The Golden Fleece

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The Golden Fleece

Speech Choir Medea Hercules Peleas’ soldier
Jason King Aeetes Orpheus Aeson’s soldier
King Peleas Peleas’ son Alcimede Hera

Scene I: The Attack of Peleas

[Speech choir consists of 4 to 6 people. Alternate lights: red and blue. When they stop, lights: blue.]

Speech choir: Aaaahhhh…. (4x)

This is the myth of the golden fleece, the golden fleece, the golden fleeeeeeece.
This is a tale, Greek and tragic
Filled with myth, legend and magic
About our hero and his fearless friends
And their journey to the farthest ends
To find a Fleece of purest gold
Now here’s how the story’s told.

[Lights out][Lights open: red, flashing scene by scene]

Peleas’ soldier: Attack!!!!! [flash red light]

King Aeson’s soldier: Hide now, King Aeson! Protect your wife and son! [flash red light]
Peleas’ soldier stabs Aeson’s soldier and Peleas taps his soldier’s shoulder. [flash red light]

[Terror music applied. Peleas barges into the place where Aeson and his family hid. Lights: Blue.]
Peleas: Surprise brother! Hehehe! It’s good to see you. It has been so long!
Aeson: No one needs you here. Leave now!
Peleas: Won’t you even welcome your brother? Don’t worry. I won’t be causing any trouble. I just want to make peace
with you. *smiles*
Aeson: Hah! That’s such an obvious lie Peleas. You only want to get throne. But I would never give it to you. Neve-----
Peleas: Don’t you understand brother? I want to stop these hostilities. I don’t want the throne; I want to be by your side.
*Hugs Aeson and stabs him. The hand that stabs Aeson must face the audience.* Or not! Hahahhahahaha! [Lights: Red]
Aeson: Peleas!! You treacherous beast! You will never get the throne! Urrggghhh!!
Alcimede: Jason, my son. Take this. It will give you protection from the gods.
Peleas: Why wouldn’t I take the throne? The king is dead and I’m his brother. He has a son? It doesn’t matter. Just one
fine cut in his tiny throat is enough to give me what I wanted most. *Holds young Jason’s jaw line and points the dagger
to it.*
Alcimede: Noooooooo!!! Please, spare my son! I’ll be your queen, just please not him! You’ve already taken one of my
beloved! Please, have some mercy!
Peleas: Now this is some good trade-off! Well then, I shall grant your plead. But Jason is not to set foot on the palace
grounds, nor you will see him in your lifetime. He shall be banished!
Alcimede: I-I…………. *Peleas glances at her because of her uncertainty* Yes, I understand.

Scene II: Hera

[Speech choir enters. Lights: candle sticks.]

Speech choir: Aaaahhhh…. (3x) Jason, yes, Jason.

Jason grew to be a fine young lad
Who knew a Centaur as his dad
But soon he left for he found out
The golden fleece – Peleas fuzzed about [Spotlight on: blue. Jason enters and interprets.]
He went to the city where his uncle ruled [Lights off, then spotlight on: red. Peleas sitting on a chair]
But his uncle is not to be fooled. [Lights off, white cloth up, white spotlight on at the back of the cloth]

A great oracle told his fortune

A man with one sandal will cause his misfortune
He checks all the strangers’ shoes
When he counts two, he’ll offer booze [Lights off, cloth down, blue cellophane up but slowly]
The idea of Jason coming did not cross his mind [Spotlights on: red, Jason enters.]
Jason: I’ll come and take what was mine.
[Lights off. Jason stays put while Old Hera is on the other side of the stage. Spotlights on: orange and green.]

Hera: Young boy, could you help me cross the river? I believe it flows too fast for me.
Jason: Why, certainly. I’ll be happy to! *Carries her at his back and crosses the river*
Hera: Where are you heading to?
Jason: The palace. I shall get the Golden Fleece for King Peleas.
Hera: Oh… You’re setting off to that ungrateful king’s dirty grounds. You’re a brave one, Jason.
Jason: *Reaches the end of the river and takes Hera off his back gently whilst speaking* H-How did you know my name? Perhaps
you’re a witch?
Hera: Quite the contrary. I’m not what you’d call old and a witch. I am someone who you wouldn’t reach. But I must say
to you today, you will be a great hero on your way.
Jason: Me? A hero? That’s imposi – Wait! Where’d she go? *shrugs shoulders* She really is a witch.

