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Course And Faculty Details

SEM-3rd (ODD)

Faculty Details

Name of the Faculty: SUMIT KUMAR PANDEY

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Details

Name of the Programme: B.Tech . Batch: 2017-21

Branch: Mechanical engineering Semester: 3rd

Name of Subject: Thermodynamics Subject Code: ME 3104

Category of Course: Core Subject


SEM-3rd (ODD)

COURSE AND FACULTY DETAILS ............................................................................................................................. 1

INDEX .................................................................................................................................................................... 2

VISION & MISSION OF INSTITUTE........................................................................................................................... 4

VISION & MISSION OF DEPARTMENT ..................................................................................................................... 5

COURSE DELIVERY METHOD ................................................................................................................................ 20

COURSE PLAN ..........................................................................................................................................................20

METHOD OF EVALUATION........................................................................................................................................20
NEW TOPIC INTRODUCED............................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES .......................................................................................................................................... 7

PROGRAM OUTCOMES AS PER 2017 NBA FORMAT .............................................................................................................7

PROGRAM SPECIFIC OUTCOMES ............................................................................................................................ 9

PROGRAM EDUCATION OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................................... 6

COURSE SCHEME & EXAM SCHEME ..................................................................................................................... 10

COURSE SYLLABUS AS PER UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................... 11

COURSE OUTCOMES AND SYLLABUS ADOPTED BY THE INSTITUTE ...................................................................... 16

COURSE OUTCOMES ................................................................................................................................................16

SYLLABUS ...................................................................................................................................................................13
Pre-requisites ......................................................................................................................................................13

CONCEPT MAP ..................................................................................................................................................... 17

COMPILED LIST OF REVIEW, BEYOND SYLLABUS AND BRIDGING ......................................................................... 15

MAPPING ............................................................................................................................................................. 21

MAPPING OF PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE AND MISSION OF THE INSTITUTE..................................................................21

MAPPING OF PROGRAM SPECIFIC OUTCOMES AND PROGRAM OUTCOMES..............................................................................21
MAPPING OF COURSE OUTCOMES AND PROGRAM OUTCOMES .............................................................................................22
MAPPING OF PROGRAM SPECIFIC OUTCOMES AND COURSE OUTCOMES .................................................................................22

TIME TABLE .......................................................................................................................................................... 23

LECTURE PLAN ..................................................................................................................................................... 24

COURSE COVERAGE ........................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

LECTURE PLAN OF TUTORIAL ............................................................................................................................... 29

COURSE COVERAGE OF TUTORIAL ..................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

QUESTION BANK .................................................................................................................................................. 44

(A) MAIN EXAM QUESTION PAPER ..................................................................................................................................44

(B) TEACHER ASSESSMENT TOOL .....................................................................................................................................67
Brainstorming Question ......................................................................................................................................67
Designing Question ................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
(C) MID-TERM QUESTIONS ............................................................................................................................................68
Mid-Term 1 Question Paper ................................................................................................................................68
Mid-Term 2 Question Paper ................................................................................................................................69
(D) HOME ASSIGNMENTS .........................................................................................................................................36
(E) TUTORIAL QUESTIONS ............................................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
(F) ASSIGNMENT TEST QUESTIONS ..........................................................................................................................70

PRACTICAL COURSE FILE ...................................................................................................................................... 72

COURSE SCHEME & EXAM SCHEME .................................................................................................................................73

COURSE SYLLABUS AND OUTCOMES ADOPTED BY THE INSTITUTE ...........................................................................................78
COURSE OUTCOMES ................................................................................................................................................78
SYLLABUS ....................................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
Pre-requisites ......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
LIST OF EXPERIMENT AS PER UNIVERSITY ............................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
Prescribed experiment list by University ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Practical beyond prescribed list ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
SCHEDULE OF PRACTICAL LIST PERFORMED .......................................................................................................................79


Vision & Mission of

Institute SEM-3rd (ODD)

Vision of Institute:

Initially to seek autonomy and eventually grow the Institute into a renowned University by:
 Imparting the best technical and professional education to the students of the Institute.
 Developing all the Departments of the Institute as Centers of Excellence.
 Creating the most congenial and cordial environment of Teaching, Learning and Research in
the Institute.
 Conceiving world - class Education, Ethics and Employability for students in global

Mission of Institute

To explore and ensure the best environment to transform students into creative, knowledgeable,
principled engineers and managers compatible with their abilities in ever-changing socio-
economic and competitive scenario by:
 Imparting intensive teaching and training through latest technology
 Motivating the teachers for higher learning and innovative research activities with social
 Generating maximum opportunities for placement of students in National, Multi-National
companies and nurturing entrepreneurship quality.
 Producing highly intellectual citizens through technical education to constitute an elegant
society and meeting social challenges.


Vision &Mission Of
Department SEM-3RD (ODD)


To be center of excellence in teaching-learning and employability in various fields of Mechanical

Engineering to produce globally competent, innovative and socially responsible citizen.


1. To offer high quality graduate programs in Mechanical engineering with strong fundamental
knowledges and to prepare students for professional career or higher studies
2. To discover and disseminate knowledge through learning, teaching, sharing, training,
research, engagement and creative expression.
3. To foster spirit of innovation and creativity among students, faculty and staff, promote
environment of growth, participation in conferences, technical and community services and
lifelong learning for all.


Program Education
Objectives SEM-3RD (ODD)

Program Education Objectives

I. The graduates will have strong fundamentals in mathematics, science and engineering so that
they can meet industrial and global challenges and excel in the field of Mechanical
Engineering and also will be motivated to excel in professional career and higher

II. The graduates will have good scientific and engineering breadth to analyze, design and
develop systems/ components, problem-solving skills and aptitude for innovation.

III. The graduates will exhibits leadership qualities with strong communication skills,
competence to function effectively in multi-disciplinary orientation teams, capability to
assess and relate engineering issues to ethical, environmental and broader societal context


Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization for the solution of complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural
sciences, and engineering sciences.

3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and

design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of
information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities,
with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering

solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for
sustainable development.

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader
in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with the society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive
clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Program Specific Outcomes


On successful completion of graduation degree in Mechanical graduates will be able to:

PSO 1-Understand the fundamental and advanced concepts of Mathematics, Science &
Engineering and apply it to design and develop Mechanical Engineering applications in the field
of Aerospace, manufacturing, and Heat analysis in any field.

PSO 2-Learn and comprehend continuously the technological advancements with the usage of
modern design tools to analyze and design variety of complex Heat and Power Engineering

PSO3-Acquire the skills to communicate in both oral and written forms with good Leadership ,
Managerial skill to work either independently or as a team, demonstrating the practice of
professional ethics for sustainable development of society.


Course Scheme& Exam

Scheme SEM-3RD (ODD)



Course Syllabus as per

University SEM- 3RD (odd)


List of Experiments

1- To understand construction and working of various types of boilers.

2- To study the Cochran and Babcock & Wilcox boilers..

3- To study the working and function of mountings and accessories in boilers.

4- To study Two-Stroke & Four-Stroke Diesel Engines.

5- To Study Two-Stroke & Four-Stroke Petrol Engines.

6- To study the vapour compression Refrigeration System and determination of its C.O.P.

7-To study the working of Bomb Calorimeter .


Syllabus Adopted by the

Program SEM-3RD (odd)



The student should have basic knowledge of physics and physical chemistry.

