1-General CV - October 2018

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Grant Campbell

Curriculum Vitae

3703 Wertz Dr. 402-239-2642

Woodbridge, VA 22193 grant.p.campbell@gmail.com


M.A. Colorado State University, Department of Communication Studies

Thesis: A is for Audience: An Examination of Audience Construction,
Focalization, and Politicization in Contemporary Children’s ABC Books
(Advisor: David Scott Diffrient)
M.A. Communication Studies – Awarded: August 2015
Graduate Teaching Certificate – Awarded: May 2015

B.A. University of Nebraska-Kearney, College of Fine Arts and Humanities

B.A. Language Arts Education (7-12)
Political Science Minor

Teaching Experience

Professional Communication

Professional Communication Instructor Fall 2018 – Present

Marine Corps University
Instructor of Record
 Topics taught include:
o subject-verb agreement; syntax in writing; colon, semicolon, em-dash; active and
passive voice; constructing thesis statements; outlining; composing a rough draft
 Platforms for application of course concepts include:
o adult-learning setting, large lecture setting (250+ students), online learning
platform (Moodle), workshop setting (24 students), individual coaching setting

Undergraduate Courses

SPCM 100: Communication and Popular Culture Fall 2015-Fall 2017

Colorado State University
Instructor of Record
 Topics taught include:
o media effects theories, narrative and storytelling methods, mise-en-scene,
equipment for living, rhetorical methods and tactics
 Platforms for application of course concepts include:
o cultural artifacts of different 20th and 21st Century decades, advertisements,
protest culture, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, video games, 21 st
Century technology and media
SPCM 200: Public Speaking Fall 2013-Spring 2015
Colorado State University
Instructor of Record
 Topics taught include:
o argument, audience adaptation, civility and ethics, communication apprehension,
listening, logical fallacies, oration, organization and outlining, questioning,
source citations, visual aids
 Speeches taught:
o commemorative, informative, invitational dialogue, persuasive, policy change

SPCM 200: Public Speaking Spring 2015

Special Section for English as a Second Language (ESL) Students
Colorado State University
Instructor of Record
 Topics taught include:
o argument, articulation, audience adaptation, civility and ethics, communication
apprehension, grammar and speaking, listening, logical fallacies, oration,
organization and outlining, pronunciation, questioning, source citations, visual
 Speeches taught:
o commemorative, informative, invitational dialogue, persuasive, policy change

SPCM 100: Communication and Popular Culture Fall 2014

Colorado State University
Teaching Assistant
 Assisted in grading student essays and responses
 Provided supplemental discussion based on course readings
 Answered student inquiries about course material and objectives

High School Courses

Argumentation and Debate – Instructor of Record Fall 2015 – Spring 2018

Fossil Ridge High School
 Topics taught include:
o argumentation, case writing, evidence and research evaluation, flowing,
organization and outlining, questioning, speaking
 Debate types taught:
o Congressional Debate, Lincoln-Douglas, Public Forum

Forensics – Instructor of Record Fall 2015 – Spring 2018

Fossil Ridge High School
 Topics taught include:
o argument, articulation, audience adaptation, civility and ethics, grammar and
speaking, interpretation of literature, limited preparation speaking, listening,
logical fallacies, oration, organization and outlining, pronunciation, questioning,
source citations
 Speeches taught:
o original oratory, informative, dramatic/humorous interpretation, poetry
interpretation, duo interpretation, extemporaneous speaking, impromptu

English 9 – Instructor of Record Fall 2015 – Spring 2018

Fossil Ridge High School
 Topics taught include:
o critical reading, character analysis, argumentation, contemporary reading modes,
dramatic literature, essay writing, literacy, organization and outlining, research
and citations

English 10 – Instructor of Record Fall 2016 – Spring 2018

Fossil Ridge High School
 Topics taught include:
o critical reading, character analysis, argumentation, contemporary reading modes,
dramatic literature, essay writing, literacy, organization and outlining, research
and citations, world cultures

Introduction to Debate – Instructor of Record Fall 2010-Spring 2013

Bellevue West High School
 Topics taught include:
o argumentation, case writing, evidence and research evaluation, flowing,
organization and outlining, questioning, speaking
 Debate types taught:
o Congressional Debate, Lincoln-Douglas, Public Forum

Advanced Debate – Instructor of Record Fall 2010-Spring 2013

Bellevue West High School
 Topics taught include:
o argumentation, congressional bill writing, line analysis, political philosophies
 Debate types taught:
o Congressional Debate, Lincoln-Douglas, Public Forum

Journalistic Writing – Instructor of Record Fall 2011-Spring 2013

Bellevue West High School
 Topics taught include:
o 5Ws and H (who, what, where, when, why, how), associated press style, feature
story writing, hard news writing, headlines, inverted pyramid, lead (lede) writing,
parts of the newspaper, sports writing

