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Structural Eng. /Earthquake Eng. Vol. 11, No.

1, 33s-43s, April 1994

Japan Society of Civil Engineers (J. Struct. Mech. Earthquake Eng. No. 489/ I -27)



Gilbert L. MOLAS* and Fumio YAMAZAKI**

This paper proposes new seismic hazard maps and seismic macrozonation for the
Philippines based on earthquake occurrence data. The completeness of two earthquake
catalogues is examined and the time periods in which the data are complete are identified
for each magnitude level. For the maximum use of the available data, the data of large
earthquakes are taken from the long time period while the data of small earthquakes are
taken from the shorter time period in which they are complete. The seismic design
provisions of the Philippines are compared with those of Japan and are found to be
substantially lower. To check the significance of this, the seismic hazard of Japan is also
analyzed and compared with the Philippines. Based on the distribution of the 100-year
return period peak ground acceleration, a new seismic zonation map of the Philippines is
Key Words: seismic hazard, seismic macrozonation, design code, Philippines

recently by Tomatsu and Katayama3), uses histori-

cal earthquake occurrence. The second, pioneered
The 1990 Luzon earthquake disaster1) exacted a by Cornell4), is based on probabilistic principles.
heavy toll in the human, economic, and social The latter method has been widely used in the
resources of the Philippines. The earthquake United States5)-7) and Japan8),9), among other
affected a wide area and many seismic hazards like countries. The probabilistic approach assumes
building and bridge collapse, landslides, and seismic sources as being points, lines, or dipping
liquefaction were observed. Building collapse was planes. Seismic parameters such as seismic activity
the main cause of human casualties. Obviously, the and maximum probable magnitude are assigned to
ground motion exceeded the strength of the each source based on historical events and
structures. However, no in-depth review of the geological surveys.
collapsed structures was made to check if there Previous researchers computed the seismic
were deficiencies in the design and/or construction. hazard in the Philippines using the probabilistic
If the collapsed structures did not violate the design approach. Acharya10) assumed the earthquake
code, then there is a need to revise the code. But generators as line sources with a depth of 25
since no strong motion record of the main shock kilometers, while Sully used more complicated
was taken, it is difficult to specify the provisions source zones from earthquake catalogue data,
that need to be revised. geologic and geotectonic data. However, the
To mitigate earthquake disasters in the Philip- relatively short span of the earthquake catalogue
pines, the seismic hazard should be evaluated data used (1964-1976 for Acharya and 1964-1983
appropriately. Unfortunately, there is a lack of for Su) will give large uncertainties in assigning
strong motion data in the Philippines. Even the seismic parameters to the sources given the
seismic design provisions were adopted from the complex nature of the seismicity in the Philippines.
United States. Without actual data, it is very Villaraza12) proposed a new seismic zonation map
difficult, if not impossible, to assess the level of based on the hazard maps of Su, simulation of
safety used for design. strong ground motion, and assessment of isoseis-
To evaluate the seismic hazard of the Philippines mal maps. In this study, the method based on
under this condition, earthquake occurrence data historical earthquake data was chosen because of
(e. g., time, magnitude, location) compiled by the high uncertainties in identifying seismic sources
several organizations must be used. There are two and assigning seismic parameters for each source.
general types of seismic hazard methodologies A technique is introduced to utilize a longer set of
based on earthquake occurrence data. The first data for the analysis.
method, pioneered by Kawasumi2) and applied As more data and knowledge regarding the
* Student Member of JSCE, Graduate Student, Dept. of seismological and geological characteristics of the
Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
Philippines are acquired, a more accurate estima-
** Dr. Eng., Member of JSCE, Associate Professor, tion of the seismic hazard may be made. For small
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo localized regions, more detailed investigations are

