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E Engtisrr fl Frangais
Gl o"rtr"r' I ttutiuno
El rspanot E Portugues
W tr
1. This camerais not resistantto water,and should not This.devicecomplieswith part 15 of the FCC
be usedoutdoorsif it is rainingor snowing.lf it is is subjectto the followingtwo conditions:(1)
This Oevicemay
accidentallydroppedin water,contactan authorized not cause harmful interfere.nce, and (2) this device ,r"t
Canon servicefacility.Keep the cameraout of salt received,inctudinginierferencethat may"""!pt
'i ::,y]1,:1:ren_ce,
spray and excessivehumidity.lf used at the beach,
clean it thoroughlyafterwardwith a dry cloth. chanses or modificarionsto the equipment
i ?::"^,llf: Irv
specifiedin the such
2. Storethe camera in a cool, dry, dust-freeplace.Be It or ll::",
modificationsshould be made, you could "nrng".
be required to-stop
sure to keep the cameraout of directsunlight,and operationof the equipment.
away trom "hot spots"such as the trunk or rear This equipmenthas been tested and found
to comply with the
windowshelf of a car.Avoid placeswhere mothballs limitsfor a class B digitaldevice,prr"rrnito
part .t5 of the
are used,and use a desiccantin excessivehumidity. FCC Rules.These limits are designed piouiOe
to reasonable
3. Do not attemptto disassemblethe camerayourself, protectionagainst harmfurinterference
in a residential
sincethereis high-voltage circuitryinside. installation. This equipmentgenerates,uses and can
radiofrequencyenergy and, if not installed
4. The batterymay explodeor cause burns if and used in
accordancewith the instructions,may cause
disassembled,recharged,shorted,exposedto high harmful
interferenceto radio communications.
temperatures,or disposedof in a fire. However,there is no guaranteethat interference
5. Use a blowerbrush to removedust and sand from wiil not occur
in a particurar instailaiion.rf this equipmentdoes cause
the lens and insidethe camera.Do not apply any interferenceto radio or televisionreception,
wnich can be
fluidsto the lens or body.Takethe camerato an turningthe equipmentoff and on, the user
authorizedCanon servicefacilityfor a more encouragedto try to correctthe interference
by one or more of
thoroughcleaningif necessary. thefollowingmeasures:
. Reorientor relocatethe
6. Film passingthroughX-ray examinationsat an receivingantenna.
. Increasethe separation
airportmay be exposedand ruinedeven when between-theequifment and receiver.
loadedin the camera.Requesta differentmethodof '"il/il ;#ffi;ffi",; 1
inspectionto avoid damage. Thisdigitalapparatusdoes not exceed
tn" Cl"*E tirG to,
radionoise emissionsfrom digitalapparatus
7. Color reproductionmay be adverselyaffectedif the as set out in the
film is left in the camerafor a long time.Always Apparatus", tCES-003of the IndustryC"n"J".
develop exposed film promptly.
'ffi,, Cetappareilnum6riquerespecteles limites
applicablesaux appareilsnumeriquesde
prescrites Classe
dans la normesur le mat6rielbrouilleur:
lf you use the flash continuously(30 times or more) um6riques", NM8-0036dict6epar l,lndustrieCanada.
whileno film is in the camera,the cameramay stop
The (€ Markis a Oir"ctiu" mrrkE tnZ
to preventthe flash unit from overheating.lf this a C European
\ \ Community (EC) "ontorrfi
happens,turn the cameraoff and wait a few minutes
beforeturningit back on again.

El-z tr-r
Thank you for purchasing this Canon product.
Beforetakingpictures,pleaseread these instructions
E taking Pictures.....
G r e e n / O r a n gIen d i c a t o r s
.."".'--.'23 tr
carefullyfor a thoroughunderstandingof how the T a k i n gP i c t u r e st h r o u g ha W i n d o w' . " . ' . ' . . - . - . . " - 2 3
cameraoperates. C l o s e - u pP h o t o g r a p h y .'...'.'-.-""..24
E R e m o v i n gt h e F i l m C a r t r i d g e. . . . . . ' . . ' . ' - . - . ' - " 2 5
F i l mC a r t r i d g eP r o c e s s t n g '---.'.""'26
Table of Contents
HandlingFilm CartridgesAfter Exposure'.".""26
These instructionsare dividedinto four sections:
Advanced Operations
6 Cnanging
f t9 4u1s FlashWithoutRed-eyeReduction..2B
E @tfr Auto FlashWith Red-eyeReduction'.29
i Convention
is usedin theseinstructions:
R e d - e y eR e d u c t i oFn u n c t i o.n. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . 3 0
E t r t a s nO N M o d e . . . . .....'......'.31
([) gil:ff. voushouldobserve
whenusinsthe E
i tr E O I Slow-synchro ModewithRed-eye
' l:l Reduction . . . . . .' .' . . 3 3
lfl Additionalinformationon usingthe camera.
i U s i n gF o c u sL o c k . . . . . . . . . . ..............34
' J U s i n gt h e S e l f - t i m e. .r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5
II Introduction 'rr Shooting withtheOptional RemoteControl..'.36
$ 1 ' H a n d l i n gP r e c a u t i o n s ....................2 Replacing theRemote Control Battery"-'.'..."'37
Tableof Contents ........4 lmprinting the Dateand Time "....38
ADVANCEDPHOTOSYSTEMFeatures........6 S e l e c t i nt hgeD a t eF o r m a t . . . . . . . . ."............ . . . . . . ' 3 9
AdvancedPhoto SystemQuick Reference....8 Settingthe Dateand Time
F / l m p r i n t i nTgi t l e s . . . . . .
Q u i c kR e f e r e n c e . .......10
N o m e n c l a t u.r.e. . . . . . . . . . . . ................12 Selecting theTitleLanguage ......'.........' :..-' -'.'42
A t t a c h i n tgh e S t r a p . . . ...................12 S e l e c t i nt hgeT i t l e . . . . . . . ..'.....'.'."...43
a € M i d - r oF W,WW
l l i l mC h a n g e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4
ilt Basic Operations ToRemove an Unfinished FilmCartridge..'-'-'.'.44
-t L JJL o a d i n gt h e B a t t e r y ................15 Loading a Partially UsedFilmCartridge '..'.'...'45
E L o a d i n gt h e F i l mC a r t r i d g e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 H Settingthe PrintQuantity '.'...46
C h e c k i nt hg eP h o t o g r a pDhayt a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 S e t t i n gt h e C u s t o mF u n c t i o n s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . ' 4 8
E Turning t h e P o w e rO n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . 1 8
Checking theBattery
E H o t O i ntgh e C a m e r a
Power ........18
................19 4l Additional lnformation
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n. .g. . . . . . . ..............'..50
E C h o o s i n gt h e P r i n tT y p e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 Q u e s t i o nas n dA n s w e r s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . 5 1
E U s i n gt h e Z o o m ......................21

