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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392


Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America.
‘The North Gate’.
Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos.
Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land.
The true and de jure Al Moroccans / Americans.
Affidavit of Fact
For The Record, To be Read Into The Record
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal - Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent.

~ ------- Transfer of Inheritance ------- ~

& Restoration of Right
Made: 27 Day of August, 2018 A.D. [1438 M.C.] [2018 C.C.Y.]

1. Between UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION (Trustee(s), and the rightful, Decalrative
and Publicly – Proclaming Heir – Apparent of the said Estate: Demetrius Barca Bey, (Aboriginal /
Indigenous National Moorish – American / Heir / Moabite Inheritance – Land and Resources:
geographical at Latitude: 40.709856 And Longitude: -73.965006 [101 South Eighth Street] [Near
Corporate Brooklyn], [New York Republic] Northwest Amexem – ‘TheNorth Gate’.The Property further
described herein as 101 South Eighth Street Building, Year Built 1910, Lot(s): 34, Block: 2131, Lot
Area: 3,788 Square feet, living Area: 15,980 on/within Latitude and Longitude, said ‘Deed Date’: June
24, 2008 A.D., said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel’: 2334, said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel Page’:
1971, said ‘Sale date’: June 24, 2008 A.D., Building Description: 101-105 South Eighth Street, Parcel
Information recorded in the King County Clerk’s Office for public Records in Brooklyn, New York
Republic, Northwest Amexem. The Geographical Coordinates of the Real Property / Estate are as
follows: 40 degrees, 42 minutes, 35.4816 Seconds North/ -73degrees, 57 Minutes, 54.0216 Seconds West
(also kown as 101 South Eighth Street), Brooklyn Territory, Amsterdam Territory, Northwest Amexem /
Al Moroc /North America ‘Turtle Island’
2. Between UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION (Trustee(s), and the rightful, Decalrative
and Publicly – Proclaming Heir – Apparent of the said Estate: Demetrius Barca Bey, (Aboriginal /
Indigenous National Moorish – American / Heir / Moabite Inheritance – Land and Resources:
geographical at Latitude: 40.709842 And Longitude: -73.964873 [105 South Eighth Street] [Near
Corporate Brooklyn], [New York Republic] Northwest Amexem – ‘TheNorth Gate’.The Property further
described herein as 105 South Eighth Street Building, Year Built 1910, Lot(s): 32, Block: 2131, Lot
Area: 3,797 Square feet, living Area: 15,980 on/within Latitude and Longitude, said ‘Deed Date’: June
24, 2008 A.D., said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel’: 2334, said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel Page’:
1791, said ‘Sale Ddate’: June 24, 2008 A.D., Building Description: 101-105 South Eighth Street, Parcel
Information, recorded in the King County Clerk’s Office for public Records in Brooklyn, New York
Republic, Northwest Amexem. The Geographical Coordinates of the Real Property/ Estate are as follows:
40 Degrees, 42 Minutes, 35.4312 Seconds North / -73 Degrees, 57 Minutes, 53.5422 Seconds West
(known as 105 South Eighth Street), Brooklyn Territory, Amsterdam Territory, Northwest Amexem, Al
Moroc/ Noth America ‘Turtle Island’.

The Property(s) described herein as Land and Resources: geographical at Latitude: 40.709856 and
Longitude: -73.965006 [101 South Eighth Street] [Near Corporate Brooklyn], [New York Republic]
Northwest Amexem – ‘The Norrth Gate’. The Property further described herein as Residential, Year Built:
1910, Lot(s): 32/ 34, Block: 2131, Lot Area: 3,788 square feet A.D. (prescribed June 24, 2008 A.D.), said
Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel 2334’, said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel Page’: 1971, said “Sale
Date’: June 24, 2008 A.D., Building Description: 105 South Eighth Street, Parcel Information Block 2131;
Lot: 32 recorded in the Kings County Clerk’s Office for Public Records in New York Republic,
Northwest Amexem. The Property described herein as Land and Resources: geographical at Latitude:
40.709842 and Longitude: -73.964873 [105 South Eighth Street] [Near Corporate Brooklyn], [New York Republic]
Northwest Amexem – ‘The Norrth Gate’The Property further described herein as Residential,Year Built:
1910, Lots: 32, Block: 2131, Lot Area: 3,797

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392

square feet A.D., said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel’: 2334, said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel Page’: 1971, said “Sale
Date’: June 24, 2008 A.D., Building Description: 101-105 South Eighth Street, Parcel Information recorded in the Kings
County Clerk’s Office for Public Records in New York Republic, Northwest Amexem .

BEGINNING geographically (on the Land Jurisdiction) at a point on the the Northeasterly side of South Eighth
Street, Distant, Two-Hundred feet Northwesterly from the corner of South Eighth Street and Bedford Avenue,
running thence Northeasterly parallel with Bedford Avenue, One-Hundred one feet one half inches to the centre
line of the Block, Thence Northwesterly along the said centre line of the Block, Seventy-Five feet, then
Southwesterly parallel with Bedford Avenue, One-Hundred one feet one half inches to the Northeasterly side of
South Eighth Street, Thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly side of South Eighth Street, Seventy-Five Feet to
the point or place or Beginning

3. This ‘Transfer Agreement is a ‘Restoration of Right’ and is invoked (correcting malfeasance and
misrepresentations). It is a’ Public Notice’ and ‘Transfer Instrument’ from the UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA, ET ALLI, and the relinquishment of all Hereditaments back to the RIGHTFUL HEIR
APPARENT, Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Person(s) of the Land – Not Taxed, Demetirus Barca
Bey, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris. In the matter of ‘Rights of Parties’ and ‘Rights of Property’, this
Instrument obtains and establishes ‘Justice’ and ‘Right of Claim’ for the Natural Divine Being,
Manifested In Human Flesh, Moorish – American National, Demetrius Barca Bey.