59 (33s)

economically and technically feasible. Since this Philippines because of the absence of strong
study is concerned with the entire Philippine motion records. Although attenuation laws were
region, it is necessary to use a simple model at this developed from isoseismal maps of large earth-
time. It is believed that the general characteristics quakes by Acharyal3) and Su14) using the Philippine
of the regional seismic hazard developed in this Rossi-Forel intensity, they give little information
study can help engineers make sound decisions for this selection. In this situation, attenuation laws
regarding seismic design. based on data of other countries must be used.
Since attenuation laws are dependent on the data
2. METHOD OF SEISMIC HAZARD used, it is desirable to select attenuation laws using
ANALYSIS data from a seismic environment similar to the
(1) Brief summary of analysis method Philippines. However, the seismicity of the Philip-
The seismic hazard is based primarily on the pines is very unique. The Philippine Trench, one of
assumed relationship of the mean annual occur- the major earthquake generators in the Philip-
rence rate, v, of a peak ground motion equal to or pines, is formed by the subduction of the Philippine
greater than a given value as Sea Plate under the China Plate. Thus, the
logy=a+b logy (1) earthquakes in this region are rather deep and are
where y is the peak ground motion, and a and b are in circumstances similar to the Pacific Ocean side of
regression constants. Japan. The Philippine Fault, another major
To evaluate the seismic hazard at a given site, earthquake generator extending about 1,200 kilo-
earthquakes within an assumed epicentral distance meters in the middle of the archipelago, is a strike-
from the site are chosen. For each earthquake, the slip fault. Therefore, roughly speaking, similarity
value of the peak ground motion is estimated using exists between this region and the western United
attenuation laws. A regression analysis is then States. But the Philippine Fault generates deeper
events than those in the San Andreas region, where
performed to determine the values of a and b.
If the occurrence of earthquakes whose peak focal depths are usually less than 20 km.
values exceed a given value y is assumed to be a Therefore, one of the key issues in selecting
Poisson process, then the probability of k occur- attenuation laws is the depth of earthquakes. The
data used for developing the recent attenuation
rences of the peak ground motion in t years is given
laws in the United States (McGuire15), Joyner and
Boore16), Campbell17) are mostly from shallow
earthquakes. The attenuation laws in Japan, where
most earthquakes are rather deep, also limit their
The probability of no occurrence in t years (non- data by the focal depth, up to 60 km (Kawashima et
exceedance probability, Q) is then given by a1.18)or 30 km (Fukushima and Tanaka19) in their
P(0, t)=Q=e-vt (3) final proposed equation). Then, the epicentral
From Equations (1) and (3), the value of the distance is used as a parameter. This is partially due
to the fact that major Japanese events mostly occur
peak ground motion for a given Q and time period,
t, is then obtained as at sea and have long distances. Thus, the results of
taking either the epicentral distance or the
(4) hypocentral distance do not vary so much and the
epicentral distance often shows a better fit. The
From the assumption of the Poisson process, the
work by Crouse et al.20)is one of a few studies
relation between the exceedance probability and
which consider the depth effect seriously. Howev-
the return period of peak ground motion, T, is er, they did not show the attenuation of peak
given by acceleration. Research may be needed in this topic
using the data from intermediate depth (60-300
(5) km) earthquakes.
For example, the 10% probability of a peak ground Another key issue when selecting attenuation
motion, Y>y, in t=50 years is equivalent to a laws for the Philippines is the near-field saturation
return period of Y>y of 475 years. effect of peak acceleration because there are a lot
(2) Attenuation laws of inland events in the Philippines. This is also
Results of seismic hazard analysis are sensitive to related to the definition of the distance from site to
the attenuation law used. Hence, the selection of source. In this regard, the closest distance to the
an appropriate attenuation law is very important. surface projection of the fault16)is better than the
Unfortunately, however, no attenuation law of epicentral distance. But to collect proper data and
peak ground motion has been developed for the to perform seismic hazard analysis become more

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Structural Eng. /Earthquake Eng. Vol. 11, No. 1, 33s-43s, April 1994
Japan Society of Civil Engineers (J. Struct. Mech. Earthquake Eng. No. 489/I-27)