E-u tr-s

lI - r - - - r - - - r - - - - -
.I tr

I fnis camera
-, : -
supportsthe new AdvancedPhoto
^. .--^J^ +L.^ narrr A-l.,anaar{ D
E ttew TypePrints
I o.,^+^*
System.This osystem,
rrctam as well
ac u as
rall a c Canon's
Canon's advanced
ar]var The AdvancedPhoto System allows the camera to shoot
I tecnnotogyhas made it possibleto producea three types of prints:in additionto classic print types (C
print),you can now shootwide-angle(H print)and panorama
camerathat is smallerthan any previouscamerawith (P print)prints.
a 2x zoom lens. The AdvancedPhoto System can also imprintdate/time
Here are some of the specialfeaturesof this system' information on the back of the print,or on the front and back
of the print.The systemcan also imprinttitletext on the back
E New Film of the print.
The 1X240new film comes in "Charactersize, shape, color,position,and abilityto print on
a compact film cartridgewith both sides may vary accordingto the individualphoto shop'
no leader.This new droP-in
film can be easilYloadedbY
anyone,and rePlacesall
orevioushard-to-load films.
Back of the
In addition,the visual
exposureindicatoron the top
of the cartridgeshows whetherthe film cartridge
unexposed,partial,exposed,or processed' E New Processing Methods
Previous135 (35mm)filmhas alwaysbeen returnedfrom
the processinglab as negativestrips.This has made
t?t lVtid-rollFilm Change orderingreprintsinconvenient sinceeach picturemust be
lf a partiallyexposedfilm cartridgeis reloadedin the foundon the negativestrips.With the AdvancedPhoto
camera,the camera automatically advances the film to the
Systemhowever,the negativefilm is returnedfrom the
next unexposedframe.You can then continuetakingpictures certifiedshop reloadedin its cartridge,accompaniedby an "Y!nt.!i
untilthe film cartridgeis fully exposed' This allows you to
indexprint.Unlikehard{o-seenegativestripsof previous
use separatefilm cartridgesfor differenttypes of subjects,or cameras,this indexprint (whereall shotscan be viewed)
makesreviewingprints much easier.Users can now order
Ti11""n,",', exposedfilm cartridgeis loaded into in a * reprintssimplyby matchingthe lD on the back of the print or
camerathat does not supportmid-rollfilm change,the on the indexprintwith the lD on the film cartridge,and then
camera will set the visual exposureindicatorto "Exposed" specifyingthe print numberto be reprintedat the photo
and will not load the film. Be sure to check the features of
each camera.

L-- - --r - - - -- - - - - - - J---r -- - r - J

tr-o El-t
1 Simple film cartridge toading. (--+16)
. Unlikeprevious
135(35mm) film,thereis no needto


rE-_l ) A choice of print types (--; 20)

C print Zr a Youcanchoosefromthreeprint
p, nt types.
l# . C print;Classicprint
. H print:Wide-angleprint

H print . P print:Panoramaprint

1_==z=G P print
Print tyPe selection lever

Data recordedon film

. Date and title
I, 3 A variety of data (lX information) is recorded
magnetically on the film surface.
. All the informationdescribedat left
can be recordedon
. Printtype the film.
. The exposureinformationis used
. Printquantity in the printingprocess
to producebetter qualityprints.
. FlashON/OFF
. Subjectbrightness

Exposed film cartridges can be processed for

FilmstriPlD printing at Advanced photo System certified
shops. (-+ 26)
I After developing,the shop will returnyour pictures,
alon-gwith an indexprint,and the film cartridgewith
the film inside.
. Whgl orderingreprintsfrom a
certifiedshop, lust match
the lD on the back of the printor on the indexprint
sheetwith the lD on the film cartridge,and specify
whichprintsyou want.

tr-s '-q
5 Choose the print type.
(+ 20)
.f ThevieMinderfield

Open the film cartridge

Turn the zoom lever to
compartment cover.
set the subject size.
(-+ 16)
. Turnthecrankuntilthe (-+ 21)

Drop in the film and

3 close the cover.
(+ 16) 7 Position the AF frame
over the subject and
press the shutter button.
. Checkthat the visual
exposureindicatoron the (-+ 22)
.f Theflashfiresautomatically
film cartridgeshows either C
(unexposed)or D (Partially in backlitor low-light
exposed). conditions.

Switch the camera on.

When you have finished
(-+ 18)
lThe lenscoveropensand the film and it has
thelensis setforshooting. rewound, remove the
film cartridge. (-+ 25)
. Checkthat the ! icon on
the LCD panelis blinking
and then open the cartridge
. Removethe film cartridge
and close the cartridge
El-to El-tt
. (-->I) is shorthandfor "See page I".
LCD panel
i U nemote button(+ p.35,36)
lndicated in this docum€nt as rrc g Viewfinder( -->p.14, 20)

Shutter button (-+ p.22) Greenindicator(-+ p.23) Printtype selectionlever

Flash (+ p.20)
Zoom lever (withbuilt-inred-eye Orange indicator
(-+ p.21) reductionlamp)
H Printquantity
Mainswitch (-+ p.t8)
button(-+ p.46)

6 Flash mode
button (-+ p.27)

Remote control Batterycompartment selection
sensor c o v e r( + p . 1 5 ) button
(+ p.a2, a8)
AF emitter/sensor Viewfinder window Strapmount
Date button (-+ p.12)
Attaching the Strap ( + p . 3 8 ,a 0 )
Film cartridge
So that you do not droP Your Selectbutton compartment cover
camera, attach the straP Provided (-+ p.40,42, 47, 48) crank (-+ p.16, 25)
before you use the camera. Film cartridge
. Attachthe straoas shownin stepse Set button
( - + p . 3 9 ,4 0 , 4 7 , 4 8 ) compartmentcover
Tripod socket
# " € M i d - r o lcl h a n g eb u t t o n( - ) p . 2 5 , 4 4 )

i-=---;U;;ih;-pn;h-butto" pr"rectl"nitpu;h-th;
SEr-ecr i
i l3- button theSETbutton
(--;p.40,42,47,48), (--+p.39,40' i
i 47. 48\ and the 3^€ button (- p-25. 44)- i
. Remotecontrol(RC-s) is sold separately.

