Issue 39 - Volume 2

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October 8, 2010
Volume 2, No. 14
New Zealand’s first Indian weekend magazine
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New Zealand | 5 Bollywood | 25 New Zealand | 4

Champion Wrestler Asha Parekh & Rotorua Deepavali lights
Dev Saab up NZ’s changing face

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Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 1

New Zealand

Indians feel badly let down by PM John Key

Indian Weekender Correspondents
The recent uncivilised comments by Paul common man trust Mr Key to look after their serious – exactly as he appeared when Paul Association is organising a meeting to galva-
Henry in the presence of John Key has out- interests?” Dr. Prasad asked. He added that this Henry made them,” said senior community nise community support. She claimed herself to
raged the Indian Community. Unfortunately, is a serious slur on the background of all ethnic leader Prithipal Singh, MNZM and Chairman be more Kiwi than Paul Henry but as a matter
the Prime Minister failed to react to him and communities and the behaviour of both Mr of Global Indians, a National Party outfit. of fact will always look like an Indian. She
also continued to defend him in subsequent Henry and the PM has been unwise. Prominent Indian community leader Ashok termed the comments as outright racist and
press conferences. “Prime Minister John Key can’t just smile Darji of the Auckland Indian Association and flippant. “Paul Henry does not live in the real
Though the Indian community expected the and pass it as a joke as he seemed to do on the NZICA said multicultural and multiethnic world,” she said.
Prime Minister to give a befitting response to screen. We expected more than that,” Mr Veer New Zealand, particularly Auckland, had no Community leaders were especially out-
Paul Henry’s racist buffoonery – he chose not Khar, former General secretary of the NZICA place for such comments and that they must be raged that it was a public broadcaster funded
to and even went to the extent of committing said. condemned by all right thinking people. by the taxpayer that was acting so irresponsi-
himself to his show on next Monday. The Prime Ram Rai a National part office bearer was “Any seasoned politician would have gauged bly and the fact that the head of the government
Minister thus has undoubtedly failed the Indian cautious in his comments but said that the the political fallout of merely smiling at such was not doing enough to take it to task.
community and the wider ethnic communities Prime Minister definitely needs to clarify his a damaging, unabashedly racist statement and Labour MP Trevor Mallard yesterday said
that comprise 21st century New Zealand. position and he would prefer him not to go back immediately corrected that perception with an the furore over Henry’s comments “could have
Even as TVNZ suspended broadcaster Paul on the breakfast show hosted by Henry and appropriate statement. Mr Key simply seemed been fixed right as it happened if the Prime
Henry for his widely condemned comments on instead hoped that he is fired by TVNZ. to go along with it,” said Sunil Kaushal a well Minister didn’t try and smile and please Paul
New Zealand Governor General Anand Saty- Whau Board candidate Ann Nisha Pala known figure in the community and also a Henry.
anand during the course of an interview with strongly felt the prime minister could have re- member of the Waitakere Ethnic Board. “His decision at the time not to challenge
Prime Minister John Key, a large cross section sponded more strongly as soon as he heard the “The Prime Minister and the National Party, Paul Henry was gutless and it means ... someone
of the Indian community has voiced its utter “insulting comments.” which in any case tends to be perceived as con- who has to make instant decisions that could be
disappointment with the manner in which Mr “As a journalist, Henry’s job is to openly air servative and right leaning by ethnic groups, very important to the country made a decision
Key handled the situation. opinions and make people react to them ... But I will have to work hard to prevent from such to condone racism and not to call it right then.
While Mr Henry is known for his abrasive was surprised the Prime Minister said nothing a perception being reinforced in the run up “Frankly you do need to have a Prime Min-
style and is given to air controversial views on at the time. He should have stopped him in his to the next election, if they still want to be in ister that has the backbone to say that behaviour
sensitive topics it was up to the Prime Minister tracks. The country was watching. Mr Key the running with ethnic groups,” said Roshan is unacceptable. You don’t have to go back to
to stop him in his tracks especially in this in- should have come out far more forcefully right Nauhria, MNZM, President of Bhartiya Mandir the office to think about it.”
stance, several Indian community leaders told there. Commenting several hours later was and a successful businessman. Unite Union and Global Peace and Justice
Indian Weekender. good but not good enough.” Prominent businessman of Indo-Fijian Auckland (GPJA) joined a protest outside
Dr. Rajen Prasad, Member Parliament of Mr Key later in the day said that he was descent, Harish Lodhia, has termed this inci- TVNZ’s Auckland offices last night and said
Indo-Fijian descent, expressed his profound taken off guard by the comment. But he told the dent and the subsequent reaction by the Prime suspending Henry, “the poster boy for bigotry,”
sadness and frustration at the way the Prime media that he would continue to appear on the Minister as an insult to the entire nation. was not enough and called for his sacking.
Minister laughed along with Paul Henry while programme with Mr Henry next week. Mr Ajay Kumar of Global Financial Servic- Unite Union national director Mike Treen said
he was making racist comments. “If he was genuinely concerned, the Prime es expressed his extreme disgust at the entire he did not call for someone’s dismissal lightly.
“If the Prime Minister cannot defend the Minister would have made a statement later re- episode. “However Paul Henry legitimises racism
Governor General on a state run broadcast fusing to appear on the programme. That makes Ranjana Patel, a third generation Kiwi and bigotry in the workplace. I deal every day
– then he is not fit for the job as how can the it looks like he did not think the comment was Indian and President of the Manukau Indian with problems associated with managers and


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2 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |

New Zealand
Premature news of bank’s
impending entry causes
even co-workers abusing staff because they
look or sound different.”
John Minto, spokesman for Global Peace
stop a stupid and racist state broadcaster from
mocking the Governor General and thus the
future for the common man under John Key’s
Indian Weekender fielded several queries appeared “prematurely”.
and Justice Auckland, described Henry as a leadership is “bleak.” from the community after a report ap- Mr Rao said the premature report had the
“boil on the backside of New Zealand.” National List MP Kanwaljit Bakshi has not peared in a community publication and potential to jeopardise the bank’s pro-
“He’s giving legitimacy to bigotry and been returning calls and has failed to vocifer-
website about the impending entry of spective application and added that the
racism,” he said. “Paul Henry is a serial offend- ously condemn the actions of both Henry and
er. He has abused women, people of colour, gay the Prime Minister. He is a representative of Bank of India in New Zealand last week. media must report facts correctly and not
people, people with disabilities and all migrant the Indian Community first and then a member The news item was pulled from the sensationalise. He declined to comment
Kiwis who don’t look like him.” of the National Party and the community website hours later but the paper version any further.
“What will it take the Prime Minister and expects more from him. carried the report. To Indian Weekender’s questions about
the government to take decisive action on the Pansy Wong Ethnic Affairs Minister did Our enquiries in New Zealand and India what “initial approval” as stated in the
errant broadcaster and its wholly owned broad- not return calls and instead sent a brief state- have revealed that though the bank in- report meant, the Reserve Bank of New
casting organisation?” asked Kevin Patel, a ment by email which failed to address the basic tends to set up operations in the country it Zealand responded saying that it did not
South Auckland businessman. issue of the Prime Minister’s inability to stop will be a while before this happens. comment on specific bank applications
“Such racist comments, by Paul Henry have Mr Henry from making racist comments and The publication reported that the Reserve and prospective ones.
hit at the very roots of multiculturalism and his willingness to go back on a show with him Bank of New Zealand had given “initial A man claiming to be the bank’s lawyer
Kiwi Indians will not tolerate this. The Prime as host. approval” to establish a subsidiary called who would identify himself only as Kanji
Minister should feel sorry and apologise to the Minister Wong’s statement also did not term
Bank of India NZ and that a local board called Indian Weekender saying the pub-
community at large,” said Harish Bajaj QSO, Mr Henry’s convoluted comments as racist and
did not ask for his permanent removal from of directors with a local businessman as lication had been asked to take down the
JP, a veteran community leader and vocifer-
ous supporter of anything Indian. He wishes to the state run TVNZ. Such actions lend tacit Chairman had been appointed. story from the website because it was too
ask the Prime Minister that are all brown skin support to racist people like the suspended At the time of writing, the Companies Of- premature and incorrect.
people holding NZ citizenship second class show host. fice website does not list any company by While on a visit to New Zealand last
citizens? Some community members have been out- that name and therefore the question of month, Indian government Finance
The community’s disgust with Mr Henry’s raged enough by the inept handling of the issue directors and chairman having been ap- Secretary Ashok Chawla said the entry
comments has been steadily building up over by the Prime Minister and are calling for an pointed for a company of that name does of other Indian banks into New Zealand
the past weeks in the run up to the Common- apology from him. not arise. would depend on how Bank of Baroda
wealth Games during the coverage of which All like minded organisations can contact Enquiries in India revealed that the Bank performed. Bank of Baroda New Zealand
he has spoken extremely disparagingly. His Indian Weekender at info@indianweekender. of India “was months away” from setting began operations earlier this year. At the
repeated digs at Delhi Chief Minister Shiela as we have been encouraged by our up a presence here. The bank’s represen- time of interview he did not indicate the
Dixit’s name was aptly described as a “cheap readers and community leaders to rally support tative in New Zealand, Nageshwar Rao, impending entry of another Indian bank
shot” by NZICA President Paul Singh Bains. to impress upon the Prime Minister to have
said though permission had not yet been into New Zealand.
Another Indian businessman who did not the state broadcaster take strong and decisive
wish to be named said that he will surely not be action on Mr Henry – going beyond the a mere received, an application had been made
to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. He -Indian Weekender Correspondents
voting for National and John Key – if he cannot two week suspension.
said that the report in the publication had

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Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 3

New Zealand

Rotorua Deepavali lights up NZ’s changing face

dev nadkarni
The third Rotorua Deepawali Festival was cele- awali festival.
brated with great vigour and enthusiasm on Sat- One of the highlights of the evening that
urday, October 2, at the the city’s beautifully de- successfully portrayed the Maori-Hindu theme
signed Rotorua Energy Events Centre. It was the of the celebrations was the Maori-South Indian
first time ever in fusion dance
New Zealand, by the Anujay
that the Maori School of
community was Dance in Auck-
a key contribu- land. The effort
tor to a Hindu was as innova-
Festival. tive as it was
The festival, absorbing.
for which prepa- Nardhana
rations began Vidyalaya, also
nine months ago, of Auckland
was celebrated and Nataraj
in smoke-free, Dance School
alcohol-free and of Wellington
vegetarian envi- also presented
ronment. colourful and
The formal memorable
opening was dance items
conducted with Maori and Hindu ceremonies (a that regaled the auditorium that was chock
powhiri and the lighting of the lamp by the chief a block with spectators. The seats had been
guest, Member of Parliament Todd McClay). booked months in advance – that’s a measure
The cultural fest began soon afterward with of how popular the event has become in a such sented a contemporary Indian dance item and a lationship with the
colourfully memorable performances by groups a short time. Garba dance and the two fashion parades cho- Hindu community
of children, youngsters and the young at heart Auckland’s Padma School of Classical Dance reographed by Rhythm House of Auckland. has grown, hosting
that had gathered in Rotorua from as far afield presented a dance drama while the Rotorua The evening ended with a fire dance in the distinguished guests of the Hindu community,
as Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Chinese Dance group performed the beautiful foyer of the venue and the grand finale was from the USA and India.
In the foyer of the venue was an array of “Walk on Spring” item. the ten-minute fireworks display that virtually Gina Wright, a Maori artist of Tainui (Ngati
stalls selling Indian stuff – including delectable Other performances came from the Probasi stopped the tourist town in its tracks, with ev- Naho) descent, organised “Mehndi Moko”
vegetarian dishes, clothes, fashion accessories Bengali Association, the Bellyvegas Communi- eryone looking skywards at the fantastic display and “Rangoli Art for Kids” workshops at the
as well as cooking and other crafts demonstra- ty Dance Group of Rotorua, the Soul of Punjab that lit up the clear night sky with the colours Rotorua Arts Village on October 1 as part of the
tions. group from the town which presented a soulful and the spirit of Deepawali. Rotorua Deepawali Festival. Both these work-
The morning’s proceedings were a fitting Bhangra to loud cheers from the audience and a The committee thanked all who helped put shops were fully booked by a mix of people of
curtain raiser to the blockbuster fare that fol- high energy solo Rajasthani dance performance the festival together and specially honoured one a range of ethnicities – South African, Indian,
lowed in the evening. Beginning with a Maori by Minal Raj of Rotorua. The tourist city’s senior volunteer – something which the com- Maori and Kiwi.
Haka by young students from the Mokoia In- Ramandeep Kaur sang the evening’s only solo mittee said it would do every year, beginning Georgianne Crawford, of Tainui (Ngati
termediate School, the evening proceeded with number, a popular Hindi film song, with great this year. Mahanga), a nursing student and director of a
a series of classical, folk and fusion dances by skill. Three Maori community members took key community belly dance group in Rotorua. She
children from all over New Zealand. The two major highlights of the evening were responsibilities in the festival organising com- has Indian connections as her great grandfather
The evening began with an address from Dr the two items each presented by Auckland’s mittee: Shaloh Mitchell as the co-ordinator of was from Gujarat.
Meeta Patel, the secretary of the Rotorua Deep- well-known Indiance Dance Group, which pre- Maori relations – who also did the honours as “It is really exciting to work along with these
a fantastic master of ceremonies with co-host talented people. They bring so many new ideas
Nitika Sharma – Gina Wright as the co-ordinator and also make us think beyond the traditional
of art workshops, and Georgianne Crawford as celebrations of the Hindu festival,” said Dr
the joint co-ordinator of cultural programmes. Magesan, Festival co-ordinator and the General
Shaloh Mitchell, of Te Arawa (Ngati Secretary of Hindu Council of New Zealand.
Whakaue) descent, is a young and upcom- Riria McDonald conducted Poi demonstra-
ing Maori leader, the managing director of a tion during the festival. Natanahira Pona and
tourism business. His ancestors were among the Tane Singh-Lagah did Whakairo demonstra-
founding fathers of the Rotorua Township. He tions.
was born and raised in the lake side village of Rotorua Deepawali Festival 2010 was a free
Ohinemutu and has been one of the Rotorua’s community event and people from various cul-
Young Achievers. tures, nationalities, ethnic groups, faiths, and
Earlier this year, Shaloh volunteered to help belonging to various organisations attended,
organise the Rotorua Holi Festival at Ohinemu- partaking of the vibrant flavours of Deepawali,
tu Village, to celebrate the Race Relations Day. which is now being celebrated around the world
It was a great event with Hindu, Maori and Eu- with great enthusiasm.
ropeans and overseas visitors to Rotorua partak- Indian Weekender was proud to be associ-
ing in the festivities ated with the Rotorua Deepawali Festival and
It was in 2008 during a powhiri for Hindu appreciates the work put in by its committee in
community at Apumoana Marae when Shaloh putting together such a successful programme
met Dr Guna Magesan and organisers of that is destined to grow in size and popularity
Rotorua Deepawali Festival. Since then his re- in coming years.

4 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |

New Zealand
“Learning provides
aspiration and hope” is also the Minister for Defence and the Minister for
Science and Research
While welcoming the guests, Gurbrinder Singh
Aulakh, the Chairperson of English Language
partners North shore, on behalf of both the North
Shore and South Auckland Centres, highlighted
the importance of learning and education in this
21st Century. He thanked Birgit, Julia, Margie and
other staff for their hard work and support in orga-
nising the event. He said, that coming from a law
background he very well understood, the wealth of
knowledge that Dr Mapp commands.
Later addressing a multicultural large gather-
English Language partners celebrated the Adult ing, Dr Mapp endorsed Mr Aulakh’s views on
Learners Week last Saturday. The organisation has education in the 21st Century. He further stressed
more than 3000 volunteers helping the Migrants that education provided aspiration and hope which
and Refugees with their learning needs and it sup- could not be realised, unless the learners make use
ports their smooth integration into the community. of the available opportunities to reach their goals.
Lot of Indians and other ethnic groups are He also presented awards to the outstanding tutors
already availing of the free services provided by the and learners.
organisation. Hon Dr Wayne Mapp Associate Min- The event ended in a vibrant atmosphere with
ister for Tertiary Education and Economic Develop- the Punjabi cultural dance Bhangra, which made
ment was the chief guest on the occasion. Dr Mapp the audience clap and dance along.

