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PARRHESIA: A Message to George Clayton Johnson

(by the way, that’s the title of this message, not the title of the Story)

June 24, 2010 / Outline of a Virtual Conversation

Introduction / Shibboleth

Since I find it useful to give titles to my correspondences, let me take a moment to explain what I mean by
Parrhesia so we can start on the same page… In the classic discipline of rhetoric, parrhesia is a figure of
speech described as: to speak candidly or to ask forgiveness for so speaking.[1] The term is borrowed from
the Greek παρρησία (πᾶν "all" + ῥῆσις / ῥῆμα "utterance, speech") meaning literally "to speak everything"
and by extension "to speak freely," "to speak boldly," or "boldness." It implies not only freedom of
speech, but the obligation to speak the truth for the common good, even at personal risk.

My name is Richard Grove, and if pressed to label myself, I’d offer that I’m a human being who is an
active, comprehensive student of a world inventory of human resources, potentials, trends, and needs.

I seek to solve problems which are not being comprehensively or effectively addressed. I do this by
seeking to Simply, Clarify, & Economize through a process of Creativity, Fluidity, and Integrity. …and I
like share Time Management techniques which endeavor to make the world classroom into a place where
it’s safe and fun for everyone to learn at their own rate.

It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance and I’m extremely humbled and thus grateful for your granting
me an audience to share some positive energy with you… which I hope will prove to be an exchange of
wisdom which transmutes into a meaningful experience for all involved.

If I’m not overstepping my bounds, I’d also like to extend you an early Happy Birthday… July 10th isn’t
that far off, and I figured it would take you a few days to consume the contents; so I hope you’re amused
at receiving it a bit early ;) Look at it as the universe showing you a little love for keeping your interest
for so long… we’re all fortunate to be here living in these interesting times… and I like to think that Luck
is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

Part 3: The Breakout / Status Quo becomes Obsolete (CD-2)

We need to cogently and consistently communicate the STORY of the unintentional creation of the
Perfect Product to the 4 billion people here now, and the multitude of billions beyond in years to come…
who thrive as a result of the Perfect Product transmuting the status quo into a reality where human actions
are no longer oxymoronically opposed to human necessities for survival… both short and long term… we
have a responsibility to our friends, our families, and generations to come… but first we have to accept the
responsibility of being ourselves… it takes more courage to be yourself and not outsource your thinking
and all that comes with dealing with the unknown; than it does for a soldier to stand on a foreign


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Outline of the Perfect Product (still in its infancy, so this is a sneak peek)

Communicated in 8 components:

1. Introduction to the myth of the perfect product

2. Why it’s impossible
3. a noble purpose
4. a fortunate outcome
5. the perfect product
6. the opportunity
7. the goal
8. the close

Notes to self:

 try using “You and I” instead of “We” and consider changing it 

 write in a style speaking to one person, to avoid groupthink
 write in a style which keeps the message open to the broadest audience

*this presentation is directed to a general audience, not GCJ specifically

1) the myth of the perfect product

a) “You don’t have to know anything to be negative- you have to know a great deal to be positive.” -
b) I think that Integrity has a responsibility to honesty, because otherwise we’re just contributing to a
recurring loop of folly; which is the fuel source of the status quo and its beneficiaries… and that
being the topic I’m here to address…
c) I’m going to start by being open and honest, because it displeases only those who do not value
Integrity; and ensures that my message falls only upon open minds who will likewise take action
with integrity.
d) You most assuredly are familiar with part of the story which I am here to tell, as well as being part
of it yourself; but my reason for scheduling this virtual meeting with you is because you only have
part of the story… and at the conclusion of this conversation you’ll have the rest of it to explore for
yourself, so I ask only that you grant me the benefit of the doubt, open your mind, and hear the
meaning of this story by allowing me to relate the story without interruption.
e) You and I are individuals, we do what we do every day, separately; connected to each other
through the common ground that is this world.
f) There are events which are most assuredly adversely affecting you in a variety of ways, and most
likely, these events and their causality are not yet apparent to you; my goal herein, if you’ll extend
me the courtesy of the benefit of the doubt, I’ll do my best to illuminate these shadows for you- so
that you can benefit from the experience of understanding.