Fig. 1 Peak ground accelerations estimated by three attenuation laws

difficult using this definition of distance. and used also by Fukushima and Tanaka19):
There is no attenuation law which satisfy all Ms=1. 27MJ-1.82 (g)
these conditions. Hence, a compromise must be Fig. l compares Equations (6) and (7) with the
made. To use the Philippine data effectively, attenuation law by Joyner and Boore16)for M5=6. 0
earthquakes with focal depths up to 100 km should and 7. 0. For Equation (7), the peak ground
be utilized. If this condition is set first, available acceleration (PGA) is plotted for a focal depth
formulas are limited to the ones by Fukushima and equal to 20 km. Joyner and Boore used the
Tanaka19): moment magnitude, Mw,but the difference is small
logA=2. 09+0.52M1-1.87log(d+30) for these magnitudes. The Joyner and Boore
(6) equation used the larger of the two horizontal
or components. Thus, their values were reduced by
logA=1. 18+0. 40Mj-logy-0. 00164r (7) 1/1.13 (Joyner and Boore16)) in Fig. 1. It is observed
where A is the mean of the peak acceleration from that the Japanese attenuation laws show higher
two horizontal components at each site in cm/s2, M acceleration than the American one for distances
is the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) larger than 10 km. Possible reasons are the
magnitude, d is the epicentral distance, and y is the differences in fault mechanism, transmission path
hypocentral distance. The original data used to (notably depth), and soil condition of their original
calculate the parameters of these equations are data.
2, 204 horizontal components from 43 earthquakes Note that Equations (6) and (7) as well as Joyner
satisfying the following criteria: MJ 6.0; focal and Boore's do not consider soil effects. Thus, the
depth <100 km; and more than five records were peak ground acceleration estimated is one on the
observed for each earthquake. average soil condition of the observation sites.
Equation (6) has the same form as most of the Also, since Equations (6) and (7) use the epicentral
attenuation laws commonly used in Japan (e. g., distance or hypocentral distance, they will be
Kawashima et al. 18). It considers the near-source erratic for large magnitude events with long fault
saturation effect but not the depth effect. Equation lengths. However, since the analysis method
assumes the recurrence of the same events at the
(7) has basically the same form as Joyner and
Boore16)for North American data and Ambraseys same location for the same time period, the amount
and Bommer21 for European data. It considers the of this error may be permissible compared with the
depth effect but may produce large acceleration amount of uncertainties involved in the other part
values in a near-source region when the depth is of the analysis. The purpose of this study is to
small. Together with the examination of the demonstrate the seismic hazard in the Philippines
Philippine data, it was decided to use these two using the best knowledge available.
equations for the seismic hazard analysis of the 3. EARTHQUAKE OCCURRENCE
The conversion of Ml in Equations 6 and 7 to the
surface wave magnitude, MS, is performed by an Data catalogues from the Philippine Institute of
empirical formula proposed by Hayashi and Abe22) Volcanology and Seismology(Phivolcs), the Inter-

6i (35s)

stable occurrence rates for MS greater than 7. 0, it
DEPTH (km) can be assumed that these earthquakes were
0 0 - 10 completely reported at the given time period. For
0 10 - 30
A 30 - 60 the ISC catalogue, although the time period of
0 60 - 100
8 1 00 - 300
X > 300 compilation is longer, the reported earthquakes
f IRGNITUDE earlier than 1960 is complete only for magnitudes
< 5. 0
0 5. 0 - 5. 5 greater than 6. 0.
0 5. 5 - E. B
o 6. 0 - 6. 5 To maximize the use of these data, the USGS
o 6. 5 - 7. 0
data from 1986 to 1990 were appended to the ISC
o 7. 0 - 7. 5
7. 5 - 9. 0

data from 1907 to 1985. The distribution of

epicenters of the new catalogue is shown in Fig. 2.
For this new catalogue, examination of the data
and the Stepp analysis showed that the catalogue is
complete from 1964 to 1990 for MS<6. 0; from
1921 to 1990 for 6. 0M<6. <6. 5;
5 and from 1911 to
1990 for MS > 6. 5. To establish the occurrence rates
of the peak ground acceleration, only the earth-
quakes whose magnitudes are within the range of
completeness for the given time of occurrence are
used. This ensures the maximum use of data within
the time period of complete reporting.
If yi is the ith largest peak ground motion at the
site, then the occurrence rate, vi, can be calculated

Fig. 2 Epicenters of the earthquake catalogue used in
this study (USGS data for 1986-1990, and ISC where N is the number of peak ground motion
data for 1907-1985; MS>5. 0) equal to or greater than yi and t is the time period
of the observation.
Let nk be the number of occurrences for Y=yk
national Seismological Center (ISC) and the
for all yk's>y1. Then Equation 9 can be rewritten
United States Geological Survey (USGS) were
The Phivolcs catalogue includes earthquakes
from 1907 to 1990. The magnitude scales used are (10)
the body wave magnitude (mb) from 1907 to 1970
and the Local magnitude (ML) from 1971 to 1990. Let tr be a reference time period, and t changes for