4. Proclaiming Inherited Birth Rights, the Heir also ‘Reclaims’ all assumed authority or power of
authority from allalleged Trustee(s). The Heir intends to, and exercise, such Rights to bring Remedy to
the present misrepresentations; the mis-assumed authorities; the wrongs; and to all
5. former misappropriations, by addressing Personum Jurisdiction. Particular emphasis is placed upon
‘In Personnum Jurisdiction’ (jurisdiction over the preson) The said ‘Claims of Right’ and the exercising
of such Rights and Jurisiction include the subject matter of all Hereditaments, corporeal and incorporeal,

6. Operating and navigating in a misnomer / nom de guerre, and ‘colorable status’ have, has, and does,
manifest as dishonorable and injurious to the Natural Divine Being, Manifesterd in Human Flesh. This
corrective ‘Agreement’ between THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ET ALLI, and Demetrius
Barca Bey, shall stand as ‘Positive Law’ and forever ‘Cured’. I, Demetrius Barca Bey , am a sanguine
descendant of the Ancient Moabites / Moors; am aware of my rightful status; am not a minor; am not an
agreed, ward of the state; and I am publishing ‘for the record’ that I am competent, from this day forth, to
take my seat and place amongst ‘The Affairs of Men’.

7. Absent of the color-of-authority activities imposed by occupying, foreign, colonial European

Oppressors and disingenuous Book-Keepers) I am competent to handle the Affairs of my Personality; my
inheritance and my Nation / State as it relates to me and to my people – the Moors of Northwest Amexem
– Northwest Africa – North America – ‘The North Gate’.

8. Demetrius Barca Bey, a Natural Divine Being Manifest in Human Flesh – being an Aboriginal /
Indigenous / Moorsih American National, am embracing (and not abandoning) any and all of my
inherited and/or secured rights; with said rights and immunities affirmatively secured and protected by
the Free Moorish American Zodiac Constitution; the United States Republic Constitution/Constitution
for the United States of America Republic; the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1787; 1836; the United
Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the United Nations Rights of Human Beings; the United
Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; the United Nations Rights of a Child; and
acknowledging that the said Rotarian instruments of the National and International Law, gives support
to, reaffirms, and are in place to enforce all said ‘Compacts / Treaties’ upon all nation states in their
obligations to Uplift-Fallen Humanity – the Moors of Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa - North
America – North Gate. The same spirit of right – law principles of enforcement are expressed within the
peace – promoting initiation of ‘Decolonization’ by its supporting Committee members states.

9. This remedy – oriented Transfer of Hereditaments invokes Demetrius Barca Bey’s Unalienable /
Inalienable, Secured Rights; Substantive Rights; and Birth Rights as a Moorish – American National.
This Public Notice, Inheritance Claim, and Publication, is further supported by , and affirmed by:


Rights of the Moorish Americans – being Ali, El, Bey, Dey and AL), Article two (2) paragraph two
© AA222141 – Truth A1


d) UNITED STATE REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION: Article III (3), Section two (2), Article IV (4),
Article VI (6), Amendment V (5) (Liberty Clause) and Amendment IX (9) (Reservation of the Rights
of the People)


f) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) – United Nations Human Rights (Article Fifteen (15)).

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392

g) Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) UNITED NATIONS: GENERAL

ASSEMBLY – Part one (1), Article four (4)

h) Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786-1787, Superseded by Treaty of Peace and Friendship of

i) The Declaration of the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and People – United
Nations: General Assembly #1514.

j) ‘The American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man’ (Adopted by the Ninth International
Conference of American States Bogota, Columbis, 1948 at Article five (5), and Article twenty-six

k) Declaration on the Principles of International law.

l) Executive Order Number 13107, 63 Federal Register, 68, 991 (1998) – Implementation of Human
Rights Treaties.

With this document in place, proper identity for Demetrius Barca Bey, establishes and removes for the record any
and all misrepresentation(s) of abandonment or alleged abandonment(s) or by any claims to that effect, stated by,
constructed by, any foreign persons; any foreign entities; any foreign guilds; or by any private foreign unions, or
associations, etc.

10. Any persons alleging any claims of authority, or who make any claims of ‘power of attorney’, or, who
make any other unfounded claims, to the contrary of this Allodial Instrument, are hereby and herein
‘Rebutted’ – Ad Infinitum. No foreign person(s); and no foreign entity or entities, possesss ‘leave over
me’. No foreign person(s); and no foreign entity or entities, possess, nor have they been given ‘power of
attorney’ over my natural “proper person”, nor over my Herediatments. No enemy of the State; no
violator of the Constitution for the United States of North America; and no violator of the Treaty of Peace
and Friendship between Morocco and the United States, can ever, under any lawful circumstance,
represent me or present any interest or estate concerning me.

11. I, being a ‘Rightful Heir’ and Inheritor if the Land and all Hereditaments, as ‘Presenting’ my-self (in my
proper person) to all comers and to the civilized world of nations.

12. I am Claiming Rights to my vast Estate; to my Free National Appellation /Nomen; to my Religion; to
my High Culture; to my Ancient Customs; to my Inheritances; to my Heritage, and to my Aboriginal; /
Indigenous Rights, in all the aspects, and nuances related thereto; and to the Rights of the studies and
re-clamations of the same. I hold my Honor and Title to my Nationality and to my Birth Rights – being
diligent and responsible to the Honor of my Ancient Mothers and Fathers. Furthermore, I dedicate
myself to that which is right and true – being reputable to the great ‘Humanitarian Cause’ of helping to
uplift fallen humanity; and to acknowledge the vast Moorish Heritage and responsibility to the social
duties inherent to the awakening of my people,. And so, to all persons to whom these presents shall come
or be made known, I assert my rightful Claims; and I speak and Declare for the record, this Allodial
Decree. Let this Truth stand as Sovereign, in harmony and in unity with other active, loyal Moorish
Americans who have, and do, remain true to the Divine and National Principles of the Redemption Cause
of my people and humanity at large. And with the same affirmatory Truth, I homologate our Rights to
our sempiternal Heritage and to our vast Estate.

Amended Document(s) of September 02, 2018. Nunc Pro Tunc

In Re: Postal Article Number# 7018 1130 0000 4815 5323 September 27, 2018-Nunc Pro Tunc-7018 1130 0000
4815 9482 September 02, 2018.

