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What Broadcast India 2018 tells us education above SSC/HSC has gone
up by 5 per cent to 379 million, while
the country currently boasts of 93
million graduates. Yes, the dream of

The survey results bring out more than TV-related stats and points to an India on the move — seeing an India that is 100 per cent
educated, is still far. But this growth A last-ditch effort?
on some key social and economic indices gives hope of making this a reality.
You know a country is on the right
ery format, the number of TV chan- individuals is 7.2 per cent — from 780 per cent; while 86 per cent of urban growth path, when more and more
nels etc are all evolving along with to 836 million. I remain optimistic homes currently have toilets, up from woman attain ‘working’ status. BI-
technology and changing tastes. At about the future of TV because even 83 per cent. 2018 points out that since 2016, 25
India’s television viewership meas- now 100 million Indian homes don’t Let’s look at another area that has per cent more women have moved
urement company, we deep-dived have access to TV. been a key focus for the government: from being a housewife to a working
into this ‘changing India’ in the The survey results bring out more Electrification. As per BI-2018, 99 per woman. The working married
recently released Broadcast India (BI) than TV related stats and it points to cent of urban and 91 per cent of rural woman category currently stands at
2018 survey. The survey brings out an India on the move — on some key homes have access to electricity. What 101 million, as against 81 million in
the underlying changes in con- social and economic indices. The we have also observed is that one of 2016. One statistic that would give
sumer/viewer profiles in our towns, Indian government has devoted a the first things that a family buys once each Indian a reason to feel proud.
cities and villages. huge amount of its attention and they have access to electricity is a TV The BI survey highlights a shift in Many were surprised when Bahujan
What are the big takeaways of resources on making India clean set. Refrigerator, electric mixer are the country’s socio-economic com- Samaj Party (BSP) leader Mayawati
PARTHO DASGUPTA the survey? through its Swachh Bharat campaign. lower in the shopping list. position. Thanks to the improving (pictured) was seen last week celebrating
First, television is not going away or Between 2016-18, the Central govern- BI-2018 data also validates the disposable income, NCCS D/E or the rakshabandhan with Indian National Lok
“dying” — as some doomsayers have ment aired 480,000 ad spots on TV to efforts under the government’s lower income group have moved up Dal (INLD) chief Om Prakash Chautala’s son
been proclaiming for a few years now. educate citizens on cleanliness and Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana. On the ladder, leading to a rise of the Abhay Chautala. Efforts by the largely Jat-
centric INLD to be seen close to Mayawati

ne commonly heard phrase in Yes digital viewing is growing rapidly. the use of toilets. BI-2018 shows that the ground, LPG/PNG penetration in middle class (NCCS B & C) that now
any market is “we are evolv- But TV continues to grow and will do those efforts are paying huge divi- India has gone up from 58 per cent to comprise 47 per cent of the total are being interpreted as a last-ditch effort
ing, every single day”. When it so in the foreseeable future. Our BI- dends. About 71 per cent of Indian 72 per cent of homes. While 91 per homes. For advertisers, this is the by the party to come back in the reckoning
comes to India, it is more than a mere 2018 survey has revealed a 7.5 per cent homes today have access to toilets, cent of urban homes use clean cook- segment to watch out for. in Uttar Pradesh after a decade-and-a-
statement. In the broadcast sector growth in TV owning homes since up from 58 per cent in 2016. Rural ing gas, in rural, it stands at 62 per half of being in the wilderness. The
particularly, the pace of change and 2016 — from 183 to 197 million. The homes with toilets have grown from a cent. The country is making headway The author is CEO, Broadcast Audience Balmikis account for about 19 per cent of
evolution is dizzying. Content, deliv- corresponding growth in TV viewing low of 45 per cent to a respectable 63 on the education front. People with Research Council, India the Scheduled Caste votes in the state. The
last time INLD joined hands with the BSP,
the results were worth the effort. The INLD,
known as Haryana Lok Dal (Rashtriya) in

Can India escape a crony populism trap?

1998, won four of the seven Lok Sabha
seats it contested in Haryana, while the
BSP won Ambala (reserved) seat of the
three it contested.