Punjabi Munda becomes

lord of the ring
ARVIND KUMAR he advised me to take wrestling seriously because
At first glance you would never guess that soft he thought I could really do well if I work harder.
spoken Botany store manager Jatinder Sandhu is a “From that day onwards, I started listening to
wrestler, let alone a champion one. him and found myself improving in the sport.”
But the 26-year-old from Mt Roskill is a lion Jatinder also credits his success to the persistent
in wrestling arena; so much so that he has now drive by his mother back home in Punjab.
become the first Indian to be selected in the New “My mum used to push me very hard because
Zealand national team. she wanted me to be very successful in life. Nothing
Jatinder, originally from Patiala, Punjab, last was important for her except looking after my diet,
weekend powered his way into the national team my sleep and my training.
after winning the New Zealand Senior Freestyle She always used to say that one day I’d make
(96kg) Championship in her proud. I also represented
Dunedin. Punjab in all-India Inter Uni-
Earlier this year he versity wrestling champion-
won the Waikato champs ships and won gold in 96kg,
held at Hamilton; Auck- I won silver in senior Punjab
land champs held in Dil- games.
worth (Auckland); Hunua “I was doing well but then
Counties champs (Papak- suddenly tore some of my leg
ura); North Island champs muscles while training and
(Hawera); and the All New doctor told me to take a long
Zealand Wrestling Clubs break . . . this was the time
champ (Hamilton). when I made my mind to
However, Jatinder is come to New Zealand.”
not the first in his family Jatinder has Bachelors
to have gained fame from and Masters in History, and
success in the ancient in New Zealand studied
sport. Business Management.
His father, Gurmukh “I have been in New
Singh, is a former Com- Zealand for two years and
monwealth Games and seven months now. I got my
Asian Games medalist, Permanent Residency last
having won the Indian month and I’m thankful to
national championship my employer, Mr Bramha
five times, a silver medal Jatinder Sandhu of Mt Roskill, Auckland, Naidoo, for helping me get
in the Commonwealth the first Indian to be selected into a national there,” said Jatinder, who
Games, bronze in the wrestling team. He now has his sights set manages the Opportos store
Asian Games, and gold in on representing New Zealand at the Oceania in Botany Town Centre.
games next year, the World Championships
the SAAF Games. and then the Olympics. Jatinder is part of one
“It feels really good to of two prominent wrestling
be at the top because I’m the only Indian to be New families in Patiala, based near Mohindra College.
Zealand national champion in history and I feel Dad Gurmukh Singh, who now works as a
proud as well as I represent not only my country but sports officer in Punjab, is well respected in the city
the whole Indian community as well,” Jatinder told because of his prowess in the sport.
the Indian Weekender. “We also have our own wrestling club in Patiala
“From next year I’ll be in the national team and it is a registered club, and some of the guys
of New Zealand and will be representing New in our club are nationally and internationally re-
Zealand and Indians abroad.” nowned players,” said Jatinder.
Jatinder said he came to know about the Dil- “My dad looks after the club and my uncle,
worth Wrestling Club after a year living in New Harjeet Singh, trains them. We give free accommo-
Zealand. dation and food facilities to all the guys who can’t
“Dilworth Wrestling Club is one of the best afford their expenses. Currently we have 35-40
wrestling clubs in New Zealand. Ian Adamson runs members in the club (17 live in the club itself).”
the club and he motivated me to join the club when For now, Jatinder is reveling in the glory of his
I first met him and told him about myself. wrestling success, and has set his sights on repre-
“When the coach at Dilworth, Amir (Iranian senting New Zealand at next year’s Oceania Games,
wrestling veteran) saw me training with other guys the World Championships, and later the Olympics.

Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 5

Lalu, Nitish opt out of Bihar How was the last day of Gandhi?
New Delhi: On January 30, 1948, Father of the He again gave interviews to Maulanas Hifzue

polls candidature Nation and apostle of Non-violence Mahatma

Gandhi fell prey to the bullets of an assassin.
But as the nation remembered the architect of
India’s freedom movement on his 141st birth an-
Rahman and Ahmed Said. He had a talk with
Sudhir Ghosh and Pyarolal.
At 13:30 hours the news of the day was read
out to him.
Patna: Incumbent Bihar chief minister Nitish field Jaiprakash Narain Yadav as our official niversary on Saturday, we take a trip down the Around 14:00 hours blind refugees came to
Kumar as well as his arch rival and former chief nominee,” Prasad said. decades and go back to the last day in the life of meet him.
minister Lalu Prasad has decided not to enter A former Bihar chief minister and Union Gandhiji when he was shot dead by Nathuram Again gave interviews to Chowdhary Badlu
the poll fray in the coming Bihar Assembly minister and sitting MP, Prasad has decided not Godse, a Hindu fanatic. Ram and Sher Singh.
elections. to enter the poll fray. His last day was chronicled by the Sabarmati He had another interview at 14:30 hours with
Announcing the list of Rashtriya Janata Dal RJD sources said that Prasad may return to Ashram, the Gandhi ashram near Ahmedabad. Acharya Malkani and Dr. Choith Ram Gidwani.
(RJD) nominees for the third and fourth phase state politics if the party manages to cobble up a It was a Friday and at around 03:30 hours The Ceylon ambassador Mr. W. H. De Silva
of Bhiar polls, RJD supreme Lalu Prasad on majority collation, even if not absolute majority. Gandhiji woke up from sleep. He prayed from and his niece received an Autograph, which is his
Monday said Rabri Devi will contest from Rag- The party recently released its first list of 65 03:45 and then at around 04:45 hours drank a last signature.
hopur and Sonepur constituencies. candidates for the first two phases of Bihar poll. glass of hot water with lemon and honey. More interviews followed. At 15:00 hours with
He said it was done in conformity with the The party is contesting for 168 seats, leaving the Between 05:00 and 06:00 hours he drank Professor Radha Kumud Mukerjee.
‘people’s demand’ and added, “I am sure she rest 75 of 243 seats in the state to Lok Janshakti mausambi juice and again went on to sleep At 16:15 hours he had a serious discussion with
will have people’s support in both the constitu- Party (LJP). between 06:00 – 07:00 hours. Sadar Patel.
encies, where she will emerge victorious.” Incumbent chief minister Nitish Kumar has He appeared for an interview with at 07:00 Late by ten minutes, at 17:05 hours he walked
For the Banka parliamentary constituency also made it clear that he will remain away from with Shrimati Rajen Nehru. towards prayer ground in the Birla House.
by-polls, Prasad nominated former Union min- contesting the polls. He took a massage between 08:00 and 08.30 By 17:17hours he was assassinated by Na-
ister Jaiprakash Narain Yadav to take on Putul He is a member of the state Legislative hours and then went for a bath. thuram Godse who came close enough to shoot
Devi, widow of independent MP Digvijay Council and has stated that he will continue At 09:30 hours he took his morning meal and him from point blank range in his chest.
Singh. with this arrangement. then a short nap again. According to the First Information Report
“We offered Putul ji to contest on our party Bihar goes to polls in six phases from At 12:00 hours he woke up and drank a glass (FIR) filed by Shri Nand Lal Mehta, his last words
symbol but she refused. So we decided to October 21. of hot water with honey. were Ram - Ram.

Heer-Ranjha’s love story goes under hammer

Mumbai: International art auction house artist to appear at auction to date, said
Bonhams is all set to get a painting Bonhams on Tuesday.
describing the first meeting of legendary Bux’s utopian landscapes and portraits
lovers Heer and Ranjha under hammer. enjoyed great popular success, but it was
Painted by Ustad Allha Bux, this oil on his depiction of the legend of Heer and
canvas is estimated to sell at $100,000- Ranjha that his name became synony-
150,000 at the Bonhams Modern & mous with oil painting in Pakistan.
Contemporary Middle Eastern & South This particular painting depicts the mo-
Asian Art Auction Dubai, One &Only Royal ment when Heer first sets eyes on Ranjha,
Mirage on October 11. a young handsome trader from Central
This work is the largest painting by the Asia, who has lost his way in the forest.

6 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |


Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 7

Type to reach Congress India Briefs
is to retire as head of the Tata Group in 2012, has
New Delhi: A cyber war has broken out between “Several factors point to the fact that the said been part of various advisory councils in India,
the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress linking and redirecting of users from the im- the most recent being an in advisory panel formed
with the former serving a legal notice to their main pugned domain name to the official domain name to suggest ways to restructure the ailing national
rival political party after it was found out that the of Indian National Congress is not only deliberate carrier, Air India, a brainchild of J R D Tata.
site <> diverts but also mischievous, impermissible and unlaw-
the traffic to the official site of All India Congress ful,” the BJP said in its legal notice served by their
Committee (AICC). advocate Pratibha M Singh. No US visa for Sanjay Dutt
Type <> The BJP said such an act cannot be without the Mumbai: Actor Sanjay Dutt’s visa application to
and within seconds you are taken to the http:// direct and/or tacit support of the Indian National visit US for his daughter’s graduation ceremony <http://www.congress. Congress party. there was rejected, a report said on Monday.> featuring prominently the troika The BJP said the ownership of the www.bjp. The acclaimed actor’s application for his visa
of Congress leadership- Sonia Gandhi, Rahul com <> domain name is not renewal (he had a 10-year visa to visit the United
Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. traceable as it remained in “masked and protect- States) was rejected for the second time by the US
The Congress said it was not looking for the ed” category. Kailash to perform at CWG closing consulate on the grounds that he was convicted
help of BJP to bring traffic to their site and party The BJP said it found that a company called ceremony for the 1993 serial blasts, for illegal possession
and the onus is on BJP to look into the matter, but Bharat Janata Prakashan was the owner of the of arms. New York-based Trishala will miss her
the BJP said the domain name has been hijacked to domain first but it was later sold to someone else. New Delhi: Sensational Sufi singer Kailash Kher father at her graduation ceremony, where all par-
take the viewers to the site of Congress. The BJP asked the Congress to ensure that the has confirmed that he will be performing in the ents join their children to celebrate the completion
The official site of BJP is <http:// domain name is transferred to them and it would closing ceremony of Commonwealth Games of their degrees. She is graduating from John Jay> . reimburse all the charges for that. (CWG) on Oct 14 at Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium College of Criminal Justice in New York City. It
here. Kailash said his songs will cheer up all ath- is said that Trishala, after being traumatised by

Verdict heralds new chapter in

letes, irrespective of ‘who won more gold and who her father’s tryst with the legal system, took up
is returning empty-handed’. The closing ceremony law as a career option. Sanjay Dutt’s manager
is expected to be a spectacular extravaganza like Dharam Oberoi was quoted as saying the actor

national integration: BJP

the opening ceremony. was very keen to attend his daughter’s gradua-
tion but only faced disappointment each time he
Rata Tata in British panel to boost UK applied.
New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on tion and a new era for inter-community relations. Mumbai: Tata Group’s chairman Ratan Tata has Proud Swraj Paul commends India for
Thursday said said the Ayodhya verdict favouring The BJP is gratified that the nation has received the been named in a 19-member group of famous, CWG show
the construction of a temple on the disputed land verdict with maturity,” he said. which would help the British government in pre- London: As the World watches India host
would herald a new chapter in national integration. Treading cautiously on the communal minefield, paring business strategies and highlight priorities Commonwalth Games in a grand opening that
“In so far as the judgement upholds the right of a three-member Lucknow bench of the Allahabad for the UK economy, suffered from worldwide overshadow many allegations, NRI tycoon Swraj
the Hindus to construct a temple at the Garbh-Grih High Court on Thursday passed a verdict upholding recession. Tata’s name in the UK panel meant his Paul says he is confident of India’s capability.
[sanctum sanctorum] , it is a significant step forward the Hindu claim that the disputed site is the birth- influence in British economy with his Group of Congratulating New Delhi, the industrialist, a
towards the construction of a grand temple at the place of Lord Rama but ruled that the land would be companies having tremendous brand names,such member of the British House of Lords, said the
birth place of Lord Rama,” BJP leader L K Advani divided into three parts with one third going to the as Tata Steel and the tea company. About 65 per critics would now realise that India “does things
said. Muslims along with one third for the Hindus. cent Tata Group’s income comes from outside in its own style. All of us, including myself
“The expert opinion of the Archaeological Rejecting the Sunni Waqf Board and Nirmohi India, mostly from Corus and Jaguar Land Rover. personally, are proud of India and its people”,
Survey of India and other expert agencies engaged Akhara’s title suit, the Lucknow bench of Allahabad Other prominent members in the group of UK he said. He said now all the adversaries to India
by it had clearly opined that there were remains of a High Court on Thursday said Hindu deity Lord panel include Paul Walsh of Diageo, Justin King would shrink now with thoughts that their target
Hindu religious structure where the disputed struc- Ram was born indeed on the disputed Ayodhya site, of Sainsbury’s, Sam Laidlaw of Centrica and Sir country was bigger and capable to achieve things
ture stood,” said Advani. bringing a temporary closure on the 60-year-old Michael Rake of BT, media reports said. The on time. “India is capable to meet its international
“The Bharatiya Janata Party believes that this dispute since the judgement can now be challenged panel of leading industry bosses will interact with commitments and it is great pride to be of Indian-
verdict opens a new chapter for national integra- in the Supreme Court. the UK government on business issues. Tata, who origin,” Paul said.

Vignettes of Delhi CWG

3 4

1 2
1.The President Pratibha Patil declares the Games open, during the opening
ceremony of the 19th Commonwealth Games 2010-Delhi, at Jawaharlal
Nehru Stadium, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.

2.The Prince of Wales, Prince Charles reads out the message of Queen
Elizabeth on her behalf during the opening ceremony of the 19th Common-
wealth Games 2010-Delhi, at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, in New Delhi on 6
October 03, 2010.

3.The Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh addressing at the opening cer-
emony of the 19th Commonwealth Games 2010-Delhi, at Jawaharlal Nehru
Stadium, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.
The President, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil, the Prince of Wales, Prince
Charles and other dignitaries are also seen.

4.The artistes perform during the opening ceremony of the 19th Common-
wealth Games Delhi-2010, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.

5.Singer Shibani Kashyap performs with artists during the opening

ceremony of the 19th Commonwealth Games Delhi-2010, in New Delhi on
October 03, 2010.

6.Giant Puppets hang from the aerostat during the opening ceremony of the
19th Commonwealth Games Delhi-2010, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.

7.A drummer performs at the opening ceremony of the 19th Commonwealth

Games Delhi-2010, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.
8.The artistes perform during the opening ceremony of the 19th Common-
wealth Games Delhi-2010, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.

8 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |


Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 9

More from Delhi 1.A spectacular view of Jawahar Lal Nehru stadium during the opening ceremony of the 19th Commonwealth
Games 2010-Delhi, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.

CWG 2.The Oscar winning music composer A.R. Rehman performs during the opening ceremony of the 19th Com-
monwealth Games 2010-Delhi, at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.

3.Shri Sushil Kumar, Wrestler the gold medalist, Moscow World Wrestling Championship holding the Queen’s
Baton, 19th Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010, and waving the audience at the opening ceremony of the 19th
Commonwealth Games 2010-Delhi, at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.

4.The President, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil, the former President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the
Prince of Wales, Prince Charles, his wife Duchess of Cornwall Camilla Parker, the Prime Minister, Dr. Man-
mohan Singh, his wife Gursharan Kaur and other dignitaries, during the National Anthem, at the opening
ceremony of the 19th Commonwealth Games 2010-Delhi, at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, in New Delhi on
2 October 03, 2010.

5.The Commonwealth Games Federation flag unfurling at the opening ceremony of the 19th Commonwealth
Games 2010-Delhi, at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010
6.Master Keshava a seven year old Prodigy from Puducherry plays the tabla at the opening ceremony of the
19th Commonwealth Games 2010-Delhi, at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.

7.Graph with light, a creative sketch of Mahatma Gandhi, at the opening ceremony of the 19th Commonwealth
Games 2010-Delhi, at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.

3 8.Giant Puppets hang from the aerostat during the opening ceremony of the 19th Commonwealth Games
Delhi-2010, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.
4 9.The President, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil, the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles, the Prime Minister Dr.
Manmohan Singh and his wife Smt. Gursharan Kaur with other dignitaries witnessing the opening ceremony
of the 19th Commonwealth Games 2010-Delhi, at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, in New Delhi on October 03,

10.The Artistes performing cultural programme at the opening ceremony of the 19th Commonwealth Games

5 2010-Delhi, at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, in New Delhi on October 03, 2010.

