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Tutorial On Meta-Analysis In R
R useR! Conference 2013

Stephanie Kovalchik
Research Fellow, National Cancer Institute

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Tutor ial Outline

· Overview
· Searching The Literature

· Fixed Effects Model

· Random Effects Model

· Evaluating Heterogeneity
· Meta-Regression

· Publication Bias
· Comparing R Packages For Standard Meta-Analysis
· Some Advanced Topics


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O v e r v i ew


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W h at I s M e t a - A n a ly s i s ?

“ The analysis of analyses. ”

-- Gene V. Glass
Primary, secondary and meta-analysis of research,

Educational Researcher, 1976.


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W h at I s M e t a - A n a ly s i s ?
More formally...a meta-analysis is the synthesis of:

· K compatible effects (Yi )

· (Preferably, but not necessarily, from randomized controlled trials)

Giving greater weight to studies with:

· Less variance (Vi ), and

· More precision (Wi = 1/Vi )


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Types Of Effects
An "effect" could be almost any aggregate statistic of interest:

· Mean, Mean difference, Mean change

· Risk ratio, Odds ratio, Risk difference

· Incidence rate, Prevalence, Proportion

· Correlation


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A High-Impact Example: Fall Of Avandia

Source: Nissen SE, Wolski K. N Engl J Med 2007;356:2457-71.


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C o n d u c t i n g M e t a - A n a ly s e s i n R


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First...Gett ing Star ted With R

· Official home page: http://www.R-project.org

· Introduction under "What is R?"

· Download base system at: http://cran.r-project.org

· Extend with user-contributed packages -> install.packages

· Find further introductory material with help.start


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Why Per form Meta-Analyses In R?

· R is a free, open-source, & powerful statistical environment

· Run on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux platforms

· Has 20+ meta-analytic packages on CRAN

· Tools for meta-regression, Bayesian meta-analysis, multivariate

meta-analyses, etc.

· Easy (in most cases) to customize and extend these tools


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Warning: St ill...Do Not Begin Here!

· A meta-analysis starts with a systematic review.

· A systematic review is a scientific summary of all available

evidence on a specific research question.

· An exhaustive search of the literature will require more than R.

· Note: If available studies are too few or too different a

meta-analysis may not be appropriate.


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S e a rc h i n g T h e L i t e r a t u r e W i t h R


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Package RISmed
· Not many packages for helping with early stages of a systematic

· But, I created the RISmed package to import metadata from NCBI

databases into R.

· Using this package, one can search, store, and easily mine
metadata on PubMed articles.

· RISmed tools are not comprehensive enough to complete a

systematic review but may be a helpful aid.


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Impor t ing PubMed Data With RISmed

1. Create EUtilsSummary object for specified query.

2. Retrieve matching records with EUtilsGet.


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Impor t ing PubMed Data With RISmed


EUtilsSummary( [query], [db], [search.limits])

· query: String query as given on PubMed site

· db: String name of NCBI database

· search.limits: Additional arguments to restrict search


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Example: EUtilsSummary
library(RISmed) # Load Package

The following code performs a PubMed query of all BMJ articles with
"rofecoxib" in the title.

fit <- EUtilsSummary("rofecoxib[ti]+British Medical Journal[jo]", db = "pubmed")


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Example: Methods For EUtilsSummary

QueryTranslation(fit) # Extract the translated query

## [1] "rofecoxib[ti] AND (\"Br Med J\"[Journal] OR \"Br Med J (Clin Res Ed)
\"[Journal] OR \"BMJ\"[Journal])"

QueryCount(fit) # Extract the number of matched records

## [1] 16


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Example: EUtilsGet
Now we can extract the metadata for the queried records.

fetch <- EUtilsGet(fit)

fetch # Medline Object

## PubMed query: rofecoxib[ti] AND ("Br Med J"[Journal] OR "

## Br Med J (Clin Res Ed)"[Journal] OR "BMJ"[Journal])
## Records: 16


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Methods For Medline Object

getSlots("Medline") # Available methods

## Query PMID Year

## "character" "character" "numeric"
## Month Day Author
## "numeric" "numeric" "list"
## ISSN Title ArticleTitle
## "character" "character" "character"
## ELocationID AbstractText Affiliation
## "character" "character" "character"
## Language PublicationType MedlineTA
## "character" "character" "character"
## NlmUniqueID ISSNLinking Hour
## "character" "character" "numeric"
## Minute PublicationStatus ArticleId
## "numeric" "character" "character"
## Volume Issue ISOAbbreviation
## "character" "character" "character"
## MedlinePgn CopyrightInformation Country
## "character" "character" "character"
## GrantID Acronym Agency
## "character" "character" "character"
## RegistryNumber RefSource CollectiveName
## "character" "character" "character"
## Mesh
## "list"


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Example: Medline Object


## [1] "Merck pays $1bn penalty in relation to promotion of rofecoxib."

## [2] "Merck to pay $58m in settlement over rofecoxib advertising."
## [3] "94% of patients suing Merck over rofecoxib agree to company's offer."
## [4] "Merck to pay $5bn in rofecoxib claims."
## [5] "Merck appeals rofecoxib verdict."


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Example: Medline Object


## LastName ForeName Initials order

## 1 Tanne Janice Hopkins JH 1


## [1] 2011 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2003
## [15] 2002 2001


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Your Turn: Working With Medline Object

Using the "rofecoxib" Medline object,

1. Determine the first year a matching article appeared.

2. What was the title of this article?

3. Do some authors have multiple matching records?

4. If so, which authors?


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Working With Medline Object

min(Year(fetch)) # Earliest year

## [1] 2001

ArticleTitle(fetch)[Year(fetch) == 2001] # Title of earliest record(s)

## [1] "FDA warns Merck over its promotion of rofecoxib."


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Working With Medline Object

AuthorList <- Author(fetch) # Extract list of authors
LastFirst <- sapply(AuthorList, function(x) paste(x$LastName, x$ForeName))
sort(table(unlist(LastFirst)), dec = TRUE)[1:3] # Tabulate & Sort

## Tanne Janice Hopkins Charatan Fred Abenhaim Lucien

## 4 3 1


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B a s i c M e t a - A n a ly s i s I n R


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R Pa c k a g e s F o r S t a n d a r d M e t a - A n a l y s i s
In no particular order...

· meta (Author: Guido Schwarzer)

· metafor (Author: Wolfgang Viechtbauer)

· rmeta (Author: Thomas Lumley)


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D a t a s e t s F o r Pa c k a g e E x a m p l e s
1. BCG vaccine trials (from metafor)

2. Amlodipine angina treatment trials (from meta)


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Dataset 1: BCG Vacc ine Tr ials

· Overview: 13 vaccine trials of Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG)
vaccine vs. no vaccine

· Treatment goal: Prevention of tuberculosis

· Primary endpoint: Tuberculosis infection

· Possible explanatory variables:

- latitude of study region
- treatment allocation method

- year published


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L o ad i n g B C G Dat a s e t
A version of the BCG dataset is provided by package metafor

library(metafor) # Load package

data(dat.bcg) # BCG meta-analytic dataset
str(dat.bcg) # Describe meta-analysis structure

## 'data.frame': 13 obs. of 9 variables:

## $ trial : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ author: chr "Aronson" "Ferguson & Simes" "Rosenthal et al" "Hart & Sutherland" ...
## $ year : int 1948 1949 1960 1977 1973 1953 1973 1980 1968 1961 ...
## $ tpos : int 4 6 3 62 33 180 8 505 29 17 ...
## $ tneg : int 119 300 228 13536 5036 1361 2537 87886 7470 1699 ...
## $ cpos : int 11 29 11 248 47 372 10 499 45 65 ...
## $ cneg : int 128 274 209 12619 5761 1079 619 87892 7232 1600 ...
## $ ablat : int 44 55 42 52 13 44 19 13 27 42 ...
## $ alloc : chr "random" "random" "random" "random" ...