I Am: ____________________________________ 27th Day of August, 2018 A.D. [1438 M.C.] [2018 C.C.Y.]
Demetrius Barca Bey, Authorized Representative
National Divine Being Manifest In Human Flesh, In Full Life, Sui Heredes, Sui Juris, In Propria Persona
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice or Recourse Worldwide: U.C.C. 1-207 / 1-308; U.C.C. 1-103
[Near Corporate State New York – Zip Exempt]
Nortthwest Amexem – Non Domestic – Non Subject – Non Resident

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392


Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America.
‘The North Gate’.
Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos.
Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land.
The true and de jure Al Moroccans / Americans.

For the record request through:

Noble: Demetrius Barca Bey, Rightful Heir Apparent

When documented please return this ‘Allodial Al Seisin in Deed’ and all other documents to mailing location

Demetrius Barca Bey ALLODIAL TITLE

C/o 101 South Eighth Street Apt# 3 C
Near Brooklyn, New York Republic Territory Trust - Moorish Nation (non-corporate)
united States Republic, North America
Non-Domestic, Non-Subject, Non Resident

When using the mailing location, write/type EXACTLY AS PRINTED ABOVE, Any other format will be
taken as Fraud and Conspiracy towards the Heir.


(Transfer and Remission of Inheritance from Trustee(s) to Heir)


As Natural Heir to the Land(s) – Northest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North
Gate’, I Reclaim and Assert all my Rights and Inheritances. The Trustee(s) – THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
SERVICERS, ASSIGNS, ETC. The said ‘Trustee(s)’ do lawfully hereby REMISE, RELEASE, SURRENDER,
AND FOREVER QUITCLAIM to, Demetrus Barca Bey (Moabite / Heir / Divine /Being / Flesh and Blood
with the following legal description:

ALL THAT CERTAIN lot(s) or piece(s) of Land / Ground / Parcel, described according to [Corporate KINGS
COUNTY RECORDED], alleged as follows, to wit:

The Property described herein as Land and Resources: geographical at Latitude: 40.709856 / Longitude:
73.9650006 [101 South Eighth Street] [Near Corporate Brooklyn], [New York Republic] Northwest Amexem –
‘The North Gate’. The property further described herein as Residential Building, Year Built: 1910, Lots: 34
Numbers, Block number 2131, Lot Area: 15,980, Living Area: 3,788 square feet on/within Latitude 40.709856 /
Longitude -73.9650006, said ‘Deed Date’: June 24, 2008 A.D., said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel’: 2338, said
Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel Page’: 1971, said ‘Sale Date: June 24, 2008 A.D., Building Description: 101 South
Eighth Street, Parcel Information recorded in the Kings County Clerk’s Office for Public Records in Brooklyn, New
York Republic, Northwest Amexem. The Property described herein as Land and Resources: geographical at
Latitude: 40.709842 / Longitude: -73.9644873 [105 South Eighth Street] [Near Corporate Brooklyn], [New York
Republic] Northwest Amexem – ‘The North Gate’. The property further described herein as Residential Building,
Year Built: 1910, Lots: 32 Numbers, Block number 2131, Lot Area: 15,980, Living Area: 3,797 square feet
on/within Longitude 40.709842 / Latitude -73.964873, said ‘Deed Date’: June 24, 2008 A.D., said Kings County
said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Book’: 2334, said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Page’: 1971, said ‘Sale Date: June 24,

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392

2008, Building Description: 101-105 South Eighth Street, Parcel Information recorded in the Kings County Clerk’s
Office for Public Records in Brooklyn, New York Republic, Northwest Amexem.

HAVING BEEN ASSIGNED [Number 101 South Eighth Street Apartment 3 C]

Being the alleged premises described herein as Residential Building, Year Built: 1910, Lots: 34 here, Block: 2131,
Lot Area: 15,980 squre feet , Living Area: 3,788 on/within Latitude: 40.709856 / Longitude: -73.965006, said ‘Deed
Date’: June 24, 2008 A.D., said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel’: 2334, said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel
Page’:1971, said ‘Sale Date”: June 24, 2008, Building description: Residential Building. Parcel Information
recorded in the Kings County Clerk’s Office for Public Records in New York Republic, Northwest Amexem.
Being the alleged premises described herein as Residential Building, Year Built: 1910, Lots: 32 here, Block: 2131,
Lot Area: 15,980 squre feet , Living Area: 3,797 on/within Latitude: 40.709842 / Longitude: -73.964873, said ‘Deed
Date’: June 24, 2008 A.D., said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel’: 2334, said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel Page’:
1971, said ‘Sale Date”: June 24, 2008, Building description: 101-105 South Eighth Street. Parcel Information
recorded in the Kings County Clerk’s Office for Public Records in New York Republic, Northwest Amexem
According to said ‘Land Survey’ conducted per Kings County Public Records said ‘File Number’ [place number
here], conducted by: place name and corporation here, dated palce date here A.D., the following is the said

BEGINNING geographically (on the Land Jurisdiction) at a point on the the Northeasterly side of South Eighth
Street, Distant, Two-Hundred feet Northwesterly from the corner of South Eighth Street and Bedford Avenue,
running thence Northeasterly parallel with Bedford Avenue, One-Hundred one feet one half inches to the centre
line of the Block, Thence Northwesterly along the said centre line of the Block, Seventy-Five feet, then
Southwesterly parallel with Bedford Avenue, One-Hundred one feet one half inches to the Northeasterly side of
South Eighth Street, Thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly side of South Eighth Street, Seventy-Five Feet to
the point or place or Beginning

Being the same said premises now granted on the 27th Dday of August, 2018 A.D. [1438 M.C.] unto Demetrius
Barca Bey, by Moabite Bloodline Inheritance-

I am Recording this Transfer Publicly: of Inheritance Quitclaim Allodial Al Seisin in Deed / Judgement by
Default / Allodial Quiet Title by Estoppel; and Documenting the same publicly, the 27 Day of August
2018 A.D. [1438 M.C.]. This document shall serve as ‘Public Notice’ to all whose presents this shall come:

Land/Terra/Parcel Location: Latitude: place number here; Longitude: place number here
[Near Corporate Brooklyn], [New York Republic]
Northwest AMEXEM / North America

Quitclaim Allodial Al Seisin in Deed – 1

Demetrius Barca Bey and Related documents – published the 27 Day of August_ , 2018 A.D.

