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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 132 (2018) 40–45

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Industry 4.0: A Korea perspective T

Tae Kyung Sung

Department of MIS, Kyonggi University, Republic of Korea


Keywords: The objectives of this paper are (1) to have a detailed, practical discussion of Industry 4.0, and (2) to suggest
Industry 4.0 policy implications to transition toward Industry 4.0 in Korea. Companies should consider Industry 4.0 very
Fourth industrial revolution seriously as they develop their future initiatives since traditional manufacturing business models do not fit with
Policy implications the emerging technologies of Industry 4.0. Some issues should be addressed with care: IT security, reliability and
stability needed for critical machine-to-machine communication; a need to maintain the integrity of production
processes, avoid IT snags, and protect industrial knowhow; and the lack of adequate skill-sets, general reluctance
to change by stakeholders, and loss of many jobs to automatic processes and IT-controlled processes. To suc-
cessfully transform Korean industry toward Industry 4.0, it is necessary to (1) refine and elaborate the strategies
enacted by the central government to build economic and social systems that can flexibly respond to changes, (2)
establish some kind of operational system to maximize the effectiveness of initiatives and policies, (3) develop
concrete and workable action plans to transition toward economic and social systems that can accommodate
innovative changes, and (4) establish infrastructure to lead all initiatives.

1. Introduction In this research, Industry 4.0 will be used as the representative term to
explore whether there are differences in the two terms. The next section
‘Industry 4.0’ was first coined at the Hannover Fair in 2011, and the will describe the origin, concept, design, characteristics, and challenges
term has drawn great attention from academics, practitioners, govern- of Industry 4.0, and then the effects and impact of Industry 4.0 will
mental officials, and politicians all over the world. Kagermann et al. follow. The final section will discuss policy implications and related
(2013) considers Industry 4.0 as the current trend toward automation issues.
and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-
physical systems, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing. Industry 2. Industry 4.0
4.0 creates what has been referred to as a “smart factory”. Within
modular, structured smart factories, cyber-physical systems monitor 2.1. Definition and concept
physical processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world, and
make decentralized decisions. The Internet of Things refers to cyber- The term “Industry 4.0” originated from a project initiated by high-
physical systems that communicate and cooperate with each other and tech strategy of the German government to promote the computeriza-
with humans in real time via internet services, through which both tion of manufacturing. Industry 4.0 is considered as the next phase in
internal and cross-organizational services are offered and used by the digitization of the manufacturing sector, and it is driven by four
participants throughout the value chain (Hermann et al., 2016). disruptions: the astonishing rise in data, computational power, and
In many countries, including Korea, the fourth industrial revolution connectivity, especially new low-power wide-area networks; the
is a more widely used term than Industry 4.0 because the term “the emergence of analytics and business-intelligence capabilities; new
fourth industrial revolution” is more appealing and familiar than forms of human-machine interaction such as touch interfaces and
Industry 4.0. Schwab (2016) argues that we are at the beginning of the augmented-reality systems; and improvements in transferring digital
fourth industrial revolution that builds on the digital revolution with instructions to the physical world, such as with advanced robotics and
much more ubiquitous and mobile internet, smaller and more powerful 3-D printing (Lee et al., 2013). These four trends are not the reason for
sensors that become cheaper and affordable, and artificial intelligence the “4.0,” however. Rather, this is the fourth major upheaval in modern
and machine learning. manufacturing, following the lean revolution of the 1970s, the out-
These concepts regarding the fourth industrial revolution and sourcing phenomenon of the 1990s, and the automation that took off in
Industry 4.0 are similar, so can we use the two terms interchangeably? the 2000s (Baur and Wee, 2015).

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Received 10 October 2017; Received in revised form 1 November 2017; Accepted 7 November 2017
Available online 13 November 2017
0040-1625/ © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
T.K. Sung Technological Forecasting & Social Change 132 (2018) 40–45

Fig. 1. Digital compass.

Source: Baur and Wee (2015).

