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opened SAO 'STATEOF MICHIGAN Norice Toaur TORECOVERPOSSESSIONOF PROPERTY RICHARD LABELLE ‘And All Orr Occupants, — ‘0s Pak Ave Detroit 48201 Yourlendorstencley, Pall Maoyenent__tsseaingto recover posession of rpetypursuatto Name ie « MCL 854.1941) 0r(3)wneersit) other and wants to evit you from aces: cession of rerse ond ( ore For mang Base Room 14/415 2305 Pat Ave Detroit 48201 Youmstmovedy LOS LK _oryouranaorsondiagy may ake you ta cout you hice nt \fyourlandlorltandlady takes you to cout evict you, you withavethe opportuni to present reasons why yubeliovs you shouldnot be evicted 4, Myoubelleveyouhaves good reason why youshouldnotbe evicted, youmayhavealauyeradvseyou, Callhinorhersoon, ‘BOs Park Aven ‘Bei MI 48201 313.961.8310 a ri NOTE: Unets etter alowed by aw, he lanlodandady must ive note equal nme to at east one etal paid HOW TO GET LEGAL HELP 1. Callyour own iawyes 2, youdo et have a altcney buthave money to fetain one, you may locate an attomey though the State Bar of Michigan LLamyerReteral Serie at 1-800-956-0738 loughlocallamyereferal service. Lawyerteferalservcesshoukbelisted inthe yelow pages of your telephone directory oryoucanfindalocal lawyer referral servce al www michbar on. 3. lyoudonothave anatiomey andcannet pay forlgalhelp, youray qual fr assistance though alocallegalaidofice. Legal ‘aides shoul be listed in the yellow pages of you elephone Grectry or you can nda local legal aid office at ‘ww michiganlagaalaee, you donot have Inert access athome, yOu can access the Internet at yout local brary be te crs) NOTICE TO QUIT TO RECOVER POSSESSION OF PROPERTY, Landlord-Tenant OL 60057+4iel) (

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