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tTI Androstane


Cholane Cholestane Cardano(jde

Ergostane Stigmastane Bufanotide

Fig. 7-1. Principal steroid stereoparent hydrocarbons.


The first step in the pathway by which

squalene is transformed into sterols is its
stereospecific conversion into S-squalene
2,3-epoxide by squalene epoxidase. In the
next step, the key enzyme involved in the
cyclization of squalene 2,3-epoxide to the
first cyclic sterol precursor in animals and
Fig. 7-2. Orientation of steroid substituents fungi is 2,3-oxidosqualerte : lanosterol cy-
clase. Lanosterol is replaced in photosyn-
AIB ring junction. The chemical name of thetic organisms by its isomer cycloartenol,
cholic acid is 3cz, 7o, 12atrihydroxy-5l3- and the enzyme involved is 2,3-oxido-
cholan-24-oic acid. The sex hormone an- squalene cycloartenol cyclase. The cycli-
drosterone, chemical name 3a-hydroxy-5c- zation reaction has been called one of the
androstan-17-one, has a trans-fused A/B most complicated in all of biochemistry. For
ring junction. example, squalene is an acyclic molecule
with 6 double bonds, and the lanosterol
molecule has 4 rings and 7 asymmetric cen-
ters, all properly oriented. As shown in
Figure 7-3, a proton initiates the c ycliza-
tion by attacking the epoxide bond. Each
of the rings forms successively, involving
attack by a ir bond on a specific carbon.
Cholic acid The reactions are fast enough and the in-
termediates rigid enough that stereochem-
istry is preserved as the rings form. Each
-1CH.- Tr-bond attack leaves behind a carhonium
ion, which is the target of the next attack.
After the rings are formed, the resulting
HO' carhonium ion intermediate, which has a
H positive charge at C-20, is stabilized by
rearrangements involving 2 hydride shifts
(17-20, 13-17) and 2 methyl shifts
BIOSYNTHESIS (14-13, &-14). These shifts result in the
Steroids are formed hiosynthetically migration of the positive charge to C-8 and,
from isopentenyl pyrophosphate (active is- with the loss of a proton from C-9, either
oprene) and involve the same sequence of the 9,10,19-cyclopropane ring of cycloar-
reactions as does terpenoid biosynthesis. tenol or the 8,9-double bond of lanosterol
In fact, the triterpenoid squalene is an in- may be formed. The conversion of the C
termediate in steroid biosynthesis. Most compound, lanosterol, to the C steroid,
knowledge of the biosynthesis of steroids cholesterol, involves the loss of 3 methyl
has been derived from studies of choles- groups, the shift of a double bond, and a
terol production. Although this compound reduction of a double bond. The sequence
is not necessarily a direct precursor of all in which these reactions take place may
other steroids, its formation may be con-
vary, depending on the organism. Con-
sidered as a general mechanism of steroid
biosynthesis. The familiar acetate sequently, numerous intermediates, in-
mevalonate —*-- isopentenyl pyrophos- cluding zymosterol, have been isolated
phate —*---* squalene --- cholesterol path- that represent various stages in this trans-
way is outlined in Figure 7-3. formation.

CH,--C CH 3C—OH,- C -S—CQA
Acetate AcetylCoA Acetoacetyl-COA


H000, C OR3O' HOOC C
CR3 CH 'CH2' CH2
5.PhosphomevaOfliC Mevalonic acid R.HydrOxy-13methytglUtarY-COA

CH3, O®
--- C,CH2O /C ,CH,—O
CH," CH,'
3.Isopentenyl 3,3-Din,ethylaUyl
- pyrophosphate pyrophosphate
phosphomeva1011iC acid


CR CH CH3 OH CH, pht

Goraryl pyrophosphate
Farnesyl pyrophosphate

Farnesyl pyrophosphat

.0OH,. ----- CH 3
OH3. -
CH31 cHJ -
CH I H, k




,CH CH ,..
- 34 CH 3 I CH\ I -

1O '3

OH; CH H' c13 CHI

Cathonium ion intermediate Cycloartenol

CH - k--

- hO

s- 133

STEROLS tified in algae, fungi, actinomycetes, bac-

teria, ferns, and higher plants.
The first steroids isolated from nature Much has been written about cholesterol
were a series of C-C 29 alcohols that were and human health. Cholesterol is present
found in the lipid fractions of many tissues. in atherosclerotic plaques, and feeding of
These compounds were solids and there- cholesterol to susceptible animals has in-
fore named sterols from the Greek stereos, duced atherosclerosis. In humans, ather-
meaning solid (Fig. 7-4). The most widely osclerosis is frequently associated with
occurring sterol is cholesterol. It was first conditions in which the blood cholesterol
isolated from human gallstones and, be- is elevated. However, at the present time,
cause it is a constituent of animal cell mem- the evidence of a causal relationship be-
branes, it has been found in all animal tis- tween cholesterol and atherosclerosis is
sue. It is one of the chief constituents of still indirect.
lanolin and therefore is found in many The principal sterol in fungi is ergosterol.
drug products. Until recently, cholesterol This C 28 sterol arises biosynthetically
was thought to be restricted to the animal through a transmethylation reaction of the
kingdom; however, it has now been iden- cholestarie side chain involving 5-adenosyl

(Prov;tamjn D3)

(Provitamin 02)


k H3C 29 CH3 Stigmasterol



Fig. 7-4. Sterols.

methionine. Ergosterol is also known as desoxycholic acid to form lithocholic acid.
provitamin D 2 because, upon ultraviolet ir-
Their presence in the bile is attributed to
radiation, a series of isomerjzatjors with enterohepatic circulation. Generally, the
the subsequent opening of ring B results bile acids do not exist in the free state but
in the formation of vitamin D 2 . Vitamin D.,
are conjugated through a peptide bond to
is formed in the same manner from 7-de-
either glycine or taurine (Fig. 7-6). The
hydrocholesterol. This compound occurs conjugated bile acids are discharged into
in small amounts with cholesterol in ani-
the duodenum where they act as emulsi-
mal tissue, including human skin, where fying agents to aid in the intestinal absorp-
irradiation from the sun catalyzes the for- tion of fat. Bile salts are the sodium salts
mation of vitamin D 3 . The vitamin D com-
of the conjugated acids and are the prin-
pounds are discussed in the chapter on vi- cipal constituents of ox bile extract. It is
usually given in a dose of 300 to 600 mg
The most common sterol in plants is daily. After absorption, the bile acids ex-
13-sitosterol (stigma st-5-en-3_(l), a C.,9 hibit choleretic action by increasing bile
compound. it has been shown that a sec- flow. They also have a mild laxative effect,
ond transmethyiation from methionine ac- and since there is no evidence of efficacy
counts for the C-29 atom, in general, si-
in replacement therapy for bile deficien-
tosterols are widely distributed throughout cies, the principal use of ox bile extract is
the plant kingdom and may he obtained as a laxative.
from wheat germ oil, rye germ oil, corn oil,
Ox bile extract is prepared by partial
cottonseed oil, and other seed oils.
evaporation of fresh ox bile, precipitation
Closely related to 3-sitosterol is the of the mucus and albuminous matter with
sterol, stigmasterol, which was first iso-
alcohol, filtering, washing, and evapora-
lated from calahar beans but is also found
ting the combined filtrates to dryness at a
in soybean oil. The double bond at position temperature not exceeding 80° C. It con-
22 of stigmasterol allows it to be more read- tains an amount of the sodium salts of gly-
ily converted into the pregnane-type ste-
cocholic acid and taurocholic acid equiva-
roid hormones than P-sitosterol; conse- lent to not less than 45% of cholic acid
quently, the extraction of stigniasterol from NONP RESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Bilron Pu!-
soybean oil is an important commercial vules®.
Chenodjol (chenodesoxycholic acid)
suppresses hepatic synthesis of both cho-
BILE ACIDS lesterol and cholic acid, gradually replacing
the cholic acid and its metabolite, desox-
In the liver of humans and other animals,
ycliolic acid, in an expanded bile acid pool.
the side chain of cholesterol is degraded to This contributes to hiiary cholesterol de-
C24 steroids, which possess a C-24 car-
saturation and gradual dissolution of ra-
boxyl. These steroids are collected in the dioiucent cholesterol gallstones. Chenodiol
bile; therefore, they are referred to as the has no effect on radiopaque (calcified) gall-
bile acids (Fig. 7-5). The primary bile acids
stones or on bile pigment gallstones.
tormed in the human liver are cholic acid The recommended dosage of chenodiol
and chenodesoxycholic acid. Desoxycholic is 13 to 16 mg!kg/day, divided into 2 doses.
acid and lithocholic acid are also found in The duration of treatment may be 2 years
s ubstantial amounts in mammalian bile;
or more. In addition, stones may recur
however, they are not formed in the liver.
when therapy is discontinued. Because
They are produced in the intestinal tract by there is a high incidence of adverse effects,
the action of microorganisms on cholic acid
such as elevated liver enzyme levels and a
to form desoxycholic acid and on cheno-
dose-related diarrhea, this agent is rec-

Cholic Acid

3r ,7, 12° .TrihydroXy-5J-

cholan-24-oic acid

7u-deOygefltOfl by
intestinal n,krofIor

Desoxycholic Acid
3 12 -DihydrOxy-5/l-ChOlafl
24-ok acid


7-doygfltiOfl CH3
b y intestmal

ChenodesoxycholiC Acid LithocholiC Acid

3,7Dihydroxy-5/chOlafl-24 . O1C acid 3n.Hydroxy5R-ChOlafl-24-Oic acid

Fig. 7-5. Bile acids.

ommended only in patients who are poor
H surgical risks for a cholecystectomy.
HC. C—N -,7H, - C 0 N
Some steroids present in nature are char-
Sodium GyohoIte
acterized by the highly specific and pow-
0 0 erful action that they exert on the cardiac
I H muscle. These steroids occur as glycosides
HC - C--N--CH---00 -S 0 N
with sugars attached at the 3-positipn of
the steroid nucleus. Because of their action
on the heart muscle, they are named car-
diac glycosides (Fig. 7-7). The steroid agly-
cones or genins are of 2 types: a carden-
Soin TrohIta olide or a bufadienolide. The more
Fig. 7-6. Conjugated bile acids. prevalent in nature are the cardenolides,
which are -C,3 steroids that have as a 17
side chain an o t , - unsaturated 5-membered
lactone ring. The bufadienolideS are C24
homologs of the cardenolides and carry a
doubly unsaturated 6-membered lactone