Most of the digital technologies mentioned above have been de- and business models in all sectors ultimately creating new industrial
veloped for years, and while some technologies are not yet ready for use patterns as global value chains shift (EC, 2016).
at scale, many are now at a point where availability, reliability, and cost In general, Industry 4.0 has been compared to and used inter-
are attractive enough for some industrial applications. According to a changeably with the fourth industrial revolution. However, the latter
survey by McKinsey, companies are not consistently aware of these refers to a systemic transformation that includes an impact on civil
emerging technologies. McKinsey surveyed 300 manufacturing leaders society, governance structures, and human identity in addition to solely
in January 2015, and only 48% of manufacturers consider themselves economic and manufacturing ramifications. The first industrial re-
ready for Industry 4.0. Seventy-eight percent of suppliers answered that volution achieved the mechanization of production using water and
they are prepared (Baur and Wee, 2015). steam power; the second industrial revolution then introduced mass
According to Kagermann et al. (2013), Industry 4.0 takes manu- production with the help of electric power, followed by the digital re-
facturing automation to a new level by introducing customized and volution to use electronics and IT to further automate production
flexible mass production technologies. This means that machines will (Schwab, 2016). The term “fourth industrial revolution” has been ap-
operate independently or will coordinate with humans to produce plied to significant technological developments over the years, and its
customer-oriented manufacturing that constantly works to maintain meaning is up for academic debate. Industry 4.0, on the other hand,
itself. Rather, the machine becomes an independent entity that can specifically focuses on manufacturing in the current context, and it is
collect data, analyze it, and give advice upon it. This becomes possible thus separate from the fourth industrial revolution in terms of scope
by introducing self-optimization, self-cognition, and self-customization (Hermann et al., 2016).
into industry, and manufacturers will be able to communicate with
computers rather than just operate machines. 2.3. Value drivers
A smart factory, a key feature of Industry 4.0, adopts a so-called
calm-system that deals with both the physical world and the virtual To fully exploit the potential of Industry 4.0 and deliver value to
world. Such systems are referred to as “background systems” that op- companies, manufacturers should consider the importance and role of
erate behind the scenes. A calm system is aware of the surrounding information. Companies can gather more useful information and make
environment and the objects around it (Hermann et al., 2016). better use of it (Baur and Wee, 2015). For example, an oil-exploration
company collected over 30,000 pieces of data from each of its drilling
2.2. Industry 4.0 vs. the fourth industrial revolution rigs – yet most of data was lost due to problems of data transmission,
storage, and architecture. The small portion of data the company cap-
Progress in digital technologies in combination with other key en- tured was incredibly useful to create efficient internal operations.
abling technologies is changing the way we design, produce, commer- In order to provide useful insight for factory management and gain
cialize and generate value from products and related services. Advances correct content, data has to be processed using advanced tools (analy-
in technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, cloud com- tics and algorithms) that can generate meaningful information.
puting, data analytics and robotics are transforming products, processes Considering the presence of visible and invisible issues in an industrial

T.K. Sung Technological Forecasting & Social Change 132 (2018) 40–45

Fig. 2. Design principles.

Source: Hermann et al. (2016).

