195 Asst 1 F 18

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Math 195 Assignments #1 Fall 2018

Class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11:40 PM in NAC 6/111. Attendance is required.

Instructor: Prof. Rochelle (Shelley) Ring Office: NAC 6/287B

Telephone: 212-650-5126 email: rring@ccny.cuny.edu
Office Hours: Thurs. 9-9:40 PM Tues..: 12-12:40 AM. Others by appointment in NAC 6/287 B
Text: The textbook being used is Stewart-Redlin-Watson Precalculus (7th edition), published by Cengage. The
course will use an online homework system called WebAssign which includes an electronic version of the
textbook. You are NOT required to purchase a paper version of the textbook. However, if you wish to do so, you
should purchase the package in the bookstore, which contains both a WebAssign registration card and a loose-leaf
version of the textbook. Students are required to do online homework, using the access key bundled with the text.
Instructions will be distributed on another sheet. Before each class be sure to read the section(s) of the book that
precede the next day’s homework, so you will be prepared for the material to be discussed in class. The sections
to be covered in the course are listed on the syllabus. The syllabus, as well as old finals, is listed at
www.sci.ccny.cuny.edu/math. Click on ‘Courses’ then ‘Math 195.’ There is an algebra review which includes
your FIRST HOMEWORK. Go to AlgebraReview3S07.pdf: on this site as well. Calculus requires a large amount
of algebra and trigonometry as well as a knowledge of exponentials and logarithms.
Paper and Online Homework: There are two types of homework and both types must be done. The homework
to be done on paper is listed below. Each one of the assignment numbers given below is due for each half-hour
the class meets. So, since the class meets for 100 minutes (2 periods), four half assignments are due. There
are answers to the odd numbered problems in the back of the book - check your own homework. All homework
should be done legibly, and I may check that you have done it or collect it. Put your name on top of each page of
the homework and do the homework on pages that you can hand in (do not do the homework in a notebook with
pages that you will have to tear out.) You will receive a zero if you are absent or have not done that day’s
homework. Section numbers precede the problem numbers unless a page (p.) is indicated. Some problems will
come from sheets that have been distributed or online. You may ask questions in class about the paper
homework. The online homework (WebAssign) will be due as indicated on the WebAssign website. The first two
WA assignments allow students five submissions to get familiar with the process, and the remaining exercises
allow only two submissions. However, please note that the problems in the homework cover only part of the
material in the course. It is very important that you come to class every day. The text is provides a basic
treatment of the topics but you are also responsible for the material we cover in class, which will amplify and
expand the material in the book. Be sure to do the homework and review your class notes before each class. to
reinforce crucial portions of the course material. It is recommended that you study material and do both types
of homework for at least two hours for each hour in class, which means you should be reviewing your notes,
reading the book and doing homework for a minimum of EIGHT hours per week, in addition to the time that you
PROBLEMS THAT ARE DUE THAT DAY. It is recommended that you study material and do homework for at
least two hours for each hour in class. This means you should be reviewing your notes, reading the book and
doing homework for a minimum of EIGHT hours per week.
Extra credit: I would like students to write the solutions to problems on the blackboard before or at the
beginning of the class. I will give you a credit each day you put homework problems on the board. Do one or
more complex problem but three or more short easy problems. Be sure to show all your work and be ready to
defend your answers. Three such homework credits will be worth a point on the next class exam after the credit is
College resources: Tutors should be available in Marshak 403 soon after the start of the semester. MAKE
SURE THAT YOU USE THEM. I will post materials that I distribute in class as well as extra materials (such as
sample exams) on the Blackboard (BB) site for the course. You must check the course site frequently. Also, I
will send you information in emails, so be sure that you check your CUNY email account (or list the address that
you use with the College.) You can access the BB site for the class through the CUNY Portal.
Grading: There will be three regular in-class one-hour exams (no make-ups.) In addition, there will be
homework quizzes once a week. The quizzes, online homework grades class participation and your performance
on collected homework will comprise 10% of your class grade. Your class grade including tests, quizzes and all
types of homework is 60% of your course grade. All exams will be averaged into your final grade. The final,
which is given by the department, must count as 40% of your course grade.
Warning: I will take attendance and you must attend class every day. A lateness of more than 10 minutes will
count as half an absence. I will drop people who have an excessive number of unexplained absences. It is crucial
that you attend class every day. Each time you are absent you may miss almost ½ a week of work! Try to
attend all classes but be sure to get notes from other students on any material you miss. Also be courteous.
Please turn off or set all cell phones or other devices to vibrate.
Academic Integrity: The CCNY policy on academic integrity will be followed. You can see the policy at:
procedures/Academic-Integrity-Policy.pdf Students are strongly encouraged to work on together on homework, but
should not simply copy someone else’s work. Be prepared to explain any homework problems.

