Reminder On Disney MCS Violations

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华特迪士尼公司的价值观注重业务的人文因素。 无论是在何处经营业务和制造我们的产品,迪士尼都致力于营造

安全、包容和互敬互重的工作场所。 因此,我们希望提醒您关于迪士尼国际劳工标准 (ILS) 计划的一些重要方面,



火灾和紧急安全措施对于工人的福祉至关重要。 我们希望提醒您注意一些基本的火灾和紧急安全措施,在实际发

时从适当的出口离开。 这意味着要确保提供足够数量的紧急出口、所有出口路线可行并且所有紧急出口都没有上
锁、畅通无阻。 此外,按照法律要求,一年必须至少两次开展工厂范围的紧急消防演习。 未能保障上述任何安
全措施,如果在 ILS 审核期间被发现,将构成最低合规标准违规,并且必须立即加以纠正。 此外,若在 ILS 审核期



。 我们提醒您,以下因素通常构成剥削外侨工人,在供应链的管理中应密切加以监控。 我们不断评估我们在这

1) 工人移动性限制: 涉及扣留或限制工人个人身份证件(如护照、银行活期存款要求或者其他形式的担保

2) 招聘费: 因落实工作而要求工人支付给招聘机构和劳工代理的额外费用应当避免,因为此类做法可能使
工人无法获得适当的报酬,并且可能限制他们自由终止聘任的能力。 首选做法要求所有此类费用由雇主

3) 书面合同: 缺少以外侨工人母语清晰准确地阐述权利和责任的书面雇佣合同可能表明劳工代理或招聘机
构存在不道德的招聘行为。 首选做法是工厂与所有工人签订直接雇佣协议。


产和打卡记录在内的完整准确的文档。 原始记录必须保留在工厂,工厂必须允许在 ILS 审核期间能够全面访问这
些记录。 未能提供全面访问所有记录的情况将被视为最低合规标准违规。


您有责任确保所有制造迪士尼品牌产品和/或组件的工厂在开始生产前已获得授权。 要开始授权流程,您必须提
交 FAMA 申请和 6 个月内的合格 ILS 审核单。 完成授权流程时,将向您提供执行后的 FAMA,用以表明您现在已获
得授权,可以在工厂内开始生产。 由工厂进行的未授权分包不仅严重违反您与迪士尼的协议,而且构成最低合规
The Walt Disney Company’s values focus on the human element of our business. Disney is committed to fostering safe, inclusive and
respectful workplaces wherever we do business and wherever our products are made. As such, we would like to remind you of a few
significant areas regarding the Disney International Labor Standards (ILS) Program and ask that you focus on these areas in an effort to
promote continuous improvement within your facilities.

Fire and Emergency Safety

Fire and emergency safety is critically important to worker welfare. We want to remind you of some fundamental fire and emergency
safety measures that directly impact the ability of workers to exit a facility quickly and safely during an actual emergency.
While having adequate and well-maintained firefighting equipment, emergency lighting and warning systems are all very important, it
is absolutely essential that proper egress is available and accessible at all times by all workers. This means ensuring that a sufficient
number of emergency exits are available, that all exit routes are accessible and all emergency exits are unlocked and free from
obstructions. In addition, facility-wide emergency evacuation drills must be conducted as required by law and at least twice a
year. Failure to maintain any of these safety measures, when identified during an ILS Audit, will constitute a Minimum Compliance
Standard violation and must be promptly remediated. In addition, identification in an ILS Audit of any combination of other severe fire
and emergency safety violations will also be deemed a Minimum Compliance Standard violation.
We encourage you to work closely with your facilities to help ensure that appropriate fire and emergency safety measures are in place
and continuous improvements are made in this critical area.

Involuntary Labor and Ethical Recruitment

Work is expected to be voluntary and recruitment practices legal and ethical; this is fundamental to fostering safe, inclusive and
respectful workplaces. We remind you that the following factors often contribute to the exploitation of migrant workers and should be
closely monitored in the management of your supply chains. We continue to evaluate our policies and approaches in this area to help
prevent the potential exploitation of workers in the supply chain for Disney-branded products.
1) Limits on Worker Mobility: Practices involving the retention of or restricted access to workers’ personal identification
documents such as passports or the requirements of monetary deposits or other forms of collateral as a condition of
employment (whether required by management or perceived as freely provided by the employee) are strictly prohibited and
constitute a Minimum Compliance Standard violation.
2) Recruitment Fees: Excessive fees required to be paid to recruitment agencies and labor brokers by workers for job placement
should be avoided as the practice can deny workers the ability to earn proper wages and may limit their ability to freely end
their employment. Preferred practice requires that all such fees be paid in full by the employer.
3) Written Contracts: The lack of a written employment contract in the language of the migrant worker that clearly and
accurately states the rights and responsibilities can be indicative of unethical recruitment practices by the labor brokers or
employment agencies. Preferred practice is that the facility enters into direct employment agreements with all workers.

In order for Disney and its designated agents to engage in monitoring activities to confirm compliance with the Disney Code of Conduct
for Manufacturers, the facility needs to maintain complete and accurate documentation including payroll, production and time card
records. The original records must be maintained at the facility and the facility must allow full access to the records during an ILS
Audit. Failure to provide full access to all records is deemed a Minimum Compliance Standard violation.

It is your responsibility to ensure all facilities manufacturing Disney branded products and/or components are authorized prior to
beginning production. To begin the authorization process, you must submit a FAMA application and a qualified ILS Audit which is less
than 6 months old. Upon completion of the authorization process, an executed FAMA will be provided to you indicating you are now
authorized to begin production in the facility. Unauthorized subcontracting by the facility is not only a serious violation of your
agreement with Disney but a Minimum Compliance Standard violation.

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