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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Mostro, Anilao, Iloilo


I. Multiple Choice. Read each question and encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Magnetism is a property of a material that enables to attract or repel other materials. Where is the biggest
magnet on earth can be found?
a. Outer core c. California
b. Mantle d. Inner core
2. Nikki Lamayo, a great 10 students perform an experiment to find out what materials are attracted to
magnet. What are the possible conclusions she made?
a. Woods are attracted to magnet c. metals like iron is attracted to magnet
b. Magnets repel metallic object d. metals are good insulator
3. What is true about the attractions between poles of a magnet?
a. Unlike poles attract c. like poles don’t attract
b. Like poles attract d. like poles repel unlike poles attract
4. Materials which are attracted by a magnet are known as magnetic materials. The following are magnetic
materials EXCEPT.
a. iron c. copper
b. gold d. hair
5. It is a field of force produced by a magnetic object or particle, or by a changing electrical field and is
detected by the force it exerts on other magnetic materials and moving electric charges.
a. Magnetic field c. electric field
b. Electron field d. electromagnetic field
6. The right hand rule for conventional current describes the direction of the magnetic field which
is_______________ to the direction of the electric field.
a. parallel c. perpendicular
b. opposite d. Both b and c
7. The conventional current flows from the positive to negative while the real flow of current is from______.
a. Positive to negative c. both positive
b. Negative to positive d. both negative
8. The magnetic field______________in direct proportion to the number of turns/loops in a coil.
a. increases c. does not change
b. decrease d. both a and b
9. A device that uses electrical energy to do rotational mechanical work or is a device that converts electrical
energy into rotational mechanical energy is called?
a. transformer c. generator
b. electric motor d. magnet
10. What effect does the rotational speed of the loop have on the generated electric current.
a. The faster the rotation, the greater is the galvanometer needle’s deflection indicating greater
amount of charges flowing in the rotating loop of conductor.
b. The slower the rotation, the greater is the galvanometer needle’s deflection indicating greater
amount of charges flowing in the rotating loop of conductor.
c. The faster the rotation, the greater is the galvanometer needle’s deflection indicating lesser amount
of charges flowing in the rotating loop of conductor.
d. The slower the rotation, the greater is the galvanometer needle’s deflection indicating lesser
amount of charges flowing in the rotating loop of conductor.

11. The plates and the upper part of the mantle combine to form a layer known as________.
a. Atmosphere c. exosphere
b. Troposphere d. lithosphere
12. The movement of Magma due to the convection current move the_______________.
a. Plates c. mantle
b. Crust d. core
13. The mantle is the layer of Earth that lies_________________.
a. over the crust c. between the core and the crust

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Mostro, Anilao, Iloilo


Set- up A Set- up B

14. Extreme heat from within the Earth creates convection current within the________.
a. Crust c. core
b. Mantle d. plates
15. The process of collision of two plates with different densities is known as_________.
a. Abduction c. Prediction
b. Subduction d. Production
16. When two Continental Plates with same density, collide with one another,____________.
a. collision takes place c. transformation takes place
b. earthquake takes place d. folding takes place
17. Due to these geological forces, the Earth's crust is being_________.
a. destroyed and created c. destroyed
b. created d. changed
18. When an Oceanic Plate collides with a Continental Plate, the Oceanic plate is forced_______.
a. Upwards c. backwards
b. into it d. downwards
19. Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions mainly take place at the_________.
a. plate surface c. terrestrial areas
b. plate boundaries d. ocean beds
20. The Transform Plate Movement is seen in a state of America known as_____________.
a. Mississippi c. Texas
b. Alabama d. California
21. When two oceanic plates collide, one runs over the other which causes it to sink into the mantle forming a
subduction zone. The subducting plate is bent downward to form a very deep depression in the ocean floor
called a____________?
a. Magma c. trench
b. subduction zone d. earthquake
22. What happens when two continental plate diverge?
a. the continental plate will subduct c. a hot spot will occur
b. a rift valley will form d. a tsunami will occur
23. What can causes a Tsunami?
a. A Landslide c. Volcanic Eruption
b. Underwater earthquake d. All the above
24. The lithosphere is divided into continent-sized plates that are___________________.
a. constantly moving c. not moving
b. constantly erupting d. all of the above
25. Compared to Oceanic Plates, the Continental Plates are lighter and less dense because_____________.
a. they're made up of sand c. they're made up of light elements
b. they're made up of soil d. they're made up of metalloids
26. These are the waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion.
They are the energy that travels through the earth and is recorded on seismographs.
a. Earthquake c. Tsunami
b. Seismic waves d. Transverse wave