Kalmadi apologises for lack of coordination
7 “We, in Commonwealth Games Fedeartion, as
well as the athletes like spectators to watch the per-
New Delhi: Chairman of the Commonwealth formance during the competition,” he said.
Games (CWG) Organaising Committee Suresh Fennel suggested that younger ones who are
9 Kalmadi on Tuesday extended his apology for lack willing but can’t afford to buy the tickets could be
of coordination which led to the Australian contin- given the opportunity to watch the competition.
gent waiting for more than an hour in hot and humid Kalmadi informed that efforts are being made
weather before the opening ceremony. by the organizing in this regard.
Replying to a question at the media interac- He informed that total of six lakh tickets for
tion at the Games main press centre on Tuesaday, various events of the Games have already been sold.
10 Kalmadi admitted: “Something went wrong and Many journalists feel that the lack of attendance
Australian athletes had to wait. I extend my apology in many of the venues was mainly due to security
for the same.” hassle and also because some events like netball
India Briefs Kalmadi assured that this ‘won’t happen again’
during the closing ceremony.
and lawn bowling are not at all popular in India.
Fennel reiterated that the opening ceremony of
Earlier, CWG Federation President Michael the Games was spectacular one and appreciated
Human skulls, bones found in Siliguri meetings on various security-related issues with top Fennel expressed his concern about some of the people of Delhi for praising the athletes when they
Siliguri (West Bengal): The Railway police found Indian officials, including Union Home minister p venues where competitions are being held virtually arrived at the stadium for the march-past during the
some thirteen human skulls and forty-two leg bones Chidambaram, during a two-day visit to the country. with no spectators. opening ceremony.
abandoned on a platform at Siliguri Junction on Security preparations for US president Barack
Sunday. General Railway Police’s officer-in-charge Obama’s November visit to India topped the agenda,
of Siliguri Junction P Debnath said a blue-coloured
unclaimed bag, that initially created panic, was later
reports said on Sunday. Panetta, who arrived here
from Pakistan on Friday night, met Chidambaram British school outsources math to India
found to contain those human bones. Human skulls and top officials on Saturday and discussed several London: In a reversal story of large scale influx of The lessons, designed for children, aged
and bones of limbs have huge demand in neighbour- issues concerning regional security and intelligence Indian students to study here, a local school facing between 6-16, and cost 12 Pounds an hour and
ing Bhutan and Nepal, where tantriks of Kali sadaks sharing mechanisms to fight terror. Panetta also shortages of brains has outsourced mathematics parents sign up for blocks of two or five hours.
and quacks use them for different reasons. Debnath met Intelligence Bureau chief Rajiv Mathur, RAW teaching to India. Students appear to be excited about the project,
said that they have sought the help from the forensic (Research and Analysis Wing) chief K C Verma Media reports quoted BBC as saying a north BBC quoted several 10-year-olds saying this.
experts to determine the age of the bones, police said. and home secretary G K Pillai. During the discus- London school, Ashmount Primary, has outsourced Adam, a student, said: “It’s fun because it’s on
No arrest had been made in this case so far, police sions, counter-terrorism initiatives as well as greater mathematics teaching to India and pupils in this in- the computer and not doing it on your books.
added. Indo-US cooperation in security-related matters also stitution were improving. “Another student Rosa added: “It’s fun because
figured. The discussions also broached on Pakistani- Shortage of mathematics teachers here in British you’re talking to someone from somewhere else.”
India Post releases CWG stamps American terror accused David Coleman Headley, schools has presented an opportunity to Indians to BSEC has employed around 100 maths gradu-
New Delhi: India Post on Sunday released third who was recently questioned by an Indian team in teach the subject. ates for the purpose, who are paid 7 Pounds an hour.
set of stamps at Commonwealth Games (CWG) the US. Many of them have even immigrated to Britain One of them remarked, “I can’t see the student,
Village Post Office to commemorate the event that to teach mathematics. but I can talk. I can chat with them so it’s a different
inaugurates in the evening. India Post celebrated the India remembers Father of the Nation New Bright Spark Education Company (BSEC), was way of teaching and as effective as a classroom —
spirit of the XIX Commonwealth Games by issuing a Delhi: India on Saturday remembered the Father providing the online mathematics classes by teach- even more effective, so that’s what I like about it.”
set of four stamps (of Rs. 5 each) on Tennis, Archery, of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi on his 141st birth ers thousands of miles away in India. The teachers in Britain were not amused at the
Hockey and Athletics. The set was formally released anniversary with day-long programmes across the “ Lessons are booked 24 hours in advance; and idea..” I am concerned about the precedent this is
by Rameshwari Handa Chief Postmaster General, country and paying of homage by people from all at a stipulated students log on and converse with setting,” said National Union of Teachers’ general
Delhi Circle, in the presence of Lt. General (Retd.) walks of the society. Floral tributes were paid at Ra- their tutors over the internet,” the media report said secretary Chris Keates. “What next? Do we do
Ashok Kapur ADG (Games Village) and other senior jghat, the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi, by the top on Monday. without maths teachers?” she asked.
officers of India Post. The 19th Commonwealth politicians. From Prime Minister Manmohan Singh,
games 2010, are being organized in Delhi between United Progressive Alliance (UPA) chairperson So-
Oct 3-14. It is going to be the largest sport event in
Delhi after the Asian Games in 1951 and 1982. It
nia Gandhi and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders
like L K Advani and Sushma Swaraj paid the tributes India remembers Father of the Nation
is also for the first time that the Commonwealth to the architect of non-violence and India’s freedom New Delhi: India on Saturday remembered the also paid his homage at the memorial.
Games are being held in India. To commemorate movement. US Ambassador to India, Timothy J. Ro- Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi on his 141st President Pratibha Patil, who also paid her
this sporting extravaganza, India Post has already emer also paid his homage at the memorial. President birth anniversary with day-long programmes tribute at Rajghat, in a message said: “Gandhiji
issued two sets of stamps on Themes: One set on the Pratibha Patil, who also paid her tribute at Rajghat, across the country and paying of homage by people taught us to stand resolutely against fear, to under-
Queen’s Baton Relay and a second on the Jawaharlal in a message said: “Gandhiji taught us to stand from all walks of the society. stand the importance of truth and to work for the
Nehru and Talkatora Stadiums. As the commemora- resolutely against fear, to understand the importance Floral tributes were paid at Rajghat, the memo- eradication of poverty, illiteracy and discrimina-
tive stamps are printed in very limited quantity, for of truth and to work for the eradication of poverty, rial of Mahatma Gandhi, by the top politicians. tion. He inspired millions to unite for the cause of
this issue only 4 lakh stamps have been printed. The illiteracy and discrimination. He inspired millions to From Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, United freedom and independence.”
stamp and First Day Cover have been designed by unite for the cause of freedom and independence. On Progressive Alliance (UPA) chairperson Sonia “On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti let us take a
Sankha Samant. the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti let us take a pledge Gandhi and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders pledge to follow the path of truth and non-violence
to follow the path of truth and non-violence and like L K Advani and Sushma Swaraj paid the trib- and dedicate ourselves towards promoting peace,
CIA boss reviews security for Obama’s visit dedicate ourselves towards promoting peace, toler- utes to the architect of non-violence and India’s tolerance and harmony and work for the progress of
New Delhi: The chief of America’s Central Intel- ance and harmony and work for the progress of the freedom movement. the nation,” she said.
ligence Agency (CIA), Leon Panetta, held a series of nation,” she said. US Ambassador to India, Timothy J. Roemer

10 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |

Why the Fiji Times takeover is good news

Earlier I wrote here about the Fiji Times and The European community wanted the and controlled national daily newspaper daily that Fiji had at that time, the Fiji Sun,
the anti-Indian propaganda that it carried on Indians as labourers so most of the time the Fiji with the interest of the nation as its main pri- decided to wind up the operations and leave. So
for close to one and a half centuries (The Power Times took a pro-establishment and therefore ority. On the contrary, it is good that the Motibhai Group is taking over
of the Written Word). Soon after that we had anti-worker stand. After the indenture was over the Fiji Times, in particular, worked against the newspaper because they have similar quali-
the good news that the Fiji Times was bought and when the Indians started demanding equal national interests by ties.
by Motibhai and Company, one of the leading rights the Europeans started turning the Fijians fostering ethnic rivalries and hatred. This After the coups when many businesses
Indian business firms in Fiji. against the Indians. was something that had been closed or shifted their operations elsewhere Mo-
I call it the good news for two reasons. First This was most evident in the anti-Indian going on for several decades and the newspa- tibhais continued in Fiji showing their faith in
of all it ensures the continuity of the publica- propaganda that the Fiji Times generated. They per continued in the same vein the Pacific nation. They are also one of the com-
tion and the survival of the newspaper, which highlighted any negative thing about the Indians even after Independence. panies that was not implicated as a company
ensures the positions of the employees. Second- so that the Fijians would be wary of them. After This anti-Indian policy of the Fiji Times con- trying to get rid of the People’s Coalition gov-
ly, while talking of the Fiji Times one gets so the Indian labourers went on strike in 1920 the tinued till 2000 when it contributed to the fall of ernment in 2000.
overwhelmed by its anti-Indian propaganda that Europeans openly started turning the Fijians the People’s Coalition Government. Now that an Many of the businessmen (most of them
one often overlooks the good things the paper against the Indians and the Fiji Times became Indian firm, Motibhai’s, has bought it, it is rea- Indian) were accused of helping the rebels
has been doing for over a century. Now at last in 2000, the best example being Jim Ah Koy
we can forget about its one great weakness and (though he is not Indian) who felt it necessary
concentrate on its positive contribution to the One gets so overwhelmed by its anti-Indian propaganda that to have paid advertisements in the newspapers
country. to deny that he had any involvement in the over-
When I showed Dr. I.S. Tuwere of the one often overlooks the good things the paper has been doing throw of the government. But Motibhais have
College of the Diocese of Polynesia my paper maintained a good record as far as their loyalty
on the media he found it very subjective and for over a century. Now at last we can forget about its one great to the country is concerned.
at times “this subjectivity reduced to personal The other good thing is that the Fiji Times
attack on the Fiji Times”. In contrast Michael weakness and concentrate on its positive contribution to the once again becomes locally owned. It was
Field of Fairfax thought that it was “ too kind started by a local European, George Griffiths,
to Len Usher …who did enormous damage to country. in 1869 in Levuka. After Griffith’s death Alport
journalism and Fiji”. So though I am biased, I Barker became the new owner and it started
do not think that I am too biased, and I now want publishing from Suva. It has been foreign-
to set the record straight by tracing the history owned since 1950 when R.W. Robson bought all
of the Fiji Times, which explains the reasons for their main tool for this. sonable to expect that there would be a change the shares. In 1987 it became part of the media
its anti-Indian stand. This anti-Indian propaganda continued at least in its policy in dealing with issues that empire of Rupert Murdoch. So after sixty years
The Fiji Times was in Fiji five years before under the editorship of Len Usher who was the affect the Indians. it will once again be locally owned.
the islands came under the colonial rule so it is editor for several years from 1958. As editor On the positive side, the Fiji Times has been It augurs well for the Fiji Times that it is
older than most things in the country. It started Usher, who was notorious as a colonial, contin- there before any of us, so it is well and truly going to be owned by a local Indian business
publishing ten years before the first Indians ued this propaganda even after Independence part of Fiji. For over a hundred years it has been group. One can reasonably expect the paper to
stepped on Fiji soil. When it started in 1869 it and did not support the policy of multiracialism. serving the people of Fiji of all ethnic groups have no more Indian bashing. It is also expected
was a newspaper for the European settlers so it When the media failed in Fiji to contribute to the by telling them daily what is happening around to have its primary loyalty to the nation before
concentrated on what was of interest to them. As important task the world. anything else as the Motibhai Group has been
the knowledge of English spread and it became of building a nation out of the plural society In doing this, the Fiji Times has been very credited with. So it is expected that the news-
the official language of the colony it slowly that existed at loyal as they continued to provide the news paper from now onwards will have the interest
became a national newspaper. The outlook of independence, this was attributed to the under all circumstances. So after the second of the nation as its main priority and will con-
the Fiji Times, however, remained the same – foreign ownership. coup in 1987 when censorship was introduced tribute to nation building by fostering ethnic
that of the European community in the colony. It was true that there was no locally owned (for a short time) they continued when the other harmony and multicultural understanding.

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Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 11
Fiji Times editor resigns Health staff sharpens its skills to control dengue, filariasis
SUVA: Dallas Swinstead, publisher of The Fiji anti-government by some sections of the communi- Suva: Fiji Islands is currently hosting an entomol- 2008 outbreak affected 2,000 people.
Times, has announced that Sunday Times editor ty, he had always tried to be an editor who put Fiji’s ogy training course to enhance identification, sur- At present there is no vaccine available for
Fred Wesley has been appointed acting editor- future above everything else. veillance and control of vector mosquitoes (those dengue fever. Hence the mainstay for dengue pre-
in-chief of the group following the resignation of Dallas Swinstead noted: “Netani’s journalistic that can transmit diseases) in the country with the vention is the control of vector mosquitoes.
Netani Rika. life has taken him from a copy boy to the editorship support of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community This training is very timely as the rainy season
He will assume editorial responsibilities for The of Fiji’s national newspaper during some of the na- (SPC) and the Pasteur Institute of New Caledonia will soon begin, bringing conditions favourable for
Fiji Times, The Sunday Times, Nai Lalakai and tion’s most turbulent times in history.” (IPNC). The training is supported by financial as- mosquito breeding. The training also supports the
Shanti Dut. Few journalists could claim that honour, espe- sistance from the French Agency for Development. implementation of the recently developed Fiji Na-
Wesley has been the editor of The Sunday Times cially under the tenure of perhaps the world’s biggest About 25 Ministry of Health participants from tional Dengue Strategic Plan 2010–2014.
for three years. Rika’s resignation was described by newspaper company, News Ltd. all over Fiji Islands are taking part in the five-day Filariasis is also a priority disease, with suspect-
himself as “something of a sacrifice” for the good “I know from my own experiences that one is course training to sharpen their skills to identify ed prevalence of approximately 6.3% of the popula-
of the company, recently purchased by the Motibhai bound to make friends and enemies along the way and monitor the activity and density of disease tion infected with microfilaria.
Group, following News Limited’s forced sale. but that’s the life of an editor. And the best editors vector mosquitoes, to address two priority mosqui- The training is being conducted by Laurent Gil-
He acknowledged that while he was seen to be know when it’s time to move on.” to borne diseases in Fiji: dengue fever and filariasis. laumot (Entomologist from IPNC), Lucien Swillen
Fiji has several species of mosquitoes that can (Vector Control Specialist from New Caledonia)
First of its kind, A park for the seniors transmit dengue fever and filariasis, including
Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, Aedes polyne-
and Dr Narendra Singh (SPC Preparedness and
Training Specialist), along with other key staff from
zens the services that matter most,” Dr Luveni said. siensis and Culex quinquefasciatus. Improvement the Mataika Laboratory, Fiji Ministry of Health. It
“The park will provide an ideal place for the of mosquito surveillance and understanding of their is taking place at the Fiji School of Medicine’s En-
senior citizens to make interactions, socialise and dynamics in the environment will assist the country vironmental Health Lab.
enjoy the recreational activities which will be or- in preventing future outbreaks of dengue fever and Presently all efforts are dedicated to larval
ganised for them. reducing incidence of filariasis. indices and little work is being done on adult mos-
The park, she said would not have been possible Dengue fever is a disease of concern in Fiji quito identification. The training covers mosquito
without the kind assistance forwarded by the Suva Islands. In 1997–1998 and 2008 the country expe- capture using various traps; mosquito identification
Rotary Club and Mr Ajay Amrit along with the rienced major outbreaks resulting in loss of lives, (adult/larvae); surveillance; and control strategies,
Suva City Council. substantial health care stress and considerable eco- including monitoring resistance. It will improve the
“No money, no gain, as the saying goes. We nomic costs. The 1998 outbreak affected 24,000 understanding of a number of vector borne diseases
had no money, Ajay Amrit looked for it and found people (including 1,600 hospitalisations) and the of relevance to Fiji Islands.
the money through the usual ready support of the
The Ministry of Social Welfare, Women and
Poverty Alleviation in collaboration with the
Rotary Club of Suva and Suva City Council will-
ingly approved this site that is actually second to Minister warns bus drivers
Rotary Club of Suva and Suva City Council have none in terms of environment and connecting to the Reports by a daily newspaper today reveals that In a separate incident, a bus company in
embarked on developing a park for senior citizens everyday lives of the children, the sports people.” students who travel by bus have been publicly Lautoka is taking advantage of this free fare initia-
at the Thurston Gardens in Suva. Dr Luveni reiterated that the Government berated by inconsiderate and rude bus drivers, tive by taking longer routes than the normal route
At the official groundbreaking ceremony held would continue to strengthen partnership to make who chase students away from their buses, es- to expand passenger base, much to the disadvan-
today at the Thurston Gardens, the Minister for a difference in the lives of the senior citizens in the pecially those under the Transport Assistance tage of students, who arrive to school late because
Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation, country. Scheme. the driver drops them off a distance a way from
Dr Jiko Luveni said the park being first of its kind in Mr Hemant Kumar the architect assigned for That is indeed shameful and any kid who may the normal disembarking point.
the Pacific was part of the Government’s determi- the design of the park has agreed to take on the task have faced such treatment must take note of the Bus drivers need to be reminded that they
nation to provide for the care and welfare of senior free of charge. The construction of the park would bus registration number and immediately report should accept coupons from children during the
citizens in Fiji. take a maximum of three months. the matter to school. Heads of school must report following times: 6-9am and after 2:30pm daily.
“The construction of this park is evidence of “Come Christmas time this year we expect the this matter to their respective district education The Ministry is calling on relevant authorities
Government’s commitment to ensures that the most park will be ready for opening. The project is really office for submission to the Transport Assistance to treat this matter with some urgency, as it is quite
vulnerable in our community receive the help they a historic one,” Kumar said. Task Force at the Ministry’s Head Quarters. serious, especially when exams are near.
need and to plan a future that gives Fiji’s senior citi-

