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Acceptance Test Procedure for

Wet-Dry Plume Abatement Cooling Towers

July 2011 ATC-150 (11)

This document was developed using the consensus procedure outlined in the CTI Operating Procedure 304
and has been approved for publication by the CTI Board of Directors
This Cooling Technology Institute (CTI) publication is published as an aid to cooling tower purchasers and designers.
It may be used by anyone desiring to do so, and efforts have been made by CTI to assure the accuracy and reliability
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This document summarizes the best current state of knowledge regarding the specific subject. It represents a
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to aid all users or potential users of evaporative vapor condensers.

Approved by the CTI Executive Board.

This document has been reviewed and approved

as part of CTI’s Five Year Review Cycle. This
document is again subject to review in 2016.

Copyright 2011
Approved by the by Cooling Technology Institute
CTI Executive Board Printed in U.S.A. ATC-150 (11)

1.0 Scope and Purpose ................................................................................................................ 1

2.0 Conditions of Test ................................................................................................................... 3

3.0 Instruments and Measurements ............................................................................................. 6

4.0 Report of Results .................................................................................................................... 7

5.0 Evaluation of the Results ........................................................................................................ 9

6.0 Evaluation of the Plume Performance .................................................................................. 10

7.0 Evaluation of the Air Mixing Quality ...................................................................................... 12

8.0 Compliance ........................................................................................................................... 12

9.0 Design and Test Conditions .................................................................................................. 15

10.0 Plume Abatement Guarantee Curve ..................................................................................... 16

11.0 Test Interpretation ................................................................................................................. 17

12.0 Plume Abatement Guarantee Curve ..................................................................................... 18

13.0 Interpretation following the “Maximum plume humidity curves” method ............................... 18

14.0 Evaluation of the Air Mixing Quality Level 2 Plume Abatement ............................................ 19
Part I – Test Procedure

1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE corporate parents or subsidiaries is derived from these
1.1 Scope. This code covers the determination of the effluent interests or activities this will preclude that organization
air or plume characteristics of wet-dry cooling towers, designed from consideration. The following is a non-exclusive listing
for plume abatement. of examples of these categories of business interests or
1.2 Purpose. The purpose of this code is to describe
instrumentation and procedures for the testing and performance a) The manufacture, repair, replacement, or upgrade of
evaluation of the plume characteristics of wet-dry cooling cooling towers or cooling tower components.
towers. b) Operation or ownership of cooling towers related to
1.3 Flexibility. It is recognized that the data limitations primary income generating processes.
specified throughout this test procedure represent desired 1.4.2 Further, any specific situation in which the testing
conditions that may not exist at the time the test is performed. In agency can be said to have an interest in the outcome of a
such cases, existing conditions may be used if mutually agreed particular test is considered a conflict of interest and is to be
upon by authorized representatives of the manufacturer, the avoided. The following is a non-exclusive listing of
purchaser, and the CTI Representative (see 1.4), prior to the test. examples of such situations:
1.4 Impartial Testing Service. It is the intention of the Cooling a) Performing cooling tower design, engineering,
Technology Institute to provide independent third-party thermal construction, or related consultation services, such as bid
performance tests. This means that any situation in which the evaluation, for a party to a particular test (for the purposes
testing agency has a material or any other interest in the outcome of this Section, operation and maintenance
of the test must be avoided. recommendations do not constitute related consultation
The CTI Representative referred to in this code shall be an services ).
impartial party to the test, and shall have no connection with the b) Engaging in a contractual or business relationship with
manufacturer, the purchaser, or the Cooling Technology the cooling tower manufacturer, constructor, or supplier of
Institute, but must have a license agreement with the latter. This components or equipment on a particular tower to be tested.
Representative shall be sufficiently qualified to ensure that (A conflict of interest shall not exist if the testing agency
measurements and evaluations are made in accordance with this has conducted independent testing of other cooling towers
Code. The CTI Representative is hereinafter referred to as the for cooling tower owners, manufacturers, constructors, or
CTI-licensed Test Agency. suppliers of components and equipment.)
1.4.1 Certain categories of business interests or activities 1.5 Nomenclature. The symbols used in this Code are
may compromise the objectivity of an agency and are identified in the following tabulation. The Code refers to SI unit
considered by CTI as inappropriate for an organization as primary system and I-P unit as secondary system.
licensed to provide impartial testing services. When any
portion of the revenues of a testing agency or any of its

Symbol Description SI Unit I-P unit

Am Area associated with traverse point m m2 ft2
Df Fan stack exhaust diameter m ft
Dh Fan hub diameter m ft
∆D rh Difference of Maximum Relative Humidity % %
MQ Mixing quality coefficient % %
M Number of sampling points on a single radius
m Sampling point (sequence) number
PB Barometric pressure (psychrometric) kPa "Hg
P Bm Barometric pressure measured at test kPa "Hg
QW Circulating Volume water flow l/s GPM
Q wbd Blow-down water flow l/s GPM
Q wmu Make-up water flow l/s GPM
R Cooling Range °K °F
Rh u Up-wind air relative humidity % %

Rh e Exhaust air relative humidity % %
Rh i Inlet air relative humidity % %
T CW Cold water temperature °C °F
T DBu Air up-wind dry bulb temperature °C °F
T DBe Exhaust air dry bulb temperature °C °F
T DBi Air inlet dry bulb temperature °C °F
T bd Blow-down temperature °C °F
T mu Make-up temperature °C °F
T HW Hot water temperature °C °F
T WBu Up-wind air wet bulb temperature °C °F
T WBe Exhaust air wet bulb temperature °C °F
T WBi Inlet air wet bulb temperature °C °F
vm Local air velocity at exhaust area traverse point m m/s fpm
vv Vertical component of v m m/s fpm
v vi Marked local air velocity v v at exhaust area m/s fpm
W1..W5; X1..X5; Y1..Y5; Z1..Z5
Names of the measurements points above the fan stack at the radii W, X, Y, Z
α Angle of exhaust air velocity (from vertical) deg deg
ρm Density of air at traverse point m kg/m3 lb/ft3

1.6 Definitions: frequency curve”. On the same graph or chart, the site
1.6.1 Wet section: The wet section of the cooling tower is weather statistics can be plotted (all temperature / humidity
the evaporative heat transfer media. points during the year or only those corresponding to the
daylight points); any site weather conditions “above” (more
1.6.2 Dry section: The dry section of the cooling tower is
severe than) the fogging frequency curve will generate
the non-evaporative heat transfer media.
visible plume; any site weather conditions “below” (less
1.6.3 Cooling tower cell: A cooling tower "cell" is the severe than) the fogging frequency curve will not generate
smallest subdivision of the tower, bounded by exterior walls visible plume. It is possible then to calculate the percentage
and partition walls, which can function as an independent of total hours per year (or daylight hours per year) for
unit. Each cell may have one or more fans or stacks and one which some visible plume may occur. This percentage is an
or more distribution system. estimate of the occurrence of visible plume.
1.7 Selection of the design point for the plume abatement 1.7.3 The selection of the plume abatement design point
condition depends mainly on the location of the cooling tower and
1.7.1 The visibility of the plume is given by the the local requirements. It drastically affects the cost of the
condensation droplets generated when the warm and wet-dry cooling tower. If no plume may occur during the
saturated exhaust air of the cooling tower is in contact with year, the coldest temperature / highest humidity point
colder air inside or outside of the cooling tower. The must be selected. Such a severe plume abatement
exhaust air temperature and humidity are directly related to requirement is seldom the case. Severe conditions
the inlet air temperature and humidity and the operating correspond to 5% or less plume visibility occurrence. A
conditions of the cooling tower (Range and flow), and may more typical design point corresponds to 15% to 20%
be described as a function of dry bulb and relative humidity plume visibility occurrence based on full year day-night
or wet bulb conditions as guaranteed effluent air weather statistics. Any point (temperature / humidity)
performance curves that must go through the selected located on the fogging frequency curve gives the same
design point. cooling tower design and the same plume visibility
1.7.2 For a given operating condition, a curve exists relating occurrence. It is recommended that a winter design point
the inlet air temperature and the inlet humidity, and be selected, on such a curve, which is above the freezing
separating the visible plume from the non-visible plume point to be able to test the cooling tower, following this
conditions (Graph having relative humidity on the ordinate code, at conditions close as possible to the design point.
and the air dry bulb temperature on the abscissa or The plume abatement design point includes the maximum
Psychrometric chart). This curve is called the “Fogging anticipated heat load coincident with the desired design dry