factory, information generation algorithms have to be capable of de- 3. Effects and challenges
tecting and addressing invisible issues, including machine degradation,
component wear, etc., in the factory floor (Lee et al., 2013, 2014). 3.1. Effects
However, many executives rightly wonder where and how to begin.
Which data would be most beneficial and which data problems cause The basic principle of Industry 4.0 is that by connecting machines,
trouble? Which technologies would deliver the biggest return on in- work flows and systems, businesses implement intelligent networks
vestment for a company and which technologies should the company along the entire value chain to control one another autonomously
avoid? To rightly choose appropriately, manufacturing companies may (Liffler and Tschiesner, 2013). The typical example of Industry 4.0 is a
use a “digital compass” (Fig. 1). The compass consists of eight basic machine that can predict failure and trigger maintenance processes
value drivers and 26 practical Industry 4.0 levers. Cross-functional autonomously or self-organized logistics that react to unexpected or
discussions will then help companies find the technology levers that are unusual changes in operation. This example would show the rationa-
best suited to solve their particular problems (Baur and Wee, 2015). lization of the driving force behind the Internet of Things. But it also
means that the complexity of internal operation and external supplier
2.4. Design principles networks will grow enormously. So far, networks and processes have
been limited to one factory alone. However, in the era of Industry 4.0,
Hermann et al. (2016) suggest four design principles for Industry these boundaries of individual factories will most likely no longer exist.
4.0 based on a four-step research phase: first, identify relevant litera- Instead, boundaries will collapse to interconnect a number of factories
ture; second, conduct a quantitative text analysis; third, publish a and cover larger geographical regions.
qualitative literature review; and, fourth, organize a nominal group There are differences between a typical traditional factory and an
workshop (Fig. 2). Industry 4.0 factory. According to Tec.News (2016), the key to success
in modern industry is to provide high-end quality services or product at
• Connections: The ability of machines, devices, sensors, and people the lowest cost, and industrial factories are trying to improve perfor-
to connect and communicate with each other via the Internet of mance as much as possible to increase their profits and their reputation.
Things (IoT) or the Internet of People (IoP). This principle requires In this way, various data sources can provide worthwhile information
collaboration, security, and standards. regarding different aspects of the factory. In this stage, data utilization
• Information transparency: The ability of information systems to to understand the current operating conditions and detect faults and
create a virtual copy of the physical world by enriching digital plant failures is an important topic for research. For example, during pro-
models with sensor data. This includes data analysis and provision duction, various commercial tools are available to provide the Overall
of information. Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) information to factory management in
• Technical assistance: Visual and physical assistance. The ability of order to highlight the root causes of problems and the possible faults in
assistance systems to support humans by aggregating and visua- a system.
lizing information comprehensibly to make informed decisions and In contrast, in an Industry 4.0 factory, in addition to monitoring the
solve urgent problems on short notice and the ability of cyber condition and providing a fault diagnosis, components and systems are
physical systems to physically support humans by conducting a able to gain self-awareness and self-predictiveness, which will provide
range of tasks that are unpleasant, too exhausting, or unsafe for their management with more insight as to the status of the factory.
human co-workers. Furthermore, peer-to-peer comparison and blending of timely in-
• Decentralized decisions: The ability of cyber physical systems to formation from various components provides a precise prediction of the
make decisions on their own and to perform their tasks as autono- components and alerts factory management to trigger required main-
mously as possible. Only in the case of exceptions, interference, or tenance at the best possible time to reach just-in time maintenance and
conflicting goals, are tasks delegated to a higher level. gain near zero downtime (Tec.News, 2016).
Strategists advise that companies should consider Industry 4.0 very
seriously to plan the company's future initiatives and maximize po-
tential. As Industry 4.0 progresses, business model for traditional

T.K. Sung Technological Forecasting & Social Change 132 (2018) 40–45

manufacturing is changing, and new models are emerging. As such, 4. Discussions and policy implications for Korea
incumbents must be quick to recognize and react to these new com-
petitive challenges. Specifically, executives must consider the following In Korea, the fourth industrial revolution is a more widely accepted
options – and watch for others that may be deploying them. Eighty-four term than Industry 4.0 because the Korean government prefers to use
percent of the manufacturing suppliers we surveyed expect new com- the fourth industrial revolution to draw more attention from industry
petitors to enter the market soon (Baur and Wee, 2015). leaders and the public. News media has also adopted the fourth in-
dustrial revolution as a representative term for new emerging industrial
• “Platforms,” in which products, services, and information can be changes. However, some academics are very much concerned with this
exchanged via predefined streams. Consider open-source software trend since the fourth industrial revolution has not been well defined,
applied to the manufacturing context. characterized, and elaborated. Also most industry leaders wonder
• Pay-by-use and subscription-based services. whether an actual paradigm shift to the fourth industrial revolution has
• Businesses that license intellectual property. Today, many manu- been taken place yet (KIET, 2017).
facturing companies have deep expertise in their products and Schwab (2016) himself admits that the world lacks a consistent,
processes, but lack the expertise to generate value from their data. positive and common narrative that guides the opportunities and
• Businesses that monetize data. challenges of the fourth industrial revolution. This lack in a narrative
may hurt the fundamental changes for the future, and Schwab (2016)
points out that the required levels of leadership and understanding of
3.2. Challenges changes across all sectors are low compared to the need to rethink our
economic, social, and political systems to respond to the fourth in-
It is very important to recognize and evaluate the economic effects dustrial revolution. These two points should be taken into consideration
of Industry 4.0, the digitalization of the production processes. These for Korea to successfully transform toward an Industry 4.0 environment
developments involve considerable challenges at the enterprise and at or the fourth industrial revolution. Table 1 shows the rankings of na-
the political level. Challenges which have been identified include tions regarding competitiveness for the fourth industrial revolution
(Wolter et al., 2015) (Trade Brief, 2017). Korea is ranked at 21st, and this ranking should be
considered to be quite low when compared to the very high levels of IT
• IT security issues industries of Korea.
• Reliability and stability needed for critical machine-to-machine EU countries that lead in Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial re-
communication (M2M), including very short and stable latency volution are planning mid- or long-term roadmaps from a country-wide
• Need to maintain the integrity of production processes perspective and are developing innovative infrastructure and networks
• Need to avoid any IT snags, as those would cause expensive pro- to fully implement these roadmaps. The main participants in these
duction outages roadmaps are research institutes, universities, industries, local gov-
• Need to protect industrial knowhow (contained also in the control ernments, and central government, and they operate autonomously
files for industrial automation gear) based on tight coordination mechanisms (Trade Brief, 2017). This ex-
• Lack of adequate skill-sets to expedite the march toward the fourth ample of the EU would be a good guideline for the Korean government,
industrial revolution industries, universities, and research institutes to plan effective and
• Threat of redundancy of the corporate IT department implementable Industry 4.0 initiatives.
• General reluctance to change by stakeholders Table 2 summarizes all initiatives the Korean government plans to
• Loss of many jobs to automatic processes and IT-controlled pro- implement. As the table shows, some initiatives are not clearly elabo-
cesses, especially for lower educated parts of society rated and some need a very high level of coordination among

