Dragon Master: Skilled Warriors and Casters

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These heroes are Dragon Masters.

a magical connection with a Dragon, Arcane
spells, and even good ol fashioned weapons
Dragon Masters can dominate the battlefield
weather it’s in the sky, on land, or in the sea.

Skilled Warriors and Casters .

Dragon Masters train for years to master combat
and spellcasting. To even gain the Title of
Dragon Master an individual must pass several
trials to prove their worth. The responsibility of
a dragon is a great one and can’t be given to just
anyone. It is just as much the Dragon masters
duty to protect the dragon, as it is for the dragon
to protect them.
Dragon Masters Learn to use all manner
of weapons in the pursuit of being chosen,
though the weapon of choice for most is the
naginata as it is devastating while mounted, and
is useful to keep enemies at bay with long
sweeping strikes. With the arcane, Dragon
masters prefer to use magics that aid their allies,
as well as ones that help to control the
battlefield. Though their spell casting power is
highly limited until they bond with a dragon,
after their bond the dragons innate magic
Dragon Master increases the dragon masters power.

A Human clad in leather armor spreads his arms

as he soars through the sky. He takes in the
scenery around him before he grabs the reigns of Draconic Bond .
the large reptilian creature holding him aloft.
The staple of a Dragon Master is there draconic
A Half-Orc walks silently through a bond. Once a Dragon master has gone through
glade stalking a deer. She takes care to stay in all their trainings they go through a completion
the shadows cast by the moonlight. She gives a of sorts to determine who is worthy to bond with
whistle and a drake darts out of the bushes and a dragon. The competition is a battle between all
bites the deer. of the trainees and is judged by an ancient
Metallic Dragon. Though the dragon does judge
A Dwarf sits behind a large boulder, skill it is not always the winner who is chosen
peeking out only to lose an arrow or an for the dragon also determines the winner by the
occasional spell. After a few moments all his strength of their character.
opponents have been felled. He gives a pat to the
boulder, and it stands up on four legs. He gives Once the winner has been chosen they
it a big hug. then undergo the ritual to bond them to a dragon.
The ritual is quite a simple. A dragon speaks the
Question “What do you swear?”. The Dragon

. Dragon Master 1
Dragon Master Spell Slots per Spell Level

Level Proficiency Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

1st +2 Draconic Teachings, Martial Prowess - - - - -
2nd +2 Spell Casting, Fighting Style 2 - - - -
3rd +2 Draconic Bond, Life Bond 3 - - - -
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 - - - -
5th +3 Extra Attack, Draconic Resistance 4 2 - - -
6th +3 Draconic Bond Feature 4 2 - - -
7th +3 Draconic Magic, Dragon Sleep 4 3 - - -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 - - -
9th +4 Best of Friends 4 3 2 - -
10th +4 PocketDragon, Martial Prowess Improvement 4 3 2 - -
11th +4 Dragon Magic Improvement 4 3 3 - -
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 - -
13th +5 Draconic Bond Feature 4 3 3 1 -
14th +5 Dragon Breath weapon (2 uses) 4 3 3 1 -
15th +5 Martial Prowess Improvement 4 3 3 2 -
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 2 -
17th +6 Draconic Bond Feature 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Best of Friends Improvement 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Dragon Rage 4 3 3 3 2

Master then speaks an oath to the dragon egg, greater, or were you drawn to it because of the
bonding it them by magical promise. Though it power it would give you. Perhaps your family is
is rare, this bonding process can take place a long line of Dragon Masters. Or perhaps you
outside of Dragon master temples with people are a rare case and a dragon in its dying breath
who have no connection with the temple. asked you to take care of its egg, binding it to
Though all dragons can be bonded with only you in the process so you are driven toward
some have become a staple of the order, and adventure because of your new responsibility.
others such as That of chromatic dragons are
One other thing to consider is how your
normally avoided because of their chaotic
character feels about this responsibility. Are they
eager to face the world as well as raise a dragon?
Creating A Dragon Master . Or is your character hesitant and scared of the
immense power they now wield in a small egg?
When Creating a dragon master, you may want One last thing to consider. Is your character
to consider what spurred your character to seek tempted by the power of a dragon and do they
out the training of a Dragon Master. Were you feel the pull of evil at the back of their mind
down on your luck and looking for something telling them to conquer and rule?

