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Inet #: 20180108-0000012 Feee: $49.00 RPTT: $98800.00 Ex #: Ons08/2048 07:48:18 AN APNs: 178-12-110-004; 178-01-415-001 Receipt #: 3290527 ICAN TITLE INSURA Recorded By: RYUD Pgs: § DEBBIE CONWAY CLARK COUNTY RECORDER Sre: ERECORD Ofe: ERECORD {Space Above for Recorder's Use) GRANT BARGAIN AND SALE DEED FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Treco, LLG, a Nevada limited liability company (“Grantor”), does hereby GRANT, BARGAIN and SELL to Jasmine Development LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Grantee”), all of that certain real property in the County of Clark, State of Nevads, as more particularly described in Exhibit “A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof (the “Land”, together with any and all structures and improvements located thereon, and to all rights, benefits, privileges, easements, tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanices to the extent belonging or appertaining to the Land or such structures and improvements (collectively, the “Property”) SUBJECT TO: 1. General taxes for the current fiseal tax year not then delinquent 2. All covenants, conditions, restrictions, teservations, rights, rights-of-way and easements set forth on Exhibit “B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference {SIGNATURE FOLLOWS] Design Review ois Application poertame Project Dara cenmes, Form frojcttecn Warm Springs west of Boulder Highway sesso Paceltumbers) 17801415001; 17812110004 Exixing Zoning General Industrial comprehensive lan and Use INDUSTRIAL Geoes Acre 65. Bulling Sie: Use, OWA ceanes (1) square Footage. ue Clamte Uneary _ Square Footage 165.00. Bene nee att cea snes ome a = “etal Square Footage 2Sh0R Incentof this Request ORIN Aemeaiel Tp feoctee wi) biuml. GéSine Feiated Applications 0/2 ——— Name dagmioe Developmeal LC Compary Jasmine Developreni LLC ares 0 Corporation Service Company 251 Little Fas rive ory_inington state DE _n cove 10808 _Phonet_ Ema same Mattww Lament Company HES, | ies 821 N. Cental Ave ry Phownic rare AZ__2 code 85004 _ phone (490696-6828 Email miomont@tisine com Name, Mathew Lemont compony HES Adeess_821N. Genital Ave. Gity_ PHOENIX sate AZ__p cose 85004 __rrone(490596.5820 fina, miement@hisine com axl ‘Atemmate Phone (8024620868 pen adr ie inn ie A gL Marne mM Nye pareeerennyterminn nny ese ota dias andere with an eet the applicant sadthe ower Sud shed ince wat Imitation any and enn pias. cpa tices asd manapes ol nied aby crc withan zeroth appa. ane Owe to Relationship Position [ofOwnership Jesrine Oeveibprant LLC ‘Owner 100% Taironfedge atta bes omy knowledge Ue above itindudes he names of al over ffs general are, aby corpunes snd sh cher oomestip ernst ether tne appt oor Ony onal nota seeped eee" the JASMINE Property, at the time and in the form such report is made available to the public or any government agency, or within fourteen (14) days after any such report is finalized, if the report will not be made available to the public or any government agency, XII Notices. Unless otherwise permitted, all notices which any Party ttereto may be required or desire to serve upon the other Party shall be served upon such other Party: (a) by personal service upon such other Party, whereupon service shall be deemed complete; (b) by Federal Express or other recognized overnight delivery service, whereupon service shall be deemed complete the next business day; or (c) by mailing a copy thereof by certified or registered mail, retum receipt requested, witereupon service Shall be deemed complete on the day actual delivery is madsy as shown by the certification receipt. Notice addresses for the Parties arc as follows: ERT: Nevada Environmental Response Trust c/o Le Petomane XXII, Ine., not individually but solely in the representative eapacity as Trustee of the Nevada Environmental Response Trust 35 East Wacker Drive, Suite 1550 Chicago, Illinois 60601 With acopyto: Tanya C. ONeill Foley & Lardner LLP 777 B. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI $3202 ‘With a copy to: Dave Davis Fennemore Craig, P.-C. 300 E. 2nd St, Suite 1310 Reno, NV 89501-1591 All email notices which any Party hereto may be required or desire to provide to the other Party shall be provided to such other Party as follows: 10 soangon 726521

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