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392


Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America.
‘The North Gate’.
Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos.
Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land.
The true and de jure Al Moroccans / Americans.
Affidavit of Fact
Writ of Allodial Al Seisin In Deed

Free National Nomen (To be placed on the record); Noble : Demetrius Barca Bey (never ALL CAPITAL

1. To All Thise Whom These Presents Shall Come, Know Ye:

Be it known, remembered and acknowledge this day, and for all time, that I, Noble: Demetrius Barca Bey doth
Affirm, Attest, and Declare, that I seize this land Allodial Al Seisin in Law; Allodial Al Seisin in Fact; Allodial Al
Seisin in Deed, in the name of Allah , the Most High, Creator of the Heavens and Earth.

2. I, Noble: Demetius Barca Bey, By the Might and Power of Allah The Most High, Creator of The Heavens and
Earth, upon receipt of this land from Heirs or Assignee(s) of present name on Title, and Assign Allodial Al Seisin in
Deed brings this lawfully described land, as described below ‘out of equity status’ as shown by prior record(s); and
do hereby Remise and forever Release all Rights, Title, and interests in the below Described land to Demetrius
Barca Bey. In Full Life and Sovereign Status of Truth A-1 AA222141, Registered with ‘The Department of
Justice’, Washington , District of Columbia.

3. I am claiming the described Land below by authority assigned by Inherent rights at least in Common Law and so
brings said land in Paramount Title: Property so sought to be seized and lawfully described and referenced under
Allodial Seisin in-Deed.

4. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land / ground, described according to the [Corporate KINGS COUNTY
RECORDER], alleged as follows, to wit:

The Property described herein as Land and Resources: geographical at Latitude: 40.709856 and Longitude:
-73.965006 [101 South Eighth Street] [Near Corporate Brooklyn], [New York Republic] Northwest Amexem – ‘The
Norrth Gate’. The Property further described herein as Residential, Year Built: 1910, Lots: 34, Block: 2131, Lot
Area: 3,788 square feet A.D., said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel’: 2334, said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel
Page’: 1971, said “Sale Date’: June 24, 2008 A.D., Building Description: 101 South Eighth Street, Parcel
Information recorded in the Kings County Clerk’s Office for Public Records in New York Republic, Northwest
The Property described herein as Land and Resources: geographical at Latitude: 40.709842 and Longitude:
-73.964873 [105 South Eighth Street] [Near Corporate Brooklyn], [New York Republic] Northwest Amexem – ‘The
Norrth Gate’. The Property further described herein as Residential, Year Built: 1910, Lots: 32, Block: 2131, Lot
Area: 3,797 square feet A.D., said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel’: 2334, said Kings County Clerk ‘Deed Reel
Page’: 1971, said “Sale Date’: June 24, 2008 A.D., Building Description: 105 South Eighth Street, Parcel
Information recorded in the Kings County Clerk’s Office for Public Records in New York Republic, Northwest

BEGINNING geographically (on the Land Jurisdiction) at a point on the the Northeasterly side of South Eighth
Street, Distant, Two-Hundred feet Northwesterly from the corner of South Eighth Street and Bedford Avenue,
running thence Northeasterly parallel with Bedford Avenue, One-Hundred one feet one half inches to the centre
line of the Block, Thence Northwesterly along the said centre line of the Block, Seventy-Five feet, then
Southwesterly parallel with Bedford Avenue, One-Hundred one feet one half inches to the Northeasterly side of
South Eighth Street, Thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly side of South Eighth Street, Seventy-Five Feet to
the point or place or Beginning.

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392

5. Together with all Hereditaments, tenements, soil and improvements, Pre-Exisitng and Pre-Emptive Rights
appurtenant thereto, Allodial AlSeisin in Law; Al Seisin in Fact; AlSeisin in Deed. The first party (Trustee) to a
SERVICERS, ASSIGNS, ET ALLI] Grants/ed or Relinquishes to the second party (Heir) Apparent) Noble:
Demetrius Barca Bey , all Rights, Claims, and Immunities ‘Allodial Al Seisin in Deed’ as per the above lawful
described property(s) and ‘Allodial Al Seisin in Deed’ to Noble: Demetrius Barca Bey, and to his Heirs, and
present future Assigns, forever.

6. This ‘Allodial Al Seisin in Deed’ in accord with National and International Law ‘Declaration on the Rights of
Indifgenous Peoples’ is ‘Recorded’ and ‘Published’ via / at a Moorish Natiional Republic document supporting
website ( Barca BeyTransfer), posted as Affidavit, as
Claim, and as Evidence and for ‘Public Notice’. Affirming that “Notice to Agent(s) is Notice to Principal(s) and
Notice to Principal(s) is Notice to Agent(s)”, and to all rightful Descendants; to all his assigned and authorized
Successors, and / or Assigns, etc., and to all others (foreign persons or entities, etc.) that may have, or who may
assume concerns, allege Interests, or state any unsubstantiated Claims, that the above - described Land and
‘Private Property’ (American / Al Moroccan Territory(ies) are and is Secured and protected under the ‘Allodial Al
Seisin in Deed’ forthwith. Even if the said website above becomes inactive (for whatever reason) the notice is/was

7. I, Noble: Demetrius Barca Bey, am Heir / Assigns / Inheritor, by Birth Rights and in Law,of the Lawfully
described portion / part and parcel of the Land granted under Ancient Pharoah Survey Authority - being original,
‘Allodial Title’ being (pre-Bishopric / pre-Columbian / pre-Colonial) Amexem. The same Terra and Private -
Property Inheritance Transfer and Relinquishment is duly Authorized to be executed in pursuance of the
Supremacy Treaty Law, citation and Constitutional Mandate, to which the Senators and Representatives, and the
members of the several states, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support, by Constitution and Treaty
obligations; Anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. Where upon a duly
authenticated true and correct Lawful description of said private – property, together with Hereditaments,
Tenements, soil and Improvements, bound by pre-existing and pre-emptive Rights appurtenant therto, are Allodial
Al Seisin in Law; Allodial Al Seisin in Facts; and Allodial Al Seisin in Deed.

