The Most Interesting Facts About Nature

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The most interesting facts about nature

1. A bear has 42 teeth

2. 85% of plant life is found in the ocean and every General science
teacher has been teaching the students that the Amazon forest has the
maximum amount of vegetation.
3. Nature has provided man with different creatures carrying the extreme
level of uniqueness such as electric eels that are capable of venting a
discharge of 600 volts.
4. The largest individual flower on Earth is from a plant called Rafflesia
arnoldii. Its flowers reach up to 1 meter (3 feet) in diameter and weigh
around 10kg.
5. Horses are handicapped with two blind spots – the first is directly in
front of them and the other is directly behind their head.
6. A single bolt of lightning has enough power to toast 100,000 slices of
7. Crows can recognize the faces of humans who pose a threat to them or
their habitat, and those memories can last a lifetime. Plus crows can
live up to 15 years - so if you get into a fight with one, it might be time
to start thinking about that moustache.
8. A lion in the wild usually makes no more than twenty kills a year. The
female lion does ninety percent of the hunting.
9. The bat is the only mammal that can fly. The leg bones of a bat are so
thin that no bat can walk.
10. A tarantula spider can survive for more than two years without food.

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