E', E-t:
" (+ l) is shorthandfor "see PageI"' LCD panel
E,URemote Viewfinder(-+ p. 14, 20)
lndicatedin this documentas trra l)
Green indicator(+ p.23) Printtype selectionlever
Shutterbutton (-+ P.22) Flash (-+ p.20)
Zoom lever (with built-inred-eYe Orange indicator(-+ p.23)
(-+ p.21) reductionlamP)
H Printquantity
Main switch (-_>p.18)
specificationbutton (-+ p.46)

E Ftashmode
button(-+ p.27)

Light metering
BatterycomPartment il titte selection
Remote control
c o v e r(-+ P.15) button
AF emitter/sensor Viewfinderwindow Strapmount
Datebutton ( + p . 12 )
(-+ p.38,40)
Attachingthe Film cartridge
Selectbutton compartmentcover
(-+ p.40,42, 47, 48) c r a n k ( - + p . 1 6 ,2 5 )
beforeyou use the camera' Set button Film cartridge
. Attachthestrapas shownin stepsO compartmentcover
(-+ p.39, 40, 47, 48\
and@. Tripod socket

F# Mid-rollchange button (-->p.25, 44)


. Remotecontrol (RC-S)is sold separately.

LCD Panel (normally information)
displays Applicable
Battery:One CR2 lithiumbattery

FlashOn indicator Flash Off indicator tl Open the battery cover.

I . Pushat @ andslidethe
6 g-15,:";Il"n'" Flashmode
coverout untilit stopsO.
Thenslowlyopenthe cover
Printquantity/Custom @ and remove.
Title selection Framecounter
indicator Load the new battery.
. Ensure that the + and -
Batterylevelindicator Film cartridge
indicator terminalsare positioned
EA (on) BatteryfullYcharged
E (on) Preparea new battery.
-lq;1ir(blinking)Installthe new battery.(-+ p.15)

r Frames Reattachthe cover.

. Clip the end of the cover in
lose-upFrame place and press it down C.
Composeyourpicture When taking pictures at Then slide the cover fully
withinthisframe(H print). distances between 0.45 and closed @.
1 . 0 m ( 1 . 5a n d 3 . 3 f t . ) , I The El icon appears on
compose your picture below the LCD panel and the
this frame. The area above date/timedisplay "-- -- --"
this frame will not aPPearin blinks.
the picture.(-+ P.2a)
Adjust the date and
time. (-+ a0)

Positionthis frame over the subject.

EI-t+ E-ts
Open the film cartridge
1 compartment cover.
. Turnthecrankuntilthe
About the Film Cartridges
. Use 1X240cartridgefilm.
. Youcannotuse conventional
g (unexposed)

compartment 135 (35mm)film in this camera.
. Use film cartridgesthat show
the O (unexposed)or )
Load the film cartridge.
. Load the cartridgewith the
visualexposureindicator Checking the Photography Data
. With the camera switchedoff,
pressthe 6 button.
t The informationshown below
appearson the LCD panel.

Close the cartridge

] compartment cover. Filmsensitivity
. Pressthe cartridge
compartmentcover closed 'i
untilit clicksinto Place.
I The ! icon appearson
; ,:ti l. n Filmtype
In : Color negativefilm
the LCD paneland the film Ir : Color reversalfilm
is automatically wound on. l-sdl bL : Blackand whitefilm
- - :Otherfilm
"1" appears on the Maximumnumber
frame counter. of availableshots.
. lf "1"is notshown,
the filmcartridgeis loaded
. Whenyou loada film . lf you load a film cartridge
cartridgethat is showingthe D showingthe 8 (fully
counter (partiallyexposed)indicator, exposed)or !(processed)
indicator the cameraautomaticallY indicator,"0" appearson the
advancesthe filmto the first framecounterand the I
unexposedframeand from icon blinks.Replacethe film
that oointon the frame cartridgewith one that shows the O (unexposed)or
countershowsthe total ) (partiallyexposed)indicator.
numberof framesexposed.
El-to El-n
Press the main switch. To avoidobscuringthe imagewith your fingersand to
I The lens coveropensand the ensurea clear sharp picture,take care to keep your
lens is zoomedout to the wide- handsand hair away from the areas marked. below.
anglesetting(23 mm).
I The flash is set to automatic . AF emitter/sensor . Flash
flashoperation(Automode). . Lightmeteringwindow
( - - +p . 2 7 , 2 8 ) . Lens
. lf you pressthe main switch
again,the lens retracts,the lens
coverclosesand the camera
Holdthe cameraas shown belowwhen takino

Checking the Battery Power

Checkthat the batteryiconra appearson the LCD
panelwhen you switchthe cameraon.
crt (on) The batteryis fully charged.
q (on) PreParea new battery'
-{a (blinking)Installthe new battery.(-+ p.15)
A new batterygenerallyhas sufficientcapacityfor
ten 25-shotfilm cartridges(basedon Canon's
StandardTest Methodwith normaltemperatures
and with the flash used for 50% of shots).
. Use one CR2 thium battery.
E . Alwayscheck the batterycapacitybefore using the
. lf you are travelingor intend to take many pictures,
take a supply of spare batteries.The batteriesmay
be difficultto obtain at your destination.
. lf you take a number of consecutiveshots using
the flash,the batterypower may drop off
temporarilyand preventthe LCD panelfrom
displayingdata correctly.lf this occurs,switch the
cameraoff and wait a few minutesbefore
switchingit on again.

E-ts El-tq
With this camera,you can chooseany of three types Youcan use the zoom leverto changethe
size of your
of print:C print,H printor P Print. subject.

Turn the print type

selection lever.
t The viewfinderscreenchanges
as shown belowwhen You
selecta printtype.
. You can select a differentprint i*'-
type for each shot. ItTilWide-angte(23 mm)
t The black areas in the [] Tetephoro (46 mm)
Usethis settingfor large- Use this settingfor pictures
viewfinderdo not appearon scaleimagessuch as wnereyou want to zoom in
the print. sceneryand grouppictures on your subject,such as
C print H Print

f _
:: | ::
Turn the zoom lever.
. Turningthe leverto the
It-l ll zooms In on your subject,while
turningit to the left zooms our
for a wide-angleshot.

