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1|Page Brother Davis

First I want to say all praises to the most high for opening up your eyes to want to read from one of his
servants. I am sure that he is delighted to know his children are trying to get a better understanding of
him and how he wants us to be, follow and worship him as our forefathers once did.

I wanted to answer some questions I’ve had myself; and now coming into the understanding through
the Most High I feel blessed being able to answer them. I have always been a man of faith; I’d like to call
it ignorant faith. I was never able to answer many questions regarding who we were as a people, and
who exactly was are god, being that there are many religions. I’m glad to say that I have come to a full
understanding. Anything that is within this writing please feel free to do your own research as I have had
to do in order to come to a truthful conclusion. Please by pass any punctuation and grammar mistakes.

1. People, mostly atheist, then those that have turned away from the church without a place to go
to, to learn the truth about God, or those that just never believed would always ask, why would
God allow so much pain and suffering upon the earth more so with the minorities of this country
and around the world? I was never able to answer that when someone would approach me with
these questions, I would also question this myself. The reason and cause for our condition is
explained in full detail through scripture. In the bible it has our whole history from creation to
the end. Most churches do don’t teach the scriptures as Christ taught the scriptures to his
2. Getting to my point though and root and foundations of our troubles and struggles though our
time up until the point we are at now; in the wilderness with Moses after God saved us out of
the land of Egypt (Which also means Bondage or Captivity) God made a covenant with us. And
if we were to break this covenant, there were consequences attached to this disobedience.
Everything that you have been seeing now, and happening since the slave trade and even
before then, have been upon us because we failed to serve God under his laws statues and
A. (Point Break) With no offense, just truth and reality, the Jewish people of the land of Israel
today, which was called Jerusalem prior to their propagandized infiltration are not the true
Hebrew Israelites(Jews) of the bible as they have claimed since 1940’s, which is why they
are called Jewish (ISH – Meaning Pertaining too – To be like). The Jewish people of Israel
were never held captive in any land or worked as slaves to build other nations as the bible
and historical history clearly states, it is proven that the children of Israel Yet the Jewish
people have no slave history at all, in no country. But guess who has? Yes us, the minorities
of America, also of the southern islands. The African Americans (Judah – Christ Bloodline),
Puerto Ricans(Ephraim – Bloodline of Joseph in the bible, who was King in Egypt and actually
saved Egypt from its collapse) , Cubans(Manasseh) , Jamaicans/West Indies(Benjamin),
Mexicans(Issachar), Haitians(Moses’ bloodline), Hawaiians/Samoans(Naphtali) , Seminole
Indians(Reuben – One of the brothers who sold Joseph into Eygpt),
Columbians/Panama(Zebulun) , Brazilians/Argentineans(Asher), Dominicans(Simeon) and
North American Indians(Gad). These/We are the true children of Israel, God’s chosen
people ((Deu 32:9-10//Amos 3:1-2)). You say, well how could a people forget who they are,
who their God is and where they come from? When going through captivity, the first thing
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the owners would do is slaughter the elderly, and anybody that had any knowledge or
wisdom of who they were. This is how our brothers and sisters names were changed from
Benjamin to Jamaican// Issachar to Mexican//Ephraim to Pureto Rican ect ect. This is why
our language was changed, this is why are names were changed. When we came over in
slave ships, we spoke Hebrew, we had Hebrew names. If we were African there would have
been hundreds of different languages we would have used and we would have had more
African tribal names. We were all renamed and re taught by our captives. Now As African
Americans, we are the only people to live in a land for 400 years and have a different name
in each century. African Americans went from Nigers to Negroids to Negros to African
Americans, so our identity and customs were long gone. But as it was prophesied we would
once again awaken. Hosea 6:1-3
I. We are the only people to have built other nation’s civilizations and through slavery
up until our current state as paid slaves in America, another and last country that
we have built with our hands for the profits of other nations. We have built ever
great nation through our Slavery. All due to our disobedience to our God and the
Covenant we made with him. Egyptian Captivity 1500 B.C.//Assyrian Captivity720
B.C //Babylonian Captivity586 B.C.//Persian Captivity 538 B.C. //Greek
Captivity323 B.C. //Roman Captivity 70 A.D.//American Captivity 1619 until Now.
3. So how did this captivity begin? In short, without a time line and less scripture reference, God
made a covenant with Moses and our forefathers in the wilderness. This agreement was set in
stone and blood. Once Moses declared this covenant with the Blood, we were locked in this
covenant. That’s what you call Blood in and blood out, which was why Christ had to come to
shed blood for our disobedience. But that’s in another breakdown. Exodus 24:7-8. If we were to
follow God’s laws as we made this pact with him then he would have given us this world to rule,
like the Europeans and powers that rule over us today. Deuteronomy 28:1 But through the time
in the wilderness and lack of faith like in Exodus 32, once again our forefathers turned back to
worshiping the Gods of Egypt and breaking the established covenant they made with God.
Deuteronomy 31:15-18. So all the Curses of Deuteronomy 28(v15) would come into affect
amongst our forefathers and the generations to follow. Pointing out a few.
A. Deuteronomy 28:32-33 We were sold and our forefathers that were in slavery had to
witness their wives being raped, children being raped and sent off to other plantations. The
talents we have, we can’t profit from, yes we make money but who receives the bulk of the
money? The Owners, this goes for the music industry, the film industry and even corporate,
and even if you have an independent business you are still taxed and still have to give profits
to someone above you. Think about all the celebrities that have tried to avoid paying taxes
and have been jailed and lost everything. Think about all the rich who lost all of their wealth.
The more you break the laws of God the more susceptible you become to these curses. This
is why the powers of this world/land/businesses want you to continue in sin because they
will have all control over you.
B. Deuteronomy 28:47 these things happen to us because we don’t serve God! Being under a
church is not serving the Most High, not keeping the Sabbath, Eating Pork, Shrimp and
Lobster, keeps you under these Curses. And the powers that be know this.
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C. Deuteronomy 28:48 When we came here, we were lost in our heritage and our customs our
heritage was erased from our memories. Then slavery was abolished 1863 the Emaciation
Proclamation (THE YOKES OFF OF OUR NECKS) but by this time we were already lost as a
people. This was a part of our Curse.
D. Deuteronomy 28:54 You wonder why we have black on black crime??? Its apart of our curse
i. Hosea 4
E. Deuteronomy 28:61 – Do you wonder why we are in the #1 spot in ever sickness category?
#1 in HIV/AIDS, #1 in High Blood Pressure, #1 in High Cholesterol, #1 in Diabetes. It’s
because of our curses.
F. Deuteronomy 28:64 We are the only ones who have been slaved throughout the world. We
are forced under the religions of Christianity (Wood Cross) and Islam (Stone Block), amongst
the hundreds of other practices. We were taught to worship Jesus, whom our forefathers
have not known.
G. Deuteronomy 28:65 police brutality, abuse no ease, our curse.
H. Deuteronomy 28:66 we doubt who we are, go from African, to Egyptian, star dust, Gods ect.
I. Deuteronomy 28:67 praying day and night without hope during your struggle. See when we
don’t follow God’s laws makes this life a burden on you.
J. Deuteronomy 28:68 and because of our disobedience, God let our enemies suppress us and
take us into slavery just as we were in Egypt. Deuteronomy 28:54 House of Bondage. Which
is where we are now!! Today!! Still in slavery, still in Bondage. Where no man can save us
from. In biblical times one, could come and buy a slave out of bondage, but because of our
breaking of the covenant no man would be able to save us. Look at all the men who tried to
save us. Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Luis
Farrakhan, None of them saved us from our captivity.

