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Care Manager Portal


Version 1
September 21, 2018
Status: Final
Document Information
The purpose of this document is to ensure that all relevant documented information and organizational
knowledge which forms an integral part of CCNC’s quality management and user information is managed
under controlled conditions and that all information is reviewed and approved by authorized personnel
prior to distribution. This document is subject to document control.

This document should be:
• Reviewed and revised as necessary and re-approved for distribution
• Ensure changes and current revision status are identified
• Version control should be properly documented to ensure obsolete documents are not in use

Document Title VirtualHealth User Manual

Version 1.0
Document Approval Date
Author(s) Sherry Henson, Colleen Cole, Danielle Leyonmark
Approved By

Version History

Document Version Date Submission Type Reviewer

1.0 September 21, 2018 Final Gloria Darby

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This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
Table of Contents
1. Welcome to VirtualHealth .................................................................................................................... 6
2. The Portals: Overview ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Care Manager Portal Details ......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 General Navigation of the Care Manager Portal .......................................................................... 8
3. General Structures ................................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Icons .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Detailed Profiles .......................................................................................................................... 10
4. Landing Page ....................................................................................................................................... 13
5. Admin Tab Overview ........................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Clients.......................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Adding a Temporary Client ......................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Searching for a Client .................................................................................................................. 16
5.4 Modifying Client Profile .............................................................................................................. 16
5.5 Modifying the Care Team............................................................................................................ 17
5.6 Searching Care Team Members .................................................................................................. 18
6. Management Tab Overview................................................................................................................ 19
6.1 Tasks ............................................................................................................................................ 19
6.1.1 Using Tasks Features ........................................................................................................... 19
6.1.2 Creating Task ....................................................................................................................... 19
6.1.3 Updating Existing Task ........................................................................................................ 20
6.1.4 Viewing Completed Task ..................................................................................................... 21
6.1.5 Searching for Task ............................................................................................................... 21
6.2 Episodes ...................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.1 Navigating Episodes ............................................................................................................ 22
6.2.2 Creating New Episodes ....................................................................................................... 22
6.2.3 Episode Status ..................................................................................................................... 23
6.2.4 Search Episodes .................................................................................................................. 24
6.2.5 Editing Episodes .................................................................................................................. 24
6.2.6 Referrals .............................................................................................................................. 25
6.3 Risk .............................................................................................................................................. 26
6.3.1 Searching for a Client Using Risk Score ............................................................................... 26
6.3.2 Viewing Risk Scores ................................................................................................................. 27
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Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
6.3.3 Updating Risk Score ................................................................................................................ 27
6.3.4 Alerts ....................................................................................................................................... 27
7 Records Tab......................................................................................................................................... 28
7.1 Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 28
7.2 Assessments ................................................................................................................................ 28
7.2.1 Creating New Assessments ................................................................................................. 28
7.2.2 Editing Assessments ............................................................................................................ 29
7.3 Searching Assessments ............................................................................................................... 31
8. Care Plans............................................................................................................................................ 32
8.1 Problem Summary Table ............................................................................................................. 32
8.2 Modifying Care Goals .................................................................................................................. 33
8.3 Care Plan Buttons........................................................................................................................ 35
8.4 Care Plan Auto-Population.......................................................................................................... 37
9. Medications ........................................................................................................................................ 38
9.1 Navigating Medications .............................................................................................................. 38
9.2 Manually Add a Reported Medication ........................................................................................ 38
9.3 Searching Medications ................................................................................................................ 39
9.4 Printing the Medications List ...................................................................................................... 40
9.5 Exporting the Medications List ................................................................................................... 41
9.6 Viewing Medication Information ................................................................................................ 41
9.7 Editing Medication Information .................................................................................................. 41
9.8 Discontinuing Medication ........................................................................................................... 42
10 Vitals.................................................................................................................................................... 43
10.1 Adding a Clinical Feed ................................................................................................................. 43
10.2 Monitoring Vitals ........................................................................................................................ 43
11 Documents .......................................................................................................................................... 45
11.1 Letters ......................................................................................................................................... 45
11.1.1 Managing Letters ................................................................................................................ 45
11.1.2 Creating Letters ................................................................................................................... 46
11.2 Uploading External Documents .................................................................................................. 47
11.2.1 Manage External Document ............................................................................................... 48
11.3 External Documents for Migrated Members .............................................................................. 48
12 Medical History ................................................................................................................................... 49
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12.1 Encounters Tab ........................................................................................................................... 49
12.1.1 Adding an Encounter........................................................................................................... 49
12.1.2 Adding an Admission........................................................................................................... 50
12.1.3 Updating Encounters .......................................................................................................... 51
12.1.4 Removing an Encounter ...................................................................................................... 51
12.2 Services Tab ................................................................................................................................ 52
12.2.1 Adding a Service .................................................................................................................. 52
12.2.2 Updating Services................................................................................................................ 52
12.2.3 Removing Services .............................................................................................................. 52
12.2.4 Searching Services ............................................................................................................... 53
12.3 Clinical Tab .................................................................................................................................. 54
12.3.1 Adding Conditions ............................................................................................................... 54
12.3.2 Adding CPT Procedure Codes .............................................................................................. 55
12.3.3 Adding ICD10 PCS Codes ..................................................................................................... 55
12.3.4 Add Immunization ............................................................................................................... 56
12.3.5 Adding Allergy ..................................................................................................................... 57
12.3.6 Adding a Pregnancy............................................................................................................. 57
12.3.7 Modifying Clinical Entries.................................................................................................... 58
12.3.8 Removing Clinical Entries .................................................................................................... 58
12.3.9 Searching Clinical Entries .................................................................................................... 58
12.4 Social Tab .................................................................................................................................... 59
12.4.1 Adding Family Conditions ................................................................................................... 59
12.4.2 Adding Work History ........................................................................................................... 59
12.4.3 Adding Social Habits ............................................................................................................ 60
12.4.5 Updating Social Entries ....................................................................................................... 60
12.4.6 Removing Social Entries ...................................................................................................... 60
13. Interact Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 61
13.1 Interactions ................................................................................................................................. 61
13.2 Creating New Task ...................................................................................................................... 62
13.3 Resolving Tasks ........................................................................................................................... 62
13.4 Adding an Event .......................................................................................................................... 63
13.5 Searching Interactions ................................................................................................................ 63
13.6 Managing Interactions ................................................................................................................ 63
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13.7 Adding Contacts .......................................................................................................................... 64
13.8 Managing Contacts ..................................................................................................................... 65
13.9 Adding Groups ............................................................................................................................ 65
13.10 Managing Groups .................................................................................................................... 65
13.11 Messages ................................................................................................................................. 66
13.12 Managing Messages ................................................................................................................ 67
14. Provider Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 68
14.1 Associate Providers Tab .............................................................................................................. 68
14.2 Viewing Care Provider................................................................................................................. 69
14.3 Updating Associated Providers ................................................................................................... 69
14.4 Removing Associated Providers .................................................................................................. 69
14.5 Searching Associated Providers .................................................................................................. 70
14.6 Searching Provider Directory ...................................................................................................... 71
14.7 Viewing Provider Directory ......................................................................................................... 72
14.8 Viewing Care Provider................................................................................................................. 72
14.9 Add Existing Provider to Associated Providers ........................................................................... 72
14.10 Updating Provider Directory ................................................................................................... 72
15. Settings Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 73
15.1 User Profile.................................................................................................................................. 73
15.2 Change Email............................................................................................................................... 73
15.3 Change Password ........................................................................................................................ 74
15.4 Preferences ................................................................................................................................. 74
15.5 Configure Filter Defaults: ............................................................................................................ 75

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1. Welcome to VirtualHealth
Welcome to CCNC’s implementation of the VirtualHealth system! This system represents a great deal of
work performed by many of your colleagues to adapt a best-in-class care management system to match
the processes of CCNC and its partners. There was a strong focus in trying to present comprehensive
information in a clean, intuitive format and to make the system easy and rapid to use by reducing the
amount of free-text typing required of care managers, pharmacists, providers, and other key participants
in member care teams. Despite that, we know that everyone needs a little help and further explanation
now and then, so our sincere hope is that this guide meets your needs.

Please note: the system will continue to improve and evolve over time, as will this Help manual. If you
have suggestions for improvements either to this manual or the system itself, please submit them to:
______________. We hope you can quickly find what you’re looking for and that your VirtualHealth
experience is a great one!