Due to the change in the magnitude scale, the each data. Then,

Phivolcs catalogue was not used for the hazard

analysis. The USGS data catalogue is from 1963 to
1990 and the ISC data catalogue is from 1907 to (11)
1985. Both the USGS and ISC catalogues for the where trltk is a correction factor applied to the
Philippines were extracted from a worldwide number of occurrence of the peak ground motion
database compiled by the Earthquake Research for earthquakes not belonging to the reference time
Institute, The University of Tokyo. Both extracted period.
data catalogues were limited to latitudes 4N to In this study, the longest time period was used as
21N and longitudes 115E to 128E and with the reference. For earthquakes with MS<6. 0 from
surface wave magnitudes (Ms) greater than 4. 5. 1964 to 1990, a correction factor of 80/27 or 2. 96
The two databases were analyzed for complete- was used. For earthquakes with 6. 0M5<6.
< 5 from
ness using the method proposed by Stepp23). In 1921 to 1990, a correction factor of 80/70 or 1. 14
general, this method determines the time period in was used. For earthquakes with M5> 6. 5 from 1911
which the estimate of the occurrence rate of a to 1990, the correction factor is 1. 0. By doing this,
certain magnitude range is stable. data taken from different time periods can be used
The USGS catalogue was found to be complete together in the regression analysis.
for 5.0 < MS<7. 0 from 1963 to 1990. Although the In this study, a focal depth of 10 km is assumed
time period of the data set is too short to establish for all earthquakes with unknown focal depths.

Structural Eng. /Earthquake Eng. Vol. 11, No. 1, 33s-43s, April 1994
Japan Society of Civil Engineers (J. Struct. Mech. Earthquake Eng. No. 489/I -27)

-o--- Baguio
-o-- Dagupan
--- S. Cotabato
-a- Tokyo, Japan

(a) Number of selected earthquakes (b) Magnitude frequency (b-coef. ) (c) 100 year peak ground acceleration

Fig. 3 Sensitivity analysis on the radius used in the hazard analysis for four sites (i. e., Baguio,
Dagupan, South Cotobato, and Tokyo, Japan)

These earthquakes constitute about 1.5% of the

data set but most of these are old data with small
magnitudes. Earthquakes with focal depths greater
than 100 km were excluded from the analysis.
To have a basis for comparison for the data and
seismichazard analysis, the earthquake occurrence
data of Japan was also analyzed.
Japan. has a long historical account of earth-
quakes and official earthquake observation was
started by the JMA in 1885 (Utsu24)). The
earthquake data prior to 1885were gathered from
historical documents in which the magnitude and
epicenter were estimated from observed effects
(Usami25)).The earthquakes in the database are
from 679 to 1989.
The Stepp analysis was also done and it was
concluded that 5. 5 < M, <6. 0 is complete from 1895
to 1989; 6.0< M< 7.5, from 1885to 1989; and 7.5
< M < 8. 0, from 1855 to 1989. For MJ> 8. 0, the
period of observation is too short to establish
occurrence rates although it can be assumed that
earthquakes were completely recorded for this Fig. 4 Subregions for the Philippines used in the analysis

magnitude range. and sample sites for regression fitting

As with the Philippine data, correction factors

are applied to the occurrence rates based on the 5. RESULTS OF SEISMIC HAZARD
magnitude's time period of complete reporting. ANALYSIS
The focal depths of several earthquakes were
reported in the Utsu catalog as very shallow, (1) Sensitivity to maximum epicentral
shallow, deep, etc. For these data, a focal depth of distance
5 km was assumed for very shallow earthquakes; The methodology requires some parameters to
25 km for shallow earthquakes; and 10 km for select the earthquakes used in the analysis. From
unknown depth earthquakes. Earthquakes with the completeness analysis, the time period and
focal depth greater than 100 km and deep magnitude range of the earthquakes to be used can
earthquakes were excluded from the analysis. be surmised. However, there are no clear criteria
for selecting the maximum epicentral distance to
the site. Earthquakes which considerably affect the
hazard parameter must be included. However, if a
very large distance is taken, uniform earthquake

63 (37s)

+ data + data
- using all data
- using all data
cutoff at v=1. 0 "" cutoff at v =1. 0

(a) Site 1 (122E, 14N) (b) Site 2(126. 5E, 9. 5N)

Fig. 5 Plot of the peak ground acceleration vs. the mean annual occurrence rate for the sample sites shown in Figure 4.
Site 1 is far from an earthquake source while site 2 is near an earthquake source.