Fundamental Concepts & Definitions:

Thermodynamic definition and scope, Microscopic and Macroscopic approaches. Some practical
applications of engineering thermodynamic Systems, Characteristics of system boundary and
control surface, examples. Thermodynamic properties; definition and units, intensive , extensive
properties, specific properties, pressure, specific volume Thermodynamic state, state point, state
diagram, path and process, quasi-static process, cyclic and non-cyclic; processes; Thermodynamic
equilibrium; definition, mechanical equilibrium; diathermic wall, thermal equilibrium, chemical
equilibrium, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Temperature; concepts, scales, international fixed
points and measurement of temperature. Constant volume gas thermometer, constant pressure
gas thermometer, mercury in glass thermometer
Work and Heat:
Mechanics, definition of work and its limitations. Thermodynamic definition of work; examples,
sign convention. Displacement work; as a part of a system boundary, as a whole of a system
boundary, expressions for displacement work in various processes through p-v diagrams. Shaft
work; Electrical work. Other types of work.Heat;definition, units and sign convention. Problems
First Law of Thermodynamics:
Joules experiments, equivalence of heat and work. Statement of the First law of thermodynamics,
extension of the First law to non - cyclic processes, energy, energy as a property, modes of energy,
Extension of the First law to control volume; steady flow energy equation(SFEE), important
Second Law of Thermodynamics:
limitations of first law of thermodynamics Devices converting heat to work; (a) in a thermodynamic
cycle, (b) in a mechanical cycle. Thermal reservoir, Direct heat engine; schematic representation
and efficiency. Devices converting work to heat in a thermodynamic cycle; reversed heat engine,
schematic representation, coefficients of performance. Kelvin - Planck statement of the Second
law of Thermodynamics; PMM I and PMM II, Clausius statement of Second law of
Thermodynamics, Equivalence of the two statements; Carnot cycle, Carnot principles. Problems
Definitions of a reversible process, reversible heat engine, importance and superiority of a
reversible heat engine and irreversible processes; factors that make a process irreversible,

reversible heat engines. Unresisted expansion, remarks on Carnot’s engine, internal and external
reversibility, Definition of the thermodynamic temperature scale. Problems
Clausius inequality, Statement- proof, Entropy- definition, a property, change of entropy, entropy
as a quantitative test for irreversibility, principle of increase in entropy, , calculation of entropy
using T-ds relations, entropy as a coordinate.
Availability, Irreversibility and General Thermodynamic relations.
Introduction, Availability (Exergy), Unavailable energy, Relation between increase in unavailable
energy and increase in entropy .Maximum work, maximum useful work for a system and control
volume, irreversibility, second law efficiency (effectiveness). Gibbs and Helmholtz functions,
Maxwell relations, Clapeyron equation, Joule Thomson coefficient, general relations for change in
entropy, enthalpy , internal energy and specific heats.
Pure Substances:
P-T and P-V diagrams, triple point and critical points. Sub-cooled liquid, saturated liquid, mixture
of saturated liquid and vapor, saturated vapor and superheated vapor states of pure substance
with water as example. Enthalpy of change of phase (Latent heat).Dryness fraction (quality), T-S
and H-S diagrams, representation of various processes on these diagrams. Steam tables and its
use. Throttling calorimeter, separating and throttling calorimeter.
Ideal gases:
Ideal gas mixtures, Daltons law of partial pressures, Amagat’s law of additive volumes, evaluation
of properties of perfect and ideal gases ,Air- Water mixtures and related properties, Psychrometric
properties, Construction and use of Psychrometric chart.
Real gases –
Introduction , Air water mixture and related properties, Van-der Waal\'s Equation of state, Van-
der Waal's constants in terms of critical properties, Redlich and Kwang equation of state Beattie-
Bridgeman equation , Law of coresponding states, compressibility factor; compressibility chart.
Difference between Ideal and real gases.
1. Nag, P.K., “Engineering Thermodynamics”, 1st Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited
New Delhi, 1993.

2. Russel, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, 2007

3. Hollmann, “Thermodynamics”, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York,1888.

4. Rao, Y.V.C., “Thermodynamics”,4th Edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi,1993.

1. R.K.Rajput, thermal engineering.2017
2. D.S.kumar, S.chand publication , 2015


Compiled List of Review,

Beyond Syllabus and SEM-3TH (ODD)

Unit Review Content Bridging Content Beyond Syllabus

I Review of laws of Zeroth law of Application of First law

thermodynamics. thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics to

engineering appliances
of thermodynamics, second
law of thermodynamics,
third law of
II Brief review of Heat and Work. Heat transfer to the system Application of Second
law of thermodynamics
and surroundings. to engineering

III Brief review Properties of pure P-V and T-S diagram.

substance Enthalpy and entropy Actual Rankine cycle

Brief review of mixing of pure Conservation of mass and Actual cycles – Deviation
substance. energy. from the ideal cycles

Brief Review Steady flow energy Energy equation for heat Rankine cycle and
V exchanger efficiency


Course Outcomes
SEM-3rd (ODD)


CO1- After completing this course , the student will able to apply energy balance to system
and control volume, in situation involving heat and work interactions.
CO2- student can evaluate change in thermodynamic properties of substance.
CO3- The student will be able to evaluate the performance of energy conversion device.
CO4- The students will be able to differentiate between high grade and low grade energies.

This course contributes to the assessment of the following program (student) outcomes:
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
b. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems


Concept Map
SEM-3rd (ODD)


Course Delivery Method

SEM-3rd (ODD)

Name of Subject: Thermodynamics Subject Code: ME3104

Branch: Mechanical Engineering

Course Plan
Delivery Methods: Chalk & Talk, Power Point Presentation, Tutorials, Video Lectures, Analogy, solving
Numerical/Design exercises, Practical, assignments, seminar, Brainstorming, Group
Discussion/Interactive session, Quiz

Coverage of
Unit 1 by: - Chalk & Talk, Power Point Presentation, Tutorials , numerical, Practical, assignments,

Unit 2 by: - Chalk & Talk, Power Point Presentation, Tutorials, solving
Numericals , assignments and Practicals
Unit 3 by: - Chalk & Talk, Tutorials, solving
Numericals, assignments, Practicals
Unit 4 by: - Chalk & Talk, solving Numericals, assignments, Practicals
Unit 5 by: - Chalk & Talk, Power Point Presentation, Tutorials, solving

Method of Evaluation
3.1. Continuous Assessment Examinations (MT-I & II)
3.2. Home Assignments (Assignment1-5)
3.3. Assignment Tests (AT1-3)
3.4. End Semester Examination
3.5. Others (Quiz)


SEM-3rd (ODD)

Mapping of Program Educational Objective and Mission of the Institute:

Key components From PEO 1 PEO 2 PEO 3
Department Mission

The graduates will The graduates will The graduates will

 To offer high quality graduate have strong have good scientific exhibits leadership
programs in Mechanical fundamentals in and Mechanical qualities with strong
engineering with strong mathematics, science engineering breadth communication skills,
fundamental knowledges and and engineering so to analyze, design and competence to function
to prepare students for that they can meet develop systems/ effectively in multi-
professional career or higher industrial and global components, problem- disciplinary orientation
studies. challenges and excel solving skills and teams, capability to
in the field of aptitude for innovation assess and relate
 To disseminate knowledge Mechanical and lifelong learning. engineering issues to
through learning, teaching, Engineering and also ethical, environmental
sharing, training, research, will be motivated to and broader societal
engagement and creative excel in professional context
expression. career and higher
 To foster spirit of innovation
and creativity among students,
faculty and staff, promote
environment of growth,
participation in conferences,
technical and community
services and lifelong learning
for all.

Quality education
√ √

√ √ √
Professional career

Higher education


Innovation and Creativity

Technical and community

Lifelong learning

Mapping of Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes:

Sr. Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
No Outcome
1 CO 1 H H M M H
2 CO 2 H M M
3 CO 3 H H H
4 CO 4 H M H
5 CO 5 H H H
6 CO 6 H H M
*H= High *M= Medium

Course outcome
CO1- After completing this course , the student will able to apply energy balance to system
and control volume, in situation involving heat and work interactions.
CO2- student can evaluate change in thermodynamic properties of substance.
CO3- The student will be able to evaluate the performance of energy conversion device.
CO4- The students will be able to differentiate between high grade and low grade energies.