bulb along with the highest relative humidity at that dry from the ambient air temperature and humidity)
bulb. An example of design point selection and fogging
frequency curves with weather statistics is given in
appendix A. 2.1 Conduct of Test. The test shall be conducted by a CTI-
licensed Test Agency, in the presence of authorized
1.7.4 In the case where a plume design point requires use of
representatives of the manufacturer and the purchaser if they
partial damper closure, an alternate design point shall be
desire to be present. For acceptance testing, these representatives
selected with dampers open. The imprecision of damper
shall be given adequate notice prior to the test. The manufacturer
settings with regard to establishing that required operating
shall be given permission to inspect the tower in advance to
configuration is in effect at the time of testing makes this a
determine if any preparations to the tower are required prior to
necessity. Effluent air curves shall be drawn for the
the test. In no case shall any directly involved party be barred
dampers open design point, for evaluation of the test results.
from test site. Acceptance test(s) shall be conducted within 12
1.7.5 For a given design point, there are two levels of plume months after structural completion of the tower, unless otherwise
abatement that a tower can be guaranteed and tested for in stipulated by contractual agreement of purchaser and
accordance with this test procedure. The definition of manufacturer.
Level 1 or Level 2 plume abatement has an effect on the
If the plume abatement guarantee is related to a “winter mode”
design of the wet-dry cooling tower and on the criteria
thermal performance guarantee by the purchase contract, the
described in this code to fulfill the plume performance
plume abatement test and a thermal performance test in winter
condition mode (following CTI ATC-105) shall be conducted Level 1 Plume Guarantee. In order for a tower to concurrently.
meet Level 1 criteria, the ratio (expressed as a
2.2 Selection of the tested cell(s) As the parameters associated
percentage) between the guarantee and measured exhaust
with a plume performance test are time consuming and difficult
air relative humidity must exceed 100%, as described in
to measure, the test shall be performed on one cell only, which is
Sections 5 and 6. Level 1 is less stringent than Level 2
selected to represent the whole cooling tower. If no single cell
and the impact of specifying a Level 1 guarantee could be
may represent the whole cooling tower, the test may be
a translucent plume visible at the exhaust extending up to
conducted on several cells. In such case, the final performance
2 fan diameters, even under conditions equal to or less
result will be the weighted average of the individual performance
severe than the plume abatement design point. Where the
results by the number of cells having the same design as cells
Level 1 visible plume guarantee is acceptable, the cost
tested. Representatives of all the parties of the test shall agree
and penalty in pressure drop and required fan power
prior to test which cell or cells shall be tested for the plume
associated with internal plenum mixing devices may be
performance test. All the measurements described in this code,
avoided to an extent that is the manufacturer’s
(in particular the air temperatures and velocities), will concern
responsibility to determine.
the selected cell(s). If the individual water temperatures and Level 2 Plume Guarantee. Level 2 is the more flows cannot be measured, the ones of the whole cooling tower
stringent requirement and in addition to meeting Level 1 will be taken into consideration.
exhaust air relative humidity ratio requirements, an
Note: In the case when a thermal performance test is conducted
exhaust air mixing criteria must also be met, as described
concurrently, other measurements shall be taken to comply with
in Sections 5 and 6. The intention of the mixing criteria
the CTI ATC-105 test code.
is to ensure that the potential for plume visibility is
minimized as much as possible, greatly decreasing the 2.3 Condition of Equipment. At the time of the test the tower
chances for the translucent plume that may occur in Level shall be in good operating condition:
1 designed towers. a. The water distribution system shall be essentially clear There exists a phenomenon where plume and free of foreign materials that may impede the normal
reformation can occur. Plume that is not visible water flow.
immediately above the fan stacks becomes visible some b. Mechanical equipment shall be in good working order.
distance away from the cooling tower when the water Fans shall be rotating in the correct direction, with proper
vapor in the air condenses due to specific or localized orientation of leading and trailing edges. Fan blades shall be
atmospheric conditions and site topography. Conditions at a uniform angle that will yield within ± 10 percent of the
that will cause this phenomenon are unpredictable but guaranteed fan driver power.
typically infrequent and plume reformation can occur c. Drift eliminators shall be essentially clear and free of
with both Level 1 and Level 2 designed towers. The algae and other deposits that may impede normal air flow.
plume abatement guarantee is applicable ONLY to the
d. Fill material shall be essentially free of foreign materials
conditions at the air exhaust.
such as oil, tar, scale, fouling or algae.
1.7.6 The design air temperature and humidity is defined as
e. The water level in the cold water basin shall be at normal
the entering air at the up-wind cooling tower air inlets,
operating elevation and shall be maintained substantially
assuming isothermal atmosphere. (This may be different