PGA (cm/sec2)

□ 600
□ 500
□ 400
□ 300
□ 200
□ 100
- 0

b) Japan

a) Philippines

Fig. 6 100-year peak ground acceleration using the attenuation law of Equation (7)

occurrence is assumed within the circle by the Details of the data cutoff for the regression are
hazard analysis. Hence, the maximum distance discussed later in this paper.
must be determined by these two facts. To If a small radius is chosen, however, regions of
determine the effect of the maximum distance, low seismicity may not have enough data points to
sample calculations for several output parameters estimate the seismic hazard. For subsequent
were done for different maximum distances for discussions, a maximum epicentral distance of 250
three sites in the Philippines and one site in Japan. km is used. It is observed that with this distance,
The results of the sensitivity analysis are given in the b-coefficient of the magnitude frequency (log N
Fig. 3. It can be seen that the 100-year PGA is = a- bM) is relatively stable.
relatively insensitive to a maximum epicentral (2) Regional Seismic Hazard
distance greater than 150 km. This is due to the fact To efficiently calculate the seismic hazard for a
that as earthquakes of large epicentral distances are region, a new computer program was developed on
considered, the PGA estimated by the attenuation an HP-9000 series workstation.
laws will be smaller. Due to the cutoff of data from The entire Philippine region is first divided into
the regression analysis based on the occurrence thirty square sub-regions having sides of two
rates of the PGA, the effects of these earthquakes degrees as shown in Fig. 4. These sub-regions are
are effectively excluded from the regression. further divided into 13,230 grid points. Such a high

Structural Eng. /Earthquake Eng. Vol. 11, No. 1, 33s-43s, April 1994
Japan Society of Civil Engineers (J. Struct. Mech. Earthquake Eng. No. 489/I-27)

resolution of calculated points can show the

regional hazard without the need for interpolation
between points.
(3) Regression line
Preliminary results showed that unusually high
peak ground accelerations are computed for
regions with earthquake clusters. Investigations
revealed that at these regions, the assumed linear
relationship of the peak ground motion and its
occurrence rate does not fit the curve very well.
Several sites near earthquake clusters and far from
earthquake clusters were studied. The location of
two of these sites are given in Fig. 4. For sites near Fig. 7 Comparison of seismic coefficients for structures
an earthquake source, it was observed that the on rock site for the Philippines and Japan

occurrence of many small accelerations tends to

flatten the regression line. Since the earthquakes of using the attenuation law with epicentrrl distance
interest for seismic hazard analysis are those of low (Equation (6)). Hazard maps similar to Fig. 6 were
annual occurrence rates, it was deemed suitable to obtained for the Philippines and Japan. However,
use only that portion of the plot for the regression. for sites near earthquake clusters, higher PGAs
For this study, the cutoff rate for the regression is were estimated by this attenuation law.
taken as 1.0 per year for the Philippine data and 0. 5
per year for the Japanese data. Fig. 5 shows the
curve fitting for two sites in the Philippines using all The Philippine seismic design provisions26) for
data points and data points with a recurrence rate, buildings are patterned after the Uniform Building
v, of less than 1.0 per year. The use of the Code (UBC) of the United States. Unless dynamic
regression cutoff gives a good fit at the low analysis is performed, the lateral seismic force
occurrence rate region. applied to the structure is evaluated by calculating
(4) Seismic hazard maps the base shear using the modified seismic coeffi-
Fig. 6 a) shows the distribution of the peak cient method as
ground acceleration corresponding to a return Base Shear/W=ZCSIK (12)
period of one hundred years (100-year PGA) for where W is the weight of the structure; Z, the
the Philippines using Fukushima and Tanaka's zoning factor; C, the response factor; S, the soil
attenuation law (Equation (7)). By comparing the factor; I, the importance factor; and K, the
hazard map with the plot of earthquake epicenters, structural type factor.
it can be seen that higher seismic hazard areas The seismic coefficient is dependent on the
follow a band corresponding to the earthquake fundamental period of the structure and the
generators in the country. In general, the highest fundamental period of the ground. The seismic
seismic hazard were computed for regions which coefficient for ordinary structures on rock sites for
experienced several shallow earthquakes. High K=1. 0 and I=1. 0 and the corresponding seismic
seismic hazard is observed for the northern tip of coefficients in the Japanese building27)and bridge
Luzon, Central Luzon, in the middle portion of the codes28)are plotted in Fig. 7.
archipelago and the northeast and western parts of When the coefficients are compared, it can be
Mindanao island. Central Luzon experienced seen that the seismic coefficient for the Philippines
heavy damage during the 1990 Luzon earthquake. is considerably lower than that for Japan. This is
To check if its high seismic hazard is caused by especially true for buildings with fundamental
seismic activity related to that earthquake, the periods less than about 1.2s where the difference is
analysis was repeated for the data excluding all from 0. 05 to about 0.06.
1990 earthquakes. It was found that the region of For short period structures, the response of the
high seismic hazard still exists. structure is close to the PGA of the ground motion.
Similarly, in Japan (Fig. 6(b)), high seismic For these structures, the maximum value of the
hazards were computed for regions near earth- required seismic coefficient is 0. 14. Using Equa-
quake clusters. In this case, however, the highest tions (4) and (5), the return periods for exceeding
seismic hazards were computed in the sea. It can the design seismic coefficient of 0. 14 can be
also be observed that Japan has a generally higher calculated as shown in Fig. 8(a). There are some
seismic hazard than the Philippines. regions in the country which have a high probabil-
Seismic hazard analysis were also conducted ity (i. e., low return period) of exceeding the design

