Resolutions Nancy Rolling - Liz Powell ART XV

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RESOLUTIONS sought Art XV Proceedings The complainant seeks the following in resolutions: 1) The immediate resignation or impeachment of Treasurer Blair Lawrence for failure to uphold, execute and discharge his Local #89 Treasurer Constitutional duties and responsibilities as well as those defined in National Art XV procedure, violating his Oath of Office, violating his Fiduciary Responsibility and the Landrum-Griffin Act. ALL of which contributed either as an ACCESSORY or CO-CONSPIRATOR TO COMMIT FRAUD in MISAPPROPRIATION FUNDS charged Casselli, Henderson and Love dated 5/12/17 2) Upon being found guilty and/or impeached, Treasurer Blair Lawrence not be allowed to run for/or hold ANY Official APWU Local 89 position for five (5) years. 3 Treasurer Blair Lawrence be held personally liable and accountable for membership restitution claims of up to $50,000 IF IMPEACHED for being an ACCESSORY in MISAPPROPRIATION FUNDS charged Casselli, Henderson and Love dated 5/12/17; IF IMPEACHED for CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT FRAUD in MISAPPROPRIATION FUNDS charged Casselli, Henderson and Love dated 5/12/17 held personally liable and accountable for membership restitution claims up to $100,000.00 . In defense of any resultant criminal charges be also held liable to both Local and National APWU for restoration of any legal fees incurred. 4) Local 89 or as compelled by National, have executed ALL duties cited in EVIDENCE Exhibits B-D which Treasurer Blair Lawrence failed/refused to discharge as reflected in his expressly stated constitutional responsibilities. 5) Immediate release and forwarding of the findings of Art XV Local charges to the criminal investigations of Federal Bureau of Investigations, Department of Labor OIG and USPS OIG. Forwarded also pursuant to any restitution claims filed in U.S. District Court. Vice President Nancy Rolling Presiding Official In solidarity, respectfully submitted Union Member Robert Hall ifecroeel sevice alata ert tlh éliali7 lal ce President M.Dimondstein National Secretary-Treasurer E.Powell Eastern District Coordinator M.Gallagher 7017 1000 oo00 7435 6337 PROPOSED RESOLUTION Given both the severity of offense MISAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS, Restitution being sought, exposure of APWU National and Local to liability in U.S. District Court and the remedial penalty IF FOUND GUILTY Local 89 placed in TRUSTEESHIP. Madam Secretary Treasurer allow Local 89's Membership "our say" (Art 15 SEC 3. (k) : once securing the “GUILTY” trial board verdict having it “...confirmed by two-thirds (2/3) of those voting in referendum on the recommended disciplinary action.”) in the adjudication of the alleged offenses committed by our elected officials. The charging party bequests that the enclosed cited matier be REMANDED back to Vice President Nancy Rolling Presiding Official. Therewith written procedural instructions for both initial Art 15 charge processing and her APWU National and Local constitutional duties, role and responsibility as Trial Board Hearing Administrator in both ‘Treasurer Lawrence's case as well as that of Casselli, Henderson and Love. Said written instructions also be forwarded to the complainant. So that it can be read at the General Membership Meeting and entered into the minutes. Thus keeping the Casselli Administration's feet to the proverbial fire. Respectfully submitted, in solidarity SY HWY telealia Robert Hall APWU Member Phila. Local 89 int yourname and addoss onthe reverse || x Mtachtig cade tte ackottnemapoce, || = tanker ‘conto fmt space po 1 None ts heals a fonton 17 Elen Howell Natrena( Tree suval|] IfYES,enterdotveradaress boiow: No 4 Pw ; see ool Siveet NW Houde sh, DC 2eoos Held i if} CINEMA AEA a 4 u i vsvo aaez2a1sisasri25, |e Ha eee ene ODO OLbT ATOL Geeertenedniwy 5 scecrsc Ph panned Sam STI. dav 218 pan enon as Tmcnanees 9972 $508 O00

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