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Skill Writing

Name of the activity Hold your Writing

Level Advanced
Material A piece of paper
Steps 1. Teacher assigns the pupils in groups.

2. Teacher provides them a large piece of paper with a title

‘Three Little Monkeys’ and say, 'Right, everyone, I want
you to write a story with the given title.’

3. As they begin to write it, at some point they will hear the
teacher says 'Hold!' Hence, the pupils are to stop writing
even in the middle of a word or in the middle of a sentence.

4. The pupils begin to write the story. Teacher checks that

every pupil has written something before she/he says
'Hold!' for the first time.

5. Next, the teacher transfers each paper to the next group

so that everyone's working with another piece of paper with
a story

6. Pupils are to read, correct, improve and continue. So,

they work on the story that they've received and then they
continue that story.

7. A bit later the teacher says 'Hold!'

8. The pupils transfer the story and begin to read, correct,

and improve for the second time.

9. Finally, it's good to get the paper back to the original

group just before the ending and again the same instruction
- read, correct and improve and this time the teacher says
'close'. So they bring it to a finale.
Skill Writing
Name of the activity Sequence Chain Writing
Level Intermediate
Material A box consists of different types of objects, a piece of

Steps 1. Divide the class in groups of 4-5 pupils.

2. Teacher brings in a box consists of different objects in it.
3. Each group is to send a representative to pick up an
object from the box.
4. Each group is to write a story using the object that they
have taken from the box.
5. Teacher selects groups in random to present their story
to the class.
6. Teacher discusses which group is the best.
7. The best group receives a prize.
Template for Sequence Chain Writing
Skill Writing
Name of the activity It’s Hip to Clip
Level Intermediate
Material 30 pieces of pictures
Steps 1. Teacher prints out about 30 pieces of pictures.
2. Pupils are to choose 3 pictures each.
3. Pupils write a story that connects the 3 images together.
4. Teacher set time which is 10 minutes.
5. After 10 minutes, the pupils exchange the set of pictures
to the right and write a new story with a new set of pictures.
6. Pupils are to read out aloud the stories that they have
written on the paper.
Skill Writing
Name of the activity Song to a Story
Level Advanced
Material CD/tape, piece of paper, CD/tape player, laptop

Steps 1. Teacher chooses a contemporary song consists of

different types of genres.
 Rock
 Jazz
 Pop
 Country music
2. Teacher divides the class in small groups of 4 pupils and
each group receives a blank piece of paper.
3. Each group is to make a cross on it dividing the paper
into four equal parts.
4. Pupils are to number the parts from 1 to 4
5. Each pupil in the group uses one part of the paper.
6. Teacher plays the first song and requires pupil number 1
to draw something on it by making relation to the lyrics.
7. Teacher changes the song and follows the similar
procedure with the others.
8. Pupils are to make up a story following the sequence of
their drawings after they finish drawing. 9. Each group is
given 15 minutes to prepare and then every group presents
their story to the class.
Example of paper divided into 4 equal parts

Part 1 Part 2

Part 3 Part 4
Part 1
Skill Writing
Name of the activity Postcards
Level Intermediate
Material A stack of postcards (1 or 2 for each student)
Steps 1. Teacher gives out the postcards one for each student or
pair of students.

2. Pupils are to look at the picture on the postcard and

imagine that this is something they saw during their

3. Pupils are given the flexibility to draw their own pictures,

for example, pupils are allowed to draw something from
their recent holiday.

4. Pupils are to write the postcard to one of their friends

telling them about their fantasy holiday and how the picture
on the postcard relates to it.

5. Pupils are to exchange the postcard with someone else

once they have written the postcards.

6. Pupils are to read the postcard they have received and

then write a response to it.

7. Teacher collects up the cards and sees what errors were

made and prepare a correction slot for the next lesson.
Example of postcards with pictures on it
Skill Writing
Name of the activity Whose ID Card is This?
Level Intermediate
Material ID Card template

Steps 1. Teacher plays a video song on ‘I Love Myself’ to the


2. Pupils watch the video song and have an interactive

session amongst them.

3. Pupils are given with a template of an ID card.

4. Pupils are to write their personal details such as

 Name
 Address
 Age
 Birth certificate number

5. Pupils are to put their completed ID cards in a box

prepared by the teacher.

6. Pupils are to randomly pick an ID card out of the box and

look for the owner of the card.
Template for ID Card
Skill Writing
Name of the activity “Finish Me Stories”
Level Intermediate/Advance
Material Sentence strips
Steps 1. Teacher divides the class into 4-5 pupils each group.

2. Pupils are to choose a representative from each group.

3. Teacher prepares a box consists of sentence strips with

the beginning of different stories.

4. Each group is to take a sentence strip from the box.

5. Pupils are given about 2 minutes each to write the
continuation for the story.

6 Teacher has a whistle with her to time the pupils.

7. When the teacher blows the whistle every 2 minutes, the

next person in the group continued to write and so on till
the last member of the group has written.

8. Their finish product will be put up behind the class for

everyone to read.
Sentence strips

"I was about to turn in and from my bedroom I ...."

“It was a long walk to Grandmother's house from the road where we parked our car. Her
little house was far deep in the jungle. Suddenly, ….”

“Jack and Jill were trying to hide from their big sisters. They were on a huge hill. All of a
sudden a bright colourful balloon appeared and landed in front of them ….”

“Jason woke up with a start. Something was coming out of his cupboard…”

“One day an UFO landed in my back garden. A little green man climbed out. “Can you
help me?” he said. I think I’m lost…”
Skill Writing
Name of the activity “Start Substituting Me”
Level Low
Material Sentence strips
Steps 1. Teacher divides the class into 4-5 pupils each group.

2. Pupils are to choose a representative from each group.

3. Teacher prepares a large layout of substitution table and

pastes it on the whiteboard.

4. Teacher prepares colour coding for each word class.

For example :

 Pronouns (Green)
 Nouns (Blue)
 Verbs (Red)
 Adjectives (Orange)
 Object (Yellow)

5. Pupils are to choose a colour coded card and paste it on

the substitution table according to the word class colour.

For example :
Noun Verbs Adjective
Flowers are red.

6. Pupils are to write the sentences that they have

successfully substituted in the table.
Colour-coded Substitution table

Noun Verbs Adjective

Flowers are red.

Pronoun Verbs Noun Adjective

She likes her coffee sweet

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