8. If this Allodial Al Seisin in Deed is not challenged by a lawfully qualified and competent party , supported by
documented, affirmative National identity pf ‘persons’; and having and producing for the record, physical evidence
valid and provable Claim, Lien, Debt, or Equitable Interests, filed in a competent jurisdiction for a lawfully
validated Action; and is provable of an Article II (3) Section II (2) Court of Original Jurisdiction; within thirty [30]
days from the filing of this Notice; then the above described Land and property shall be affirmed by the Allodial
Claim and become ‘of right’ the ‘Allodial Freehold Paramount Title’ to the Heir or his ‘Assigns to the said Land and
Property, etc. The Allodial Al Seisin in Deed shall henceforth be considered Perfected in the name of Allah, The
Most High Lord of All the Worlds; and to Noble: Demetrius Barca Bey and his Heirs, All and any future Claims
against this Land and property shall be Null and Void of Law; and shall be forever waived.

9. Therefore, the said Land and Property remains Allodial, unencumbered, free and clear; without liens; and not
lawfully attached to or by any other(s) in any way; and is hereby Declared and Decreed to be private land and
private property in ‘Allodium and Paramount Title’; and not subject to any residential / commercial forum; nor
to any ‘color -of law’ actions. It is further stated for the record that (states cannot make treaties). Diversity and
Consular issues are of National / Federal Jurisdiction.

10. When a Lawfully qualified Sovereign / King and or nation makes a Claim to a Title and have challenged the
court of competent, original, and exclusive jurisdiction (states cannot make treaties) such an Action or Instrument (if
rebutted) rests with Common Law, Supreme Court (Article III (3) / Consular / Special Sessions / or the exercise
of Sovereign Rights Jurisdiction(s)). Any Action initiated against an Allodial Al Seisin (by a corporate state or
other respective statutory, legislative units) would be a ‘Cross-Jurisdiction Action’, void of jurisdiction, and
outside of any lawful Venue or lawful Court. (See: Ultra Virus Act). There is no ‘at law’ issue contained herein that
may be heard in any state courts, ministerial courts, municipal courts, nor can any Court of Equity / of Admiralty or
of Maritime jurisdiction, set aside, annul, hear rationale, nor alter or attempt to allege to correct an ‘Allodiual Al
Seisin in Deed’.

11.Additionally, a ‘Common Law’ courtesy of sixty (60) days’ is/ was stipulated for the presentment of any
Rebuttal or any challenges; causing hereto, otherwise Laches or Estoppels shall or has forever bar or cause to be
barred, the same against Paramount Title / Allodial Freehold Estate; assessment lien theory to the contrary,
notwithstanding. Therefore, the said Allodial Al Seisin in Deed / Declararion, after sixty (60) days from the date
of Recording , stands as Law. And, if no rightful challenges are brought forth and upheld by a competent court of
proper jurisdiction, and the Allodial Claim described herein is left unrebutted, this Instrument shall be ‘Perfect’ –
Allodial / Paramount Title held in the said Heirs appellations/nomens forever.

12.Such ‘Allodial Al Seisin in Deed’ as evidence of ‘Allodial / Paramount Title’ held by a Sovereign / King and / or
a Sovereign National, doth Grant, Assign, and Convey all Rights and Title to the land and Property forever;
without encumberance of mis-classification, and witout the seal nor assessments of the STATE OF NEW YORK
Foreign Corporation; hereby execute by the ‘removal of fraud’ and a rebuttal against cross-jurisdiction activities,
perpetuated on or by the STATE OF NEW YORK officers or employees or contractors, the first signature grantors
of the corporate STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, their agents and the principlals. Allodial / Paramount Titles are

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bestowed by right law upon the Land, attenuated with Unalienable Rights forever. There are, and can be, No Liens,
No Attachments, and No Encumberances imposed upon Land or Property held in Allodium.

United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392

13.All non-applicable, Constitution-repugnant, inferior codes and statutes, including but not limited to, the mis-
classification of land and Property (listed as residential and commercial) and which is recorded in the ‘Deeds of
Records’ for taxation purposes, shall be forever Null and Void of Law and Void of inclusion (as Deed Trust
Properties of the county, or state, or enclave) and implied or assumed as taxable on behalf of the Federal United
States and / or by their Agent(s) or quasi-government Agencies. The ‘Principals’ are removed from any and all
claims of Trusteeship, by virtue of necessity, for all of the ‘fraudulent acts’ initiated or practiced by the State and
Federal Legislatures. All Rights of Title to ‘Private Property’ are guaranteed by the Organic Constitution for the
United States of North America Republic.

14. Admittedly, the Federal United States Government Corporation holds true to no covenants; abides by no Oath(s)
Of Office(s); and offers no Constitution-Secured guarantees to the rightful Heirs and Assigns of ‘The North Gate
Estate’. Any and all fictitious and lawful liens granted by the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, imposed
over U.S. citizens and over those in treaty and in alliance with the United States, was legislated by the ‘Bankruptcy
Act of Congress-guised under HJR 192, June 5, 1933, and held ‘unrevealed’ and ‘undiclosed’ by all private Title
Insurance Companies; with such acts manifesting as ‘Misprision of Treason’, and the said Title Companies; all their
said Claims; and all unlawful Liens, etc., by the title Companies or their Assigns, and (executed upon this Moabite
and or Moorish Nation / Nationals) shall be declared Null and Void; as their origination was and is in Color-of-
Right; a Color-of-Law; a Color -of Authority ; a Color-of-Office; and constrcted and processed by way of Fraud and
by Malfeasance. Any Allodial / Paramount Land or Properties held by guaranteed Rights of Title shall stand
unmolested. This Heir to this Allodial Al Seisin in Deed will not, and does not intend to, under any circumstances,
Abandon Rights, Possession, and or Title to the / our Lands, nor to my / our Private Property(s)!

15. The said violating persons, principals, Agents, Officers, Quasi-Officers, Employees, and / or their Assigns, shall
be held to the ‘stare decisis’ standards and Obligations established by the Supreme Law of the Land (Constitution
and Treaties). The following United States Codes of Law have been violated, or, and shall be enforced; but such
enforcements shall not be limited to them:

16. NO TRESPASSING: or doing any unlawful act(s) or any lawful act(s) in any unlawful manner to the injury of
another’s person or property, with Trespass bring an unlawful act committed with violence, actual or implied,
causing injury to the person, the property, or to the relative rights of another; an injury or malfeasance to the
person, the property, or the rights of another; done with force or violence, either actual implied in law. Trespass
comprehends not only forcible wrongs, but also acts, the consequence of which makes them tortuous.

