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Arrays in SAP Design Studio


Author : Eshwar Prasanna V

September 15, 2014

Arrays in SAP Design Studio 1.3

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
About the Author .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Design Studio Arrays ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Manipulating elements of an Array .......................................................................................................... 5
Examples of Arrays in use ......................................................................................................................... 7
Dimension Arrays in Use: ...................................................................................................................... 8
Hierarchy Arrays in Use:........................................................................................................................ 9
DISCLAIMER................................................................................................................................................. 11

Visual BI Solutions Inc.

Arrays in SAP Design Studio 1.3

SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio 1.3 offers a new feature in BIAL called “Arrays”. With the
advent of this feature, iteration, creation of arrays and access of elements within an array becomes
easier. This document explores this feature in detail and provides technical know-how on manipulating
arrays in Design Studio.

About the Author

Eshwar Prasanna works at Visual BI Solutions as a BI Analyst. He has experience in handling

BusinessObjects tools such as Dashboards, Design Studio and Web Intelligence.

Visual BI Solutions Inc.

Arrays in SAP Design Studio 1.3

Design Studio Arrays

With the release of Design Studio 1.3, a host of new features were brought in by SAP. One of the most
useful, is the concept of Arrays. Though the versatility of this feature is quite limited in this release, SAP
has nevertheless offered certain aspects of Arrays that developers can play around with.

Considering the rather concise information available in the designer guide, it seemed useful to provide a
detailed overview of this feature. So, here goes !

There are 8 different types of arrays available – subtypes of the object “Array”. These include:

1. Dimension Array:

This subtype can contain a list of different dimensions belonging to a data source. A dimension
array can be created by referencing the “getDimensions()” method of a data source –
dimensions belonging to rows, columns, free characteristics or all dimensions available in the
data source can be obtained with this method.

2. Hierarchy Array:

This subtype can contain a list of hierarchies. While there is no way for a user to create a
hierarchy array manually, it can be created using the “getHierarchies()” method of a data
source. This returns a list of different hierarchies available for the dimension that has been
passed as parameter to the method.

3. Member Array: 3

This subtype can contain a list of members belonging to a dimension. It can be created using the
“getMembers()” method of a data Source. The method returns a list of members of a dimension

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Arrays in SAP Design Studio 1.3

as an array. The dimension for which the members are required must be passed as a parameter
to the method.

4. Bookmark Array:

This subtype can contain a list of all bookmarks for an application. Such a type of Array can be
created using the “getAllBookmarks()” method of the “Bookmarks” object. When the method is
used, it returns all the available bookmarks for that particular application.

5. Variable Array:

This subtype can contain a list of variables. It can be created using the “getVariables()” method
of a data source. This method returns all the available variables of the data source for which the
method is being called.

6. String Array:

This subtype can contain a list of strings. Unlike the previously mentioned types of arrays, a 4
String array can be created manually as well. This is shown in the screenshot below:

Visual BI Solutions Inc.

Arrays in SAP Design Studio 1.3

Apart from user customizable string arrays, the “getSelectedValues()” and “getSelectedTexts()”
methods of a Multi-Select enabled List Box can also return values in the form of a String Array.
Using the “Split()” method will also return a String Array.

7. Integer Array:

This subtype can contain a list of integers. This type of an array can also be created manually by

8. Float Array:

This subtype can contain a list of decimal point numbers or floats. This type of an array can also
be created manually by users.

Manipulating elements of an Array

Individual elements of an array can be accessed using the “forEach” loop. The basic syntax for this :

The “forEach” loop iterates over each element of an array and executes the statements contained
within the body of the loop. In the above syntax:

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Arrays in SAP Design Studio 1.3

 “element” refers to the individual elements contained in the array, one at a time.
 “index” refers to the index/position of that particular element within the array.

