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Typographic Grid –

Adobe Illustrator
Today we learnt about the importance of using typographic grids in Adobe
Illustrator. From looking at the below diagram you can see how each part
of the grid is split into different sections, each section is given a name and
has a purpose when designing a poster in my case.

I created my own grid in adobe Illustrator:

The first step was to draw a rectangle onto the blank canvas and to then
select the rectangle I had drawn.
It was then time to go into the ‘object’ drop down menu and to then access
‘path’ followed by the command ‘split into grid…’
This box then appeared and from here I selected the number of rows and
columns I required followed by the gutter I required. I also turned on the
preview function so that I could see the grid develop as I made changes to
the numbers.
You can now see my completed grid.

By adding a grid behind the poster will allow me to make sure all the
elements on the poster are correctly aligned and suitably placed so that the
poster looks proffesional.


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