. Dragon Master 2
Quick Build Draconic Teachings .
You can make a dragon master quickly by You learn the language draconic, being able to
following these suggestions. Make your highest speak it, as well as read and write it. You
stat strength or dexterity (Depending on close additionally have learned the best way to
combat or far combat). Your second highest stat approach talking with dragons and their kin as to
should be Wisdom (Spellcasting stat) or not agitate them. You get advantage to charisma
Constitution (good for player and dragon (persuasion) checks with dragons and dragon
health). Next choose the Folk Hero background. kin, such as drakes and wyverns.

Class Features Martial Prowess .

As a Dragon Master you gain the following class Through your years of preparing to be a dragon
features. master you have learned to use your weapons to
their full effect. Once per short rest when you hit
Hit Points with a weapon attack you can deal extra damage
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Dragon Master level equal to your dragon master level. So, if you are
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10+ con modifier a second level dragon master the attack would
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your deal two extra damage. You gain an additional
constitution modifier per Dragon Master level use of this feature at 10th level, and another at
after 1st 15th.

Proficiencies Spellcasting .
Armor: Light armor, Medium armor, shields
Weapons: Martial weapons, simple weapons Through your trainings to become a dragon
Tools: none master you have learned how to harness arcane
energies to cast spells. See chapter 10 for the
Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom general rules of spellcasting (in the PHB) and at
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal the end of the document for the Dragon Master
Handling, Arcana, History, Nature, stealth, and spell list.
Preparing and Casting Spells
You start with the following equipment, in The Dragon Master table shows how many spell
addition to the equipment granted by your slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and
background: higher. To cast one of these Dragon Master
spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level
• (a) a naginata (Reach-10ft, Finesse, or higher. You regain all expended spell slots
Versatile d8 one hand/ two hand d10, when you finish a long rest.
Price 50gp, weight 5lbs, Special: Must
be wielded two handed while mounted) You prepare the list of Dragon Master spells that
or (b) a martial weapon are available for you to cast, choosing from
• (a) a Light Crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) the Dragon Master Spells list. When you do so,
five javelins choose a number of Dragon Master spells equal
to your Wisdom modifier + half your Dragon
• An Explorers pack and studded leather
Master level, rounded down (minimum of one
spell). The spells must be of a level for which
• A Dragon egg and a Dragon master
you have spell slots.
focus (Dragon scale)

. Dragon Master 3
For example, if you are a 6th-level Dragon Defense
Master, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd- While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1
level spell slots. With a Wisdom of 16, your list bonus to AC.
of prepared spells can a include six spells of 1st
or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare Dueling
the 1st-level spell cure wounds, you can cast it When you are wielding a melee weapon in one
using a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. Casting the hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus
spell doesn’t remove it from your list of to damage rolls with that weapon.
prepared spells.
You can also change your list of prepared spells
When a creature you can see attacks a target
when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you
of Dragon Master spells requires time spent in can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on
focus and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell
the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.
level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability Draconic Bond .

At 3rd level your dragon egg hatches and you can
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your
finally know what type of dragon you have and
Dragon Master spells, since your magic draws
gain the benefits of bonding with it. You choose
from your connection to nature and your bond
your dragon from the following types detailed at
with your dragon. You use your Wisdom
the end of the class description: Astral Dragon,
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting
Dragon Turtle, Vampiric Dragon, Iron Dragon,
ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom
and Metallic Dragon. You gain additional
modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a
benefits at 6th, 13th, and 17th level.
druid spell you cast and when making an attack
roll with one. Dragon Riding
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
When your dragon reaches certain ages, it will
your Wisdom modifier
be large enough to ride (see charts below).
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus While riding your dragon you use his movement
+ your Wisdom modifier speed. You cannot use his speed, unmount and
then use your speed because it takes your speed
Spellcasting Focus to mount and unmount. When not mounted, you
each have your own movement. While riding
Your spell casting Focus is a Dragon scale. If it
your dragon you can make attacks as normal, but
is lost one can be purchased for 50 gp or once
for melee attacks you must have a weapon with
your dragon is hatched, you can use one from it.
reach. Enemies can still choose to target you or
your dragon without any disadvantages.
Fighting Style .
At first level, you adopt a particular style of
Dragon Combat
fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the The dragon follows your lead in battle. It takes
following options. its turn on your initiative, though it doesn’t take
an action unless you command it to. On your
Archery turn, you can mentally command the dragon
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make where to move (no action required by you). You
with ranged weapons. can use your action to mentally command it to
take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or

