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Nombre: _______________________________________ Apellido: _______________________________________ Clase: _______________________________

Unidad 1: What Makes Me Who I Am?

Can-Do Statements

Interpretive Interpretive Interpersonal Presentational Presentational Culture

Listening Reading Speaking & Writing Speaking Writing

I can... I can... I can... I can... I can... I can...

understand & understand & greet and say introduce myself to list names of identify the
recognize common recognize common goodbye to people a group using words countries and write countries in the
greetings, greetings, and introduce and memorized simple information Spanish speaking
introductions, & introductions, & myself and others, phrases. about each using world.
expressions of expressions of using appropriate words or memorized
courtesy. courtesy when I expressions of phrases
read. courtesy.

understand the understand basic ask and answer tell my name, age, fill out a form with identify cultural
expression of personal questions about birthday, origin, my name, age, differences in
(birth)dates, age, information from name, age, birthday, date and time, birthday, origin, greetings and other
origin, time, etc., written sources such origin, date and including numbers date and time, expressions.
including numbers 0 as e-mails, personal time, including 0-100. including numbers
to 100. profiles, etc. numbers 0-100. 0-100.

Recognize words understand short ask questions and Talk about my Write about my identify cultural
from short audio written passages write/talk about my school/activities school/activities patterns related to
passages about about someone’s school/activities and those of others. and those of others. school and daily
someone’s school school and other and those of others. activities.
and other activities. activities.

identify basic identify some communicate some present simple create a dialogue
phonetic differences cognates and/or basic information information about a using greetings I
in the target word parts that help about my everyday spanish-speaking have learned
language. me understand life country

Essential Questions:
1. Where is Spanish spoken around the world and what is its influence?
2. How do people meet and greet one another?
3. How do young people talk about their everyday lives (school, activities, etc.)?

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