10 0


CH 3 1
- - J
Digitoxigenin Gitoxigenin R I-f
3/3, 14-dihydroxy-5/3, 14/3-card.20(22).enoljde 3/1,14, lfifl-trihydraxy- 5[3,14fl-card.
Gitafoxigenin R = CHO
161 3 -formyloxy . 3!, 14 . dihydroxy-
5/i, l4/1-carc.20(22)-enoIjde


OH\ 1

Ouabagenin Scillarenin A
l/I,3/5,11o,14,19.hexahydroxy5f14/card 3/3, 14-dihydroxy-14$bufa . 4 20 22-
20(22)-enolide trienohde
Fig. 7-7. Structural formulas of several aglycones 01 cardac glvcosides.

ring at the 17-position. The bufadienolides coside is cleaved, the aglycone retains Car-
derive their name from the generic name diac activity; however, the sugar portion of
for the toad, Bufo (the prototype compound the glycoside confers on the molecule sol-
bufalin was isolated from the skin of ubility properties important in its absorp-
toads). An unusual aspect of the chemistry tion and distribution in the body. Oxygen
of both cardenolides and bufadjenoljdes is substitution oil steroid nucleus also in-
that the C/D ring junction has the cis-con- fluences the distribution and metabolism
figuration. To obtain optimum cardiac ac- of glycosides. In general, the more hydroxy
tivity, the aglycone should possess an c3 groups on the molecule, the more rapid the
unsaturated lactone ring that is attached 13 onset of action and the subsequent dissi-
at the 17-position of the steroid nucleus pation from the body.
and the A/B and C/D ring junctions should The use of the cardiac glycosides in ther-
have the cis-configuration. Metabolic re- apeutics stems from the ability of these
duction of the double bond in the lactone compounds to increase the force of systolic
ring of digoxin to form dihydrodigoxin contraction An increase in contractility in
may explain why certain individuals are the failing heart results in a more complete
refractory to digoxin therapy. If the gly- empty ing of the ventricle and a shortening

in the length of systole. Thus, the heart the permeability of the cell membranes.
has more time to rest between contrac- Na + moves into the cell by passive diffu-
tions. As the myocardium recovers as a re- sion and K moves out. Na, K-ATPase
suit of increased cardiac output and cir- supplies the energy from ATP to reverse
culation, the heart rate is decreased this process and to pump the Na* out of
through a reflex vagal effect. In addition, the cell and the K into the cell against a
the improved circulation tends to improve concentration gradient.
renal secretion, which relieves the edema Inhibition of Na , K -ATFase by the car-
often associated with heart failure. diac glycoside results in an increase in Na
In the use of cardiac glycosides to treat and a decrease in K within the cell which,
congestive heart failure, the patient is in turn, stimulates a secondary Na * Ca *
given an initial loading dose of the drug in exchange mechanism that functions to re-
order to bring the heart under the influence move intracellular Na with a subsequent
of the drug. Because the amount required increase in intracellular Ca . The positive
varies with the patient and the drug used, inotropic action or muscle contraction en-
the preparation is given in divided doses hancement of cardiac glycosides is me-
while titrating the dose against signs of im- diated through the increase in Ca ' Ca
provement. The patient is usually main- interacts with troponin which then,
tained indefinitely after the loading dose through its action on tropomyosin, un-
by administering a daily maintenance dose masks the binding sites on actin that bind
that replaces the amount of drug that is myosin, allowing for the formation of the
metabolized and excreted. In toxic concen- contractile protein actomyosin (Fig. 7-8).
trations, the glycosides may increase car- Drug Interactions. This postulated mecha-
diac automaticity and lead to ectopic tach- nism implicating intracellular cation levels
yarrhythmia. Ventricular extrasystoles are explains the development of toxicity symp-
the most frequent effect. With all the gly- toms in patients with certain plasma-elec-
cosides, the therapeutic level appears to he trolyte imbalances who receive cardiac gly-
approximately 50 to 60% of the toxic dose. coside therapy. Potassium depletion
This finding explains why dosage must be increases the susceptibility to cardiac gly-
carefully determined experimentally for coside toxicity; therefore, patients on con-
each patient. comitant therapy with such potassium-
Despite numerous experimental inves- depleting drugs as thiazide diuretics and
tigations, the mechanism of action of the corticosteroids with mineralocorticoid ac-
cardiac glycosides is still not completely tivity may require potassium supplemen-
known; however, observations have im- tation or a reduced dosage of cardiac gly-
plicated Na, K-ATPase as the receptor cosides. Conversely, patients treated with
enzyme. This enzyme catalyzes the active cardiac glycosides should not commence
transport of Na * out of the cell and the the excessive ingestion of any product con-
subsequent transport of K into the cell. taining absorbable calcium, e.g.. milk, cal-
Na* , K*ATPase operates in all cell cium gluconate, and dibasic and tribasic
membranes to mairtain the unequal dis- calcium phosphate. Also, such patients
tribution of Na 4 and K I ions across the should not be given parenteral calcium be-
membrane. HoweveT, in the myocardium cause hypercalcemia can potentiate the car-
the ion exchange is rapid because it is re- diac effect.
quired after each heart beat; therefore, an
inhibition of Na, K'-ATPase has a greater Digitalis
effect on heart tissuethan on other cells of Digitalis or foxglove is the dried leaf of
the body. When the teart beats, a wave of Digitalis purpurea Linn (Fam. Scrophular-
depolarization passes hrough it, changing iaceae) (Fig. 7-9). Its potency is such that,

Relaxed Muscle Activated Muscle

Site for _____ —TM C,

bind,rig TM
myosin –T

Fig. 7--8. Schematic diagram showing the interaction of contractile protein during muscle contraction. A =
actin, M = m y osin, TM = trOpomyasin, 1' = tropoflin. In the relaxed muscle, tropom y osin masks the sites
on actin to which myosin binds through steric blockage, in the activated muscle, Ca interacts with troponin,
which brings about a conformational change in tropomyosin, unmasking the actin-to-myosin binding sites
and allowing for the formation of actornyosin.

when assayed as directed, 100 mg are The leaves of other Digitalis species, D.
equivalent to not less than 1 liSP digitalis dubia, D. ferruginen, D. grandiflora, D. lanata,
unit (100 mg of the USP Digitalis Reference D. lutea, D. inertonensfic, D. nervosa, D. sub-
Standard). When digitalis is prescribed, pow- alpine, and D. tha psi, also show the pres-
dered digitalis is to he dispensed. ence of cardiac glycosides.
Powdered digitalis is digitalis dried at a CULTIVATION OF DIGITALIS. Until re-
temperature not exceeding 600 C, reduced cently, digitalis was cultivated in Pennsyl-
to a fine or a very fine powder, and ad- vania by the S. B. Penick Company. At
justed, if necessary, to conform to the of- present, however, digitalis and the digi-
ficial potency by admixture with sufficient talis glycosides used in the U.S. are ob-
lactose, starch, exhausted marc of digitalis, tained principally from England and Ger-
or with a powdered digitalis that has either many. In Germany, D. purpurea seeds,
a lower or a higher potency. which have been developed through strain
Digitalis is from the Latin digitus, mean- selection to yield plants with maximum
ing finger, and refers to the finger-shaped drug potency and with resistance to plant
corolla, so named by Tragus in 1539; pur- diseases, are sown in greenhouses in
puree is Latin and refers to the purple color March. From the middle of May until the
of the flower. The plant is a biennial herb, beginning of June, the young plants are
probably indigenous to central and south-
planted outside in relatively small plots (1
ern Europe and naturalized in various
to 10 acres). The areas of cultivation are
parts of Europe and in the northern and
western United States and Canada. centered around a commercial drying unit
Digitalis seems to have been used exter- for medicinal plants at a distance of not
nally by the Welsh. Parkinson recom- more than 20 km. To ensure potency, the
mended it in 1640, but its internal use was leaves must be rapidly and gently dried at
not in vogue until its recommendation by 50 to 600 C as soon as the plants are har-
Withering in 1776. It is an important drug vested. This procedure must be followed
and has been official in most pharmaco- because the leaf contains hydrolytic en-
peias of the world since the 18th century. zymes which, if not rapidly inactivated,


Fig. 7-9. Specimen plant ol 1);ai pur,uea.

cleave the glycosidic linkages, thereby giv- a dense rosette. Some of the plants remain
ing rise to the less active genins. Also ex- undisturbed to permit development of the
cess heat may split off water from the ter- flowering stalk during the second season.
tiary hydroxy group at position 14 of the These flowering stems are the source of
steroid nucleus, thereby forming the in- seeds for future use. With the exception of
active anhvdro compound. the plants used for seed production, all
The annual crop is harvested from the other plants are harvested; consequently,
middle of September to the end of October. fresh cultivation of young plants is begun
The weight of a fresh plant ranges from each year.
200 to 500 g. The yield per acre, depending CONSTITUENTS. The drug contains a large
on the quality of the soil and the effort and number of glycosides of which the most
skill of the farmer, may vary from 2.5 to important from a medicinal viewpoint are
55 tons fresh weight/acre, which corre- digitoxin, gitoxin, and gitaloxin. The total
ponds to approximately 06 to 1.4 tons dry concentration of these 3 glycosides varies
weight/acre. appreciably with the plant source and the
The harvested crop utilizes only the first conditions of growth Also, because all are
year's leaves (Fig. 7-10), which develop as secondar y glycosides derived by hydroly-
- 167

Fig. 7-10. Mature digitalis leaves showing the proniment Veins ci the dorsI anU 'entral surfaces. Note the
winged petiole.