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2. The Portals: Overview
The VirtualHealth tool has five different portals available, although all portals draw from the same core
information about members and their care plans. This section provides only a high-level description of
each of the portals – the individual screens and fields within those screens will be described in more detail
later in this user manual.
• Care Manager Portal: The Care Manager portal will be the most-used portal. This is the
primary portal for managing the care of members, to be used by both care managers and
• Administrator Portal: The Administrator portal provides some unique functionality for
viewing and managing/transferring care manager caseloads as well as having special functions
for VirtualHealth team members and select CCNC super-administrative staff to manage
configurable elements of the system.
• Care Provider Portal: The Care Provider portal is the way that providers can access member
clinical history and review the latest care plan, assessments, and documents for the member.
• Member Portal: The Member portal is the means for individual members to log in
electronically to participate in their own care and communicate with their care team. The
VirtualHealth Member portal is not planned to be launched during the initial go-live but is
targeted to be made available in early 2019, after users have had a chance to get comfortable
with the Care Manager and Administrator portals.
• Caregiver Portal: The Caregiver portal is also likely to be deployed at a later stage, but it is a
portal that allows authorized non-members to access care plans and records for members for
whom they are facilitating care. For example, if a mother has several children in CCNC
programs, she would be able to access the information for her children from this portal.

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2.1 Care Manager Portal Details
The Care Manager portal is designed to be intuitive and easy to learn for new users, but there are a lot of
different places you can go in the system, and lots of different ways in which information is presented.
The first parts of this guide will review some of the main structures and terms and provide a guide into
how to easily find your way back to familiar territory if you’re confused about where you are.

2.2 General Navigation of the Care Manager Portal

• CCNC Pinwheel Logo: CCNC’s logo in the top left of every screen is a key navigation tool. If you
click on this icon, it will bring you back to the main care manager dashboard (which is described
below). It’s unlikely you’ll feel totally lost, but if you do, click the pinwheel and it will take you
back to the normal starting point.
• Hello… [your name]: In the very top right of the screen, you should see text that says “Hello” and
has your name. Note: if this says someone else’s name, that means you are accidentally using
another person’s login. There is a drop-down arrow to the right of your name – this will allow you
to log out and log in with your own credentials. The other available choice from this drop-down
is “Profile.” Profile lets you review your own information as far as the system knows. This
information is maintained in the Enterprise Security System (OneLogin) so cannot be changed
here. If the information is incorrect, please contact your NAM (or Client Services for central office
staff) to request an update of your information.
• Selections Across Top: There are a standard set of icons and words across the top of the screen.
Starting to the right of the CCNC pinwheel, these include Admin, Records, Interact, Calendar,
Providers, Settings, and Help. Like the pinwheel, these should be available on all screens, and so
you can get to a specific screen you are looking for by clicking on the correct one of these from
anywhere in the application. The specifics of the information and options within each will be
described later in this guide.
• Selections Down the Side: Within different choices from the main sections across the top are
frequently choices along the side of the screen. For example, if you click Admin from the top, on
the left side of the screen, several choices are available on the left, including Clients,
Management, Locations, and Logs. These side choices will vary based upon which section of the
application you have selected from the top of the screen. In this guide, when we want to guide
you to a screen we will use the nomenclature of the choice from the top bar, with a > sign, and
then a choice from the left bar. For example, Admin > Logs would mean selecting Admin from the
top of the screen and Logs from the left bar.
• Tabs Within Selections: Many of the screens may have tabs available to present different views
of information relevant to the topic you are looking at. These will be to the right of the choices
on the left bar and will look a little bit like the tabs that stick up from manila folders. When you
select a different choice, it will highlight that tab as selected and change the view. An example of
this is within Admin > Clients, with Active and Inactive tabs that will display different members.
Similar to the above, if we need to call out a specific tab, we will use the pattern [Selection from
the Top] > {Selection from the Left] > {Specific Tab}.
• Quick Find Views: Many VirtualHealth screens have Quick Find drop-downs for long lists. If you
just click the drop-down, it will have a full list of all the choices and support scrolling. However, if
you type several characters, it will narrow the choices down to only those that contain what you
have typed. We may refer to this also as “type-to-select” because by typing a portion of the value
that you’re looking for, it makes it much easier to find the correct value to select. Please note: in
many of these fields, values will be displayed that contain the typed characters in the correct
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order anywhere within the value. For example, in the City field, typing “Durham” will still find
Durham. However, some fields – such as the member search in Admin > Clients, which allows you
to search by member name, will require all the characters from the beginning of the name. I can
find “Billy Blaze” by typing “Bill” but not by typing “ill” in the box.
• Search Options: Many of the screens have Search areas that allow you to use one or more filters
to either easily find specific items or to find sets of items that meet several criteria. The potential
search filters vary widely by screen, but several common rules are generally true:
o Search screens frequently come with pre-set items in the filters
o Many of the drop-down filters can be “turned off” for that specific attribute by clicking
the X button at the right of the selected choice.
o Some of the drop-down filters must have a choice, and so will not have an X, but will allow
another choice to be selected.
o When you change the selections in the filter, you will generally need to click a Search or
Find button at the bottom of the filters to execute a search with your newly-set values.
o The Reset button will return this search screen to its standard state, normally clearing all
X values and going back to standard choices for others. Note: this will not always be the
same as the choices that were showing on the screen when you first entered the search
screen – the way that you got to the screen may have populated some values that the
Reset button might change.
• A Download button will frequently be present and will create a downloaded Excel file that
has the results of the latest search included.

3. General Structures
There are a few common action buttons and information structures that will display on multiple screens.
Before we start walking through each of the screens, let’s briefly review these structures and cover what
they are called, as it may be confusing for new users which specific location we’re referring to if we
reference “I-Box” for instance and the user is not sure whether to look at the top of the screen (correct!)
or the right side of the screen (which is the Face Sheet).

3.1 Icons
Many screens have icons at the right of a line for items in a list. They normally allow you to act on that
specific record. If you hover over the icon, the title of the button will display.
• Case Notes icon (looks like a pad of paper with pencil): This icon allows you to add a Case Note to
the current member. It will pull up a case note window and let you record the case note.
• Move to Inactive/Move to Active: This icon is specific to the Admin > Clients screen and
will make a member Inactive for you, if clicked from the Active panel list. This means that the
member will no longer show up on your main list and can no longer be edited by you. However,
you will be able to click on the population tab and select no from the dropdown box of on panel
and click find, and from that panel click on icon to move that member back to an Active status.
• Modify (looks like a pencil): The pencil icon is one of the most common icons throughout the
VirtualHealth system. You use this icon to modify detailed information for the specific member,
provider, medication, or other item, depending on where you are in the system.

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3.2 Detailed Profiles
This is where you will be able to view and/or update members Personal Data, Health Plan, Care Team,
Change log. Select “Admin” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. User will be automatically directed
to “Clients” screen. Select the pencil icon to the right of a client. This will bring you to the “Update Client”
page. You can also get to this by using the Profile quick link in the “i-box”.

Personal Data: Select “Admin” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. User will be automatically
directed to the “Clients” screen. Select the Pencil icon to the right of a client. Select the “Personal Data”
tab. User will be able to update the client’s personal information from this screen.

Health Plan: Select “Admin” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. User will be automatically directed
to the “Clients” screen. Select the Pencil icon to the right of a client. Select the “Health Plan” tab. User
will be able to see the client’s updated insurance information in this tab.

Care Team: Select “Admin” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. User will be automatically directed
to “Clients” screen. Select the pencil icon to the right of a client. Select the “Care Team” tab. Click on
add New Care Team Member. Select “New Care Team Member” button. The “New Care Team Member”
pop-up will appear. Click the drop-down arrow to select the type of care team member (Administrator,
Care Manager, Care Provider, or Other).

Face Sheets: This is your

demographics page. From
the “Admin” tab select the
“client’s” tab found on the
side blue ribbon. Below the
quick find box is the list of
members; click on the
member’s name and the face
sheet will open on the right
side of the screen. You can
find coverage information,
status, member contact info,
address, PCP, care team, etc.
At the top of the Face Sheet
are Quick Links to navigate
to: Episodes, Interactions,
Records , Risk and Tasks.

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Info-Box: Basic client information appears throughout the system in the form of easily accessible pop-
ups, including the Client Info Box and Popover. Navigate to the info box by selecting “Records” or
“Providers” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select client. Click on the “i” located next to the
member’s name at the upper right corner of screen. This is a quick view of the member’s demographics,
coverage info, completed assessments and care plan, care team and quick links. The Quick Links located
at the bottom of the box can be used to quickly navigate to: Episodes, Interactions, Case Notes, Profile,
Records, Risk, and Task.

Case Note: This section lists both automated and manually-generated notes and can be easily exported
to PDF. To navigate to Case Notes, select "Records" from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select
client. If a client was already selected, the "Summary" screen for that client will automatically appear. If
necessary, change the selected client by using the drop-down in the top right-hand corner. If a client was
not already selected, select from the drop-down menu that appears.