constant during the test. Fan(s) drivers power: ± 10%
f. Dry sections shall be essentially free of foreign materials, Note 1: Applicable only on wet/dry towers having
both inside and outside. separate heat load supply on the wet and the dry sections.
g. In freezing weather, the dry sections and the wet sections 2.4.5. For a multi-cell tower each of the tested cells must be
shall be free of ice formation that may affect the set within ± 5% of average operating conditions of all the
performance of the cooling tower. cells: the water flow rates, fan driver power, air flow control
h. If applicable, air and water flow control devices shall be devices position (if applicable) and heat load on the dry
set according to the manufacturers recommendations to section (if applicable).
achieve both the required plume abatement and thermal 2.4.6 For multi-cell towers, one or more cells may be shut
performance. down, provided that the circulating water flow to each
Representatives of purchaser and manufacturer shall agree to the operating cell is within the above limits.
operability and functionality of the cooling tower equipment 2.4.7 The total dissolved solids in the circulating water, as
prior to testing. Prior establishment of cleanliness and determined by evaporation, shall not exceed the greater of
serviceability is recommended. the following:
2.4 Operating conditions.. The test shall be conducted within a) 5000 ppm
the following limitations: b) ± 10% of the design concentration
2.4.1 For the plume evaluation, both the inlet and up-wind The circulating water shall contain not more than 10 ppm
wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures shall be measured in oil, tar, or fatty substances as determined by the procedure
accordance with Section 3.3 and 3.4 of this test procedure. outlined in "Standard Methods for the Examination of
The inlet air temperatures will be used for evaluating the Water, Sewage, and Industrial Wastes", published by the
expected exhaust air conditions from performance curves, American Public Health Association.
and the up-wind air temperatures will be used in the dilution
The limit for foreign substances in the circulating water
calculation of the plume in the atmosphere (which is
shall be by prior mutual agreement by the purchaser and the
assumed as isothermal). If a thermal evaluation is required,
the wet-bulb for thermal test calculations shall be the inlet
values as described in CTI ATC-105. 2.5 Duration of test. After reaching steady state conditions, the
duration of one test run shall not be less than one hour. (Exhaust
2.4.2 The wind velocity shall be measured in accordance
air wet and dry bulb temperature, exhaust air velocity.) (This
with Section 3.7 of this test procedure, and shall not exceed
shall be called the Test Period)
the following:
2.5.1 If thermal lag time is greater than five minutes, the test
a) average wind velocity : 3 m/s (6.5 MPH)
period shall be extended by the actual thermal lag time.
b) one-minute duration : 4.5 m/s (10 MPH) (Calculated as in CTI ATC-105)
The reliability of the exhaust air measurements increases 2.5.2 The test period for thermal evaluation shall have the
when the wind velocity decreases. The lowest possible wind same duration as the plume characteristics evaluation.
speed conditions shall be sought for testing.
2.6 Constancy of test conditions during test period. For a
2.4.3 To get reliable air inlet and up-wind measurement the valid test, variations from maximum to minimum of 1 minute
minimum wet bulb when measured with a CTI mechanically averages in test conditions shall be within the following limits:
aspirated psychrometer is 0.5 C (33 F). The CTI
2.6.1 Circulating water flow shall not vary more than 2 %.
psychrometer shall be as defined in CTI ATC-105 sections
relating to Inlet Air Temperature Measurements. For any 2.6.2 Heat load shall not vary by more than 5 %.
design conditions below freezing, the test has to be 2.6.3 Range shall not vary by more than 5 %.
performed between 0 °C (32 °F) and 8 °C (45 °F) up-wind 2.6.4 Instantaneous up-wind and inlet air temperature
wet bulb temperature. readings may fluctuate during the test, but the linear least
2.4.4 The following variations from design conditions shall squares trend in the reading average for all stations for the
not be exceeded: test period shall not exceed the following limits: Wet-bulb temperature: -0.0 °C / + 8.5 °C (15 °F) 1) Up-wind and Inlet air dry-bulb temperature Dry-bulb temperature: -0.0 °C / + 14.0 °C (25 °F) 3 °C/period (5 °F/period) Cooling range: ± 20 % 2) Up-wind and Inlet air wet bulb temperature
1 °C/period (2 °F/period) Circulating water flow: ± 10 %
2.6.5 Heat load and water flow rate of the dry section shall not Barometric pressure: ± 3.5 kPa (1" Hg)
vary by more than 5%. (Applicable only on towers having Heat load of dry section: ± 10 % (See note 1) separate heat load supply on the wet and the dry sections.) Water flow in dry section: ± 10% (See note 1)

2.7 Frequency of readings. Readings shall be taken at regular 2.8 Test uncertainty.
intervals and recorded in the units and to the number of 2.8.1 Instrumentation accuracy. The accuracy of each
significant figures shown in the table in Section 2.9. measurement device shall be equal to or better than those
2.7.1 The readings may be recorded manually and/or with a indicated in the table in Section 2.9. Other instrumentation
data acquisition system (DAS). Both methods may be may be used by prior mutual agreement with the purchaser,
utilized during the same test. the manufacturer, and the CTI representative.
2.7.2 Not all measurements given in the Instrumentation 2.8.2 Overall uncertainty. The overall test uncertainty
Table in 2.9 are always used for wet/dry cooling towers. depends on the type and number of instruments used for the
The necessary measurements for the plume characteristic various measurements, and on the stability of test
evaluation depend on the wet/dry cooling tower type and conditions.
shall be determined by prior mutual agreement with the
2.9 Instrumentation Table
purchaser, the manufacturer, and the CTI representative.

Measurements Minimum/hr SI units I-P units

Man DAS # Acc Rec # Acc Rec
Inlet air wet-bulb temp NA 60 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Inlet air dry-bulb temp NA 60 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Up-wind air wet-bulb temp NA 60 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Up-wind air dry-bulb temp NA 60 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Exhaust air wet-bulb temp1 NA 60 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Exhaust air dry-bulb temp1 NA 60 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Cold water temp (wet) NA 60 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Cold water temp (dry)3 NA 60 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Hot water temp (wet) NA 60 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Hot water temp (dry)3 NA 60 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Circulating water flow (wet)2 3 60 l/s 3% 0.5% gpm 3% 0.5%
Circulating water flow (dry)2 3 60 l/s 3% 0.5% gpm 3% 0.5%
Fan driver power (wet) 1/test kW 3% 0.5% HP 3% 0.5%
Fan driver power (dry)3 1/test kW 3% 0.5% HP 3% 0.5%
Exhaust air velocity1 NA 60 m/s 0.1 0.05 fpm 20 10
Wind velocity NA 60 m/s 0.1 0.05 mph 0.2 0.1
Barometric pressure 1/test 60 kPa 0.2 0.1 “Hg .06 .03
Make-up water temperature 2 2 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Make-up water flow rate4 2 60 l/s 5% 1% gpm 5% 1%
Blow-down water temp 2 2 °C 0.1 0.05 °F 0.2 0.1
Blow-down water flow rate4 2 60 l/s 5% 1% gpm 5% 1%

“Minimum” = Minimum number of records each hour per station

“Man” = Manual measurements
“DAS” = Measurements with Data Acquisition system
“Acc” = Sensor accuracy
“Rec” = Recording to the nearest
A total of 20 simultaneous point measurements are made and scanned with remote data acquisition equipment. Instruments are
deployed at equal area stations along two perpendicular diameters.
To monitor circulating water flow stability, the differential pressure at a single point can be monitored during the test for comparison
with full traverse readings (when measurement is made by Pitot tube), alternately for the entire tower, the exhaust pressure of the
circulating water pumps can be used as an indication of flow stability.
If applicable or required for towers with separate wet and dry fans, or special flow bias
Or totalized values per test

3.0 INSTRUMENTS AND MEASUREMENTS measurement of the exhaust air wet-bulb and dry-bulb
All instruments used shall be inspected and approved by the temperatures are required to determine the characteristics of the
CTI-licensed Testing Agency prior to the test. All instruments effluent air of the cooling tower. The measurements shall be
shall be properly calibrated and meet the accuracy made at the exhaust plane of the fan stack of an induced draft
requirements of Table 2.9. Calibration certificates shall be cooling tower cell or the exhaust plane area of a forced draft
made available to test parties upon request. cooling tower.
3.1 Waterflow measurements. The total water flow delivered 3.5.1 Exhaust wet-bulb temperature. The exhaust wet-bulb
to both the dry and wet sections of the cooling tower must be temperature shall be measured with a twenty point array of
measured, unless all of the water flows in series from the dry mechanically aspirated psychrometers. Each instrument
section to the wet section. If all of the water flows from the dry shall meet the same requirements as the inlet wet bulb
to the wet section, only the flow delivered to the dry section is temperature measurement described in CTI ATC-105.
required. The waterflow must be determined with a device 3.5.2 Exhaust dry-bulb temperature. The exhaust dry-bulb
meeting the requirements of CTI ATC-105. temperature shall be measured with a twenty point array of
3.2 Water temperature measurements. mechanically aspirated psychrometers, Each instrument
3.2.1 Hot water temperature - The hot water temperature shall meet the same requirements as for the inlet dry bulb
delivered to both the dry and wet sections of the test cell temperature measurements as described in CTI ATC–105.
must be measured unless all of the water flows in series The psychrometers shall be designed to prevent any water
from the dry section to the wet section. If all of the water droplets from impinging on the sensing element.
flows from the dry to the wet section, only the temperature 3.5.3 Location of the measurements: In order to avoid wind
of the water delivered to the dry section is required. The effects, the measurements shall be taken at the centers of
hot water temperature must be measured with a device equal areas of the fan stack in a plane within 1 meter (3 ft)
that is compliant with requirements of CTI ATC-105. of the cooling tower exhaust plane. The exhaust air velocity
3.2.2 Cold water Temperature The cold water temperature measurements (as described in 3.6) shall be taken
is defined as the average temperature of the water as it simultaneously with the wet-bulb and dry-bulb exhaust
reaches the cold water basin of the cell that is under test. measurements. The airflow measurement devices shall be
The cold water temperature is often measured on the made as close as possible to the equal area station where the
exhaust side of the operating pump(s), with corrections exhaust wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures are measured.
made for the heat added by the pumps and for the For small stacks the number of measurement points may
influence of any entering or exiting flows, including be reduced, by mutual agreement between the parties,
makeup or blow down. If more than one cell of a plume with a minimum of eight sampling stations at the fan stack
abated tower is in service at the time of a single cell plume or cooling tower exhaust exit plane.
abatement test, the water flow rate of the test cell must be For circular sample planes without hub effects,
within five percent of the average cell flow rate, and all the samples locations will be based on the total area and
cells receiving water must be operated at the same fan located at the centers of equal annular sample zones
speed. If fan power in each cell is being measured (as for with 4 radii and 5 points per radius.
a concurrent thermal test) the fan power for the test cell
For circular sampling planes the position of the
should be within 10% of the average fan power. The cold
sampling locations is calculated by:
water temperature must be measured with a device that is
compliant with requirements of CTI ATC-105.
 2 M − 2m + 1  2   Dh 