. Dragon Master 4
Help action. Once you have the Extra Attack
feature, you can make one weapon attack
yourself and then let your dragon make the Life Bond .
second attack.
Your dragon also has a breath weapon Your connection with your dragon binds you in
and resistance (damage and type in the table at mind body and soul. You are your dragon and
the end of the class description). On your turn your dragon is you.
when you command your dragon to attack you
can command it to use its breath weapon instead. Blood Bond
A targeted creature makes a dexterity saving Your bond with your dragon links your fates
throw. On a success it takes half damage. On a together. It links together your very life blood.
failure it takes full damage. The dragon uses You and your dragon have linked Hit Points.
your DC for this attack. The range of it’s breath Your Dragons Hit Points equal your Hit Point
weapon is a 5ft cone. The cone grows by 5ft for maximum. You and your dragon take damage
every age, being 10ft at wyrmling, 15ft at young, separately. If your maximum is reduced due to
and 20ft at adult. They may only use the breath an attack or effect, then your dragon’s does too.
weapon once per turn. Once it uses this it must The dragon’s maximum recovers when yours
finish a long rest to use it again. does.

Your dragon statistics are determined by the Because of this bond if you fall
table at the end class description. unconscious or are dying your dragon falls
unconscious as well. The dragon does not need
to make saving throws. If you are healed to 1 or
above HP the dragon awakes with all of the HP
it had before falling unconscious. The same
happens if the dragon falls unconscious first,
with the player falling unconscious as well.
If the player or the dragon die, both die
as the bond makes it so one cannot leave without
the other.

Bodily Bond
Your bond helps to determine your dragons
Armor class. It’s armor class is equal to yours
+1 as it’s hard scales give a slight advantage
over your soft skin.

Mind Bond
You can communicate with your dragon
telepathically and always know it’s general
location as long as it’s on the same plane of
existance. The dragon gets this benefit as well.

Soul Bond
You and your dragon’s souls are linked. This
gives your dragon a faster maturity rate as it
progresses with your experiences together rather

. Dragon Master 5
than time. Your dragon starts at a hatchling at Iron Dragon Shatter Slow
level three. It becomes a wyrmling at 6th, a Metallic Alter self Fear
young dragon at 13th, and an adult at 17th. (Stats Dragon
for each age are found at the end of class Vampiric Pass Without Vampiric
description.) Dragon Trace Touch
This also gives the dragon master the
benefit of a dragon’s long life. Your life span is
increased by half of your races regular life span.
Dragon Sleep .
You and the dragon would die of old age at the Your bond with your dragon further improves
same time. your spell casting ability. Once per day when
you finish a short rest you can recover some
Ability Score Improvement . expended spell slots. The spell slots can have a
combined level that is equal to your proficiency
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th,
bonus. For example, if you are a 4th level dragon
12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one
master you can recover up to two levels worth of
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can
spell slots. So, you could recover two 1st level
increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
spell slots.
As normal, you can't increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature.
Best of Friends .
Extra Attack . As your dragon grows so does your bond with it.
Once per turn as a reaction when your dragon
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice,
takes damage you can chose to take half of the
instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
damage done. The damage comes through as
action on your turn.
psychic damage.
When you reach 18th level you can
Draconic resistance . chose to take all the damage done to your dragon
At 5th level you gain resistance to your chosen as a reaction.
dragon’s damage type. For instance, If you have
a astral dragon, you gain resistance to psychic PocketDragon .
Your dragon has become adaptable to the
situation at hand. It has learned to shift his size
Draconic Magic . to fit where it normally couldn’t at its age. The
At 7th level your dragon’s innate magical ability dragon can shapeshift between its current age
spreads to you granting you a new spell. You get and any of its previous ages. While in the form
an additional spell at 11th level. These spells do of a previous age it retains its current Hit Points,
not count against spells known. The following Armor Class, breath weapon damage, and
table below shows the available spells mental stats, but All Physical stats and melee
attack damage dice become that of the previous
Draconic Magic Spells age

Dragon Type At 7th level At 11th Level Dragon Breath Weapon (2 uses) .
Astral Phantasmal Blink
Dragon Force Your dragon has begun to mature and becomes
Dragon Moon Beam Sleet Storm more deadly as a result. Your dragon can now
Turtle use his breath weapon 2 times per long rest.

