Chapter 1 Final (Group 1)

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The Impact Of Bullying in Students Life and

School Performance at STI College

Fairview S.Y 2018-2019


Background of the Study

There's a lot of students experience bullying specially in school. School
is the place where the students learn in terms of academics and learn to be a
better person because in school teachers also teach to have a good manners to
others but not apply at all.

One of the big problems in school is bullying. There is a common

bullying that happens in school of bullying, a physical bullying, verbal bullying and
cyber bullying. Bullying is all about behavior. The one who experience bully are
people who is weaker, has a lot of confidence. According to Christina Salmivalli
(2017) bullying is one of the most common expressions of violence in the peer
context. Three criteria are relevant in order to define aggressive behavior as
bullying: (1) repetition, (2) intentionality and (3) an imbalance of power. Given
these characteristics, bullying is often defined as systematic abuse of power by
peers. When students experience bully some of them feel depression and ends in
suicide. This research answers why students bully and why students experience
Statement of the Problem

Research Title: The Impact of Bullying in Students Life and

School Performance at STI College

Fairview S.Y 2018-2019

General Problem: This study attempts to document how bullying can affect to

students life and school performance and also why students bully.

Specific Problems:

1. What are the reasons why students do bullying?

2. What are the effects to the students who has been bullied?

3. How to solve and prevent bullying?

4. How to encourage students who has been bullied?


Bullying can affect those who are bullied, those who bully, and those

who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including

impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide. It is important to talk to

kids to determine whether bullying or something else is a concern. One way to

stop bullying is to take steps to prevent bullying from starting. Some ways to

prevent bullying is through providing a bully policy, consequences for bullies, and

educating potential victims of bullying.

Significance of the Study

Those who will benefit in this study is not only the researcher but

also those students who socially interact with other people because most situation

of bullying happens within school grounds. In this generation not only physical

bullying is popularized but also cyber bullying because people tend to abuse the

use of the internet and social media. This study will help people who suffer from

bullying in what will they do and how can they deal in this kind of situation.

Scope and Limitations

This study aims to investigate the cause and prevention within physical

bullying and cyber bullying with the use of popular social media during this

generation and give a proper solution to those who have experienced the said

situation. What causing bullying to them. Researchers can give advice and ways

or solution to avoid bullying. Researchers can lessen the numbers of students

who suffering bullying.

The study includes in its scope the bullying not only that happens

within school bounds but to those millenials who experience this on a daily basis,

bullying that comes in the form of cyber, social, verbal and physical.

Definition of Terms


According to Merriam Webster Since 1828, the word bullying is a abuse and

mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stranger and more powerful, in

this essay bullying is an aggressive behavior among students.


According to Merriam Webster Since 1828, the word brow-beat use threats or

angry to make (someone) do or accept something. In this essay brow-beat is

something with stern or abusive/words.


According to Collins Dictionary the word abuse someone is cruel and violent

treatment of them also it is extremely rude and insulting things that people say
when they are angry. In addition abuse use something to bad effect or for a bad


Cyber bullying

According to Cambridge English Dictionary the word cyber bullying is someone

who uses the internet to harm or frighten another person, especially by sending

them unpleasant messages, in this essay cyber bullying a bullying that uses social

media and internet.

Physical Bullying

According to the word physical bullying is using one's

body. In addition physical bullying acts to exert power over peers. Punding,

Kicking and other physical attacks.


According to Cambridge English Dictionary the word slur to pronounce words in a

way that is not clear. In addition it is an inappropriate word of term that is to put

someone down.


According to Collins Dictionary the word humiliate is to humiliate someone means

to say or do something which makes them feel ashamed or stupid. In addition

humiliate to deeply embarrass or ridicule someone to make him or her feel lower

as a person.

The Impact Of Bullying in Students Life and

School Performance at STI College

Fairview S.Y 2018-2019

In partial fulfillment of Research 2

Presented by:

Angelo Badajos

Dorellha Joie Bargamento

Marea Zharina Ho

Nicole Quinones

Jeanie Mae Rosalijos

Mary Joy Vallejo

Karen Joyce S. Ison

Practical Research 2 Instructor

S.Y 2018-2019

1st Semester

Bullying is about aggressive behavior. Bullying is commonly happen at school.

Many students are doing this just for fun but to the victim it has an negative effects in

their physical health and mental health. Some of the victims of bullying suffering

depression and the bad thing is it ends in suicide. School needs to take an action

because it is the most problem in school, they need to have an anti-bullying plan and

build a organization on how to prevent bullying.

The results from this research will know what's the matter why students bully and

this research inform the students about the violation that they face if they bullied

someone and because of that this research also decrease the numbers of students

experience bullying.


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