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Dataset 2: Amlodipine Treatment Tr ials

· Overview: 8 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of amlodipine vs.

· Treatment goal: Reduce harms of angina (chest pain)

· Primary endpoint: Work capacity (ratio of exercise time after to
before intervention)


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Loading amlodipine Dataset

A version of the amlodipine dataset is provided by package meta

library(meta) # Load package

data(amlodipine) # amlodipine meta-analytic dataset
str(amlodipine) # Describe meta-analysis structure

## 'data.frame': 8 obs. of 7 variables:

## $ study : Factor w/ 8 levels "Protocol 154",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
## $ n.amlo : int 46 30 75 12 32 31 27 46
## $ mean.amlo: num 0.232 0.281 0.189 0.093 0.162 ...
## $ var.amlo : num 0.2254 0.1441 0.1981 0.1389 0.0961 ...
## $ n.plac : int 48 26 72 12 34 31 27 47
## $ mean.plac: num -0.0027 0.027 0.0443 0.2277 0.0056 ...
## $ var.plac : num 0.0007 0.1139 0.4972 0.0488 0.0955 ...


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Effect Sizes (ESs)

· An effect size could be almost any summary statistic (e.g. a
mean, a difference in proportions, an adjusted odds ratio, etc.)

· Conventional meta-analytic models assume normality of ESs.

· Because of the CLT, this will holds for most ESs given large
enough samples.

· To normalize ESs, a log-transform is common.


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E x a m p l e : L o g O d d s Rat i o

Event Non-Event Sample Size

Group A ai bi niA
Group B ci di niB


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E x a m p l e : L o g O d d s Rat i o
Effect Size

LOR = log( )

V = 1/a + 1/b + 1/c + 1/d


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C a lc u l at i n g : L o g O d d s Rat i o
Y <- with(dat.bcg, log(tpos * cneg/(tneg * cpos)))
V <- with(dat.bcg, 1/tpos + 1/cneg + 1/tneg + 1/cpos)
cbind(Y, V)

## Y V
## [1,] -0.93869 0.357125
## [2,] -1.66619 0.208132
## [3,] -1.38629 0.433413
## [4,] -1.45644 0.020314
## [5,] -0.21914 0.051952
## [6,] -0.95812 0.009905
## [7,] -1.63378 0.227010
## [8,] 0.01202 0.004007
## [9,] -0.47175 0.056977
## [10,] -1.40121 0.075422
## [11,] -0.34085 0.012525
## [12,] 0.44663 0.534162
## [13,] -0.01734 0.071635


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Using metafor For ES Calculat ion

· escalc does the work of calculating ESs.

· Give the necessary data components (i.e. sample size, events in

each treatment group, etc.).

· Indicate the ES you want with measure.

· Many, many, types of single group and between-group ESs.


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Using metafor For ES Calculat ion


ES <- escalc(endpoints, variances, measure, data,


· endpoints: arguments or formula containing endpoint values

· variances: arguments containing endpoint variances

· measure: character value indicating type of ES

· data: data frame containing named variables


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E f f e c t S i z e : L o g O d d s Rat i o
ES <- escalc(ai = tpos, bi = tneg, ci = cpos, di = cneg,
data = dat.bcg,
measure = "OR")

cbind(ES$yi, ES$vi)


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E f f e c t S i z e : L o g O d d s Rat i o
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] -0.93869 0.357125
## [2,] -1.66619 0.208132
## [3,] -1.38629 0.433413
## [4,] -1.45644 0.020314
## [5,] -0.21914 0.051952
## [6,] -0.95812 0.009905
## [7,] -1.63378 0.227010
## [8,] 0.01202 0.004007
## [9,] -0.47175 0.056977
## [10,] -1.40121 0.075422
## [11,] -0.34085 0.012525
## [12,] 0.44663 0.534162
## [13,] -0.01734 0.071635


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F o r m u l a - B a s e d S p e c i f i c at i o n
· What if my data is in a "long" format?

· That is, what if I have multiple rows per study, corresponding to

difference treatment groups?

· In that case, you may prefer specifying the variables for the ES
calculation using a formula.


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F o r m u l a - B a s e d S p e c i f i c at i o n

escalc(formula = outcome ~ group | study, data = data, weights = n)

Note: The exact syntax will vary a bit depending on the ES type.


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E x a m p l e : F o r m u l a - B a s e d S p e c i f i c at i o n
library(reshape2) # Load package for data reshaping

bcg.long <- melt(dat.bcg[, c("trial", "tpos", "tneg", "cpos", "cneg")], id = "trial")

bcg.long$pos <- ifelse(bcg.long$var == "tpos" | bcg.long$var == "cpos", 1, 0)
bcg.long$group <- ifelse(bcg.long$var == "tpos" | bcg.long$var == "tneg", 1, 0)

## trial variable value pos group

## 1 1 tpos 4 1 1
## 2 2 tpos 6 1 1
## 3 3 tpos 3 1 1
## 4 4 tpos 62 1 1
## 5 5 tpos 33 1 1
## 6 6 tpos 180 1 1


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E x a m p l e : F o r m u l a - B a s e d S p e c i f i c at i o n
escalc(factor(pos) ~ factor(group) | factor(trial),
weights = value,
data = bcg.long,
measure = "OR")


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E x a m p l e : F o r m u l a - B a s e d S p e c i f i c at i o n
## yi vi
## 1 -0.9387 0.3571
## 2 -1.6662 0.2081
## 3 -1.3863 0.4334
## 4 -1.4564 0.0203
## 5 -0.2191 0.0520
## 6 -0.9581 0.0099
## 7 -1.6338 0.2270
## 8 0.0120 0.0040
## 9 -0.4717 0.0570
## 10 -1.4012 0.0754
## 11 -0.3408 0.0125
## 12 0.4466 0.5342
## 13 -0.0173 0.0716


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escalc & rma

· rma is the main modeling function of metafor.

· rma is also a wrapper for escalc, and will compute ESs before
modeling (if you like).

· You usually won't work with escalc directly.

· But if you want the ESs (yi) and variances (vi) without modeling,
use escalc.

· By default, escalc appends the yi and vi to the dataset.

· To return only yi and vi set append=TRUE.


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Summar izing Effects


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S u m m a r i z i n g E f f e c t s : B a s i c Fr a m e w o r k
Normal Assumption

Yi ∼ N(θ, Vi )

Summary Effect Size is a Weighted Average

θ̂ = ∑ Yi Wi / ∑ Wi , Var(θ̂ ) = 1/ ∑ Wi
i i i

Each Study's Contribution

λi = W i / ∑ W i


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M o d e l i n g A p p r o ac h e s
· Fixed

-> Same mean ES, zero between-study variance

· Random

-> Different mean ES, between-study variance

· Mixed

-> Study-level regression for mean ES


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F ix e d E f f e c t s M o d e l
· Same mean ES, known variance

Yi = θ + ei ,

ei ∼ N(0, Vi ).