. Dragon Master 6
Dragon Rage . Master of the Mind
You and your Dragon can now unleash your full At 6th level your dragon’s psychic abilities
unbridled rage granting you and your dragon further allow you to peer into your enemy’s
certain benefits. As an action you can channel mind. You can use the Detect Thoughts spell at
the rage of your dragon for 1 minute. During this will as a bonus action. Furthermore, if your
minute you and your Dragon gain the following target fails it’s saving throw you can look
benefits. through its eyes for one minute seeing what it
sees. It still knows you read its thoughts.
• Your dragon regains all expended uses
of the breath weapon feature, as well as Head Ache
gains a third use of it while dragon rage
is active. At 13th level your draconic bond grows stronger
and with it grows your own psychic abilities.
• You may take one additional attack
You learn to unleash your pain on those who do
action on your turn a number of times
you harm. When you get hit with any attack you
equal to your wisdom modifier.
can see, you can use your reaction to have your
(Minimum 1)
attacker make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
Once you use this feature you cannot use it again failure the creature takes half the damage it dealt
until you finish a long rest. to you. On a success it takes no damage. You
can use this feature a number of times equal to
Draconic Bonds your wisdom modifier. You regain all expended
uses on a long rest.
Your egg hatches and your dragon is born ready
to face the world. The five most common dragon Astral Breath
types are listed below.
At 17th level your Bond is now perfect. You now
gain several benefits from a perfect bond.
Astral Dragon .
• You gain immunity to Psychic damage.
Your dragon is normally a denizen of the astral
• You gain a physic damage breath
plane. Able to shift through the planes at will
weapon. It does 4d6 damage in a 15ft
these dragons are a terrifying force of nature.
cone. Creatures hit make a dex save to
Though they normally are driven insane by
take half damage. One use per long rest
being in the material plane to long, your bond
• You gain immunity from others entering
with it acts as a tether to keep it sane.
your mind
Astral Feature
At 3rd level when you take this sub Dragon Turtle .
class you gain a feature from your dragon Though normally known as a lesser dragon these
companion. Your astral dragon’s innate powers creatures still possess immense power and a hard
of the mind extend to you. You learn to worm shell. This dragon is used to toppling ships on
your way into your opponent’s mind. Once per the high seas, but now it’s power resides with
short rest you can use your reaction to impose you.
disadvantage to an enemy attack roll. You gain
on additional use at 6th level, and another at 13th Shelled Feature
At 3rd level when you take this sub class
you gain a feature from your dragon companion.
The hard-magical shell of the dragon turtle

. Dragon Master 7
grants you harder skin. You get a permeant +2 to with you is unshakable, but anyone else is a
your AC. You gain on additional +1 at 6th level, possible enemy waiting to happen
and another +1 at 13th
Iron Feature
Immovable object At 3rd level when you take this sub class
you gain a feature from your dragon companion.
At 6th level your dragon’s sturdy shell has many
Your dragons Ferocity and rage spready to you.
uses. As an action, your dragon turtle can pull all
Once per short rest you can add an extra 1d6 of
of his limbs into his shell. At this point he takes
piercing damage to one weapon attack. You gain
no damage but has no movement speed. In this
on additional use at 6th level, and another at 13th
state it can only be moved with a DC 20 strength
check. A creature can crouch behind this for Iron Fury
quarter cover. As it grows to a young dragon it
can be three quarters cover, and at adult age can At 6th level your dragon’s fury grows and so
grant full cover. It takes an action to command does yours. Once per turn when you or your
the dragon to emerge from the shell. At 13th dragon takes damage from a melee attack, you
level it becomes a bonus action to command it to can immediately use your reaction to make an
enter and leave its shell. attack (if your hit) or have your dragon attack (if
your dragon is hit).
Battering Ram
Hard as Iron
At 13th level your dragon turtle is large enough
to be a wrecking ball. If your dragon moves 10ft At 13th level your dragons harden iron scales
and then hits with an attack roll the creature help to fortify you. On your turn you can use
takes an extra 3d6 damage and is pushed 10ft your action to grant yourself and your dragon
back. At 17th level you can target two adjacent Immunity to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing,
creatures making attack rolls for each. When and slashing damage until the start of your next
attacking two creatures, if one is not hit it is turn.
instead pushed 5ft and takes no damage. If a
creature were to be slammed into a wall or Spark Breath
object due to this attack it takes an extra 1d6 of At 17th level your Bond is now perfect. You now
damage. gain several benefits from a perfect bond
Steam Breath • You gain immunity to lightning damage.
• You gain immunity to fire damage
At 17th level your Bond is now perfect. You now
gain several benefits from a perfect bond. • You gain a lightning damage breath
weapon. It does 4d6 damage in a 15ft
• You gain immunity to thunder damage. cone. Creatures hit make a dex save to
• You gain a thunder damage breath take half damage. One use per long rest
weapon. It does 4d6 damage in a 15ft
cone. Creatures hit make a dex save to
take half damage. One use per long rest Metallic Dragon .
• You gain the ability to breath water
One of the more common dragon types, metallic
dragons come in a multitude of colors. These
Iron Dragon . dragons are some of the more inherently good
A dragon from the rare ferrous type, iron ones, so most people wouldn’t look down on
dragons are ferocious and hungry. There bond having one.