Scene III: Jason’s Return

[Lights off. Jason goes off-stage. Peleas sits on his throne with the soldiers and his step son. Lights on: green and yellow. ]
Peleas: I believe that the prophecy has been foiled. All we need is someone to get the Golden Fleece.
Peleas’ son: Father, I volunteer to take the fleece for you.
Peleas: Hmmmm…..
Peleas’ soldier: My king! Someone has requested to see you. He says he’s the queen’s son!
Peleas: Well, well. Isn’t this a pleasant surprise? Let him in.
Peleas’ soldier: But sir, he only has one sandal.
Peleas: That would make it more amusing, wouldn’t it? Come now, let him in!
Peleas’ soldier: Yes, sire! Let him in!!! *Two guards goes in with Jason*
Peleas: Jason, my dear nephew! It’s good to see you! So, what brings you here, young lad? And where is your sandal?
Jason: I lost it while crossing the river. Uncle, I’ll go straight to the point. Give me the throne back.
Peleas: So you’re saying you’re fit to take the throne and rule the kingdom? Haha! Don’t make me laugh!
Jason: I’m not joking, uncle. I’m serious.
Peleas: Well then, here’s a question for you. What would you do to get rid of someone who gave you trouble?
Jason: Simple. I’ll send him to get the Golden Fleece.
Peleas: That’s a great idea! Hmmm….. Why don’t you go, dear nephew?
Jason: If that’s your wish, then I shall do. But first, I need a ship and a crew.
Peleas: Don’t worry. I’ll ask for the sturdiest ship for your journey. As for the crew, you shall gather them yourself.
Jason: I guess everything is settled then.

Scene IV: The Journey to Colchis

[Speech choir enters. Lights: orange and green.]

Speech choir: Aaaahhhh…. (2x)

A journey to Colchis, he and his men go
They sailed across the sea with their ship Argo
With Hercules the hero, and Orpheus with his lyre
The Argonauts go and fetch what Peleas admire

They met Phineus, King of Thrace

But the Harpies can’t help but have a taste
Of two fine crews of Jason’s ship
In return, the king told what he keeps

Jason left without a second thought

For he already has knowledge of what he sought
They landed unwelcome on Aeetes’ palace ground
Where the Golden Fleece could be found

Aeetes: What are you strangers doing in my kingdom? Are you perhaps lost? We do not often have visitors here.
Jason: Good day, King Aeetes. I am Jason, the prince of Iolcus.
Aeetes: Oh, a prince! I think I know your intentions now. You want to wed with my daughter, Medea.
Jason: *Looks at Hercules, Orpheus, and then averts his sight to the king* I know she is quite famous for she is Circe’s niece, but
that is not our intention.
Hercules: We have a quest we want to achieve, great King Aeetes.
Jason: We would like to take the Golden Fleece. And for that, we ask for your permission.
Aeetes: You know, you are a bunch of interesting lads. Most of the people who wanted the fleece would just try their
hardest to steal the fleece, but ends up with their bones rotting on the fertile land.
Jason: Well, I guess that’s carved in our nature.
Aeetes: Very well. I shall give you some tasks before you grab hold of the precious fleece. Do you agree?
Jason: Very much. So, what is this task?
Aeetes: It is something that has to with this. *presents a plate-full of dragon’s teeth* You must plant these teeth in the ground
and plow it with two bulls I’ll be giving you. Simple, isn’t it?
Jason: I will do my very best.

[Lights off. Lights on: orange or yellow]

Medea: Psst! Jason! Jasoooon!

Jason: Medea? Is that you? *sighs* You startled me! Don’t do that again, alright?
Medea: Haha! Scaredy cat! Hahaha…ha…. Enough with that! Have you thought of how to deal with my father’s tasks?
Jason: No, I haven’t. I just have to trust Hera for now. Her protection has been bestowed upon me.
Medea: I’ll help you, Jason. In one condition – Help me escape from this isolated isle. Take me to your country. I want to
see what’s beyond the outside world.
Jason: What do you mean Medea?
Medea: Marry me, Jason, and I shall help you go through my father’s demands.
Jason: I… I have to think about this.
Medea: Don’t think about it. Just say “yes”. Everything will be fine.
Jason: *Sighs* Alright. I shall wed you, but after we’ve settled everything.
Medea: Thank you, Jason! *hugs him tightly and looks each other eye to eye*
Jason: Your father presented some dragon teeth to me. What should I do with it.
Medea: Those are not just ordinary dragon teeth. Once you plant them into the ground, they will grow to be an army of
soldiers made of bones.
Jason: What?! How come?!
Medea: There are many wonders in the world, Jason.
Jason: So, how could I defeat that odd mass of soldiers?
Medea: Throw a helmet in the center of the army. They will surely go in that direction and kill each other, leaving you
Jason: I see. Thank you, dear Medea. *holds her hand and caresses the back of her hand with his thumb*