Tentative Date for EXAM # 1 is October 2

Assignment # HALF-PERIOD ASSIGNMENTS (4 assignments are due each time the class meets!)

1. 1.1 /29, 31,33,47,53, 63

2. 1.1 / 38, 49, 55, 61. 1.2 / 0, 17, 31, 41, 55
3. 1.2 / 27, 31, 41, 45, 55, 73
4. 1,2 / 37,41, 43, 49, 59, 69, 77, 81
5. 1.3 / 13, 21, 29, 35, 53, 67, 71, 77 1.2 / 47, 67
6. 1.3 / 23, 51, 65, 73, 75, 79, 81
7. 1.4 / 9, 17, 21, 33, 45, 53, 61, 70, 79, 83
8. 1.4 / 13, 21, 41, 47, 55, 67, 73, 75, 89, 93
9. 1.5 / 5, 15, 21, 37, 49, 53, 61, 71, 77, 81, 91, 114 1.4 / 23, 35
10. 1.5 / 11, 19, 33, 41, 50, 55, 62, 73, 82, 93, 103, 109, 115
11. 1.7 / 21, 33, 37, 45, 53, 1.4 / 57, 65 1.5 / 23, 51, 59,
12. 1.8 / 17, 37, 51, 59, 69, 79, 83 1.7 / 29, 39 1.5 / 75, 97, 113
13. 1.8 / 21, 25, 43, 53, 61, 71, 81
14. 1.8 / 27, 45, 55, 62, 72, 85
15. 1.8 / 35, 49, 57, 65, 73, 87
16. 1.9 / 25, 31, 41, 55, 85, 89, 100 1.8 / 33, 47, 67, 70, 89
17. 1.9 / 27, 35, 43, 59, 87, 91, 93, 101
18. 1.10 / 11, 13, 27, 37, 41, 49 1.9 / 27, 37, 95, 99
19. 1.10 / 19, 23, 29, 33, 39, 43. 48 p. 137 / 2, 4c,e,f, 7 d,e,f, 8b,d,13 a,d
20. 2.1 / 21, 25, 33, 37, 41, 47, 53, 57, 61, 63
21. 2.1 / 29, 31, 38, 48, 60, 67. 71
Department of Mathematics, CCNY
Math 19500: Pre-Calculus Course Information Fall 2018
Course Supervisor: Prof. Matthew Auth email: mauth@ccny.cuny.edu

Text: Stewart-Redlin-Watson Precalculus, 7th edition (enhanced WebAssign bundle). This text,
available in the CCNY college bookstore, is in loose-leaf format and is considerably less expensive than
the standard hardcover version. The least expensive alternative is to purchase WebAssign access with e-
book included. You may also be able to purchase this package in the bookstore. See below.

You may wish to read an independent set of notes, keyed to sections in the textbook and located on the
Math 19500 website at http://math.sci.ccny.cuny.edu/courses?name=Math_19500 .

Calculators are not permitted on the final exam or class exams and will be used very infrequently
for homework assignments.

This course utilizes the online WebAssign homework system. Students have a choice between
 logging in to webassign.net as described below and then paying for WebAssign and e-book
access, or
 purchasing the above WebAssign/ebook package in the bookstore, or
 purchasing the looseleaf text (WebAssign access card included) (more expensive) in the

How to get started with WebAssign

1. Go to URL www.webassign.net .
2. Click I Have a class key, located under the login button.
3. Enter the code ccny 8649 9419 Then click Submit.
4. If your class is listed correctly, click on Yes this is my class. If not, try again: perhaps you typed the
Class Key incorrectly. If you still get the message No, this is not my class, email your instructor.
Choose I need to create a WebAssign account and click Continue.
5. Enter your desired username, password (twice) as well as First Name, Last Name, Email address in
the appropriate boxes. DO NOT enter a Student ID Number. Click Create My Account.
6. Click Log In Now.
7. If you have purchased a textbook, choose enter an Access Code and click Continue. If not, choose
continue my trial period and click continue. Your free trial period lasts about two weeks from that date.
8. A list of assignments with due dates should appear.
9. Click on Log out at the upper right of the screen.

This concludes your account setup session. For subsequent logins, go to webassign.net, and enter your
username, institution code, and password.

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