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g) In other words, the Map is not the Terrain, and time being our most valuable yet least tangible
asset at this point; we don’t want to waste any more of it than we have to recognizing we’re a bit
lost and could use a compass to find our way back home.
h) “Facts are stubborn things, and whatever be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our
passions; they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” John Adams, Boston Massacre Trials
i) Fact: life is predicated on survival
ii) Fact: We are all on a giant rock flying through space, spinning at approximately 1000 miles per
hour; and none of us has the ability to survive while consistently separated from this planet.
iii) Fact: We are all dependent on air, water, food, and overall health to survive.
iv) Life demands learning, do you want to learn before or after crises manifest into your life?
v) Question: What do the people doing this: (examples of mass destruction… cutting down of
the old growth forests & rainforests, decapitating the tops of mountains to rape the future of its
resources… privatization of water, GMO’s, depleted uranium, nuclear weapons, BP oil spill
poisoning our oceans) know that we don’t know?
(1) Or are they just out of touch with reality?
(2) Let’s take a look at reality…
i) Status Quo
i) Question: Are our values and beliefs in direct conflict with human needs for survival?
ii) Fact: We all wake up into this world, exiting our dream state of sleep and reanimating our
iii) Fact: None of us has a process of predicting the future on a consistent basis with certainty.
iv) Therefore: We all are waking up every day and dealing with the unknown, and the uncertainty
which accompanies it, on a near-constant basis.
v) Being that All Belief Systems are dependent on a miracle:
(1) Christianity has numerous, including the virgin birth and resurrection
(2) Judaism has the claim that the creator of the universe sent a message to them through
(3) Science has the big bang… and the fact that Descartes had a dream where he talked to an
angel who told him to go and use number and measure to conquer the universe… and out
of that comes modern science… I mean it’s almost too ironic to not present as stand up
comedy inspired by the universe.
(4) Why not just grant yourself a miracle and design your own experiential methodology
instead of worshiping an ideology?
vi) Questioning our reality illustrates the multiple layers of myth upon which it is founded. It
ceases to be real when the myths are revealed.
vii) Reality presents new problems, challenges, and obstacles; all of which are a shared
responsibility among those inhabiting this space ship earth.
viii) Let’s review our needs and then take a quick inventory of the problems most dangerous to
the future of humanity here in the early 21st Century:
(1) Basic Needs:
(a) We all need: Food
(b) We all need: Air
(c) We all need: Water
(d) We all need: Shelter


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(2) Status Quo is threatening our ability to fulfill our needs

(3) Beliefs as placeholders for experience… Question your beliefs… how do they benefit you?
(a) What experiences could you undertake to test the integrity of your beliefs… b/c if
they’re not strong enough to stand up to reality, you should really find a methodology
to replace your ideology.
(4) Self Defeating Beliefs
1. identify / oxymoronic to keep them
2. drop
3. replace with methodologies instead of ideologies
(5) Current Threats:
(a) The Unknown
(i) Celestial events, 2012, etc.
(b) Economic Freebasing / Bailouts
(i) We didn’t factor in greed and panic
(c) Light and Power
(d) Transportation
(e) Environment
(f) Ourselves
(i) War
(g) Our Technology
(i) Our Lack of Critical Thinking which turns tech from friend to foe…
(6) Status Quo / Culture
(a) Thom Hartmann: Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft
of Human Rights, page 1…
(i) Quote from introduction: “A culture is a collection of shared beliefs about how
things are; these beliefs are associated with myths and histories that form a self-
reinforcing loop, and the collection of these beliefs and histories form the stories
that define a culture. Usually unnoticed, like the air we breathe, these stories are
rarely questioned. Yet their impact can be enormous… Beliefs that are questioned
and aren’t useful begin to fall away… The question is: Do we want to keep this
belief, or change to something that works better for us?”