sis of some of the sugars from the primary digitoxiside, glucogitaloxigenil.)..bj5_j,j

or parent glycosides occurring in the leaf, toxiside, g lu cocvatrornono5j glucogito-
their concentration depends on the man-
roside, glucolanadoxjn, digitalinum
ner of treatment of the plant material fol-
verum, glucoverodoxin, stropeside, and
lowing harvesting. Careful experiments verodoxin (see 'Fable 7-1).
have revealed that the Secondary glycoside
ASSAY. Digitalis and its preparations must
content in the leaf is about 10 to 20% of the
be assayed biologically to ensure their po-
primary glcoside concentration. Reported tency; however, because the crystalline
total concentrations of digitcxin, gitoxin,
glycosides are definite chemical entities,
and gitaloxin range from 009% in a poor-
they can be assayed chemically. A number
quality Spanish sample to 0.225 17. in a su-
of test animals have been used in the past:
perior Japanese leaf; the average concen-
guinea pigs, frogs, and cats. The animal
tration approximates 0.16%.
now employed in the assay procedure is
Nearly 30 other glycosides have been the pigeon.
identified in the drug. The major glyco- St andardization is determined by com-
sides, in terms of concentration include parison of the effect of a known dilution of
purpurea glycoside A, purpurea glycoside
the drug with that of a similar dilution of
B, glucogitaloxin, glucodigiroxigeninhis.. the USP Digitalis Reference Standard

Table 7-1. Composition of the Principal Glycosides of Digitalis purpurea

Glycoside Sugars
Derivatives of Dignoxigenin
Purpurea glycoside A 3 digitoxose, I glucose
Digitqin 3 digitoxose
Gluco-digitoxigenin-bis-digitoXOSide 2 digitoxose, I glucose
Gluco-evatrornonoside I digitoxose, 1 glucose
Derivatives of Gitoxigenin
Purpurea glycoside B 3 digitoxose, I glucose
Gitoxin 3 digitoxose
Gluco-gitoroside I digitoxose, 1 glucose
Digitalinum verum I digitalose, I glucose
Stropeside 1 digitalose
Derivatives of Gitaloxigenin
Gluco-gitaloxin 3 digitoxose, I glucose
Gitaloxin 3 digitoxose
Gluco-gitaloxigenin-bis-digitOxoSide 2 digitoxose, 1 glucose
Gluco-lanadoxin I digitoxose, 1 glucose
Gluco-verodoxin I digitalose, I glucose
VeTodoxin I digitalose

Adult pigeons are anesthetized lightly with itOxin and digoxin, radioimmune assay
ether, immobilized, and their alar vein is techniques have been developed that allow
exposed and cannulated. Definite volumes for the measurement of nanogram quan-
of the diluted preparation are introduced tities of these glycosides in the blood
at 5-minute intervals until the pigeon dies serum. The underlying principle is that
from cardiac arrest. nonradioactive glycoside (in known stand-
The bioassay of digitalis leaf can he crit- ard solution or in patients' sera) will com-
icized because of the inability of the pete with radioactively labeled glycoside
method to predict oral potency of the drug. for combining sites on antidigitalis anti-
For example, gitoxin in the leaf would con- body. If one mixes varying quantities of
tribute to the intravenous assay potency, unlabeled glycoside with a standard
but because it is poorly absorbed from the amount of radiolabeled glycoside, the
gastrointestinal tract, it would not contrib- amount of radioactivity bound by a stan-
ute significantly to the cardiac effect. This dard amount of antibody will decrease as
observation assumes additional signifi- increasing amounts of unlabeled glycoside
cance when one considers that the amount are added. A standard curve can then be
of gitoxrn present in the leaf may vary constructed from which the concentration
greatly, depending on the genetics of the of glycoside in a patient's blood serum can
plant or the manner in which the drug is be determined on the basis of the decrease
harvested and prepared for market. As a it causes in the binding of radioactive gly-
precautionary measure, care should be coside by specific antibody. Radiolabeled
taken to maintain patients on one brand of glycosides and antisera are commercially
digitalis tablets. This precaution decreases available. If stored properly, antibodies are
the chances of dispensing a preparation stable for many years, and 1 ml of anti-
with an oral potency that is either reduced serum may be employed in more than
or greater than that obtained by the patient 100,000 determinations.
from a prior prescription. USES AND DOSE. Digitalis is used in the
In monitoring patient therapy with dig- form of tablets or capsules to treat conges-

tive heart failure, paroxysmal atrial tachy- other suitable species of Digitalis. On hy-
cardia, atrial flutter, and atrial fibrillation. drolysis, digitoxin yields 1 molecule of dig-
See Table 7-2 for the usual dose of digitalis. itoxigenin and 3 of digitoxose. It is a highly
Dose must be reduced by 25 to 30% for the potent drug and should be handled with
elderly, for patients with lean body mass, exceptional care. Digitoxin occurs as a
and for patients with metabolic or electro- white or pale buff, odorless, microcrystal-
lyte disorders. The onset of action is 2 to 4 line powder. It is a bitter substance that is
hours, and maximal effect occurs in 12 to practically insoluble in water and slightly
14 hours. Complete dissipation of the drug soluble in alcohol. It is the most lipid-sol-
from the body takes 2 to 3 weeks.
uble of the cardiac glycosides used in ther-
contains the products from the specially apeutics.
prepared leaf of D. purpurea. The major pharmacokinetic parameters
for digitoxin include complete oral absorp-
Digitoxin tion, which distinguishes it from other car-
Digitoxin is a cardiotonic glycoside ob- diac glycosides. Upon oral administration,
tained from D. purpurea, D. lanata, and the Onset of action is I to 4 hours with a

Table 7-2. Dosage Schedules of Various Forms of Digitalis and Cardiac Glycosides
Route of Usual
Dosage Adminis- Usual Initial Maintenance
Drug Form (ration Loading Dose Dose
Digitalis tablets or oral 1.2 g divided in equal doses 100 to 200 mg daily
capsules administered every 6 hours
Digitoxin tablets oral rapid: 600 .g followed by 400 50 to 300 g daily
g. then 200 wg at 4- to 6-hour
slow: 200 i.L g twice daily for
4 days
IV same as rapid oral loading dose 100 to 200 g daily
Digoxin tablets oral rapid: 0.75 to 1.25 nip divided 125 to 500 g daily
into 2 or more doses, each ad-
ministered every 6 to 8 hours
slow: 125 to 500 p.g daily for
7 days
capsules oral rapid: 400 to 600 p.g initially, 50 to 350 rLg as 1 or
then 100 to 300 i.g every 6 to 8 2 doses daily
hours until desired effect is
clinically evident
slow: 50 to 350 l.Lg daily divided
into 2 doses and repeated for
7 to 22 days as needed to
reach steady-state serum
injection IV 400 to 600 p.g with additional 125 to 500 iig daily
doses of 100 to 300 p.g every 4 in single or divided
to 8 hours doses
Deslanoside injection IV 1.6 mg as a single dose or 800
.g initially and repeated every
4 hours
IM 800 g given at each of -
2separate injection sites

peak at 8 to 14 hours. Approximately 50 to Digoxin

70% of the glycoside is converted by the
liver to inactive genins, which are excreted Digoxin is the most widely used of the
in the kidneys. Because of a long plasma cardiotonic glycosides, and it is obtained
half-life (168 to 192 hours), it may take from from the leaves of P. lanata. On hydrolysis
3 to 5 weeks for complete dissipation of the digoxin yields I molecule of digoxigenin
drug from the body following discontin- and 3 of digitoxos. Itis a highly potent
uation of therapy. It is estimated that a drug and should be handled with excep-
drug-serum level of 14 to 26 nglnil is re- tional care. Digoxin occurs as a white, crys-
quired for full therapeutic effect, and levels talline powder.
exceeding 35 ng/ml may produce symp- Digoxin tablets are 60 to 80% absorbed,
toms of toxicity. and variable bioequivalence among differ-
It has the same uses and precautions as ent brands of digoxin tablets has been dem-
digitalis. The dose is given in Table 7-2. onstrated. Because of the low therapeutic
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Digitoxin is rep- index of the drug, it is reconimeneded that,
resented by Crstodigin. in the absence of good comparative bio-
availabilit y data, a patient should not be
Digitalis Lanata changed from one brand of tablet to an-
Digitalis Ianata or Grecian foxglove is other after a reasonable therapeutic effect
the dried leaves of Digitalis lanala Ehrhart, has been achieved with one preparation.
a plant indigenous to southern and central Otherwise, either a toxic or nontherapeuhc
Europe. It is the source of digoxin and effect may result owing to a change in the
desacetyllanatoside C; however, nearly 70 bioavai]ahility of the drug.
different glycosides have been detected in USE AND DOSE. A solution-filled capsule
the leaves of P. lanata. The composition of is available that the manufacturer claims
19 of the most important of these is listed provides a 100% bioavailahility.
in Table 7-3. All are derivatives of 5 dif- Upon oral administration, the onset of
ferent aglycones, 3 of which (digituxigeriin, action is 3{) minutes to 2 hours, with a peak
gitoxigenin, and gitaloxigeriin) also occur at 2 to 6 hours. Digoxin is also administered
in D. purpurea. The other 2 types of gly- parenterallv for a more rapid effect. The
cosides derived from digoxigenin and di- major route of elimination is the kidneys,
ginatigenin occur in D. lunate but not in D. and with a plasma half-life of 30 to 40
purpurea. As noted in the table, the 5 types hours, complete dissipation of effects fol-
of primary glycosides are designated Ian- lowing discontinuation of therapy takes
atosides A through E, according to the from 6 to 8 days. It is estimated that a drug-
identity of the aglycone. The lanatosides serum level of 0.5 to 2 nglml is required for
are sometimes referred to as digilanids, es- full therapeutic effect, and levels exceeding
pecially in the older literature. 2.5 ng/nil may produce symptoms of tox-
None of the primary glycosides of D. Ian- icity.
ate is identical to those found in D. pur- Digoxin has the same uses and precau-
puree. Even those that have the same agly- tions as digitalis and is indicated when the
cone differ by the presence of an acetyl risk of digitalis intoxication is great, since
group attached to the third digitoxose res- it is relatively short-acting and rapidly
idue. Removal of the acetyl group and eliminated when compared with digitoxin.
sugar residues by selective hydrolysis re- However, digitoxin may be indicated in pa-
sults in secondary glycosides, some of tients with impaired renal function,
which, e.g., digitoxin, occur in both spe- The usual dosage schedule is given in
cies. NOTE: Glycosides derived from agly- Table 7-2.
cones of the C and D series may he ob- PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Lanoxin ® , Lan-
tained onl y from D. lunate. cxi caps®.

