maaf Bu, saya mau memeriksa temperature anda, suhu badan anda nampak meningkat.

34. Maaf, saya mau memeriksa tekanan darah anda.


35. Berapa lama rasa sakit itu mempengaruhi kegiatan anda sehari-hari?


***No Cheating, No Chatting***

Good Luck, Nurse

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