65 (39s)

Return Period

-- 25

圏 50
目 75

目 100

b) Japan

a) Philippines

Fig. 8 Return period in years for PGA > 240 cm/s2 using the attenuation law of Equation (7)

Fig. 9 Cumulative frequencies of (a) the 100-year PGA and (b) the return period for PGA > 140 cm/s2 for grid points in

seismic coefficient, most notable of which is year PGA for the grid points in land using
Central Luzon. Fig. 8(b) shows the return period Equation (7). From this figure, the numerical
for PGA>140 cm/s2 for Japan. This figure shows distribution of the 100-year PGA throughout the
that parts of the Philippines have hazard levels Philippines and Japan can be compared. In terms
similar to Japan. For these regions, an increase in of percentages, the seismic hazard in Japan in
the value of the seismic coefficient is indicated. terms of the 100-year PGA is much higher than in
It should be noted that damage to structures not the Philippines. Similar observation can seen from
only depends on the elastic strength as given by the Fig. 9(b), which shows the cumulative frequency of
design code but also on the deformation capacity of the return periods for PGA> 140 cm/s2 for the grid
the structure. Therefore, provisions for ductility in points in land.
the design codes are also very important to prevent For a rational seismic zonation, the relative risk
structural collapse. or reliability of structures built on the different
regions of the country should be more or less
uniform. Since strong ground motions in the
Since there are a lot of sea portions in the whole Philippines have not yet been recorded and the
analysis area (Fig. 4), the analysis points on land present seismic coefficients were adopted from the
are selected for engineering use. Fig. 9(a) shows UBC of the United States, there is no way to
the cumulative frequency of the value of the 100- estimate the actual reliability of structures in the

66 (4os)
Structural Eng. /Earthquake Eng. Vol. 11, No. 1, 33s-43s, April 1994
Japan Society of Civil Engineers (J. Struct. Mech. Earthquake Eng. No. 489/ 1-27)

Table 1 Mean and standard deviation of the 100-year Seismic Zonation

PGA for land areas in the Philippines

O Zone 4

O Zone 3
O Zone 2

Philippines. The present code in the Philippines

specifies that the entire country be assigned as
seismic zone 4 (i. e., the highest design coefficient,
Z=1. 0). At present, the best way to reduce the
seismic risk is to identify regions with high and low
seismic hazards and to reassign the design seismic
coefficients of the present provision based on it.
The authors propose a new seismic zonation
based on the 100-year PGA: Zone 4 covers the
upper 25% of the cumulative distribution; Zone 3,
the middle 50%; and Zone 2, the lower 25%.
(a) Proposed Seismic Zonation
From Fig. 9(a), the 100-year PGA which divides
Zones 3 and 4 was found to be 140 cm/s2 and Zones
2 and 3, 70 cm/s2. Zone 1 is historically considered O ZONE 3