Table 7-3. Composition of the Principal Glycosides of Dig//al's lanatn


Derivatives of Digitoxigenin
Lanotoside A 3 digitoxose, 1 acetyl group, I glucose
Acetyldigitoxin (a and 0 forms) 3 digitoxose, I acetyl group
Digitoxin 3 digitoxose
Glucu-evatromonoside I digitoxose, 1 glucose
Gluco-digitoxigcnin-glucomethyloside 1 gluconiethylose. I glucose
GI uco-digifucoside I fucose, 2 glucose
Neo-gluco-digsfucosjde I fucose, I glucose
Derivatives of Gitoxigenin
Lantoside B 3 digitoxose, 1 acetyl group, 1 glucose
Gluco-gitoroside I digitoxose, 1 glucose
Digitshnuni verum 1 digitalose, I glucose
Derivatives of Gitaloxigenin
Lanatoside E 3 digitoxose, I acetyl group, I glucose
Gluco-lanadoxin I digituxiise, 1 glucose
Gluco-verodoxin I digitalose, 1 glucose
Derivatives of Digoxigenin
Lanatoside C 3 digitoxose, 1 acetyl group, I glucose
Desacetyllariatoside C 3 digiloxose, 1 glucose
Acet-vidigoxin (a, 0, and 'y forms) 3 digitoxose, I acetyl group
Digoxin 3 digitoxose
Gluco-digoxlgenin-tis-digjtoxosjde 2 digitoxose, 1 glucose
Derivatives of Diginatigenin
Lanatoside D 3 digitoxose, 1 acetyl group, I glucose

Deslanoside em ployed for many years as cardiac stim-

Deslanoside is desacetyllanatoside C, ulants and diuretics. Several are more po-
which on hydrolysis yields 1 molecule of tent than digitalis, but the y are less reliable
digoxigenin, 3 of digitoxose, and I of glu- because their dosage cannot be controlled
cose. Deslanoside occurs as a white, crys- properly. Although most of these drugs
talline powder. It is hygroscopic, absorbing were recognized officially for years and
about 7% of moisture when exposed to air, were considered efficacious, they have
and is highly potent. been superseded by digitalis and its deriv-
Deslanoside is frequently used to attain atives. A few are currently under reinves-
rapid initial loading by parenteral admin- tigation.
istration. Onset of action is 10 to 30 min- ConvaUaria or lily-of-the-valley root is
utes; maximal effects occur in 2 to 3 hours, the dried rhizome and roots of Couval/aria
with dissipation in 3 to 6 days. The usual rnajalis Linné (Fam. Liliaceae). More than
dosage schedule, intramuscularly or intra- 20 cardioactive glycosides have been iso-
venously for digitalization, is given in lated from this drug. Principal among these
Table 7-2. The same precautions of use that is convallatoxin, a monoglycoside com-
apply to digitalis also apply to deslanoside. posed of the genin of K-strophanthin (stro-
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Cedilariid D®. phanthidin) and the sugar of G-strophan-
thin (rharnnose). Other minor glycosides
Other Cardioactive Drugs
include convallatoxol and convallosjde.
A number of plants contain cardioactivc Apocynum, black Indian hemp, dog
glycosides, and some of them have been bane, or Canadian hemp consists of the

dried rhizome and roots of Apocynum can- mixture of these glycosides, existing in the
nabinurn Linné or A. and rosaemifolium Linné seed in concentrations of up to 5%, was
(Fam. Apocynaceae). The chief constituent formerly designated strophanthin or
is cymarin, although apocannoside and K-strophanthin. Recent studies have re-
cyanocanrioside have also been isolated vealed additional glycosides as minor con-
from A. cannabinum. stituents.
Adonis or pheasant's eye is the dried Ouabain is a glycoside of ouabagenin
overground portion of Adonis vernalis and rhamnose. It may be obtained from the
Linné (Fam. Ranunculaceae). Cardioactive seeds of Strophan thus gratus (Wall et Hook.)
glycosides identified in the drug include Bailon or from the wood of Acokanthera
adonitoxin, cymarin, and K-strophanthifl. .schiniperi (A. DC.) Schwf. (Fam. Apocy-
Cactus grandiflorus or night-blooming naceae). It is extremely poisonous. Oua-
cereus consists of the fresh, succulent stem bain is also known as G-strophanthin.
of wild-growing Se!enicereus grandiflorus Squill or squill bulb consists of the cut
(Linné) Britton et Rose (Fam. Cactaceae). and dried, fleshy, inner scales of the bulb
Black hellebore or Christmas rose is the of the white variety of Urginea maritima
dried rhizome and roots of 1-lellehorus niger (Linné) Baker, known in commerce as
Linné (Fam. Ranunculaceae). The chief white or Mediterranean squill; or of U. in-
constituent is hellebrin. Black hellebore dica Kurith, known in commerce as Indian
possesses cardiac stimulant properties in squill (Earn. Liliaceae). The central portion
contrast to green hellebore (see veratrum of the bulb is excluded during its process-
viride), which is a cardiac depressant. ing.
Another plant that contains a cardiac gly- Squill contains about a dozen cardioac-
coside is Neriurn oleander Lmné (Fam. Apo- tive glycosides. The principal one, scillaren
cvnaceae). The leaves have been used to A, comprises about two thirds of the total
treat cardiac insufficiency. The chief con- glycoside fraction. On hydrolysis. it yields
stituent is oleandrin, a 3-glycosido-16-ace- the aglycone scillarenin, a bufadienolide,
lyl derivative of gitoxigenin- plus rhamnose and glucose. Other minor
Strophanthus is the dried, ripe seed of glycosides include glucoscillaren A (scilla-
Stro pliant los kornbe Oliver, or of S. hispidus renin + rhamnose - glucose + glucose)
DeCaridolle (Fam. Apocynaceae), that is and proscillaridin A (scillarenin + rharn-
deprived of the awns. Strophanthus seeds nose).
have long been used by native Africans in Squill is an expectorant, but it also pos-
the preparation of arrow poisons. These sesses emetic, cardiotonic, and diuretic
poisons were first observed in western Af-
rica by Hen debt and in East Africa by Liv- Red squill consists of the bulb or bulb
ingstone. Early specimens sent to Europe
scales of the red variety of U. maritlna,
established the powerful cardiac properties
which is imported for use as a rat poison.
of the seeds. It should not be present in the medicinal
K-strophanthoside also known as
squill and may be detected by the presence
strophoside, is the principal primary gly-
of red, pink, or purple epidermal or pa-
coside in both S. kombe and S. his pidus. It
is composed of the genin, sti-ophanthidin renchymal tissues.
coupled to a trisaccharide consisting of cy- Most of the squill imported into the
marose, 3-glucose, and a-glucose. a-Glu- United States is of the red variety. Each
cosidase removes the terminal x-glucose to year, a considerable tonnage is used as a
yield K-strophan1hin-P, and the enzyme, rodenhcide. Rodents lack the vomiting re-
strophanthobia contained in the seed flex, which makes red squill particularly
converts this ti) cymarin plus glucose. A lethal to these animals. The inadvertent

ingestion by human beings of plant ma-

terials that contain cardiac glycosides in-
duces the vomiting reflex and reduces the Feedback
life-threatening aspects of the toxic mani- Regulation Releasing factor

Tropic hormone
The steroid hormones can be divided
into 2 classes, the sex hormones and the
adrenocortjcal hormones. The former are
( Ad renal Cortex or Gonads'
produced primarily, in the gonads and me-
diate the growth, development, mainte- Steroid hormone
nance, and function of the reproductive
tract and the accessory sex organs. These
^^arget Tissue
hormones fall into 3 chemically and phys-
iologically distinct categories: the estrogens Fig. 7-11. Regulation of steroid hormone produc-
and progestins, which regulate various tion.
functions of the female reproductive tract,
and the androgens, which stimulate the with steroid hormones. For example, pro
development of the male reproductive or- longed therapy with corticosteroids may
gans. The adrenocortical hormones are cause irreversible atrophy of the adrenal
produced by the outer cortical portion of cortex. A high corticosteroid level in the
the adrenal glands, and they are divided body suppresses the h ypothalamus from
into 2 classes, depending on their biologic secreting the corticotropin -releasing factor
activity. The hormones that principally af- which, in turn, suppresses release of cot-
fect the excretion of fluid and electrolytes, ticotropin. The lack of stimulatory impad
with a subsequent sodium retention, are of this anterior pituitary hormone result,
called rnineralocoi-tjcojds those that affect in atrophy of the adrenal cortex.
intermediary metabolism are termed glu- Biosynthesis of Steroid Hormones. Biosyn
cocorticoids. thesis of the numerous steroid hormone
The production of steroid hormones in of the adrenal cortex, gonads, and pIacent
the body is initiated by the releasing factors is an extremely complex specialty field.
of the hypothalamus, which travel to the Only the briefest essentials can be pre-
anterior lobe of the pituitary gland where sented here. When one realizes that more
they induce the release of tropic hormones than 70 different steroids have been iso-
into the blood When stimulated by the ap- lated from the adrenal gland alone, one can
propriate tropic hormone, steroids are syn- easily understand why the biosynthetic re-
thesized at the target Site, either the ad- lationships are complex.
renal cortex or the gonads. Steroid level in Like other steroids of biologic origin,
the blood is held in balance by a mecha- these hormones are derived from the well-
nism of feedback regulation that is me- known acetate-mevalonic acid pathway
diated through the hypothalamus. When which, in this case, leads first toholesteroi
excess active steroid is in the blood that (see Fig. 7-3 for details). Partial side-chain
reaches the h y pothalamus, the production degradation of cholesterol leads to preg-
of the hypothalamic releasing factors is nenolone and then to progesterone, both
stopped (Fig. 7-11). of which serve as precursors of the other
This phenomenon of feedback regula- steroid hormones.
tion can cause problems in drug therapy The conversion of cholesterol to preg-