Perhaps the most challenging aspect of implementing Industry 4.0 is

Table 1
the IT security risk. Industry 4.0 will require on-line integration among
Global competitiveness rankings for the fourth industrial revolution.
several entities, and this online integration will give room to security Source: UBS (2016), WEF (2017), IMD (2017).
breaches and data leaks. Cyber theft would be another dangerous
threat. In this case, the problem is not individual, and this will cost Rank Nation UBS WEF IMD Average
manufacturers substantially and might even hurt their reputation.
1 Singapore 2 1 1 1.3
Therefore, security is a crucial issue that should be dealt with seriously. 2 Finland 4 2 4 3.3
The transformation to Industry 4.0 will require large investments in 3 U.S.A. 5 5 3 4.3
new technology, and the decision for such transformations will have to 4 Netherland 3 6 6 5.0
be taken at the CEO level. Even then, the risks must be calculated and 5 Switzerland 1 7 8 5.3
Sweden 11 3 2 5.3
taken seriously. 7 Norway 8 4 10 7.3
While it is still early to speculate on employment issues with the 8 United Kingdom 7 8 11 8.3
advent of Industry 4.0, it is safe to accept that workers will need to Denmark 9 11 5 8.3
acquire different or an all-new set of skills. This may help employment 10 Hong Kong 7 12 7 8.7
11 Canada 15 14 9 12.7
rates go up, but it will also alienate a big sector of workers. The sector
12 New Zealand 10 17 14 13.7
of workers whose work is perhaps repetitive and routine will face a stiff 13 Germany 13 15 17 15.0
challenge to keep their jobs. New and quite different educational sys- 14 Taiwan 16 19 12 15.7
tems must be introduced, but this still does not solve the problem for 15 Japan 12 10 27 16.3
older workers. This is an issue that might take quite a long time to solve. 16 Australia 17 18 15 16.7
17 Austria 18 20 16 18.0
Privacy is not only the customer's concern, but also the manufac- 18 Israel 21 21 13 18.3
turer's. In such an interconnected Industry 4.0 network, manufacturers 19 Korea 25 13 19 19.0
need to collect and analyze a huge quantity of data. To the customers, 20 Ireland 14 25 21 20.0
this might look like a threat to their privacy. Narrowing the gap be- 21 Belgium 19 23 22 21.3
22 France 20 24 25 23.0
tween the consumer and the manufacturer will be a huge challenge for
23 Malaysia 22 31 24 25.7
both parties. 24 Portugal 23 30 33 28.7

T.K. Sung Technological Forecasting & Social Change 132 (2018) 40–45

Table 2
Korean Government's initiatives toward the fourth industrial revolution.

