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RESOLUTION NO, 18-19-07 RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE FILLMORE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OPPOSING MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES, DELIVERIES. PERSONAL _AND COMMERCIAL CULTIVATION, SALES AND OTHER COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES IN ‘THE CITY OF FILLMORE, WHEREAS, the Fillmore Unified School District Board of Trustees is committed to the health and welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the Fillmore Unified School District Board of Trustees strongly supports the suecess and positive future of the District’s youth: and WHEREAS, the Fillmore City Council has previously considered approval of marijuana dispensaries. deliveries, personal and commercial cultivation, sales and other commercial activities in the City of Fillmore; and Whereas, Fillmore residents are being asked to consider a local measure permitting commercial cultivation in the City of Fillmore; and WHEREAS, marijuana refers to the dried flowers, leaves, stems and seeds of the cannabis plant, or to products that contain delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or other cannabinoids that carry a psychoactive component; and WHEREAS, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), marijuana is the most frequently used drug associated with initiation of illicit drug use among 2.6 million persons aged 12 or older.' WHEREAS, studies from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Office of Applied Studies, establishes that marijuana, like cigarettes, is addictive: and * Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration, “Results from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings.” NSDUH series H-44, HHS publication no. (SMA) 12-4713 (Rockuille, MO: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2012) 10f3 WHEREAS, the presence of marijuana commercial activities including dispensaries in our neighborhoods that sell kid-friendly marijuana-derived products like candy, lollipops, and gummy bears near where our children live are a risk to public health and safety: and WHEREAS, marijuana use by minors is strongly associated with other illicit drug use and abuse/dependence, as well as dependence on tobacco; and WHEREAS, scientific research establishes that marijuana use is harmful to the adolescent brain, affecting memory, thinking, pleasure, concentration, learning, sensory and time perception and coordinated movement; and WHEREAS, numerous scientific studies, including long-term longitudinal research designs, have shown detrimental effects on cognition, educational achievement, as well as_ psychiatric conditions, particularly schizophrenia, related to early onset of cannabis use; and WHEREAS, studies have found statistical significance associations between early age of onset for use of marijuana and academic achievement outcomes, students who used marijuana before the age of 15 had the lowest rates of educational attainment; and WHEREAS, the American Medical Association (AMA), the largest national physician organization in the country, pursuant to 1-95.98 AMA Policy Statement on Cannabis, believes that (1) cannabis is a dangerous drug and, as such, is a public health concern; (2) sale of cannabis should not be legalized; (3) public health-based strategies, rather than incarceration, should be utilized in the handling of individuals possessing cannabis for personal use; and (4) additional research should be encouraged; and WHEREAS, research by J. Jacobus and S. Bava on the functional consequences of marijuana use by adolescents establishes that marijuana use reduces inhibitions and can lead to risky behaviors, distorted perception, impaired coordination and can cause difficulty with thinking, problem solving and difficulty with leaming and memory; and ? Horwood, L., Fergusson, D.M., Hayatbakhsh, M. R,, Najman, J. M., Coffey, C, Patton, GC, Silins, E. & Hutchinson, D. M. (2010). Cannabis use and educational achievement: findings from three Australasian cohort studies. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 110, 247-253. 20f3 WHEREAS, the threat to public safety caused by use of drugs, including marijuana, in terms of impaired driving, criminal activity and domestic violence are well documented; and WHEREAS, the Fillmore Unified School District Governing Board believes the presence of ‘marijuana cultivation, sales and distribution in this community is contrary to the interests of the public health, safety and welfare of its citizens and desires to preserve the rights of citizens to live and work in a community where drug abuse is not accepted and citizens are not subjected to the adverse effects of drug abuse; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Fillmore Unified School District Board of Trustees opposes marijuana dispensaries, deliveries, personal and commercial cultivation, sales and other commercial activities in the City of Fillmore. Be It FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Fillmore Unified School District declares its intent to support current Jaw that requires all school buildings, outdoor facilities, parking lots and other school-owned properties drug-free Signed this 2" day of October 2018 in Fillmore, California. Bt bea — Sell Lyle Sean Morris, President Scott Beylik, Méthber & Couse, wk President i Lucy Rangel, Clee 7 ‘de la Piedra, Member 3of3

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