ix) So you and I face some immediate problems of near term survival, and if we think about it, we
probably have some responsibility to the people who will inherit the planet from us… it’s one
of those situations where we need a miracle, a panacea… a cure all that lets us all learn how to
solve these problems and move forward together in a more sustainable direction.
j) I’ll explain the problem in terms of what’s needed to solve it; presenting this list of attributes for a
metaphorical perfect product:
i) The Perfect Product would: be many times more valuable than it costs to acquire
ii) The Perfect Product would: be low risk and high reward
iii) The Perfect Product would: provide immediate short term benefits AND consistent long term
iv) The Perfect Product would: reduce your workload and increase your productivity, efficiency,
and effectiveness


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v) The Perfect Product would: facilitate emulation of its rational methodology… rather than
mandating worship of an irrational ideology
vi) The Perfect Product would: only pose a threat to humanity if it were to become absent from the
market (as we have now)
vii) The Perfect Product would: not lend itself to being misused as long as it is made available to
viii) The Perfect Product would: act as a litmus test, a metric by which you can ascertain if
you’re receiving valid information…
ix) The Perfect Product would: be a proverbial bullshit detector
x) The Perfect Product would: insulate the audience from fear and emotionally driven rhetoric by
providing a methodology to deal with the Unknown and the Uncertainty that accompanies it
xi) The Perfect Product would: provide a critical path through which conditioned responses and
reactions adverse to human survival are unlearned
xii) The Perfect Product would: supply you with a never ending stream of new tools to become an
autonomous first hand thinking adult
xiii) The Perfect Product would: make worrying obsolete
xiv) The Perfect Product would: diffuse and dispose of ignorance, violence, and hatred by
dispersing inspiration, love, and understanding
xv) The Perfect Product would: inspire confidence in the face of chaotic conditions
xvi) The Perfect Product would: be useful to all problem solving endeavors
xvii) The Perfect Product would: enable consistent, productive and non-coercive conflict
xviii) The Perfect Product would: facilitate self control and character building
xix) The Perfect Product would: build and strengthen social and communication skills
xx) The Perfect Product would: not need to use fear, coercion, or force to proliferate its presence;
it’s simple and effective usage by individuals is its own driving force of communication
xxi) The Perfect Product would: not depend on a continuous stream of hypocrisy, ignorance,
and blind capitulation to myths and illusions in order to survive.
xxii) The Perfect Product would: satiate individual needs without creating a direct conflict with
human survival
xxiii) The Perfect Product would: be a daily survival tool which is useful to each and every
individual (who learns to effectively use it) and therefore would be needed by everyone on the
xxiv) The Perfect Product would: offer that which is not being offered elsewhere
xxv) The Perfect Product would: be infinitely duplicate-able
xxvi) The Perfect Product would: be non-toxic to human goals
xxvii) The Perfect Product would: quell greed and gangsterism by rewarding ingenuity and
xxix) The Perfect Product would: inspire collaborative cooperation rather than coerced
capitulation and competition
xxx) The Perfect Product would: be profitable for everybody
xxxi) The Perfect Product would: be symbiotic with our environment and the regenerative nature
of our universe