Ministry Initiatives

Science & ICT - Providing support for core technology development to seize initiatives
- Formulating strategy and policies
Culture, Sports & Tourism - Nurturing contents industry and implementing stable culture supply systems
Trade, Industry & Energy - Establishing industry infrastructure including smart factory
Employment & Labor - Preparing law and policy regarding employment
- Fostering human resources
Strategy & Finance - Financial planning and coordinating all related entities for effective and proactive response
Interior & Safety - Transforming to a more intelligent government system
Oceans & Fisheries - Upgrading current industries and creating new industries through technology development and application
Education - Strengthening college education and fostering human resources for creativity and convergence
Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs - Upgrading agriculture industries through big data analysis, intelligent tools, and technology
Personnel Management - Building a more effective personnel management system
Land, Infrastructure & Transportation - Augmenting efficient and intelligent transportation system for the future
Government Legislation - Preparing and arranging necessary laws
Financial Services Commission - Providing more financial resources for core future industries

government ministries and industries. The Korean government is aware Revolution was established as a control tower).
of the importance of Industry 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution, ♦ To continuously promote synergy and diffusion effects among the
but some initiatives are more like slogan-driven and do not have de- policies, it is advised to establish a system for performance man-
tailed or workable steps for implementation. agement and monitoring of all initiatives
To successfully transform Korean industries to the next level of
Industry 4.0 (or the fourth industrial revolution as the government
wants to name it), the following policy implications are suggested 5. Summary and conclusions
(KIET, 2017).
The purposes of this paper are (1) to explore Industry 4.0 into a
(1) The strategies of the central government for the fourth industrial more detailed and practical discussions, and (2) suggest policy im-
revolution or Industry 4.0 should be refined and elaborated to build plications to transit to Industry 4.0 in Korea. Industry 4.0 is considered
economic and social systems that can respond to changes in a as the next phase in the digitization of the manufacturing sector, driven
flexible manner. An in-depth analysis of the governments' in- by four disruptions: the astonishing rise in data volumes, computational
itiatives shows that people recognize unfavorable economic and power, and connectivity, especially new low-power wide-area net-
social conditions as follows: works; the emergence of analytics and business-intelligence cap-
abilities; new forms of human-machine interaction such as touch in-
♦ Slow economic recovery due to sluggish domestic demand terfaces and augmented-reality systems; and improvements in
♦ Risk of household debt risk transferring digital instructions to the physical world, such as advanced
♦ Uncertain interest rate and trade protection robotics and 3-D printing (Lee et al., 2013).
♦ Diversification of social structure due to low birthrate, income in- The fourth industrial revolution is more widely accepted as a stan-
stability, work-family imbalance dard term than Industry 4.0 in many countries, especially in Korea,
because the term “fourth Industrial revolution” is more appealing and
(2) It is advised that concrete and workable action plans are needed to familiar. Schwab (2016) argues that we are at the beginning of the
transit toward economic and social systems that can accommodate fourth industrial revolution, which builds on the digital revolution with
innovative changes in a turbulent global economic environment much more ubiquitous and mobile internet, smaller and more powerful
and unbalanced social structure. sensors that become cheaper and affordable, and artificial intelligence
(3) Through specific and detailed policies that encompass local gov- and machine learning.
ernments, industries, research institutes, universities as well as so- Companies are advised to consider Industry 4.0 very seriously as
cial culture and the economy, it is necessary to establish the in- they develop their future initiatives since business models for tradi-
frastructure to lead all initiatives tional manufacturing would not fit with emerging technologies in the
new Industry 4.0 environment. Also, there are some issues that should
♦ To enhance the competitiveness of intelligent Information and be dealt with care, including: IT security, reliability and stability
Communication technology as a key driver, prioritize investment needed for critical machine-to-machine communication (M2M), in-
support and create an ecosystem that can facilitate technology cluding very short and stable latency times; a need to maintain the
convergence. integrity of production processes, avoid any IT snags, as those would
♦ To respond to new types of labor, employment, social safety net, cause expensive production outages, and protect industrial knowhow;
formulate plans to improve the system through continuous discus- lack of adequate skill-sets to expedite the march toward fourth in-
sion on social changes such as ethics. dustrial revolution, the threat of redundancy of corporate IT depart-
♦ To minimize polarization due to job changes and income disparity, ments, general reluctance to change by stakeholders, and the loss of
economic policy should be prepared to deal with. many jobs to automatic processes and IT-controlled processes, espe-
cially for the parts of society with lower educational levels.
(4) It is needed to establish some kind of operating system to maximize To successfully transform Korean industries to the next level of
the effectiveness of initiatives and policies Industry 4.0, the following policy implications are suggested. (1) The
strategies of the central government for the fourth industrial revolution
♦ To establish a collaborative platform to ensure the effectiveness of or Industry 4.0 should be refined and elaborated to build economic and
policies and to coordinate these policies to promote synergy effects social systems that can flexibly respond to changes, (2) it is needed to
(Recently, The National Strategy Committee of the 4th Industrial establish some kind of operation system to maximize effectiveness of
initiatives and policies, (3) it is advised that concrete and workable