3.3 Inlet air temperature measurements. Air inlet wet-bulb Xm =

−   D f − Dh
( )+ 2 
and dry-bulb temperatures are required at both the wet section 2  8M    
and dry section air inlets. The number and location of where
instruments shall be as required in CTI ATC-105.
Xm = sample location, distance from wall
3.4 Up-wind air-temperature measurements. The up-wind
Df = stack diameter
wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures are the air inlet values
from measurements located on the up-wind face of the cooling Dh = hub diameter
tower row. Where an installation has multiple towers, each M =number of sampling points on a single radius
individual line of tower cells is called a “row” for this purpose. m = sampling point number
3.4.1 If there are other heat sources in the vicinity of the The hub diameter should be the larger of diameter of the fan
test cell, psychrometers measuring the wet and dry bulb hub seal disk or the diameter of the circle described by the
temperature should be located in an area uninfluenced by base of the fan blades. This equation may also be used to
either the cooling tower or other heat sources in order to calculate the sample positions for circular sample planes
measure the upwind ambient conditions. without hub effects by setting the hub diameter equal to zero.
3.5 Exhaust air temperature measurements Simultaneous For circular sample planes with hub effects, the

sample location will be based on the net area and recorded wind speed and direction are representative of
located at the centers of equal annular sample zones wind conditions affecting the tower.
with 4 radii and 5 points per radius. 3.7.2 Placement of the wind measurement device shall be For rectangular sample planes, the sample subject to mutual agreement by all parties to the test.
locations will be at the centers of a matrix of equal area Wind direction shall be recorded in compass degrees with
sample zones of similar length and width. the tower orientation and reference North clearly
3.6 Exhaust air velocity measurement. The vertical indicated.
component of the exhaust air velocity shall be measured 3.7.3 For towers with an overall height of 6 m (20 ft) or
simultaneously and at the same locations as the exhaust air wet less, wind velocity shall be measured 1.5 m (5 ft) above
and dry bulb temperatures (See Section 3.5.3) with an angle curb elevation, at a point within 15 m (50 ft) to 30 m (100
sensitive propeller anemometer, a S type pitot tube or another ft) of the tower.
device meeting the requirements of 3.6.1. 3.7.4 For towers where the distance between the curb and
3.6.1 The velocity measurement shall be accurate to 2% exhaust elevations exceed 6 m (20 ft), the wind velocity
of the maximum measured velocity. shall be measured at an elevation above the curb level
3.6.2 The normal velocity component of the air stream approximately one-half the difference between the curb
must be determined through either a cosine sensitive and exhaust elevations and at a point at least 30 m (100
propeller anemometer, or measured angle of rotation for a ft) from the tower.
pitot tube measurement or evaluated through alternate 3.8 Fan driver power. Fan power shall be measured as the
means with a measurement accuracy of 2 degrees. power input to the motor or other contractual guarantee point.
3.6.3 If an air Pitot is used, the vertical component of the 3.8.1 In the case of electric motors, power input shall be
velocity is calculated using following equation: determined by measurement of the voltage, current, and
Vv = Vm * COS α power factor, or by direct measurement of the kilowatt
v v = Vertical component of air velocity
3.8.2 If motor input power is not directly measured at the
v m = Measured air velocity
motor, then a line loss correction shall be made, unless
α = Air velocity angle to vertical agreed upon by all parties.
3.6.4 Each air velocity measurement shall be taken 3.8.3 If the performance guarantee is based on the motor
simultaneously with temperature measurements in order to or the driver output, efficiencies stated by the
calculate the flow weighted average wet and dry bulb manufacturer of the motor or the driver may be used.
temperatures at the exhaust of the cooling tower. 3.9 Water analysis. A sample of the circulating water shall be
vvm * ρ m * Am * TDBem taken during the test. If there are any questions concerning the
TDBe = ∑ M
condition of the circulating water, the sample shall be analyzed
i =m
i =m
vm * ρ m * Am by a reputable testing laboratory to determine conformance with
Section 2.4.5 of this test procedure.
3.10 Atmospheric pressure. The atmospheric pressure
measurement is required to calculate the relative humidity of the
vvm * ρ m * Am * TWBem
TWBe = ∑ M
air using the wet and dry bulb temperatures measurements. The
atmospheric pressure shall be taken on site using a mercury
i =m
i =m
vm * ρ m * Am barometer or any other manual or remote barometer with the
required accuracy. The barometer shall return the local
atmospheric pressure and not one adjusted to sea level.
ρ m = f (TWBem , TDBem , PBm ) per ATC-105, based on
3.11 Other Measurements. Any other measurements which may
ASHRAE psychrometrics affect the plume performance of the cooling tower shall be
3.7 Wind velocity. (speed and direction) Wind velocity and recorded. For example, the inlet and exit water or steam
direction shall be measured with a meteorological type temperatures, inlet and exit steam pressures, and the flow rate
anemometer and wind vane, preferably with remote reading and through the heat exchanger of a wet-dry plume abatement
recording. Rotating cup anemometers with separate wind cooling tower using an external source of energy.
direction vane or combination self-aligning propeller and 4.0 REPORT OF RESULTS
direction vane devices are readily available and acceptable.
4.1 Scope. The report of test results shall include following
3.7.1 Measurements shall be made in an open and information:
unobstructed location, upwind of the tower and beyond
the influence of the inlet air approach velocity or any a) Name and function of all individuals witnessing or
influencing obstructions. Care shall be taken to assure participating in the test.