Selectthe best printtype for the subject

;yfll",.*it"r.,.lh;;",; ;;;il;l;;;-i"l;i,*,
i f=l
i HI set to wtde angle (23 mm). I
.lf the camera is left unused
i for 4 minuteswith the I
i lens extendedto the telephotoposition,
the lens i
i automaticallyretractsto the wide_angleposition
j protectivemeasure. i
"u " ,
El-zo El-zr
The shutterbuttonhas a two-stepaction.
The first step sets the focus and exposure,while the
secondstep releasesthe shutter.


Green indicator
!1f pamera ready to shoot (subjectin focus).
Blinks(4 times/sec.):proximitywarning*1

1 Set the focus.

. Positionthe AF frame over
your subjectand pressthe
Orange indicator
Lit:Flashfuily charged.
shutter button down Blinks(4 times/sec.):Camerashakewarning(withthe flash
halfway. switchedoffl "2
I The green indicatorlights
when the camerahas Whenthe proximitywarningappears,moveiwiy
focusedon the subject. {) the subjectuntilthe greenindicatorstopsblinking
. Keep the shutterbutton
presseddown halfway.

Take the picture. "2 .You shoulduse a tripodor other

. Presstheshutterbutton cameramount
when the camerashakewarningappears.
down fully.
. Press the button down
gentlyand smoothly.
When you are taking pictures
I The shutteris released.
through a window, hold the
tneihutter i \rWindow camera as close to the glass
E buttonbeing pressedand the shutter releasing'ln
general,you shouldhold the camerastilluntilyou
.' as possibte (20 cm (0.7 ft.) or
less) and shoot at an angle to
hear the film winding noise, which indicatesthat it has the glass.
finishedtaking the picture. lf you are too far from the
. You can use the CF1 custom functionsetting to window, the camera may focus
specifyRealtimeReleasephotography,in which the on the surface of the glass
shutteris releasedinstantly.(-+ p.48, a9) rather than on the subject.

El-zz El-zz
Close-up Photography The film rewindsautomatically when it reachesthe end.
The framecountercountsdown as the film rewindsand the !
Whenyou are shootingat distancesof 45 cm to 1 m iconblinkswhen the film is fully rewound.
(1.5to 3.3 ft.),the areavisiblethroughthe viewfinder . To removethe film cartridgebefore
the end of the film is
does not matchthe area actuallyincludedin the shot. reached,see p.44.
. Youcan use the CF3 customfunction
The area abovethe close-upframe markingswill not be settingto preventthe
camerafrom automatically rewindingwhen it reachesthe end
includedin the photograPh.
of the film.(-+ p.a8)
For takingpicturesat distancesof 45 cm to 1 m (1.5 to
3.3 ft.),followthe stepsbelow,usingthe close-upframe.
Set the focus.
. Positionthe AF frame over E1 1 Check that the ! icon
is blinking.
. l f t h e I i c o ni s n o t
the subjectand Pressthe blinking,use the push-
shutterbuttondown halfwaY. buttonprojection(-+ p.12)
. Checkthat the green to press the #"? button
indicatoris lit. (-+ p.13).
A F frame . KeePthe shutterbutton
presseddown halfwaY. Open the film cartridge
compartment cover.
Compose the shot and . Turnthecrankuntilthe
take the picture. coveropens.
. Comoosethe shot so that the
subjectis belowthe close-uP
frame and take the Picture.
. Do not changethe distance
betweenthe cameraand the
Area visiblein the viewfinder
3 Take out the film
I The ! iconon theLCD
but not photographed. panel goes off.
I The visualexposure
indicatoron the film
cartridgehas changedto
g (fullyexposed).
Area actuallyphotographed(insidedottedline)

Film Cartridge Processing
Youcan switchthe flashoff or set it to
fire eachtime you
takea picture.Selectthe modetnat beit
. Exposedfilm cartridgescan be processedfor suitsyoursubject
printingat AdvancedPhoto Systemcertified ' The rl) and
O(t) .Etting" can be stored in the camera,s
shops. m_emory. At shipment, the camera ts set so
that the flash mode is
. All certifiedshopsdo the following: (t) when you switch
the camera on. However, if you
camera off while the flash mode switch the
C Returnyour cartridgewith the film inside. is set to O(r) , that setting is
stored in the camera's memory and
@ Processall three types of prints. the flash mode
when you switch the iamera 0""f.
- will begin from
@ tvtakean index print sheet. . .@ttt
You can use the CF2 custom function
io specify that
@ Usethe printqualitydatafor betterqualityprints. whichever flash mode is active when ""tting
you s*jtcf, of the camera
@ lmprintthe dateand titleon the backof the print. be stored rn the camera,s memory. (_+

Handling Film Cartridges After Exposure +

o Hir
Select the flash mode.
. Eachtimeyoupressthe button,
. When orderingreprintsat a certifiedshop, be sure DATE
6 the
oA black pointer ^ at the top of the
to matchthe lD numberfrom the backof the print LCD panel moves to the next setting.
you want or from the indexprintwith the lD on the . Position the black pointer
under the
film cartridgebeforehandingin your film cartridge. $ Flashmode button desired flash mode.
FilmstriplD rf For the Auto flash
without red_eve
reduction setting, the black ooinier
rs not displayed.

Auto flash without
(no ^L disptayed)(+ p.2B)
Handleand store index printsand returnedfilm
cartridgescarefully. (t) Auto flash with red_eye
The visualexposureindicatoris set to I reduction(_+p.29)
(exposed)for film cartridgesthat have been fully , FlashON (-+ p.31)
exposed,and to ! (processed)for film cartridges I
that have been developed. o FlashOFF (+ p.32)
Do not placecamerasor film cartridgesnear I
speakers, or othersourcesof strong E Slow synchrowith red-eyereduction(_+p.33)

magnetic fields. -When

the (t) or O(t) flash mode is selected
flashfires automatically,the black point"r. so thatthe
upp"ars under the
1 icon when you press the shuttei outtonJJwn
El-ze El-zt
tt?Jr @
(Q) r t r Auto
tr ttl Auto FlashWithoutRed-eyeReduction
( 1) Ftash With Red-eye Reduction

Use this mode to take picturesof subjectsother than Use this mode to reducethe red-eyeeffectwhen vou
people,or to photographpeoplewithoutusingthe red- are takingpicturesof peoplein low-lightconditioni.
eye reductionlamp. ln this mode,the shutterreleases Whenyou pressthe shutterbutton,the red_eye
immediatelY. reductionlamp lightsand then the flashfires.
the flashfires
In backlitor low-lightconditions,
when you pressthe shutterbutton' .| Set the flash mode to
I @.
. Pressthe 6 buttonuntilthe
Switch the camera on. pointer .a. is below the
I Set the flash mode to Auto
@ icon on the LCD panel.
(t) .
i The oointer ^^. ls nol
displaYedon the LCD Panel' Move to within 2 m
l| lf the flash is goingto fire (6.6 ft.) of your subject.
automaticallY, the Pointer .l' . The effectiverange of the
appearsbelowthe t icon red-eyereductionlamp is
when the shutterbuttonis 2m.
presseddown halfwaY.
. Take the picture.