17. Trepass, in its most comprehensive sense, signifies any transgression(s) and offense(s) against the law of nature;
the laws of society; or the laws of the country in which we live; and this, whether it relates to a man’s person or to
his property. Trespass in its more limited and ordinary sense, signifies an injury committed with violence; and this
violence may be either actual or implied; and the law will imply violence, though none is actually used, when the
injury is of a direct and immediate kind, and committed or tangible and corporeal property to the plaintiff / claimant.
Of actual violence, an ‘assault and battery’ is an instance; of implied, a peacable but wrongful entry upon a person’s

18. Title 18 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section(s) 241 and 242
Title 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section(s) 1981,
Title 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section(s) 1982, 1983,
Title 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section(s) 1984, 1985, and 1986
‘The Rico Act’
Vienna Convention – Treaty Violations
Human Trafficking
Vienna Convention – Court of Justice – Consular Relations – Treaty Violations
Misprision of Treason
Perjury of Oath

19. Perjury Jurat:

Jurat is, or refers to, the certificate of officer or person whom such Affidavit was sworn. It is hthe clause written at
the foot of an Affidavit, stating, when, where, and before whom such Affidavit was Sworn. ‘Perjury Jurat’, in
criminal law, is the willing assertion as to a matter of fact, of belief, of opinion, or knowledge, made by a witness,
in a judicial proceeding as part of his evidence, either upon Oath, or in any form allowed by law to be substituted for
an Oath; whether such Oath is given in open court or in an Affidavit, or otherwise, such assertion being material to
the issue or point of inquiry, and known to such witness to be false.

Perjury shall consist in willingly, knowingly, absolutely, and falsely swearing, either with or witout laying hands on
the Holy Evangelist or of Almighty God, or affirming, in a matter material to the issue point or question, in some
judicial proceeding, by a person to whom a lawful Oath or Affirmation is administered.

20. I Noble: Demetrius Barca Bey, Declare and Say, I Reserve and Preserve all the fundamental freedoms; and all
my Moabite Inheritance – given Birth – Rights. In addition, I Claim and Possess all Divine Rights, all Substantive
Rights; all Unalienable Rights; all Birth Rights; and all of Nature’s Law Rights, etc.; acknowledging the same as

Page 8 of 15
being the divine – given inheritance of every divine human being, manifested in flesh, and dwelling upon this Earth /

United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392

21. Any and all, past and present misplaced, mis-assumed, alleged, misrepresented, coerced, and / or usurped
‘powers of attorney’ or secretly – created ‘Prima Facie Trusts’ or ‘wardship – implied’ political affiliations,
recorded or filed by ‘colored’ corporate operation(s) or by colorable actions of quasi-law persons, or otherwise
established with, or by, foreign persons or / entities; they are hereby, now and forever, Rebutted, Dissolved,
Revoked, and Rescinded. The foresaid stands as law, pursuant to affirmed, Indubitable Truth; United Nations IPO#
215/93, NIS 21/593; to Title 28, United States Code (U.S.C.) 1746 (1); and executed bt ‘Right’ and without the
laws of the United states, or any other foreign entity or persons.

22. I affirm under the Free Moorish American Zodiac Constitution, in ‘proper – person identity, presentment, and
affirmation, my ‘Proclamation of Right’, and in alliance with The Constitution for the United States of America
Republic / United States Republic Constitution and Treaty of Peace and Friendship of1787; 1836; that the foregoing
Statements and Claims are true and correct, to the best of my belief and informed knowledge, and, further Deponent
saith not.

Customs’ and ‘Common Law Right’ not to be bound by any forced or misrepresented contract(s) or obligation(s),
which I have not entered knowingly, willingly, voluntarily, by misrepresentation, by threat, by duress, or by
coercion, etc. My private – property Autograph, below, is for identification only; and does not grant jurisdiction to
any person(s) or any entity(s) at any time; nor to be trespassed by any person(s) or entities by way of assumption(s)
of ‘leave’ of ‘power of attorney’, nor by any ‘implied right’.

24. I /we, Moorish – American(s), are for Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice; but when these Principles are
violated, Justice then must take its course, Remember, we are for Peace and NOT Destruction.

Notice to Agent(s) is Notice to Principal(s) and Notcie to Principal(s) is Notice to Agent(s).

Respectfully Filed and Published

Noble: Demetrius Barca Bey UN IPO# 215/93 NIS 212/593

In Propria Persona Sui Heredes – All Rights Resrved, Preserved and Observed Without Prejudice/Recourse U.C.C
1-308/1-207; 1-103

All Rights Fully Reserved, Without Prejudice or Recourse Worldwide U.C.C 1-207/1-308; 1-103

Demetrius Barca Bey and Related Documents – published the 27 Day of August , 2018 A.D.

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392


Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples of North-West Amexem / North America

Affidavit of Fact
Judicial Notice and Proclamtion
‘Notice to Agent(s) is Notcie to Principal(s) and Notice to Principal(s) is Notice to Agent(s)

To All Elected United states Republic Officials and Public Servants of Federal, state, City and
Municipal Governments, Personnel, and Corporate Entities: Concerning the Constitution and all
Statutory, and Civl Law Codes of the Land, etc.

Known All Men By These Presents:

The present Affirmatives are made upon my Inherited Nobility , and upon my Private Aboriginal /
Indigenous, Proper Person Status, and Commercial Liability. I, Demetrius Barca Bey , Being duly Affirmed under
the Consanguine Unity; pledge my National, Political and Spiritual allegiance to my Moabite Moorish Nation-
being the Ancient Aboriginal / Indigenous of Amexem (the Americas); standing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to
the “Five Points of Light” – Love, Truth, Peace, Freedon, and Justice; do squarely Affirm to tell the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth; and having knowledge and firmly – established belief upon the historical, lawful and
adjudicated facts contained herein.

United States Republic Constitution, Article I (1) of the Bill of Rights Congress shall make no law(s) respecting
an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the
press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances.