b) Description of the cooling tower with its orientation and shall be prepared by the CTI representative, who shall mail
principal dimensions. copies to the purchaser and the manufacturer within 20 days
c) Guaranteed plume design point with reference to the following the test.
level of plume abatement testing required and guaranteed 4.4 Security. Information on any test will be available only to
thermal plume abatement design point (if required) with the the purchaser, the manufacturer and the CTI representative. Such
reference numbers of all the corresponding guarantee curves information will not be accessible to CTI members.
(Plume Abatement, Thermal) as supplied by the 4.5 Limitations. Adherence to the limits of wet-bulb
manufacturer, temperature, dry-bulb temperature, cooling range, circulating
d) Sketch of the installation showing the location of points flow(s), heat load on the dry section (when applicable), air flow
where water flow, temperatures, and other measurements control devices position (when applicable), fan driver power and
were taken. Notation shall be made of any buildings, wind velocity imposed by this procedure will yield results with
obstructions, or other equipment in the immediate vicinity accuracy commensurate with the stability of the test conditions
of the tower tested. Notation shall also be made of other and the accuracy of the instruments specified for measurements.
equipment or facilities discharging heat or vapor in the When used for test conditions outside the limits described, errors
immediate vicinity. may result due to the following considerations:
e) Calibration check or certification of the instruments used 4.5.1 The effects of wide deviations from design in the
for the test. following variables may not be adequately described by the
f) All data recorded during the test required by this test equations and/or graphs used for adjustment of the test data:
procedure. Notation shall also be made of the weather a) Water circulation rate
conditions during the test and any external incident which
b) Water temperatures
may affect the thermal or the plume performance of the
cooling tower. c) Air flow rate
g) Evaluation of the thermal test by the performance curve d) Air inlet or up-wind temperatures
method as defined by the CTI ATC-105 thermal testing e) Power at driver
code.(If required) f) Heat load on the dry section (when applicable)
h) Evaluation of the plume performance as defined in Part II g) Air flow control device’s position (when applicable)
of this test procedure.
4.5.2 Strong and/or gusting winds are likely to result in
i) Manufacturer’s plume characteristic curves. cooling tower malperformance, and may have significant
4.2 Test forms. The test observations shall be entered on a log adverse impact on test measurements and safety.
sheet and authenticated by signatures of the representatives from 4.5.3 Poor air and/or water distribution will result in
the manufacturer, the purchaser and the CTI representative. malperformance
4.3 Distribution. Upon completion of the test, one copy of the 4.5.4 For evaluation of performance (Tower capability and
log sheet (or equivalent) becomes the property of the purchaser, plume performance), the accuracy of the results will depend
one copy becomes the property of the manufacturer and the on the accuracy of the curves and/or equations supplied.
original becomes the property of the CTI representative. A single
summary sheet listing all important data and tower performance


5.0 EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS versus inlet air wet-bulb temperature as abscissa. One
5.1 Scope and purpose. This part of the procedure outlines a curve gives the exhaust wet-bulb temperature, and a set
method for evaluation of the plume performance of a wet-dry of curves using the inlet air relative humidity as
cooling tower from test data, using a set of plume parameter, gives the exhaust dry-bulb temperature.
characteristic performance curves supplied by the tower Graphical scaling shall be incremented so as to
manufacturer. provide accurate readings on the curves. The minimum
5.1.1 If the performance test concerns a design referring recommended value is 0.2 C per millimeter (10°F per
to Level 1 plume abatement, the results will be expressed inch) for the temperatures. The increment of the inlet
in terms of “Tower Plume Indicator”, ratio between air relative humidity must be 20% or less to get
guarantee and measured plume relative humidity. (Section minimum 4 humidity curves (100%, 80%, 60%, 40%).
6) 5.2.2 Maximum plume humidity curves (Example given
5.1.2 If the performance test concerns a design referring section 12)
to Level 2 plume abatement, the results will be expressed Each set shall be presented as a plot of air
in terms of maximum plume relative humidity during the dilution
1. “Tower Plume Indicator”, ratio between guarantee and process as ordinate versus inlet air wet-bulb or dry-bulb
measured plume relative humidity. (Section 6) temperature as abscissa. The set of curves uses the inlet
air relative humidity as parameter.
2. Mixing quality coefficient. (Section 7) Graphical scaling shall be incremented so as to
5.1.3 If the level of plume abatement is not specified in
provide accurate readings on the curves. The minimum
the contractual agreement between the purchaser and the
recommended value is 0.2 C per millimeter (10°F per
manufacturer, the test will be conducted referring to the
inch) for the temperatures (abscissa) and 0.5% relative
Level 2 procedure.
humidity per millimeter (12.5% Rh /inch) for the
5.1.4 If a thermal test is required, the thermal evaluation maximum plume relative humidity (Ordinate). The
in terms of tower capability shall be made in accordance increment of the inlet air relative humidity must be 20
with the CTI ATC-105 Part II (latest edition), using the % or less to get minimum 4 humidity curves (100%,
performance curve method. 80%, 60%, 40%).
5.2 Manufacturer’s data. The tower manufacturer shall Both types of curves shall be based on constant
submit a family of plume characteristic performance curves fan pitch angle.
which correctly relates the pertinent performance variables.
5.3 Reducing data recorded. (Calculation of averages)
Performance curves shall consist of 9 sets of curves. These sets
shall apply to 80 %, 100 % and 120 % of design range for each 5.3.1 Circulating water flow measurements (Q W ). Refer to
of 90 %, 100 %, and 110 % of the design water flow. Each set CTI ATC-105
shall consist of four or more relative humidity curves. The full 5.3.2 Water temperature measurements.
set of curves are arranged to show the effects of air Hot water temperature (T HW ): The average hot
temperatures (wet-bulb and humidity or dry-bulb and water temperature is the arithmetic average during the
humidity), cooling range and water flow rate on the plume test period of all the hot water temperature
performance. measurements concerning the selected cell(s) or, if not
The plume characteristic performance curves may have two applicable, concerning the whole cooling tower.
different presentation formats: “Exhaust air characteristics Cold water temperature (T CW ): The average
curves” or “Maximum plume humidity curves”. The test cold water temperature is the arithmetic average during
evaluation must be adapted to the format of the curves the test period (corrected with the thermal lag, if
supplied by the manufacturers. Section 6.1 describes the applicable) of all the cold water temperature
“Exhaust air characteristics curves” method and Section 6.2 measurements concerning the selected cell(s) or, if not
describes the “Maximum plume humidity curves” method. applicable, concerning the whole cooling tower.
Both methods give the same result in terms of fulfillment of
If applicable, the following corrections shall be made on
plume performance.
the average cold water temperature:
5.2.1 Exhaust air characteristics curves. (Example given
a) Heat added by the pump (See Appendix I of CTI
in section 10)
ATC-105 as a guideline) Each set shall be presented as a plot of exhaust
b) Make-up and blow-down:
air temperatures (wet bulb and dry-bulb) as ordinate