3 Get your subject to

look at the camera.
. The red-eye reduction
functionis only effectiveif
Effective Flash Range the subjectis looking
(usinga color Printfilm c{ldge) directlyat the camera
Film speed Wide-angle Telephoto

tso 100 0.45 to 3 m 0.45lo 2.2m Slowly press the shutter

( 1 . 5t o 9 . 8 f t . ) ( 1 . 5t o 7 . 2 t t . )
button down fully.
tso 200 0 . 4 5t o 4 . 2 m 0 . 4 5t o 3 . 1 m t The red-eyereductionramp
( 1. 5 t o 1 3 . 8f t . ) ( 1. 5 t o 1 0 . 2f t . ) lightsand,afterabouta
0 . 4 5t o 6 . 0 m 0.45 to 4.4 m second,the shutterreleases.
tso 400 . Keepthe shutterbutton
( 1. 5 t o 1 9 . 7f t . ) (1.5to 14.4tt.)
presseddownuntilyou hear
.lf the pointer -a' is displayedon the LCD panel' the filmadvanceto the nexr
I r= i
I Hl press the 6 button untilthe pointer9lfqqqg-ql:, I

El-zs El-zg
Changing the Flash Mode

E , Ftash ON Mode
Red-eye Reduction Function
When you use the flash to take photosof peoplein In this mode,the flash fires regardlessof the light
low-lightconditions,their eyes sometimesglow red conditionswhen the pictureis taken. Use this .ening
in the photograph.This is referredto as the red-eye for fill-inflash in dayrightor to softenthe oufline
of the
effectand is causedby the lightof the flash being subiect.
reflectedoff the retina.
In @ mode,the red-eyereductionlamp lightsfor
approximately1 secondbeforethe flash fires.This
causesthe subject'spupilsto contract,minimizing
the risk of red-eye.
i = ;ffi;; 6;;a;F;;J;; A;tridiE,;;iil
i lll operationis delayedfor approximately1 second to i
i neightenthe effectivenessof the lamp. To.make I
i tfre shutteroperate immediately,use the 6 Outton i
i to select (t) mode (-+ p.28) and then take the i Set the flash mode to l .
i picture. i . Pressthe 6 buttonuntilthe
pointer .. is belowthe t icon
i; hF't6Tsuia;1ft;ffi-Gina-ih;;A:;F i on the LCD oanel.
reductionfunction ' . Take the picture.
i ljl
1. Becausethis functionis not effectiveunlessthe
subjectis lookingdirectlyat the lamp, attractthe f t\'-
subject'sattentionso that he or she looks at the o E i, onte
2. Takethe picturefrom within 2 m (6'6 ft') of your
3. The effectivenessof the red-eyereduction
functionvaries from personto person.
4. Set the lens to the wide-anglesetting.
5. Raisethe ambientlightlevelas much as

El-:o El-:r
tr €) FlashOFFMode tr Ei @, Stowsynchro
of how Thisfunctionis usefulwhen you are takingpictures
In this mode,the flashdoes not fire regardless of
peopteagainsta sunsetor nighttimebackground.
darkconditionsare when the pictureis taken. The
combinationof slow shutterspeed and flash illuminates
Use this modefor sunsetshots,for placeswhereflash
photography. the subjectwhile still capturingthe background.
use is prohibited,or for avatlable-light

Set the flash mode to et . Set the flash mode to El.

. Pressthe 6 buttonuntilthe . Press ttre 6 button until the
pointer^a. is belowthe @ potnter .L is below the El icon
icon on the LCD Panel. on the LCD panel.
. Takethe picture. I After approximately 1 second,
pointersappearunderthe @
and I icons.
'F, . Take the picture.
o E oot.

warning),set the cameraon a steadysurfaceor use i

Lock the focus when you want the subjectof your shot The self-timerfunctionallowsyou to take picture
to be off to one side of the frame. whenyou are some distancefiom the camera.

Lock the focus.

1 . Positionthe AF frame over
the subjectand Pressthe 1 Set the mode to Setf-
.f Pressthe rrrc button.
shutterbuttondown O
Ii The trrr
halfway. N) icon appears
I The green indicatorlights on the LCD panel.
when the subjectis in ict . lf you pressthe rrr
buttonagain,the rrrc g
. Keeo the shutter button disappearsand Self-timer
presseddown halfwaY. mode is cancelled.

Gompose the picture

\ Composethe shot and and press the shutter
,lZ taXethe picture. button.
. Composeyour shot.
t The red-eyereduction
. Pressthe shutterslowly
and smoothlYall the waY second)and a 10-second
down. countdownis displayeoon
t The shutteris released. the LCD panel.
.l The shutteris releaseo
afterabout 10 seconqs.
. To cancelthe self-timer,
pressthe rrrc g button.

i ;- .T;k;;ilih;Tihiltt";;;l;;1n"-.u'"iit"tn" i
i ft subjectdoes not change. lf the distancedoes i
i. - :lll9::9:I-tt9:-1*--193'l-- - -i
i ,=r ;d;;l;;;;#;;1i;sils;lr-t^;;/d;6-6t.f i
i lll mode, you can lock the focus (step 1) and it remains i
I tockedfor approximatety4 minutesafter you release i
i tne shutterbutton.This gives you time to set the i
I to"rs beforehand,compose the shot, and then take i
i. _ lle?ielYre_ ---------i
Use the remotecontrolto releasethe shutterfrom up Replacing the Remote Control Battery
to 5 m (16.4ft.) in frontof the camera. Replacethe batterywhen the remotecontrolwill no
Remote Control (RC-s) longerreleasethe shutter.
Battery:One CR 2Og2gV lithiumbattery