India’s real risk is not that crony populism would fail, but that it would succeed, consolidating a path that is No deal
fundamentally a trap, both in terms of social inequalities and long-term growth A discussion, a dinner and then a movie
date. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal
“the people”, authoritarian prefer- ing the fertile ground of the scams and and economic policies. reportedly tried every trick in the book to
ences, and a cruel underbelly, targeted (Figure 1) Net worth of the top rampant cronyism of the second UPA But can India transit from The persuade ex-colleague and erstwhile
at “other” groups. 10 Indian billionaires ($BN) period? And hasn’t high-level corruption Billionaire Raj (in the evocative name of journalist Ashutosh to change his mind
But political leaders also need 150 declined? All observers agree that the James Crabtree’s book), as the US did a about leaving the Aam Aadmi Party. It
business support, for political finance Total networth pervasive transactional corruption of the century ago? The populist response to was in end-June that Ashutosh
and investment. Here the combina- 140 late UPA period has been brought under the US gilded age was followed by the communicated to his boss his decision to
tion of economic nationalism and con- control in the Centre. However, the new progressive movement, with an array of move on. When discussions fell through,
centrated, personalised leadership 130 pattern appears to be of favoured gains executive, legislative and judicial action Kejriwal reportedly took Ashutosh out for
provides fertile ground for links with for the truly influential, often in legal to curb the power of the “robber barons” dinner, where the party’s top leadership,
cronies. Crony populism involves a 120 forms, even as fears of investigation have and introduce a range of protections for including Manish Sisodia, Sanjay Singh
blend of a classically tight link cast a chill over much regular investment workers and citizens, consolidated (after and Gopal Rai, were present. The CM, his
between the political leadership and 110 activity. The real plutocrats have appar- a massive economic crisis) in the inclu- deputy and Ashutosh even watched a
core business supporters, plus a pow- ently done well. According to Forbes, sionary new deal. But the US historical recently released movie, Mulk, with their
erful narrative and action supporting 100 India’s top 10 billionaires have enjoyed a transition occurred in the context of an families, but to no avail.
the favoured core popular constituen- rise in their net worth of some two thirds effective alignment between populist

striking feature of the current cy, including demonising other elites between 2014 and 2018. Mukesh Ambani movements, a vigorous and independ-
global wave of populism is that and outsider groups. For charismatic has seen his net worth rise by over 115 per ent press, civil society activism, an inde-
populist leaders often maintain political entrepreneurs with a com- 80 cent. Gautam Adani has enjoyed a rise of pendent Supreme Court, and competi- All’s well
close links with their business support- mon touch, this is a great strategy, almost 250 per cent. This is rather more tive major parties. In each of these areas A routine traffic stop in Bhopal turned
ers. Donald Trump mobilises his base, whether it builds off economic inse- 70 than the growth of incomes of most India’s current direction of travel is in out to be a social media spectacle just
rails against “elites” and delivers regu- curity and cultural anxiety amongst 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Indians (Figure 1). the opposite direction. The larger risk is before rakshabandhan. A traffic rule
latory favours and jobs to his business historically dominant social groups, If India is indeed consolidating a of the intensification of an exclusion- violator was stopped outside the Vidhan
Note: this includes the top ten billionaires that appeared in all
pals. Crony populism is a better name as in the US and Europe, or the much- years Source: form of crony populism, what are the ary Hindutva-based resolution with ris- Sabha in Madhya Pradesh's capital city.
for this. This typifies Turkey under celebrated, rising aspirations of mid- consequences? Hasn’t growth been pret- ing authoritarianism — more like the The offender claimed he was the
Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hungary dle and lower groups experiencing of course, the Nehru-Gandhi clan. Both ty good? This is where the internal con- current Turkish and Hungarian route, brother-in-law of state Chief Minister
under Viktor Orban… and India under new forms of insecurity and anxiety in brilliantly manage narratives on pop- tradictions emerge. First, populist strate- and undoubtedly the one Trump would Shivraj Singh Chouhan and threatened
Narendra Modi. Is India becoming developing countries. ulist policies that their bases support, gies have to promise short-term benefits, like to follow, if only he could. India’s to call him. The entire incident was
entrenched in a crony populist trap? Are Take Trump and Modi. While their even when these hurt them: Trump’s whether in free televisions, loan write- real risk is not that crony populism filmed by passers by and traffic cops and
there forces that will pull it out? background and styles are very differ- tariffs; Modi’s demonetisation. Both offs, or universal health. These lead to would fail, but that it would succeed, at some point it was uploaded on social
How to think about crony pop- ent, there are strikingly common pat- enjoy widespread support from the fiscal pressures. Second, while the crony- consolidating a path that is fundamen- media. While the nature of the traffic
ulism? Let’s start with populism. As terns. Both have a brilliant capacity to business sector. And both sustain sup- ist dimension can deliver for a while — in tally a trap, both in terms of social offense could not be ascertained, the
economic historian Barry Eichengreen sense and mobilise popular sentiment port through explicit or implicit political finance and major investment inequalities and long-term growth. video showed traffic slowing down on
argues in his history of populism in amongst their base. Trump channels demonising of the “other”— Mexicans deals — it is eventually inefficient, lead- (This is part of a dialogue series of the busy road as cops and people
the US and Europe, these movements the anxieties and concerns of the white and African-American for Trump, and ing to major rent extraction and a return the Centre for Policy Research and gathered around the key actors. Later,
have three core characteristics: Anti- working class; Modi of middle and Muslims for Modi, in his de facto of the anti-plutocrat sentiment. Last Trivedi Centre for Political Data, when Chouhan was told about the
elite, nativism, and economic nation- poorer groups sick of daily corruption. embrace of Hindutva ideology. but not least, exclusionary politics Ashoka University ) episode, he said: “I have crores of sisters
alism (typically via protectionism). Both skillfully use anti-elite narratives, But for India, isn’t it true that Modi intensify polarisation. in MP and I am a brother-in-law to
This generally comes with charismat- whether against Wall Street for Trump, swept to power on an anti-corruption Populism rarely gets aligned with The author teaches at the Harvard Kennedy many. Let law take its course”.
ic leaders boasting a direct link with or India’s established elites, especially, and pro-development discourse, exploit- the goal of efficient, inclusionary social School and is senior visiting fellow at the CPR