. Dragon Master 8
Metal Feature Vampiric Dragon .
At 3rd level when you take this sub class
you gain a feature from your dragon companion. Though not actually a vampire these dragons
Your dragons hardened metallic dragon scales still consume blood for sustenance. There are
magically help to deflect damage as if you had some of the stealthiest dragons known, able to
scales yourself. Once per short rest, when you stalk and kill prey without them ever knowing.
get hit with a weapon attack you can choose to
reduce the damage by 1d10. You gain on
Vampiric Feature
additional use at 6th level, and another at 13th At 3rd level when you take this sub class
you gain a feature from your dragon companion.
Shapeshifter Your dragon’s ability to devour spreads to you.
Once per short rest, when you hit with a weapon
At 6th level your dragons innate shapeshifting attack you can chose to gain 1d6 of Hit points
ability allows you to change your shape once a back as you sap life from your opponent. You
day. The shape has to be of the same size gain on additional use at 6th level, and another at
classification you are, and you retain all of your 13th. It increases as your dragon grows. It
stats, but to anyone who looks at or touches you, becomes 1d8 at 6th, 1d10 at 13th, and 1d12 at
you are that person or thing. A stealth check 17th.
must still be made if attempting to hide as an
object, but it is made with advantage. Stealth of Night
Terrifying sight At 6th level your dragon’s stealthy nature
imbues you with the same ability. You gain
At 13th level people learn to fear dragons power expertise in stealth (double your proficiency
and you can use this to your advantage. As a bonus), if you already have expertise in this you
bonus action you can command your dragon to may chose a different skill. You also get
terrify one creature. The creature must make a advantage on stealth checks in dim light or
wisdom saving through against your DC. On a darkness.
failure the creature becomes terrified of you and
your dragon. They may repeat the saving throw Sneaking fangs
at the end of their turn. At 17th level you can
target two creatures with this feature. At 13th level you learn to lay in wait for your
prey and assault their weaknesses. You now
Elemental breath have a sneak attack. Once per turn, you can deal
an extra 2d6 damage to one creature you or your
At 17th level your Bond is now perfect. You now dragon hit with an Attack if you have advantage
gain several benefits from a perfect bond. on the Attack roll. You don't need advantage on
the Attack roll if another enemy of the target is
• You gain immunity to your dragon’s
within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't Incapacitated,
type of damage.
and you don't have disadvantage on the Attack
• You gain a breath weapon of your roll.
dragon’s type. It does 4d6 damage in a
The damage you inflict with sneak
15ft cone. Creatures hit make a dex save
attack increases to 4d6 at 17th level.
to take half damage. One use per long
rest Vampiric Breath
• You gain the ability to imbue your At 17th level your Bond is now perfect. You now
weapon with your dragon’s damage type gain several benefits from a perfect bond.
instead of weapons normal damage type.

. Dragon Master 9
• You gain immunity to necrotic damage.
• You gain a necrotic damage breath
weapon. It does 4d6 damage in a 15ft
cone. Creatures hit make a dex save to
take half damage. One use per long rest
• You gain the ability to see invisible
creatures and have advantage to try and
locate hidden creatures.

Dragon Statistics

Astral Dragon Resistance Type-Psychic

Ages Speeds Size/ S D C I W C To Hit Claw Breath
Rideability T E O N I H Modifier damage weapon
R X N T S A Damage
Hatchling 10ft walking Small/No 7 8 10 10 8 7 +2 1d4 2d6
(3rdlevel) 10ft Flying Psychic
Wyrmling 20ft walking Medium/No 10 12 12 15 13 13 +4 1d6 3d6
(6thLevel) 20ft Flying Psychic
Young 30ft walking Large/Yes 12 15 13 17 13 15 +7 1d8 4d6
(13thLevel) 30ft Flying Psychic
Adult 30ft walking Huge/Yes 12 15 15 23 17 17 +11 1d10 5d6
(17thLevel) 40ft Flying Psychic
Dragon Turtle Resistance Type-Thunder
Ages Speeds Size/ S D C I W C To Hit Claw Breath
Rideability T E O N I H Modifier damage weapon
R X N T S A Damage
Hatchling 10ft walking Small/No 7 8 12 10 8 7 +2 1d4 2d6
(3rdlevel) 10ft swim Thunder
Wyrmling 20ft walking Medium/No 13 10 15 13 10 11 +4 1d6 3d6
(6thLevel) 20ft swim Thunder
Young 30ft walking Large/Yes 15 11 19 15 11 13 +7 1d8 4d6
(13thLevel) 30ft swim Thunder
Adult 30ft walking Huge/Yes 17 11 23 17 13 15 +11 1d10 5d6
(17thLevel) 40ft Swim Thunder