Scene V: The Dragon’s Rage

[Speech choir enters. Lights: mixed]

Speech choir: Jason followed Medea’s guidance

And he succeeded with great ambiance
The king promised he’ll give the fleece by tomorrow
But he’s been planning to kill Jason, such sorrow
Love-struck Medea hears about the scheme
Tells Jason and helps him out her father’s grim

[Lights off. Lights on: blue]

Medea: Jason, Orpheus, Hercules, come! This way!

Jason: I can’t believe your father Medea! How many times has he lied to us?
Medea: That’s how he is. The reason why I don’t trust him.
Hercules: Good thing you decided to escape from this hellish place.
Orpheus: Where are we going Medea?
Medea: Isn’t it the Golden Fleece that you wanted to have? I’m taking you to where it is. We’re near.
Jason: Wait. I hear an unusual heavy breathing. *feels that Hercules is pushing him from the bush and stumbles, causing the dragon to
awaken* It’s…….. the dragoooon! Run! Make haste!

[Flashing lights: red. Dragon runs around the whole Auditorium which will show that it was enraged because it got disturbed in its sleep. Here,
Jason and Medea haves a conversation.]

Medea: Jason! Tell Orpheus to play his lyre. It will be the perfect weapon. I believe it can put the dragon to sleep.
Jason: Yes. That’s true. Orpheus! Your lyre! Play a melody! Now!
Orpheus: Leave it to me. *lyre music enters and the dragon will go slower and slower, reach the stage and make a final turn showing that it
is preparing for its sleep* The dragon’s asleep.
Medea: Jason, the fleece!
Jason: I know. I’ll get it now. *jumps and gets the fleece hanging from the tree* Yes! At last!
Hercules: Now that we have the fleece, let’s return to Iolcus.
Orpheus: Yes. Before the dragon wakes yet again.

Scene VI: Return to Iolcus

[Lights off. Lights on: blue, if possible, we can have some fog. Speech choir enters.]

Speech choir: As they returned to Iolcus

Nothing shall they lose
They reached the land where Peleas ruled
Presented the fleece as they said they would
No, Jason! Don’t give it to that king of insanity!
Who only lives a life full of vanity!

Peleas: Jason! You have returned! I see you’ve taken the Golden Fleece with you. *snatches the fleece from Jason’s clutches and
wears it*
Yes! After all these years, it’s finally in my possession! *looks at his son*
Now that I have this… Perish, my son, for you are not needed! *he is smiling while saying this line and stabs his son*
Alcimede: My son!!! Nooooooooo!!!
Peleas’ son: Fa-Father… Why? *dies*
Peleas: Hahaha! Jason, my beloved nephew! Thank you! Thank you! *attempts to stab Jason by doing what he did to Aeson but
Jason is aware it and turns the knife and stabs Peleas. He talks to him while grabbing his collar*
Jason: Hah! Do you think you can do what you did to my father? No, because I saw everything! *throws Peleas on the ground,
Medea picks the fleece up and hands it to Jason*
Medea: I believe this belongs to you, the true ruler of Iolcus and my love.
Jason: *Jason looks at the fleece, then the audience. He wears the fleece and the people cheers for the new king.*
All (except Peleas and his son): Jason is the son of Aeson, smart, and brave, and true.
He gets the Golden Fleece, kills the king, and rules Iolcus, too!
All hail, Jason! All hail, Jason! We shall start anew.
He’ll rule, for he’s the one and only heir to the throne, we knew.

[Speech choir enters. Lights: candle sticks.]

Speech choir: Aaaahhhh…. (4x)

This is the myth of the golden fleece, the golden fleece, the golden fleeeeeeece.
This is a tale, Greek and tragic
Filled with myth, legend and magic
About our hero who found the fleece
Of purest gold, and claimed it as his
He ruled Iolcus and made amends
This is how the story ends

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