Mapping of Program Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes:

Program Specific Course Outcomes

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 M H H H H H
2 M M H H H H
3 - - - - - -
*H= High *M= Medium


Time Table
SEM-3rd (ODD)


(9.30- (10.20- (11.10- (12.00- -1.30 (1.30- (2.20- (3.10-
10.20) 11.10) 12.00) 12.50) 2.20) 3.10) 4.00)


Tuesday THERMO

Wednesday THERMO
Thursday THERMO


Lecture Plan of Unit -I


Total Period: 23

Sr. No. of Topics/Sub Topics Reference Books CO Date Sign

No. Periods Covered

2. PROPERTIES R1-10,11 CO1







3 R1-44,45

8 1 PMM-I, Joule’s Experiments R1-69,77 CO2

9 2 First Law of Thermodynamics, Corollaries R1-69,71,72,73 CO2

10 3 First Law Applied to a Process T3- CO2

First Law Applied to a flow system 16

11 2 Steady Flow Energy Equation T3-145,147151 CO2

12 1 Limitations of First Law T3-185-186 CO1,CO2

Signature of Faculty Signature of H.O.D Signature of Principal

1. Nag, P.K., “Engineering Thermodynamics”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited
New Delhi, 2010.

2. Russel, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, 2007

3. Hollmann, “Thermodynamics”, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York,1888.

4. Rao, Y.V.C., “Thermodynamics”,4th Edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi,1993.


1. R.K.Rajput, thermal engineering.2017

2. D.S.kumar, S.chand publication , 2015
3. Mahesh M. Rathore, Thermal engineering, 2011.


Lecture Plan of Unit -II


Total Period: 19

Sr. No. of Topics/Sub Topics Reference CO Date Sign

No. Periods s Books Cover
1. 2 Thermodynamic systems, Second law of R1- CO4
thermodynamics Statements 121,122

2. 2 R1- CO2
T-s diagrams, Reversibility, causes of irreversibility 125,126,12

3. 3 R1-131- CO2
Carnot theorem, Carnot cycle, reversed Carnot cycle

4. 3 R1-120- CO1
Heat engine, refrigerator, and heat pump - difference

5. 2 R1-157- CO1
Clausius inequality, Entropy 159,163,16

6. 1 R1- CO4
Principles of increase in entropy

7. 2 T3- CO4
Available energy, availability 248,250

8. 4 T3-255- CO1
Problem solving
265 CO4

Name & Sign. of Faculty Sign. of H.O.D Sign. of Principal


Lecture Plan of Unit -III


Total Period: 15

Sr. No. of Topics/Sub Topics Reference CO Date Sign

No. Periods Books Covere
1. Thermo dynamic properties of pure substances R1-273-275 CO2
2. 3 Property diagrams R1-278-284 CO2

3. 1 PVT surface of water and other substances R1-279 CO2

4. 4 Calculation of properties R1-285-290 CO2

5. 3 CO1
Introduction – Rankine cycle, R1-438-441

6. 2 R1-442-444 CO1
Rankine efficiency, Net work done – calculations

7. 2 R1-449-457 CO1
Reheat cycle, Regenerative cycle CO2

8. 1 T3-433-434 CO1
Modified Rankine cycle
9. 1 CO1
Solving problems CO2

Name & Sign. Of Faculty Sign. Of H.O.D Sign. Of Principal


Lecture Plan of Unit -IV


Total Period: 21

Sr. No. of Topics/Sub Topics References CO

Date Sign
No. Periods Books Covered
1. 2 Introduction to gas power CO4

2. 2 Introduction to V-C cycle T3-456,457 CO2

3. 2 Brayton cycle R1-522-524 CO2

4. 4 Elementary principles and cycle CO4

of operation – Carnot, Otto R1-504,509,510

5. 2 Elementary principles and cycle CO4

of operation – Diesel, Dual

6. 3 Work done, power developed, CO4

Indicated and brake thermal
efficiency, mechanical T3-332-333
efficiency, overall efficiency,
heat balance calculations

7 4 Solving problems T3-342-361 CO4

Name & Sign. Of Faculty Sign. Of H.O.D Sign. Of Principal


Lecture Plan of Tutorial SEM-3rd (ODD)

Total Period: 13
Tutorial 1

Sr. No. of Topics/Sub Topics Coverage Date

No. Periods
1. 1 Heat and Work transfer

1-An engine cylinder has a piston of area 0.12 m3 and contains gas at a pressure of 1.5 MPa. The gas
expands according to a process which is represented by a straight line on a pressure-volume diagram.
The final pressure is 0.15 MPa. Calculate the work done by the gas on the piston if the stroke is 0.30
2-A mass of 1.5 kg of air is compressed in a quasi-static process from 0.1 MPa to 0.7 MPa for which
pv = constant. The initial density of air is 1.16 kg/m3. Find the work done by the piston to compress
the air.
3- A mass of gas is compressed in a quasi-static process from 80 kPa, 0.1 m3 to 0.4 MPa, 0.03 m3.
Assuming that the pressure and volume are related by pvn = constant, find the work done by the gas
4- Determine the total work done by a gas system following an expansion process as shown in

5-If a gas of volume 6000 cm3 and at pressure of 100 kPa is compressed quasistatically according to
pV2 = constant until the volume becomes 2000 cm3, determine the final pressure and the work

Name & Sign. Of Faculty Sign. Of H.O.D Sign. Of Principal


Lecture Plan of Tutorial SEM-5TH (ODD)

Tutorial 2

Sr. No. of Topics/Sub Topics Coverage Date

No. Periods
1. 1 First law of thermodynamics.

1-In a cyclic process, heat transfers are + 14.7 kJ, – 25.2 kJ, – 3.56 kJ and + 31.5 kJ. What is the net
work for this cyclic process?

2-A slow chemical reaction takes place in a fluid at the constant pressure of 0.1 MPa. The fluid is
surrounded by a perfect heat insulator during the reaction which begins at state 1 and ends at state
3- The insulation is then removed and 105 kJ of heat flow to the surroundings as the fluid goes to
state 3. The following data are observed for the fluid at states 1, 2
and 3. State v (m3) t (°C)
1- 0.003 20
2- 0.3 370
3- 0.06 20
For the fluid system, calculate E2 and E3, if E1 = 0

4-During one cycle the working fluid in an engine engages in two work interactions: 15 kJ to the fluid
and 44 kJ from the fluid, and three heat interactions, two of which are known: 75 kJ to the fluid and
40 kJ from the fluid. Evaluate the magnitude and direction of the third heat

5-A domestic refrigerator is loaded with food and the door closed. During a certain period the
machine consumes 1 kWh of energy and the internal energy of the system drops by 5000 kJ. Find the
net heat transfer for the system.
6- 1.5 kg of liquid having a constant specific heat of 2.5 kJ/kg K is stirred in a well-insulated chamber
causing the temperature to rise by 15°C. Find Δ E and W for the process..
7-A system composed of 2 kg of the above fluid expands in a frictionless piston and cylinder machine
from an initial state of 1 MPa, 100°C to a final temperature of 30°C. If there is no heat transfer, find
the net work for the process.

Name & Sign. Of Faculty Sign. Of H.O.D Sign. Of Principal


Lecture Plan of Tutorial SEM-3rd (ODD)

Tutorial 3

Sr. No. of Topics/Sub Topics Coverage Date

No. Periods
1. 1 Steady flow process

1-A blower handles 1 kg/s of air at 20°C and consumes a power of 15 kW. The inlet and outlet velocities
of air are 100 m/s and 150 m/s respectively. Find the exit air temperature, assuming adiabatic conditions.
Take cp of air is 1.005 kJ/kg-K.
2-A turbine operates under steady flow conditions, receiving steam at the following state: Pressure 1.2 MPa,
temperature 188°C, enthalpy 2785 kJ/kg, velocity 33.3 m/s and elevation 3 m. The steam leaves the turbine
at the following state: Pressure 20 kPa, enthalpy 2512 kJ/kg, velocity 100 m/s, and elevation 0 m. Heat is
lost to the surroundings at the rate of 0.29 kJ/s. If the rate of steam flow through the turbine is 0.42 kg/s,
what is the power output of the turbine in kW?
3-A nozzle is a device for increasing the velocity of a steadily flowing stream. At the inlet to a certain
nozzle, the enthalpy of the fluid passing is 3000 kJ/kg and the velocity is 60 m/s. At the discharge end, the
enthalpy is 2762 kJ/kg. The nozzle is horizontal and there is negligible heat loss from it.
(a) Find the velocity at exists from the nozzle.
(b) If the inlet area is 0.1 m2 and the specific volume at inlet is 0.187 m3/kg, find the mass flow rate.
(c) If the specific volume at the nozzle exit is 0.498 m3/kg, find the exit area of the nozzle.
4-A turbo compressor delivers 2.33 m3/s at 0.276 MPa, 43°C which is heated at this pressure to 430°C and
finally expanded in a turbine which delivers 1860 kW. During the expansion, there is a heat transfer of 0.09
MJ/s to the surroundings. Calculate the turbine exhaust temperature if changes in kinetic and potential
energy are negligible.
5-A reciprocating air compressor takes in 2 m3/min at 0.11 MPa, 20°C which it delivers at 1.5 MPa, 111°C
to an aftercooler where the air is cooled at constant pressure to 25°C. The power absorbed by the compressor
is 4.15 kW. Determine the heat transfer in
(a) The compressor
(b) The cooler
6-An air turbine forms part of an aircraft refrigerating plant. Air at a pressure of 295 kPa and a temperature
of 58°C flows steadily into the turbine with a velocity of 45 m/s. The air leaves the turbine at a pressure of
115 kPa, a temperature of 2°C, and a velocity of 150 m/s. The shaft work delivered by the turbine is 54
kJ/kg of air. Neglecting changes in elevation, determine the magnitude and sign of the heat transfer per unit
mass of air flowing. For air, take cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K and the enthalpy h = cp t.