Each element object has its own set of methods to access attributes of that element, depending on the
array type. For instance, when handling a MemberArray, the external keys and internal keys of the
elements can be accessed through methods of the “element” object. A list of the different methods
available for each type of array has been given below:

Array Type Methods belonging to “element” object

DimensionArray 1. name – Returns the technical name of
the dimension
2. text – Returns the text
(description/display name) of the
HierarchyArray 1. name – Returns the technical name of
the hierarchy
2. text – Returns the text
(description/display name) of the
MemberArray 1. externalKey – Returns the representation
of the member as an external key
2. externalNonCompoundedKey – Returns
the representation of the member as an
external non-compounded key
3. internalKey – Returns the
representations of the member as an
internal key
4. internalNonCompoundedKey – Returns
the representation of the member as an
internal non-compounded key
5. text – Returns the representation of the
member as a text (display name)
BookmarkArray 1. name – Returns the name of the
2. text – Returns the text
(description/display name) of the
VariableArray 1. inputEnabled – Returns true of the
variable is enabled, and false if otherwise
2. name – Returns the representation of the
variable as its technical name
3. text – Returns the representation of the 6
variable as its display name
StringArray 1. indexOf – Returns the positions of
occurrence of a string being searched for

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Arrays in SAP Design Studio 1.3

in the array.
2. length – Number of characters in the
3. split – Splits the string according to a
given separator
4. substring – Returns a new string which is
a substring of the given string
(It should be noted that the “element” object does not have any methods for an Integer or a Float Array)

Examples of Arrays in use

The program below takes a String array, eliminates the word “WORLD” and returns the remaining
elements of the StringArray as one concatenated string, in an application alert window.

The result of this program is an alert window shown below.

Visual BI Solutions Inc.

Arrays in SAP Design Studio 1.3

Dimension Arrays in Use:

Given below is an example of dimension arrays in use. Consider the dimensions of the data source
arranged in the manner shown in the screenshot below:

The script below exhibits the different ways in which the “getDimensions()” function can be used:

var Dim_Array_Rows = DS_1.getDimensions(Axis.ROWS);

var Dim_Array_Cols = DS_1.getDimensions(Axis.COLUMNS);
var Dim_Array_Free = DS_1.getDimensions(Axis.FREE);
var Dim_Array_All = DS_1.getDimensions();

var Rows = "";

var Cols = "";
var Free = "";
var Overall = "";
Dim_Array_Rows.forEach(function(element, index) {
Rows = Rows + +" ("+element.text+");";

Visual BI Solutions Inc.

Arrays in SAP Design Studio 1.3

Dim_Array_Cols.forEach(function(element, index) {
Cols = Cols +" ("+element.text+");";

Dim_Array_Free.forEach(function(element, index) {
Free = Free +" ("+element.text+");";

Dim_Array_All.forEach(function(element, index) {
Overall = Overall +" ("+element.text+");";

APPLICATION.alert("Dimensions in Row:\n"+Rows+"\n\nDimensions in
Cols:\n"+Cols+"\n\nDimensions in Free

The script shown in the above window consolidates a list of all the dimensions belonging to the data
source, and displays them on an alert window as shown in the output below:

Hierarchy Arrays in Use:

Given below is an example of hierarchy arrays in use. Observe the different hierarchies available for the
dimension “ZREGION” in the structure of the query shown in the screenshot below:

Visual BI Solutions Inc.

Arrays in SAP Design Studio 1.3

The script below simulates a situation where in the hierarchies available in a particular dimension
(“ZREGION” in this case) are obtained and displayed on an alert dialogue as soon as the user clicks a
button present on the screen:

var Dim_Hierarchy = DS_1.getHierarchies("ZREGION");

var Hierarchy = "";

Dim_Hierarchy.forEach(function(element, index) {
Hierarchy = Hierarchy + + " ("+element.text+");";

APPLICATION.alert("Hierarchies Available:\n"+Hierarchy);

The output, if hierarchies are available on the given dimension (which is the case here), should resemble
the screenshot shown below:


Visual BI Solutions Inc.

Arrays in SAP Design Studio 1.3

Information provided in this document is intended to be used only as a learning aid. While Visual BI
Solutions has used reasonable care in compiling this document it does not warrant that this information
is error free. Visual BI Solutions assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred by usage of
this documentation.

This is intended to be a living document with changes to be made over time.


Visual BI Solutions Inc.

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