nenolone is catalyzed by a mixed-function and 20-keto functions. The reduced forms

oxidase enzyme complex that involves a are usually excreted as the more soluble
desmolase and requires 0 2 and NADPH. uronides or sulfate esters involving the
This conversion appears to be the rate-lim- 3-oxygen function. In the case of the me-
iting step in steroid hormone biosynthesis tabolism of estradiol and testosterone, the
and is under the influence of the tropic initial metabolic reaction is oxidative, in-
hormones of the anterior pituitary. In the volving the 17-hydroxyl function, but sub-
case of ACTH stimulation of steroidogen- sequent metabolic steps are reductive, with
esis, ACTH activates adrenal cortical ad- eventual conjugation.
enyl cyclase, which causes a rise in cyclic Mechanism of Action. The steroid hor-
AMP and a subsequent activation of gly- mones have diverse actions, and several
cogen phosphorylase. This enzyme breaks specific receptor proteins, vary ing with the
down glycogen to produce glucose-6-phos- particular target tissue, have been isolated
phate, which then is oxidized via the hex- for each action. Structural changes of the
ose monophosphate shunt pathways yield- hormone may affect the affinity or activity
ing NADPH. An increase in the availability on one receptor and have little or no effect
of this coenzyme increases the activity of on other receptors. For example, changes
the desmolase and the hydroxy]ase reac- in the chemical structure of testosterone
tions. allow for the separation of the androgenic
Enzymes in the adrenals and the gonads activity from the anabolic activity of this
remove the side chain and hydroxylate the hormone. The same applies when sepa-
steroid nucleus in the 17 x-position to form rating the glucocorticoid/mineralocorticoid
the androgens. After loss of the angular 19- activity of corticosteroids. Also, steroid
methyl group, androgens are aromatized hormones do not act through an increase
to estrogens. The adrenals also hydroxyl- in cyclic AMP but rather through a stim-
ate progesterone in positions 21, 11, and! ulation of protein synthesis. A possible ex-
or 17 to produce the classic adrenocortical planation of this mechanism is that the ste-
hormones. Production of aldosterone in- roid binds with the specific receptor
volves 18-hydroxylation and dehydrogen- protein in the cytoplasm of the target cell.
ation reactions. This complex enters the nucleus, where it
Some of the principal conversions are il- is bound to the chromosome through a spe-
lustrated in the simplified scheme shown cific acceptor protein associated with chro-
in Figure 7-12. matin. The interaction of steroid, of cyto-
The steroid hormones are bound to pro- plasm receptor protein, and of the
teins, primarily albumins, for transport in chromosomal receptor protein may lead to
the blood. These steroid-protein complexes a derepression of a segment of chromo-
per se are physiologically inert and protect some, which would result in the increased
the steroid from metabolic inactivation. production of a particular enzyme protein.
The strength of binding varies and can be For example, mineralocorticoids produce
generalized by classification as follows: the an increase in the synthesis of enzymes
corticosteroids tend to be weakly bound, that are necessary for active transport of
the estrogens are more strongly bound, Na, which leads directly to increased Na
and progesterone and testosterone are in- reabsorption in the renal tubules.
termediate between the 2 extremes. Commercial Production of Steroids. The ste-
Reductive processes are normally in- roid. hormones and their semisynthetic an-
volved in the metabolism of steroid hor- alogs represent a multimillion-dollar an-
mones. The di-, tetra-, and hexahydric me- nual business for the American drug
tabolites may be formed and usually entail industry. When one considers the social,
progressive reduction of the 4-ene, 3-keto, political, and economic implications asso-
Steroids constitute a natural product
class of compounds that is widely distrib-
uted throughout nature. The diversity of
biologic activities of steroids includes the
development and control of the reproduc-
tive tract in humans (estradiol, progester-
one, testosterone), the molting of insects HO
(ecdysone), and the induction of sexual re- Cholesterol
production in aquatic fungi (antheridiol).
When the rings of a steroid are denoted
In addition, steroids contribute to a wide
as projections onto the plane of the paper,
range of therapeutic applications, such as
an atom or group attached to a ring is
cardiotonics (digitoxin), vitamin D precur-
termed a (alpha) if it lies below the plane
sors (ergosterol), oral contraceptive agents
of the paper or 13 (beta) if it lies above the
(semisynthetic estrogens and progestins),
plane of the paper. In formulas, bonds to
anti-inflammatory agents (corticosteroids),
atoms or groups attached in an a config-
and anabolic agents (androgens).
uration are shown as broken lines, and
bonds to atoms or groups attached in a 13
configuration are shown as solid lines.
The use of a steroid stem name implies
NOMENCLATURE that atoms or groups attached at the ring-
junction positions 8, 9, 10, 13, and 14 are
A steroid is any compound that contains oriented as shown in Figure 7-2 (813, 9(x,
a cycl open tanoperhydrophenanthrene nu- 1013, 1313, 14a), and a carbon chain (R) at-
cleus. The chemical nomenclature of ste- tached to position 17 is assumed to be
roids is based on this fundamental carbo- 13-oriented. The configuration of hydrogen
cycle with adjacent side-chain carbon or a substituent at the ring-junction posi-
atoms. Each parent tetrac yclic hydrocarbon tion 5 is always designated by adding a or
bears a specific stem name, and some of 13 after the numeral 5. This numeral and
the principal h ydrocarbons are shown in letter are placed immediately before the
Figure 7-1. Steroids are numbered and stem name. The implication of these con-
rings are Lettered as indicated in the struc- ventions of nomenclature is that, in most
tural formula for cholesterol. If one or more steroids, rings B and C and rings C and D
of the carbon atoms shown in the structure are fused trans, whereas rings A and B may
of cholesterol is not present, the number- be fused either cis or trans. For example,
ing of the remainder is undisturbed. the bile acid, cholic acid, has a cis-fused A/

coniferyl benzoate (60 to 70%), plus smaller salicylic acids ointment (Whjtfjeld's oint-
amounts of free benzoic acid (10%), the tn- ment), which is effective in the treatment
terpene, siaresinol, (6%), and a trace of Va- of athlete's foot and, to a lesser extent,
nillin. ringworm.
Sumatra benzoin contains free balsamic
acids, chiefly cinnamic (10%) and benzoic READING REFERENCES
(6%), as well as esters derived from them. Agurell, S., Dewey, W.I., and Willette, R.E.. eds.:
Triterpene acids, especially 19-hvdroxy- The Ca nnabiiwuJ Chemical, Pharmacologic, and
oleanolic and 6-hydroxvoleanolic, and Therapeutic Aspects, Orlando, Florida, Academic
traces of vanillin, phenvlpropvl cinnamate, Press, Inc., 1984.
l3albaa. 5.1., Karawya, MS., and Girgis, AN. The
cinnamyl cinnamate, and phenylethylene Capsaicin Content of Capsicum Fruits at Different
are also present. Stages of Maturity, Lloydio, 31 (3):272, 1968.
Bernfeld, P.. ed.: Biogeueos of Natural Compounds, 2nd
Sumatra benzoin yields not less than .,New York, Pergamon Press, Inc., 1967.
75% of alcohol-soluble extractive; Siam Efrori, U., ed. Ethwpharmucologic Search for Pszchoac-
benzoin yields not less than 90% of alcohol- 1iVC Drugs. Poblic Health Service Publication No.
soluble extractive. 1645, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Print
ing Office, 1967.
USES. Benzoin possesses antiseptic, stim- Ernrnenegger, H., Stahelin, H., Rutschmann. j.,
ulant, expectorant, and diuretic properties. Renz, J . , and von Wartburg, A.: Zur Chemic und
Compound henzoin tincture is em- I'harmakologie der Poclophyl/um-Glucoside und
ibrer Derivate, Arznciin. Forsch., 11 (4,5):3271
ployed as a topical protectant and is ap- 439, 1961.
plied as required. It contains benzoin, aloe, Fehr, K. 0.. and Kala nt, H.. eds. : GinnaLtu and Health
storax, and Tolu balsam and is valuable as Hacards, loronto, Addiction Research Founda-
tion, 1983.
an expectorant when vaporized. Guenther, F.: Ginger in Jamaica, Coffee and Tea Ind.,
PROPRIETARY PRODUCT. VapoSteam5. 82(l):169, 1959.
1-lowes, I. N.: Vegetable Gums and Resins, Waltham,
Benzoic acid is now a synthetic product Massachusetts, Chronica Botanica Co., 1949.
but was first obtained by sublimation from Mantell, CL. Kopt, C.W., Curtis, J.L., and Rogers,
Sumatra benzoin. E. M : I'he 'Techmirmlo,s'y of Natural Resins, New York,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1942.
It occurs as white cr y stals, usually in the Pravatoroff, N.. Ginger—The Properties and Chem-
form of scales or needles. It has a slight istry of Some Natural Spicy Compounds, Mfg.
odor of benzoin and is volatile at moderate Chemist, 38(3):40, 1967.
Schroeder, HA.: The l' . Hydroxycinnamyl Com-
temperatures, freely so in steam. pounds of Siam Bcnzoin Gum, Phytochemistry
Benzoic acid and its sodium salt are ex- 7( 1 ) :57 , 1968.
tensively used as preservatives of foods, Walker, CT.: Balsam of Peru, Perfumery Essent. Oil
Record, 59(10):705, 1968.
drinks, fats, pharmaceutic preparations, Wailer, C.W., ci al.: Marihuana: An Annotated 8ibliog-
and other substances. Medicinall y , benzoic raphmj , Volt, land II plus Supplements, New York,
and University, Mississippi, Macmillan and Re-
acid is used primarily as an antifungal search Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Uni-
agent. It is an ingredient in benzoic and versity of Mississippi, 1976-1982.