Name & Sign. Of Faculty Sign. Of H.O.D Sign. Of Principal


Lecture Plan of Tutorial SEM-3rd (ODD)

Tutorial 4

Coverage Date
Sr. No. of Topics/Sub Topics
No. Periods
1. 1 Second law of thermodynamics .

1-An inventor claims to have developed an engine that takes in 105 MJ at a temperature of 400 K, rejects 42 MJ at a
temperature of 200 K, and delivers 15 kWh of mechanical work. Would you advise investing money to put this engine
in the market?
2-If a refrigerator is used for heating purposes in winter so that the atmosphere becomes the cold body and the room
to be heated becomes the hot body, how much heat would be available for heating for each kW input to the driving
motor? The COP of the refrigerator is 5, and the electromechanical efficiency of the motor is 90%. How does this
compare with resistance heating?
3-A household refrigerator is maintained at a temperature of 2°C. Every time the door is opened, warm material is
placed inside, introducing an average of 420 kJ, but making only a small change in the temperature of the refrigerator.
The door is opened 20 times a day, and the refrigerator operates at 15% of the ideal COP. The cost of work is Rs. 2.50
per kWh. What is the monthly bill for this refrigerator? The atmosphere is at 30°C.
4-A heat pump working on the Carnot cycle takes in heat from a reservoir at 5°C and delivers heat to a reservoir at
60°C. The heat pump is driven by a reversible heat engine which takes in heat from a reservoir at 840°C and rejects
heat to a reservoir at 60°C. The reversible heat engine also drives a machine that absorbs 30 kW. If the heat pump
extracts 17 kJ/s
from the 5°C reservoir, determine
(a) The rate of heat supply from the 840°C source
(b) The rate of heat rejection to the 60°C sink.
5- A heat engine is used to drive a heat pump. The heat transfers from the heat engine and from the heat pump are
used to heat the water circulating through the radiators of a building. The efficiency of the heat engine is 27% and the
COP of the heat pump is 4. Evaluate the ratio of the heat transfer to the circulating water to the heat transfer to the
heat engine.
6- If 20 kJ are added to a Carnot cycle at a temperature of 100°C and 14.6 kJ are rejected at 0°C, determine the
location of absolute zero on the Celsius scale.
7- Two reversible heat engines A and B are arranged in series, A rejecting heat directly to B. Engine A receives 200
kJ at a temperature of 421°C from a hot source, while engine B is in communication with a cold sink at a temperature
of 4.4°C. If the work output of A is twice that of B, find (a) The intermediate temperature between A and B (b) The
efficiency of each engine (c) The heat rejected to the cold sink

Name & Sign. Of Faculty Sign. Of H.O.D Sign. Of Principal


Lecture Plan of Tutorial SEM-3rd (ODD)

Tutorial 6

Sr. No. of Topics/Sub Topics CoverageDate

Batch A Batch B Sign
No. Periods
1. 1 Entropy
1-The latent heat of fusion of water at 0°C is 335 kJ/kg. How much does the entropy of 1 kg of ice change
as it melts into water in each of the following ways: (a) Heat is supplied reversibly to a mixture of ice and
water at 0°C. (b) A mixture of ice and water at 0°C is stirred by a paddle wheel.
2- Two kg of water at 80°C are mixed adiabatically with 3 kg of water at 30°C in a constant pressure process
of 1 atmosphere. Find the increase in the entropy of the total mass of water due to the mixing process (cp
of water = 4.187 kJ/kg K).
3-Water is heated at a constant pressure of 0.7 MPa. The boiling point is 164.97°C. The initial temperature
of water is 0°C. The latent heat of evaporation is 2066.3 kJ/kg. Find the increase of entropy of water, if the
final state is steam.
4-Ten grammes of water at 20°C is converted into ice at –10°C at constant atmospheric pressure. Assuming
the specific heat of liquid water to remain constant at 4.2 J/gK and that of ice to be half of this value, and
taking the latent heat of fusion of ice at 0°C to be 335 J/g, calculate the total entropy change of the system.
5-Calculate the entropy change of the universe as a result of the following processes:
(a) A copper block of 600 g mass and with Cp of 150 J/K at 100°C is placed in a lake at 8°C.
(b) The same block, at 8°C, is dropped from a height of 100 m into the lake.
(c) Two such blocks, at 100 and 0°C, are joined together.
6-A reversible engine, as shown in Figure during a cycle of operations draws 5 MJ from the 400 K reservoir
and does 840 kJ of work. Find the amount and direction of heat interaction with other reservoirs.

Name & Sign. Of Faculty Sign. Of H.O.D Sign. Of Principal


Lecture Plan of Tutorial

SEM-3rd (ODD)

Tutorial 7

Sr. No. of Topics/Sub Topics Coverage Date

No. Periods
1. 1 Properties of pure substances

1-A rigid vessel of volume 0.86 m3 contains 1 kg of steam at a pressure of 2 bar. Evaluate the
specific volume, temperature, dryness fraction, internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy of steam.
2-Ten kg of water at 45°C is heated at a constant pressure of 10 bar until it becomes superheated
vapour at 300°C. Find the change in volume, enthalpy, internal energy and entropy.
3-A rigid closed tank of volume 3 m3 contains 5 kg of wet steam at a pressure of 200 kPa. The
tank is heated until the steam becomes dry saturated. Determine the final pressure and the heat
transfer to the tank.
4-Steam flows through a small turbine at the rate of 5000 kg/h entering at 15 bar, 300°C and
leaving at 0.1 bar with 4% moisture. The steam enters at 80 m/s at a point 2 in above the discharge
and leaves at 40 m/s. Compute the shaft power assuming that the device is adiabatic but
considering kinetic and potential energy changes. How much error would be made if these terms
were neglected? Calculate the diameters of the inlet and discharge tubes..
5-A sample of steam from a boiler drum at 3 MPa is put through a throttling calorimeter in which
the pressure and temperature are found to be 0.1 MPa, 120°C. Find the quality of the sample taken
from the boiler.
6-A reversible polytropic process, begins with steam at p1 = 10 bar, t1 = 200°C, and ends with p2
= 1 bar. The exponent n has the value 1.15. Find the final specific volume, the final temperature,
and the heat transferred per kg of fluid.
7-A mass of wet steam at temperature 165°C is expanded at constant quality 0.8 to pressure 3 bar.
It is then heated at constant pressure to a degree of superheat of 66.5°C. Find the enthalpy and
entropy changes during expansion and during heating. Draw the T–s and h–s diagrams.

Name & Sign. Of Faculty Sign. Of H.O.D Sign. Of Principal


Lecture Plan of Tutorial SEM-3rd (ODD)

Tutorial 8

Sr. No. of Topics/Sub Topics Coverage Date

No. Periods
1. 1 Basic thermodynamic cycle

1- In a steam power cycle, the steam supply is at 15 bar and dry and saturated. The condenser pressure is
0.4 bar. Calculate the Carnot and Rankine efficiencies of the cycle. Neglect pump work.

2- In a steam turbine steam at 20 bar, 360°C is expanded to 0.08 bar. It then enters a condenser, where it is
condensed to saturated liquid water. The pump feeds back the water into the boiler. Assume ideal processes,
find per kg of steam the net work and the cycle efficiency.

3- A simple Rankine cycle works between pressures 28 bar and 0.06 bar, the initial condition of steam being
dry saturated. Calculate the cycle efficiency, work ratio and specific steam consumption..

4-A Carnot engine working between 400°C and 40°C produces 130 kJ of work. Determine : (i) The engine
thermal efficiency. (ii) The heat added. (iii) The entropy changes during heat rejection process.

5- Air enters the compressor of a gas turbine plant operating on Brayton cycle at 101.325 kPa, 27°C. The
pressure ratio in the cycle is 6. Calculate the maximum temperature in the cycle and the cycle efficiency.
Assume WT = 2.5 WC , where WT and WC are the turbine and the compressor work respectively. Take
γ = 1.4

6- A gas turbine is supplied with gas at 5 bar and 1000 K and expands it adiabatically to 1 bar. The mean
specific heat at constant pressure and constant volume are 1.0425 kJ/kg K and 0.7662 kJ/kg K respectively.
(i) Draw the temperature-entropy diagram to represent the processes of the simple gas turbine system. (ii)
Calculate the power developed in kW per kg of gas per second and the exhaust gas temperature.

