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Matthew Dalby

Production Documentary – Notes

 The producer is the person in the middle of everything and sorts out most of the activity
during the film process (the Director, Script Writer, Ideas, Financing).
 The producer’s job is to protect the director and put the director’s ideas forward.
 The Four ‘Building Blocks’ of Production:

Developing It Funding It Making It Taking it into Production

 A good script is a script that relates to a big idea or reference effectively – to inspire the
director (like a blueprint).
 Instincts and knowledge on the audience can only tell about a good script.
 Budget needs to be set in order to get key cast, directors and novel rights etc.
 Script development – the process when the script developer and screen writer discuss how it
will be put across.
 Investors then need to be attracted to your idea (regional film fund, 3-10 investors normally;
but can go to 50!)
 Co-production deals – Overseas producers join with a British producer.
 Easier to have multiple investors so that one investor cannot control the creativity side of
the film (because of the smaller percentage of ownership). Also, if one investor decides to
drop out then you will still have the other investors to fall back on.
 The budget ultimately effects who you will go to; to invest.
 Planning is a key part of the film’s production. (You have to break it down from the script
into a schedule).
 It is about looking at the cast and if they would fit into the mental picture that the script
gives you. (Do they act how the persona would act in a situation? This would make the
characters more realistic).
 Cinematographer – He/she is able to incorporate his/her artistic flow into the script as well
as the director.
 How, why and what you can do to pay parts of the budget need to be thoroughly considered
throughout production.
 The script needs to be broken down into tables so that you can use it to make a budget –
cast number, props etc.
 Above Line – creative side of the film.
 Below Line – People who are making it, scheduling it, shoot it etc.
 Audience – the producer needs to have an idea of where the film will be displayed and to
 Is there an audience out there to cover the kind of budget? This question needs to be
considered even before making the film.
 Marketing – A hidden cost (because people don’t think about it); Is it marketable?
(Campaigns); ‘Need to see’ (genre, director, movie concept); How will they sell it from the
word ‘GO’?

It cost more to market the film than making it (the majority of the time).

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