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xxxii) The Perfect Product would: be something that you can’t lose
xxxiii) The Perfect Product would: be something that you can’t steal or have stolen from you
xxxiv) The Perfect Product would: be something which increases in value and is resistant to
xxxv) The Perfect Product would: enable you to learn to outgrow your fear
xxxvi) The Perfect Product would: enable you to avoid emotional blackmail
xxxvii) The Perfect Product would: allow you to defend your self in a comprehensive manner
xxxviii) The Perfect Product would: enable you to liberate your friends and family of
parasitic beliefs, individuals, or organizations which feed on their unwitting ignorance; as these
relationships do not deliver any discernable benefit
xxxix) The Perfect Product would: allow us to objectively observe our environment, and provide a
methodology to attain certainty
xl) The Perfect Product would: facilitate our communication of the solutions to others
xli) The Perfect Product would: enable individuals to collaborate to enact those solutions
xlii) The Perfect Product would: provide a methodology to discern fact from fiction and
distinguish illusion from reality
xliii) The Perfect Product would: improve your certainty and judgment
xliv) The Perfect Product would: act as a lens through which an audience or individual can view
reality with minimal distortion
xlv) The Perfect Product would: encompass and teach you how to use tools to survive instead of
weapons to destroy
xlvi) The Perfect Product would: allow you to learn your way past regret
xlvii) In short, the perfect product would facilitate the survival of the Human race in every
possible way, it would be a miracle, a panacea.
(1) Define panacea
(2) So if you’re a sailor out on the sea 2000 years ago, and you don’t have the sun or stars from
which to navigate because its so foggy; a tool of navigation, such as a compass, which
allows a consistent metric of certainty, such as from which you could actually build semi-
accurate maps… and thus expand trade and travel with certainty… making it a good
investment. Today, we face a metaphorically similar problem, insofar as finding ourselves
in a constant fog- and our environment denying us the tools through which reference as a
method of certainty.
(i) Since these tools were purposely removed from our education system, it doesn’t
make sense for the people who unrightfully confiscated the most valuable tools on
the planet to give them back to the masses- who they now control.
(3) We’re done waiting for miracles, b/c only we can make them happen for each other, so
let’s start doing that right now.
k) Impossible
i) Like Time Travel
(1) Regret  machine  Satisfaction
(2) What if you had a philosophy to eradicate regret by participating in a comprehensive
conscious curriculum
(a) Define philosophy as a crisis management and risk mitigation tool set
(i) Unlimited, mix and match tools… get ‘r done


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2) Why its impossible

a) Thus making it possible
b) How the Status Quo is made possible
i) Individuals and groups display Deficiencies in:
(1) knowledge
(2) experience
(3) tools
(4) communication
(a) Our actions at any given time are dependent on the quality of information to which we
have access, at that time.
(b) … when we lack information or experience, or tools… or all of the above…
(i) Most people are conditioned by mass media and the education system to react in
one or all of 3 ways when presented with a situation where they lack knowledge,
experience, or the tools to deal with the unknown:
1. Frustrated
2. Confused
3. Violent or destructive
(c) results in Fear, anxiety, stress, etc… which all pose risks to our freedom, health and
overall survival.
(d) no process to deal with the unknown
(i) panic / loss of problem solving skills
(ii) Personal Security starts with your mind, b/c you can’t do anything without it… and
most people think of Self Defense as being physical, not cognitive in nature…
because 99.9% of the situations individuals and groups deal with involve words and
not violence
(e) overall inability to perform Intellectual Self Defense and Problem Solving, Crisis Mgt,
Risk Mitigation
(f) no process to attain certainty with consistency
(i) therefore judgment is “best guess”
1. if we are unable to identify fact from fiction, we are unable to pass valid
information among each other, and we are also unable to make informed
decisions which do not generate regret
2. when this happens, you have what we have here in this time period… a failure
to communicate… making problem solving nearly impossible.
3. making it Impossible to make the Perfect Product
ii) but what if… we ignored the Impossible and just kept moving forward?
(1) “Any sufficiently advanced understanding appears indistinguishable from magic- in fact, it
is magic” - RG
3) a noble purpose
a) define Noble: OED 4a: Of the mind or nature… the natural thing to do
b) common ground
c) Step 1: reconnoiter / collect knowledge (eliminate illusion) and build a comprehensive perspective
d) Step 2: identify root cause
e) Step 3: create a model which makes the root cause obsolete