World Hindi Day celebrated in Fiji Rumour mongers use blogs to spread misinformation
World Hinid Day was celebrated throughout Fiji economic and political link with India also means blog information.
and a formal function was held in Suva with several that Hindi spoken by the people here could be a big SUVA (Fiji Media Watch): In Analysts say people need to realise that many of
cultural organisations coming together. Professor attraction for investment and for tourists from India. Fiji, we are all too familiar with the term “coconut these blog sites are not following any media ethics
Biman Prasad Dean of the Faculty of Business and There were several challenges facing the learn- wireless” and we have an affinity to spread the word and almost everything is based on hearsay.
Economics at the University of the South Pacific ad- ing and teaching of Hindi, Prof Prasad said. but now the rumor mongers are armed with a much But the damage is done as some media outlets
dressed the gathering consisting of scholars, teach- “First, the changing demographics in Fiji will more dangerous tool, internet blog sites. continue to use them for information.
ers and speakers of the language. raise new questions about the teaching of Hindi Over the last couple of months, these rumour The other issue is that some media outlets delib-
“I am not an expert in Hindi language as I in schools. Indian population has already declined mongers have stirred up a lot of talk among the erately ignore the facts in relation to the situation on
studied Hindi only up to class six but I am very to 37 percent and Indian student’s primary school people with far-fetched and fabricated information the ground because it would then water down their
pleased that we had the opportunity to do so even enrolments are likely to decline as a result. This relating to Fiji. “perfect story” from the blog.
up to that level. We should pay tribute to our fore- decline is especially going to be significant in the Fijivillage gets numerous calls from eager blog Emeritus professor formerly at the University of
fathers who under difficult conditions kept the lan- rural schools. There is already evidence that major- site readers everyday who seem to believe every the South Pacific and political observer Dr Crosbie
guage and not only that made sure that their chil- ity of the primary school students in the rural areas rumor and fabricated story being fed to them. Walsh told Pacific Scoop that the spread of misin-
dren also had the benefit of learning it,” Prof Prasad would be indigenous Fijians. When this happens These blog site readers do not realiSe the formation in the post-coup blogosphere continued
said. throughout all the primary schools in the rural impacts of circulating false information as a leading to be a problem.
“Today the preservation of Hindi as a language areas then questions are likely to be raised about the New Zealand academic has warned that blog sites Walsh said every day for the last week or so, Fiji
is a result of their foresight and hard work in build- wisdom of teaching Hindi in those schools. in Fiji can be dangerous and fuel racial tensions. had been bombarded by “destabilising and outra-
ing schools throughout Fiji for their children where “The second feature arising out of the chang- It has now come to the point that some people geous rumours” and that the mainstream media
they could study Hindi as a language. Countries ing demographics and changing rural-urban com- continue to believe the rumours based on the issue was not reporting this because no responsible
with similar history of Indian Indentured labours position of population will be the large numbers that they feel that the blog sites are giving accurate media outlet would report a rumour without check-
such as Mauritius, Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname of Indian students in urban primary schools. This information with no credible sources. ing it out.
have not been able to preserve Hindi or other Indian again will be a challenge for the learning and teach- At times, things get uncontrollable as the blog Head of journalism at the USP Shailendra Singh
languages in way that we have in Fiji. ing of Hindi and vernacular languages in general readers spread the rumours and expect things to said this was a problem and that “inflammatory
“One of the unfortunate things in this country as English language gets the further reinforcement happen. statements, racial hatred, vindictiveness” could be
for a long time has been the lack of appreciation and through the dominant westernised cultural influ- What makes matters worse is that some so found readily on Fiji blog sites.
support to promote both Hindi and Fijian as nation- ence.” called credible overseas media outlets are using the Dr Walsh argued that the blogs did little to
al languages. It is pleasing to note that the Baini- On the ageold but ongoing issue of Fiji Hindi blogs as their main source of information and then advance constructive debate around the Fiji politi-
marama government has taken a policy decision to versus Shudh Hindi, Prof Prasad said, “In the past fuel the rumours by writing articles based on the cal question.
make the teaching of Hindi and Fijian compulsory we have had the debate on the type of Hindi we
in primary schools. This effort is commendable but should promote in Fiji. Some have advocated that
needs to be promoted seriously and adequate re-
sources in terms of teaching materials and qualified
Fiji Hindi should become the basis of learning and
teaching Hindi in Fiji. Fiji Hindi is important lingua Former Fiji PM on bail after court appearance
teachers should be provided.” franca for all Indians and indeed for many Indig- SUVA (Radio NZ International/Pacific Media meeting - he was merely talking to farmers in his
Underscoring the importance of learningh enous Fijians. Watch): Former Fiji prime minister Mahendra role as a public figure, politician and leading trade
Hindi formally among the new generation, Prof “However, the Hindi being spoken in the 20 Chaudhry is on bail after appearing in court today unionist.
Prasad said, “Hindi as a language could provide million odd diaspora may reflect the Fiji Hindi charged with breaching the country’s public emer- Another member of the former PM’s legal team,
Fiji the competitive edge for us when dealing with version in a significant way. In addition, the eco- gency regulations. Five other men are similarly his son Rajendra Chaudhry, says that after his fa-
India and Indian companies now spreading all nomics of learning formal Hindi could be sig- charged, local news media reported. ther’s bail was set, the magistrate, Feizal Koya,
over world. India’s position in the world can only nificant if we take into account what would be the Chaudhry’s lawyer, New Zealander Peter Wil- excused himself from the case because one of the
increase as it is well on the way to becoming the dominant version of Hindi that will be spoken in the liams, QC, says his client was arrested on Friday accused is known to him.
world’s third largest economy. world in the future. while assessing the impact of the drought on sugar- A plea by police for Chaudhry and his associates
“It is predicted that by 2050, India would be the He commended Dr. Indu Chandra and the cane farmers in Rakiraki. to surrender their travel documents was dismissed.
most populous country in the world and Hindi is Faculty of Arts and Law, School of Language and Emergency regulations state that no meeting The news editor of Fiji Communications, Vijay
likely to be the dominant language spoken by the Literature, Hindi Division for organising the World can be held without the approval of the authorities. Narayan, says a new judge will be appointed to hear
majority of Indians. Fiji’s attempt to strengthen is Hindi Day. Williams says Chaudhry denies being at a the case.

12 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |


Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 13

TVNZ and Henry
TVNZ you are funded by us the taxpayers. My request is sack this presenter immediately. You have
very capable people who can replace him today....
– Aneel

Paul Henry has been in the job playing the maverick presenter for far too long. The more he gets away
From the Editor with saying the more he seems to be encouraged by the negative publicity. TVNZ has been using him
as a stool pigeon just to drive up ratings. Sunrise was way better and much classier as a program and
Pandering to a diminishing demographic it actually had content that was enjoyable.
– Ben
Last weekend’s Deepawali celebrations in Rotorua was a fine instance of multicultural-
ism and inclusiveness – catchwords politicians of all hues love to spout – actually at TVNZ, its not Paul Henrys fault. For the comments Henry made about our GG I blame TVNZ. You
work. have allowed him to get away with comments before this all because he gets the ratings up. That means
It was a treat to see “Middle New Zealand” come together and celebrate the festival more money who cares whether it hurts someone’s feelings as long as the ratings go up. We should be
of lights so heartwarmingly, melding diverse cultures – Maori, Hindu, Chinese, besides looking at the CEO of TVNZ. By putting the blame on Henry it takes the focus off him and by suspend-
several others – in a spirit of great bonhomie and gaiety (a report appears elsewhere in ing Henry he seen to be the doing the right thing by the public....
this issue). – Tony
It was a slice of life of today’s New Zealand, which people of some 200 ethnicities
call their home, their own country. This indeed is the face of New Zealand today – not Am shocked at this clown’s comments coming from such a beautiful country as NZ, which I believe is
extremely multicultural and fair. But I guess we have idiots in every society, and such people need to
the hopelessly outdated idea of what a New Zealander looks like that some people still
be put in their place there and then....
have. – Sanjay, New Delhi.
The pleasant memory of that sea of amazing diversity that came together to celebrate
Deepawali over the weekend was quickly soured Monday morning no thanks to Paul Community news services on IW
Henry’s incredibly insensitive remarks to the Prime Minister about Governor General We really appreciate your support and co-operation in this regard. Thanks.
Anand Satyanand. – Baby Kuriakose, President, Biju Surendran, Secretary, Antony Poonely, member – AIM Club Inc
Much has been discussed about the episode and what followed elsewhere in this
issue. But what is it that has spurred on the perpetually controversy courting shock jock Thank you guys for the support you are extending to the Indian community
to turn into a cheap schlock jock? – B Ragu
Quite simply, it is the relentless pursuit of viewership ratings. TVNZ has been
plagued with falling revenues and has been finding it ever harder to justify its existence Poll roll scam
as a public broadcaster propped up on taxpayer funds. The pressure to earn advertis- You can take an Indian out of an India but you cannot take India out of an Indian only in this instance
ing dollars has been rising. And quite clearly, the brief to the likes of Paul Henry is to it’s the worst of India. It’ll be poetic justice to see him get busted, hope he gets thrown behind bars.
deliver the eyeballs at any cost. They need to stick their gutter politics where the sun doesn’t shine – we don’t want this in NZ.
Insults, put downs, rude comments delivered with sniggers, aggressive body lan- – Sundar Rajan
guage and scandalous remarks have been the only shameful stock in trade that the
I am really shocked with these types of activities in New Zealand. I would be happy if NZ Govt takes
Breakfast host has used to deliver those eyeballs. this seriously and sends these perpetrators back to India and refuse entry to NZ.
And all that, under the state broadcaster’s smug belief that the audiences love to – Ilango krishnamoorthy
hear it from Henry because they can’t say it. What sort of audience are they talking
about? It certainly can’t be of the kind I saw in Rotorua last weekend – and that’s the Migrant community has been let down by shameful act of few. This is a wake up call for all of us who
kind of audience that is the future of not just this country but the world: an increasingly should bring such people to front and let them apologize openly and take an oath of not indulging such
ethnically diverse audience. TVNZ’s top management operates from an ivory tower. act there after. If we hide this act they will get courage to do more serious fraud ...
Dwelling on stereotypes, quipping on foreign names and running down the people – Kiwi Indian
of a nation or a culture collectively is old hat and the worst form of pandering to a fast
diminishing demographic that is being reduced to all but a fringe. Some of the stuff we Lets not blame a whole community / city / religion for the wrong deeds of few
have been subjected to on Breakfast is shameful, to say the least. – Guru Achary
The continuing tirade against India and Indians (not just the disastrous manner in
These guys are disgrace to Indians in New Zealand. Suspend the nominations of these guys and deport
which the Commonwealth Games was organised) is unjustifiable. It is incredible that them from NZ. Cheap fellows, dirty tricks, we can do without this in New Zealand
Henry did not find a single pleasant thing to say about the country and its people, its – Amith Sharma
ground realities or the hows and whys of what was happening – something that would
have contributed to some informed analysis, at least for a section of viewers of which CWG
there ought to be considerable numbers. Especially since this is the only programme Having visited India twice, it is fair to say that Indian’s live very, very differently than New Zealand-
available to Kiwis. er’s. What they might declare as clean or quality is far, far different from what our clean or quality is
This is not to suggest soft-pedaling on richly deserved criticism such as that meted here in NZ. It is what makes India...India! You must go there with an open mind, not expect things to
out to the organising committee of the Commonwealth Games. Rather, journalists, com- run smoothly, expect to see filth like you just can’t even imagine. As for the safety issue at the moment...
mentators and opinion leaders must show the maturity to steer clear of the delectable India, unfortunately is a target because of the games....
temptation to mix the incompetence of organising an event with the culture, heritage, – Giana
history, diversity and much else of a proud people. As if the only goal of the exercise is
to perpetuate the long formed stereotypical notion of people, cultures and nations and Maori-Hindu Divali
not its perpetually changing aspects – much like ignoring the changing face of Middle I really appreciate your passion for other cultures and wish the function all success. This kind of
New Zealand. programme brings peace and good harmony with people of different cultures, and indeed, world peace
and happiness.
– Dev Nadkarni
– Jayashree Viswanathan

Ayodhya Land dispute

Opinion Poll: How sad that a piece of land that is considered pious by both Hindus and Muslims is causing so much
disharmony for over a century. Both faith communities emphasise peace, harmony and justice as
Do you think Paul Henry’s apology about his comments on essential attributes of their respective faiths but fail to practice them at critical times. Let’s hope and
pray that this decision now brings a closure to this unfortunate saga....
the Governor General sincere? – Gul Zaman

Methodist in the Fijian Context

YES NO The early missionaries realised the uniqueness and rich culture of Fijians so they “blend” Christian
doctrines and teachings together with the Fijian ethos. Some of the ethos which directly contravened
the scriptures were eradicated. This is in contrast to missionary works in other conutries where native

33% 66% culture were completely banished. The result is the Fijian Methodists, which are unique. Their open-
ness is why Fiji is the way the world should be, barring some isolated incidents of course....
– Pauliasi Tabulutu

Ghar Pardes
This is a great movie, I was very moved, because this is the reality for many Fijian-Indian families...
Indian Weekender Volume 2 No. 13 my parents are fifth-generation Fijian-Indians, but I was born and raised in Sydney. I know cousins/
Publisher: Kiwi Media Group Limited friends who feel the pressures of their family... it is very sad. Yes, the acting could have been better, but
Group editor-in-chief: Dev Nadkarni boy did this movie strike a chord in me! I’d highly recommend all Fijian-Indians see this movie, it is a
Online editor: Arvind Kumar wake-up call....
– Pritika Datt
India Correspondent: Shobha Rao
Chief Technical Officer: Rohan Desouza rohan@
Design: Tanmay Desai / Ten top stories on
Advertising: Giri Gupta - Ph: 520 0922, Mob: 021 221 1131. Email - Top 10 on
1. Deepawali with a difference
Please email original editorial contributions, community notices and pictures to 2. Deepawali fest aims to raise funds for quake victims 3. … And a bit of the Delhi belly in Papatoetoe
Views expressed in the publication are not necessarily of the publisher and the publisher 4. Super City election gets ugly
is not responsible for advertisers’ claims as appearing in the publication 5. Delhi’s ugly underbelly on show
6. NZ swim team farewelled Indian style
7. Will Asia save New Zealand?
Indian Weekender is published by Kiwi Media Group, 98 Great South Road, New Market 8. Atif Aslam to perform in Auckland
and printed at APN Print, Ellerslie, Auckland 9. Malayalees to host Millennium Kalasandhya 2010
Copyright 2010. Kiwi Media Group. All Rights Reserved. 10. Gala opening show kicks off Commonwealth Games

14 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |


He’s had breakfast – now put him out to pasture

dev nadkarni

Henry’s worst insult to Indians was to repeatedly mispronounce the Delhi Chief Minister’s name, laughing derisively
and connecting the English meaning of its sound with her being an Indian. That is reason enough to sack him.
If Kiwi Indians have been outraged by Paul against the cheap comments of a TV presenter complaints and the Broadcasting Standards Au- enough to warrant his sacking.
Henry’s racist comments against India and unless some decisive action is taken immedi- thority’s phone never stopped ringing. It would Letting somebody get away with as light a
Indians throughout the run up to the Common- ately when the issue is still raging. be hard to find a public broadcaster more out rap as a two-week suspension without pay for
wealth Games these past few weeks, they are After all, TVNZ is a public broadcaster and of touch with the people it is supposed to serve such unbelievably insulting comments repeat-
appalled by Prime Minister John Key’s pitiably is run by taxpayer funds. Though it has a pro- than TVNZ. This is public sector insensitivity edly and that too with an administration, its
lame and unconscionably delayed response to fessional management set up to run its affairs at its worst. chief executive and the head of the government
Henry’s mindless insult to Governor General and Mr Key has said it is up to it to take any It’s initial response that viewers liked Paul that owns the broadcaster all looking the other
Anand Satyanand on Monday’s Breakfast pro- action, these are extraordinary circumstances Henry because he said the things they could way is a sad commentary on the present dispen-
gramme. and the right thinking wider community would not say smacks of intellectual bankruptcy. This sation’s commitment to egalitarianism.
The Prime Minister seemed to merely smile expect decisive action commensurate with miti- is a free country. Why can’t these people say Paul Henry’s comments reflect a colonial
and generally go along with the offensive com- gating the wanton hurt caused. the things that they take a vicarious delight in “Bada Saab” mindset of the years of the Raj.
ments without so much as even the feeblest of Not seen to be doing anything on the part of when the suspended Breakfast host says them? Not that the mindset of other western journal-
protests. Hours later he said that he was taken the Prime Minister could prove politically dam- Aren’t they being too politically correct in not ists, especially those covering the Common-
aback but also added that he would go back to aging, at least as far as the Kiwi Indian com- having the pluck to say it themselves? And isn’t wealth Games, was too different. The world
the show next Monday. This has sent all kinds munity is concerned. And this is no conjecture. it this same smart set that has deemed the sus- view of the likes of Henry are still mired in age
of signals to the Indian community’s highly The sheer volume of feedback from the commu- pension a PC overkill? Nothing could be more old stereotypes and continue to dwell on them
sensitive political antennae. nity reiterating this view speaks for itself. hypocritical. oblivious of so many other infinitely more in-
On one level, his immediate non-reaction Paul Henry’s stilted, conditional and blatant- It was as if Paul Henry was running a tirade teresting and reportable aspects of different
and continued on screen smiling could be con- ly half-hearted initial apology to the Governor against India and Indians ever since coverage of cultures.
strued as tacit approval of the comment. On General came as yet another shock. And what the run up to the Delhi Commonwealth Games The world is very different today. Some
another, his delayed but lame response betrays heaped further insults on not just the Indian but began some ten days ago. His most tasteless and two hundred ethnicities call themselves New
a lack of political nous and the absence of the also all ethnic communities in New Zealand is off-colour comment was his quip on the name Zealanders. Dr Tahu Kukutai, a researcher
artful skill of a seasoned politician to be able TVNZ’s initial callously non-chalant attempt to of Delhi Chief Minister Shiela Dixit. He per- from Waikato University who has a $300,000
to think on their feet and turn an offensive defend Henry that increasingly began to look sisted on mis-pronouncing it despite being cor- Marsden grant to investigate the treatment
comment to their advantage by seizing the like a tattered fig leaf of a defence as criticism rected by his on-screen colleagues but laughed of ethnicity in censuses around the world,
moral high ground. and complaints mounted at tsunami speeds. derisively and rounded off his hysterical bout said Henry’s comments showed “a disconnect
There have been unconvincing attempts to The two-week suspension without pay is but of laughter with a most damaging comment between this rapidly changing demography and
explain away the Prime Minister’s tame re- a rap with a wet bus ticket and the tax payer linking the English meaning of the sound of her this Eurocentric analysis of what being a New
sponse, blaming it on being caught off guard funded state broadcaster which has itself been name with her being an Indian. Zealander is. What he is saying is clearly out of
and having had to appear on the show after a mired in financial problems leading to job cuts This has somehow gone under the radar es- step with the demographic realities.”
long flight. and the cutting up of employee credit cards pecially as the subsequent insult to the Gover- Let’s hope the Prime Minister thinks dif-
It will be a while before the Indian com- could certainly have done more than standing nor General hogged the headlines. That racist ferently and will take the right action in the
munity can shake off that sorry image of not him down sans a fortnight’s wages. slur to Indians in the context of mis-pronounc- coming days to show he actually does so.
adequately standing up for the Head of State The channel is reported to have received 600 ing the Delhi Chief Minister’s name is reason