Citizenship is a political tie, allegiance is a territorial tenure […] The doctrine is that allegiance cannot
be due to two sovereigns, and taking an Oath of Allegiance to a new, is the strongest evidence of withdrawing
allegiance from a previous, sovereign… Talbot v. Janson, 3 U.S. 133 (1795)

I Affirm, that my residence, my domicile, and my state, etc.; are within my owm proper – person, and
Natural Self; as I cannot reside in, I cannot live in, I cannot domicile in, or have (an address) outside of my own
living, breathing, and thinking natural, biological and spiritual ‘self. As clearly noted above, I voluntarily, and with
full understanding, knowingly pledge my National Political and Spiritual allegiance to my own Birth Right,
Moabite / Moorish Nation. Thus, all Honors, all Titles, all Hereditaments, and National / social and political
loyalties follow.

Definition of States: A people permanently occupying a fixed territory bound together by Common-
Law habits and customs into one body politically exercising, through the medium of an organized government
independent sovereignty and control over all persons and things with its boundaries, capable of making war and
peace and of entering into international relations with other communities of the globe…United States v. Kusche,
d.c. Cal., 56 F Supp. 201, 207, 208.

“Just as there is freedom to speak to associate and to believe, also there is freedom not to speak,
associate or believe”. “The right to speak and the right to refrain from speaking are complementary components of
the broader concept of individual freedom of mind.” (Wooley v. Maynard, 430 U.S. 703 (1977)) freedom of
conscience dictates that no individual may be forced to espouse ideological causes with which he disagrees:

“[At] the heart of the First (1st) Article of the Bill of Rights is the notion that an individual flesh and
Blood human being should be free to believe as he / she will, and that in a free society one’s benefits should be
shaped by his / her conscience, rather than coerced by the State. “Abood v. Detroit Board of Education 431 U.S.
209 – 1977.”

“Freedom from compelled association is a vital component of freedom of expression. Indeed freedom
from compelled association illustrates the significance of the liberty or personal autonomy model of the First (1)
Article of the Bill of Rights. As a general Constitutional principle, it is for the individual and not the state to choose
one’s associations and to define the person which he / she holds out to the world.” (First (1st) Amendment Law,
Barron-Dienes; West Publishing, ISBN 0-314-22677- X, pp. 266, 267.).

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392

Being competent, In Propria Persona-In My Own Proper Person, to attest to this Affidavit upon which I
place my Autograph / Signature; Whereas, I State, Proclaim, and Declare the following to be true, correct, certain,
and NOT misleading. This Attestation is Supreme and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented
“colored” or improper use or purpose, to wit:

That, I, Demetrius Barca Bey, Am a Noble of the Al Moroccan Empire (Northwest Amexem / North
America) In Propria Persona (my own proper person and self) being Aboriginal and Indigenous to the Land(s)
Amexem / America Territorium of my Ancient Moabite Moorish Foremothers and Forefathers to wit:

That Al Moroccan (American) Continents are the Inherited Lands of the Moors - being North
America, South America, Central America (Ameru / Al Moroc), including the adjoining (Atlantis) Islands

I Acknowledge, Claim and Possess, by said Inheritance and Primogeniture Birth Rights, the Freehold
Status thereto; all Unalienable and Substantive Rights are to be enjoyed and exercised; and I Reserve my Right to
Act, to dress, to live , to work, and to do commerce, distinct to my Aboriginal Customs and Culture, absent of
imposed assimilation to Feudal – law fraud governments and the dead - culture, forced servitude promoted by them;
and asserting my rights to exercise (in unity with other Aboriginal /Indigenous Moors / Muurs) to be my own self,
and, by birth right, determining my / our own political, social, economic ‘status of state’.

I am turning my heart and mind back to my Ancient Mothers and Fathers - Moors / Muurs, by Divine
Right, by Association, and by Natural Rights. Being Moorish – American, I / we have and possess the
internationally – recognized and recognized Right to determine our own ‘Status of the state’; with which such
exercises being absent of threat, coercion or acquiescence to Color-of-law, Color-of Authority, and Color-of-Office,
actions or activities,etc.; nor to be subjected to an occupational government’s imposed Color-of-Authority war

I, Demetrius Barca Bey, can never be, at any time, nor under any lawful condition, a member or citizen
of the Union States Society nor of the United States of America as established via the United states Republic
Constitution Article I (1) Section VIII (8) Clause XVII (17) that is also affirmed in the Original Article of
Amendment XIII (13), Section Twelve (12) of Twenty (20); it states:

Section Twelve (12) The Traffic in slaves with Africa is hereby prohibited on pain of death and the
forfeiture of all the rights and property of persons engaged therein and the descendants of Aficans shall no t be

All occupying or immigrant persons of European Ancestry are foreign to all Moorish – Americans.
Therefore, all Europeans and European – dominated Jurisdictions (Feudal) are Foreign Jurisdictions to Moorish –
Americans (Allodial). The historical and political basis of the relationship of the two parties are affirmed by the
Moors’ Inherited Rights to Land(s) (America); expressed by foreign state status, affirmed in Article III (3), Section
II (2) of the United states Republic Constitution; and by the obvious issue of distinction of consanguinity; and by
the Treaty of Peace and Friendship, entered into before the adopting of the Constitution; which establishes, in Truth,
the “Commom Law’ conditions and foundation of our intercourse and ‘Diversity of Citizenship’ I our controversies,
interchanges, and prescribed jurisdiction and venue classifications, etc.

The United states Republic Constitution Article I (1) Section Ten (10) Clause One (1)
[Limitations of the powers of several states-1]

No State shall enter into any Treaty, alliance, or confederation; Grant Letters of Marque and Reprisals;
Coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make anything but Gold and Silver coin a Tender in Payment of debts; pass
any Bills of Attainder, Ex Post Facto law, or Law impairing the obligation of Contracts or Grant any Titles of

*Chronos:___02____ Day of _________September_____________1438 [M.C.] 2018 A.D. [C.C.Y.]

In Honor, I Am________________________________________ _____

Demetrius Barca Bey, Authorized Representative
Divine Human Being, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris, Sui Heredes, In Full Life
Reserving ALL Rights Without Prejudice or Recourse U.C.C 1-308 / 1-207; U.C.C. 1-103
Al Moroccan Empire Territory
Northwest Amexem / North America / The North Gate
Non-Domestic – Non-Subject – Non-Resident
*In Relation to / Reference to a “Judicial Notice and Proclamation’ – For the Record, To Be Placed into the Record .

