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Week One Vocabulary List

You are responsible for knowing the root word/prefix/suffix and its meaning.
Thursday’s quiz questions will look like this:

-act- means __________________, as in actor or action.

-act- is a (circle one) root word, prefix, suffix

Root Word Meaning Examples

-act- do action, actor, react, transact, enact

-aud- hear audience, auditorium, audible, audition

-cred- believe credit, discredit, incredible, credulous

Prefix Meaning Examples

ad- to adapt, addict, adhere, admit

amphi- both, around amphibian, amphitheater

an- not anarchy, anesthesia, anorexia, anonymous

auto- self automobile, automatic, autograph, autobiography

Suffix Meaning Examples

-ade action or process blockade, escapade, parade

-age action or process marriage, pilgrimage, voyage

-ant one who assistant, immigrant, merchant, servant

Created by Heather Taxis Greene, 2010

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