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Ques onnaire

P1 Name ………………………………………………………
P1a State---------------- P1b City------------- P1c locality----------------
P2 Age P3 Gender P4 Educa on
P5 Occupa on …………………………………………………….....................................................................................
P6 Which religion you belong to
1 Hindu 2 Muslim 3 Sikh 4 Chris an 5 Other.....................
P7 Which cast do you belong to
1 General 2 SC/ST 3 OBC Other..................
P8 Are you
1 Homeless 2 Sweeper/a rag picker 3 Construc on worker
P9 Channels of Informa on (mul ple choice)
1 TV 2 Radio 3 News Paper 4 Books/Magazines 5 Any other..................
P10 Ameni es at Home (mul ple choice)
1 Electricity 2 Water 3 Toilet 4 Car 5 Motorcycle
6 Fridge 7 Mobile 8 Cycle
P11 Number of family members
P12 Are you an earning member 1 Yes 2 No
P13 Are you the only earning member 1 Yes 2 No
P14 Do you have a bank account 1 Yes 2 No
P15 Do you have a credit/debit card 1 Yes 2 No
P16 Do you know how to use credit/debit card 1 Yes 2 No
P17 Have you ever used credit/debit card 1 Yes 2 No
P18 Do you know what is PayTM 1 Yes 2 No
Q1 On 8 Nov. Government announced demone sa on, how did you come to know
1 TV 2 Radio 3 Neighbours 4 News paper 5 Friends
Q2 When you heard about demone za on, what was your first reac on
1 Nothing important 2 Good news 3 Bad news 4 Shoked
Q3 Government claims demone za on will wipe out black money, what is your opinion
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q4 Government claims demone za on will wipe out terrorism, what is your opinion
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q5 Demone za on on Rs 500 and 1000 and introduc on of Rs 2000, what will be its impact on black money.
It will
1 Reduce 2 Increase 3 Have no impact 4 Don't Know
Q6 Who was effected by demone sa on most
1 Poor man 2 Pole cians 3 Rich people 4 Don't Know
Q7 On what date you came to know about demone za on
18 2 9th morning 3 Within a week 4 A er one week
Q8 How did you get the news of Demone za on
1 TV 2 Radio 3 News paper 4 Neighbours 5 Friends
Q9 What was your first reac on a er the reached you
1 I have notes, how will I convert them 2 Those having black money are in problem
3 PM is brave, no one could do this in 70 years 4 Now all Black money will come
5 Now corrup on will end 6 Mulayam and Mayawa will be caught
7 It is all elec on gimmick 8 Any other
Q10 Ini ally what were the comments by your friends/neighbours on demone sa on
1 They were coun ng Rs 500/1000 note 2 Corrup on will vanish
3 Terrorism will vanish 4 counterfeit note will vanish
5 It is Good for the country 6 Any other
Q11 All of us, especially women, save money for bad mes, it was demone sed
A Do you know someone whose savings were gone 1 Yes 2 No
B Witnessed any family feud when saving was revealed 1 Yes 2 No
C Did it cause problem in some one's marriage 1 Yes 2 No
D do you know if due death in family someone faced problem 1 Yes 2 No
E Do you know someone who fell sick and faced problems 1 Yes 2 No
F did someone lose his/her job 1 Yes 2 No
G did someone unexpectedly receive his/her dues in old notes 1 Yes 2 No
H did someone get 3-4 months salary in old notes 1 Yes 2 No
I Do you know a rich-man who deposited money in poor-man's account 1 Yes 2 No
J Did you see any poli cian/rich man in ATM/bank line 1 Yes 2 No
Q12 How many days a er demone za on did you go to take out money from ATM/bank to?
Q13 For how many hours did you stand in the line ----------------- hrs
Q14 How far is bank from your house?............................KM
Q15 How far is ATM from your house?............................KM
Q16 A er demone sa on how many me you/family members have visited bank?........... mes
Q17 How many mes could you take out the money?-------------- mes
Q18 Was the amount withdrawn from bank/ATM sufficient 1 Yes 2 No
Q19 Did different family member stand in different lines 1 Yes 2 No
Q20 How much cash could you withdraw in first month Rs............................