Name & Sign. Of Faculty Sign. Of H.O.D Sign. Of Principal


1 SEM-3rd (ODD)

Home Assignments
Topic- work and heat transfer
1- Convert the following readings of pressure to kPa assuming that barometer reads 760 mm of Hg.
(i) 80 cm of Hg (ii) 30 cm Hg vacuum (iii) 1.35 m H2O gauge (iv) 4.2 bar.
2- A temperature scale of certain thermometer is given by the relation t = a ln p + b where a and b are
constants and p is the thermometric property of the fluid in the thermometer. If at the ice point and
steam point the thermometric properties are found to be 1.5 and 7.5 respectively what will be the
temperature corresponding to the thermometric property of 3.5 on Celsius scale.
3- The properties of a closed system change following the relation between pressure and volume as
pV = 3.0 where p is in bar V is in m3. Calculate the work done when the pressure increases from
1.5 bar to 7.5 bar.
4- A fluid at a pressure of 3 bar, and with specific volume of 0.18 m3/kg, contained in a cylinder
behind a piston exapnds reversibly to a pressure of 0.6 bar according to a
law, p = C/ v2 where C is a constant. Calculate the work done by the fluid on the piston.
5- Gas from a cylinder of compressed helium is used to inflate an inelastic flexible balloon, originally
folded completely flat, to a volume 0.6 m3. If the barometer reads 760 mm Hg, what is the amount
of work done upon the atmosphere by the balloon ? Sketch the system before and after the process.
6- To a closed system 150 kJ of work is supplied. If the initial volume is 0.6 m3 and pressure of
the system changes as p = 8 – 4V, where p is in bar and V is in m3, determine the final volume and
pressure of the system.
7- 1 kg of a fluid is compressed reversibly according to a law pv = 0.25 where p is in bar and v is in
m3/kg. The final volume is 1/4 of the initial volume. Calculate the work done on the fluid and
sketch the process on a p-v diagram.
8- A certain fluid at 10 bar is contained in a cylinder behind a piston, the initial volume being 0.05 m
3. Calculate the work done by the fluid when it expands reversibly, (a) At constant pressure to
final volume of 0.2 m3 ; (b) According to linear law to final volume of 0.2 m3 and a final pressure
of 2 bar ; (c) According to a law pV = constant to a final volume of 0.1 m 3 ; (d) According to law
pV3 = constant to a final volume of 0.06 m3. Sketch all processes on p-V diagram


2 SEM-3rd (ODD)

Topic - (First law of thermodynamics for closed system)

1- In an internal combustion engine, during the compression stroke the heat rejected to the cooling
water is 50 kJ/kg and the work input is 100 kJ/kg. Calculate the change in internal energy of the
working fluid stating whether it is a gain or loss.
2- When a stationary mass of gas was compressed without friction at constant pressure its initial state
of 0.4 m3 and 0.105 MPa was found to change to final state of 0.20 m3 and 0.105 MPa. There was
a transfer of 42.5 kJ of heat from the gas during the process.
3- A cylinder containing the air comprises the system. Cycle is completed as follows : (i) 82000 N-m
of work is done by the piston on the air during compression stroke and 45 kJ of heat are rejected to
the surroundings. (ii) During expansion stroke 100000 N-m of work is done by the air on the piston.
Calculate the quantity of heat added to the system.
4- A tank containing air is stirred by a paddle wheel. The work input to the paddle wheel is 9000 kJ
and the heat transferred to the surroundings from the tank is 3000 kJ. Determine : (i) Work done ;
(ii) Change in internal energy of the system.
5- The power developed by a turbine in a certain steam plant is 1200 kW. The heat supplied to the
steam in the boiler is 3360 kJ/kg, the heat rejected by the system to cooling water in the condenser
is 2520 kJ/kg and the feed pump work required to pump the condensate back into the boiler is 6
kW. Calculate the steam flow round the cycle in kg/s
6- 1 kg of gaseous CO2 contained in a closed system undergoes a reversible process at constant
pressure. During this process 42 kJ of internal energy is decreased. Determine the work done during
the process. Take cp = 840 J/kg°C and cv = 600 J/kg°C.
7- 90 kJ of heat are supplied to a system at a constant volume. The system rejects 95 kJ of heat at
constant pressure and 18 kJ of work is done on it. The system is brought to original state by
adiabatic process. Determine : (i) The adiabatic work ; (ii) The values of internal energy at all end
states if initial value is 105 kJ.
8- A cylinder contains 0.45 m3 of a gas at 1 × 105 N/m2 and 80°C. The gas is compressed to a volume
of 0.13 m3, the final pressure being 5 × 105 N/m2. Determine : (i) The mass of gas ; (ii) The value
of index ‘n’ for compression ; (iii) The increase in internal energy of the gas ; (iv) The heat received
or rejected by the gas during compression. Take γ = 1.4, R = 294.2 J/kg°C.
9- 0.15 m3 of an ideal gas at a pressure of 15 bar and 550 K is expanded isothermally to 4 times the
initial volume. It is then cooled to 290 K at constant volume and then compressed back
polytropically to its initial state. Calculate the net work done and heat transferred during the cycle.



Topic- (Steady flow devices)

1- 10 kg of fluid per minute goes through a reversible steady flow process. The properties of
fluid at the inlet are : p1 = 1.5 bar, ρ1 = 26 kg/m3, C1 = 110 m/s and u1 = 910 kJ/kg and
at the exit are p2 = 5.5 bar, ρ2 = 5.5 kg/m3, C2 = 190 m/s and u2 = 710 kJ/kg. During the
passage, the fluid rejects 55 kJ/s and rises through 55 metres. Determine : (i) The change
in enthalpy (∆ h) ; (ii) Work done during the process (W).
2- In a gas turbine unit, the gases flow through the turbine is 15 kg/s and the power developed
by the turbine is 12000 kW. The enthalpies of gases at the inlet and outlet are 1260 kJ/kg
and 400 kJ/kg respectively, and the velocity of gases at the inlet and outlet are 50 m/s
and 110 m/s respectively. Calculate : (i) The rate at which heat is rejected to the turbine,
and (ii) The area of the inlet pipe given that the specific volume of the gases at the inlet
is 0.45 m3/kg.
3- In a steam plant, 1 kg of water per second is supplied to the boiler. The enthalpy and
velocity of water entering the boiler are 800 kJ/kg and 5 m/s. The water receives 2200
kJ/kg of heat in the boiler at constant pressure. The steam after passing through the turbine
comes out with a velocity of 50 m/s, and its enthalpy is 2520 kJ/kg. The inlet is 4 m above
the turbine exit. Assuming the heat losses from the boiler and the turbine to the
surroundings are 20 kJ/s, calculate the power developed by the turbine. Consider the boiler
and turbine as single system.
4- A turbine, operating under steady-flow conditions, receives 4500 kg of steam per hour. The
steam enters the turbine at a velocity of 2800 m/min, an elevation of 5.5 m and a specific
enthalpy of 2800 kJ/kg. It leaves the turbine at a velocity of 5600 m/min, an elevation of
1.5 m and a specific enthalpy of 2300 kJ/kg. Heat losses from the turbine to the
surroundings amount to 16000 kJ/h.
5- Steam at a 6.87 bar, 205°C, enters in an insulated nozzle with a velocity of 50 m/s. It leaves
at a pressure of 1.37 bar and a velocity of 500 m/s. Determine the final enthalpy of steam.
6- 12 kg of air per minute is delivered by a centrifugal air compressor. The inlet and outlet
conditions of air are C1 = 12 m/s, p1 = 1 bar, v1 = 0.5 m3/kg and C2 = 90 m/s, p2 = 8 bar,
v2 = 0.14 m3/kg. The increase in enthalpy of air passing through the compressor is 150
kJ/kg and heat loss to the surroundings is 700 kJ/min. Find : (i) Motor power required to
drive the compressor ; (ii) Ratio of inlet to outlet pipe diameter. Assume that inlet and
discharge lines are at the same level.