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Mostro, Anilao, Iloilo


27. This is the fastest kind of seismic wave. The P wave can move through solid rock and fluids, like water or
the liquid layers of the earth.
a. Primary wave (P-wave) c. Tertiary wave
b. Secondary wave (S-wave) d. Love wave
28. The movement of the lithospheric plates is facilitated by a soft, weak and plastic-like layer. Which of the
following layers is described in the statement?
a. Asthenosphere c. Atmosphere
b. Lithosphere d. Mantle
29. An S-wave shadow zone is formed as seismic waves travel through the Earth’s body. Which of the
following statements does this S-wave shadow zone indicate?
a. The inner core is liquid. c. The mantle is solid.
b. The inner core is solid. d. The outer core is liquid.
30. What makes up the lithosphere?
a. Continental crust c. Oceanic crust and continental crust
b. Crust and the upper mantle d. Upper mantle
31. The second type of body wave which is the second wave you feel in an earthquake. An S wave is slower
than a P wave and can only move through solid rock.
a. Primary wave (P-wave) c. Tertiary wave
b. Secondary wave (S-wave) d. Love wave
32. The first kind of surface wave named after A.E.H. Love, a British mathematician who worked out the
mathematical model for this kind of wave in 1911.
a. Seismic wave c. Love wave
b. Secondary wave d. Rayleigh wave
33. Particle motion consists of elliptical motions (generally retrograde elliptical) in the vertical plane and
parallel to the direction of propagation. This type of surface wave is called______________.
a. Seismic wave c. Love wave
b. Secondary wave d. Rayleigh wave
34. It is the thinnest and the outermost layer of the Earth divided into two; the oceanic and continental crust.
a. Mantle c. Crust
b. Inner core d. Outer core
35. The most abundant element in the Earth crust comprising up to 46.6 % of it.
a. Nitrogen c. Silicon
b. Oxygen d. Iron
36. The next layer makes up about 80% of the Earth’s total volume and about 68% of its total mass. It is
mainly made up of silicate rocks, and contrary to common belief, is solid, since both S-waves and P-waves
pass through it.
a. Mantle c. Crust
b. Inner core d. Outer core
37. Since both S-waves and P-waves pass through the mantle, it is said to be__________________.
a. Liquid c. molten
b. Solid d. gas
38. The crust and the uppermost part of the mantle form a relatively cool, outermost rigid shell
a. Asthenosphere c. Atmosphere
b. Lithosphere d. Mantle
39. It is mainly made up of iron and nickel moving around the solid inner core, creating Earth’s magnetism.
a. Inner core c. Outer core
b. Mantle d, crust
40. The inner core is made up of solid iron and nickel and has a radius of 1300 kilometers. The extreme
temperature could have molten the iron and nickel but it is believed to have solidified because
a. tremendous pressure c. magma
b. high temperature d. freezing temperature

II. Diagram analysis.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Mostro, Anilao, Iloilo


A. B. C.

Primary Wave (P-wave) Secondary Wave (S-wave)

Love Wave Rayleigh Wave

Types of Seismic Wave Particle Motion Direction of Propagation Medium of Travel

Types of Boundaries Relative Motion of the Geological Features Geological Events





Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Mostro, Anilao, Iloilo



What does Plate Tectonics theory state about the Earth’s plate according to Alfred Wegener?


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