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United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392


Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples of North-West Amexem / North America

Affidavit of Fact
‘A2Exhibit27Aug2018AD5’ -Certificate of Service

27 August 1438 [M.C.] 2018 A.D. [C.C.Y.]

To: United States Supreme Court

1 First Street, Northwest
Washington, District of Columbia Republic
[20543] united States Republic

It is Hereby Cerified that Servie of the foregoing, the associated Memorandum of Law, and the associated
Affidavit of Material Facts involving the ‘Transfer of Inheritance & Restoration of Right’, ‘Judicial Notice and
Proclamation’, ‘Quitclaim Allodial Al Seisin in Deed’, and ‘Writ for Allodial Al Seisin in Deed’, along with all
accompanting ‘Exhibits’ for
Noble: Demetirus Barca Bey, has been made upon the following addressee(s) by depositing a copy in the United
States Republic mail, Postage Prepaid,
this 02 Day of September ,1438 [M.C.] (2018 C.C.Y.) addressed to:

United States Justice Department

United States Attorney General Jeff B. Sessions
950 Pennsyvania Avenue, Northwest
Washington, Distict of Columbia [2052]
united States Republic
United States Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5378


Unted State Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
2201 C. Street, Northwest
Washington, District of Columbia [20520]
united States Republic
United State Republic Postmaster Artice Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 9512

United States Of America

Honorable President Donald J. Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, District of Columbia [20500]
united States Republic
United States Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 9505

New York State Capitol

Andrew Cuomo, Governor
Albany, New York [12224]
United States Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 9581

Supreme Court County Recorder

Kings County Supreme Court Building
Nancy T. Sunshine
360 Adams Street Room 189
Brooklyn, New York [11201]
United States Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 9536

Kenneth Mintz, Chief Executive Officer - (Third Party Entity)

Gutman, Mintz, Baker & Sonnenfeldt P.C.
813 Jericho Turnpike
New Hyde Park, New York [11040]
United States Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5361

Page 12 of 15
Great Seal National Association of Mooorish Affairs (G.S.N.A.M.A)
Minister Anaid El; Minister Taj Tarik Bey
C/o 141 Weston Street, #1145
Hartford, Connecticut Republic [06143]

United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392

Catholic Charities Progress of Peoples Management 101-105 South Eighth Street Apartments HDFC
Paulina Lopez, Property Manager Paulina Lopez, Property Manager
191 Joralemon Street 8th floor A.K.A 191 Joralemon Street 8th floor
Brooklyn, New York [11201] Brooklyn, new York [11201]
United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5330

Catholic Charities Progress of Peoples Management 101-105 South Eighth Street Apartments HDFC
Maureen Keown, Maureen Keown
191 Joralemon Street 8th floor A.K.A 191 Joralemon Street 8th floor
Brooklyn, New York [11201] Brooklyn, New York [11201]
United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5347

Catholic Charities Progress of Peoples Management 101-105 South Eighth Street Apartments HDFC
Joann Macksey Joann Macksey
191 Joralemmon Street 8th floor A.K.A 191 Joralemon Street 8th floor
Brooklyn, New York [11201} Brooklyn ,New York [11201]
United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5354

New York Department of State

New York Secretary of State Rosanna Rosado
One Commerce Plaza
Albany, New York [12231-0001]
United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 9598

Barbara Underwood, Attorney General

Office of the Attorney General
The capitol
Albany, New York [12224-0001]
United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5194

Margo Kitsy Brodie, Allege Judge

Registration Number: 2501427
225 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn, New York [11201]
United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5163

Douglas C. Palmer, Court Clerk

225 Cadmen Plaza East Room 130
Brooklyn. New York [11201]
United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 9628


1 First Avenue, Northwest
Washington, District of Columbia
[20543] United States Republic
United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5323

I Am: ________________________________________________________
Noble:Demetrius Barca Bey, Moor American National, Authorized
Representative, Natural Person, In Propria Persona Sui Juris:
All Rights Reserved Allodial without Recourse/Prejudice
North Gate Territory
[New York] Republic
[Care of: 101 South Eighth Street Apt# 3 C]
[Near Brooklyn, New York State Republic[11249]]

Northwest Amexem
Maghrib al’Aqca

Bill De Blaio, MAYOR
Andrew Cuomo, GOVERNOR

Page 13 of 15
Zaid Ra’ad Al Hussein,
Anaidah El, Minister / Dominus Nobilis El, Minister

United State Republic Postmaster Article Number: 7018 1130 0000 4815 5392


Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples of North-West Amexem / North America

Affidavit of Fact
Allodial Exhibit Sheet
‘A2ExhibitA27Aug2018AD6’ -Certificate of Service

Noble: Demetrius Barca Bey- ‘Tranfers of Inheritance Inheritance & Restoration of Rights’

27 August 1438 [M.C.] 2018 A.D. [C.C.Y.]

Exhibit ‘A2Exhibit27Aug2018AD1’ - Transfer of Inheritance & Restoration of Right

Exhibit ‘A2Exhibit27Aug2018AD2’ - Quitclaim Allodial Al Seisin in Deed

Exhibit ‘A2Exhibit27Aug2018AD3’ - Writ for Allodial AlSeisin in Deed

Exhibit ‘A2Exhibit27Aug2018AD4’ – Judicial Notice and Proclamation

Exhibt ‘A2Exhibit27Aug2018AD5’ – Certificate of Service

Exhibit ‘A2Exhibit27Aug2018AD6’ – Allodial Exhibit Sheet

Exhibit A – Civil Orders July 4, 2014

Exhibit B – Free Sundry Moors 1790

Exhibit C – House Resolution 75 - April 17, 1933 / Adopted May 4, 1933 - Apostille

Exhibit D - Letter fromthe Church of Pheonix / Catholic Church - May 30, 1984

Cc :

United Nations International Justice Court

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights The Hague, The Netherlands
Palais Wilson

Great Seal National ssociation of Moorish Affairs International Criminal Court

Minister Anaid El ; Minister Taj Tarik Bey The Haque, The Netherlands


Governor Andrew Cuomo Lyon, France


Mike Pompeo

Honorable President Donald J. Trump

White House, Washington District of Columbia

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