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1) Preparation of sample dilution

1 mL of the mixture from There would be a total of 6

1 mL of E-Coli is the first bottle in transferred specimen bottles, in this
tranferred into a specimen
into another specimen bottle experiment, only the
bottle containing 9ml to further dilute it and the dilution factor of 10-3 , 10-
sterile distilled water 4, 10-5 is used.
process is repeated
2) Pour Plate Method

10 ml of molten nutrient agar The agar is allowed to dry

1 mL of mixture from the is put into the plate. After the
specimen bottles is and then the petri dish is
molten agar is added, it is then wrap with parafilm. It is then
transferred into the plate swirl around to ensure proper left to incubate for 24 hours.
coverage of the plate
3) Spread Plate Method

0.1 mL of mixture from the By using an L shaped glass

specimen bottles is rod, the mixture is evenly The petri dish is wrap with
transferred into sterile petri distributed to ensure proper parafilm. It is then left to
coverage on the inner surface incubate for 24 hours.
dish containing agar
of the petri dish

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