4 Pull out the battery

I holder.
. Use a pen or otherpointed
implementto push in the
releasebuttonas you slide
the batteryholderout.
Set the camera to
1 Remote Control mode.
. Press the lro rJ button.
I The rrc tt icon appears
on the LCD oanel.
Load a new battery into
. lf you press the lrrr N) the holder and fit the
iN) button again, the rrr- g holder back into the
disappearsand Remote remote control.
Control mode is cancelled. . Ensurethatthe+ and-
Take the picture.
. Lock the focus and then
compose your shot Then . Remotecontrol photography
() may not be [oisible if
ooint the remote control the remotecontrol sensor on the camera is exposed
transmittertowards the to sunlightor strong fluorescentlight. ln such
sensor on the camera and situations,use the self-timerto tale the picture,or
oress the transmitterbutton. move the camera to another location.
I The red-eye reductionlamP . The camera's remotecontrol
functionmav not
blinks once a second (or operatecorrecflyif the camera is close to a
remains lit when red-eYe
fluorescentlightduringsignalreception.lf this occurs,
reductionis used) and a
movethe cameraaway from the fluorescentlight.
countdown is displayedon
Sensor the LCD oanel to show that
the camera has receivedthe
signal from the remote
+ The shutter is released
approximately2 seconds

El-:o El-zt
lmprinting the Date and Time
The date and time can be imprintedon the backor on
both sidesof your photograph.
Select the date format.
Select the date/time . The date format changes
oA' *'s"n time you pressthe SET button.
. The date/timecombination
changeseachtimeyou pressthe
FP . Alwaysuse the push-button
projectionon the strap buckle to
F x ""4=*-6ro DATEbutton. push the SET button.(-+ p.12)
. Shootthe picturewiththe desired
Date/timecombination display Date format display

5 efi ffiF:iil onboth
sides) E9DATE5 d[] year/month/day
+ time *
,q:e5 Date
agDATE (imprintedon both sides) i un
5DATE gg Month/daylyear
I Date + time * I
efl f1:e5 (imprintedon back) ;g DATE5 gg Day/month/year
*:Only the day, hour and minute(20 1a:25)are displayedon
the LCD panel,but the imprinteddata will show a
combination of hours,minutes,and the date in the selected
date format (Year-Month-Day, Month-Day-Year, or Day-
Month-Year). (Ex. "'98 52O 14:25".)
si*, I
i- E---; mC mlTinl-impriniins-posiiion;Ai;Aaia;
i l1 font and color, and the availability of both-side i
i imprinting vary depending on the store selected i
i for processing and printing. i
i . The date,time and title do not appearon the film i
i negativebut are imprintedwhen the prints are made, i
i using the data magneticallyrecordedon the film by i
i the camera (lX data). ,
i . In additionto the date and time, the data imprintedon i
i tne back of each photo includesthe film cartridgelD i
. rie sereoedG";;fi;il;;;i;iil *G;t; -
I u I
i_ t!r99rrq L"_lr?T9_M!_9t: i replacethe battery. ,
E-:s El-gq
When you replacethe batteryor travelabroad,use the
procedurebelowto set or adjustthe date and time
. Alwaysusethepush-button on thestrapbuckleto
pushtheSELECT andSETbuttons' (+ p.12)

; Display the date onlY.

displaythe date onlY.
. Skip to step 5 to set the Display the date and
time. time.
. Press the DATE buttonto
displaythe date and time.
. You cannot set the date
when the date and time are
Select a date setting. both disptayed.
. Pressthe SELECTbutton
to selectthe numberYou
want to change. Set all the time settings.
I The selectedsetting . Repeatsteps2 and 3 to set
(blinkingnumbers) all the time settings.
changessequentiallYfrom . l f y o u p r e s st h e S E L E C T
year to monthto daY. buttonand the colon (:) does
not blink,time settingis

Set the date.

3 . Pressthe SET buttonto
changethe number.
t Holdthe buttondown for
2 secondsor more to
changethe setting

You can imprinttitleson the backof the print.Selecta Selectingthe Tiile tr
titlefrom the differenttitlesavailablewhilethe camera
is turnedon. Onceyou have selectedthe language
you can selectthe tifle. for your tifle,
Selectingthe Title Language
Press the Ff button.
i The tiile numberchanges
every time you press.
. Selectthe tiile you
want to use.
then take the picture.

Press the Select button Title Button Sequence

to select the language.
. Thelanguage changes E-1 I LOVEYOU
everytimeyoupressin this +
order: Japanese, English,
French, German, Spanish, + E-4

CancelingTitle lmprinting J-1 t/it-t
German Titles
. Pressthe Date buttonuntilthe symbol F/ disappears J-2 h>r+ t
fromthe LCD panel. J-3 hjtii2= t D-3 HERZLICHEGLUCKWUNSCHE
. The title imprintingfunctionautomaticallyreturnsto a J-4 atr>t I D.4 FROHLICHEWEIHNACHTEN
f_+l J-5 tv>4)-
l-ll date/timesetting after one frame is exposed. D-5 FROHESNEUESJAHR
To FrenchTiiles
'F,continuouslyimprintthe same title,hold down'F,the F.1 JET'AIME
Spanish Tiiles
buttonfor two seconds or longer (untilthe ES.1 TE QUIERO
blinkson the LCD panel). F-3 MEILLEURS
. Character size, shape, color, position, and ability VOEUX ES-3 FELICES PASCUAS
to print on both sides may vary according to the F-5 FELICIIATIONS
individual photo shop. ES-s FELICIDADES
. The date and time as set by the Date functionare ItalianTiiles
also printedwith the title. 1.2 GRAZIE
. lf you want informationimprintedon the front of your
prints,be sure to check with the photo shop, that they I-4 BUONCOMPLEANNO
providethis service,before the film is processed. I.5 CONGRATULAZIONI