Select the “i" icon from the right-hand corner to open the info box and select the “Case Notes” link.

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Case Notes can be filtered by date created, source (i.e., tasks, assessments, manual), and/or the user who
submitted the note.

Case Notes may be created automatically when an activity is completed for a member. A link back to the
originating document is easily accessible in line with the relevant note.
Case notes may also be created manually by typing the relevant note in the highlighted box and selecting
the “Add Text” button.

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4. Landing Page
The landing page will be your home screen and will be the first screen you after logging in. The landing
page of the Care Manager portal provides quick access to various tools in the portal. Use the Toolbar to
navigate to the Admin, Records, Interact, Calendar, Provider, Settings and Help tabs within the system.

Tasks: When first viewing the task box you will be able to see the number of tasks assigned to you that
are either overdue or due within the next 7 days. If you click on the view tasks link the system will take
you to the management tab which – in general - will show the user all the open and closed task within the
system. When you click the view tasks link, it presets several of the search filters for you when it brings
you to the Tasks screen, specifically setting the date range for the next 7 days, and selecting task assigned
to you where you are the Primary (explained below). The task section provides detailed information on
the members’ tasks that have been created.

Inbox: The inbox is the messaging system within VirtualHealth. If you click on view inbox the system will
show you the unread messages that will give the user an update on any changes that have been made
within the system.

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Client Calendar: The “Calendar” tool allows users to track events and tasks. Select “Calendar” from the
toolbar at the top of the screen. Select “Client Calendar” tab. Select client. If a client was not previously
selected, select client from the drop-down client search menu that appears. If a client was previously
selected, the “Client Calendar” screen for that client will automatically appear. If necessary, change the
selected client by using the client search drop-down in the top right-hand corner. Select monthly, weekly,
or daily view by clicking “Month”, “Week”, or “Day” in the top right-hand corner. Change the month,
week, or day being viewed by clicking the arrows on either side of the date. Alternatively, jump to other
dates by using the mini-calendar on the left side of the screen. Tasks that are scheduled for a specific day
will generally show up as events scheduled from 8:00 – 8:30am with the label “Tasks”. Once events are
added to the calendar and user has opened the “View Event” pop-up, user can perform the following
actions as necessary:

• Edit Event – Select “Edit” button and update fields in the “Edit Event” pop-up. Select “Save Event”
to complete or “Close” to cancel the action and exit the pop-up.
• Delete Event – Select “Delete” button to delete the event.
• Add Event- Click the calendar. (In the monthly view, click the box for the day of the event. In the
weekly view, click on the column for the day of the event. In the daily view, click a line.) The “Add
Event” pop-up will appear. Complete the fields in the pop-up. If user wants to also place the
event on his/her calendar, select “Include in My Calendar”
checkbox. Select “Add Event” to complete or “Close” to cancel
and exit. The event will appear on the monthly, weekly, and daily
calendar views.

o Note: The Start and End times will be populated based on

where user clicked the screen. Edit these fields as necessary.
o Note: The system may automatically generate events for
client based on other actions in the system, such as creating
User Calendar: Located in the middle of the screen, shows all the tasks scheduled for that day. To add an
event for the current day, click a line on the daily calendar view in the center of the page. The “Add Event”
pop-up will appear. Complete the fields in the pop-up. Select “Add Event” to complete or “Close” to
cancel and exit. The event will appear on the daily calendar view in the center of the dashboard as well as
“Calendar/My Calendar” tab. This is like the My Task within CMIS.

o Note: The system will

automatically generate an event
titled “Tasks” on the task’s due
date for each task assigned to the
logged-in user.
Notifications: Located on right hand side of
screen, is a feed that shows any
changes/activity that have occurred with
members associated with CM.

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5. Admin Tab Overview
5.1 Clients
Located on side blue ribbon, includes list of members associated with CM. Next to each member’s name
are buttons to view case notes, remove member from active case load, modify member’s demographics
and care team (you can hover over each icon and the system will tell you what it is for). Click on member
name and the member’s face sheet will open to the right with Quick Links at the top to quickly navigate
to Episodes, Interactions, Records, Risk, Tasks for that member. At top of member list, there is a Quick
Find box, start to type member’s name you are searching for and a drop-down list will populate based on
name being typed. Click on blue search box at top left of screen and search boxes will open with options
to search for members by Identifiers, Demographics, Records, Population.

5.2 Adding a Temporary Client

Clients are the patients that care managers serve. Not all Medicaid members will be loaded into
VirtualHealth, even if we have been sent their information from the State (if they are healthy, low-risk
members, we may not load them prior to them being referred for Care Management). The steps below
will walk you through how to add temporary clients to begin the care management process. Once a
temporary client is added to the system, a process will check against the full CCNC databases overnight
and if it finds that member, it will load their full record and merge information created on the temporary
member case merged with the client’s full record in VirtualHealth automatically. Select “Admin” from the
toolbar at the top of the screen. User will be automatically directed to “Clients” screen. Select “Add
Temporary Client” button on “Clients” screen. User will be directed to “Add Temporary Client” screen.
Complete “Personal Data” tab. Complete the fields by manually entering information, using the provided
drop-downs, and selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required.

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5.3 Searching for a Client
Select “Admin” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. User will be automatically directed to “Clients”
screen. Select “Search” button to display gray search filter box. Use the following tabs to filter the client
list and search for clients: Identifiers – Enter Last Name, First Name, Member Number, Plan ID, Medicaid
ID, and/or Medicare ID. Demographics – Enter DOB range, Sex, Age range, and/or Ethnicity. Records –
Click the drop-downs to select option or manually enter information. Population – Enter information or
click the drop-downs to select options. Note: User can select multiple filters at once to further refine
results list. Selected filters will appear in the gray search filter box. Select the “x” on the right of each filter
to remove it.

5.4 Modifying Client Profile

Select the pencil icon to the right of the client. User will be directed to “Update Client” screen. Use the
following tabs to view and update information as necessary.

• Personal Data – Update contact information.

o Suffix – Enter client’s suffix.
o Date Deceased – If the client does not have a deceased date, this will not display
immediately. Click the arrow next to “Date of Birth” field to display the “Date Deceased”
field. Select date deceased, if appropriate.
o Sex – Select client’s sex.
o Gender Identity – Select client’s gender identity.
o Language – Select client’s primary language.
o Race – Select applicable checkboxes.
o Ethnicity – Select appropriate ethnicity from the drop-down.
o Special Needs – Select one or multiple special needs if applicable.
o Select “Do Not Call”, “Unable to Reach”, and/or “Interpreter Needed” if applicable.
o Scroll down to the contacts table. Select the pencil icon next to each of the rows to fill in
applicable contact information the pop-up that appears. Note: “Home Address” and “Home
Phone” are required.
o User can designate client’s preferred address and phone by selecting “Preferred” checkbox.
Note: only one address and phone can be designated preferred.
o Select “Upload” button to upload client’s photo, if desired. (A photo would need to be
saved somewhere on your computer in order to do this.)
• Health Plan – Add or update health plans.
• Care Team – Allows a user to add or update client’s care team members (see below)
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• Change Log – View change log. The change log displays changes made to the client profile

5.5 Modifying the Care Team

Select “Admin” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. User will be automatically directed to “Clients”
screen. Select the pencil icon to the right of a client. Select the “Care Team” tab. Select “New Care Team
Member” button. The “New Care Team Member” pop-up will appear. Click the drop-down arrow to select
the type of care team member (Administrator, Care Manager, Care Provider, or Other).

Complete the fields in the pop-up.

Select User – Click the drop-down arrow to select the user to be added. Designation – Select the
appropriate role(s) the user will serve on the care team. Note: If the selected user does not have a “Role”
in their profile, the “Designation” field will be grayed out and the user cannot be added to the care team.
Note: Adding a user to a client’s Care Team with a “Primary” designation as well as their functional
designation means that the member is part of the user’s caseload. A Care Manager can be added without

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the “Primary” designation to function as an additional resource on the Care Team; however, this client
will not be part of the user’s caseload. Phone & Email – Information is auto-populated from the selected
care team member’s profile and the user cannot edit. ICT – Select the checkbox to indicate the care team
member is part of the interdisciplinary care team. If “Other” was selected, click the drop-down arrow to
select the appropriate Designation and then complete all applicable fields in the pop-up.
Select one of the following buttons to proceed: Save –
Adds new care team member to “Care Team” tab in
“Clients” module. Note: If a required field was left blank,
a red banner will appear at the top of the screen and the
system will not allow the user to continue until all
required fields are completed.
Adding New Care Providers to the Care Team – a
provider needs to be associated with a member before
s/he can be added to that member’s care team. If the
system has received any claims for that member
identifying that provider, this would have been done
automatically, but if not, you may need to first go to the
Providers > Provider Directory screen and associate the
provider to the member before being able to add that provider to the care team. That screen will be
discussed below, but just remember that if you’re trying to add a Care Provider and you can’t find the
correct one, that may be a step that needs to be completed first.

