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Republic of the Philippines





Series 2018



WHEREAS, in the interest of public service, and in the light of the impending increase of the
price of rice and other basic commodities due to the volatile movement in the price of crude oil in the
world market, Local Chief Executives were encouraged to activate their respective Local Price
Coordinating Councils (LPCCs) for consumer protection purposes, and for a more purposive and
sustained monitoring of selected prime commodities pursuant to Republic Act No. 7581, otherwise
known as the Price Act, and Republic Act No. 71, otherwise known as the Price Tag Law. Such action is
necessary and urgent to forestall further hardships among our consumers;

WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 7581 provides for the protection of consumers by prescribing
measures against undue price increases during emergency situations. It empowers the President, upon
the recommendation of the National Price Coordinating Council, to impose price ceiling on any basic
necessity or prime commodity if any of the following conditions so warrant: (a) Impendency, existence,
or effects of a calamity; (b) Threat, existence, or effects of an emergency; (c) Prevalence or widespread
acts of illegal price manipulation; (d) Impendency, existence, or effect of any event that causes artificial
and unreasonable increase in the price of the basic commodity; and (e) Whenever the prevailing price
of an basic necessity or prime commodity has risen to unreasonable levels;

WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 71, on the other hand, requires that all articles of commerce and
trade offered for sale to the public at retail shall be publicly displayed with appropriate tags or labels
indicating the prices of such articles and such articles to be sold uniformly and without discrimination
at the stated price;

WHEREAS, in the light of the peso devaluation there is the tendency that unscrupulous
businessmen, traders and merchandisers, would increase the prices of commodities to the detriment
and prejudice of the buying and consuming public;

WHEREAS, to ensure the availability of basic necessities and prime commodities at reasonable
prices at all times without denying legitimate business a fair return on investment and to provide
effective and sufficient protection to consumers against hoarding, profiteering and cartels with respect
to the supply, distribution, marketing and pricing of said goods, especially during periods of calamity,
emergency, widespread illegal price manipulation and other similar situations;

WHEREAS, it is imperative that any nefarious and illegal acts of the business sector be
monitored in order to prosecute those violating the price control law.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, SYMOND O. CAGUIAT, Mayor of Sta. Josefa, Agusan del Sur, by
virtue of the powers vested in me by law do hereby establish the Municipal Price Coordinating
Council (MPCC), to monitor the prices in the municipality to ensure the price control law is observed
and as follows:

1 |EO 25 s 2018_ Municipal Price Coordinating Council

Section 1. Composition. The following individuals shall constitute the MPCC and shall perform their
duties and functions as directed by existing laws on the creation of MPCC to wit;

1) HON. SYMOND O. CAGUIAT - Municipal Mayor

2) HON. RICHARD M. PLAZA - Municipal Vice Mayor
3) Municipal Administrator
4) MRS. ANTONIETA RAMONA E. BALUIS - Municipal Treasurer
5) MRS. JOSEFA D. SANTOS -Municipal Agriculturist
6) DR. MARY JOY J. TICAO -Municipal Health Officer
7) MR. MABINSE M. PLAZA -Private Secretary/MENRO Designate
8) ENGR. CARLO C. QUIJADA, REA- Municipal Assessor/ BPLO-Designate
9) MRS. OFELIA S. SIMUGAN - Market Supervisor
10) MRS. MILARIZA L. BENIGA -Municipal Local Government Operations Officer (MLGOO)
11) MRS. VIOLETA A. LABOR- representative from the Consumers
12) MR. DIEGO DELA CRUZ - representative from the Agricultural Producers Sector
13) MRS. ESELLITA A. MEHILA - representative from the Trading Sector

Section 2. Functions

1) Coordinate the productivity, distribution and price stabilization programs, projects and
measures of the Municipal Government and develop comprehensive strategies to effect
a general stabilization of prices of basic necessities and prime commodities at affordable

2) It shall report to the Municipal Mayor and the Sangguniang Bayan the status and
progress of the programs, projects and measures undertaken by its member agency or
office as well as the comprehensive strategies developed by the Council to stabilize the
prices of basic necessities and prime commodities;

3) It shall advise the Municipal Mayor on general policy matters for promotion and
improvement in productivity, distribution and stabilization of prices of basic necessities
and prime commodities;

4) It may require from its members or any other government agency such information as it
may deem necessary, and conduct public hearings for purposes of assessing the supply,
distribution and price situation of any basic necessity or prime commodity;

5) Whenever automatic price control of basic necessities is imposed under Section 6 of

Republic Act 7581 (Price Act of 1992), it shall cause the immediate dissemination of their
prevailing prices or the price ceilings imposed in lieu thereof, as the case may be,
through publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality, and
through broadcast radio and, whenever the same is deemed to materially make
dissemination of the information more effective. It may also disseminate the information
through posting in public markets, supermarkets and other public places;

6) It shall establish linkages and coordinate with non-government or private organizations

to assist in the monitoring and implementation of price control;

7) The MPCC shall ensure the availability of basic goods to consumers in Sta, Josefa,
Agusan del Sur;

2 |EO 25 s 2018_ Municipal Price Coordinating Council

8) That MPCC shall play an active role in preventing unreasonable price increase
particularly on times of crisis, calamities, emergencies, widespread, illegal manipulation
and other similar situations;

9) Coordinate and rationalize programs of member-agencies in the respective provinces,

cities and municipalities to stabilize prices and supply of basic necessities and prime

10) Recommend to the National Price Coordinating Council or to the implementing agencies
the suggested retail prices of basic necessities and prime commodities;

11) To conduct in-depth analysis on the causes of price fluctuations;

12) To recommend steps to correct unwarranted price increases and supply shortages;

13) Regular inspections of public and private markets, as well as rice warehouses;

14) Deputation of Barangay Officials and NGOs to monitor abnormal price increases;

15) Active coordination with other appropriate government agencies to prevent

unwarranted price increases and hoarding of rice and other prime commodities;

16) In time of crisis, calamity or state of emergency, the MPCC shall convene immediately
after the occurrence of such crisis, calamity or state of emergency to coordinate the
implementation of the Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act 7581, but not
limited to the emergency measures enumerated hereunder:

a) Price/supply monitoring activities of basic and prime commodities should be

conducted immediately following the calamity or state of emergency;

b) Specific items identified as basic necessities/prime commodities not part of the

regular monitoring may be covered;

c) Frequency of price supply monitoring may be increased. Only items with price
change and supply problems should be reported.

17) Other functions that the Municipal Mayor may delegate in order to promote consumer
protection in the municipality.

Section 3. Meetings. The Municipal Local Price Coordinating Council shall meet at least once every
quarter or as often as may be necessary.

SECTION 4. Repealing Clause. All other order, issuances and memoranda issued inconsistent
herewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 5. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE this October 5, 2018, at Sta. Josefa, Agusan del Sur, Philippines.

Municipal Mayor

3 |EO 25 s 2018_ Municipal Price Coordinating Council

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