Topic- (properties of pure substance)

1- Find the dryness fraction, specific volume and internal energy of steam at 7 bar and
enthalpy 2550 kJ/kg .
2- Calculate the internal energy per kg of superheated steam at a pressure of 10 bar and a
temperature of 300°C. Also find the change of internal energy if this steam is expanded to
1.4 bar and dryness fraction 0.8.
3- Find the internal energy of 1 kg of steam at 20 bar when (i) it is superheated, its temperature
being 400°C ; (ii) it is wet, its dryness being 0.9. Assume superheated steam to behave as
a perfect gas from the commencement of superheating and thus obeys Charle’s law.
Specific heat for steam = 2.3 kJ/kg K.
4- Two boilers one with superheater and other without superheater are delivering equal
quantities of steam into a common main. The pressure in the boilers and main is 20 bar.
The temperature of steam from a boiler with a superheater is 350°C and temperature of the
steam in the main is 250°C. Determine the quality of steam supplied by the other boiler.
Take Cps = 2.25 kJ/kg.
5- Steam enters an engine at a pressure 10 bar absolute and 400°C. It is exhausted at 0.2 bar.
The steam at exhaust is 0.9 dry. Find : (i) Drop in enthalpy ; (ii) Change in entropy.
6- A piston-cylinder contains 3 kg of wet steam at 1.4 bar. The initial volume is 2.25 m3. The
steam is heated until its temperature reaches 400°C . The piston is free to move up or down
unless it reaches the stops at the top. When the piston is up against the stops the cylinder
volume is 4.65 m3. Determine the amount of work and heat transfer to or from steam.
7- A throttling calorimeter is used to measure the dryness fraction of the steam in the steam
main which has steam flowing at a pressure of 8 bar. The steam after passing through the
calorimeter is at 1 bar pressure and 115°C. Calculate the dryness fraction of the steam in
the main. Take Cps = 2.1 kJ/kg K.


5 SEM-3rd (ODD)

Topic- (Second law of thermodynamics , Entropy)

1- A heat engine receives heat at the rate of 1500 kJ/min and gives an output of 8.2 kW.
Determine : (i) The thermal efficiency ; (ii) The rate of heat rejection.
2- A domestic food refrigerator maintains a temperature of – 12°C. The ambient air
temperature is 35°C. If heat leaks into the freezer at the continuous rate of 2 kJ/s
determine the least power necessary to pump this heat out continuously.
3- A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs at temperatures 700°C and
50°C. The engine drives a reversible refrigerator which operates between reservoirs
at temperatures of 50°C and – 25°C. The heat transfer to the engine is 2500 kJ and
the net work output of the combined engine refrigerator plant is 400 kJ. (i) Determine
the heat transfer to the refrigerant and the net heat transfer to the reservoir at 50°C
; (ii) Reconsider (i) given that the efficiency of the heat engine and the C.O.P. of the
refrigerator are each 45 per cent of their maximum possible values.
4- (i) A reversible heat pump is used to maintain a temperature of 0°C in a refrigerator
when it rejects the heat to the surroundings at 25°C. If the heat removal rate from the
refrigerator is 1440 kJ/min, determine the C.O.P. of the machine and work input
required. (ii) If the required input to run the pump is developed by a reversible engine
which receives heat at 380°C and rejects heat to atmosphere, then determine the
overall C.O.P. of the system.
5- Two Carnot engines work in series between the source and sink temperatures of 550
K and 350 K. If both engines develop equal power determine the intermediate
6- An iron cube at a temperature of 400°C is dropped into an insulated bath containing
10 kg water at 25°C. The water finally reaches a temperature of 50°C at steady state.
Given that the specific heat of water is equal to 4186 J/kg K. Find the entropy changes
for the iron cube and the water
7- An ideal gas is heated from temperature T1 to T2 by keeping its volume constant. The
gas is expanded back to its initial temperature according to the law pvn = constant. If
the entropy change in the two processes are equal, find the value of n in terms of the
adiabatic index γ.
8- Air at 20°C and 1.05 bar occupies 0.025 m3. The air is heated at constant volume until
the pressure is 4.5 bar, and then cooled at constant pressure back to original
temperature. Calculate : (i) The net heat flow from the air. (ii) The net entropy
change. Sketch the process on T-s diagram.

9- 0.04 m3 of nitrogen contained in a cylinder behind a piston is initially at 1.05 bar and
15°C. The gas is compressed isothermally and reversibly until the pressure is 4.8 bar.
Calculate : (i) The change of entropy, (ii) The heat flow, and (iii) The work done.
Sketch the process on a p-v and T-s diagram. Assume nitrogen to act as a perfect gas.
Molecular weight of nitrogen = 28.
10- Calculate the change of entropy of 1 kg of air expanding polytropically in a cylinder
behind a piston from 7 bar and 600°C to 1.05 bar. The index of expansion is 1.25.
11- An insulated cylinder of volume capacity 4 m3 contains 20 kg of nitrogen. Paddle
work is done on the gas by stirring it till the pressure in the vessel gets increased from
4 bar to 8 bar. Determine : (i) Change in internal energy, (ii) Work done, (iii) Heat
transferred, and (iv) Change in entropy. Take for nitrogen : cp = 1.04 kJ/kg K, and
cv = 0.7432 kJ/kg K.
12- .1.2 m3 of air is heated reversibly at constant pressure from 300 K to 600 K, and is
then cooled reversibly at constant volume back to initial temperature. If the initial
pressure is 1 bar, calculate : (i) The net heat flow. (ii) The overall change in entropy.
Represent the processes on T-S plot. Take cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K and R = 0.287 kJ/kg K.
13- The connections of a reversible engine to three sources at 500 K, 400 K and 300 K are
shown in Fig. 5.46. It draws 1500 kJ/min of energy from the source at 800 K and
develops 200 kJ/min of work. (i) Determine the heat interactions with the other two
sources of heat. (ii) Evaluate the entropy change due to each heat interaction with the
engine. (iii) Total entropy change during the cycle.


6 SEM-3rd (ODD)

Topic- Basic thermodynamic cycle

1- A simple Rankine cycle works between pressure of 30 bar and 0.04 bar, the initial
condition of steam being dry saturated, calculate the cycle efficiency, work ratio and
specific steam consumption.
2- A steam power plant works between 40 bar and 0.05 bar. If the steam supplied is dry
saturated and the cycle of operation is Rankine, find : (i) Cycle efficiency (ii) Specific
steam consumption.
3- In a Rankine cycle, the steam at inlet to turbine is saturated at a pressure of 30 bar
and the exhaust pressure is 0.25 bar. Determine : (i) The pump work (ii) Turbine
work (iii) Rankine efficiency (iv) Condenser heat flow (v) Dryness at the end of
expansion. Assume flow rate of 10 kg/s.
4- In a gas turbine the compressor is driven by the high pressure turbine. The exhaust
from the high pressure turbine goes to a free low pressure turbine which runs the
load. The air flow rate is 20 kg/s and the minimum and maximum temperatures are
respectively 300 K and 1000 K. The compressor pressure ratio is 4. Calculate the
pressure ratio of the low pressure turbine and the temperature of exhaust gases from
the unit. The compressor and turbine are isentropic. Cp of air and exhaust gases = 1
kJ/kg K and γ = 1.4.
5- A Carnot engine working between 377°C and 37°C produces 120 kJ of work.
Determine : (i) The heat added in kJ. (ii) The entropy change during heat rejection
process. (iii) The engine thermal efficiency.
6- In an air standard gas turbine engine, air at a temperature of 15°C and a pressure of
1.01 bar enters the compressor, where it is compressed through a pressure ratio of 5.
Air enters the turbine at a temperature of 815°C and expands to original pressure of
1.01 bar. Determine the ratio of turbine work to compressor work and the thermal
efficiency when the engine operates on ideal Brayton cycle. Take : γ = 1.4, cp = 1.005
kJ/kg K.
7- A gas turbine has a pressure ratio of 6/1 and a maximum cycle temperature of 600°C.
The isentropic efficiencies of the compressor and turbine are 0.82 and 0.85
respectively. Calculate the power output in kilowatts of an electric generator geared
to the turbine when the air enters the compressor at 15°C at the rate of 15 kg/s. Take
: cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K and γ = 1.4 for the compression process, and take cp = 1.11 kJ/kg
K and γ = 1.333 for the expansion process.

8- Find the least power of a perfect reversed heat engine that makes 400 kg of ice per
hour at – 8°C from feed water at 18°C. Assume specific heat of ice as 2.09 kJ/kg K
and latent heat 334 kJ/kg.
9- A simple vapour compression plant produces 5 tonnes of refrigeration. The enthalpy
values at inlet to compressor, at exit from the compressor, and at exit from the
condenser are 183.19, 209.41 and 74.59 kJ/kg respectively. Estimate : (i) The
refrigerant flow rate, (ii) The C.O.P., (iii) The power required to drive the
compressor, and (iv) The rate of heat rejection to the condenser.