T.K. Sung Technological Forecasting & Social Change 132 (2018) 40–45

action plans are needed to transition toward economic and social sys- References
tems that can accommodate the changes in a turbulent global economic
environment with an unbalanced social structure, and (4) it is necessary Baur, C., Wee, D., 2015. Manufacturing's Next Act? McKinsey & Company.
to establish the infrastructure to lead all initiatives with specific and EC, 2016. Digitising European Industry Reaping the Full Benefits of a Digital Single
Market, EC.
detailed policies that encompass local governments, industries, research Hermann, M., Pentek, T., Otto, B., 2016. Design Principles for Industrie 4.0 Scenarios.
institutes, universities and social culture and the economy. Presented at the 49th Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Science.
The paper has several limitations. First, the research does not pro- IMD, 2017. IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking. pp. 2017.
Kagermann, H., Wahlster, W., Helbig, J., 2013. Recommendations for Implementing the
vide empirical findings to support policy implications. Policy implica- Strategic Initiative Industrie 4.0. Industrie 4.0 Working Group, Germany.
tions are built based on a literature review and reports from govern- KIET, 2017. Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Korea Manufacturing
ments and research institutes. Second, even though the difference Industries and its Implications, Report, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and
between Industry 4.0 and the fourth industrial revolution is provided, Lee, J., Lapira, E., Bagheri, B., Kao, H., 2013. Recent advances and trends in predictive
the rationale is not well grounded because most authors use the two manufacturing systems in big data environment. Manuf. Lett. 1 (1), 38–41.
terms interchangeably. Third, detailed and reliable statistics for actual Lee, J., Bagheri, B., Kao, H., 2014. Recent advances and trends of cyber-physical systems
and big data analytics in industrial informatics. In: IEEE Int. Conference on Industrial
progress of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing are not provided. It is too
Informatics (INDIN).
early to report valid and reliable statistics regarding the impact or ef- Liffler, M., Tschiesner, A., 2013. The Internet of Things and the Future of Manufacturing.
fects of Industry 4.0. Most statistics are of the case study type and are McKinsey & Company.
not empirically proven. Schwab, K., 2016. The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Penguin Random House, U.K.
Tec.News: 26, 2016. Harting Technology Group
This paper can be extended in several directions. One suggestion for Trade Brief, 2017. Vol. 22, Korea International Trade Association.
future study is to conduct empirical research to actually observe the UBS, 2016. UBS White Paper for the World Economic Forum.
impact or effects of Industry 4.0 from economic, social, and business WEF, 2017. The Global Information Technology Report. pp. 2016.
Wolter, M., Mönnig, A., Hummel, M., Schneemann, C., Weber, E., Zika, G., Helmrich, R.,
perspectives. Second, it is more plausible to sharply distinguish Industry Maier, T., Neuber-Pohl, C., 2015. Industrie 4.0 und die Folgen für Arbeitsmarkt und
4.0 from the fourth industrial revolution. Or it is advised for researchers Wirtschaft, IAB∙Forschungsbericht.
and practitioners to come to terms with the definitions of the two terms
to separate or integrate them. Third, a cross-national study comparing Tae Kyung Sung is a Professor of MIS at Kyonggi University, Korea. He received his Ph.D.
in MIS from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Sung's research interests include in-
unique or common features of each nation's Industry 4.0 initiatives or formation systems strategy, planning, and management, fraud detection and prevention,
longitudinal research that traces the trend and changes of Industry 4.0 creative economy, data mining and applications, business innovation, knowledge man-
will shed light on Industry 4.0 research. agement, and technology commercialization.


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