5.6 Searching Care Team Members

Use the following options in the gray search filter box to filter the care team member list and search for
care team members: User – Enter name or part of a name. Care Team – Select “Current” or “Previous” to
limit search results to active or deleted care team members. Type – Use the drop-down arrow to limit
search results to a care team member (Administrator, Care Manager, Care Provider, or Other). Role –
Select an option(s) to limit search results to care team members with a particular designation for the
client. ICT – Select the checkbox if the care team member is part of the interdisciplinary care team. From
– Select a date to limit search results to care team members added after or on that date. To – Select a
date to limit search results to care team members added prior to or on that date. Note: User can select
multiple filters at once to further refine results list. Selected filters will appear in the gray search filter box.
Select the “x” on the right of each filter to remove it.
Select one of the following buttons to proceed:

Search – Runs the search and filters the care team member list.
Reset – Removes all selected filters. Sort care team members by clicking column headings, e.g. Name,
Designation, From, and To.

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6. Management Tab Overview
The Management tab is located on side blue ribbon and is where users can manage their tasks, episodes,
risk, alerts, and authorizations.

6.1 Tasks
All the CM open and closed tasks can be viewed under this tab. All open tasks are listed below the search
box with: Client Name, Due Dates, Date Range, Task Type, Assigned To (Type), Assigned To (User), Service
Area, County and PCP. Scroll all the way to the right of the task list and there is an option to update each
task (pencil icon) and view or add task memos (looks like a pad of paper with a pencil). All completed
tasks are listed under completed tab with: Client Name, Due Date, Task Type, Assigned To (Type), Assigned
To (User) and Service Area. Scroll all the way to the right of the task list and there is an option to view
each tasks detail (eye icon). You can also search for tasks in the Search box by using several search criteria

6.1.1 Using Tasks Features

The “Tasks” tab helps care managers keep track of their responsibilities and provides information on due
priority, due dates, etc. To navigate to Tasks Tab, select “Admin” from the toolbar at the top of the screen.
Select “Management” on the sidebar. The “Tasks” tab will automatically appear. Task Due By colors are
determined based on the task due date logic below:

• Red is a task that is past due through [Today + 2]

• Yellow is a task due [Today + 3] through [Today +5]
• Black is a task due [Today + 6] and beyond

6.1.2 Creating Task

Select “New Task” button. The “New Task” pop-up will appear. Complete the fields in the pop-up.
• Client – Click the drop-down arrow to select the client or manually enter client’s name into the
search box that appears.
• Assigned To (Type) – Click the drop-down arrow to select type of user the task will be assigned
to (Administrator, Care Manager, Care Provider, or Department).
• Assigned To (User) – Click the drop-down arrow to select the user the task will be assigned to.
• Due Date – Select the due date for the task.
• Task Type – Click the drop-down arrow to select the task type.
• Task Description – Enter task details.
• Priority – Click the drop-down arrow to select
the task’s priority level.
• Episode – Click the drop-down arrow to
associate the task with a particular episode.
Only open episodes will be displayed.

Select “Create Task” to complete or “Close” to cancel

the action and exit the pop-up.

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6.1.3 Updating Existing Task
Select the pencil icon to the right of the task to be updated. The “Update Task” pop-up will appear. Note:
User can only update tasks he/she created, tasks assigned to him/her, or tasks assigned to a department
Use the drop-downs to edit the necessary information:
• Assigned To – Use the drop-
down to assign the task to
another user. This action will
place the task in the new
user’s task list.
• Priority Level – Click the
drop-down arrow to select
the task’s new priority level.
• Due Date – Select the new
due date for the task.
• Episode – Click the drop-
down arrow to associate the task with a different episode. Only open episodes will be displayed.

Select “Update Task” to complete or “Close” to cancel the action and exit the pop-up.

Delete task by selecting the “X” icon to the right of the row.

Note: User can only delete tasks he/she created, and tasks are locked for removal 24 hours after being

Add Task Memos and Complete Tasks: Select “Task Memo” icon the “Task Memos” pop-up will

Enter memo into text box. Select one of the following buttons:
• Save Text – Saves the memo.
• Complete Task – Moves task from “Open” to “Completed” subtab in “Tasks” tab. Note: Some
tasks will be autocompleted based on various actions taken in the system.

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6.1.4 Viewing Completed Task
Select “Completed” subtab in “Admin/Management/Tasks” tab. Select eye icon to the right of the row.
See below for an example of a completed task. The first two rows include the task details and description.
The last row displays the timestamp corresponding to when the task was completed.
Note: Some tasks will be autocompleted based on various actions taken in the system.

6.1.5 Searching for Task

Use the following options in the gray search filter box to filter the task list and search for tasks:

• Client Name – Use the drop-down arrow or manually enter client’s name into the search box to
limit search results to tasks for a particular client.
• Due Dates – Select dates to limit search results to tasks with due dates in a specific date range.
• Date Range – Select an option to limit research results to tasks past due, due within the next one,
ten, or thirty days, or all tasks.
• Task Type – Select an option(s) from the list to limit search results to a particular type(s) of task.
• Assigned To (Type) – Use the drop-down arrow to limit search results to tasks assigned to a
particular type of user (Administrator, Care Manager, Care Provider, or Department).
• Note: Selecting an option will open “Assigned To (User)” field. Selecting “Department” will
allow user to assign the task to a department queue for the next available user in that queue to
re-assign the task to themselves to complete.
• Assigned To (User) – Use the drop-
down arrow to limit search results to
tasks assigned to a particular user.
• Role – Select an option(s) from the list
to limit search results to tasks for clients
for which user is a particular role(s).
Example: If "Primary" and “BHP” are
selected in this field, only clients for
which the user is both “Primary” and
“BHP” on the care team will appear in
the search results.

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• Service Area – Use the drop-down arrow to limit search results to tasks for clients in a particular
service area.
• County – Use the drop-down arrow to limit search results to tasks for clients with home addresses
in that county.
• PCP – Use the drop-down arrow to limit search results to tasks for clients with that primary care
Select one of the following buttons:
• Search – Runs the search and filters the task list.
• Reset – Removes all selected filters.
• Download - Downloads an Excel Sheet with list of tasks that meet the search criteria and related

Once filters are applied, a banner across the top of the page will appear indicating the number of tasks
that meet the search criteria. Select “Open” and “Completed” subtabs to view open and completed
tasks, respectively.

Sort tasks by clicking column headings (Date Created, Client, Priority, Due By, Task Type, and Created By).

6.2 Episodes
The "Episodes" tab allows users to create and view episodes of care management. Episodes may be
created manually or autogenerated based on information in the care plan, interaction tracker, or member
profile (e.g. change in risk, ADT events), as determined by the organization’s leadership team.

6.2.1 Navigating Episodes

To navigate to episodes, select "Admin" from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select "Management"
on the sidebar. Select "Episodes" tab on "Management" screen.

All of a CM’s open and closed Episodes can be viewed under this tab. All open Episodes are listed blow
the search box with: Client Name, Date Enrolled, Enrolled Date Range, Episode ID, Type and Status. Scroll
all the way to the right of the Open Episodes list and there is an option to update each Episode (pencil
icon) and view Episodes Detail page where you can see or add referrals and view related Tasks to Episode.
All Closed Episodes are listed under the Closed tab with: Client Name, Date Enrolled, Date Closed, Enrolled
Date Range, Closed Date Range, Episode ID, Type and Status. Scroll all the way to the right of the Episode
list and there is an option to view each Episodes details page (eye icon). You can also search for Episodes
in the Search box by using several search criteria options.

6.2.2 Creating New Episodes

Select the "New Episode" button. Complete the fields in the "New Episode" pop-up that displays. Fields
marked with red asterisks (*) are required. Note: Values in “Episode Type” and “Episode Status” may be
• Client Name – Use the drop-down list or type to select client name.
• Episode Type – This field represents the type of care management episode being opened. Use the
drop-down list or type to select episode type. Note: An episode cannot be created if there is
already an open episode of the same type.
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• Date Enrolled – This field auto-populates with the date that an interaction tracker for the
associated episode is submitted indicating client’s consent to enrollment in care management,
and episode status is set to "Engaged".
• Date Closed – This field auto-populates with the date that an interaction tracker for the associated
episode is submitted indicating client’s decline of enrollment in care management, or the date
the following statuses are set in VH: "Graduated", "UTR”, "Declined", "Lost Contact",
"Terminated", or "Deceased".
• Episode ID – An auto-generated unique identifier will populate the "Episode ID" box. This number
may be used to search or sort search results, or to reference the entry in the change log accessed
through the "Episode Detail" screen. Note: This field is not editable.
• Description – Manually enter free text in the text box.