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Ra n d o m E f f e c t s M o d e l
· Different mean ES, between-study variance

Yi = θ + θi + ei ,

θi ∼ N(0, τ 2 ),

ei ∼ N(0, Vi ).


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M ix e d E f f e c t s M o d e l ( M e t a - R e g r e s s i o n )
· Study-level regression for mean ES

Yi = β′ xi + θi + ei ,

θi ∼ N(0, τ 2 ),

ei ∼ N(0, Vi ).

xi = Study-level covariates


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F ix e d V e r s u s Ra n d o m E f f e c t s
· The FE model is a description of the K studies.

· The RE model regards the K studies as a sample of a larger

universe of studies.

· The RE model can be used to infer what would likely happen if a

new study were performed, the FE model cannot.

· Common practice is to report both fixed and random effects

model results.


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F ix e d E f f e c t s


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Ra n d o m E f f e c t s
Summary ES has more uncertainty because of between-study variance.


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Fixed Effects With metafor

· All model summaries are made with the rma function.

· rma stands for random effects meta-analysis

· The default method is a REML RE model, but the FE model can

also be fit.

REML = Restricted Maximum Likelihood


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Funct ion rma


rma(yi, vi, method, ...)

· yi effect size

· vi variances

· method type of model approach


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Modeling Methods For rma Include:

· "FE" = Fixed Effects

· "DL" = DerSimonian-Laird

· "HE" = Hedges estimator

· "ML" = Maximum Likelihood

· "REML" = Restricted ML


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F it t i n g T h e F ix e d E f f e c t s M o d e l


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E xa m p l e : B C G F E M o d e l
result.or <- rma(yi = Y, vi = V, method = "FE") # Log Odds Ratio


## Fixed-Effects Model (k = 13)

## logLik deviance AIC BIC
## -76.0290 163.1649 154.0580 154.6229
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 12) = 163.1649, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub
## -0.4361 0.0423 -10.3190 <.0001 -0.5190 -0.3533 ***


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Wrapper For escalc


## function (yi, vi, sei, weights, ai, bi, ci, di, n1i, n2i, x1i,
## x2i, t1i, t2i, m1i, m2i, sd1i, sd2i, xi, mi, ri, ti, sdi,
## ni, mods, measure = "GEN", intercept = TRUE, data, slab,
## subset, add = 1/2, to = "only0", drop00 = FALSE, vtype = "LS",
## method = "REML", weighted = TRUE, knha = FALSE, level = 95,
## digits = 4, btt, tau2, verbose = FALSE, control)

Have rma calculate the ESs, if you haven't done it yourself.


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E xa m p l e : M e a n D if f e r e n c e
result.md <- rma(m1 = mean.amlo, m2 = mean.plac,
sd1 = sqrt(var.amlo), sd2 = sqrt(var.plac),
n1 = n.amlo, n2 = n.plac,
method = "FE", measure = "MD",
data = amlodipine)


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What Is Returned? rma Class

-> The function rma returns an object of the class rma.

-> This object behaves like a list.

-> You can use the function names to see available elements.

names(result.md) # Components of rma


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Components Of rma

## [1] "b" "se" "zval" "pval" "ci.lb"

## [6] "ci.ub" "vb" "tau2" "se.tau2" "k"
## [11] "k.f" "k.eff" "p" "p.eff" "parms"
## [16] "m" "QE" "QEp" "QM" "QMp"
## [21] "I2" "H2" "int.only" "int.incl" "allvipos"
## [26] "yi" "vi" "X" "yi.f" "vi.f"
## [31] "X.f" "ai.f" "bi.f" "ci.f" "di.f"
## [36] "x1i.f" "x2i.f" "t1i.f" "t2i.f" "ni"
## [41] "ni.f" "ids" "not.na" "slab" "slab.null"
## [46] "measure" "method" "weighted" "knha" "robust"
## [51] "s2w" "btt" "intercept" "digits" "level"
## [56] "control" "add" "to" "drop00" "fit.stats"


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Frequently Used Elements

Name Description

b Summary effect

ci.lb Left endpoint of CI

ci.ub Right endpoint of CI

vb Variance-covariance of summary effects

fit.stats Model fit statistics

yi Vector of study effect sizes

vi Vector of effect size variances


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Your Turn: Fixed Effects, Mean Difference

For the mean difference in the amlodipine trial determine:

1. The summary effect

2. The 95% confidence interval


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Your Turn: Fixed Effects, Mean Difference


## [,1]
## intrcpt 0.1619

c(result.md$ci.lb, result.md$ci.ub)

## [1] 0.0986 0.2252


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Your Turn: Study Contr ibut ions

1. Determine the percentage each study contributed to the overall
effect size summary.

2. Which study contributes the most? How much?

3. Use a barplot to show the percentages graphically.


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Your Turn: Study Contr ibut ions

contributions <- 1/result.md$vi/sum(1/result.md$vi) * 100


## contributions
## [1,] 21.219
## [2,] 11.355
## [3,] 10.923
## [4,] 6.667
## [5,] 17.943
## [6,] 10.848
## [7,] 1.661
## [8,] 19.385


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Your Turn: Study Contr ibut ions


## [1] 21.22

amlodipine$study[which(contributions == max(contributions))]

## [1] Protocol 154

## 8 Levels: Protocol 154 Protocol 156 Protocol 157 ... Protocol 306


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Your Turn: Study Contr ibut ions

contributions <- 1/result.md$vi/sum(1/result.md$vi) * 100

par(mar = c(5, 10, 5, 5))

barplot(contributions, names = amlodipine$study,

xlim = c(0, 50), las = 2, horiz = T,
col = "royalblue")


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Your Turn: Study Contr ibut ions


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Methods For rma Object

Name Description

coef Summary effect

confint Confidence interval

summary Summary table of meta-analytic model


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Methods For rma Object


## Fixed-Effects Model (k = 8)
## logLik deviance AIC BIC
## 4.7834 12.3311 -7.5669 -7.4874
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 7) = 12.3311, p-val = 0.0902
## Model Results:
## estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub
## 0.1619 0.0323 5.0134 <.0001 0.0986 0.2252 ***


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Methods For rma Object


## intrcpt
## 0.1619


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Methods For rma Object

confint(result.md) # Heterogeneity measures do not apply for FE model

## estimate ci.lb ci.ub
## tau^2 NA 0.0000 0.1667
## tau NA 0.0000 0.4082
## I^2(%) NA 0.0000 95.0658
## H^2 NA 1.0000 20.2667


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F it t i n g T h e Ra n d o m E f f e c t s M o d e l


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Ra n d o m E f f e c t s M o d e l
· Suppose between-study variance (τ 2 ) is non-zero.

· Methods differ on how they estimate τ 2 .

· Many iterative and non-iterative approaches to estimating τ 2 have

been proposed.


