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“ The Best and Worst Managers of the Year”

1. Best Manager : Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany

Recently named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year (the first woman to get the designation

in 29 years), Merkel has also been called the most powerful woman in the world in her 10 -

year tenure as German chancellor and leader of the European Union.

Merkel earned the latter role by helping to keep the crisis of the euro–a currency shared by 19

countries–in check, even as Greece threatened to default.

But another, more startling move on Merkel’s part in 2015 was to allow refugees and migrants

to seek asylum in Germany, when many other countries were closing their borders. Estimates

put the number of people entering the country at 1 million by the end of this year. It was a

natural decision for Merkel, who grew up in East Germany when the country was sharply

divided and citizens were not allowed to travel to the West until they reached age 60. At a

security conference in Munich this year, she reiterated her stance on patience and principles.

a) What makes them GOOD? Believes in gender equality, Helfpul, Patient,

Optimistic,Control Stress Management, Flexibility, Stress Tolerance

What are their STRONGEST skills.Equal opportunities to Woman Skills,

Emphasizing on company’s commitment toward equal opportunity management,

Fundamentally contributed to woman’s recognition issue, Played significant role in

passive equality policy, Result : Women’s employment rate become higher, Her

government promises to improve child care system and parental leave, ensure equality

opposed the quota system.

b) Cite an example of management function where they perform well.

Merkel's successful career can only be understood by studying the internal party

dynamics leadership approach. Merkel owes her initial rise to prominence within the her

ability to help the party satisfy a variety of informal internal party quotas. She primarily

followed the party manager approach to leadership, balancing tensions among various

internal party groups while avoiding affiliating herself with any group in particular.

Merkel's leadership technique, Merkel's rise to power is inexplicable.

2. Worst Manager: Martin Shkreli,founder and former chief executive of Turing


In one night, the cost of a drug that had been on the market for 62 years shot up from $13.50

per tablet to $750 per tablet. Daraprim is used to treat the life-threatening parasitic infection

toxoplasmosis in pregnant women and their unborn babies, and people with compromised

immune systems as a result of illnesses like cancer and AIDS. It’s also used to treat malaria.

Shkreli, the 32-year-old founder of startup Turing Pharmaceuticals, had just acquired the drug

and immediately hiked the price, making the cost to patients exceed hundreds of thousands of

dollars. Arguing that it wasn’t a greedy move because most patients would use the medicine

for less than a year, Shkreli argued that this would make way for better drugs with fewer side


And if that sounds pretty bad, there are elements that make it worse. A New York Times report

found that doctors weren’t convinced a new drug needed to be developed. Shkreli has been

embroiled in controversy before. As the Times report says:

He started MSMB Capital, a hedge fund company, in his 20s and drew attention for urging the

Food and Drug Administration not to approve certain drugs made by companies whose stock he

was shorting.

In 2011, Mr. Shkreli started Retrophin, which also acquired old neglected drugs and sharply

raised their prices. Retrophin’s board fired Mr. Shkreli a year ago. Last month, it filed a

complaint in Federal District Court in Manhattan, accusing him of using Retrophin as a personal

piggy bank to pay back angry investors in his hedge fund.

a) What makes them BAD? deceit, rationalization and a failure to accept

responsibility,outrageous behavior, quarrelling , initially seemed incapable of

understanding the emotional impact his actions had on others.

What are their WEAKEST skills. complexity of emotional intelligence - make

emotions work for you, rather than against you, There's no denying Martin Shkreli's

intellect: He became a millionaire in a relatively short time through a series of shrewd

investments, before his foray into the pharmaceutical industry. Associates have

described him as "brilliant" and "a visionary."

c) Cite an example of management function where they perform poorly.

Received widespread criticism when Turing obtained the manufacturing license for

the antiparasitic drug Daraprim and raised its price leading him to be referred to by the

media as "the most hated man in America" and "'Pharma Bro”. Shkreli was charged in

federal court, then convicted on two counts of securities fraud and one count of

conspiring to commit securities fraud.


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