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Sealing Upgrade Eliminates Heat Exchanger Oil and Gas – Refinery

Chesterton Flange Live Loading, 5505H

Repairs Between Plant Stops Case Study 014 SE

Challenge Solution Results

Background Product Since upgrading, the customer has not
A European oil refinery experienced major Plant switched to the Chesterton Flange Live experienced issues with premature heat
issues with heat exchangers which caused Loading System consisting of Chesterton exchanger failures before scheduled stops
frequent emergency repairs between plant 5505H high-strength disc springs. at 6-year intervals.
stops. Flange springs were replaced with Chesterton Flange Live Loading: Another 20 heat exchangers have been
every shutdown. upgraded to this solution. All new exchangers
■■  olves leakage often seen when bolted,
S were ordered to receive the Chesterton Live
Application: gasketed joints are subject to mechanical Loading System.
■■  he heat exchanger dimensions are up
T shock, pressure surges, and/or thermal
to 2000 mm (79"). The medium being sealed expansion and contraction
is various hydrocarbons, steam, and water. ■■  ompensates for poor conditions by
■■  he pressure was up to 60 bar (870 psi)
T maintaining bolt force
with a temperature up to 400˚C (752˚F). ■■  esults in extended reliability and
equipment life

Heat exchanger emergency repairs impaired production. Live loading resolved customer's issues. Keeps flanges leak free by maintaining tension on bolts
between plant shutdowns.

Technical data reflects results of laboratory tests and is intended to indicate general characteristics only. A.W. Chesterton Company
A.W. Chesterton Company disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Liability, 860 Salem Street, Groveland, MA 01834 USA
if any, is limited to product replacement only. Any images contained herein are for general illustrative or aesthetic purposes only and are not intended to convey © 2018 A.W. Chesterton Company EN36570
any instructional, safety, handling or usage information or advice respecting any product or equipment. Please refer to relevant Safety Data Sheets, Product Data
Sheets, and/or Product Labels for safe use, storage, handling, and disposal of products, or consult with your local Chesterton sales representative. ®  Registered trademark owned by A.W. Chesterton Company in USA and other countries,
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