Iron Dragon Resistance Type-Lightning

Ages Speeds Size/ S D C I W C To Hit Claw Breath
Rideability T E O N I H Modifier damage weapon
R X N T S A Damage
Hatchling 10ft walking Small/No 7 8 10 10 12 8 +2 1d4 2d6
(3rdlevel) 10ft Flying Lightning
Wyrmling 20ft walking Medium/No 15 14 13 10 11 13 +4 1d6 3d6
(6thLevel) 20ft Flying Lightning
Young 30ft walking Large/Yes 19 14 17 12 11 15 +7 1d8 4d6
(13thLevel) 30ft Flying Lightning
Adult 30ft walking Huge/Yes 23 14 21 14 13 17 +11 1d10 5d6
(17thLevel) 40ft Flying Lightning

. Dragon Master 10
Metallic Dragon Resistance Type- Depends on color
Ages Speeds Size/ S D C I W C To Hit Claw Breath
Rideability T E O N I H Modifier damage weapon
R X N T S A Damage
Hatchling 10ft walking Small/No 7 8 10 10 8 10 +2 1d4 2d6
(3rdlevel) 10ft Flying Depends
on color
Wyrmling 20ft walking Medium/No 13 12 14 13 13 15 +4 1d6 3d6
(6thLevel) 20ft Flying Depends
on color
Young 30ft walking Large/Yes 14 14 15 14 15 17 +7 1d8 4d6
(13thLevel) 30ft Flying Depends
on color
Adult 30ft walking Huge/Yes 15 17 19 16 17 25 +11 1d10 5d6
(17thLevel) 40ft Flying Depends
on color

Vampiric Dragon Resistance Type- Necrotic

Ages Speeds Size/ S D C I W C To Hit Claw Breath
Rideability T E O N I H Modifier damage weapon
R X N T S A Damage
Hatchling 10ft walking Small/No 7 12 10 10 8 7 +2 1d4 2d6
(3rdlevel) 10ft Flying Necrotic
Wyrmling 20ft walking Medium/No 11 15 14 13 11 10 +4 1d6 3d6
(6thLevel) 20ft Flying Necrotic
Young 30ft walking Large/Yes 14 19 15 14 12 12 +7 1d8 4d6
(13thLevel) 30ft Flying Necrotic
Adult 30ft walking Huge/Yes 15 23 15 16 15 13 +11 1d10 5d6
(17thLevel) 40ft Flying Necrotic

Dragon Master Multiclassing

Should you wish to multiclass into a dragon
master, the prerequisites and proficiencies
gained are listed below.
Dragon Master Multiclassing Prerequisites
Ability Score Minimum
Strength 13 or Dexterity 13, and Wisdom 13

Dragon Master Multiclassing Proficiencies

Proficiencies Gained
Light armor, medium armor, Shields, Simple
weapons, martial weapons

. Dragon Master 11
Dragon Master Spells 5th Level

1st Level • Conjure Volley

• Control Winds
• Cure Wounds • Immolation
• Entangle • Insect Plague
• Faerie Fire • Mass Cure wounds
• Feather fall • Teleportation circle
• Fog Cloud • Wall of stone
• Hail of Thorns
• Healing Word
• Hunter’s Mark
• Thunder wave
2nd Level

• Barkskin
• Darkvision
• Flaming Sphere
• Healing Spirit
• Moonbeam
• Lesser restoration
• Pass without Trace
• Silence
• Spike Growth
3rd Level

• Conjure Barrage
• Counter Spell
• Erupting Earth
• Flame Arrows
• Melfs Minute Meteors
• Plant Growth
• Protection from Energy
• Stinking cloud
• Water Breathing
• Wind Wall
4th Level

• Freedom of movement
• Hallucinatory terrain
• Ice Storm
• Vitriolic Sphere
• Wall of fire

. Dragon Master 12

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