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E s t i m at o r s o f τ 2
The rma function offers the following estimators:

Method Estimator

DL DerSimonian-Laird (Most Common)

HE Hedges

HS Hunter-Schmidt

SJ Sidik-Jonkman

ML Maximum-likelihood

REML Restricted maximum-likelihood (Default)

EB Empirical Bayes


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Between-Study Var iance

The rma function offers the following estimators:

Method Estimator

DL DerSimonian-Laird (Most Common)

HE Hedges

HS Hunter-Schmidt

SJ Sidik-Jonkman

ML Maximum-likelihood

REML Restricted maximum-likelihood (Default)

EB Empirical Bayes

No method is universally superior, but Viechtbauer's simulation

study (2002) suggests REML has the most recommendable


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E xa m p l e : R E M o d e l , M e a n D if f e r e n c e
result.md <- rma(m1 = mean.amlo, m2 = mean.plac,
sd1 = sqrt(var.amlo), sd2 = sqrt(var.plac),
n1 = n.amlo, n2 = n.plac,
method = "REML", measure = "MD",
data = amlodipine)


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E xa m p l e : R E M o d e l , M e a n D if f e r e n c e

## Random-Effects Model (k = 8; tau^2 estimator: REML)

## logLik deviance AIC BIC
## 3.3094 -6.6188 -2.6188 -2.7270
## tau^2 (estimated amount of total heterogeneity): 0.0001 (SE = 0.0042)
## tau (square root of estimated tau^2 value): 0.0116
## I^2 (total heterogeneity / total variability): 1.54%
## H^2 (total variability / sampling variability): 1.02
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 7) = 12.3311, p-val = 0.0902
## Model Results:
## estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub
## 0.1617 0.0326 4.9584 <.0001 0.0978 0.2257 ***


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Get Between-Study Var iance & Its Error


## [1] 0.0001353


## [1] 0.004239

result.md$tau2 + 1.96 * c(-1, 1) * result.md$se.tau2 #95% CI

## [1] -0.008173 0.008444


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H ow M u c h C a n E s t i m at e s O f τ 2 D i f f e r ?
estimators <- c("DL", "REML", "HE", "HS", "SJ", "ML", "EB")

taus <- sapply(estimators, function(method) {

rma(m1 = mean.amlo, m2 = mean.plac,
sd1 = sqrt(var.amlo), sd2 = sqrt(var.plac),
n1 = n.amlo, n2 = n.plac,
method = method, measure = "MD",
data = amlodipine)$tau2


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P l ot O f τ 2 E s t i m at e s
plot(y = taus, x = 1:length(taus),
type = "h", pch = 19,
axes = FALSE, xlab = "Estimators")

axis(2, las = 1)

axis(1, at = 1:length(taus), lab = estimators)


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P l ot O f τ 2 E s t i m at e s


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D e r S i m o n i a n - L a i rd

Method of moments estimator; Most popular approach

Q − (K − 1)
τˆ2 = max{0, }
∑i Wi − ∑i Wi2 / ∑i Wi

Q = ∑ Wi (Yi − Yˉ)2

YˉW = ∑ Wi Yi / ∑ Wi


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Best properties, in general

∑i W̃ i [ K−1 (Yi − θ̂ )2 − Vi ]
2 K

τˆ2 = 2
∑i W̃ i

K = Number of trials

W̃ = (Vi + τˆ2 )−1

θ̂ = Effect size


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∑i Wi2 [(Yi − θ̂ )2 − Vi ]
τˆ2 =
∑i Wi2


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2 ∑i (Yi − Yˉ)2 ∑i Vi
τˆ = −
(K − 1) K


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τˆ20 = k−1 ∑(Yi − Yˉ)2


θ̂ = (∑ W̃ i )−1 ∑ W̃ i Yi
i i

τˆ2 = τˆ20 /(K − 1) ∑ W̃ i (Yi − θ̂ )2



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1 0 - m i n u t e Br e a k


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Ev a l u a t i n g H e t e r o g e n e i t y


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Test ing For Heterogeneit y: Q Test

Q = ∑ Wi (Yi − θ̂ )2

· Q is the weighted deviations about the summary effect size.

· Larger values of Q reflect greater between-study heterogeneity.

· When τ 2 = 0, Q ∼ χ2 (K − 1), which leads to a chi-squared test

for heterogeneity.


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E xa m p l e : Q - t e s t , M e a n D if f e r e n c e s
MD <- with(amlodipine, mean.amlo - mean.plac)

W <- 1/with(amlodipine, var.amlo/n.amlo + var.plac/n.plac)

Q <- sum(W * (MD - sum(W * MD)/sum(W))^2)


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E xa m p l e : Q - t e s t , M e a n D if f e r e n c e s

## [1] 12.33

df <- length(MD) - 1
pchisq(Q, df = df, lower = FALSE) # HOW LIKELY UNDER NULL?

## [1] 0.09018


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E xa m p l e : Q - t e s t , M e a n D if f e r e n c e s
curve(1 - pchisq(x, df = df), 0, 20)
abline(v = Q, col = "red", lwd = 2)


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Q-test Comes With rma Object


## [1] 12.33


## [1] 0.09018


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Your Turn: Q-test, Log Odds Rat io

1. Obtain the Q-test for the meta-analysis of log odds ratios with
the BCG Vaccine Trials.

2. What does the test suggest about between-study heterogeneity?


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Your Turn: Q-test, Log Odds Rat io

result.or <- rma(yi = Y, vi = V, method = "DL") # DerSimonian-Laird


## [1] 163.2


## [1] 1.189e-28


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Remarks On Q-test
· The chi-squared approximation is valid when study sample sizes
are large.

· Type I error is generally accurate if normal distribution assumption

and sample sizes are not too small.

· Q-test has low power (<0.80) when the number of studies and/or
sample sizes is small.


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Remarks On Q-test

Bottom Line: If there are few trials in the meta-analysis (as is

usually the case), the Q-test is likely underpowered for detecting
true heterogeneity.


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Indices Of Heterogeneit y
· τ2

· Higgins' I 2

· H 2 , H Index

· Intra-class correlation (ICC)


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Higgins' I 2

I 2 = (Q − df)/Q × 100

Interpretation = Percentage of "unexplained" variance

df = Degrees of Freedom

For random-effects meta-analysis, df = K − 1


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T h r e s h o ld s F o r I 2
Judging the severity of measured heterogeneity is subjective,
however Higgins suggests these rules of thumb:

· 0% to 30% → Low

· 30% to 60% → Moderate

· 50% to 90% → Substantial

· 75% to 100% → Considerable


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E xa m p l e : I 2 , M e a n D if f e r e n c e s
(Q - df)/Q * 100

## [1] 43.23

# From rma object

I2 <- with(result.md, (QE - (k - 1))/QE * 100)

## [1] 43.23


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Is the ratio of Q to the Q-test's degrees of freedom,

H2 = ,

2 I2
1/H = 1 − .

H index is the √H 2 .

H > 1 suggests there is unexplained heterogeneity.


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E xa m p l e : H 2

## [1] 1.762

1/(1 - I2/100)

## [1] 1.762


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I n t r a - C l a s s C o r r e l at i o n
After fitting RMA and getting measure of τ 2 , we can compute the
intra-class correlation (ICC)

τ 2 + S2
∑ Wi (K − 1)
S2 =
(∑ Wi )2 − ∑ Wi2


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E x a m p l e : I n t r a - C l a s s C o r r e l at i o n
S2 <- sum(W * (length(W) - 1))/(sum(W)^2 - sum(W^2))

result.md$tau2/(result.md$tau2 + S2)

## [1] 0.0154


## [1] 1.54


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R e l at i o n s h i p B e t w e e n I C C , I 2 , H 2
· What happened in the previous example?

· We saw that I 2 = ICC × 100

· This is because metafor uses the more general definitions of I 2

and H 2 , which are based on τ 2 .