SEM-3rd (ODD)

(a) Main Exam Question Paper


SEM-3rd (ODD)

(b) Teacher Assessment Tool

Brainstorming Question
1- Which of the following is the extensive property of a thermodynamic system ? (a) Pressure (b)
Volume (c) Temperature (d) Density.
2- The temperature at which the volume of a gas becomes zero is called (a) absolute scale of
temperature (b) absolute zero temperature (c) absolute temperature (d) none of the above.
3- During throttling process (a) internal energy does not change (b) pressure does not change (c)
entropy does not change (d) enthalpy does not change (e) volume change is negligible.
4- Work done in a free expansion process is (a) zero (b) minimum (c) maximum (d) positive (e)
5- When the gas is heated at constant pressure, the heat supplied (a) increases the internal energy
of the gas (b) increases the temperature of the gas (c) does some external work during
expansion (d) both (b) and (c) (e) none of the above.
6- For any irreversible process the net entropy change is (a) zero (b) positive (c) negative (d)
infinite (e) unity.
7- The processes of a Carnot cycle are (a) two adiabatic and two constant volume (b) one constant
volume and one constant pressure and two isentropic (c) two adiabatic and two isothermals (d)
two constant volumes and two isothermals (e) two isothermals and two isentropic.
8- Kelvin-Planck’s law deals with (a) conservation of energy (b) conservation of heat (c)
conservation of mass (d) conversion of heat into work (e) conversion of work into heat.
9- The entropy may be expressed as a function of (a) pressure and temperature (b) temperature
and volume (c) heat and work (d) all of the above (e) none of the above.
10- The main cause for the irreversibility is (a) mechanical and fluid friction (b) unrestricted
expansion (c) heat transfer with a finite temperature difference (d) all of the above.
11- Rankine cycle comprises of (a) two isentropic processes and two constant volume processes (b)
two isentropic processes and two constant pressure processes (c) two isothermal processes and
two constant pressure processes (d) none of the above.


SEM-3rd (ODD)

(c) Mid-Term Questions

Mid-Term 1 Question Paper
Guru Gobind Singh Educational Society’s Technical Campus, Bokaro
B.Tech 3rd Semester Mid-Term I Examination, July-Nov. 2018
Mechanical Engineering Department
Max. Marks- 20
Time: 2 Hours

Note:All questions carry equal marks. Attempt any five questions.

Q1:- (a)- Define system , surroundings and boundary with neat sketch.

(b)- define state , process and path.

Q2:- prove that energy is a property.

Q3:- Show that in a polytropic process heat transfer δq= δWpoly .

Q4:- Calculate non flow work done for a gas which expands from initial pressure 5 bar and volume
4 m3 to a final volume 20 m3 under the following reversible process. (a) PV=C
(b) PVϒ=C (C) P=C . where ϒ= 1.4
Q5:- A fluid expands reversibly behind a piston from initial condition of pressure 600 KPa &
volume 0.03 m3 to a final volume of 0.09 m3 . Presuming isothermal condition, estimate the work
done , change in internal energy and heat transfer by the fluid system.
Q6:- In a gas turbine the air enters at the rate of 5 Kg/s with a velocity of 50 m/s and enthalpy
of 900 KJ/kg & leaves the turbine with a velocity of 150 m/s & enthalpy of 400 KJ/Kg. The loss
of heat from the gas to the surrounding is 25 KJ/Kg. The inlet condition to be 100 KPa & 27 ℃ .
determine power output of turbine and the dia of inlet pipe.
Q7:- 60 liters of an ideal gas at 290 K & 1 bar is compressed adiabatically to 10 bar. It is then
cooled at constant volume and further expanded isothermally so as to reach the condition from
where it started. Evaluate (a) pressure at the end of constant volume cooling, (b) change in internal
energy during constant volume process in KJ, (c) net work done during the cycle. Take Cp= 14.25
KJ/Kg-K , Cv= 10.15 KJ/Kg-K.


SEM-3rd (ODD)

Mid-Term 2 Question Paper

Guru Gobind Singh Educational Society’s Technical Campus, Bokaro
B.Tech 3rd Semester Mid-Term I Examination, July-Nov. 2018
Mechanical Engineering Department
Max. Marks- 20
Time: 2 Hours

Note: All questions carry equal marks. Attempt any five questions.

Q1:- (a)- Define intensive and extensive properties with example.

(b)- Differentiate between open system and closed system.

Q2:- prove that heat transfer is a path function.

Q3:- Show that polytropic specific heat Cpoly= Cv .

Q4:- The pressure volume co-relation for a non-flow reversible process is given by P= (8-4V) bar
, where V is in m3. If 150 KJ of work is supplied to the system , determine the final pressure and
volume of the system. Take initial volume as 0.6 m3 .
Q5:- 0.5 Kg of an ideal gas expands adiabatically until its pressure is halved. During expansion
the gas does 30 KJ of external work and its temperature falls from 500 K to 410 K. Calculate
adiabatic index and gas constant.
Q6:- A perfect gas flows through a nozzle where it expands in a reversible adiabatic manner. The
inlet condition are 22 bar, 500 ℃, 38 m/s . At exit the pressure is 2 bar. Determine the exit velocity
and exit area if the flow rate is 4 Kg/s.
Q7:- 60 liters of an ideal gas at 290 K & 1 bar is compressed adiabatically to 10 bar. It is then
cooled at constant volume and further expanded isothermally so as to reach the condition from
where it started. Evaluate (a) pressure at the end of constant volume cooling, (b) change in internal
energy during constant volume process in KJ, (c) net work done during the cycle. Take Cp= 14.25
KJ/Kg-K , Cv= 10.15 KJ/Kg-K.


SEM-3rd (ODD)

(D) Assignment Test Questions

1. Define thermodynamic system, surrounding, boundary with an example.
2. State the types of thermodynamic systems with 2 examples from each.
3. State the difference between macroscopic & microscopic approach.
4. Define state, path, process, cycle with a p – v diagram.
5. State the difference between extensive & intensive properties.
6. What is thermodynamic equilibrium?
7. Define quasi static process.
8. State the difference between point function & path function.
9. What is the difference between thermal & thermodynamic equilibrium?
10. State the difference between reversible & irreversible process.

1- Derive expression for displacement work done with a neat sketch.
2- What are the conditions for work done to be ∫ pdV .
3- What are the different modes of heat transfer?
4- State some similarities & dissimilarities between work & heat.
5- What is free expansion process ?
6- Derive an equation for work done during polytropic process.
7- Define specific heat, sp. Heat at constant pressure & sp. Heat at constant volume.
8- On a same p – v diagram represent isobaric, isochoric, isothermal, adiabatic processes.

1. What are the conditions for an ideal gas?
2. What is compressible factor? What is its value for ideal gas?
3. State the difference between mole fraction & mass fraction.
4. What is the difference between universal gas constant & characteristic gas constant ?
5. What do you mean bt isentropic process.
6. Show that for adiabatic process pVΥ = Constant.
7. Show, cp / c v = Υ.
8. By satisfying which conditions a real gas can become an ideal gas?

1. What is flow process? What is the difference between steady flow process & unsteady flow process?
2. What is flow work & flow energy?

3. Derive the mass balance & energy balance equation for control volume system with one inlet & one outlet
through which fluid flows steadily .
4. State the difference between nozzle & diffuser. Write their SFEE.
5. What is throttling process? Write its SFEE.
6. Derive SFEE for a control volume system with more than one inlet & more than one outlet.
7. What is turbine? Derive its SFEE.
8. What is a heat exchanger? Write its SFEE..
9. During throttling process enthalpy or entropy remains constant ? Justify your answer.
10. What is an air compressor? Derive its SFEE.


1. what are the limitations of 1st law of thermodynamics .

2. State kelvin – plank & Clausius statement of 2nd law of thermodynamics
3. Define heat engine, heat pump & refrigerator.
4. Differentiate between heat pump & refrigerator.
5. What is PMM - II.
6. State carnot theorem.
7. State clausius theorem & clausius inequality.
8. Two reversible heat engines are operating between a given temperature source & a given temperature sink.
Whose efficiency will be more, if the working fluid in one is petrol & other one is diesel.
9. Efficiency of a reversible HE is 100%. true or false, justify.
10. What is carnot cycle?.