CH] - cH0
OH, --

GhoIete,oI 20,22-Dihydrnxy ChoIesI.Q Pregnenolone

---------------------------- —;__
CH, CH -o

Progesteroce Corticosterone Adosterone

I 7. hyd.0yIaSt 17, flydnuX,I..4

CHIHO' L'oH 00 -OH

17o-}-tydroxyprogesterone Hydroconisone Cortisone

/20 deSmul,,e
- 0 OH OH
uj CHI ] —
I "T. 1
Androstenedione Testosterone Estradiot

Fig. 7-12. Biosynthesis and bioconversion of steroid hormones.

ciated with the use of oral contraceptive tists; however, a few can be singled out fo
drugs, the importance of steroids to man- their pioneering work in steroid chemistry
kind cannot be questioned. At the present One of these men is Russell E. Marker
time, the principal source of the steroid Marker is responsible for the discovery o
chemical nucleus used in the drug industry a commercially feasible conversion of ster-
is the plant kingdom; however, in the not oidal sapogenins to progesterone. His
too distant past, the source of steroid hor- early work involved the search for plant
mones was from the gonads and adrenal species that were rich in steroidal sapo-
glands of animals that were used as food genins. When he found that Mexican
by humans. The amount of hormone pres- yarns, various species of Dioscorea, were
erit in these glands was extremely small, rich in these compounds, he moved to
and large quantities of glands were re- Mexico City in 1943, where he isolated
quired to isolate milligram quantities of diosgenin from D. macrostachya (D. mcxi-
hormone; consequently, it was not practi- cana), known in Mexico as cabeza de negro.
cal to use the pure hormone in therapy. For From diosgenin, employing the chemical
example, in 1934, Schering Laboratories, degradation illustrated in Figure 7-13, he
Berlin, needed 625 kg of ovaries from managed to prepare more than 3 kg of pro-
50,000 sows in order to obtain 20 mg of gesterone (at the time valued at $8 a gram).
pure crystalline progesterone. This hormone and the process used to pre-
Today, the steroid industry represents pare it were the foundation stones for the
the culmination of efforts by many scien- Syntex Company.


- -
CH3 \/ c N
- ---- .. 0
CHCH ___PydeHO

Diosgenin ,/' CH3CO Pseudodiosgenin Acetate
CH CO---. Z
CH 3 / CH
cH)-oc...o HOAC CH3.0

- ------
o -]
Diosone Acetate V6,_----- Pregnadienoone Acetate
OH 3 -k ____ CH

CH 1 00 ---- 0
Pregnenolone Acetate Progesterone

Fig. 7-13. The Marker degradatton.

During the 1930s, several scientists, in- john Company found a microorganism,
cluding E. C. Kendall, a chemist at the Rhizopus arrhizus, that could convert pro-
Mayo Clinic, and T. Reichstein, a chemist gesterone, a readily available starting ma-
at the Federal Institute of Technology, Zu- terial because of the Marker degradation,
rich, Switzerland, almost simultaneously to 11-hvdroxyprogesterone in an 80 to
and independently isolated steroids from 90% yield. The extremely difficult problem
the adrenal cortex of cattle. Stimulated by of introducing an oxygen function in the
the potential therapeutic importance of 11-position of the steroid nucleus by using
these compounds, the Merck Company in chemical methods was therefore solved.
1944 successfully produced 15 mg of cor- (Fig. 7-14).
tisone from 1 kg of desoxycholic acid uti- A vast amount of research resulted in
lizing 36 separate chemical steps. How- extension and improvement of this basic
ever, in 1949, when P.S. Hench of the procedure with other precursors and nu-
Mayo Clinic announced cortisone's dra- merous microorganisms. Relatively inex-
matic effectiveness in treating rheumatoid pensive starting materials, such as stig-
arthritis, the increased demand for corti- masterol from soybeans, hecogenin from
sone required a more readily available and the sisal industry, or diosgenin from Vios-
inexpensive source. The problem was corea species, are now employed.
solved in 1952 when scientists at the Up- Stigmasterol may be converted chemi-

Rh,zøps arrhinjs
also species of
Asprgilfus Dayl.o,,,
an d Cephalo(hecun

I laMydroxyprogesterone
Fig. 7-44. Introduction of oxygen function into the Il-position of the steroid nucleus.

cally to progesterone, which is, in turn by the simple use of a high sodium, low
incubated in large fermentors with suitabit potassium intake.
microorganisms under specified condi
The human counterpart of this defi-
t-ions to yield llct-hydroxyprogesterone ciency picture is seen in the clinical devel-
which may then be converted chemically
to cortisone. Similarly, cortexolone (Reich. opment of Addison's disease (chronic ad
stein's substance S) is prepared chemically renocortical insufficiency), usually owin
from diosgenin and is then converted by to tuberculosis or tumor of the adrenal cor
Streptomyces fradiae or Cunningharne/la b/ak- tex. Associated with this disease are de-
esleea'tia to cortjsol (hydrocortisone) generation of the gonads, a marked in
Cortisone or cortisol is dehydrogenated Crease in capillar y permeability, and ar
in the &-position by Corynebucterjupn sim-
increased sensitivity to insulin. Sodiun-
plex or by Fusariun i species to yield pred- loss with potassium retention may be the
flisofle or prednisolone, respectively. outstanding condition of the disease. If
Certain microorganisms also can hy- treated, Addison's disease terminates fa
droxylate synthetically prepared fluoro- tally in I to 3 years, usually owing to by
steroids in the 16a-position to produce poglyccmia, dehydration, nutrjtioflf
triamcjnolone (Fig. 7-15). disturbances, or secondary infection.
Excessive adrenal cortical activity, as jr
Adrenal Cortex tumors or because of the presence of ac
Cessory cortical tissue, results in profourn
The adrenal Cortex is essential to life. Re- growth abnormalities, especially seen in
moval of about 85% of cortical tissue is le- the external genitalia and in the secondary
thal in a few days. In animals so treated, sex characteristics. In young children,
life may be maintained by the administra- there is precocious sexual development
tion of extracts of hormones of the adrenal and desire and obesity or unusual mus-
Cortex. cular development. In adult females, virii-
Cortical deficiency in animals is marked ism usually develops, associated with a
by a loss of appetite and weight, vomiting masculine appearance, often with homo-
and diarrhea, w eakness, and a fall in tem- sexuality. The bearded lady of the circus
perature, metabolism, and blood pressure. frequently falls into this category. Treat-
There is a loss of blood fluid, with resulting ment of cortical hyperactivity is principally
concentration of blood, and a fall in serum surgical.
sodium, with a rise in serum glucose and Some 70 or more steroids have been iso-
Potassium. Kidney damage is frequently lated from cortical extracts. These exhibit
present. These dev elopments can be pre-
in some degree the action of adrenal cortex
vented or restored to normal by the admin-
Some, in addition, manifest estrogenic, an-
istration of cortical extracts and frequently
drogenic, and progesteronelike activity,

o-t CortsDI
Cory,,eb,CtPr0m InpieX
CH 1

Prednisofle (R .= 0)
Cortisone (R = 0) PredfliSO0fle (R =. OH)
CortisOl (A = OH)
OH 2 0 H
- -K

16" .HydroxY.9flU0r0c0t
9,fluor000rtiSO C.,ry fl ehaf:terUrfl Sr.

t=O CR,
HO. I J.... OH SteptyeSSP.


MicrobiOLOgiC tranfonn'°
Fig. 7-15. in prc ' ducti'fl of

, hiP be- sterone is the principal adrenal steroid that

further indicating the close relation regulates sodium, potassUrn and water
tween the adrenal cortex and the gonads balance in the organism; however., it is not
AdrenOCOrtical steroids include corti- available for therapeutic USC Also, many
sone, hydrocortisone, desoxyCOrtiCO5t agents that are considered primarily glu-
one, and aldosterOne Cortisone and h'- cocorticoids possess vari ble mineralocOr
drocortiSOfle constitute the rnajJriy of the ticoid activity as well.
hormones that regulate pioteilt and car- PreparatLOnS of the adrenal cortex arc
bohydrate metabolism- The y have been ie- used most ececiVelY in repacemeflt ther-
ferred to as the glucocortiCoi'ls Aldostet
apy for such conditions as Addicon dis-
one and desoxyCOrt1c0StTO h.vo been erse or s':rgra'. caused rcial core do-
referred to as mint .-I''. <rticd Aido-

ficiency. An injection containing a mixture degradation of corticosferoids. Therefore,

of hormonal substances from the adrenal concomitant therapy with one of these
cortex has been used in replacement ther- drugs may require an increase in the dose
apy. Presumably, use of such a crude mix- of the corticosteroid.
ture offers the advantage of administering Because of an increase in hepatic glu-
all of the active glandular hormones rather coneogenesis during glucocorticoid ther-
than only individual hormones that have apy, the dose of hypoglycemic agents may
been recognized and are available in pure have to be adjusted upward in diabetic pa-
form. However, controlling responses with tients receiving corticosteroids.
undefined preparations is difficult, and the Desoxycorticosterone or desoxycortone
subtle responses potentially elicited by the is 21-hydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione, a
mixed extracts are not easily recognized; steroid hormone that was identified by
thus, the trend in replacement therapy fa- Reichstein and his associates in 1938- Later,
vors the use of pure hormonal substances. it was synthesized from stigmasterol. Pres-
The glucocorticoids are also used for ent drug supplies are obtained by synthetic
their anti-inflammatory activity; therapy means.
based on this pharmacologic response is an This hormone is classified as a mineral-
effective palliative approach in rheumatoid ocorticoid. Desoxycorticosterone functions
arthritis and a number of other conditions primarily to restore a balance of sodium
involving the inflammatory response. and potassium in body fluids and to restore
However, caution must be used in balanc- kidney function in cortical deficiency.
ing the advantages and disadvantages of Death from hypoglycemia may occur when
prolonged administration of corticosteroid Addison's disease is treated with desoxy-
therapy, such as may be involved in ar- corticosterone alone; such cases also re-
thritic conditions. Exogenous sources of quire the use of a glucocorticoid.
corticosteroids may cause a disruption in CH2OCOCH3
the physiologic balance among the biosyn-
thetically related steroid hormones; toxic CH

manifestations in such situations often in-
volve changes that are normally consid- CH
ered to be dominated by gonadal hor-
mones. As was discussed earlier, another
potential problem of serious consequence
is irreversible atrophy of the adrenal cor- Desoxycorticosterone Acetate
Glucocorticoid therapy provides pallia- The hydroxyl function at C-21 of desox-
tive treatment of symptoms in many al- ycorticosterone is esterified, normally with
lergic disorders, such as bronchial asthma, acetic acid, in .pharmaceutic formulations.
and is lifesaving for patients in anaphylac- It is effective when administered buccally,
tic shock. These compounds are used as but better and more uniform results follow
immunosuppressive agents in organ trans- intramuscular injection. Pellets can be suc-
plants and autoimmune disorders and as cessfully implanted in the subcutaneous
antitumor agents in the treatment of ma- tissues for even more prolonged action.
lignancies, especially in certain leukemias The usual dose of desoxvcorticosteroni
and lymphomas. acetate, intramuscularly or subcutane-
Drug Interactions. Barbiturates and phert- ously, is 1 to 5 mg daily.
ytoin can induce the hepatic drug-metab- PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Doca Acetate®,
olizing enzymes, such as hydrocortisone Percorten Acetate®, Percorten Pivalate®
hydroxylase, which results in an increased (the trimethylacetateester).