Sunday worship, eating pork, shrimp, lobster not obeying the laws statutes and commandments set by
God and vowed by our forefathers to keep. It baffles me when I hear people say that the law is done
away with! This was/is an everlasting covenant between God and his chosen which we broke Isaiah
24:5. The other nations didn’t make this pact. We did, we are supposed to be the ones teaching the way
of life that our God left us here to live by. And because we don’t, we are ruled by them. Just like a
wealthy family, their money gets passed down from generation to generation. This is the same as our
curses; these curses have been passed down from generation to generation and with ignorance. The
only way to fix our condition is to turn back to our father the creator of all things. He also gave us a
promise that if we returned to him, he would return to us, for those who walk and talk in his truth and in
his name, through the law statutes and commandments he made with our forefathers.

4. We were kept in this position by the powers that be so that we would remain slaves, and remain
under their power and rule. If we were to know who we are, how could they control us? It tells
you in Psalms 83 all who partake in this confederacy that has us blinded to who we are. But for
those of us who are awake, God has a plan for us.
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A. Revelation 2:26 Right now as the economy is going down and war is spread across the
earth, God is raising up his chosen elect who will be the ruling government of this new
kingdom once Christ returns.
B. Revelation 7 The chosen elect will be from the 12 tribes of Israel. Many people will survive
the wars, not just Israel, other gentiles and nations will be subject to the kingdom, those
who believe in the truth of Christ and our creator. You will see many Israelites that shame
and lash out at white folks, who don’t even acknowledge our Latino brothers and sisters as
Israel, this is a grave mistake for them. This is not what I am about. I am about truth. These
are the promises of God. All Hebrews and gentiles will be under one law in this earth.
C. Isaiah 14:1-3 God will give us rest and turn the hands of this world to his children, for we
will be the ruling authority of this world when Christ returns.
D. Jeremiah 30:16-17 God will punish all those who lied, all those who abused, all those who
reaped the benefits of doing our people wrong. Then he will restore us and make us great
once again.
E. Revelation 13:10 It tells us right here that those that led us into captivity will go into
captivity and those that killed by the sword will die by the sword. Now you know where they
got live by the gun die by the gun.
F. Hosea 3:4-5 We are the only people in this world who does not have a nation, nor a king
over us. Italians have one, the Irish have one, the British/ English, Korea, China, Japan ect
ect, we are the only ones who have had no king over us besides our oppressors. The
kingdom is being built right now, with those that are coming into the truth.
G. Romans 9:27 But the thing is; only a remnant of our people will make it through these times
into the kingdom. Only the faithful to God’s words and covenant will have a chance.
5. See we have been held captive and placed into slavery over these centuries, but we will no
longer go into slavery or captivity, America is our last place of bondage. Because we haven’t
learned from getting our backs whipped, being hanged, being sold and rapped, and all the
horrible things that has happened to us through our times, there will be no more slavery; next is
the lake of fire. Revelations 21:8. The same people following pastors and following false
religions all have the same fate. Revelations 2:9 And for the people who are obedient, God will
make a new Covenant with us Hebrews 8:8-10 and the same laws that the church say are done
away with will be the same laws that will govern this earth under one rule Christ.
6. Hosea 1:10 it says that we will be in a land where we are told that we are not God’s chosen
people, where it will also be in the same land that we will come to find out that we are God’s
Chosen people. This is prophecy. This is going on right now even as I type this document. Our is
God speaking directly to us and we must wake up and come back to our father. We either come
back and keep our end of the bargain within the covenant our forefathers made with God, or
keep comfort in the world of lies we live in and pay for this at our judgment. For those who
won’t turn back will see will see and feel the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Luke:13 28-30 This
is the last time we can repent and come back or die in our sins.

This is a short overview of our condition and our future. I hope this message finds you well.

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