6.2.3 Episode Status

This field represents the client’s current stage in care management. Note: Episode status may be auto-
populated based on information in the care plan, interaction tracker, or member profile. Use the drop-
down list or type to select episode status from the following options:
Open Episode Statuses:
• Pending – Client has received referral and has not yet been assigned to a primary. "Pending" is
the default status when a new episode is created.
• Referred – Client has been assigned to a primary, but successful contact attempts (resulting in
enrollment in or decline of care management) have yet to be made. Any open episode with
"Pending" status will be automatically updated to "Referred" status upon assignment to a
• Engaged – Client has agreed to care management. Any open episode with "Referred" status will
update to "Engaged" status if an interaction tracker is submitted indicating consent to enrollment
in care management.
• Managed – Client has agreed to care management, care manager has completed necessary
assessments, and care manager and member/guardian have signed the care plan. Any open
episode with "Engaged" status that is linked to problem(s) in the care plan will be automatically
updated to "Managed" status.
• Monitored – Member has an open care plan, but no comprehensive management is required of
the care manager. This episode status is only set when all problems in the care plan linked to the
episode are set to "Monitored" status.
Closed Episode Statuses:
• Graduated – Client has successfully addressed at least one problem in their care plan. If at least
one problem is set to "Graduated" status, the rest of the problems linked to the selected episode
can be set to a combination of "Graduated" or "Declined", and the episode will be set to
"Graduated" status.
• Declined – Member declined initiation or continuation of care management services, requiring
the episode to be closed. If an interaction tracker is submitted indicating decline of care
management, or if all problems in the care plan are set to "Declined", the episode will be set to
"Declined" status.
• Unable to Reach – Member was unable to be reached prior to acceptance/decline of care
management. If a member is identified as unable to reach and has an episode with "Pending" or
"Referred" status, all open episodes will be set to "UTR” status.

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• Lost Contact – Member was unable to be reached after enrollment into care management,
requiring the episode to be closed. If a member is identified as unable to reach and has had an
episode with "Engaged", "Managed", or "Monitored" status, all open episodes will be set to "Lost
Contact" status.
• Terminated – Member lost health plan eligibility, requiring episode to be closed. If the current
date is 30 days after the termination date, the episode will be set to "Terminated" status.
• Deceased – Member deceased, requiring episode to be closed. If "Date Deceased" field is
populated, the status of the associated episode will be set to "Deceased" status.
Select the "Create Episode" button to save the entry, or "Cancel" to exit without saving. The entry will be
saved to the episodes table under the gray search box. Use the fields in the episodes table to sort or locate
entries. You can navigate back to this screen via "Episodes" in "Quick Links" and on the "Summary"
6.2.4 Search Episodes
Use the following options in the gray search box to filter the episodes table and search for episodes. Note:
Navigate between the "Open" and "Closed" sub-tabs to filter for desired episode. All episodes that have
a "Date Closed" value will be shown in the "Closed" sub-tab of the "Episodes" tab. All episodes that do
not have a "Date Closed" value will be shown in the "Open" sub-tab of the "Episodes" tab. Use the
following fields to sort and locate entries in the episodes table: Date Created, Episode ID, Created By,
Client, Type, Status, and Date Enrolled.

• Client Name – Use the drop-down list or type to select.

• Date Enrolled (and Date Closed, if applicable) – Use the calendar picker or type to select.
• Enrolled Date Range (and Closed Date Range, if applicable) – Select appropriate button.
• Episode ID – Manually enter episode ID in the text box.
• Type – Use the drop-down list or type to select to filter by select episode types.
• Status – Use the drop-down list or type to select to filter by select episode statuses.
• Apply the filters then select the "Search" button to display narrowed search results.
• Select the "Reset" button to remove all selected filters and display default results.

6.2.5 Editing Episodes

Select the pencil icon on the appropriate entry on the episodes table. Update fields in the "Episode Detail"
screen that displays by manually entering information and using the provided drop-downs as appropriate.

• Episode Type – Use the drop-down list or type to select.

• Episode Status – Use the drop-down list or type to select.

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• Date Enrolled – Use the calendar picker or type to select.
• Date Closed – Use the calendar picker or type to select.
• Episode ID – An auto-generated unique identifier will populate the "Episode ID" box. *Note: This
field is not editable.
• Description – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Select the "Update Episode" button to save the changes.
Close Episode: Select the pencil icon on the appropriate entry on the episodes table. Select the "Move to
Closed" button on the "Episode Detail" screen. Note: In most cases, episode closure will be automated
based on changes to the care plan, interaction tracker, or member profile.

Delete Episode: Select the “X” icon on the appropriate entry on the episodes table.

6.2.6 Referrals
Related Referrals allow care managers to effectively create and view incoming referrals. Navigate to
Referrals. Select "Admin" from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select "Management" on the sidebar.
Select "Episodes" tab on "Management" screen. Select the pencil icon on the selected entry on the
episodes table. "Related Referrals" will display below "Episode Detail".

Edit Referral: Select the pencil icon from the selected entry on the referrals table. Update the fields as
appropriate by manually entering information and using the provided drop-downs. Fields marked with
red asterisks (*) are required. Note: "Description" text field will be available for editing. Select "Save
Referral" to save the changes, or "X" to exit without saving.

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Delete Referral: Select the “X” icon from the selected entry on the referrals table. Confirm the deletion
in the pop-up that displays by selecting "Ok".

6.3 Risk
This section contains a list of all members associated with CM listed below search box with: Client, Scores
for CCM, TC, PC MIIS, Foster Care indicator, Engagement Level and Date Updated. Scroll all the way to
the right of the Member list and there are options to Recalculate scores (circle icon) and view or add Case
Notes (pad of paper with pencil icon). You can also search for Members Risk levels in the Search box by
using several search criteria options. There is a blue box above search box to Recalculate All scores.

6.3.1 Searching for a Client Using Risk Score

Select “Admin” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select “Management” on the sidebar. Select
“Risk” tab.
Use the following options in the gray search
filter box to filter the client list and search
clients by risk score:

• Client – Begin typing client’s name

into the search box to select a client
and limit search results to risk
information for a client.
• Role – Select an option(s) from the list to limit search results to clients for which the logged-in
user has a role(s). User will only see clients for which he/she appears on their care team with the
role(s) selected. Example: If "Primary" and “OB” are selected in this field, only clients for which
the user is both the primary and OB care manager on the care team will appear in the search
• Min. Age – Enter age to limit search results to clients at or above that age.
• Max. Age – Enter age to limit search results to clients at or below that age.
• Gender – Select male or female.
• Type – Select type of risk (e.g. Engagement level, TC, Foster Care, etc.) to limit search results to
clients who have that risk score. Enter information into the following fields as needed:
o Min – Enter numerical scores to limit search results to clients with at least that score for
the selected type of numerical risk (e.g. CCM, TC, PC, MIIS etc.). Set minimum to zero to
limit search results to clients who have that type of risk score. (This action filters out
clients with “N/A” scores for the selected type of risk.)
o Max – Enter numerical score to limit search results to clients with at most that score for
the selected type of risk.
o Value – Select “N/A”, “High”, “Medium”, or “Low”.
o Foster Care- Select Yes, No or N/A
• Select one of the following buttons:

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o Search – Runs the search and filters the client list.
o Reset – Removes all selected filters.
o Download – Downloads an Excel Sheet with list of clients who meet the search criteria
and their related risk information.

6.3.2 Viewing Risk Scores

Navigate to Risk Tab. Select “Admin” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select “Management” on
the sidebar. Select “Risk” tab.

View Risk History: Click the Engagement level for a client. The “Engagement level” pop-up will appear. It
will display all changes and memos added to the Engagement level that have occurred in the past 12

6.3.3 Updating Risk Score

Engagement Level is the only risk score item that can be manually updated within the system. All of the
other risk scores and the Foster Care indicator are loaded into the system from recurring analytic
processes. To change the Engagement Level, navigate to risk tab. Click the “Engagement Level” drop-
down arrow to select a new risk score. Enter explanation for change in the text box. Note: it may not be
obvious that this explanation is required, but the system will not let you Save the change without entering
an explanation. Select one of the following buttons:

• Change Score – Saves the change. New risk score will appear in “Engagement Level” column for
• Close – Cancels the action and exits the pop-up.