Q21 People are expressing different opinions on demone za on, what is your opinion
A Prime minister took a good decision but there was not prepara on
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
B If you take out 68% of currency then na on is bound to go poor
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
C if he had consulted right people then prepara ons could have been be er
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
D it was a poli cal decision taken in a hurry
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
E demone sa on will have no effect on black money
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
F the black money will come back and will be distributed among the poor
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
G Now poor man's deposited in banks and will be given to rich
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
H Blackmoney is stashed abroad and demone za on will have no impact on it
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
I Rich was converted black money to white and they did not have to go to banks
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
J Poli cians have Black money, demone sa on affected only common ci zens
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
K 2000 instead of 500/1000 will make it easy to hide black money
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
L We must go cashless, if there are no notes there will be no black money
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
M cashless economy will only benefit the rich
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
N demone za on has brought economy/karobar to a grinding halt
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
O it a problem of a few days, everything will come back to normal in a few days
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
P demone za on will generate employment there will be lots of jobs in future
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q demone za on will let farmer par cipate in Indian economy
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
R demone za on has adversely effected wholesale market, there are no buyers
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
S Demone sa on has not affected farmers
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
T Demone za on will bring wealth in all the villages
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
U Jawans stand on boarders for hours, In a war against corrup on if we have to stand in line for some
me, it does not ma er
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
V this government changes it orders every day, we don't trust it any more
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
W In the coming elec ons, people will show strength of their vote
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
X First they promised 15 Lakh in every account, now it's 15 thousand, do you believe some money will
come in your bank account
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Y We cannot withdraw our money, this is not acceptable, should not be tolerated.
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q22 On the ques on of demone sa on, people are
1 Happy with the Govt 2 Angry with the Govt 3 Laughing at the Govt
4 Suppor ng the Govt 5 Earlier supported, but now are against the Govt
Q23 What is your opinion about Government's of demone sa on
1 Happy with the Govt 2 Angry with the Govt 3 Laughing at the Govt
4 Suppor ng the Govt 5 Earlier supported, but now are against the Govt
Q24 TV Chnnels / Newspapers and Media
1 Are completely sold out 2 Some sold out and others are not
3 Nobody is empathe c towards poor 4 I don't trust them any more
Q25 In your opinion which statements are correct?
A People are fool, and anyone can make them fool 1Yes 2 No 3 Dont know
B People are strong; they will teach a lesson 1 Yes 2 No 3 Dont know
C People are happy and support Government 1 Yes 2 No 3 Dont know
D People's memory is short, will forget everything 1 Yes 2 No 3 Dont know
Q26 Have you heard of any one dying while standing in the bank line
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q27 Who is responsible for these deaths
1 Government 2 Ourselves 3 Banks 4 Don't Know
Q28 Government says demone sa on will lead to cashless society, what is your opinion
1 Diver ng a en on 2 Cashless is good 3 Objec ve was always Cashless
Q29 Who will get benefi ed by PayTM/cashless
1 Corporates 2 Government 3 Common Men 4 Don't Know
Q30 Can workers, rickshaw pullers, vegetable venders operate without currency
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q31 Cashless society will be free from corrup on. Do you agree with this statement:
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q32 People should not keep money at home, who knows when Govt will demone se.
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q33 Now it is necessary to keep small currency at home? We don't trust Banks/ATMs any more. Will you
ever keep all you money in the banks?
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q34 We don't trust banks a er demone sa on.
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q35 We don't trust Government a er demone sa on.
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q36 Demone sa on has finished terrorism.
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q37 Demone sa on has stopped Pakistani infiltra on
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q38 Demoniza on has finished black money forever.
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q39 Should all poli cal par es not make their accounts public?
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q40 Has everything come to normal a er 50-days limit?
1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know
Q41 In your opinion how much me it will take to restore normality in the country?
1 3 months 2 6 months 3 1 year 4 5 years 5 10 years
Q 42 A er 8 November the value of notes decreased, in you locality
500 was exchanged for—Rs-----------------
100 was exchanged for —Rs-------------------

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