aseismic and the PGAs were not calculated for this O ZONE 2

region. O ZONE I

Table 1 gives the mean and standard deviation of

the expected PGAs for the land areas for Zones 2,
3, 4, and for the entire land area. In calculating the
mean and standard deviations for the zones, the
lower and upper 2. 5% of the expected PGAs were
excluded to reduce the effect of extreme values
which may not be reasonable. By taking the mean
of Zone 3 as the reference, the zone factors can be
computed by normalizing the mean of the expected
PGA with respect to this reference. Using this
criterion, the zone factor, Z, is taken as 1.91 and
0. 57 for Zone 4 and Zone 2, respectively, while
Zone 3 is assigned the reference value of 1.0. For
Zone 1, an arbitrary value for the seismic
coefficient should be given to provide minimum
seismic resistance.
It should be noted that the proposed seismic
zonation is purely based on the hazard analysis. In
determining the actual seismic zones and the final (b) by Villaraza (1991)

value of the zoning factors, several factors must be Fig.10 Comparison of seismic zoning maps for the
considered. These include the various regional Philippines proposed in this study and by
characteristics, importance of specific areas, pro- Villaraza (1991)
vincial divisions, and compatibility with the
previous codes, etc. These considerations, howev- Zone 2 in both maps. For the zone map of
er, are beyond the scope of this study. Villaraza, most of the remaining regions are
Fig. 10 shows the proposed seismic zonation assigned as Zone 3.
together with the one proposed by Villaraza12) It can also be noticed that the capital, Metro
which has three zones. By comparing the two zone Manila, is assigned as Zone 2 in the proposed map.
maps, several observations can be made. Both This map is based on the PGA; therefore, is
maps have the same Zone 1. A region near the appropriate for short-period structures. However,
central portion of the archipelago is assigned as since Manila has many medium- and high-rise

67 (41s)

structures, a further examination of the response Construction Co., Ltd. for providing the earth
spectra covering these period ranges is necessary. quake and map data of Japan and for helpfu
The seismic hazard in the Philippines was REFERENCES
calculated using historical earthquake occurrence 1) Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI): Th
data. Three earthquake occurrence data sets were Luzon, Philippines earthquake of July 16, 1990, Earth
collected and examined. The data set from the quake Spectra, Oct. 1991.
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology 2) H. Kawasumi: Measures of earthquake danger ani
(Phivolcs) was not used because of the change in expectancy of maximum intensity throughout Japan a
magnitude scale used. Using the method proposed inferred from the seismic activity in historical times, Bull
by Stepp, it was concluded that the USGS data set earthquake res. inst. 29, University of Tokyo, 1951.
is complete but the time period is short (1963 to 3) Y. Tomatsu and T. Katayama An on-line graphi
1990). For the ISC data set, the time period is computer program <ERISA-G> and its implication tc
longer (1907 to 1985) but is not complete for small seismic macro-zonation of Japan, Proc. 9th world con
magnitude earthquakes. For the maximum use of earthquake eng. 2, 181-186, 1988.
these data, the USGS data from 1986 to 1990 were 4) C. A. Cornell: Engineering seismic risk analysis, Bull. seis
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地 震 危 険 度 解 析 に 基 づ く フ ィ リ ピ ン の マ ク ロ ゾ ー ニ ン グ

Gilbert L. MOLAS・ 山崎 文 雄

地 震 発生 デ ー タ に基 づ い て, フ ィ リ ピ ンの 地 震危 険度 マ ップ を構 築 し, マ ク ロ ゾー ニ
ング を 行 っ た. 2つ の 地 震 カ タ ロ グの デー タの 欠 落 を 調 べ に 結 果, マ グニ チ ュ ー ドの 大
き い地 震 に対 して は長 い期 間 を, 小 さい地 震 に対 して は短 い 期 間 を 用 い る方 法 を考 え た.
適 当 な 距離 減 衰 式 と ボ ア ソ ン過 程 を仮 定 し, 再 現 期 間100年 の最 大 加 速 度 を フ ィ リ ピ ン
全 土 に つ い て 求 め, こ れ に基 づ く ゾ ーニ ング を行 い, 地 震 危 険 度 の 高 い 地 域 と低 い地 域
を 明 らか に した.


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