Cortisone or 17,21-dihy4roxypregn-4- articularly, intralesionally, or by soft-tissue

ene-3,11,20-trione is one of the glucocor- injection, 5 to 75 mg at each site, repeated
ticoid substances of the adrenal cortex. The at 2- to 3-week intervals. Both hydrocorti-
acetate ester of this hormone is used intra- sone sodium phosphate and hydrocorti-
muscularly, orally, and topically to treat a sone sodium succinate are employed intra-
wide variety of situations, such as rheu- venously or intramuscularly in usual doses
matoid arthritis, other collagen diseases, equivalent to 100 to 500 mg of hydrocor-
Addison's disease, and certain allergic and tisone, repeated at 2- to 6-hour intervals,
asthmatic conditions. An appreciable depending upon patient response.
sodium-retaining property can be a major PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Cortef® , Cor-
problem with the systemic use of cortisone. tef ® Acetate, SoluCortef ® , Hydrocor-
The usual dose, orally, is 25 to 300 mg a tone®, Hydrocortone® Phosphate.
day; intramuscularly, 20 to 300 mg a day. The potential therapeutic utility of the
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Cortone ® Ace- glucocorticoids has promoted intensive ef-
tate. forts to discover modifications of the nat-
urally occurring hormones that will he
more potent and more specific in their ac-
tivity. The best success has been achieved
with desired increases in potency. Pred-
nisone (Deltasone®, Meticorten ®) and
prednisolone (DeltaCortef® , Sterane®)
represent early achievements in these ef-
forts. Elimination of any mineralocorticoid
Cortisone Acetate
activity has been a major objective; a de-
Cortisol or hydrocortisone (Kendall's gree of success has been attained with such
compound F) is 11 , 17,21-trihydroxy- compounds as betamethasone (Celes-
pregn-4-ene-3,20-dione. It is considered trone®), dexarnethasone (Decadron®, Dex-
the principal glucocorticoid substance of one®, Hexadrol®) , methyiprednisolorie
the adrenal cortex. This hormone and its (Medrol®), paramethasone (Haidrone®),
acetate ester are used intramuscularl y, or- and triamcinolone (Aristocort ®, Kena-
ally, and topically for the same purposes cort®), but the ideal of total separation of
as cortisone acetate intra -articular admin- mineralocorticoid activity from glucocorti-
istration of cortisol always involves the ace- coid substances has not yet been achieved.
tate ester. Hydrocortisone sodium phos- It is interesting to note that successful mod-
phate and hydrocortisone sodium ifications in the basic steroid molecule fall
succinate are water-soluble and are used in into 4 categories:
parenteral formulations when intravenous 1. A'-dehydrogenation
administration is indicated. 2. 16a-hydroxylation
There are indications that cortisol is 3. 6cr- or 9ct-fluorination
slightly more potent in some patients than 4. 6a-, 16-, or 16t3-methylation.
cortisone and gives slightly better overall
effects. However, it may exhibit the same Gonads
disadvantages of sodium retention that The ovaries and testes are exocrine (ova,
were noted with cortisone. sperm) as well as endocrine (hormonal) in
The usual oral dose of hydrocortisone is function. They develop under the influ-
20 to 240 mg daily as a single dose or in ence of anterior pituitary hormones, par-
divided doses. Topically, it is applied as a ticularly:
0.5 to 2.5% cream or ointment. Hydrocor- 1. The follicle-stimulating hormone
tisone acetate is usually administered intra- (FSH)leads to the development of the

ovarian follicles, to their formation of this results jA precocious development of

ova and of estrogen, and to the de- sex organs aftd male characteristics. Ther-
velopment of the testes and the mat- apy is usua,T surgical.
uration of the spermatozoa. Testostfle is believed to be the true
2. The luteinizing hormone (LH) is nec- testis hormone, although it has been iden-
essary to the development of the cor- tified only in the bull's testis. It was syn-
pora lutea in the ovarian follicles after thesized by Ruzicka from cholesterol in
ovulation, to the formation of pro- 1W. Androsterone and dehydroandros-
gesterone by the corpora lutea, and terone are urinary excretion products, rel-
to the production of androgen in the atively inactive in man.
matured testis. Testis hormone preparations have been
Androgens (male hormones) and estro- valuable in the replacement therapy of
gens (female follicular hormones) act to: male castrates and euriuchojd states and in
I. Develop and maintain the secondary the treatment of certain female ovariar
characters of sex. dysfunctions. Much of this therapy is stil
2. Depress anterior pituitary function, in the experimental stages. Testosterone i
leading in turn to the depression of not an aphrodisiac, and its use may pr(.
the testis or the ovary. duce the general effects of anterior pitu
tary depression. It may produce virilism i'
Progesterone (corpus luteum hormone) the female, and skin reactions similar t
similarly depresses anterior pituitary func- acne vulgaris may frequently develop.
tion and presents a mixed antagonism-syn- Anabolic effects, especially with regard
ergism with estrogenic activity, as will be to protein synthesis and nitrogen retentior
indicated later. in the body, have been noted with andre
Gonadal hyperactivity or excessive ther- gens. This action is potentially useful
apy may thus result in a picture of preco- supportive therapy in a number of debib
cious or excessive sexual development, taring conditions. Attempts have bee
with the generalized effects of anterior pi- made to prepare steroid compounds fri
tuitary depression. Gonadal hypoactivity, separate anabolic effects from other and
as occurs in the natural menopause or fol- genic activities, and the ultimate limit,
lowing surgical removal of the gonads, re- tions on this therapeutic approach ar
suits in a mixed picture of sexual regression keyed to the success of these efforts. Th
and enhanced anterior pituitary activity, ideal separation has not been achieved
with psychic disturbance and the involve- with such compounds as methylandros-
ment of other endocrine glands, particu- tenediol, methandrostenolone, and other
larly the thyroid. anabolic substances that are currently
Testes available.
Testosterone or I 7 13-hydroxyandrost-4
Following castration in the male, the sex -en3oisthacvmleron.Th
organs atrophy, and sexual desire and ac- quantities used for drug purposes are pre-
tivity are diminished. These functions are pared synthetically. The 17-hydroxyl func-
restored by the administration of testis hor- tion of testosterone is readily oxidized and
mone. Hypogonadism (eunuchoidism) is metabolized to the much less physiologi-
inadequate development of the testes cally active keto compound. Thus, testos-
owing to pituitary disorder, infection, or terone is not administered orally. The hor
other disease. Therapy of this condition is inone may be used buccally, implanted
still in the experimental stages. subcutaneously, or injected intramuscu-
Hypergonadism is most frequently seen larly. However, many formulations for
in young males, owing to testis tumors; these purposes utilize derivatives of the