· To get the conventional estimates, which do not depend on τ 2 ,

use method DL.


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I 2 & H 2 In metafor

I 2 = ICC × 100

H 2 = (τ 2 + σ 2 )/σ 2

where, σ 2 is the weighted numerator of the DL τ 2 estimator

σ 2 = [(K − 1)(∑ Wi − ∑ Wi2 / ∑ Wi )]


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Example: I 2 In metafor
result.md$tau2/(result.md$tau2 + S2) * 100

## [1] 1.54


## [1] 1.54


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Example: H 2 In metafor
sigma2 <- (length(Y) - 1) * (sum(W) - sum(W^2)/sum(W))^(-1)

result.md$tau2/sigma2 + 1 #H2

## [1] 1.009


## [1] 1.016


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E x a m p l e : I 2 & H 2 C o n v e n t i o n a l E s t i m at e s
result.md <- rma(m1 = mean.amlo, m2 = mean.plac,
sd1 = sqrt(var.amlo), sd2 = sqrt(var.plac),
n1 = n.amlo, n2 = n.plac,
method = "DL", measure = "MD", data = amlodipine)


## [1] 43.23


## [1] 1.762


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Conf idence Inter vals For Indices

· A Q-profile method for an exact confidence interval for τ 2 is

provided with the confint method of rma objects.

· The CI for τ 2 is used to derive CIs for the remaining heterogeneity

indices, which are all monotonic transformations of τ 2 .


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E xa m p l e : C o n f i d e n c e I n t e r v a l s F o r I n di c e s

## estimate ci.lb ci.ub
## tau^2 0.0066 0.0000 0.1667
## tau 0.0812 0.0000 0.4082
## I^2(%) 43.2328 0.0000 95.0658
## H^2 1.7616 1.0000 20.2667


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Your Turn: Conf idence Inter vals For ICC

1. Use the confint method to obtain a 95% CI for the ICC of the
mean difference DL meta-analysis.


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Your Turn: Conf idence Inter vals For ICC


## [1] "random" "digits" "tau2.min"

I2CI <- confint(result.md)$random[3, ]


## estimate ci.lb ci.ub

## 0.4323 0.0000 0.9507


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Visualizing Heterogeneit y


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T h e F o r e s t P l ot

“ Seeing the forest through the trees... ”

· Is a plot of effect sizes and their precisions

· Is the most common way to report the results of a meta-analysis

· Can help identify patterns across effects

· Can help spot large variation in effects or possible outliers


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Forest Plot For rma Objects

forest(result.md) # DEFAULT PLOT


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Arguments Of forest

## function (x, annotate = TRUE, addfit = TRUE, addcred = FALSE,

## showweight = FALSE, xlim, alim, ylim, at, steps = 5, level = x$level,
## digits = 2, refline = 0, xlab, slab, mlab, ilab, ilab.xpos,
## ilab.pos, order, transf = FALSE, atransf = FALSE, targs,
## rows, efac = 1, pch = 15, psize, col = "darkgray", border = "darkgray",
## cex, cex.lab, cex.axis, ...)


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C u s t o m i z i n g F o r e s t P l ot
Some typical modifications:

· order: Sort by "obs", "fit", "prec", etc.

· slab: Change study labels

· ilab: Add study information

· transf: Apply function to effects

· psize: Symbol sizes


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E xa m p l e : C u s t o m i z i n g F o r e s t P l ot
In the following, we modify the study labels and add the (fake) year
of publication.

study.names <- paste("Study", letters[1:8])

study.year <- 2000 + sample(0:9, 8, replace = T)

forest(result.md, order = "obs",

slab = study.names,
ilab = study.year,
ilab.xpos = result.md$b - 1,
refline = result.md$b)


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E xa m p l e : C u s t o m i z i n g F o r e s t P l ot


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E xa m p l e : C u s t o m i z i n g F o r e s t P l ot
In the following, we plot the ORs of the BCG trials and order the
studies by precision.

forest(result.or, order = "prec", transf = exp, refline = 1)


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E xa m p l e : C u s t o m i z i n g F o r e s t P l ot


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Your Turn: Customizing Forest Plot

1. Modify the previous plot by adding the sample size and year of
the studies.


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Your Turn: Customizing Forest Plot

dat.bcg$n <- with(dat.bcg, tpos + tneg + cpos + cneg)

forest(result.or, order = "prec",

ilab = dat.bcg[, c("n", "year")],
ilab.xpos = exp(result.or$b) - c(4, 2),
transf = exp, refline = 1)


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Your Turn: Customizing Forest Plot


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Ad j u s t i n g L i m it s
· You can change the min and max of the drawn region with the
argument alim.

· This must include all effects.

· CIs will be clipped if outside the restricted area.

· An arrow will indicate clipped CIs.


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E xa m p l e : Ad j u s t i n g L i m it s
forest(result.or, order = "prec",
ilab = dat.bcg[, c("n", "year")],
ilab.xpos = exp(result.or$b) - c(4, 2),
transf = exp, refline = 1,
alim = c(0, 4))


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E xa m p l e : Ad j u s t i n g L i m it s


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S e n s i t iv i t y A n a ly s e s


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Ca s e D i a g n o s t i c s
· A single outlying trial could be the source of substantial

· To identify suspicious cases, a leave-one-out method can be used

whereby we rerun the meta-analysis, iteratively removing studies.

· In the metafor package this is accomplished with the leave1out



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E xa m p l e : Ca s e D i a g n o s t i c s

## estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub Q Qp tau2

## 1 0.1434 0.0516 2.7759 0.0055 0.0421 0.2446 10.9770 0.0891 0.0080
## 2 0.1449 0.0497 2.9156 0.0036 0.0475 0.2423 11.2868 0.0799 0.0076
## 3 0.1610 0.0519 3.1045 0.0019 0.0593 0.2626 12.2979 0.0556 0.0090
## 4 0.1833 0.0345 5.3173 0.0000 0.1158 0.2509 6.3053 0.3899 0.0004
## 5 0.1595 0.0541 2.9494 0.0032 0.0535 0.2655 12.3252 0.0551 0.0099
## 6 0.1689 0.0505 3.3429 0.0008 0.0699 0.2679 11.7178 0.0686 0.0082
## 7 0.1481 0.0387 3.8295 0.0001 0.0723 0.2239 8.2003 0.2238 0.0028
## 8 0.1623 0.0543 2.9908 0.0028 0.0559 0.2687 12.2425 0.0568 0.0099
## I2 H2
## 1 45.3404 1.8295
## 2 46.8405 1.8811
## 3 51.2112 2.0496
## 4 4.8426 1.0509
## 5 51.3192 2.0542
## 6 48.7959 1.9530
## 7 26.8316 1.3667
## 8 50.9905 2.0404


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Your Turn: Case Diagnost ics, BCG Tr ials

1. Which trial contributes the most to the BCG OR meta-analysis?

2. Do any of the trials reduce I 2 to < 30%?

3. Does the removal of any trial change the main conclusion about
the efficacy of BCG?


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Your Turn: Case Diagnost ics, BCG Tr ials

cases <- leave1out(result.or)

which(cases$I2 == min(cases$I2))

## [1] 8

sum(cases$I2 < 30) # Number with low heterogeneity

## [1] 0


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Your Turn: Case Diagnost ics, BCG Tr ials

cbind(exp(cases$estimate), cases$pval < 0.05)

## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 0.4784 1
## [2,] 0.5047 1
## [3,] 0.4885 1
## [4,] 0.5173 1
## [5,] 0.4493 1
## [6,] 0.4835 1
## [7,] 0.5025 1
## [8,] 0.4379 1
## [9,] 0.4605 1
## [10,] 0.5033 1
## [11,] 0.4510 1
## [12,] 0.4499 1
## [13,] 0.4424 1


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Explaining Heterogeneit y:


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Meta-Regression With rma

· Specify study covariates through the mods argument

· The mods argument takes a matrix of p covariates


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Example: Lat itude And BCG Tr ial Results

result.ormr <- rma(ai = tpos, bi = tneg, ci = cpos, di = cneg,
data = dat.bcg,
mods = dat.bcg[, "ablat"],
measure = "OR",
method = "DL")


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Example: Lat itude And BCG Tr ial Results


## Mixed-Effects Model (k = 13; tau^2 estimator: DL)

## tau^2 (estimated amount of residual heterogeneity): 0.0480 (SE = 0.0451)
## tau (square root of estimated tau^2 value): 0.2191
## I^2 (residual heterogeneity / unaccounted variability): 56.17%
## H^2 (unaccounted variability / sampling variability): 2.28
## Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
## QE(df = 11) = 25.0954, p-val = 0.0088
## Test of Moderators (coefficient(s) 2):
## QM(df = 1) = 26.1628, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub
## intrcpt 0.3030 0.2109 1.4370 0.1507 -0.1103 0.7163
## mods -0.0316 0.0062 -5.1150 <.0001 -0.0437 -0.0195 ***


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C h a n g e I n E s t i m at e & H e t e r o g e n e i t y
exp(c(result.or$b, result.ormr$b[1]))

## [1] 0.4736 1.3540

c(result.or$I2, result.ormr$I2)

## [1] 92.65 56.17


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C h a n g e I n E s t i m at e & H e t e r o g e n e i t y
· What happened?

· The effect of treatment changed direction.

· Remember: This is a linear not logistic regression.

· As fit, the intercept (treatment log-odds) corresponds to a study

conducted in a region with latitude = 0.


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Your Turn: Meta-Regression

1. Determine to what extent the study design (alloc) explains the
remaining heterogeneity in the BCG vaccine trials.

2. Center latitude on the median, so that the intercept corresponds

to the log-odds effect of BCG at the median latitude.

3. What is the percentage change in I 2 as compared to the RE



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Example: Allocat ion And BCG Tr ial Results

dat.bcg$random <- ifelse(dat.bcg$alloc == "random", 1, 0)
dat.bcg$cablat <- dat.bcg$ablat - median(dat.bcg$ablat)

result.ormr <- rma(ai = tpos, bi = tneg, ci = cpos, di = cneg,

data = dat.bcg,
mods = dat.bcg[, c("ablat", "random")],
measure = "OR",
method = "DL")


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Example: Allocat ion And BCG Tr ial Results


## Mixed-Effects Model (k = 13; tau^2 estimator: DL)

## tau^2 (estimated amount of residual heterogeneity): 0.0732 (SE = 0.0677)
## tau (square root of estimated tau^2 value): 0.2706
## I^2 (residual heterogeneity / unaccounted variability): 60.10%
## H^2 (unaccounted variability / sampling variability): 2.51
## Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
## QE(df = 10) = 25.0624, p-val = 0.0052
## Test of Moderators (coefficient(s) 2,3):
## QM(df = 2) = 20.0425, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub
## intrcpt 0.3643 0.2596 1.4037 0.1604 -0.1444 0.8731
## ablat -0.0307 0.0072 -4.2829 <.0001 -0.0447 -0.0166 ***
## random -0.2029 0.2124 -0.9551 0.3395 -0.6191 0.2134


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Example: Allocat ion And BCG Tr ial Results

c(result.ormr$I2, result.or$I2)

## [1] 60.10 92.65

(result.or$I2 - result.ormr$I2)/result.or$I2 * 100

## [1] 35.13


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Pu b l i c at i o n B i a s


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` T h e F i l e - D r a w e r ' Pr o b l e m
· It is possible that studies showing a significant intervention effect
are more often published than studies with null results.

· When a meta-analysis is based only on studies reported in the

literature, null studies relegated to the file-drawer could bias the
summary intervention effect in the direction of efficacy.


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Detect ing Publicat ion Bias: Funnel Plot

· A funnel plot is a scatter plot of the intervention effect estimates
against a measure of study precision.

· Asymmetry (gaps) in the funnel may be indicative of publication


· Some authors argue that judging asymmetry is too subjective to

be useful.

· Spurious asymmetry can result from heterogeneity or when ESs

are correlated with precision.


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Example: Funnel Plot

metafor method for generating funnel plots from rma objects.


Use addtau2=TRUE to add between-study error.


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Example: Funnel Plot


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S e n s i t iv i t y A n a ly s e s F o r Pu b l i c at i o n B i a s
· Judging asymmetry in the funnel plot can be difficult.

· So you will usually want to consider some additional ways of

assessing the threat of publication bias.

· Sensitivity Analyses:

- Trim-and-Fill
- Fail Safe N


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Tr im-and-Fill Method
· The trim and fill method estimates the number of missing NULL
studies from the meta-analysis.

· The method trimfill of the metafor package augments the

observed data and returns the fitted rma object with the missing
studies included.

· These points can be added to the funnel plot.


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Example: Tr im-and-Fill Method

result.rd <- rma(ai = tpos, bi = tneg, ci = cpos, di = cneg,
data = dat.bcg,
measure = "RD",
method = "DL") # Risk Differences

trimfill(result.rd) # Only applicable for FE or RE objects


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Example: Tr im-and-Fill Method

## Estimated number of missing studies on the right side: 4
## Random-Effects Model (k = 17; tau^2 estimator: DL)
## tau^2 (estimated amount of total heterogeneity): 0.0000 (SE = 0.0000)
## tau (square root of estimated tau^2 value): 0.0051
## I^2 (total heterogeneity / total variability): 95.83%
## H^2 (total variability / sampling variability): 23.98
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 16) = 383.6062, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub
## -0.0049 0.0018 -2.7858 0.0053 -0.0084 -0.0015 **


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Example: Tr im-and-Fill Method



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Fail-Safe N

· Rosenthal method (sometimes called a ʻfile drawer analysisʼ)

· Is the number of NULL studies that have to be added to reduce

the significance of the meta-analysis to α (usually 0.05)


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Example: Fail-Safe Method

value <- fsn(y = result.md$yi, v = result.md$vi)


## Fail-safe N Calculation Using the Rosenthal Approach
## Observed Significance Level: <.0001
## Target Significance Level: 0.05
## Fail-safe N: 65


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Example: Fail-Safe Method


## [1] 65

value$alpha # Target Significance Level

## [1] 0.05


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O t h e r R Pa c k a g e s f o r M e t a - A n a l y s i s


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Packages rmeta And meta

· Package metafor is the most comprehensive of currently
available R packages for performing meta-analysis, but some may
find its design overly complex (think iTunes)

· The package meta has a lot of overlap in provided methods, but it

separates modeling functions by endpoint type

· The package rmeta only has DSL random effects modeling and
no meta-regression modeling functions, which might be fine for
some purposes

· The reliability of all of these packages is very good


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library(meta) # Package meta

Main Functions:

· metabin: Meta-analysis for binary outcome

· metacont: Meta-analysis for continuous outcome

· metareg: Meta-regression

· forest: Forest plot

· funnel: Funnel plot

· trimfill: Trim-and-fill method

· metabias: Test of asymmetry in funnel plot


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Example Of metabin
dat.bcg$tn <- dat.bcg$tpos + dat.bcg$tneg
dat.bcg$cn <- dat.bcg$cpos + dat.bcg$cneg
result.or.meta <- metabin(event.e = tpos, n.e = tn, event.c = cpos, n.c = cn,
data = dat.bcg,
sm = "OR",
method = "Inverse",
method.tau = "REML")


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Returned Object Has Many Components


## [1] "event.e" "n.e" "event.c" "n.c"

## [5] "studlab" "TE" "seTE" "w.fixed"
## [9] "w.random" "TE.fixed" "seTE.fixed" "lower.fixed"
## [13] "upper.fixed" "zval.fixed" "pval.fixed" "TE.random"
## [17] "seTE.random" "lower.random" "upper.random" "zval.random"
## [21] "pval.random" "k" "Q" "tau"
## [25] "se.tau2" "Q.CMH" "sm" "method"
## [29] "sparse" "incr" "allincr" "addincr"
## [33] "allstudies" "MH.exact" "RR.cochrane" "incr.e"
## [37] "incr.c" "level" "level.comb" "comb.fixed"
## [41] "comb.random" "hakn" "df.hakn" "method.tau"
## [45] "tau.preset" "TE.tau" "method.bias" "title"
## [49] "complab" "outclab" "label.e" "label.c"
## [53] "label.left" "label.right" "call" "warn"
## [57] "print.byvar" "print.CMH" "version"


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K ey C o m p o n e n t s
· w.fixed, w.random: Weight of individual studies

· TE.fixed, TE.random: Estimated overall treatment effect

· lower.fixed, upper.fixed: Lower and upper confidence


· lower.random, upper.random: Lower and upper confidence


· k: Number of studies

· tau: Estimated between-study variance

· Q: Heterogeneity statistic


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Example Of metabin

## Number of studies combined: k=13

## OR 95%-CI z p.value
## Fixed effect model 0.647 [0.595; 0.702] -10.319 < 0.0001
## Random effects model 0.475 [0.330; 0.683] -4.006 < 0.0001
## Quantifying heterogeneity:
## tau^2 = 0.3378; H = 3.69 [3.04; 4.47]; I^2 = 92.6% [89.2%; 95%]
## Test of heterogeneity:
## Q d.f. p.value
## 163.16 12 < 0.0001
## Details on meta-analytical method:
## - Inverse variance method
## - restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2


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Forest Plot With metabin

forest(result.or.meta) # Default like Cochrane forest plot


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Funnel Plot Asymmetr y Test metabin

metabias(result.or.meta, method = "rank") # Rank-correlation test

## Rank correlation test of funnel plot asymmetry
## data: result.or.meta
## z = 0.122, p-value = 0.9029
## alternative hypothesis: asymmetry in funnel plot
## sample estimates:
## ks se.ks
## 2.00 16.39

No indication of asymmetry for OR analysis.


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library(rmeta) # rmeta package

Key Functions:

· meta.DSL: RE meta-analysis (Binary only)

· meta.MH: FE meta-analysis (Mantel-Haenszel)

· meta.summaries: Fixed/Random given ES and weights

· forestplot: Forest plot

· funnelplot: Funnel plot


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M a n t e l- H a e n s z e l O R
· rmeta has the fewest features of the packages we have

· One potential advantage is the fixed-effects Mantel-Haenszel

method for combined ORs.

· Like Peto's OR, this is a FE model that can be advantageous for

handling studies with rare events.


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Example: meta.MH
dat.bcg$tn <- with(dat.bcg, tpos + tneg)
dat.bcg$cn <- with(dat.bcg, cpos + cneg)
dat.bcg$tp <- with(dat.bcg, tpos/tn)
dat.bcg$cp <- with(dat.bcg, cpos/cn)

result.mh <- meta.MH(tn, cn, tp, cp, data = dat.bcg)


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Returned Object Of meta.MH


## [1] "logOR" "selogOR" "logMH" "selogMH" "MHtest"

## [6] "het" "call" "names" "conf.level" "statistic"


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K ey C o m p o n e n t s
· logOR: Log odds ratio

· logMH: Estimated overall log OR

· selogMH: Standard error of overall log OR

· MHtest: Mantel-Haenszel χ2 -test that OR=1

· het: Woolfʼs chi-square for heterogeneity, df, p-value


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Example: meta.MH

## Fixed effects ( Mantel-Haenszel ) meta-analysis

## Call: meta.MH(ntrt = tn, nctrl = cn, ptrt = tp, pctrl = cp, data = dat.bcg)
## ------------------------------------
## OR (lower 95% upper)
## [1,] 0.46 0 1.881e+05
## [2,] 0.20 0 9.548e+05
## [3,] 0.25 0 5.984e+07
## [4,] 0.22 0 2.332e+13
## [5,] 0.92 0 1.368e+14
## [6,] 0.43 0 4.339e+02
## [7,] 0.05 0 2.016e+15
## [8,] 1.01 0 9.527e+15
## [9,] 0.61 0 1.713e+17
## [10,] 0.25 0 9.272e+08
## [11,] 0.38 0 9.164e+17
## [12,] 1.46 0 4.151e+30
## [13,] 1.04 0 1.035e+30
## ------------------------------------
## Mantel-Haenszel OR =0.36 95% CI ( 0,47.42 )
## Test for heterogeneity: X^2( 12 ) = 0.03 ( p-value 1 )


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Example: meta.MH
c(exp(result.or$b), exp(result.mh$logMH)) # Compare with RE model

## [1] 0.4736 0.3635


## [1] 0.1825 0.6692


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Compar ing metafor, rmeta, meta


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O v e ra ll
Feature metafor rmeta meta

Comprehensive modeling options ✓ ✓

Simple, well-designed syntax ✓ ✓
Documentation: Thorough ✓ ✓
Documentation: Easy to follow ✓
Provides tools for meta-regression ✓ ✓ (from rma)

Publication-ready graphics ✓ ✓
Provides tools to assess threat of publication bias ✓ ✓ ✓
Provides tools to perform sensitivity analyses ✓


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C a lc u l at e d E f f e c t S i z e s
Effect Size metafor rmeta meta

Relative Risk ✓ ✓
Odds Ratio ✓ ✓ ✓
Risk Difference ✓ ✓
Mean Difference ✓ ✓
Standardized Mean Difference ✓ ✓
Correlation Coefficient ✓ ✓


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Sy n t h e s i s M e t h o d s
Method metafor rmeta meta

Peto's OR ✓ ✓
Mantel-Haenszel OR ✓ ✓
DerSimonian-Laird RE ✓ ✓
Hedges ✓ ✓
Sidik-Jonkman ✓ ✓
Meta-Regression ✓ ✓


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C o m p u t e d & Acc e s i b l e H e t e r o g e n e it y

Heterogeneity Index metafor rmeta meta

τ2 ✓ ✓ ✓
I2 ✓
H 2


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C o m p u t e d & Acc e s i b l e C o n f i d e n c e
Inter vals

Estimate metafor rmeta meta

Study Effects ✓
Summary Effect ✓ ✓ ✓
τ 2

I 2


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G ra p h i c s

Plot metafor rmeta meta

Forest Plot ✓ ✓ ✓
Funnel Plot ✓ ✓ ✓
Galbraith (Radial) Plot ✓ ✓
L'Abbe Plot ✓ ✓
Trim-and-Fill Plot ✓ ✓


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S o m e Ad va n c e d T o p i c s


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Zero Counts
· No events in one or both treatment groups can create
computational problems in standard meta-analytic approaches.