6.3.4 Alerts
Here is where Care Mangers will receive an alert if a designated threshold is set for Clinical Values, for
example: Blood sugars, BP, weight, etc. Users will know they have new alerts when the red dot appears
beside the alert tab. These Thresholds are set
under the Records-Vitals tab, look there for
more information on how to set thresholds.
This is like the CMIS Measures tab. Under the
search box, is a list of unresolved alerts with:
Date/Time of Alert, Client, Source, Alert, Value
and Alert Type. Scroll all the way to the right of
the alerts list to view or add Case Notes
associated with that Alert (pad of paper with a pencil). Under the Resolved tab is a list of all resolved
alerts with: Date/Time of Alert, Client, Source, Alert, Value and Alert Type.

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7 Records Tab
The Records tab is home for selecting/searching your member.

7.1 Summary
This page contains a summary to give a quick snapshot of the members: Episodes, Tasks, Risk, Diagnosis,
Medications, Admissions, Providers, Assessments and Authorizations. You can click on each sections title
to be taken to that tab (ex: click on the word Episodes and user will be taken to the Episodes tab). The
Members name appears in the upper right-hand corner, you can use this to change members by selecting
from drop down menu and can also start to type members name, which will auto fill as you type name.
You can access that member’s iBox by clicking on the (i) next to member name.

7.2 Assessments
Assessments allow users to screen clients through pre-set questions and capture information on clients’
health status. To navigate to assessments, click on “Records”, go to your “Client” and then select
“Assessments” on the side bar.

7.2.1 Creating New Assessments

To create a new Assessment simply click on “Add New Assessment”.

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Click the drop-down arrow to scroll through the assessments list and select the assessment type.
Alternatively, manually enter the assessment name (or part of the name) into the search field to filter the
list and select.

• Select “Start” to continue or “Close” to cancel and exit

• User will be directed to “Edit Assessment” screen.
• Complete the fields in the assessment according to the instructions other screen. Fields marked
with red asterisks (*) are required.

o Note: The small blue “?" icon next to certain questions include specific instructions to help
the user answer the question or give
call-outs about logical follow-ups.
o Note: Certain assessments (particularly
the big ones) have tables of content on
the top right-hand side. User can use
these drop-downs to navigate to certain sections of the assessment. Additionally, these and
other assessments have blue bars separating the sections and the sections within can be
collapsed or expanded by clicking on that broad blue bar.

7.2.2 Editing Assessments

To edit an assessment (whether you have just started or come back to an in-process one), select one of
the following buttons to proceed:

• Save Draft – Allows user to access and/or update assessment later.

• Submit – Adds completed assessment to “My Assessments” and “All Assessments” tabs in
“Assessments” module.
• Cancel – Cancels the assessment and
exits the screen.

If a required field is left blank and you are trying to Submit the assessment, a red banner will appear at
the top and the system will not allow user to continue until all required fields are complete. A red box
above the assessment title will also appear, indicating which required fields are incomplete. This
functionality does not trigger if you are Saving as Draft – it allows you to save an incomplete draft copy.
Note: Once an assessment has been submitted, the Pencil icon to edit the assessment will only be
available for 24 hours.

It is not possible to edit assessments created by other users, but it is possible to create a copy of what
that user has completed to date (whether or not it is submitted) by clicking the Duplicate button (it looks
like two sheets of paper) on the right side of the screen on the assessment line for any of the screens
showing in-process or completed assessment.

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Assessments-In-Progress: Allows users to edit a saved draft that he/she created by clicking on the Pencil
Icon. After Completion click on the submit tab
and the assessment will appear in “My
Assessment” and “All Assessments”.

My Assessments: Once assessments are in the list the user can perform the following actions as

a. Edit Access – Click on the access status (“Private” or “Team”) to toggle between the two options.
Changing the access status to “Team” makes the document visible to any user with the client on
his/her panel.
b. View – Displays the completed assessment in a new browser tab.
c. Print – Opens a PDF version of the completed assessment, which can be printed or downloaded.
d. Export to Documents – Places a PDF version of the completed assessment in the
“Records/Documents/Clinical/Assessments” subtab, which can be printed or downloaded.
e. Duplicate – Creates an exact copy of the completed assessment with its answers, which can be
edited as necessary.
f. Update – Opens the “Edit Assessment” page and allows user to update previously submitted
g. Delete – Deletes the assessment.

All Assessments: User can View, Print, or Duplicate assessments they did not create within this tab.

Note: In the “My Assessments” and “All Assessments” tabs, user can click the eye icon to view the
completed assessment in a new browser tab or the print icon to open a PDF version of the completed

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7.3 Searching Assessments
Select “Records” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select client. If a client was not previously
selected, select client from the drop-down client search menu that appears. If a client was previously
selected, the “Summary” screen for that client will automatically appear. If necessary, change the selected
client by using the client search drop-down in the top right-hand corner. Select “Assessments” on the

Use the following options in the gray search filter box to filter the assessments list and search for

• Form – Click the drop-down arrow to limit search results to assessments created from a particular
• Entered By – Click the drop-down arrow to limit search results to assessments created by a
particular user.

Select one of the following buttons to proceed:

• Search – Runs the search and filters the assessments list.

• Reset – Removes all selected filters.

Note: This search filter box appears on all three subtabs on the “Assessments” screen.

Sort assessments by clicking column headings (Date Created, Entered By, Title, and Access).

Click item row to preview the assessment in its current state on the right-hand side of the screen.

• Note: In the “My Assessments” and “All Assessments” tabs, user can click the eye icon to view
the completed assessment in a new browser tab or the print icon to open a PDF version of the
completed assessment.

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8. Care Plans
The general care plan provides a view of each client’s health and social needs and associated problems,
as well as a summary of up to 25 of the client’s active, reconciled medications. Learn how to manage the
general care plan. Select "Records" from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select a client. If a client
was not previously selected, select client from the drop-down client search menu that appears. If a client
was previously selected, the "Summary" screen for that client will automatically appear. If necessary,
change the selected client by using the client selector drop-down in the top right-hand corner. Select
"Care Plans" on the sidebar. Select "General" tab on "Care Plans" screen.

8.1 Problem Summary Table

This table details select patient health needs and problems, along with corresponding priority, problem
status, start and end dates, and associated episode. To add a Health Problem, select “Add Item”

Complete the following fields as appropriate:

Priority – Select from drop-down list to assign low, medium, or high priority to an entry. Note: If multiple
problems have the same priority value, then problems will be listed in order of most recent "Start Date"
to oldest "Start Date".
Need – Select from drop-down list of needs. Users have ability to modify an auto-populated problem or
to create something new via free text. Need is a required field. Note: Needs may be auto-populated based
on information captured in an assessment.
Problem – Select from drop-down list of problems. Problem list will be filtered based on need selected in
previous field. Users have ability to modify an auto-populated problem or to create something new via
free text. Note: Problems may be auto-populated based on information captured in an assessment.
Problem Status – Select from drop-down list of problem statuses. Note this is a required section.
Start and End Dates – Enter manually or select from calendar picker.
Episode – Manually select the episode that the need and problem are being coordinated under from drop-
down list of episodes. Note: Episodes may be auto-populated based on information captured in an
assessment or in the “Episodes” tab.
Delete Health Problem- Select the “X” icon on the selected entry on the Problem Summary Table to delete

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8.2 Modifying Care Goals
Selecting the pencil icon on the selected entry on the Problem Summary Table to display the Problem
Detail Table view.

• Select "Add Item" to add a care goal, which will then be tagged to the problem and reflected in
the care plan.
• Fill out the following fields as appropriate:
• Care Goal – Select a care goal from a drop-down menu filtered based on the problem selected.
• Goal Type – Select from a drop-down menu of general options.
• Barriers – Select from a drop-down menu of general options.
• Activity/Intervention – Select from a drop-down menu filtered based on the care goal selected.
Note: Users have ability to modify an auto-populated activity/intervention or to create
something new via free text.
• Target Date – Type or select target date for selected intervention from a calendar picker.
• Progress – Select from a drop-down menu of general options.
• Status – Select from a drop-down menu of general options.
Update Care Goal
• Select the pencil icon on the selected entry on the Problem Summary Table to display the
Problem Detail Table view.
• Update the fields of the Problem Detail Table by manually entering information and using the
provided drop-downs.
Delete Care Goal
• Select the “X” icon on the selected entry on the Problem Detail Table to delete it

Select "Save" button to save additions to the Problem Summary Table to the general care plan.

Note: Users have ability to modify an auto-populated care goal or to create something new via free text.

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Time Stamp Box

• Created – This field displays the date and time stamp of the creation of the general care plan.
• Last Revision – This field displays the date and time stamp of the last saved revision(s) to the
general care plan. Details of revisions may be viewed in the "Change Log" tab of the "Care Plans"
• Electronically Signed – These fields display after the care plan is first saved, and the "Sign" and
"Member/Guardian Sign" buttons become active.