NDA vs UPA: A scorecard Don’t jump to conclusions an RBI nominee, PSB boards may make
The only area where Modi could have an edge is the economy, but Singh more mistakes” also has merit. I think,
extending this to “all public sector com-
ran a more democratic government panies” — as you have done — is not
correct. There is sound logic in the gov-
Monetary Policy Committee, the you have to go back to the ernment thinking.
extension of fixed term employment Emergency for a comparison. The matter is complex and needs
to all sectors of the economy, the new Next is the way important institu- more detailed discussion.
health insurance scheme, electrifica- tions have been handled. NDA-2 has Krishan Kalra Gurugram
tion of all villages and free LPG for been cavalier in its treatment of state
people below the poverty line. In addi- governments (Uttarakhand and Good move by Isro
tion, a few BJP states have amended Arunachal) and the Supreme Court,
labour and land acquisition laws. It’s whilst it’s accused of politicising uni- This refers to, “85% material cost for
hard to recall anything comparable versities, the Election and Information our rockets comes from industry” across the world and particularly in
under UPA-2. But Modi also gave us Commissions as well as organisations (August 23). India’s success in sending developing countries that growth in
demonetisation, which is widely like the Nehru Memorial Museum and Apropos your editorial, “Conflict of rockets into the space has been spec- GDP did not always ensure better living
KARAN THAPAR regarded as a disaster and set back Library and the Indian Council of interest” (August 24); I am glad that — tacular. Indian Space Research conditions for the masses. It said noth-
growth by around 2 per cent. There Historical Research. despite your conclusion “RBI should be Organisation has come a long way from ing about the progress on the fronts of
was no similar self-inflicted goal UPA was clearly better. It created allowed to withdraw it’s nominees in carrying a rocket on a bicycle to launch- poverty and inequality. Paradoxically, it