T CW = ( Q W * T CWm + Q wbd * T bd - Q wmu * T mu )/( Q W + Q wbd - least 0.1 F. This is necessary because when the wet
Q wmu ) and dry bulb temperatures are equal the possibility of
T CW = Cold water temperature corrected an oversaturation condition exists. In this case, the
psychrometric state of the air is undefined and
QW = Circulating water flow measured
indeterminate. If such conditions occur, the test may
T CWm = Cold water temperature measured by mutual agreement be delayed until warmer ambient
Q wbd = Blow-down flow conditions prevent this condition. For plume
T bd = Blow-down temperature compliance testing it is a disadvantage to be too close
to the design point, as the exit conditions may not be
Q wmu = Make-up flow
measurable. No more than 10% of the measurement
T mu = Make-up temperature location averages can be at saturation for a valid test. Range. (R) The cooling range is the difference For most locations, conditions with higher dry bulb
between the hot and the cold water temperature. also tend to have lower relative humidity, so that
R = T HW - T CW warmer conditions reduce this issue.
5.3.3 Air dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature, Relative 5.3.4 Other data. All other data recorded, as described in
Humidities. Section 3.11 shall be averaged. Air inlet temperatures. (T WBi ,T DBi ) The average
air inlet wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures are the 6.0 EVALUATION OF THE PLUME PERFORMANCE
arithmetic average during the test period of the local 6.1 Evaluation using the “Exhaust air characteristics
measurements made on all air inlet faces of the selected curves” The plume performance is evaluated in term of
cell(s). The relative humidity of the inlet air (Rh mi ) will “Tower Plume Indicator” by the ratio between the “Equivalent
be calculated from the air inlet wet bulb, dry bulb guarantee relative humidity” (calculated from the guarantee
temperatures and the atmospheric pressure, (P Bm ) using exhaust air wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures read on the
the psychrometric data or software in CTI ATC-105. manufacturer plume performance curves for the test Up-wind air temperatures. (T WBu , T DBu ) The conditions) and the “measured relative humidity of the exit
average up-wind air wet-bulb and dry bulb temperatures air”.
are the arithmetic average during the test period of 6.1.1 Correction of the relative humidities to chart
measurements made on the up-wind side of the selected barometric pressure. As the barometric pressure is not
cell(s). The relative humidity of the up-wind air will be necessarily the same as the barometric pressure of the
calculated from the air up-wind wet bulb, dry bulb psychrometric chart, a correction has to be calculated to
temperatures and the atmospheric pressure, (P Bm ) using refer to the chart barometric pressure. This correction will
the psychrometric data or software in CTI ATC-105. be applied to the inlet, up-wind and exhaust air relative Exhaust air temperatures. (T WBe , T DBe ) The humidities, calculated as Section 5.3.3.
average dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperatures R hc = R h * (P diag /P m )
and relative humidity of the exhaust air of the selected R hc = Corrected relative humidity (Inlet, Up-wind or Exhaust)
cell(s) of the cooling tower shall be calculated from the
average enthalpy and the average humidity ratio of the R h = Measured relative humidity (Inlet, Up-wind or Exhaust)
exhaust air, using psychrometric data or software (by P diag = atmospheric pressure of the psychrometric diagram
iteration) from CTI ATC-105. From each set of local (generally 1013.3 mbar, 29.92 “hg, 14.697 PSI)
exhaust air measurements (wet and dry bulb P m = atmospheric pressure at the test.
temperature) and the site barometric pressure, the
6.1.2 Drawing of the “Measured plume dilution line”. On
enthalpy and the humidity ratio shall be calculated
the psychrometric diagram :
using psychrometric data or algorithms equivalent to
those included in CTI ATC-105. The average enthalpy Locate the point representing the up-wind air
and the average humidity ratio are the average of the properties using the up-wind dry-bulb temperature and
local enthalpies and humidity ratios at each of the the up-wind relative humidity. (Corrected as 6.1.1)
sample locations, weighted by the local air mass flow Locate the point representing the exhaust air
measured at the same points. (See example at section properties using the exhaust dry-bulb temperature and
10) Negative (toward the fan hub) velocities may occur the exhaust relative humidity. (Corrected as 6.1.1)
for interior points at the fan exhaust. If this occurs, the Draw the straight line between these two points.
wet bulb and dry bulb values for these points shall not This line is the “Measured plume dilution line”.
be included in the average.
6.1.3 Calculation of the guarantee relative humidity. On The dry bulb temperature at each of the the manufacturer’s guarantee curves, the “guaranteed”
measurement locations at the exit plane should exceed exhaust wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures are read,
the wet bulb temperature at the same location by at

using linear interpolation between the curves and the set

of curves, for the test conditions (Flow, range, inlet wet- refer to the chart barometric pressure. This correction will
bulb temperature, corrected inlet relative humidity). The be applied to the inlet, up-wind and exhaust air relative
“guaranteed” relative humidity of the exhaust air is then humidities, calculated as Section 5.3.3.
calculated from these values at the standard barometric R hc = R h * (P diag /P m )
pressure (the one used for the psychrometric chart), using
R hc = Corrected relative humidity (Inlet, Up-wind or Exhaust)
the psychrometric data or software in CTI ATC-105.
R h = Measured relative humidity (Inlet, Up-wind or Exhaust)
6.1.4 Drawing of the “Guaranteed plume dilution line”.
On the psychrometric diagram: P diag = atmospheric pressure of the psychrometric diagram
(generally 1013 mbar. 29.92 In Hg, 14.697 psi) Locate the point representing the up-wind air
properties using the up-wind dry-bulb temperature and P m = atmospheric pressure at the test.
the up-wind relative humidity. (Corrected as 6.1.1) 6.2.2 Drawing of the “Measured plume dilution line”. On Locate the point representing the guarantee the psychrometric diagram:
exhaust air properties using the guaranteed Locate the point representing the up-wind air
exhaust dry-bulb temperature and the exhaust relative properties using the up-wind dry-bulb temperature and
humidity. (Calculated as 6.1.3) the up-wind relative humidity. (Corrected as 6.2.1) Draw a straight line between these two points. Locate the point representing the exhaust air
This line is the “Guaranteed plume dilution line”. properties using the exhaust dry-bulb temperature and
the exhaust relative humidity. (Corrected as 6.2.1)
6.1.5 Equivalent guaranteed exhaust air relative humidity.
The relative location of the two dilution lines on the Draw a straight line between these two points.
psychrometric chart (“Measured” and “Guaranteed”) This line is the “Measured plume dilution line”.
shows whether the plume performance is fulfilled. If the 6.2.3 Calculation of the measured maximum relative
“Measured dilution line” is below (low humidity side) the humidity during the dilution process. On the
“Guarantee dilution line”, the plume performance is psychrometric diagram, locate on the “Measured dilution
fulfilled. To quantify the performance, the “Tower Plume line” the point corresponding to the highest relative
Indicator” must be calculated. The guarantee exhaust air humidity. This point is the “Measured maximum relative
relative humidity must be transferred to an equivalent one humidity during the dilution process”
at the same enthalpy as the test. The procedure is: 6.2.4 Calculation of the “Guaranteed maximum plume Draw the enthalpy line passing at the point humidity”. On the manufacturer’s guarantee curves, the
representing the measured exhaust air conditions guaranteed maximum plume humidity is calculated using Read the “Equivalent guaranteed relative linear interpolation between the curves or the set of
humidity” at the crossing point between the curves, for the test conditions. (Flow, range, inlet air wet-
“Guaranteed dilution line” (6.1.4) and the subject bulb or dry- bulb temperatures, inlet relative humidity)
enthalpy line. 6.2.5 Calculation of the “Tower Plume Indicator”
6.1.6 Calculation of the “Tower Plume Indicator”. The The ratio, expressed in %, between the “Guarantee
ratio, expressed in %, between the “Equivalent guarantee maximum plume humidity” (R hmx as 6.2.4) and the
exhaust air relative humidity” (R hgc as 6.1.5) and the “Measured maximum relative humidity during the dilution
“Measured exhaust air relative humidity” (Rh m as 6.1.1) process” (Rh m as 6.2.3) is the “Tower Plume Indicator”
is the “Tower Plume Indicator” TPI = 100 * R hmx / Rh m
TPI = 100 * R hgc / Rh m TPI must ≥ 100 %
TPI must ≥ 100 % If the “Tower Plume Indicator” is larger than 100%, the
If the “Tower Plume Indicator” is larger than 100%, the plume performance is fulfilled.
plume performance is fulfilled. 6.3 Comparison between the two evaluation methods.
6.2 Evaluation using the “Maximum plume humidity 6.3.1 Comparison of the absolute values. The value of the
curves”. The plume performance is evaluated in term of “Tower Plume Indicator” evaluated using the “Exhaust air
“Tower Plume Indicator” by the ratio between the “Guaranteed characteristics ” method is not the same figure as the value
maximum relative humidity during the dilution process” (read evaluated using the “Maximum plume humidity” method,
from the manufacturer’s plume performance curves for the test but both figures are proportional one to the other. The
conditions) and the “Measured maximum relative humidity of “Maximum plume humidity” method always returns a
the exhaust air during the dilution process in the atmosphere” figure closer to 100% than does the “Exhaust air
6.2.1 Correction of the test relative humidities to chart characteristics” method. Nevertheless, in term of plume
barometric pressure. As the test barometric pressure is not performance, the result is the same as both evaluations
necessarily the same as the barometric pressure of the always return values lower, equal or above 100%.
psychrometric chart, a correction is to be calculated to