Desktop Publishing – Instructor of Record Fall 2011-Spring 2013

Bellevue West High School
 Topics taught include:
o advertisements, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, elements
of design, magazine and newspaper layout, yearbook design

English 10– Instructor of Record Fall 2010-Spring 2011

Bellevue West High School
 Topics taught include:
o characterization, critical reading, dystopian settings and allegories, essay writing,
group work and strategies, literacy, organization and outlining, research and
citations, vocabulary, World Literature

English 9 – Instructor of Record Fall 2010-Spring 2011

Bellevue West High School
 Topics taught include:
o critical reading, cross-curricular applications of writing, dramatic literature,
essay writing, literacy, organization and outlining, research and citations, team
building, vocabulary
Related Experience and Service

Online/Digital Learning Platforms Fall 2010 – Present

 Experience with navigation and use of multiple styles of online learning platforms
o Blackboard, CANVAS, Moodle
 Fluent in assessment construction and digital document uploading
 Knowledge in embedding digital media files for student learning
 Familiar with digital gradebooks and course submissions

District Chairman – National Speech and Debate Assoc. Fall 2016 –Spring 2018

 Organized three district speech and debate tournaments

 Submitted national qualifying information to national association
 Served as liaison between member schools and national association
 Managed dues and memberships of over 30 membership schools

Department Liaison – Colorado State University Fall 2013-Spring 2015

 Served as Member of Social Planning Committee

 Volunteered for Department “Gravlee Lecture”
 Represented CSU Communication Studies at NCA and WSCA Informational Booths

Curriculum Design – Bellevue Public Schools Fall 2010-Spring 2013

 Participated in District and State Sanctioned Curriculum Workshops

 Constructed Common Core Curriculum for Six District Courses
 Designed Assessments to Measure Course Objectives

Forensics Experience

Head Forensics Coach – Fossil Ridge High School Fall 2015 – Spring 2018
 Serve as debate and speech coach
 Organize bi-weekly practice sessions for team members
 Analyze tournament feedback with students to help improve their speaking
 Complete team administrative duties
o Registration, arrange travel, oversee team budget
 Communicate with stakeholders about progress of the team
o Administration, parents, faculty, students
 Judge at Forensics competitions
 Host a middle school Forensics tournament as a fundraiser
 Recruit current high school and middle school students for the team
o Increased team size from four members to 15 members in the first year

Volunteer Asst. Coach – Hutchinson Community College Fall 2013 – Spring 2014
 Aided students in developing competitive public address and interpretation speeches
Judged rounds of public address, limited preparation, and interpretation events
 Judges Parliamentary Debate rounds
 Provided feedback for student drafts and performances
Head Debate Coach – Bellevue West High School Fall 2010 – Spring 2013
 Sixth Place finish at the NSCTA Debate Tournament
 Qualified ten events for NFL and NCFL National Tournaments
 Hosted National Qualifying and regular season Tournaments
 Scheduled weekly season tournaments, transportation, and student entries
 Implemented after school research and practice sessions

Assistant Coach – University of Nebraska at Kearney Fall 2009

 Aided students in developing competitive public address and interpretation speeches
 Served as coach/sponsor during travel weekends to competitive competitions
 Judged rounds of public address, limited preparation, and interpretation events
 Provided feedback for student drafts and performances

Forensics Competitor – University of Nebraska at Kearney Fall 2005 – Spring 2009

 Qualified eight events for AFA-NIET
 Seven-time Tournament Champion
 Finalist in Communication Analysis at the “Hell Froze Over” showcase tournament
 Finalist in Prose at the Nebraska Intercollegiate Forensics Association state tournament
 Multiple Final Rounds during regular season tournaments
 Three-time Individual Sweepstakes Runner-Up

Research and Presentations

Rocky Mountain Communication Association Convention – Spring 2015

 We Remember the ‘First Stories’: Accounting for Children’s Communication in Fisher’s

Narrative Paradigm

Western States Communication Association National Convention – Spring 2015

 Children Are Our Future (Activists): An Examination of Adult Communities in the

Children’s Text A is for Activist

National Communication Association National Convention – Fall 2014

 Understanding That “Awkward Age”: Youth Bodies and the Rhetorical Education of

 This American Community: An Exploration of Sense of Place and Radio Community in

This American Life

Communication Studies Department Colloquium – Fall 2014

 This American Community: An Exploration of Sense of Place and Radio Community in

This American Life

Undergraduate Research Fellowship – Spring 2009

 The Inclusion of Popular Texts in the 5-12 Classroom


“Dress Types.” Infographic in Determined Nation Magazine, Vol. 3, no. 4. April 2014.

“Saturday Night Live: The Music Show with Comedy on the Side.” Determined Nation Magazine.
Vol. 3, no. 3. January 2014.

“Shaping and American Identity: Democratic Visions in The Contrast.” Undergraduate Research
Journal. University of Nebraska-Kearney. 2011.

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