El-+z El-qz
-=g Mid-roll Film Change
This camerasupportsthe Film CartridgeMid-roll Loadinga Partially Used Film Cartridge
Changefunction,which is one of the majorfeaturesof
To load a partially used film
the APS format.
cartridge, use the
lf you reloada film cartridgethat has been partlyused,
procedure described in
this usefulfunctionautomaticallywinds the film on to
"Loading the Film
the first unexposedframe so that you can continue
Cartridge". (-+ p.16)
shootingfrom that point onwards'This functionmakes t Thecameraautomatically
it possiblefor you to swap aroundand shoot using windsthefilmon to thefirst
multiplefilm cartridgesdependingon factorssuch as '5 unexposed frame.
the subject,the type of shot, or the film speed'
5 tra[,
To Remove an Unfinished Film Cartridge
. Alwaysuse the push-buttonprojectionon the strap -
buckleto pushthe A€ button.(-.>p'12) lEol
Press the 3"€button. Film Winding Speed to Unexposed Frame
. Thecamerastartsrewinding Film Status I RequiredTime
film. Frame 1 exposed, winding to frame Z lApprox. 11 seconds
. Checkthat rewindingis finished
Frame 39 exposed, winding to frame 40 | Approx. 25 seconds
(the g icon on the LCD Panelis
blinking)and then take out the
film cartridge.
. The visualexPosureindicatoron .In locationsexposedto strong radio waves or
the film cartridgehas changedto {) electromagneticfields (near a broadcastingtower,
etc.), a partiallyused film cartridgemay fail to wind on
) (partiallyexPosed).
when loaded.When this occurs,the O icon and the
"0" in the frame counter on the LCD panel both blink
as a warning.Removethe partiallyused film
This problem does not affect the loadingof unused
MRC meansMid RollChange film cartridges.
fg . Note that if you load a partiallyused film cartridgeinto
a camera that does not supportthe film cartridgemid-
rollchangefunction(suchas the Canon ELPHIIXUS),
the camera does not advancethe film and will assign
the fully exposedstatusto the film will
then no longer be possibleto take picturesin the

El-++ El-+s
f -
gf $eftlng the Fflnt fiu,anffi", ";r,'"'r N
This featureallowsyou to specifythe numberof prints(up to Changingthe print euantity After Taking
a Shot
nine)of a frame to be producedat one time.This is usefulas it
savesthe troubleof havingadditionalprintsmade and can be Select the mode for
used to avoid getting prints of unsuccessfulshots. 4
I specitying the print quantity
Notethat you can only set or changethe printquantityfor the
for the previous frame.
frameaboutto be shot (nextframe)or the framejust shot . Pressthe € button
(previousframe). C and
. When you load negativefilm, the print quantity is then pressthe SELECTbutton
(?) for at least2 seconos.
automaticallyset to 1 (P-1)'
. When you load reversalfilm, the print quantity is + "P-0' (no prints)btinkson
automatically set to 0 (P-0). the LCD panel.
. Always use the push-button projection on the strap
buckle to push the SELECTand SET buttons. (-+ p.l2) S_etthe print quantity.
. Pressthe € button.
Setting the Print Quantity For the Next Frame r) Eachtimeyoupressthe
g , thesettingchanges
; Set the print quantitY. sequentiallyfromp_1,to p-2,
. Pressthe € button. throughto p-9 andthenback
+ Each time you pressthe to P-0,P-1,etc.
button,the settingchanges . Holdthebuttondownfor2
sequentiallYfrom P-1,to P- seconclsor moreto cycle
2, throughto P-9 and then continuouslythroughthesettings.
back to P-0, P-1, etc. (This
cycle begins at P-0 when '99
reversalfilm is used.)
. Holdthe buttondown for 2
seconds or more to cycle

Take the picture,

I After you shoot a frame,
the printquantity
specificationrevertsto the
defaultsetting of 1 Print (0
printsfor reversalfilm).

Custom FunctionNo. Setting
- Releasesrn. ljsenp Whan ear
0 off
Realtime Release cF1 shutterbutton"nr,r"
down fully.Usefulfor situations*n"re you need
1 On an instant
off Storesthe t,u"
Flash Mode Memory cF2 switchedoff Usefurwhen you arwayswant to
set the frashto a particurar
On mooe.
0 On Usefulfor situations*
AutomaticRewind cF3 off rewinding.Pressthe ;"2 buttonto start film rewindinq.

Select custom function


1 setting.
. PerformthisstePwiththecamera
. Tousethismode,setthecuitom
CF1to 1.
,l Set the focus.
. Hold down the it buttonand . Positionthe AF frame over
press the SET button your subjectand pressthe
. Use the push-buttonproiectionon
shutterbutton down halfwav.
the strao buckleto Pushthe t The camerafocuseson the
button.( -> P.12)
+ "CF 1-0"appearson the LCD
subjectwith a briefzooming
oanel. soundand the green
. Keep the shutterbutton
presseddown halfwav.

Take the picture.

. When the photoopportunity
6,\d' Z' arnves,pressthe shutter
\w buttondown fully.
o t The shutteris released
I Set the function.
( . lf you pressthe shutterbuttonifl
. Pressthe SET buttonto change
the settingdisplayto 1 (function (f tre wly d;; rn;
singlemovement,realtimereleasedoesnot operate.
enabled) Pressthe SET button . Take care that the distance
from the camera 6 your
again to changethe settingto 0 subject does not change. lf the distance changes,
(functiondisabled). again from step 1.
. Pressthe DATE buttonor the . Take care not to touch
the lens as this may result in the
Main switchwhen settingis picture being out of focus.
comPlete. . The O(t) and [imodes use red_eyereductionand
--:- --; should not be used, as shutter release is
i The;u si-orn-1unction aattin-ss; i; ;;ia in-ed-av;n wh; n I approximately 1 secono.
delayed by

i lTl
* vouswitchthecameraoff andon, replacethefilm i f . The Focus Lock feature
can be used in the same way as
i or-l9Pl?99
tartridse, p1$-qry- --
!!19 ---- - j for normal photography.

Problem Cause Remedy Page
In case of troublecheck the table below beforetaking
Thefilmdoesnot .Custom function .Set custom
you camerato be repaired. automatically
rewind. CF3 is set to 1.. functionCF3 to 0.
Problem Cause Remedy Page The photographs . Whentheshuterwas . Ensure thattheAF 10
.The batteryhas . Replacethe battery. are blurred. released, theAF light lightemitter/receptor
Thebattery check t3
indicator blinks. expired. emitter/receptorwere arenotblocked by
blocked. hair,fingers,etc.
The batterycheck No batteryis loaded. Loada battery. 15 . In self-timershooting,.Makesureyoudo not 35
indicatorffi is The batteryis Reinsertthe battery t3 youstoodimmediatelystandimmediately in
not displayed. insertedwiththe correctly. in frontof thecamera frontof thecamera
wrongpolarities. whenpressing the when pressingthe
The batteryhas Replacethe battery. 15 shutterbutton. shutterbutton.
completely expired. .The camera moved . Presstheshutter 22
The shutterdoes
not release.
Thepoweris turned .Turnthe poweron.
The batteryhas . Replacethe battery.

t whentheshutter
(camera shake).

