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Table 3 lovgren University’s Masters Program Competencies and their parallel with competencies required in business & industry

Categories Competencies Area of competence for B&I

Analysis 1. Designs needs assessment plan or proposal by applying Basis ,analytic & technology
knowledge of distance learning field Competence
2. Identifies gaps between actual & desired performeance Analytic competence
3. Identifies appropriate data gathering techniques to gain insight Analytic competence
into cause of gaps in performance
4. Proposes solutions that are appropriate to closing an identified Analytic,communication, & business
performance gap competence
5. Conducts learner analysis prior to designing training Basic & analytic competence
6. Determines the knowledge,skill &attitudes required to master a Basic & analytic competence
specific job,task or role
7. Determines required resources & constraints for a solution or Project management & business
solution system Competence
8. Identifies relationships of system & subsystem within an Business competence
9. Determines learner’s entry skills,prerequisite knowledge & Basic competence

Design 10. Prepares an instructional analysis for given learning outcomes Basic & analytic competence
11. Prepares alearning & performance context analysis for a given Basc & analytic competence
learning outcome
12. Prepares clear statements of objectives (in performance terms Basic & communication
with conditions & acceptable performance criteria stated) for Competence
various categories of learning outcomes
13. Applies rules & principles of learning to the design of Technology competence
instructional materials & the design of group activities in a
distance learning environment
14. Applies instructional design strategies intended to account for Basic competence
individual differences among learners
15. Specifies appropriate instructional strategies for various Basic competence
categories of learning outcomes
Implementing Media & 16. Selects media for given instructional objectives with a rationale Basic & technology competence
Technology for the selection
17. Develops instructional material using a variety of different Basic & technology competence
18. Utilizes instructional media & equipment effectively in Communication,interpersonal
presentations & setting that demonstrate proper utilization & &project management competence
appropriate showmanship techniques
19. Utilitzes electronic communicationtechnologies effectively to Basic & technology competence
support learning through instructor-student & student-student
interaction using appropriate techniques
20. Applies skills in using computer software for professional use Technology competence
Evaluation & research 21. Assess & synthesizes data from a variety of sources & draws Analytic & business competence
logical conclusions from available informatika (excluding
formative evaluation)
22. Conducts formative evaluations of products Basic & analytic competence
23. Designs & implements appropriate assessments of human Basic & business competence
performance & organizational resuls
24. Designs & implements appropriate assessments of human Basic competence
management 25. Develops a long range project plan Project management competence
26. Prepares a project budget Project management competence
27. Coordinates the design team by delegating responsibilities to Project management & interpersonal
specific personnel competence
28. Identifies requirements for project-related information systems Project management & business
29. Demonstrates principles & techniques that are used in change Business competence
Communication 30. Communicates effectively in professional writing Basic & communication competence
31. Communicates effectively in instructional materials & other Communication & interpersonal
forms of instruction Competence
32. Works effectively with other team members Interpersonal competence
33. Communicates effectively orally Basic,communication & interpersonal
34. Uses effective interpersonal communication techniques Communication & interpersonal
35. Develops a professional network Interpersonal competence
36. Demonstrates understanding of professional code of ethics Interpersonal competence

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