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f) compare / contrast status quo

i) based on ignorance / control by belief
ii) “Literacy is a form of slavery, until critical thinking is practiced by the reader.” – RG
(1) For we let our young men and women go out unarmed, in a day when armor was never so
necessary. By teaching them all to read, we have left them at the mercy of the printed word.
By the invention of the film and the radio, we have made certain that no aversion to reading
shall secure them from the incessant battery of words, words, words. They do not know
what the words mean; they do not know how to ward them off or blunt their edge or fling
them back; they are a prey to words in their emotions instead of being the masters of them
in their intellects. – Dorothy Sayers, Oxford, 1947
iii) If the Status Quo’s supply line is based on a constant stream of non-critical thinkers
(1) What would be the solution?
(2) Learn to outgrow our problems
g) Einstein Quote / Problems cannot be solved by the same level of consciousness which creates them
i) The notion that psychedelics / entheogens are “mind expanding” substances which help you
outgrow the status quo… allowing you to see the problem from the outside, which is also
where the solutions reside… entheospace / psi*phi methodologies
h) to apply a corrective layer
i) journey which led to understanding

4) a fortunate outcome
a) we were just trying to address the situation by emulating Nature, and ironically the natural solution
ends up fulfilling the attributes of the Perfect Product; thus making the impossible possible… so
lets give the Perfect Product a name…
b) the C-cubed, which is a journey to a Macrocosmic Comprehension… big picture
i) Comprehensive: having the attribute of comprising or including much; of large content or
ii) Conscious: Knowing, or sharing the knowledge of anything, together with another
iii) Curriculum: a regular course of study or training
iv) the Trivium
(1) nomenclature quote “It's been said that "learning is a result of understanding which is
a result of good communication which is a result of a consistent language which is a
result of good NOMENCLATURE.” –Joseph Newman
(2) Grammar
(3) Logic
(4) Rhetoric
v) RBF obsolete quote: "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
(1) Existing model made entirely of ignorance sans critical and creative thought
5) the perfect product
a) validates “impossible” has been made possible
i) Magic


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ii) Software for your mind, in the form of an idea, which if studied and understood acts as a
moral, ethical, and metaphysical compass… to help you navigate safely through the unknown
and the uncertainty which accompanies life.
iii) IMAGINEERING: a lot of positive work can be accomplished by combining imagination and
engineering in a spirit of self-mobilization within a group, social, or community context.
(1) Intellectual Self-Defense = Cognitive Liberty
(2) Value of Certainty
(a) The Oracle at Delphi
(i) Kings and tyrants would travel hundreds of miles with their caravans to seek
certainty from a less-than-certain source
1. process to predict the future
2. Phoenicians (who developed the Trivium) were founding the cities of Europe
b) quotes which validate the solution
i) Dorothy Sayers / Lost tools of learning
(1) I am concerned only with the proper training of the mind to encounter and deal with the
formidable mass of undigested problems presented to it by the modern world. For the tools
of learning are the same, in any and every subject; and the person who knows how to use
them will, at any age, get the mastery of a new subject in half the time and with a quarter of
the effort expended by the person who has not the tools at his command. To learn six
subjects without remembering how they were learnt does nothing to ease the approach to a
seventh; to have learnt and remembered the art of learning makes the approach to every
subject an open door.
ii) RBF on education
(1) “He felt that, like almost all human organizations, including government, industries, and
religions, the primary function of the educational system is self-perpetuation and
acquisition of fame, fortune, and power for the people who control it.”
iii) JTG on education
"I've come to believe that genius is an exceedingly common human quality, probably natural
to most of us... I began to wonder, reluctantly, whether it was possible that being in school
itself was what was dumbing them down. Was it possible I had been hired not to enlarge
children's power, but to diminish it? That seemed crazy on the face of it, but slowly I began to
realize that the bells and the confinement, the crazy sequences, the age-segregation, the lack of
privacy, the constant surveillance, and all the rest of national curriculum of schooling were
designed exactly as if someone had set out to *prevent* children from learning how to think
and act, to coax them into addiction and dependent behavior." – John Taylor Gatto
iv) Norman Dodd (DVD included)
c) What makes us different from animals is our brain, our mind, our memory, our ability to learn
from observation, to record and communicate this knowledge thereby making it wisdom- as
knowledge becomes wisdom only when shared, and certainty predicates knowledge… our ability
to use tools to discover methodologies to outgrow our Fears. and our ability to explore far beyond
the limits of our physical environment.
6) the opportunity
a) 4 billion + people need it
i) the Mind is the limit


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b) provide everyone with the tools to learn their way out of problems, and how to mitigate the
circumstances forming the root cause of the problems; as to prevent history from repeating and an
ever-escalating exponential exposition toward human extinction.