. TheAF light ,
exprreo. I Wipethemclean. 19
A fullyexposed film . Removethefilm 1 6 ,2 5 'f emitter/receptor may I
be dirty. I
cartridge hasbeen cartridge
loaded inthecamera. newone.
Theshutterwillbe .Keep presseduntil
releasedonlyafter the shutteris
lho rod-orra released. Q1 Can conventional 135 (35mm)film be used?
reduction lampis lit .Changetheflash 27 A'l No it cannotbe used.Use 1X240film cartridges.
for about1 second. mo0e.
Q2 Can slide (reversal) film be used with this camera?
Thecamera makesa . CustomfunctionCF1is . Setcustom
function 48,49
A2 Yesit can.
zoomingsoundwhenI setto 1. CF1to0.
I -
n, wharis rSo?
buttondownhalfwav. A3 The ISO numberindicatesthe film'ssensitivityto lightin
Thecamera is not . CustomfunctionCF2is . Setcustomfunction 48 I numerical terms.The higherthe number,the more
setto setto 1. CF2to 0. I sensitivethe film is to light.
. i Q+ ttre picture was taken with date imprinting, but it
"H" is displayedon .The self-diagnosis . Remove thebattery 15
: doesn't appear on the index print. Wny isitrisZ
the LCD panel. functiondetected fromthecamera.
an error. When"H"disappears IAa The date and time are recordedon the film surface
fromtheLCDdisplay, - magnetically.This data is read electronically
and imprinted
loadthebatteryagain. F dunngthe printingprocess.This is why the date and time
datamay not appearon the indexprintsheets.
The film cartridge .A problem .Press the # titm 25,44 t
compartmentcovel occurredafter rewindbutton. lQ5 When converted to a 35mm camera, what is this
will not open,even rewinding.
- l. _ 9"r"ra's 23-46 mm focusing distance equivalentto?
when the film
counterreads0 IA5 Approximatety 29-58 mm (for H prints).

E-so l
Type: 1X240fully-automatic lens-shutter AF camerawith built-in FlashRange:
zoom lens and magneticlX functions I S O1 0 0 W i d e - a n g t e0:. 4 5t o 3 . 0 m ( 1 . 5t o 9 . 8 f t . ) ;
lmage Size: 16.7 x 30.2 mm Telephoto:0.45 to 2.2 m (1.5 to 7.2 ft.)
Lens: Canon 23-46 mm t14.2-5.6lensActive/passivehybrid I S O2 0 0 W i d e - a n g t e0:. 4 5t o 4 . 2 m ( 1 . 5t o 1 3 . 8f t . ) ;
autofocus T e l e p h o t o0:. 4 5t o 3 . 1 m ( 1 . 5t o 1 0 . 2f t . )
Shooting distance: 0.45 m to - (usingcolorprintfitm)
Shutter: Combinationapertureand program Flash Recycling Time: Approx. 6 seconds (with new battery)
electromagnetically drivenshutter FlashMode Selection: Usingflash mode button
Viewfinder:Real-imagezoom viewfinder O Autoflashwithoutred-eyereduction:Firesautomatically
Coverage: Approx. 86% ^ in low lightand backlitconditions
Viewfinder Information: Pictureframe,AF frame,Close-up (?)Auto flash with red-eye reduction:Fires automaticallv
frame low lightand backlitconditions
Viewfinder Eyepiece: @ Flasn ON: Firesfor all shots
Greenindicator Combinationcamerareadyindicatorand @ FlasfrOFF: Neverfires
proximitywarning @ Stow Synchro:Fires for all shots (with red-eye reduction)
Orangeindicator Combinationflash readyindicatorand lmprintingFunction:
camerashakewarning Type:Automaticcalendarwith built-inLCD paneland quartz
Film Cartridge Loading: Automatic(automaticblankfilm digitalclock (programmedup to 2029 with automatic
advance) correctionfor leap years)
Film Advance: Automatic lmprintedData; Date only/date+ time, and title (5 selections
Film Rewinding: Automatic at endof film;mid-rollrewindpossible in 6 languages)
Frame Counter: Countsup duringfilm advanceand counts Character types:Dependenton processinglab specifications
down duringfilm rewinding lmprinting color:Dep_endent on processinglab specificatlons
Self-Timer:Electronically controlled10 sec. delaytimer CustomFunctions: O RealtimeReleasesetting
operatedfrom the shutter button.The red-eyereduction @ Flash mode memory setting
lamp on the camerabody front flashesduringoperationand (O Automaticfilm rewindsettino
the framecountercountsdown the remainingseconds. PowerSupply: One tithiumbattery(CR2,3V)
Metering Range: Numberof Shots: Approx. .l0 cartridgesof 2S-exposurefilm
AUTO and FlashON modes: (normaltemperaturewith 50% flash use)
Wide-angle:1/800at f/18 to 1160alll4'2 D i m e n s i o n(sW x H x D ) : 8 7 x 5 7 x 2 4 . 5 m m ( 3 . 4x 2 . 2 x 1 . 0 i n )
Teleohoto:1/900 at tl34 to 1/90 at f/5.6 Weight:170 g (6.0 oz.) (exctudingbattery)
FlashOFF and Slow SYnchromodes: RemoteControl Function (using RC-S,option):
Wide-angle:1/800 at f/18 to 2 sec. al 114.2 Dedicatedremotecontrolsystemusinginfraredlightand
Telephoto:1/900 at tl34 lo 2 sec. at f/5.6 operatedby the transmitterbutton.The shutter releases
Exposure Compensation:+1.5 step automaticexposure aftera 2-seconddelay.
compensationin backlitconditionsif required Operatingrange:Up to approx.5 m (16.5ft.)
Film Speed: ISO 25-10000,set automatically in 1/3-step Batterylife:Approx.6000 times
in low lightand . All data are based on Canon's Standard
Built-in Flash: Internalflashfires automatically Test Method.
. Subjectto changewithoutnotice

El-sz El-s:

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