ne of the central themes under UPA. the Information Commission and PSBs” — you have graciously explained ing the Mars mission. Its plan to launch was recorded that along with increase
in the Prime Minister’s A second issue is what’s happened largely respected the Election both sides of the picture. a television channel to generate interest in GDP, poverty and inequality too
Independence Day speech to corruption under NDA-2? Whilst Commission. Its appointments to Consider the facts: (a) the recom- among students will help in attracting increased. So the search for alternative
was the claim that India made better UPA was battered by 2G, Coalgate, statutory bodies may have been con- mendations for the Reserve Bank of young talent. There are also plans to and better measure began that could
progress under his NDA government AgustaWestland, the Commonwealth troversial but did not undermine India (RBI) ‘to give up its seats on the send an Indian to space, apart from measure human well-being.
than under the previous UPA regime. Games etc, there’s no major stain of them. However, its attitude to state boards of banks’ have been made since Venus mission, and Mars Orbiter Some economists have attempted
The PM spoke with oratorical pas- large scale corruption on the present governments was equally cavalier early 1990s; (b) these recommendations Mission-II. An indigenous atomic clock to devise indices like Gross National
sion. But is he correct? Or was this government. Though there are serious (Bihar) and the people it appointed to have been the same irrespective of the is also on the cards. Engaging the indus- Happiness, Human Happiness Index,
braggadocio? questions regarding Rafale there’s no governorships no better. ruling party/coalition at the Centre; (c) try for future developments will only Green National Product etc to account
Let’s start with the economy. The money trail leave aside a smoking gun. And then there’s Kashmir. Since not a single committee so far has create more job opportunities. for important aspects like environ-
recently released back series GDP fig- Now, if you’ve formed the impres- 2014 terrorist incidents have opined to the contrary; (d) both the Deendayal M Lulla Mumbai mental sustainability and impact of
ures show that percentage growth sion that in terms of the economy and increased by 160 per cent, the number present and the immediate past gover- economic policies on human happi-
under UPA-1 (8.87) and UPA-2 (7.65) corruption NDA-2 has scored better of local Kashmiris joining terrorist nor of the central bank have pro-active- Improve living conditions ness. It is high time India too stops
was higher than the first four years of than UPA-2 the opposite is true when groups has doubled and the number ly taken up the matter with the govern- giving undue importance to GDP and
NDA-2 (7.35). Twice during UPA years you look at the mood of the country of active militants has gone up three- ment. It would appear that the This refers to the editorial “Looking instead focus on improving
growth crossed 10 per cent (2007-08 and, in particular, what’s happening fold. Today students and, more wor- government should give in and allow beyond GDP” (August 25). The modern its ranking on indices reflecting
and 2010-11), making growth in the to dalits and muslims. Over the last ryingly, young girls throw stones at the RBI to do its bidding. The logic concept of GDP was invented by Simon human development.
UPA decade 8.12 per cent. Clearly, in four years we’ve had ghar-wapsi, security forces to prevent them cap- “how can RBI be a part of both the deci- Kuznets during the inter-war period to Ketan K Shah Ahmedabad
growth terms the UPA performed bet- love-jihad, Bharat Mata Ki Jai, ram- turing militants. These teenagers sion-making process as well as super- measure the resources available to the
ter, if only fractionally when you com- paging gaurakshaks, child-kidnap- show no fear for their lives. Things vision”, and the implied logic that “all USA to assess its preparedness for Letters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
pare NDA-2 to UPA-2. ping lynchings and controversies were very different four years ago. The regulators should be asked to have their future war. Since then it somehow The Editor, Business Standard
Nehru House, 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
However, when you look at the over namaz. Large numbers of mus- deterioration is irrefutable. nominees on the boards of each and became conventional to measure a
New Delhi 110 002
broader handling of the economy the lims and dalits have been alienated Finally, whose handling of for- every public sector company they country’s progress on the basis of the Fax: (011) 23720201 · E-mail:
story is different. The average current and live in fear. Only a few would eign affairs was better? NDA-2 may supervise” are convincing and further rate of increase in this metric. All letters must have a postal address and telephone
account balance under UPA-2 was — deny this is an area where we’ve seen have begun with great promise but strengthen the RBI’s case. Unfortunately, it was observed number
3.3 per cent compared to just — 1.2 serious deterioration. today we have problematic relations Having said that, I think we are total-
per cent so far under NDA-2. Similarly, The same is true of what’s hap- with most neighbours and a lack of ly ignoring the other side of the coin.
the average CPI inflation under UPA- pened to the media. Under NDA-2 clarity vis-à-vis the USA. The hori- First, the RBI nominees on the boards of > HAMBONE BY MIKE FLANAGAN
2 was 10.4 per cent but it’s been kept at there’s alleged self-censorship, sto- zon was brighter as the UPA decade PSBs, that took wrong lending deci-
just 4.7 per cent by NDA-2. Finally, the ries of editors being sacked, minis- came to a close. sions, are certainly guilty of not record-
fiscal deficit in the last year of UPA-2 ters and spokesmen boycotting So, in overall terms, who has given ing their dissent to such decisions or
was 4.5 per cent. At the moment it’s anchors and columnists asked to us better governance? It seems the even preventing such decisions. As the
3.5 per cent. avoid sensitive subjects. We may not only area where Modi could have an RBI’s nominee directors on the boards,
You see a similar story when you have irrefutable proof of govern- edge is the economy. On the other they probably even had veto powers.
look at the reforms the two govern- mental involvement but there are hand, Manmohan Singh ran a more To that extent, their presence on the
ments have undertaken. NDA-2 has good reasons to believe this is hap- democratic government, with greater boards of banks should have been use-
delivered GST, the Bankruptcy Code, pening at its behest. Nothing of the respect for our freedoms and better ful for the RBI.
the Real Estate Regulation Act, the sort happened under UPA. Indeed, protection for minorities. Second, the government’s presumed
refrain that “without the presence of

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