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Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa

Resolución 12625 del 27 de diciembre de 2010

Código SNIES 90908

Activity 2: An overview of English Language Methods

Participants’ names: Fernando Campo, Alex Oviedo y Belisario Márquez

Method Theoretical Principles (3 each) Score Characteristics (4 each) Score

1. Audio-lingual Theory of language:  Great deal of oral activity (pronunciation,
Method 1. I was derived from a view proposed by pattern drills and practice) with none of the
the American linguists in 1950’s and grammar found in traditional classes.
which is now called “Structural
Linguistics”  Was grounded in linguistic and psychological
2. Linguistic levels are pyramidally theory.
3. Transcribing spoken utterances was  The teacher’s role is central and active; it is a
developed and later working on the teacher – dominated method.
 Learners are viewed as organisms that can be
Theory of learning: directed by skilled training techniques to
1. New material is presented in dialogue produce correct responses
2. It was based on “Structuralism” and
grammar structures are learnt through
The behaviorism theory came up in which
anybody could learn through different
behaviors like stimulus, organism, response
and reinforcement

Designed by Jorge Muñoz – M.A. in Applied Linguistics to TEFL

Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa
Resolución 12625 del 27 de diciembre de 2010
Código SNIES 90908

2. Total Physical Theory of language:  Suggested extended dialogues, accompanied

Response (TPR) 1. Most of the grammatical structure of by vocabulary lists or the use of role plays,
the target language and hundreds of songs, drama and other texts plus the
vocabulary items can be learned from authoritative behavior of the teacher.
the skillful use of the imperative by the
instructor  Use of relaxing environment where students
2. Asher also refers in passing to the fact would use a different name and pretended to
that language can be internalized as interact with a different personality.
wholes or chunks, rather than as single
lexical items, and, as such, links are  Use of soft relaxing music so learners could
possible to more theoretical proposals perform better their linguistic tasks.
of this kind.
3. The foreign language learner should  Help students get fluent faster by immersing
first internalize them in everyday life situation activities

Theory of learning:
1. Arthur Jensen proposed a seven-stage
model to describe the development of
verbal learning in children.
2. TPR uses psychomotor system to teach
3. It is based on the theory that the fastest
way to learn a language is by following
instructions said by the instructor

Designed by Jorge Muñoz – M.A. in Applied Linguistics to TEFL

Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa
Resolución 12625 del 27 de diciembre de 2010
Código SNIES 90908

3. Silent Way Theory of language:  Language is learnt through a problem-solving

1. The Silent Way adopts a structural approach
syllabus with lessons planned around
grammatical items and related  The Silent Way adopts a basically structural
vocabulary. syllabus, with lessons planned around
2. The general objective is to give grammatical items and related vocabulary.
students oral and aural facility in basic
elements of the target language.  Learners are expected to develop
3. Language is separated from its social independence, autonomy, and responsibility.
context and taught through artificial
situations, usually represented by rods. Silence is considered the best vehicle for learning,
because in silence students concentrate on the task
Theory of learning: to be accomplished and the potential means to its
1. Learners are expected to develop accomplishment.
independence, autonomy, and
2. Silent Way learners acquire “inner
3. “Functional vocabulary” learners deal
with most functional and versatile
words of the language that almost
don’t have direct equivalent in the
learner’s native language.
4. Community 1-Theory of language: .
Language .
Learning 1. Structuralistic view of language  Learners must apprehend the sound
2. Language as social process. system, assign fundamental meanings
3. Interactional view of language and construct a basic grammar of the
foreing language.

 Communication is an exchange which

is incomplete without a feeback

Designed by Jorge Muñoz – M.A. in Applied Linguistics to TEFL

Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa
Resolución 12625 del 27 de diciembre de 2010
Código SNIES 90908

reaction from the destinee of the

message.Language is people, language
is persons in contact, language is
2-Theory of learning: persons in response.

 Learning is both cognitive and

1. Holistic view of learning: the whole affective, interaction between the
person learning term learner and the knower is involved.
2. A relationship characterized by CLL combines innovative learning
convalidation – SARD tasks and activities: translatioin, group
3. The progression is topic based work, recording, transcription, analysis,
reflection and observation, free

 SARD: S(security) A(attention and

aggression) R(retention and
reflection) D(discrimination)

5. Suggestopedia 1-Theory of language:  Suggestopedic course directs the

1. A view of language in which lexis is student no to vocabulary memorization
central and acquiring habits of speech but to
2. Experiencing language material in acts of communication (Lozanov
whole meaningful texts 1978:109)
3. Refers to a direct act of communication  Its main objective is to deliver an
advanced conversational proficiency
quickly. Emphasis on memorization of
vocabulary pairs through lexical

Designed by Jorge Muñoz – M.A. in Applied Linguistics to TEFL

Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa
Resolución 12625 del 27 de diciembre de 2010
Código SNIES 90908

2-Theory of learning:
1. Suggestion is at the heart of the theory  Groups of learners are ideally socially
learning homogeneous, 12 in number and
2. 6 principal theoretical components divided equally between men and
through which desuggestion and women. Authoritative behavior of the
suggestion operate: authority, teacher
infantilization, double-planedness,
intonation, rhythm and concert pseudo-  The most conspicuous characteristics
pasiveness are the decoration, furniture and
3. Centrality of music an musical rhythm arrangement of the classroom. Anoher
to learning main characteristic is the use of music
to relax learners, to structure, pace and
punctuate the presentation of linguistic
6. Multiple 1.Theory of language:  According to Howard Gardner, the
Intelligences 1. MI proposals look at the language of brain has other equally important types
an individual including one or more of intelligences apart of logic and
second language as central to the language. Gardner refers 8 different
whole life of the language learner. native “intelligence”: linguistic, logical,
2. Language is held to be interpreted with spatial, musical, bodily, interpersonal,
the 8 Gardner´s native intelligences. intrapersonal and naturalist.
3. Language is not seen as limited to a
“linguistic” perspective but  MI focusses on differences between
encompasses all aspects of learners and the need to recognize
communication learner differences in teaching
Howard Gardner claims that MI is
culture-free and avoids the conceptual
narrowness usually associated with
traditional models of intelligence

Designed by Jorge Muñoz – M.A. in Applied Linguistics to TEFL

Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa
Resolución 12625 del 27 de diciembre de 2010
Código SNIES 90908

2.Theory of learning:
1. Pedagogy is most successful when the
learners´ differences are
acknowledged, analyzed and  Intelligence comprises a single factor,
accommodated in teaching the “g” factor. Intelligence “g” can be
2. A multisensory view of language is defines as the ability to deal with
necessary to construct an adequate cognitive complexity. Teachers can
theory of language as well as an provide learning activities that build
effective design for language learning on those inherent intelligences.
3. MI theory encourage learning that goes  IM establish 4 learning stages in the
beyond traditional books, pens and learning method: awaken the
pencils. intellingence, amplify it, teach with/for
it and transfer it

7. Theory of language:
Approach (CLT) Theory of learning:

8. Cooperative Theory of language:

Learning (CLL) Theory of learning:

9. Content-based Theory of language:

Instruction (CBI)
Theory of learning:

10. Task-Based Theory of language:

Teaching - TBLT Theory of learning:

Designed by Jorge Muñoz – M.A. in Applied Linguistics to TEFL

Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa
Resolución 12625 del 27 de diciembre de 2010
Código SNIES 90908

Total of Theoretical Principles Total of Characteristics


Designed by Jorge Muñoz – M.A. in Applied Linguistics to TEFL

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