7) the goal
a) Libraries are built for the few who actually use them. Libraries are a local resource where
individuals can fortify their knowledge and become first hand thinkers; forming local work and
study groups to take an active role in problem solving.
b) To learn from history such that it no longer repeats
c) Expose millions, if not billions, to the potential, let them make an informed choice
i) Allowing them to regain their sovereignty of judgment instead of outsourcing their thinking to
statism, religion, or the magnetism of greed.
ii) Individuals who identify the massive amount of entropy in their economic situation will take
voluntary action to drop those dead end services which do not facilitate their personal goals…
Analog Economic Redistribution, sell the old trophy products and invest in the tools you need
to amplify your understanding, certainty, judgment, and thus your satisfaction in life
iii) For individuals to identify their least useful actions and habits, and start to replace them with
habits which facilitate their goals, starting with survival… once people start re-dedicating at
least 1 hour a day into applying the Perfect Product via review of mp3’s, books, dvd’s, and in
face-to-face conversations… the “problems” we face as humanity will be well on their way to
being solved… one mind at a time… and since it was the denial of the Perfect Product (i.e. a
methodology of critical and creative thinking to attain certainty with consistency) one mind at
a time which caused the catastrophic crises of the early 21st Century… the arrival of the Perfect
Product and it being made available to those who seek its wealth of mind; is an ironic turn of
events… the ®evolution occurs in the mind, and is reflected by the demonstration of learning
from our so-called “mistakes”. A mistake is only a mistake until you learn from it and
demonstrate through action that you’ve evolved… and that’s what life is all about… The
Perfect Product is a consequence of courtesy, consideration, and consistency… the compass
which led us to this point of revelation.
8) the close
a) If we’re here for a purpose, then we have a responsibility.
b) Realizing that others use the methodologies of critical thinking and persuasive speech as a weapon
against those who don’t have it- including you- what position are you in without a form of
Intellectual Self Defense?
i) B/C all confidence schemes target those without a methodology to deal with uncertainty and
the unknown… those who are resistant to learning… and the people whose money Bernie
Madoff with weren’t poor, or uneducated… they were among the richest people in America…
so to think that those who participate in the schemes described on the 20/20 Hindsight DVD
are not already ripping us off to an unimaginable degree, at this point is naïve… and it doesn’t
benefit any of us to be naïve enough to let history continue repeating because we fail to see the
importance of learning with certainty.
c) Ben Franklin / Pros and Cons
i) Sacrifice Your Fear and Ignorance, Gain Your Confidence and Cognitive Liberty
(1) Practical application of Intellectual Self Defense / Q.E.D.


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d) Logical, rational, mature, comprehensive, empathetic; human survival

i) Oxymoronic to continue making mistakes after you’ve been given valid data from which to
e) Team of people ready, willing, and already undertaking this process
i) But we sure could use your help
f) Takeaway / Doing it anyway
i) Life is like music, and Time is the space between the notes… thank you for extending your
time and attention to me, today… and I look forward to learning from you in the future.
g) Sooner or later you’ll realize the need for the perfect product… and when you do, you know where
to find us.

Next steps:

1. listen to the general presentation I’ve recorded for the perfect product
2. watch 20/20 hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline (DVD)
3. explore the bonus features… PROJECT CONSTELLATION (audio and transcript)
4. play with the perfect product (also on the DVD)
5. review the Norman Dodd Interview (DVD and Transcript) and see what you’ve learned.

The world is made up of words, and if you know the right words, you can make of it, what you will.
Thank you for helping me find the time, space, and words George!



A Psi*Phi Methodologist ;)

Richard Grove, Editor-in-Chief

Tragedy and Hope Magazine(sm)

Tragedy and Hope, Inc.

22 Briarwood Lane
East Hartford, CT 06118
P: 860.206.0574


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