Whose Commonwealth: The games nations play

Rakesh Krishnan Simha

Forget the events, stadiums and platitudes – an even bigger game is afoot behind the scenes in the Commonwealth.
It may seem unduly cheery but Indians should ted the Delhi Games, it is a fact that cricketers, ternational forums was perfected by Nehru and have to discard the vestiges of empire.
rejoice at the stinging criticism and liberal umpires, commentators and officials from the his two anti-Indian cronies, Krishna Menon And India is well positioned to take over.
abuse directed at their country over the prepa- same nations dance to the Indian tune every and K.M. Panikkar. It was this gang that took In perhaps a decade from now India’s economy
rations for the Colonial Games 2010. year at the perfectly synchronised and glitzy India – despite being a republic – into the Com- will be five times the size of Britain’s. In 20
Two reasons. One, the games have revealed Indian Premier League. No complaints either. monwealth. years, India will be the largest economy on
who India’s friends aren’t. The Common- So how come India can hold mega events Now here’s the second reason why Indians the planet and Britain perhaps the 20th. The
wealth, like any other club, is supposed to be in such style and yet do a shocker at the Colo- should ignore the harsh criticism and look baton will firmly be in India’s hands and most
a grouping of like-minded countries but here nial Games? The key difference is the lack of ahead with smug satisfaction. The Common- countries in the Commonwealth will be solidly
we have a total disconnect between everyone motivation. Many right thinking Indians feel wealth, like another former British club, the In- behind India.
except the four or five nations of British origin. a sense of revulsion when they realise their ternational Cricket Council (ICC), is destined India’s subtle excercise of power has been
The European Union, NATO and ASEAN country is part of the Commonwealth. Which to become an Indian-led organisation. missed by most observers. The few voices that
have a unity of purpose. They are either po- Indian won’t tear his hair out when he realis- If you recollect, the ICC was an anachronis- called for a boycott were quickly smothered in
litical, military or trading blocs. The Common- es that before every edition of the Colonial tic colonial body of which England and Aus- their home countries. No nation in the Com-
wealth is none of the above. As a club it means Games, British officials inspect the venues, tralia were veto-wielding members. No other monwealth can afford to boycott India because
nothing except to the British. In fact, the only strutting around like condescending peacocks. international sporting organisation had such an Indian backlash will hurt where it hurts
thing in common among most member coun- Which proud Indian can stand the sight of a a bizarre – indeed colonial – rule. It was ICC most. Many countries are dependent on Indian
tries is that they were economically devastated member of the British royal family opening President Jagmohan Dalmiya who famously expertise and markets. For instance, the IT
and subject to massacres by Britain. the games on Indian soil? And then there’s the thundered, “Once Britannia ruled the waves, operations of New Zealand’s largest company
Indeed, it is a measure of the residue of co- queen’s baton. Give me a break! If that isn’t an now it waves the rules.” Dalmiya pulled the Fonterra are managed by Indian powerhouse
lonialism lurking within the Commonwealth affront to the millions of Indians who fought rug from under Britain and Australia’s feet and HCL. Fonterra wouldn’t want HCL to pull the
that the only countries whose media networks the British, what is? made the ICC a more democratic body. Today, plug, would it?
have played up the existence of Indian slums Colonialism is a distant memory now but India’s economic clout sets the agenda there. The only question is, when India becomes
– totally irrelevant in the Games context – are many in Britain still look at Indians as former So as surely as the sun will rise from the the official boss of the Commonwealth will the
those of British origin. subjects. The Commonwealth remains a plat- east tomorrow, India will take over the reins British origin nations want to stay? Watch this
However, instead of pointing fingers, we form for Britain to display its past glory. Fine, of the Commonwealth. The de facto control of space.
should look at why the whole episode went so go ahead, but why is India part of the act? If this disparate organisation will pass to Delhi in Have I been using the term “Colonial
wrong. For that, let’s flashback to 1982. That the United States, a country founded by British a few years because Britain is unfit and unable Games” instead of Commonwealth Games?
year India hosted the Asian Games, which by immigrants, isn’t part of the Commonwealth, to lead it. The reality of economic decline and Well, what the heck!
any yardstick is grander, larger and of a more why is India where the British carried out sys- growing poverty is forcing Britain to be more
competitive nature. And it went off like clock- tematic genocides, a card-carrying member? Eurocentric. As a Canadian newspaper com- (About the author: Rakesh Krishnan Simha
work, so different to the Colonial Games 2010. For that we must thank India’s politicians mented, “Intergenerational poverty, rare in is an infidel. He is a features writer at New
Indeed, Delhi developed into a major city after steeped in idiotic Nehruvian diplomacy. The most countries today, has become a factor in Zealand’s leading media house. He has previ-
the 1982 Asian Games. defining characteristic of this form of diploma- a notable British subculture.” The dynamics of ously worked with Businessworld, India Today
Also, while several athletes from the cy is that national interest and pride in history poverty and geography are forcing Britain to and Hindustan Times, and was news editor
British origin countries have proudly boycot- come last. The art of jumping into useless in- integrate with the European Union, so it will with the Financial Express.)

Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 15

Government by Greed

Coup at Last!
Subhash Appana

In the lead-up to 14th May 1987, when Rabuka ex- Fijian presence by the colonial administration, and and unleashed on Fiji the deadly coup virus that homes. Taxis suddenly became weary and chose
ecuted Fiji’s first coup, vilification of the Indo-Fijian the fact that within the independence framework would plague the country for generations to come. who they picked up or whether they returned for
community had reached a virtual crescendo with of governance, power in perpetuity to the Fijian “Sit down everybody … Ladies and gentlemen, further business. Unprecedented numbers of sol-
acts of violence against people and property esca- Establishment-backed political party was silently this is a military takeover….. Stay cool, stay down diers were seen being carted around. Shops began
lating steadily. At that point in time, the Indo-Fijian assumed, any unexpected electoral outcome was and listen to what we’re going to tell you” barked to shut down and shutters snapped as gradually the
community comprised the single biggest ethnic going to trigger political introspection at best and an overtly calm Captain Isireli Dugu as Rabuka city became still and eerily silent. Fiji now quietly
bloc in the country (55%). Their dominance was upheaval at worst. This is exactly what happened in got up from the public gallery and moved towards waited to hear what would come next for nobody
clearly seen in the main spheres of life: main busi- 1987. a besieged PM Timoci Bavadra and told him, “Mr. really knew what was happening.
ness centres, civil service, public transport, etc. It Thus the 12 soldiers who made the initial coup Prime Minister, please lead your team down the Two hours later Rabuka came on air, and they
was this, more than anything else that fed the fear squad, and their leader Sitiveni Rabuka, firmly be- right” (Robie, 1989, p. 218). As he directed the knew. Those who knew more began to gravitate
that fueled the 1987 coup. lieved that they were protecting the Fijian heritage shocked members of government, Ratu Finau Mara towards gatherings where the yaqona/kava flowed
Coupled with this was the fact that right from from a threat that had always been there. After all, had already begun to clear the right hand side of the freely as further disjointed plans began to be hatched
the beginning of the colonial era, the Fijian was political power was seen as a sacred inalienable passage for orderly progression to waiting military amid celebrations. After all what had been brewing
given to understand that his pact with the British heritage by the Fijian people. And they had always trucks. through an orchestrated disturbance campaign over
Crown was one of homage for protection – nothing feared losing that to the immigrant Indians – that An elected government was thus removed just a month had finally culminated in the removal of
about ownership, a foreign concept to the Fijian was the framework of politics at that time – Indian like that. And Fiji’s reluctant and treacherous 17-year the democratically elected Bavadra government. It
at the time. This is why the Salisbury Dispatch of was coup at last for the supporters, somewhat like
1875 - in which Lord Salisbury clearly said: “The the free at last of the American freedom song: Free
colonial laws and their administration will be such “After all, political power was seen as a sacred inalienable heri- at Last, free at last; thank God Almighty I’m free
that Indian settlers... will be in all respects free men, at last.
with privileges no whit inferior to those of any other tage by the Fijian people. And they had always feared losing This is where the sad confusion lay. While the
class of Her Majesty’s subjects resident in the colo- American freedom song had celebrated freedom
nies” – is given scant importance.
that to the immigrant Indians....” at last from slavery, and freedom to participate as
This has often been cited by those who believe equals in that land of the free and the brave, we in
Indo-Fijians have a right to be a permanent part of vs Fijian. And this was in no small measure shaped dance with democracy was over. After the Com- Fiji were celebrating freedom from the shackles of
Fiji, like the Afro-Americans in America for in- by the colonials and their self-focused, non-patriotic monwealth’s most educated cabinet (at the time) democracy and a bondage to coups, totalitarianism,
stance, because they made the former colony eco- cohorts in Fiji. Thus it was the loss of political power had been bundled away by soldiers purely follow- absolute power, inequality and persecution. The
nomically viable through their toil, tears, sweat and that catalyzed the 1987 coup. ing orders and the ideology of the Bati (traditional full brunt of this short-sighted political re-direction
tax. Many have also argued that the level of visible As the 12 balaclava-clad soldiers moved pur- defenders), there was a sudden stunned void in the was yet to hit home – the future of the country was
disparity in development between Fiji and other posefully towards Fiji’s parliament house just before city as the enormity of what had transpired began to already on wager as a misguided minority celebrat-
Pacific Islands in 1970 (and onwards) was mainly 10am on 14th May 1987, a key coup instigator, sink in. Those who got the whiff first began scram- ed the violent death of democracy in Fiji.
because Fiji had the labour and enterprise of Indians dockman Taniela Veitata, was exhorting parliament bling around screaming, “coupe” as Fiji began its
and the others didn’t. In fact, it has been argued that about the importance of respecting chiefs and that initial uncomfortable adjustments with the un-un- Subhash Appana is an academic and politi-
if Fiji had not been garroted by the 1987 coup, and power, according to Mao Tse Tung, flowed from derstood and unwanted coup phenomenon. cal commentator. The opinions contained in
it had been allowed to flourish freely, it would have the barrel of a gun. “Fiji belongs to Fijians” he said, And as word spread, people began to wonder this article are entirely his and not necessar-
been a shining example for the rest of the world – a “in the same way … India belongs to the Indians” what it meant. Then violence broke out in corners ily shared by any organizations he may be
la Singapore. (Robertson & Tamanisau, 1988, p. 69). Dockman of the city as thugs released for the purpose tried associated with both in Fiji and abroad. Email
Anyway, the fact that the Fijian was not ad- Dan was clearly making his mark on Fiji’s history to hound Indian individuals into submission. That’s
equately prepared for the permanency of the Indo- and relishing his role as the goon squad barged in when people began to seek the sanctuary of their

16 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |

Ek Ruka Hua Faisla, a court room drama Kiwis remain at risk of sunburn in spring
to thrill the audience in Auckland
Kiwis remain at risk of sunburn in spring speeds, in different parts of the globe and a delayed
With the arrival of sunnier days it’s a timely recovery of Antarctic ozone has implications for
reminder we need to dig out our sunhats, wrap-up New Zealand due to our proximity to the Antarctic.
Manukau Festival of Arts 2010 is going to be the to change the vote of one other jury member who clothing, sunglasses and sunscreen. “Even if the ozone fully recovers worldwide the in-
place to be for Indian audiences to be this October. is the oldest in the room. From here begins a vo- Spring is the time when many New Zealanders tensity of our UVR will continue to be much higher
For the first time, it will have a representation of ciferous and sometimes downright argumentative can unwittingly get sunburned, as Ultraviolet Radia- than at similar latitudes in the Northern Hemi-
the HINDI theatre, showcasing the court room discussion, with most of the jury members ending tion (UVR) levels are rapidly rising but temperatures sphere,” says Dr Richard McKenzie, NIWA’s UVR
thriller “EK RUKA HUA FAISLA”, a MIGHT-I up fighting with someone or the other in trying to can be cool, even on sunny days. UVR from the sun, scientist.
THEATRE production. make a point or accept another. which is the cause of burning, is not related to heat Dr Judith Galtry, the Cancer Society’s Skin
This play is a thrilling courtroom drama origi- So, there are these 12 unnamed characters, or high temperatures. You can still get sunburned Cancer Advisor, notes that, “while the report paints
nally written by Reginald Rose and was titled ’12 somehow symbolic of the unnamed & unknown on a cool or cloudy day. This makes New Zealand a a hopeful picture globally, in terms of ozone layer
Angry Men’. The story idea is quite simple. There boy accused of killing his father, and these ordi- challenging environment for sun protection because repair, New Zealanders remain at high risk of
are twelve male members of a jury who have gath- nary 12 people discover their own set of beliefs and even on cool or cloudy days, the UVR levels can be sunburn and skin cancer. So it’s just as important
ered together in an enclosed room to deliberate on thought processes as they try to unravel the same strong enough to damage skin. UVR increases sig- as ever to adopt sun protection strategies, especial-
charges of murder against a young boy accused of for the accused. Each is trying to convince the rest nificantly across much of the country in spring. ly between 11am and 4pm or when the UV Index
killing his father. The case against the boy looks ir- about their viewpoint. But are they able to convince A new international report details the success (which measures UVR levels) is 3 or above.”
refutable and indomitable, as there is a witness in everyone else and reach an undisputed decision? It of worldwide efforts to protect the ozone layer - the The Cancer Society advises that between Sep-
the form of an old man who claims to have heard will capture your attention till the very end, where shield that protects the Earth from harmful levels of tember and March, you should:
the incident and another woman who claims to they jury does reach a unanimous verdict - one you ultraviolet rays. The report concludes that as a result • Wear clothing that covers as much skin as
have seen the actual act of stabbing. Plus there is have to see it yourself to believe it. of the phasing out of ozone-depleting substances, possible, hats that protect the face, ears and neck and
the murder weapon - a knife - that was found at the The play has been modified and adopted in under the Montreal Protocol, the ozone layer outside wrap around sunglasses
crime scene, seemingly implicating the boy without Hindi by Prashant Belwalkar who is also directing the Polar Regions is projected to recover to its pre- • Use SPF 30+ water resistant sunscreen,
any fragment of doubt. But all is not what it seems the play. The cast includes experienced theatre per- 1980 levels some time before the middle of this and reapply every two hours especially after swim-
like. sonalities like Devdutt Paranjape, Kuntal Trivedi, century. ming or being in water
All the jury members, except one, are convinced Bipin Chavan, Sushma Thakur, Rahul and Binita But, the ozone layer will recover at different • Seek shade
that the boy is guilty of the crime and the task before Redey, and at the same time a fresh set of talent
them is to reach a unanimous decision to expedite in form of Hetal Jani, Madhavi Ram, Ram Padal-
the case. But there is only one jury member who
is not completely convinced about the case and he
lapurty, Preeta Vyas, Kedar Divekar and Vinesh
Kugaonkar. Start your Diwali celebrations with
Make a submission to the street prostitution bill
starts the deliberations, in which all the members this fantastic production. Manukau City Council adopted its own submis- kau’s best chance to convince lawmakers that the
have to participate to reach a common conclusion. BOOK your tickets online on sions to Manukau City Council (Regulation of current situation is not working and that street pros-
What starts off as a minor doubt in one jury NOW! Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill at the Policy titution must be regulated like any other business
member’s mind slowly develops into an intricate There are 2 shows of the play and Activities Committee meeting last night, and that occurs in public places.
and almost perpetually animated discussion about Date: Saturday 30th October @ 6.00 pm is encouraging residents and businesses to make The submissions to the Local Government
the various possibilities and scenarios where there Date: Sunday 31st October @ 5.00 pm submissions. and Environment Select Committee can be made
could be even a shred of divergence from the com- Venue: Howick College Theatre The bill, if enacted, will authorise the council online by Friday, 5 November 2010. The committee
monly perceived notions and judgments of the jury Sandspit Road, Howick, Manukau to make bylaws prohibiting prostitution in specified requires two copies of each submission if made in
members? There is an adjudicator who is supposed Tickets : Children/Snr Citizens - $10 public places in Manukau. It would also give the writing.
to chair the jury & make sure a final decision is Adults : - $15, Family (x4) - $40.00 police the power to arrest any street prostitutes and What: Submission to Manukau City Council
reached. But he is also a part of the vote and has to their clients who contravene the bylaws. (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill
make up his own mind along with making sure the For further details contact: The bill aims to address a local problem - the When: By Friday, 5 November 2010
proceedings are done without disruptions. Varsha (09 5348000) increase in anti-social behaviour since the decrimi- How: Online at A copy of
The one guy who is not fully convinced manages nalisation of street prostitution. This may be Manu- the bill is also available at this link.