· Most proprietary programs handle this by adding 0.5 to zero


· Mantel-Haenszel only requires correction if zero counts occur for

same treatment arm in all studies.

· Peto's odds ratio only requires correction if zero counts in both

arms of one or more studies.


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Pa t i e n t - L e v e l M e t a - A n a l y s i s
· Always preferred but are rarely possible to undertake.

· More often only some studies have IPD and focusing only on
these can introduce selection bias.

· If bias is not of concern, synthesize with hierarchical modeling.

· glmm and coxme packages are commonly used for hierarchical

modeling in R.

· I have written the ipdmeta package for assessing the power of

subgroup effects with IPD meta-analysis.


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M e t a - A n a ly s e s O f O b s e r v at i o n a l S t u d i e s
· Great care is needed in assessing compatibility of effects when
considering meta-analysis of non-randomized studies.

· When "treatment" is not randomized, greater heterogeneity

between studies is expected.

· The reason for this is that outcomes will be more sensitive to the
sample characteristics and adjustment methods a study has used.

· In general, one should use the most fully-adjusted measure of



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Conf idence Distr ibut ion Method

· We have focused on the summary of effect sizes.

· It is also possible to summarize evidence across trials by

combining confidence intervals, the so-called "confidence
distribution method".

· Some advantages of combining CDs:

- Robust to outlying studies

- Yields exact CI for combining 2 by 2 tables, even with rare


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M e t a - A n a ly s i s O f G e n o m i c Dat a
· Standard FE or RE methodology can be applied to perform
meta-analyses of genomic data (e.g., GWAS, microarray, etc.).

· But these data introduce further issues:

- Missing data

- Platform discrepancies between studies

- Multiplicity
- Efficiency


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M u lt i v a r i a t e M e t a - A n a l y s i s
· There may be multiple endpoints of interest.

· A multivariate meta-analysis combines estimates of multiple

outcomes, accounting for their correlation.

· Multivariate meta-regression can also incorporate the effects of

study-level predictors.


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N e t w o r k M e t a - A n a ly s i s
· A disease may have multiple trial-tested treatments.

· In general, only a subset of treatments will have been considered

in any given trial.

· When there is interest in comparing the efficacy among all trials,

when not all have been directly compared in available trials, a
network (or mixed-treatment) meta-analysis can be performed.

· Proposed network meta-analysis methods usually involve

Bayesian approaches and require careful assessment of
consistency in treatment comparisons.


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B ay e s i a n M e t a - A n a ly s i s
· Bayesian meta-analysis focuses on estimating a posterior
distribution of effect rather than a summary effect estimate.

· A Bayesian framework can be advantageous for:

- Accounting for possible bias

- Making mixed-treatment comparisons

- Conducting multivariate analyses


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Pa c k a g e s F o r A d v a n c e d M e t a - A n a l y s e s

Topic Related Packages

Confidence Distribution Method gmeta (Not yet on CRAN)

Network Meta-Analysis gemtc

Multivariate Meta-Analysis mmeta, mvmeta, bamdit, mada,

HSROC, metamisc

Bayesian Meta-Analysis bamdit, bspmma

Genomic Meta-Analysis metABEL, gap, MAMA


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K ey M e s s a g e s

1. Not to begin here!

2. That meta-analytic summaries are all about weighted averages

3. That evaluating bias and heterogeneity are essential steps of


4. You now have a basic knowledge of how to use multiple R

packages to perform conventional meta-analyses


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R e s o u r c e s F o r Sy s t e m a t i c R e v i e w s
· Cochrane Collaboration Handbook

· Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and

Meta-Analyses (PRISMA Statement)

· Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE



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Fur ther Reading

Overview (1)

· Cochrane Handbook

· CRAN Task View on Meta-Analysis.

· Chen D-G, Peace KE. Applied meta-analysis with R. Boca Raton, Florida: Taylor & Francis Group; 2013.

· Ellis PD. The essential guide to effect sizes : statistical power, meta-analysis, and the interpretation of

research results. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press; 2010.

· Hartung J, Knapp G, Sinha BK. Statistical meta-analysis with applications. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley; 2008.


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Overview (2)

· Hartung J, Knapp G. On tests of the overall treatment effect in meta-analysis with normally distributed

responses. Stat Med 2001;20:1771-82.

· Hedges LV, Olkin I. Statistical methods for meta-analysis. Orlando: Academic Press; 1985.

· Hunter JE, Schmidt FL. Methods of meta-analysis : correcting error and bias in research findings. 2nd ed.

Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage; 2004.


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· DerSimonian R, Laird N. Meta-analysis in clinical trials. Control Clin Trials 1986;7:177-88.

· Hardy RJ, et al. Detecting and describing heterogeneity in meta-analysis. Stat Med 1998;17:841-56.

· Higgins JP, Thompson SG. Quantifying heterogeneity in a meta-analysis. Stat Med 2002;21:1539-58.

· Knapp G, Biggerstaff BJ, Hartung J. Assessing the amount of heterogeneity in random-effects

meta-analysis. Biom J 2006;48:271-85.

· Viechtbauer W. Hypothesis tests for population heterogeneity in meta-analysis. Br J Math Stat Psychol


· Viechtbauer W. Confidence intervals for the amount of heterogeneity in meta-analysis. Stat Med



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Advanced Topics (1)

· Cai T, Parast L, Ryan L. Meta-analysis for rare events. Stat Med 2010;29:2078-89.

· Dukic V, Gatsonis C. Meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy assessment studies with varying number of

thresholds. Biometrics 2003;59:936-46.

· Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Kenward MG. Multivariate meta-analysis for non-linear and other multi-

parameter associations. Stat Med 2012;31:3821-39.

· Kovalchik SA. Aggregate-data estimation of an individual patient data linear random effects meta-analysis

with a patient covariate-treatment interaction term. Biostatistics 2013;14:273-83.

· Kovalchik SA, Cumberland WG. Using aggregate data to estimate the standard error of a treatment-

covariate interaction in an individual patient data meta-analysis. Biom J 2012;54:370-84.


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Advanced Topics (1)

· Lin DY, Zeng D. On the relative efficiency of using summary statistics versus individual-level data in

meta-analysis. Biometrika 2010;97:321-32.

· Singh K, Xie M, Strawdermann. Combining information from independent sources through confidence

distribution. Annals of Statistics 2005;33:159-183.

· Thompson SG, Higgins JP. How should meta-regression analyses be undertaken and interpreted? Stat

Med 2002;21:1559-73.

· van Houwelingen HC, Arends LR, Stijnen T. Advanced methods in meta-analysis: multivariate approach

and meta-regression. Stat Med 2002;21:589-624.


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· Colditz GA, Brewer TF, Berkey CS, et al. Efficacy of BCG vaccine in the prevention of tuberculosis.

Meta-analysis of the published literature. JAMA 1994;271:698-702.

· Nissen SE, Wolski K. Effect of rosiglitazone on the risk of myocardial infarction and death from

cardiovascular causes. N Engl J Med 2007;356:2457-71.


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