They display the date and time stamp(s) of:

• Care manager signature(s) or signature requests, prompted by completion of the fields within
the "Sign" button.
• Member or guardian signature, prompted by completion of the fields within the
"Member/Guardian Sign" button. Note: If this signature is not obtained after revisions to the care
plan, this field will display that the "Latest Care Plan” version has not been signed by member.

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8.3 Care Plan Buttons

• Save – This button becomes active after any change has been made to the general care plan and
saves such changes.
• Sign – This button becomes active once changes to the general care plan have been saved, and
prompts the following fields to display in order to sign the care plan:
o Authorized Signature – Enter your name in the text box field if you are an authorized care
plan signatory and select "Save".
o Request Signature – To request the signature of an authorized care plan signatory, type
their name and select from the drop-down list that appears, and select "Save" to
complete the request. Note: The "Electronically Signed" box of the Time Stamp Box will
indicate that this is awaiting verification until the requested signatory provides their

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• Member/Guardian Sign - Selecting the "Member/Guardian Sign" button will prompt the
"Member/Guardian Signature" pop-up to display, with the following options. Note: Once the
member/guardian signature is populated, the system will automatically export that care plan to
"Documents". To locate the exported care plan, navigate to "Documents" on the sidebar, and
select "Care Plans" within the "Clinical" tab.

o Member Signature – This text box will display and is a required field if the "Member to
sign electronically" checkbox is selected. Leave field blank if not applicable.
o Member to sign electronically – Select if member will enter signature in the Member
Signature field.
o Member to sign physical copy
o Member unable to sign but has indicated
o Member refused to sign – If this field is selected, a
"Special Instructions/Comments" text box displays
to enter free text describing the issue.
o Member is unable to be reached – If this field is
selected, a "Special Instructions/Comments" text
box displays to enter free text describing the issue.
o Member signature is not required/not applicable –
If this field is selected, a "Special
Instructions/Comments" text box displays to enter free text describing the issue.
o Guardian to sign – If this field is selected, the "Guardian Signature" field will display to
enter signature.

Guardian to sign – If this field is selected, the "Guardian Signature" field will display to enter signature.
This text box will display if the "Guardian to sign" checkbox is selected and is a required field if
the "Guardian to sign electronically" checkbox is selected. Leave field blank if not applicable.

Guardian to sign electronically – Select if guardian will enter signature

in the Guardian Signature field.

1. Guardian to sign physical copy

2. Guardian unable to sign but has indicated agreement
3. Guardian refused to sign – If this field is selected, a "Special
Instructions/Comments" text box displays to enter free text
describing the issue.
4. Guardian is unable to be reached – If this field is selected, a
"Special Instructions/Comments" text box displays to enter
free text describing the issue.
5. Guardian signature is not required/not applicable – If this
field is selected, a "Special Instructions/Comments" text box
displays to enter free text describing the issue

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Generate a PDF in Care plans: Selecting the Generate PDF button displays the "Print Options" pop-up,
which prompts the user to select the following items to include in the printed version. Note: It is possible
that the information included in the PDF version may not match what is listed in the system. Whatever is
not selected here will not appear in the PDF.

After selecting the desired fields, select "Continue" to generate a PDF of the general care plan. Download
or print the general care plan PDF by selecting the appropriate icons on the upper right of the PDF file
window that displays. Export the PDF to "Documents" by selecting the "Export to documents" button.

To obtain the exported general care plan, navigate to "Documents" on the sidebar, and select "Care
Plans" within the "Clinical" tab. Find the appropriate document by referencing the "Date
Created" and "Title" fields.

8.4 Care Plan Auto-Population

Now that we’ve covered Assessments and Care Plan, we should note that if you have completed and
Submitted a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) before you navigated to the Care Plan for that user,
you may see several Needs and/or Need/Problem combinations already there! VirtualHealth allows us
the ability to specify that certain Needs or Need/Problem combinations can automatically be added to
the member’s Care Plan based on specific answers in the CNAs. These are there to help you, not substitute
for your clinical judgment. It is also important to note that not all Needs and Need/Problems have been
mapped to potential CNA answers, so be sure to review auto-populated material and adjust, either by
adding additional Needs/Problems as warranted by the member’s case or deleting or closing additional
ones that really don’t apply in this particular circumstance or that the Member does not want work on
with you.

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9. Medications
The Medications module allows care managers to verify, update, and manage their clients' medications.
Learning how to manage the medications list is simple. Users have the ability to enter medication,
however, this table is generally prepopulated.

9.1 Navigating Medications

Navigate to Medications. Select "Records" from the toolbar at the top of the screen. If necessary, change
the selected client by using the client selector drop-down in the top right-hand corner. Select
"Medications" on the sidebar. Use the "List" and "Change Log" tabs to navigate the "Medications" screen.

List Tab – This tab shows the client’s full list of active medications, and allows users to add and sort
medications, and to print or export the medications list.

Change Log Tab – This tab shows a history of changes made to the medications list

9.2 Manually Add a Reported Medication

Select the New Medications Button- Complete the following fields in the "Reported Medication" pop-up
that displays by manually entering information and using the provided drop-downs. Fields marked with
red asterisks (*) are required.

• Drug Name – Type to select. Note: In 2019, we anticipate that upon selecting the appropriate
drug, the system will check for and indicate any drug-drug or drug-allergy interactions, but these
will not be enabled at initial system go-live.
• NDC # – This field will be auto-populated based on information entered in the Drug Name field.
• Prescribing Provider – Use the drop-down list or type to select.
• Provider NPI – Use the drop-down list or type to select.
• Pharmacy – Use the drop-down list or type to select.
• Dose – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Route – Use the drop-down list or type to select.
• Frequency – Use the drop-down list.

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• Reconciled – Use the drop-down list.
• Indication – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Therapeutic Classification – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Adherence Status – Use the drop-down list.
• Date Prescribed – Use the calendar picker or type to select.
• Last Filled Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select.
• Days’ Supply – Manually enter free text in the text box. Free text must be a number.
• Start Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select.
• End Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select.
• Quantity – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Number of Refills – Manually enter free text in the text box. Free text must be a number.
• Notes – Manually enter free text in the text box.

Click the "Add New Reported Medication" button to add the entry to the medications table or select the
"Close" button to exit without saving.

The entry will be saved to the medications table below the search box. Use the fields in the medications
table to sort or locate entries. Medications will also be displayed under "Medications" on the "Summary"
screen, and in the medications table of the general care plan in "Care Plans".

9.3 Searching Medications

Use the following options to filter the medications list and search for entries. Remove all selected filters
and/or reapply filters that have been deselected to display default results:

• Type – Apply or remove the following filters to refine the medications list. Note: Default Filter,
may be removed
o Prescribed – This field displays all medications that were added via an interaction with an
external medications list (typically from a pharmacy claims file), or manually added in the
provider portal.
o Reported – This field displays all medications that were manually entered by care
manager users. These medications may be reported by the patient but may not appear in
the pharmacy claims files imported.
o Discontinued – This field displays all medications that have been discontinued from the
patient's active medications list. Note: Not a default filter, may be applied.
o All – This field displays all prescribed, reported, and discontinued medications. Note: Not
a default filter, may be applied.
• Reconciled – Select medication reconciliation status (e.g., Yes, No) from a drop-down list to refine
the medications list.
• Adherence Status – Select medication adherence status (e.g., N/A, Adherent, Partially Adherent,
or Non-Adherent) from a drop-down list to refine the medications list.

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Use the following fields to sort and locate entries in the medications table: Date Created, Medication,
Type, Directions, Reconciled, Adherence Status, and Created By.

9.4 Printing the Medications List

Select the “Print Medication List” Button

1. Use the following checkboxes in the

"Print Options" pop-up that displays to
filter the medications list as desired.
Note: The medications list generated is
reflective only of the fields selected in this
pop-up, and not of the search filters
applied on the List tab screen.
2. Select the "Generate" button to
generate a PDF.
3. Select the print icon on the upper right corner of the PDF file window to print medications list.

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9.5 Exporting the Medications List
Select the "Export to Documents" button.

Select the following checkboxes in the "Export Options" pop-up that displays to filter the medications list
as desired. Note: The medications list generated is reflective only of the fields selected in this pop-up, and
not of the search filters applied on the List tab screen.

Click the "Generate" button to generate a PDF that will be

automatically exported to "Documents". To locate the
exported medications list, navigate to "Documents" on the
sidebar, and select "Medications List" within the "Clinical" tab
of the "Documents" screen. Use the "Date Created" and "Title"
fields to locate the desired medications list.

9.6 Viewing Medication Information

Click the eye icon on the appropriate entry on the medications table in the List tab. The "Prescription"
pop-up displays relevant information about the medication in the following fields. Note: Fields are
populated based on information entered by a care manager or care provider, or pharmacy claims
information sent to VH.

