Option 2 Academic Writing Clear

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Does the journal above include academic writing?

Yes. I think journal with title Comparison of muscle strenght in stroke patients between the
given and not given range of motion exercise belong academic writing. The journal was
written purpose of academic writing is to present information in order to display a clear
understanding of a particular subject. This subject journal is extremity muscle strength in
patients with stroke. Effective academic writing assumes the abundant use of specific dates
and figures exampel “According to the Regional Health Research Department of Health of
the Republic of Indonesia in 2011, the report found that in Indonesia, every 1000 people, 8 of
them experienced stroke.” Academic writing used languages is more complex, complement
clauses as well as more attributive adjectives as “Every seven people who died in Indonesia,
one of them is due to stroke”. Then academic writing used informal language use of
colloquial expressions like “sort of”, “as well as”. The Academic writting talking about
objectivity and in the journal not used word “I, me, I think”. The use of vocabulary accurate
is another important requirement for all academic papers. Academic writting used formula
5w+1H as what, who, when, where, why and How a solving problem, explanation below:
What is ROM exercise?, Who is doing ROM Exercise?, When is ROM exercise done?,
Where is research done?, why patient stroke have ROM exercise?, How result from ROM
exercise for patient stroke?. Other that academic writing used rules quoting an expert, starling
or unusual fact, defining important term. Finally, this Journal have writing framework namely
Background, Review theory, Method Research, Result, and Coclusion.

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