Who could be the New

Malayalees to host Millennium Zealander of the Year?
Kalasandhya 2010 Nominations are being sought from around the
country for the Kiwibank New Zealander of the
Year 2011, an award recognising an inspirational
Auckland Indian Malayalee (AIM) Club Inc, dances will be staged on the 9th, October 2010 at Kiwi.
which has already made its presence in socio- St Cuthbert’s College Auditorium, Market Road The New Zealander of the Year Award is open
cultural and humanitarian sectors of the Auckland Epsom, Auckland. to anyone - no matter their age, where they live
community, is organising a mega stage program According to the Club President Mr. Baby or what they do for a living. The recipient will be
– Millennium Kalasandhya 2010, highlighting the Kuriakose and Secretary Mr. Biju Suendran, the selected for his or her major contribution to our
ethnic culture of India. programme rehearsals are in steady progress. This nation. They will have demonstrated an unrivalled
Two hours of continuous thrilling and enter- will be followed by delicious dinner at a nominal ability to inspire us all through their achievements
taining programme filled with comedy, music, cost. Keep the evening free and join in to be en- and their outstanding service to New Zealand.
variety of (Bollywood, classical, cinematic) tertained. It’s all about celebrating the very best of New
Zealand, regardless of ethnicity, interest, gender or

Migrants protected when they get advice Awards Patron, Kiwibank Chairman and
former Prime Minister Jim Bolger says “Ideal can-
didates are inspirational New Zealanders who are
from licensed advisers stepping up, making the most of what they have
to offer, helping others and seeking new ways of
New Zealand is a nation of migrants and mi- tion adviser is to search the Immigration Advis- making society better,”
gration remains an important feature of New ers Authority’s register, The The New Zealander of the Year 2010 was Ray
Zealand society. The Immigration Advisers Li- names and contact details of all licensed advis- Avery of Auckland, a former street kid turned sci-
censing Act was introduced to serve two goals: ers are listed in the register. Other informa- entist whose low cost, sustainable medical devices
to ensure that migrants are protected from poor, tion about each licensed adviser includes when - invented in the garage of his Mount Eden home
misleading or fraudulent advice from incom- they were first licensed, the type of licence, if a - are making a difference to millions of the world’s
petent or unscrupulous immigration advisers licence is still active, and if a person’s application most vulnerable and poor.
and to enhance New Zealand’s reputation as a has been refused, cancelled, suspended, surren- “Simply put, this award is about celebrating the
migrant destination. dered or expired. best of us,” says New Zealander of the Year Awards
Anyone can find out about the requirements The register also allows you to search for a Manager Grant McCabe.
for applying for a visa or residency to New licensed adviser by their location, either their “We want all New Zealanders to feel a sense
Zealand from the Immigration New Zealand region within New Zealand, or their country, for of pride at some of the extraordinary contribu-
website. In many cases, migrants source the in- offshore advisers. You can search for an adviser tions people just like them make every day. If they
formation and make the applications for them- by their business name as well. know about it, it just may inspire others to reach for
selves and their family without needing addition- Registrar of Immigration Advisers, Barry greater heights!”
al assistance. However, there are many reasons Smedts says that licensing has made immi- The winner of the Kiwibank New Zealander of
why migrants may choose to consult an adviser. gration advisers work on a more professional the Year will be awarded their trophy and $5,000
Migrants may have complex personal factors to footing. prize money at a gala awards presentation dinner in
consider, their English may be poor, or they may “Everyone who wants to work in this indus- Auckland on the 2nd February 2011. All nominees
not have the time to devote to their application. try has to meet high professional standards to will receive a certificate of achievement or encour-
Whatever the reason, when migrants seek get a licence, and they have to continue to meet agement in recognition of their contribution.
help, they need reassurance that their adviser is those standards once they are licensed. Once Nominations close on Friday 22nd October and
a professional. Only licensed immigration ad- migrants understand the benefits of licensing, nomination forms are available from Kiwibank
visers or people who are exempt, as defined by they wouldn’t choose to use someone who is Countdown Supermarkets, and Mitre 10 branches
the Act, can give immigration advice about New working illegally.” or by free phone 0508 692 927. You can also nomi-
Zealand to someone else. There are currently 500 licensed immigra- nate online at or text ‘nomi-
The easiest way to find a licensed immigra- tion advisers worldwide. nate’ to 244 for more information.

Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 17


18 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |

Prime Minister visits
BAPS Shri Swamina-
Papatoetoe Family Day
rayan Mandir
Prime Minister John Key attended the Janmashtami
celebration at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in
On his arrival, the Prime Minister first visited
the Pramukh Swami Youth Centre where young-
sters took part in a display of regular weekly activi-
ties such as classical music and dance, karate, Gu-
jarati learning and satsang class.
Next, he had darshan in the mandir where he
learnt about the life and teachings of Bhagwan
Swaminarayan. Finally, he attended the Janmashta-
mi celebration in the assembly hall where the youths
had earlier performed a drama, “Paksh”, depicting a
scene from the Mahabharat.
Balaks welcomed the Prime Minister with a
swagat dance. Then, a short video presentation of
Swaminarayan Akshardham in New Delhi was
shown. After that, Jnanpurush Swami formally dren show for their parents and their grandparents,
welcomed the Prime Minister. and for the wider family community.
The BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha reached out Thank you for inviting me here this evening.

English for Life

in this time of need by presenting the Prime Minis- Next year I am going to go to India. It is a remark-
ter with a cheque of $11,000 towards the Canterbury able country. I have been there before a couple of
earthquake relief fund. At the same time, BAPS times. Finally, I think it is great to see a community
volunteers pledged to continue with their support by that cares so much for its families and is so ambi-
collecting more funds from the wider community tious, that works so hard and believes in all the very Special Opportunity to Improve your 9.15am- 12 noon
through a BAPS Earthquake Appeal Project. best of New Zealand.”
The Prime Minister mentioned in his address, Accompanying the Prime Minister on his visit English! Monday and Wednesday: Pre-interme-
“Thank you for the extraordinary generosity, your was Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi, MP, representing Auckland Edinburgh College- right in diate
gift of $11,000, which I will give to the earthquake Manukau East. Manukau City centre by Westfield Mall Tuesday and Thursday: Intermediate
relief fund tomorrow morning. It is good to be here
to celebrate the birth of Krishna and to support
you and your faith. New Zealand is very lucky. We Adult Live English Classes focus on Classes are held during school terms
have now over 100,000 New Zealanders of Indian giving you the English you need to Next term begins 11 Oct 2010
ethnicity. I had an opportunity earlier to visit your communicate, both socially and at work. Duration 10 weeks Tuition Fee: $95
youth centre, and can I say how impressive it was.
“It was wonderful to see the opportunities you Studying Grammar and lots of practice Give us a call or come in to sign up!
are providing for your young people. One of the speaking will help build your confidence Phone 09 263 8666
reasons that the Indian community is so strong to use English in real life situations. Address Level 7, No.20, Amersham Way
and so successful in New Zealand is because of its
beliefs in families and to the respect that the chil-

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Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |


I love Bollywood:
Romanian Secretary

Install the best of

Indian entertainment
for absolutely

New Delhi: India is almost like home for First location to explore, Romania’s renowned wine,
Secretary Romanian Embassy Silviu Bucur. which will be shortly available in India because
And he says he loves Bollywood and apparently of the Indian firm Great Waves, is also another
for the film industry Romania is like an unex- reason to visit the country.
plored treasure trove. Rajbir Singh of Great Waves, an ardent fan
Romania’s Indian Ambassador Valerica of Romania, says two Bollywood movies have
Epure says the country has a long rich heritage. already been shot in Romania.
It is known for its beautiful art work, palaces, Sanjay Dutt starrer Dost, which unfortunate-
historical remains and forts. River Danube is ly could not get released, and the Salman Khan
the longest river flowing in Romania and is 2nd starrer Kyunki. Salman Khan was apparently

this October
longest river in Europe after Volga. very happy shooting his film in Romania.
From a booming tourism trade to the par- With contacts between the two countries and
liament building being visible from the moon, civilisations that can be traced back several cen-
Romania’s unexplored treasures, can prove to turies, Romania’s virgin capital offers a lot for
be best option for shooting any Bollywood flick everybody from the Indian traveller to the Bol-
which craves for extravagant locations, she says. lywood movie buff.
She says apart from the vibrant and varied

‘Khichdi’ actress wears 50 kilo lehenga

Mumbai: ‘Khichdi’ actress Kirti Kulhari The Punjabi family consists of 60

reportedly wore a 50 kilo lehenga and members and among them we have
10 kilo jewellery during shooting of the Kirti Kulhari.
climax of the Hindi comedy film. However, during shooting, director
Now, everyone knows that a climax Aatish Kapadia had much difficulty to
shooting can’t be done in 2 hours. interact with her.
And Kirti got fever and headache while He used to call the actors by the
carrying so much weight throughout names of their characters; like Supriya
the long shooting hours. Pathak as ‘Hansa’.
For safety, the producers called a doc- But, whenever he would call Kirti by
tor to be present on the sets. her screen name ‘Parminder’, sixty
‘Khichdi’ revolves around two families Parminders would reply him as all
–one Gujarati and another Punjabi. members of the Punjabi family were
Everyone knows the five famous named ‘Parminder’.
character of ‘Khichdi’ family , that got This confusion used to delay the
immense popularity on the television. shooting by 2-3 hours every day.

20 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |

Ranvir, Koko’s ‘jackpot’ ‘Multiplex boom responsible for piracy’
after marriage Kolkata: The multiplex boom that ushered a
new era in the country’s entertainment industry
over the past ten years is a big cause behind the
rapid spread of piracy, said noted Bollywood
standalone cinemas going strong,” Shetty said.
He said that to revitalise the film trade it is
imperative that new incentives and capital be
injected into making entertainment affordable
producer Manmohan Shetty last week. to the masses and expressed hope for govern-
Speaking at the India Entertainment Con- ment trade policies that concur with this objec-
clave, organised by the Indian Chamber of tive.
Commerce (ICC), where the some of the big Media mogul Pritish Nandy said for enter-
guns of the industry gathered to discuss the tainment to flourish as an industry, it must be
current state and the roadmap for the Indian treated at par with any other industry, calling or
entertainment industry, Shetty said films are relaxation in taxes levied like a ‘punishment’ on
losing money at an alarming rate. the film trade.
“You are reading everywhere that the Hindi Taking on government polices, filmmaker
film industry is touching new heights every Sudhir Mishra said, “Making a film today is an
year, but don’t go by the numbers. In the last accounting nightmare. 40 percent of a movies
two years, an astounding number of films have budget goes to pay taxes. It is a shocking fact
lost money,” he said. that while 70 percent of the producers lost their
According to Shetty, the proliferation of shirts, the government made money.”
multiplexes to provide high value entertainment “Also the despite being star-driven, industry
to a niche audience consisting of the richer sec- needs to understand the value of scripts. Special
tions of the society, has left no space for growth capital must be allotted for the development of
and sustenance of the single screen theatres, in films,” he said.
turn drastically affecting its overall business. ICC president Jayanta Ray said for helping
“Multiplexes were built to cater to a select the growth of the industry, apart from bring-
section of the society, but as they spread, they ing an uniformity in the taxation policies, the
made it virtually impossible for the standalone foreign investment polices should be relaxed,
cinemas to survive. Thus cutting out the major- which were currently working against it.
ity of the audience that used to go for movies “The ICC recommends raising the FDI
earlier,” (Foreign Direct Investment) ceiling from 26
“But people want to see movies. And if you percent to 49 percent in general entertainment
take away the theatres from them, they are and 49 percent to 74 percent in the DTH (Direct
going to resort to other methods. So they have To Home) space and increase in the number of
fallen back on buying pirated DVDs which have co-production treaties,” he said.
swept in to meet the demand. So in a way, we Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute di-
encouraged piracy.” rector Shankar Mohan underlined the need of
In the last calendar year 1,298 movies were addressing the problems of the industry in a
censored in the country but baring the cream, holistic manner rather than the current segment
Mumbai: Actors Ranvir Shorey and Ranvir and Konkona’s last and only film the majority of the movies had bombed at the approach that was being taken.
Konkona Sen will be together for the together is ‘Traffic Signal’. box office, he said. He said, “Bringing a consensus is highly
first time after their marriage in romantic The film will be directed by Amitabh “Last year, over 50 per cent of the money ac- important to solve the problems which despite
thriller film tentatively titled ‘Jackpot’. Varma. tually earned by the film industry, came from being addressed for quite some time, haven’t
South India. That’s because they still have seen any solutions.”


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Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 21
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22 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |

John turns on the heat

Mumbai: Dimples, six-pack, Fahren- god status. Clothes-horse. What more
heit-topping hotness factor, Gladrags could a man ask for? So when the brand
Manhunt award, Bipasha Basu and some was looking for the man to personify V
good movies in a decade of being in the Dot ,you realise why they didn’t have to
limelight. He has the female fans floored look too far. John’s inherent sexiness
with the combination of a ‘great bod and and sophistication coupled with V Dot’s
boyish charm’. smoking-hot ‘preimum clubwear’ made
Yes, we are talking about John Abraham for the perfect fit in more ways than one.
who transformed from the boy next door “
to the glamour hunk of Bollywood. Commenting on the tie up, John said
We have seen him as a tough guy in “I am proud and honored to be associ-
Dhoom, as a gay icon in Dostana, as a ated with V Dot, not just because it is the
terrorist in New York. Now, see him at his coolest and most stylish clubwear brand
provocative best in the latest V Dot ad in the country but because it’s a reflec-
campaign – Turn It On – which will be out tion of my own sense of style. These
shortly. are clothes I would willingly have in my
Asked about choosing John for the wardrobe. It’s young, it’s sexy and it’s
campaign, an official spokesperson said: very, very me.”
“ Riot-inducing hotness factor. Demi-

Robot was one hell of a journey: Ash at London Premier

STEVEN BAKER “A lot of effects have gone into it and a lot of Aishwarya explained: “This is a full-on ment his wife and her latest production: “This is
London: Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan unbelievable stunts. To work with Shankar and commercial movie. One that as an actor I had entirely her night, so I am very happy to be for
brought a touch of Bollywood glamour to the the superstar Mr. Rajnikanth as a team on this a blast doing, lots of songs and dances that I once the supporting male behind the ever gra-
UK premiere of Robot last week. film is incredible.” haven’t done in a long time, I always do these cious wife,” spoke a proud Abhishek.
Leading lady Aishwarya began proceedings She also acknowledged the work of Manish getting into the skin of the character kind of “They always say behind a successful man
by thanking the many people involved in the Malhotra for his costume design and the music roles, so this was a full-on entertaining trip, one is a woman, today I think the man should take a
production, which has been in the making for of AR Rahman in creating “a rocking album hell of a journey, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy the back seat and I’m here today to represent those
over two years. that we had a blast performing to.” ride viewing it.” husbands.”
“Robot is really special for the entire team, The 36-year-old explained how Robot is dif- Introductions over, the original plan may “It’s a wonderful film, it’s huge, it’s enter-
and we have all worked so hard on. It is definite- ferent to some of her more recent projects, in have been to then screen the film, but the audi- taining, and everything that Indian cinema
ly going to be a landmark for the Indian film in- terms of the genre of the film and her character ence wanted at least a few words from Abhishek. stands for,” he added.
dustry,” the actress revealed Thursday evening. performance. The actor duly stepped forward to comple-

