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IWS 1. Gauss's method with a choice a pivot element on row, in column.

The Gaussian method through pivoting is necessary in those cases when the
elements of the matrix are close to zero, since when dividing by such a number, large
numbers are obtained, and arithmetic operations with such numbers can lead to loss
of calculation accuracy, especially for large-sized matrices, one of the principal
minors of A is equal to 0.
The main idea of the method is to exclude at the next step not the next by unknown
number, but the unknown, the coefficient at which is the largest in modulus, while it
is possible in the row and in the column.
By row. In this case every K-th step we seek the maximal modulo element | A k, j | in
the K-th row. And if J ≠ K, then we rearrange the K-th and J-th columns of the
coefficient matrix A and the K-th and J-th index of the unknown X vector (first
determine the index vector as Index (I) = I, I = 1, ..., N, And for him, already do a
permutation of the K-th and J-th elements).
By column. In the second case, at every K-th step we seek the element of maximal
modulus | A l, k | in the K-th column. And if L ≠ K, then we rearrange the K-th and
L-th rows of the coefficient matrix A and the K-th and L-th elements of the vector F.

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