6.3.2 Calculation of “Tower Plume Indicator” from one that the maximum "Measured relative humidity"
method to the other. (corrected to the chart barometric pressure as described in From “Maximum plume humidity “ to “ Exhaust Section 6.1.1 or 6.2.1) in the fan exhaust area must be less
air characteristics” than or equal to the average multiplied by 1.2
On the psychrometric diagram : Rh Max = Rh m * 1.2 Draw the straight line between the measured Rh Max = Maximum permissible exhaust air relative humidity (%)
up-wind air conditions and tangent to the guarantee Rh m = Corrected measured average relative
maximum plume humidity curve. (Curve of the humidity (%)
maximum plume humidity calculated 6.2.4). This (Calculated per Section 6.1.1 or 6.2.1)
straight line is the “guaranteed dilution line “ as 7.4.2 Criteria calculation
defined in 6.1.4.
0n the psychrometric diagram: Calculate the correction of the guaranteed Draw the enthalpy line passing through the
relative humidity as 6.1.5 and the Tower Plume
point representing the average measured exhaust air
Indicator as 6.1.6.
properties. From “ Exhaust air characteristics” to Locate on this enthalpy line the point
“Maximum plume humidity”
corresponding to the allowed maximum permissible
On the psychrometric diagram exhaust air relative humidity (Rh Max ) Locate on the “measured “ dilution line Draw a straight line between the point just
(6.1.2) the point corresponding to the maximum plotted and the point representing the up-wind air
plume humidity. This point is the measured maximum properties. This line is the "maximum dilution line"
plume humidity as defined
Mark any individual measured air exhaust point that Locate on the “guaranteed” dilution line is above the “Maximum dilution line”
(6.1.4) the point corresponding to the maximum
7.5 Maximum air flow criteria.
plume humidity. This point is the “maximum
guaranteed plume humidity as defined If the measured relative humidity at some points is above the
normal scatter, these particular points must be marked, and the Calculate the Tower Plume Indicator per
associated air flow calculated. If the air flow associated with
these points doesn't exceed 15% of the total air flow of the
7.0 EVALUATION OF THE AIR MIXING QUALITY cooling tower, then the mixing quality is still acceptable and
This evaluation must be done only when the guarantee fulfilled.
specifies Level 2 plume abatement. 7.6 Mixing quality coefficient.
For Level 2 plume abatement, the quality of the air mixing The mixing quality coefficient can be calculated from the
shall be verified. The principle is to check that all exhaust air above marked and recorded air flow.
measured points are within an acceptable variation from the M Q = ( 1 - SUM ( v vi ) / SUM ( v v ) ) * 100
average point. (This variation is called "Scattering criteria")
M Q = Mixing quality percentage
7.1 Scattering Criteria Evaluation - CASE 1. If all the points
v vi = Marked exhaust local air flows (air velocity)
are within an acceptable variation, then the mixing quality is
fulfilled. v v = Local exhaust air flows (air velocity)
7.2 Scattering Criteria Evaluation - CASE 2. If some points M Q must be  85 %
exceed the acceptable variation, but the air flow associated The air mixing quality is fulfilled if the mixing quality
with these points is small (Called maximum air flow criteria), coefficient is equal to or greater than 85%.
the plume will disappear very quickly above the fan stack, and
the mixing quality is also fulfilled.
The fulfillment of the plume performance guarantee implies,
7.3 Scattering Criteria Evaluation - CASE 3. If some points
following the contractual agreement, that
exceed the acceptable variation, but the air flow associated
with these points is large, the plume will not disappear quickly Case 1: Thermal and Level 2 plume abatement guarantees
above the fan stack, and the mixing quality is not fulfilled. 1. The thermal guarantee is fulfilled by testing per CTI
7.4 Scattering criteria. ATC-105
7.4.1 Calculation of the maximum limit of the exhaust air 2. The “Tower plume indicator” is greater or equal to 100%
relative humidity. Tests on models and on actual cooling 3. The mixing quality coefficient is greater or equal to 85 %.
towers show that a scattering from 1.2 to 0.8 times the Case 2: Thermal and Level 1 plume abatement guarantees
average value of the exit air relative humidity is normal
1. The thermal guarantee is fulfilled by testing per CTI ATC-
and acceptable when mixing wet and dry air. This means


2. The “Tower plume indicator” is greater or equal to 100% 2. The mixing quality coefficient is greater or equal to 85 %.
Case 3: Level 2 plume abatement guarantee only. Case 4: Level 1 plume abatement guarantee only.
1. The “Tower plume indicator” is greater or equal to 100% 1. The “Tower plume indicator” is greater or equal to 100%

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Design Test
Water flow 1100 1100 l/s
Hot water : T HW 25.0 24.5 °C
Cold water : T CW 15.0 14.5 °C
Cooling range : R 10.0 10.0 °K
Up-wind dry bulb : T DBu 5.0 7.0 °C
Up-wind wet bulb : T WBu 4.3 3.4 °C
Up-wind relative humidity: Rh u 90 53.5 %
Inlet dry bulb : T DBi 5.0 7.1 °C
Inlet wet bulb: T WBi 4.3 3.6 °C
Inlet relative humidity; Rh i 90 54.9 %

Barometric pr.:P B /P Bm 101.3 100.6 kPa

Level 2 Plume Abatement YES

Exhaust air measurements Air characteristics Average WB, DB Calculation

Pts. l WB DB Vel Enthal. Hu.rat. Spe.Vol Mass Ent.*Mass Hu.*Mass

°C °C m/s KJ/kg kg/kg m³/kg kg/s.m²

W1 17.7 18.9 3.4 => 50.2991 0.01234 0.84988 => 4.00 201.22 0.0494
W2 17.7 19.4 15.1 => 50.2867 0.01213 0.85106 => 17.74 892.22 0.2152
W3 17.2 19.6 16.4 => 48.7255 0.01144 0.85070 => 19.28 939.34 0.2205
W4 16.1 20.4 14.8 => 45.3929 0.00980 0.85082 => 17.39 789.61 0.1705
W5 16.7 20.6 6.7 => 47.1776 0.01042 0.85224 => 7.86 370.89 0.0819

X1 17.2 18.4 4.5 => 48.7541 0.01193 0.84788 => 5.31 258.76 0.0633
X2 17.0 18.8 14.6 => 48.1305 0.01153 0.84850 => 17.21 828.17 0.1984
X3 17.1 20.2 16.7 => 48.4039 0.01107 0.85195 => 19.60 948.82 0.2170
X4 16.3 20.9 15.4 => 45.9734 0.00983 0.85231 => 18.07 830.67 0.1776
X5 16.6 20.3 7.8 => 46.8832 0.01043 0.85138 => 9.16 429.52 0.0956

Y1 16.4 16.9 5.1 => 46.3605 0.01160 0.84307 => 6.05 280.45 0.0702
Y2 16.1 17.4 13.9 => 45.4584 0.01104 0.84378 => 16.47 748.86 0.1819
Y3 15.5 17.2 15.7 => 43.7124 0.01043 0.84239 => 18.64 814.69 0.1944
Y4 15.2 17.7 15.2 => 42.8426 0.00988 0.84311 => 18.03 772.39 0.1781
Y5 14.9 18.4 8.2 => 41.9794 0.00926 0.84430 => 9.71 407.71 0.0899