hormone, such as the cypionate, ethan- pus luteum and, in the later half of preg-
thate, and propionate esters of the 17-hy- nancy, by the placenta.
droxyl group, which are characterized by Estrogens. Deficiency in estrogenic activity
delayed absorption and destruction. The is most frequently experienced in the nor-
usual dose of testosterone, intramuscu- mal menopause or following surgical re-
larly, is 25 mg as needed; implantation, 150 moval of the ovaries. Local changes in the
to 400 mg every 3 to 6 months. tissues of the vagina and vulva may result
from estrogenic deficiency of any cause.
DepotestosterOfle®. The estrogens are necessary to:
The introduction of a methyl substituerit 1. Develop and maintain secondary fe-
at C-17 is another manipulation that has male sex characteristics.
been used to circumvent the chemical and 2. Develop and maintain the uterus and
the vagina.
metabolic instability of testosterone. Prep-
arations of methyltestosterone (Android®, 3. Aid in the presecretory development
of the mammary glands.
Metandren ® , Oreton® Meth yl) are used
4. Act as a growth hormone for uterine
buccally and orally for androgenic pur- smooth muscle cells during preg-
poses. nancy.
Estrogens act further to excite or sensi-
tize the uterine muscle and to depress the
anterior pituitary function. Preparations of
estrogenic substances are employed in the
management of:
1. Symptoms of the natural or surgical
Testosterone menopause.
2. Local atrophic and degenerative
Ovary changes in the adult vagina and
The human ovaries are paired organs. vulva, resulting from estrogen defi-
One is situated on each lateral pelvic wall ciency.
in the posterior layer of the broad ligament 3. Gonorrheal vaginitis in the young fe-
behind and below the lateral extremity of male child, by inducing an adult type
each fallopian tube (oviduct). Each is about of vaginal epithelium resistant to the
the size and shape of an unshelled almond gonococcus.
and weighs about 4 to 8 g. 4. Suppression of lactation in engorged,
painful mammary glands, presum-
Ova develop within primitive ovarian ably by a direct action in the breast.
follicles (graafian follicles) under the influ- Prostatic cancer in the male, presum-
ence of the follicle-stimulating hormone of 5.
ably by balancing an excessive per-
anterior pituitary. Ovulation with the ex- sistence of androgen—the principle
trusion of one ovum from a ripened follicle of "biochemical castration."
normally occurs each month during the
childbearing period. The ruptured follicle The natural ovarian hormones are ste-
undergoes cellular change to become the roids. The 3 major estrogenic hormones are
corpus luteum under the influence of the estradiol and its oxidation products, es-
luteinizing hormone of the anterior pitui- trio1, and estrone. These hormones can be
tary. The ovary elaborates 2 types of hor- isolated from urine during pregnancy and
mones: the estrogens, elaborated in the de- can be prepared synthetically. Other estro-
veloping graafian follicle and probably also genic substances occur naturally, and
in the placenta during pregnancy; and the amorphous mixtures of some of these ste-
progestins, normally elaborated by the cor- roids obtained from a pregnant mare's
urine are used in therapy under the des- 1,3,5(10) - triene-3, 17-diol is used orally,
ignations of conjugated and esterified es- injected intramuscularly, and implanted
trogens. subcutaneously. The usual dose, orally, is
- Estrogens may be administered orally, 1 to 2 mg daily; implantation, 25 mg, as
parenterally, by implantation, or by inunc- necessary.
tion for systemic activity. Orally adminis-
tered natural estrogens are destroyed in
greater part. Estriol is the best of the pure,
naturally occurring estrogens for oral use;
oral efficiency of estriol is about one-fifth
that achieved by parenteral administration.
Conjugated and esterified estrogens are
also used orally, and the introduction of an Estradjol
ethinyl substituent at C-17 of estradiol The usual intramuscular maintenance
gives a potent, orally effective compound; doses of the estradiol esters are I to 5 mg
the usual dose of ethinyl estradiol (Esti- every 1.5 to 2 months for the cypionate
nyl® , Feminone) is 50 .&g, I to 3 times a (Depo-Estradiol ®
) and 10 to 20 mg every 4
day. weeks for the valerate (Delestrogen).
As much as 90% of parenterally admin- Estrone. Estrone or estra-1,3,5(10)-trien_3..
istered natural estrogens may be de- 01-17-one is used intramuscularly. The
stroyed. This factor, in addition to rapid usual dose is 100 to 500 g 2 to 3 times
absorption, tends to diminish their effi- week for menopausal symptoms.
ciency and the effective period of therapy. PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Theelin®.
Pharmaceutic manipulations, which have The designation conjugated estrogens
proved useful in achieving a prolonged ac- refers to a mixture of the sodium salts of
tion, include the use of esters, such as the sulfate esters of the estrogenic sub-
cypionate or valerate, and of formulations stances that are of the type excreted by
involving sterile vegetable oils. These ma- pregnant mares. This mixture of estrogeni
nipulations slow absorption and destruc- substances must contain not less than 50
tion of the hormones; they also lessen the and not more than 65% of sodium estron.
side effects of nausea and vomiting. sulfate and not less than 20% and not moru
Implantation of the estrogens or their es- than 35% of sodium equilin sulfate. Equilin
ters provides an even longer duration of is estra-1,3,5(10),7-tetraen-3-ol17one and
action than do preparations administered is one of the estrogens that appears in preg-
intramuscularly. Suppositories containing nant mare's urine in increasing quantities
estrogenic substances provide local treat- as the stage of pregnancy advances; equilin
ment of changes in the vagina or vulva, or is only slightly less potent than estradiol.
treatment of gonorrheal vaginitis in female Conjugated estrogens may be adminis-
children, with a minimum of systemic ef- tered orally or parenterally. The usual dose
for menopausal symptoms, orally, is 625
The natural estrogens exhibit carcino- p.g to 1.25 mg, daily, cyclically, and a pro-
genic properties upon prolonged admin- gestin may be added concurrently or se-
istration to animal Strains having heredi- quentially.
tary susceptibility to mammary cancer. On PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Premarjn®.
this basis, some feel that use of estrogens The designation esterified estrogens also
should be contraindicated in women who refers to a mixture of the sodium salts of
have a personal or family history of mam- the sulfate esters of the estrogenic sub-
mary Or genital cancer. stances that are of the type excreted by
Estradjol Estradjol or estra- pregnant mares. This mixture differs from

conjugated estrogens because it has more is progesterone. It can be prepared syn-

estrone and less equiin metabolites. It thetically from a number of steroidal sub-
must contain not less than 75% and not stances. Progesterone is relatively inactive
nore than 85% of sodium estrone sulfate on oral administration, and it is given buc-
and not less than 6.5% and not more than cally or parenterally. This hormone is used
15% of sodium equilin sulfate. It is used in the treatment of amenorrhea,
orally for the same purposes and in the dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, functional
same dosage range as are preparations of uterine bleeding, premenstrual tension,
conjugated estrogens. and threatened or habitual abortion.
PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT. Menest®. Progesterone. Progesterone is pregn-4-
A number of stilbene derivatives, as well ene-3,20-dione. The usual dose, intramus-
as various other compounds, have estro- cularly, is 50 to 100 mg for one dose only,
genic activity. These synthetic substances or 5 to 10 mg a day for 6 days for functional
are active orally and have been used in uterine bleeding.
some instances as therapeutic substitutes PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS. Femotrone in
or the estrogenic steroids. These stilbene Oil® and ,Progestaject®.
1 erivatives are absorbed rapidly, dc- A number of synthetic progestins have
royed slowly, and active for a prolonged been developed that have such advantages
riod. However, the side effects of nausea over progesterone as fewer side effects
A vomiting also tend to be enhanced. when administered over prolonged pe-
ethylstilbestro1 is probably the best riods, oral efficacy, and greater potency.
flown of these substances, but other use- Such compounds as hydroxyprogesterone
ul derivatives include chiorotrianisene caproate in oil (Delalutin ® ), rnethoxypro-
Face®) and dienestrol. gesterone acetate (Provera®), and noreth-
indrone (Norlutin®) may be used as ther-
apeutic substitutes for the natural
One of the normal physiologic functions
Diethyistithestrot of progesterone is to suppress ovulation
Corpus Iuteum—Progestiri. The corpus lu- during pregnancy. This hormone is not
'urn is essential to the maintenance of formed during the first half of a normal
oman pregnancy during the first half of menstrual cycle, but administration of it or
he term. Its principal hormonal functions of some other progestational agent during
ire: this part of the menstrual period offers an
I. Preparation of the uterine mucosa to effective means of birth control. When pro-
receive the fertilized ovum. gestins are used as oral contraceptives,
2. Development of the maternal pla- some estrogenic substance is frequently
centa. added, either by combined formulation or
3. Continuation of the development of sequential administration, to the therapeu-
the mammary glands in preparation tic approach to reduce side effects.
for lactogenic action of anterior pitui-
4. Suppression of ovulation for the du-
ration of pregnancy.
5. Antagonism of the stimulating effect
of estrogens on the uterine muscle to
produce a relaxation of the uterus.
The active hormone of the corpus luteum Progesterone

Progesterone is also available in an in- S.L., eds., New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
trauterine device (IUD). The hormone is Gower, D.B:.Steroid Hormones, Chicago, Year Book
dissolved in silicone oil, and the flexible Medical Publishers, Inc., 1979.
polymer of the IUD acts as a membrane to Greeff, R., ed. Cardiac Glycosides, Parts land II, Berlin,
Springer-Verlag, 1981.
allow for the slow release of progesterone lizuka, I-I., and Naito, A.: Microbial Transformation of
(65 i.g daily) into the uterine cavity. The Steroids and Alkaloids, State College, Pennsylvania,
IUD contains enough progesterone to last University Park Press, 1967.
Lhmann, F. Bolivar, CA., and Quintero, R.R.:
1 year, and the failure rate is about 2%. Russell F. Marker, Pioneer of the Mexican Steroid
The failure rate of the same device without Industry, J . Chem. Educ., 50(3);195, 1973.
progesterone is approximately 18%. The Makin, II.L.J., ed.: Biociiernistry of Steroid Hormones,
Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1975.
product is called ProgestasertB. Nair, PP., and Kritchevsky, I)., eds.: The Bile Acids:
Chemistry. Physiology, and Metabolism, VON. I and
11, New York, Plenum Press, 1971, 1973,
Nes, W.R., and McKean, ML.: Biochemistry of Steroids
READING REFERENCES and Other lsopentenoids, Baltimore, University Park
Press, 1977.
ILJPAC-IUB Revised Tentative Rules for Nomencla- Pasqualini, JR., ed.: Receptors and Mechanism of Action
ture of Steroids, J . Org . Chem., 34(6):1517, 1969. of Steroid Florniooes, Parts land II, New York, Mar-
Belier, WI: Bile Acids. In Mo n g raphs on Atheroscle-
o cel Dekker, Inc., 1976, 1977.
rosis, Vol. VI, Kritchcvskv, D., Pollack, 0.1., and Sanders, HI.: Arthritis Drugs, Chem. Eng. News,
Simms, IfS., eds., Basel, S. Karger AG, 1976. Aug. 12, 46, 1968.
Bodem, C., and Dengler, Hi eds.: Cardiac G/vcoides, Schuister. D,. Burstein, S., and Cooke, BA,: Molecular
Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1978. Endocrinology of the Steroid hormones, London,
Charney , W., and Herzog, DL.: Microbial Trancfor. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1976.
nations of Steroids, New York, Academic Press, Thomas, j.A., and Singhal, R.L., eds.:Molei-ularMcch-
Inc., 1967. an don of Gonadal Hormone Action, Baltimore, Uni.
Deuce, J . B.: Steroids and Peptides, New York, John versiti' Park Press, 1975.
Wiley & Suns. Inc., 1980. Wilkerson, R. Cardiac Pharmacology, New York, Ac
Goodwin, T.W.: Biosynthesis of Plant Sterols and ademic Press, Inc., 1981.
Other 'Iriterpenoids, In Biosynthesis of 1sr,prenod Witzmann, KS.: Strrotds. Keys to Life, New York, Van
Compounds, Vol. 1, Porter, 3W., and Spurgeon, Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1981.

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