‘Crook’ faces a crook ‘Pinjra’ mahurat shot in Noida

Mumbai: Bollywood actor Emraan even a minute at this stage is a gold time
Hashmi’s ‘Crook- It’s good to be bad’ which we can’t waste. And this situation
has become target of a crook in real life. would require me to be in the shoot and
Producers Vishesh Films were sup- edits for another 2 days,” says director
posed to release the Master Promo of Mohit Suri.
the film in the first week of October, “This was one of our major promo-
which is also the release week as the tional Promo as it had very impactful
film. dialogues and
Much to sequences and
their disgust, we had kept it
the promo under wraps
is already as we wanted
leaked on to release it
Youtube and near the film’s
it has left release. But
the Bhatts watching it
of Vishesh already playing
Films in a big on Youtube
surprise as did shock me
this promo a bit but I think
was one of the major assets in the pro- Pirates don’t even spare films so this
motional plan. is just a promo, very sad but a bitter Noida: A native of Ghaziabad, producer Atul days, of which 22 days will be in Delhi, Noida
Now the Bhatts will be reshooting the reality. So nevertheless, we will create Pandey’s new film Pinjra’s mahurat was held and Ghaziabad and the remaining 18 days are
promo and create something new and something different and more impactful at Brahma Studio in Noida. to be shot in Dhampur near Bijnor.
very different with a blend of already I believe,” says Mukesh Bhatt, producer In presence of director Bijesh Jayarajan “Pinjra is a social thriller, based on real
shot material that they have. of the film. and actors Nikhil and Jyoti Dogra the first stories,” said Pandey.
The promo, which was uploaded by an Crook casts Emraan Hashmi, new girl scene of the movie was shot. The story revolves around an 18-year-old
anonymous source, has been getting Neha Sharma and Arjan Bajwa. The film The scene began with hero Nikhil getting underprivileged youth and his single mother.
injured and saying, “Mummy mera accident The makers claim that the USP of the film
tremendous hits and views. deals with issue of Racism with Indians
hogaya, bajri pe bike slip hogaya.” is that it doesn’t have any heroine in it.
“The film is nearing release and wasting in Australia, in an entertaining way. The film’s shoot is expected to last for 40

Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 23

Sameera, Yuvi launch ‘Speed Ka Double Dose’ Tollywood actress owns up
trumped up dowry charge
“Things started to go wrong around two years
later when like a bolt from the blue my brother,
our family and even me, who all lived in differ-
ent places, were charged by her for dowry related
crimes,” said Pritam Sen, Promit’s elder brother,
who also attended the press conference.
“We went through hell for the past ten years.
So many arrest warrants, all the expenses and the
defamation aside, my brother is never going to get
back the last ten years. He’s totally mentally dev-
astated,” he added.
Though divorce was reportedly filed by Swas-
tika in 2001, the cases are still under legal red tape.
Pritam said recently Swastika had issued a
press release which after being published in the
media made it seem as if the two parties had
reached a compromise and were heading for
divorce which was definitely not the case.
Hence Wednesday’s press conference was
called by the actress “to come clean”.
“I am deeply sorry for all that Promit and his
family has had to go through. I hope he can move
on,” said Swastika.
“As far as the custody of our daughter Anwesha
is concerned, lets see what plays out. She’s a ten-
Gurgaon: Bollywood actor Sameera Reddy such a fast speed. I am sure it will give me the Kolkata: Tollywood actress Swastika Mukher- year-old girl and she too has a say in this,” she said.
and Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh on Thursday luxury of more time which is most sought after jee has confessed in a media conference that the When asked what drove her to suddenly make
launched ‘Speed Ka Double Dose’, an initiative by Gen X.” dowry harassment allegations she made against such an effort, she replied that it was not out of any
of MTS mobile telephony brand and sportsgear Additionally customer will also get data her estranged husband were false, apparently pressure but just a “realisation”.
brand Reebok to provide big savings to custom- usage advantage of 1500 MB, all for Rs 2999. bringing a closure to an episode that has been Sources, however, say this might be just a coup
ers. The initiative is being rolled out in all 84 towns playing out amidst full media glare for ten years. to get the divorce the 30-year-old actress, who is
MTS on Thursday announced its association under the MBlaze network across India. “I was young, I did not have enough sense back known for her ‘who cares’ attitude and has not
with Reebok to offer a free pair of specially de- At the launch event, Yuvraj said, “The alli- then and I did what my family, friends and peers exactly had the smoothest relationships over past
signed sport shoes on purchase of MBlaze. ance between MTS and Reebok truly represents advised me to do,” is how Swastika on Wednes- few years, has been after for quite some time.
Sameera said: “Launch of Speed Ka Double the spirit of youth and their craving for speed. day chose to explain why she falsely accused her Pritam, however, said he and his family were
Dose is truly in sync with the spirit of the MTS- Propositions like any time internet from MTS, husband singer pleased at Swas-
Reebok alliance. I am really excited to use not only makes life for youth convenient but Promit Sen of tika’s confession.
MBlaze and experience internet browsing at also more exciting and easy.” “subjecting her He said, “I
to cruelty” and think we should
“criminal breach give her the

‘Peepli Live’ makes it to Oscars

of trust”. benefit of the
S w a s t i k a ’s doubt. Let’s see
shocking but pre- what this leads
Mumbai: Peepli Live, Aamir Khan’s suicides in India and how media and dictable confes- to. But we’ll not
celluloid black comedy on farmers’ politicians tackle the issue. sion came a day accept anything
suicide in India, has made to the Reportedly, the film even earned ap- after she appar- but a genuine
Oscars with its official entry at the 83rd preciation from the Prime Minister of ently submitted an apology.”
Academy Awards to be held in the US India as it was screened exclusively for affidavit at a city The Sen
court admitting family is appar-
next year. him and his family members.
that the charges ently not mulling
Peepli, a dusty Indian village, makes Directed by journalist-turned-director she made against pressing charges
it to the headlines leading to a media Anusha Rizvi, the film stars theatre ac- her husband and on the actress
frenzy when two poor farmers lose tors and was shot in a small village in her in-laws under Indian Penal Code 498A and since they are “not vindictive people”, said Pritam.
their land over an unpaid debt after the Madhya Pradesh. 406 were “unfounded, false, baseless and specula- The confession, apart from sending gossip
poor monsoon rains. Earlier, Aamir Khan’s ‘Laagan’ was tive”. mills in overdrive, also sheds light on the Indian
A local politician suggests they commit shortlisted in a category of five in 2002 Swastika and Promit, the youngest son of re- Penal Code which leaves the door for such a
suicide so their families get compen- for Oscars but lost to Bosnian war film nowned Rabindrasangeet exponent Sagar Sen, heavy-handed charge wide open for misuse.
sation.The movie is a satire on farmer ‘No Man`s Land’. were married in June 1998, when the actress was
just 18. (Photos by Avishek Mitra)

‘Religion, national boundary don’t divide us’

My character in this film is called Suhani, who don’t divide us.
Newbie Neha Sharma has an unadulterated honest vision of one world.
She had blind faith in her brother, who means Is Crook your first film?
will be seen romancing the world to her. Not really. I acted in a Telugu film Chirutha op-
posite Ram Charan Teja (son of Chiranjeevi) in
Bollywood’s serial kisser You have just stepped into Bollywood. 2007 and Kurradu in 2009. But Crook is my first
Still, how has been your journey so far? step into Bollywood.
Emraan Hashmi in Crook- My journey has been very eventful...from a
small town in Bihar to Delhi, then to Vancuover What is Neha’s dream role?
It’s Good To Be Bad. and now Mumbai. I am very thankful to God for Every role is my dream role, but of course it
Bollywood correspon- allowing me to visit so many places. needs to have a good story and a strong char-
dent Gourav Mukherjea How is it working with director Mohit
Suri? What are your hobbies?
catches up with the actor. Mohit is a great storyteller and very talented My biggest hobby is cooking and reading. I also
indeed. He is a good human being. It’s been a love to dance. Right now I am reading ‘Chicken
great experience working with him. Soup for the Romantic Souls’ and I love to read
Tell us about Crook and your character in beside a pool.
the film. Personally, what are your views on racial
Crook is a very entertaining film. Though based attacks? Any upcoming releases?
on issues of racial discrimination, it has all the Being an Indian, it feels bad and heart-rendering Few are in the pipeline, but at the moment I am
elements to make it a complete entertainer. to hear about racist attacks. I wish that people listening to scripts. Nothing has been finalised
Vishesh films has been doing films where the should change their mind on this issues. As we yet.
women characters holds a very strong ground. are just humans, religion or national boundary
(Photo by Avishek Mitra/IBNS)

24 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |


‘Devsaab energizes me’

Asha Parekh dominated the big names in your era…
What can I say, except that I am really fortunate
Asha Parekh dominated the
Indian screen between 1959 to have worked with all good-looking and talented
Indian screen between 1959 heroes of our times!
to 1973, having given the
to 1973, having given the Anyone particular whom you preferred over
maximum number of box office other leading men?
maximum number of box office Trust me, all my co-starts were exceptionally nice
hits in comparison to all her people…very warm and helpful. However, it was
hits in comparison to all her
contemporaries. Sreya Basu in always fun to work with Shammi chacha (Shammi
Kapoor). Another co-actor, I really look up to even
contemporaries. Sreya Basu in
conversation with the Jubilee today, is Devsaab (Dev Anand). He is a very good
conversation with the Jubilee soul…and very witty. I get energized whenever I
Girl, who recently celebrated see him. By seeing him work so hard even today, I
Girl, who recently celebrated her realize that I too have so much to do.
her 68th birthday
68th birthday Asha Parekh films used to be musically hit
as well. Can you pick one film or song as
How do you feel after completing over 50 your all-time favourite?
years in the Hindi film industry? One of my all time favourite song is ‘Aaja Aaja’
It feels great! I am honoured to be a part of the from ‘Teesri Manzil’. I still remember that when
Indian film industry and want to remain a part of it stretch. So, things got really difficult for me. (Kaif), Kareena (Kapoor)…they are all very good.
the song was being picturised, I was suffering from
till the end of my life. some severe kind of allergy. I had to take an over- Your era was also the golden years of Lata How do you think the image of ‘heroine’ has
dose of Avil and similar medicines as I had to shoot Mangeshkar and Asha Bhosle songs. changed in Bollywood compared to your
You are one actress who worked with all the the entire song-mukhra, antara, and everything-at a Whose song you used to enjoy the most? time?
I can never compare them (Lata and Asha). As far Well, today’s heroines are getting good, meaningful
as my films are concerned, I think Ashaji (Bhosle) roles and they are making a mark in their own way.
has sung maximum songs of mine and I always
enjoyed lip-syncing her songs. When do we see you in a film again?
That God knows. If you ask me, as of now, I don’t
You were nicknamed Jubilee Girl for deliver- want to act in a film again. I have also done a lot of
ing maximum hits in your career; even the television. Now I have taken a backseat. Right now,
films you rejected went on to become super- I am very busy with my hospital (The Asha Parekh
hits. It is said, your contemporaries waited Hospital in Santa Cruz, Mumbai). I am the trustee
for you to reject a film, so that they can pick of the hospital, so I always have to be on my heels to
it up. True? oversee its functioning.
(Laughs) I really don’t know that! I am sure, these
stories are not true. As for my films becoming Do you think the Hindi film industry is still
box office hits, I was, am and will always remain male-oriented? While we see 60-year-old
indebted to my audience for appreciating my work. actors still playing leading men, their female
contemporaries have to either retire or play
What do you have to say about the present grandmother in films.
generation of actors? Yes, I very much agree to what you are saying. But
All the boys are doing well. Aamir (Khan), Shah times are changing. I am sure very soon there will
Rukh (Khan), Saif (Ali Khan)….they are really be good meaty roles for people like us.
doing a fine job. As for girl, I like Kajol, Katrina

Shekhar Kapur supports water conservation Rakesh Bedi in

Mumbai: Filmmaker Shekhar mentary film initiative Hindi comedy play
Kapur has come out in full represents the collabora-
support to raise the bar on tive effort of the We Are
global and water conservation Water with artists (film-
in India. makers, singers, actors,
He joined hands with etc) and NGO’s which
leading bathroom brand Roca to share the same interests
announce the launch of the ‘We to raise the conscious-
Are Water Foundation’ at Grand ness on water issues
Hyatt, Mumbai on Tuesday. around the world.
The launch co-incides with Speaking on the oc-
the global launch simultaneous- casion, Emilio Salazar Mumbai: Veteran actor Rakesh Bedi is all
ly in twenty countries includ- Noguera, Managing Di- set to take the stage for a Hindi comedy play
ing in Sao Paulo (Brazil), Paris rector, Roca India, said, titled ‘Baat Baat Mein Bigdey Haalat’.
(France), Shanghai (China), “We Are Water Foun- Sameer Iqbal Patel has written and direct-
Moscow (Russia), Beirut dation is a part of our ed this situational play, Bedi, who’s done over
(Lebanon), London (United commitment to sustain- 200 Hindi films, dozen popular TV shows and
Kingdom) and many others. ability and with com- numerous plays.
The ‘We Are Water Foun- munities most affected He shares the stage with Chetanya Adib, a
dation’ will promote awareness by the lack of water and well known face on TV, and who has shot to
and debate amongst the public its consequences.” fame with the telly soap ‘Ballika Vadhu’.
and organizations on the need As per the The A complete laugh riot from start to finish,
to create a new culture of water, Second World Water the play has been produced by actor Goga Ka-
to permit the fair development and sustainable Ganjikunta. Development Report published by UN in 2008, poor’s daughter Payal.
management of the world’s water resources, This reservoir will store water and regenerate 1,100 million people do not have access to an The story revolves around two couples
in addition to supporting various cooperation underground tanks that supply water to the area’s adequate water supply. The UN also pointed out who have been given the same hotel room
projects in collaboration with NGOs and other wells. This will benefit the agricultural and live- the need for coordinated action between the 360 at one time by a hilarious pair of misfits, a
bodies. stock activities of Ganjikunta’s inhabitants. humanitarian organizations –including those of lunatic called Harry Singh and a drunkard
The launch event was attended by Emilio At the function the Foundation also screened the UN and NGOs– currently helping the most army major called Lehri.
Salazar, Managing Director, Roca Bathroom its first initiative, a landmark documentary, vulnerable and deprived areas of society. Akhil and Mili’s honeymoon turns out to
Products Pvt Ltd; Mr. Don Antonio Bullon, “Aral: the Lost Sea,” directed by the prestigious It is said that management of water resources be an adventure of a different kind. Edwin’s
Consul General of Spain; & TV Chalapathi, Di- filmmaker Isabel Coixet, with participation by will provoke one of the 21st century’s greatest secret birthday celebrations with his date
rector of the Vincente Ferrer Foundation (VFF) Sir Ben Kingsley and Tim Robbins. The film has social conflicts. Reliable data from UNESCO Sheryl is a big shock for his wife Lubna, who
who shared their perspective in support of this already recently been presented at San Sebastian indicates that, by 2025, demand for water will be is there to surprise him.
increasingly important cause. International Film Festival in September. 56% above its supply. In view, of the urgency to The situations get complicated as the story
In India, the Foundation has partnered with The documentary is the first activity spon- meet this challenge and play a key role in defin- progresses leading to total chaos and confu-
VFF to construct a reservoir with a capacity of sored by We Are Water Foundation and narrates ing solutions, the launch of the We Are Water sion.
80,000 m3 in India’s second lowest rainfall dis- the dramatic drying out of the Aral Sea, one of Foundation is a step in this direction. The play premieres on October 3 at Rang-
trict in Anantpur,in the outskirts of the town of the greatest ecological disasters ever. This docu- sharda Auditorium in Mumbai.

Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 25


26 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |

Mortgage Interest How Sweet is Sweet?
Rates Reviewed Varsha Asrani
Would you think of eating six to seven tea- fruit can satisfy your hunger, is economical
Ravi Mehta
spoons of sugar at one time? Most of you and won’t accumulate the extra calories. Re-
Mortgage interest rates are influenced by do- start raising official cash rate. would say no! but then, how easily do we member, a banana is a far better option than
mestic as well as international forces. Is it right time to fix? If yes, for how long drink a 600 ml soft drink that has 14 to 18 banana chips.
In its September review, Reserve Bank to fix? teaspoons of sugar. Find replacements. You will be surprised
has left official cash rate unchanged. Change I believe OCR will be kept stable for at least Most of us consume more sugar than we at the available healthier substitutes that not
in OCR directly influences Floating and short another 3-4 months. What will happen after need. All of us have cravings for different only cut down unnecessary calories but also
term fixed rates. As the OCR has been left un- that is difficult to predict as of today. It means foods, but what we need to be aware of is what give you better taste and nutrients. Choose
changed, floating rate has not been varied by floating rate will stay around present level of this can lead us to. a low fat chocolate dessert or fruit yoghurt
mainstream banks. 6.20% (for the majority of lenders) for another Joining up a gym could be your first step instead of a chocolate bar. This will not only
There have been few reasons behind the 3-4 month minimum. It is beneficial to postpone to weight loss, managing blood sugars or be a healthier option but will give you satiety.
decision to keep OCR unchanged such as slow mortgage fixing. On the other hand, 18 months reducing cholesterol, but after a 45 minute Identify your hunger. Is it a craving? Are
economic recovery, Canterbury earthquake and and 24 months fixed rates which are around workout if you munch on a chocolate biscuit you really hungry? Deviate your mind if you
South Canterbury finance failure. Kiwis are 6.60% (for the majority of lenders) are very at- or drink a can of soft drink - it gives you the have a craving. Going for a walk will take
saving more towards retirement of debt. Even tractive. If there are only two raises in OCR of same calories that you just burned or it could your mind of that craving and also burn some
the expected rise in pre GST retail sales did not 0.25% each, the gap between present floating add a few more. calories off your body.
materialize. The business confidence is down. and two year fixed rates will be gone. One may Munching on a bar of chocolate in the af- A simple equation to lose weight is that
A few months ago, it was quite high. The busi- leave on floating for present to take advantage ternoon, when you feel low, tired or sleepy our energy intake should be less than the body
ness confidence directly impacts hiring and of lower rate, only if one is be prepared to take might pep you up temporarily, but it is the needs. Thus, it is simple to understand that if
investments intentions of business people. The a risk to fix at the potentially higher rate in the high level of blood sugar running down your we drink sugary drinks without burning off
unemployment rate is already hovering around future. In my opinion, fixing for two years has blood stream that gives you that mood lift and the excess through physical activities then we
7% mark. There is not expected to be any major best value as of now. it does not last. It is at such times that we are increase the risk of being overweight.
upward pressure on wages. All this will keep For conservative investors, split policy is more prone to satisfying our ‘cravings’. Re- Remember, A nurtured Habit soon
the inflation expectations under check, which best, fixing different amounts for different fixed gardless of the reason for our cravings, sweet becomes a part of ones lifestyle!
will help the interest rates to stay low in near rate periods. Remember, fixing for the longer or high fat fast foods add unnecessary kilo- Thank you for your emails and queries. I
future. term gives more certainty but fixing for the joules. shall be covering more tips, tricks and tech-
However longer term fixed rates are also shorter term or keeping your loan on floating Organize your afternoon snack or energy niques based on your questions and sugges-
influenced by international forces. China is gives more flexibility. boost before and after your workout. Ensure it tions in my forthcoming articles. Till then
doing pretty well. It is putting upward pres- Note: The interest rates quoted are at the is ‘Healthy’. Avoid gaps in your meals as this live healthy, live happy!
sure on mineral prices. Mineral rich Australia time of writing on 5.10.10. The article is for can make you hungrier.
is reaping the benefits economically; Reserve general guidance only. Please consult your fi- Controlling portion sizes can get you in This is a general advice article only, in-
Bank of Australia will be under pressure sooner nancial advisor before taking any decision. the habit of monitoring what you eat at home dividual needs and circumstances may vary.
to raise rates there. It will impact mortgage rates Ravi Mehta is an Auckland based Financial or outside. Use smaller serves of coffees, Please consult a health professional or a reg-
here in New Zealand as well. Advisor and can be contacted on ravi.mehta@ cakes or muffins. Share whenever possible. It istered dietitian for advise on individual con-
Over the last few months the banks in New is essential that we control our food intake in ditions.
Zealand have started being somewhat liberal in A disclosure statement under Securities line with the needs of our body, keeping in Varsha Asrani is a practising Dietitian and
their lending. It will result into helping more Markets Act relating to his services is available mind our lifestyle and our physical activity. can be contacted on 0210524353 or info@var-
people to buy houses; helping economy to on request and is free of charge. Enjoy the fruit of the season. Surely, fresh
grow. It will give a reason to RBNZ governor to

Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 27

Dassera: Tenth day of the nine day Navarātri festival
ram lingam
immersed in the worship and invocation of of purposeful action (kriya shakthi), and the knowledge of the phenomenal world, and also
It’s festival time again. Goddess Durga. As typical of any Hindu fes-
tival, the Dassera festival commemorates the
power of discernment (jnaana shakthi). Saras-
wati is manifest in man as the power of speech
reacts to the stimuli received from the world
of objects. Therefore the idea is that on this
Dassera or Dassera is victory of the gods over the demons, of light
over darkness, of knowledge over ignorance.
(vaak). Durga is present in the form of dyna-
mism. Lakshmi is manifest in the form of will
sacred day of Vijaya Dashami or Dassera the
ten sins are ended which signifies the end of
on October 17 this year The Hindu scriptures with their deities
(Gods) are replete with metaphors, containing
power. The body indicates purposeful action
(kriya shakthi). The mind is the repository of
the mind and therefore the end of the world of
plurality when one becomes rooted in the tran-
according to the ancient deeper philosophical truths, embedded in sym- will power (ichchaa shakthi). The Aathma is scendental experience.”.
bolisms and forms. The ultimate truth in India the power of discernment (jnaana shakthi). To conclude here is what Swami Chidan-
Hindu lunar calendar. is also worshipped as divine feminine energy Purposeful action comes from the body, which anda the previous President of the Divine Life
Though Navaratri is gen- in the form of Mother Durga, Lakshmi, Saras-
vati - the one God as the source of all, the uni-
is material. The power that activates the inert
body and makes it vibrant is will power. The
Society’ said: “Vijaya Dashami or Dassera is a
day of Vijaya, when all the gods rejoice and all
erally understood as a versal principle of energy, power or creativity
but manifesting diiferently.
power that induces the vibrations of will power
is the power of discernment (jnaana shakthi),
mankind is in an exuberance of joy; for they
have received the Supreme Assurance that so
festival of nine nights, the While readers may be well-versed with the
puranic stories associated with the Navarātri
which causes radiation of energy.”
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar remarks about
long as they turn to the Mother in their extrem-
ity and distress, there will be no lack of support
tenth day marks the end as described in scriptures like the Devi Mahat- Dassera: “The ninth day is a day for honoring and of strength. Vijaya-Dashami is a supreme
myam, it’s not uncommon to miss its deeper everything that we have, no matter how seem- day of confidence, strength and courage for all
of Navaratri celebrated philosophical and spiritual meaning. It is aus- ingly insignificant, and the tenth day is ‘Vijaya seekers.
as Dassera (also known picious to read the Devi Mahatmya Katha on
or before Dassera. ‘Devi-Mahatmya’ is a part
Dashmi’ the ‘victory day’. It is only after we
have honored something that we can gain
On this day all aspirants and those in quest
of God have the greatest strength and courage
as Vijaya Dashami). In of the Markandeya Purāna and describes the
march of the human soul to its final destina-
victory over it. This day is celebrated as the
victory of the Devi over the evil forces - which
for by the annihilation of all the forces that
stand in the way of the fullest manifestation of
this 10 day festival, why tion.
It is common knowledge that in the first
is also just ‘Maya’.”
The wisdom traditions (Vedanta) of the
divinity, Mother has thrown open the gateway
as it were to the abode of Para Brahman. The
is the tenth day of Das- three days of Navarātri, Goddess Durga is ancient Hindu masters knew that man has to worship of the Mother upon this supreme day
invoked in order to destroy all our impuri- turn his attention inwards to gain the true bliss is the worship of Maha-Maya in Her purest and
sera spiritually impor- ties, vices and defects. The next three days and knowledge which he foolishly seeks in the absolute Vidya aspect. Till now, during the
tant? Goddess Lakshmi is adored as a giver of spiri-
tual wealth. The final three days the goddess of
external world. With this view of mind, they in-
troduced various rituals and festivals through-
Navaratra, we worshipped the Mother in Her
different aspects as She is manifest in this phe-
knowledge, Goddess Saraswati is worshipped. out the year to remind man of his supreme goal nomenal world of human affairs. But when we
Dassera is the anniversary celebration of What do the Hindu Gurus say about the and ideal. And Dusserah or Vijaya Dashami come to Vijaya, we transcend the Mother in all
Lord Rama’s victory over the demon Ravana. significance of Navaratri and Dassera? Says are prominent among them. Her external and Vidya-Avidya aspects and we
The Dassera festival has its roots laid deep in Shri Sathya Sai Baba about the divine energy Vedanta teacher Swami Chinmayananda: gaze into Her face as the Pure Vidya-Maya, the
‘Dwapara Yuga’ and which symbolized victory that “The significance of Durga, Lakshmi, and “Dassera indicates, as the word suggests, Da- Para-Shakti, to gaze at Whom is verily to gaze
over evil is celebrated with great pomp and Saraswati has to be rightly understood. The sa-Papa-Hara or the end of the ten sins. The into the Infinite and the unfathomable depth of
show in all parts of India. During the Navratri three represent three kinds of potencies in ten sins are attributed to the ten sense organs Para Brahman Himself.”
and Dassera festival, the whole of India is also man: will power (ichchaa shakthi), the power through which the mind contacts and gains Happy Dassera.

28 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |

KBP 0114 WU PriceRedctn_265x180-IndWkndr_p.indd 1 27/9/10 11:08:56 AM
A heady and hedonistic week of haute couture and signature styles
Trelise. What had the spectators sit up and watch
Still reeling from the exhila- with wide-eyed wonder was the breathtaking
backdrop that came up after her first showing.
ration and exhaustion of the It was a glowing print of a stained glass window
New Zealand Fashion Week, featuring Botticelli’s Primavera, which was
beautifully woven into her signature designs.
Farida Master writes about Another highlight this year was the Ameri-
can designer Nicole Miller who came to NZFW
some of the sassy designers to explore this part of the world. Her form-fit-
ting, edgy designs mainly in black, were worn
and spectacular shows. like a second skin and had an aesthetic appeal.
You could easily figure out why she dresses up
the likes of Angelina Jolie, Eva Longoria and
FARIDA MASTER Beyonce. America’s Next top model Krista
White (the season is yet to be aired on NZ tele-
Inspite of the heavy down pour, icy winds and vision) walked the ramp for Nicole as well.
stormy weather, the New Zealand Fashion Week Breaking away from the huzz buzz of the
managed to draw the fashionistas in a whirlwind fashion village at 101 Halsey Street, was the
of style, colour, cut and design. Turning ten is World collection titled Wasted Days, Wasted
undoubtedly a milestone that was celebrated Nights at the Langham hotel. The special guests
with gusto and chutzpah. were treated to high tea and champagne along
Regardless of the recession and the naysay- with dollops of eclectic style and panache. The
ers who were wondering how founder Pieter idea was to bring back luxury and a sense of
Stewart and daughter Myken would pull it off, fun into a real woman’s life-- and that’s exactly
the tenth anniversary of NZFW went without a what they managed to do, with flowing gowns in
glitch-- or so it seemed to the style slaves who PHOTOS: NZFW – Michael Ng a brilliant flash of colour, body skimming suits
had gathered at the Mecca of fashion at the and jackets with a sculptured look. Men with
Viaduct harbor. Fashion Week preparations. Yet she managed to Fashion Fairytale. The tiny-tots in the audi- designer frames, polka dotted umbrellas and se-
The NZFW kicked off with the eco-friendly make sure that she had the audience swooning ence were even given a Barbie doll apart from a quinned shoes, bespoke of flamboyance and flair
label, Starfish that showcased the Winter 2011 over her exquisite designs that were draped with lovely goody bag of course. The idea being that that sits well with the label.
collection called Seven Sisters, which featured romance and splendour. most little girls begin by dressing up their dolls. Then there was theatrics, Nom*d; plus-size
sustainable fashion; and ended with Celebrat- From luminous and luxe bridal wear to For the internationally acclaimed designer it model making a fashionable statement, Carpen-
ing 10 Years Retrospective Show, where the pretty frocks with ruffles, the high-priestess of was about fashion coming a full circle. ters Daughter; top indigenous Maori designers,
spotlight was thrown on the last decade of New fashion, Trelise Cooper created a magical fai- Whatever her critics may say, the fact Miromoda show; the artist and the muse that
Zealand fashion. Forty of New Zealand’s most rytale moment on the runway with her Trelise remains that Trelise Cooper’s collections are showcased Sabatini’s love for classic film and
renowned designers from the past nine years Cooper Kids coll hit with moms always visual treat. It’s amazing how the unri- drama; and plenty of other stunning collec-
like World, Alexandra Owen, Zambesi, Annah and kids alike, giant fairy toadstools and a spin- valled queen of logistics meticulously manages tions that marked a decade of the greatest New
Stretton, Cybele, Hailwood, Nom D, Sabatini, ning windmill provided a picturesque backdrop to pack in an incredible number of silhouettes in Zealand design talent from couturiers to young
Stolen Girlfriends Club, Trelise Cooper and for Trelise Cooper Kids show. This year’s theme the show within a show—as she showcases two designers-- who stretched the boundaries and
many others, got together to commemorate 10 was a celebration of the new Barbie movie, A labels--the Trelise Cooper label and Cooper by crossed the fashion line.
years of New Zealand Fashion.
Adding the wow factor to the Fashion Week
this year was its first ever bridal show, an awe-in-
spiring symphony in white. Designers like Anna
Schimmel, John Zimmerman, Crane Brothers,
Vinka Designs, Jane Yeah, Kate Dowman and
Louise Anderson outdid themselves as their
ethereal and elegant creations were a vision of
breath-taking beauty. From timeless classics to
avant garde designs there was something for
every bride and her groom. What is worth a
mention is that the Christchurch based designer,
Louise Anderson nearly pulled out, because
she was caught in the middle of the earthquake.
The award-winning designer was quite shaken
up with the stress of the earthquake and its af-
termath as it wiped off an entire week from her

Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 29

Junior Mosquito: Mum, can I
go to the theatre tonight?

OFFBEAT The Wonder Boy

ECHOLOCATION is a he made with his echoes which when environment. He refused to
system commonly used by tongue, about as loud picked up by Ben’s use a white cane like other
creatures like bats and as the snapping of sharp ears, helped him sightless people and relied
dolphins, to obtain fingers. The sounds to judge the distance solely on echolocation to get
Mother Mosquito: All right, but
information about their bounced off nearby and location of around.
be careful when the people are
surroundings. Amazingly, objects, producing objects in his Ben became a celebrity
echolocation is also what overnight after his story
Ben, a blind teenager from featured in a newspaper. He
FAMOUS FIRST California, used to navigate in spent the last two years of his
a sightless world. Ben life travelling to different parts
THE weekly Frankfurten Underwood, who lost both his of the world as a motivational
Journal is regarded as the eyes to retinal cancer when speaker, providing hope and
world’s first newspaper. It was he was three, played video inspiration to countless blind
founded by Egenolph Emmel in games, basketball and roller- people. Ben succumbed to
Frankfurt, Germany in 1615. skated just like other kids. cancer on January 19, 2009,
The only difference was just one week short of his 17th
the stream of clicking sounds birthday.


Draw a pair of scissors by
A Number Search B Teasers following these simple steps.

Find 6 prime 1. “If a man smashed a clock,

number could he be accused of
sequences in killing time?”
the grid, “Not if he could prove that
horizontally, the clock____ _________”
vertically and (fill in the missing words)
2. If I were in the sun and you
TRIVIA were out of it, what would the
WHEN people of the German TONGUE-TRIED sun be?
city of Heilbronn saw a fleet of How much wood would a wood-chuck 3. What kind of bridge causes
seven ‘flying saucers’ zooming chuck If a wood-chuck could chuck the most anxiety?
in formation across the sky, wood? 2
there was panic. They realised (Try saying it fast.)
only much later that it was a Answers:
trick played on them by a UFO-
logist Werner Walter, who heads
the national research network bridge.
3. A suspension
B. 1. Struck first 2.


on extraordinary celestial IT A POLICY NEVER SIGNBOARDS.
phenomena. The flying saucers FROM DOOR-TO- YOU, MADAM.
were in fact hot air balloons! DOOR SALESMEN!
The balloons, measuring 1.5 X
1.8m, hovered over the city for 4
15 minutes. Made of kite paper,
they exuded an unearthly,
orange-red glow, fooling people
into believing that they were
alien craft.
NZ-19 © 2009 Amrita Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan; e-mail:

30 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |



A police officer stopped Sugendhu

Paddy Art
for speeding and asked to see his Y strategically arranging agricultural artistry and
licence. and growing rice plants massive art works are
Sugendhu replied in a huff, of different colours in a patterned on rice fields during
“Yesterday you took away my paddy field, farmers can literally paddy seasons (starting in
licence, and today you expect me to draw a picture on the ground. May). An observation tower is
show it to you?!” This type of paddy art is located nearby from where
practised in some villages of visitors get a spectacular view
Japan. The rice plants take on of the fields. Thousands of
FAMOUS FIRST varying hues — yellow, purple, tourists come to the village to
red and green — as they mature see the paddy art. While
and become ready for harvest traditionally the design is first
in September, revealing as they made on paper and then
THE world's grow, a planned artistic pattern. executed on land with great
first cultured The village Inakadate in care, farmers now use hi-tech
pearl was Japan is especially famed for its gadgets to make the designs.
made in 1908
by Kokichi
Mikimoto of
Japan. TIMEPASS Easy Draw
Draw a man from the
A Lawn Mowers B Number Fun letter ‘B’.
FOUR gardeners with four grass mowers mow
400 square metres of ground in four hours. How
long would it take eight gardeners with eight grass
mowers to mow 800 square metres?

The teacher has put a wrong sum on

the board. You can correct it by simply
No one knows the exact number but rearranging the numbers.
it is believed that there are 140, 000
varieties of cultivated rice. Rice is the
staple food for more than half of the
world’s population. The UNO C Coin in the bottle D Egg Break
declared 2004 the Year of Rice.
There’s a coin in a bottle. The bottle’s Venku climbs a
mouth is closed step ladder placed
TRUE OR FALSE with a cork. Can on the cement floor
you get the coin of the kitchen and
Lai Tung Pai is a out of the bottle drops an egg from
martial art form from without pulling the top. The egg
Korea. out the cork or falls 1 metre but
False. Lai Tung breaking the does not break.
Pai, also known
bottle? Why?
as Poon Kuen, is a
has dropped 2m.
Chinese Shaolin
2m. It does not break till it
style martial art
the egg from a height of
form. It is believed
D. Venku has dropped
to have been and shake the coin out.
developed by the C. Push the cork into the bottle
monk, Chi sen,
and includes the
traditional Lion A. 4 hours.
Dance and
Dragon Dance.
NZ-32 © 2010 Amrita Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan; e-mail:

Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 | 31


32 Indian Weekender | October 8, 2010 |

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