Z1 16.6 17.1 3.8 => 46.9560 0.01175 0.84386 => 4.50 211.45 0.0529
Z2 16.3 17.5 12.9 => 46.0488 0.01123 0.84433 => 15.28 703.55 0.1716
Z3 15.9 17.6 14.9 => 44.8660 0.01072 0.84394 => 17.66 792.12 0.1893
Z4 15.9 18.6 15.4 => 44.8445 0.01031 0.84629 => 18.20 816.04 0.1876
Z5 15.3 19.2 7.2 => 43.0973 0.00938 0.84678 => 8.50 366.45 0.0798

Sum 268.66 12402.93 2.8850
Weighted average 46.1656 0.01074 <=
Aver. 16.35 18.84 11.4 <=

Exhaust dry bulb : T DBe 18.84 °C

Exhaust wet bulb: T WBe 16.35 °C
Exhaust relative humidity; Rh e 78.09 %

Correction of the relative humidity by barometric pressure (As 6.1.1 or 6.2.1)

Corr. Up-wind air rel. hum.: Rh uc =53.5 *101.3/100.6 = 53.87 %

Corr. Inlet air rel. hum.: Rh ic = 54.9*101.3/100.6 = 55.28 %
Corr. Exhaust air rel. hum.: Rh ie = 78.09*101.3/100.6 = 78.63 %


( Exhaust air characteristics curves)

11.0 Test interpretation
( Exhaust air characteristics curves)

11.1 Draw the “Measured plume dilution line” (As 6.1.2)

On the psychrometric diagram,
Up-wind air conditions : DB= 7.0 °C Rh = 53.87 %
Exit air conditions: DB= 18.84 °C Rh = 78.63 %
Draw the straight line between these two points
11.2 Calculation of the guarantee relative humidity (As 6.1.3)
On the performance curves
Water flow = 1100 l/s
Range = 10 °C
Inlet wet bulb = 3.6 °C
Inlet relative humidity (graph conditions) = 55. 28 %

By interpolation between the inlet humidity curves

Guarantee exhaust air wet bulb = 15.7 °C
Guarantee exhaust air dry bulb = 17.5 °C
Barometric pressure 101.3 kPa
- > Guarantee exit air humidity = 83.35 %
11.3 Draw the “Guarantee plume dilution line “ (As 6.1.4)
On the psychrometric diagram
Locate up-wind air conditions DB = 7.0 °C Rh = 53.87 %
Exhaust air conditions: DB = 17.5 °C Rh = 83.35 %
Draw the straight line between these two points
11.4 Calculation of the “Equivalent guarantee exhaust air relative humidity” (As 6.1.5)
On the psychrometric diagram :
Draw the line from “measured point”, parallel to the enthalpy line
The cross point between the above line and the “guarantee dilution line” correspond to 83.6% humidity.
11.5 Tower Plume indicator. (As 6.1.6)
Measured relative humidity = 78.4 %
Equivalent guarantee relative humidity = 83.6 %
TOWER PLUME INDICATOR = 100 * 83.6 / 78.4 = 106.6 %

( Maximum plume humidity curves)

Wet Dry Plume Abatement performance curve.

Maximum plume humidity during the dilution process.

Maximum plume humidity (%)

Inlet air


100 %

80 %

60 %

40 %

Design point
20 %
70 WB= 4.3 øC
DB= 5.0 øC
Rh= 90.0 %
PB= 101.3 Kpa

-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Inlet air dry bulb temperature. (øC)

Parallel air circuit. Waterflow = 1100 l/s

Full flow in the dry section
Air shutters fully open
Range = 10øC

13.0 Interpretation following the “Maximum plume humidity curves” method

13.1 Draw the “Measured plume dilution line” (As 6.2.2)
On the psychrometric diagram,
Locate up-wind air conditions : DB = 7.0°C Rh = 53. 87 %
Locate exhaust air conditions : DB = 18.84 °C Rh = 78. 63%
Draw the straight line between these two points
13.2 Calculation of the maximum plume humidity (Measured point) (As 6.2.3)
On the psychrometric diagram, we observe that the measured dilution line is tangent to the relative humidity curve corresponding to
78.7 %
13.3 Calculation of the guarantee maximum plume humidity . (As 6.2.4)
On the performance curve :
Water flow = 1100 l/S
Range = 10°C
Inlet dry bulb = 7.1 °C
Inlet relative humidity = 55. 28 %
We read, by interpolation between the relative humidities,
Guarantee maximum plume humidity = 83.7 %
13.4 Tower Plume indicator. (As 6.2.5)

Measured maximum plume humidity = 78.7 %
Guarantee maximum plume humidity = 83.7 %
TOWER PLUME INDICATOR = 100 * 83.7 / 78.7 = 106.4 %
14.0 Evaluation of the air mixing quality
Level 2 plume abatement
Maximum limit of the exhaust air relative humidity = 78.4 * 1.2 = 94.1 %
On the psychrometric diagram:
Locate the point on the enthalpy line passing at the measured point and corresponding to 94.1 %
Draw the straight line between above point and the point representing the up-wind air conditions. (Maximum limit of
the dilution line)
The measured points named Y1 and Z1 are located “above” the maximum limit of
the dilution line. These points are marked “Yes” in the table.
The air velocity corresponding to these points are : Y1 V = 5.1 m/s
Z1 V = 3.8 m/s
Sum of the concerned points = 8.9 m/s
Sum of all the air velocities = 227.7 m/s
Mixing quality : MQ = (1 - 8.9/227.7) * 100 = 96.1 %
The Mixing quality coefficient is higher than 85 %.
The mixing quality criteria is fulfilled.

Appendix: Selection of the design point; Examples of fogging frequency curve

Wet-dry cooling tower. Selection of design point.



Air relaive humidity (%)

70 Morning
60 Wet
Wet-dry 1
50 Wet-dry 2
Wet-dry 3


-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Air dry bulb tem perature (°C)

On the above graph, the year meteorological statistics of air statistical plume occurrence corresponding the several designs.
relative humidity versus air dry bulb temperature are plotted in
Any time Only daylight time
three categories : night, morning and afternoon.
Wet design 95.2 % 92.7 %
Four “Fogging frequency curves” are superposed on the same Wet-dry 1 66.5 % 54.9 %
graph. These “Fogging frequency curves” correspond to the Wet-dry 2 19.9 % 14.9 % Typical Selection
same “summer” thermal design and the same structural design Wet-dry 3 0% 0%
for the wet section (same amount of fill, same fan power). For
such design, any weather condition located below the fogging For example, with the design “Wet-dry 2” of this cooling
frequency curve gives a non visible plume. In contrary, any tower, the probability to have visible plume during daylight is
weather condition located above the fogging frequency curve 14.9 %.
will return a visible plume. Any points of a given fogging frequency curve can be taken as
The curve (named “Wet”, located bottom - right) correspond the design point.
to the wet thermal design, without any dry section in operation. As example, using the fogging frequency curve “Wet-dry 2”,
For example, at a dry-bulb 25°C, such a cooling tower will the design point DB = -5 °C with Humidity = 60 % will return
have a visible plume if the humidity is higher than 53%. exactly the same wet-dry cooling tower as the design point DB
The three other curves (named “Wet-dry 1 to 3) correspond to = 5°C with Humidity = 90 % or design point DB = 15°C with
three different designs of the dry section. The size of the Humidity = 99%. For this particular case, it is recommended to
bundles of the design cases “Wet-dry 3” and “Wet-dry 2” are select the design point around 5°C / 90%. The -5°C / 60%
respectively 6 times and 3 times bigger than the design of case point is too far from the allowed testing window and outside of
“Wet-dry 1” statistically common weather conditions. The 15°C / 99%
point corresponds to the flat part of the fogging frequency
The following table returns the proportion of the recorded
curve; meaning that a few percent variation in the humidity
weather conditions located above the fogging frequency curves
will have a large effect on the design.
(Weather condition with visible plume). This value is the

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