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Ministry of Finance, DFS, Online RTI 09/10/2018

3rd floor JeevanDeep Building, Sansad Marg,

New Delhi, Delhi 110001

Re:- in terms of global Freedom of Information, India’s RTI act {citizen’s access to

The applicant seeks information of the yearly statistics of number of Bank/Insurance

employees charge sheeted on account of corruption and number of them placed under

Shrigopal Soni (RTI applicant)

C231,Panchsheel Nagar,Ajmer-305004
Cell No. 91-9414982395

The applicant, in one of his RTI application’s response received a reply about status of apathy
to corruption .

India’s no.1 non- life insurance company informed the applicant that out of 78 insurance
employees {only} 3 were placed under suspension.

Ref/HO/VIG/RTI/2013/62 8 August 2013 Out of which placed under

As on date total no. of 78 3
employees charge sheeted
under PC (prevention of
corruption) Act

Thus, broadly, only one out of every seven insurance employees experiences suspension.

This resembles closely to delhi high court remarks that 90% of Govt. employees are corrupt.
ANNEXURE to RTI application :- The applicant is raising issues of status quo to institutional
corruption in the PSU Insurance as noted by MHA, Dept of Official Language as early as 2011

# The article of applicant as published in the in-house magazine of NIACL during 2006-07

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