1. What is entropy?
2. Is entropy a property?.
3. State entropy principle.
4. Show p -V & T – S diagram for carnot cycle.
5. Show p – V & T – S diagram for reversed carnot cycle.
6. On a same T – S plot represent constant volume & constant pressure process.
7. Show that TdS = dH - VdP .
8. What are the reasons for internal irreversibility?


Practical Course File SEM-3rd (ODD)

Faculty Details

Name of the Faculty: SUMIT KUMAR PANDEY

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering .

Course Details

Name of the Programme: B.Tech Batch: 2017-21

Branch: Mechanical Engineering Semester: 3RD

Name of Subject: Thermodynamics Subject Code: ME 3104

Category of Course: Core Subject


Course Scheme& Exam SEM-3rd (ODD)



Course Syllabus as per

University SEM-5TH (ODD)

List of Experiments

1- To understand construction and working of various types of boilers.

2- To study the Cochran and Babcock & Wilcox boilers..

3- To study the working and function of mountings and accessories in boilers.

4- To study Two-Stroke & Four-Stroke Diesel Engines.

5- To Study Two-Stroke & Four-Stroke Petrol Engines.

6- To study the vapour compression Refrigeration System and determination of its C.O.P.

7-To study the working of Bomb Calorimeter .


Syllabus Adopted by the

Program SEM-5TH (ODD)


The student should have basic knowledge of physics and physical chemistry.

Fundamental Concepts & Definitions:

Thermodynamic definition and scope, Microscopic and Macroscopic approaches. Some practical
applications of engineering thermodynamic Systems, Characteristics of system boundary and
control surface, examples. Thermodynamic properties; definition and units, intensive , extensive
properties, specific properties, pressure, specific volume Thermodynamic state, state point, state
diagram, path and process, quasi-static process, cyclic and non-cyclic; processes; Thermodynamic
equilibrium; definition, mechanical equilibrium; diathermic wall, thermal equilibrium, chemical
equilibrium, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Temperature; concepts, scales, international fixed
points and measurement of temperature. Constant volume gas thermometer, constant pressure
gas thermometer, mercury in glass thermometer
Work and Heat:
Mechanics, definition of work and its limitations. Thermodynamic definition of work; examples,
sign convention. Displacement work; as a part of a system boundary, as a whole of a system
boundary, expressions for displacement work in various processes through p-v diagrams. Shaft
work; Electrical work. Other types of work. Heat; definition, units and sign convention. Problems
First Law of Thermodynamics:
Joules experiments, equivalence of heat and work. Statement of the First law of thermodynamics,
extension of the First law to non - cyclic processes, energy, energy as a property, modes of energy,
Extension of the First law to control volume; steady flow energy equation(SFEE), important
Second Law of Thermodynamics:
limitations of first law of thermodynamics Devices converting heat to work; (a) in a thermodynamic
cycle, (b) in a mechanical cycle. Thermal reservoir, Direct heat engine; schematic representation
and efficiency. Devices converting work to heat in a thermodynamic cycle; reversed heat engine,
schematic representation, coefficients of performance. Kelvin - Planck statement of the Second
law of Thermodynamics; PMM I and PMM II, Clausius statement of Second law of
Thermodynamics, Equivalence of the two statements; Carnot cycle, Carnot principles. Problems
Definitions of a reversible process, reversible heat engine, importance and superiority of a
reversible heat engine and irreversible processes; factors that make a process irreversible,

reversible heat engines. Unresisted expansion, remarks on Carnot’s engine, internal and external
reversibility, Definition of the thermodynamic temperature scale. Problems
Clausius inequality, Statement- proof, Entropy- definition, a property, change of entropy, entropy
as a quantitative test for irreversibility, principle of increase in entropy, , calculation of entropy
using T-ds relations, entropy as a coordinate.
Availability, Irreversibility and General Thermodynamic relations.
Introduction, Availability (Exergy), Unavailable energy, Relation between increase in unavailable
energy and increase in entropy .Maximum work, maximum useful work for a system and control
volume, irreversibility, second law efficiency (effectiveness). Gibbs and Helmholtz functions,
Maxwell relations, Clapeyron equation, Joule Thomson coefficient, general relations for change in
entropy, enthalpy , internal energy and specific heats.
Pure Substances:
P-T and P-V diagrams, triple point and critical points. Sub-cooled liquid, saturated liquid, mixture
of saturated liquid and vapor, saturated vapor and superheated vapor states of pure substance
with water as example. Enthalpy of change of phase (Latent heat).Dryness fraction (quality), T-S
and H-S diagrams, representation of various processes on these diagrams. Steam tables and its
use. Throttling calorimeter, separating and throttling calorimeter.
Ideal gases:
Ideal gas mixtures, Daltons law of partial pressures, Amagat’s law of additive volumes, evaluation
of properties of perfect and ideal gases ,Air- Water mixtures and related properties, Psychrometric
properties, Construction and use of Psychrometric chart.
Real gases –
Introduction , Air water mixture and related properties, Van-der Waal\'s Equation of state, Van-
der Waal's constants in terms of critical properties, Redlich and Kwang equation of state Beattie-
Bridgeman equation , Law of corresponding states, compressibility factor; compressibility chart.
Difference between Ideal and real gases.
1. Nag, P.K., “Engineering Thermodynamics”, 1st Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited
New Delhi, 1993.

2. Russel, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, 2007

3. Hollmann, “Thermodynamics”, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York,1888.

4. Rao, Y.V.C., “Thermodynamics”,4th Edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi,1993.

1. R.K.Rajput, thermal engineering.2017
2. D.S.kumar, S.chand publication , 2015

Course Outcome of Practical

SEM-3rd (ODD)


Once the student has successfully completed this course, he/she will be able to:

CO1. The student should be able to evaluate the amount of heat transfer and work transfer
in a practical situation.
CO2. The student should be able to understand the working of basic thermodynamic cycle.


Schedule of Practical List

Performed SEM-3RD (ODD)

Batch A Batch B
S. No. Name of Experiment Mapping Type of Exp. Category CO PO Mapping PSO Completion Completion Sign
with Unit Mapping Mapping
i. Study of different front end VLSI EDA Tools I, V Simulation Core CO1 PO5,PO12 PSO2
1 Design and Simulate CMOS Inverter layout I Simulation Core CO1 PO1, PO5, PSO1,
using Microwind 3.0 and verify its DC PO12 PSO2
2 Write a Verilog Code to implement a 4X1 CO1, PO1, PO3, PSO1,
MUX.- I Simulation Core CO2 PO5, PO12 PSO2
(a)Using If-Else Statement
(b)Using case statement
(c)Using conditional assignment statement
3 Write a Verilog code to implement a 2-bit PO1, PO3, PSO 1,
wide 8X1 MUX- I Simulation Core CO1, PO5, PO12 PSO2
(a) Using If-Else Statement
(b) Using case statement
(C) Using conditional assignment statement
4 (a) Write Verilog code to implement 6-bit PO1, PO3, PSO 1,
comparator I Simulation Core CO1, PO5, PO12 PSO2
(b) Write a Verilog Code to implement a 4Bit
Synchronous counter.

5 Write Verilog programs to implement an I, II Simulation Core PO1, PO3, PSO 1,
Up/Down counter CO1, PO5, PO12 PSO2
6 (a) Write a Verilog Code to implement D PO1, PO3, PSO 1,
flip-flop, using positive and negative level I, II Simulation Core CO1, PO5, PO12 PSO2
(b) Write a Verilog Code to implement JK
flip-flop, using negative edge triggering.
7 Write a Verilog Code to implement, I, II Simulation PO1, PO3, PSO 1,
synthesize and simulate a 4 bit shift register and Core CO1, PO5, PO12 PSO2
Synthesis CO2
8 Write a Verilog Code to implement 1011 II Simulation Core PO1, PO3, PSO 1,
non-overlapping sequence detector. CO1, PO5, PO12 PSO2
9 Write a Verilog Code to implement 1010 II Simulation PO1, PO3, PSO 1,
overlapping sequence detector. Core CO1, PO5, PO12 PSO2
10 Simulate & Implement functionality of Full I, V Simulation PO1, PO3, PSO 1,
Adder on EPM 7128 SLC 84 CPLD and Core CO1, PO5, PO12 PSO2
Synthesis CO2

Name & Sign. Of Faculty Sign. Of H.O.D Sign. Of Principal


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