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SBHS FBLA 2018 - 2019 Point System

Points ​REQUIRED​ for:

● Membership - 35 points
● Officer Position - 55 points
● President - 65 points

Members have many opportunities to earn points. Members MUST attend at least 6 meetings and meet the
minimum number of points stated above to have FBLA noted on their transcript. Attending 6 meetings will
earn a member 30 points. The additional 5 points can be earned through any other activity or event based on a
member’s preference.

Activity/Event: Summary: Possible Points


General Meetings ● 5 points earned per meeting attended 62

● Members must attend a minimum of 6 meetings
submit for attendance credit at ALL meetings
○ Members will only be allowed to receive
attendance credit for a forgotten CURRENT
YEAR ID one time during the year
● Bring a parent on Oct. 11th to earn 2 bonus points for
that meeting!

NOTE: Attendance at a meeting means checking in no

later than 2:45 PM and remaining until 3:45 PM for after
school meetings and checking in by 7:00 PM and
remaining until at least 8:00 PM for the October evening
meeting. Partial points for reduced meeting attendance
will not be awarded.

Pretzel Rod Sales Submission of fundraising money... 5

● 3 or more weeks before due date = 5 points
● 2 weeks before due date = 4 points
● 1 week before due date = 3 points
● Money received on due date = 2 points

Zero points will be awarded if money is not submitted by

the stated due date

March of Dimes 5 points for participating in walk 10

“March for Babies” + 5 points for a minimum of $20 in donations collected
Regional 5 points for completing a testing event 7
Competitive Events Additional 2 points may be earned for placing in event

State Leadership 3 points for completing a state event 6

Conference (SLC) Additional 3 points may be earned for placing in event

Competitive Event If you are participating in RCE, attend test preparation 5

Prep sessions from 2:30-3:30 PM on Oct. 18th and Nov. 20th
to earn bonus points. Members must attend BOTH of
these sessions to earn points.

Competitive To receive the points, members must send a 3

Material: Testing link/documents of the different materials they used to
Event study for the event

Competitive To receive points, members must submit a video using 5

Material: the following guidelines:
Presentation Event ● At least 3 minutes long
● Clear audio and video quality
● Video must pertain to the specific event a member
was signed up for
● Video must include a minimum of 2 facts that aren’t
known about the specific event (i.e., info through the
use of their own experience vs. web site or other

Business ● Future: 1 point 10

Achievement ● Business: 2 points
Awards ● Leader: 3 points
● America: 4 points

Community Service ● CSA Community: 2 points 10

Awards ● CSA Service: 3 points
● CSA Achievement: 5 points

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