9.7 Editing Medication Information

Click the pencil icon on the appropriate entry on the medications table in the “List” tab. Complete the
fields in the "Prescription" pop-up that displays by manually entering information and using the provided
drop-downs. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required. Note: Fields are populated based on
information entered by a care manager or care provider, or pharmacy claims information sent to VH.
Select "Save Reported Medication" to save the updates to the medication information, or "Close" to exit
without saving.

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9.8 Discontinuing Medication
Click the pencil icon on the appropriate entry on the medications table in the List Tab. Select
"Discontinue". This will prompt a pop-up with a text box to input a clinical reason for discontinuing the
selected medication, before clicking "Submit". This information will be displayed in the Change Log tab.

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10 Vitals
The “Vitals” tab allows users to view and manage a historical feed of all vitals recorded, including: BMI,
Blood Glucose, Blood Oxygen, Diastolic Pressure, Height, Pain, Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate, Systolic
Pressure, Temperature and Weight. In the near term, we don’t expect that this will be widely used, but
may increase in usage as Member’s are given the ability to enter information to the Member Portal
(targeted for early 2019) and significantly in the future as medical smart-devices begin to be integrated
with VirtualHealth to provide Vitals updates automatically. To navigate to Vitals, select “Records” from
the top navigation bar. Select “Vitals” on the side navigation bar.

10.1 Adding a Clinical Feed

The Vitals screen allows users to view, manage, and record clinical feeds. When a user selects “Add Clinical
Feed” a pop-up will appear with the following fields: Note: all fields with a red asterisk are required fields.
• Type – drop-down with all vitals available to record. Note: Depending on what is chosen in “Type” the
subsequent fields will disappear, change, or stay the same.
• Date – date-picker field which will allow user to select which date this specific type of Vital was
• Time – field that will allow user to record the time selected vital is being recorded.
• Value – refers to the value for what unit is chosen
• Unit – refers to the unit of measure for each type selected

10.2 Monitoring Vitals

The Vital monitoring table will allow user to view and monitor all recorded Clinical Feeds. Once a user
adds a clinical feed then the following table will be populated. The following fields will display in this table:

• Name – denotes what “Type” of Vital was selected when user adds a clinical feed.
• Type – this field will always be denoted as “Clinical”

Each line item in this table will also include these respective icons:

• Add Data – this will allow users to add additional data to selected Vital.
• Trends – this functionality allows users to view any trends that are captured based on the information
provided per Clinical Feed.
• Thresholds – allows users to create a minimum and maximum threshold for selected vital
measurements to auto-trigger alerts.
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• Time Based Alerts– allows user to enter a maximum amount of time that can pass between days of
having their vital measured. This field is not required and can be left blank to disable the alert.
• Delete – this will allow user to delete specific clinical feed.
Once a Clinical Feed has been added, and data has been entered over a period of time, users will be able
to visually view the various units of measure over a selected period of time.

The following fields will allow the user to capture specific information including:

a. Start Date – user can select the start date at which each clinical feed was measured
b. End Date – user can select the end date at which each clinical feed was measured
c. Date Filters – allows users to easily view a range of measurements, versus denoting a specific
“Start Date” and “End Date”
d. Unit Selector – user can select what unit of measurement they would like to view, based on Vital
e. Graph/Diagram – visual representation of all units measured over a period of time.

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11 Documents
The Document section of the system serves as a repository for clinical information, letters, and external
documents for members.

11.1 Letters
Letters are designed in this system to automatically be generated for the user. The User also has the
option of manually creating a letter using the templates provided in the system. To review the letter
section the user will need to navigate to the “Letter” tab. To get to the letters tab the user will need to
select “Records” and then “Documents” using the side bar.

• Date Created (From): Select a date to limit search results to letters created on or after that date.
• Date Created (To): Select dates to limit search results to letters created prior to or on that date.
• Sent Date (From): Select a date to limit search results to letters sent on or after that date.
• Sent Date (To): Select dates to limit search results to letters sent prior to or on that date.
• Template Title: Use the drop-down arrow to limit search results to letters created from a
• Created By: Use the drop-down arrow to limit search results to letters created by a user.
• Letter Type: Use the drop-down arrow to limit search results to letters of a type.
• Status: Use the drop-down arrow to limit search results to letters with a status label.

11.1.1 Managing Letters

Once letters are in the list tab Users can use the Icons to view, update, download and delete letters if
a. View – Displays the generated letter.
b. Update – Allows user to update a letter. (This button is only available until the nightly batch
process runs and the letter is submitted to the print center.)
c. Download – Downloads the letter as a PDF document.
d. Delete – Deletes the letter. (This button is only available until the nightly batch process runs and
the letter is submitted to the print center.)

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11.1.2 Creating Letters
Select necessary letter in drop-down and select “New Letter” button. User will be directed to “Create
Letter” screen. Letters are created in English and Spanish.
Please note if letter contains “Free Text” fields for
Spanish, user must enter the text in Spanish separately.
Some letters support drop-down selection from a pre-set
list of values – in this case, it will be required to select a
Spanish option as well in the Spanish version, but it will be
in the same order as the English version, so if you picked
the second English choice, pick the second Spanish choice.
Complete the fields in the “Create Letter” screen.

• Recipient – Click the drop-down arrow to select

the recipient (member or provider).
• Attached Letters – Click the drop-down arrow to
select from a list of attachable, previously generated letters. (Alternatively, type letter name to
filter the list and select.) Selected letters will be submitted with the generated letter in a single
PDF. Select the “x” on the left of each letter to remove it.
• Attached Document – Click the drop-down arrow to select from a list of attachable documents.
(Alternatively, type document name to filter the list and select.) Selected documents will be
submitted with the generated letter in a single PDF. User can attach up to five (5) documents.
Select the “x” on the left of each letter to remove it. Change the order of the attached documents
by removing a document and reattaching it.
• System Generated Documents – Includes Notes, Assessments, Care Plans, Reports, Medications,
Labs, Imaging, and External Documents.
Note: These documents are available once they have been saved to their respective subtabs in
“Records/Documents/Clinical” tab. External documents are available once they have been saved
to “External Documents” tab.
• Other – Select “Attach from local drive” option at the bottom of the drop-down menu to add an
external document(s) from a local drive.

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• Carbon Copy – Click the drop-down arrow to select from a list of third parties who can receive
copies of the letter:
• Client – Sends a carbon copy to client.
• PCP – Sends a carbon copy to the PCP assigned to selected
• OB – Sends a carbon copy to the OB assigned to selected
• Manual Entry – Opens “Add carbon copy recipient” pop-
up. Allows user to send carbon copies to any third party
not listed as an option. Complete the fields by manually
entering information and using the provided drop-downs.
Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required.
• Search Provider – Allows user to search for providers in
the system to send carbon copies to.
• Customize Letter – If the letter contains “Free Text” fields, manually enter the relevant text or
use the drop-downs to select from options. If no text is entered, an error will appear when user
attempts to save the letter.

Note: The letter may contain dynamic fields, e.g. User Role, which will be populated with relevant user,
member, and provider information from within the VirtualHealth system.

11.2 Uploading External Documents

Users can upload external documents to the member’s records. Select “Records” from the toolbar at the
top of the screen. Select client. If a client was not previously selected, select client from the drop-down
client search menu that appears. If a client was previously selected, the “Summary” screen for that client
will automatically appear. If necessary, change the selected client by using the client search drop-down in
the top right-hand corner. Select “Documents” on the sidebar. Select “External Documents” tab. Select
“Add External Documents” button. Upload document from computer.

The system supports the following attachment types: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .txt, .pdf, .xls,.xlsx,. odt,
.odf, .doc, .docx, .csv, .rtf, .ods, .odp, .ppt, .pps, .pptx, .tiff, .zip.

Note: The maximum file size the system supports are 8.0 MB (8000 KB).

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11.2.1 Manage External Document
Once external documents are in the list on “External Documents” tab, user can perform the following
actions as necessary:

a. Edit Access – Click on the access status (“Private” or “Team”) to toggle between the two options.
Changing the access status to “Team” makes the document visible to any user with the client on
his/her panel.
b. Download – Downloads a copy of the document onto the user’s computer.
c. Delete – Removes the document from the list.
d. Sort – Sort documents by clicking column headings (Date Created, Title, and Access).

11.3 External Documents for Migrated Members

External Documents is also the location that you’ll find historical CMIS case information that could not be
converted directly into VirtualHealth. Case information such as Tasks and Care Plans are set up very
differently in VirtualHealth than were in CMIS. This information will be migrated over as PDF documents
and stored in External Documents. For open cases you are actively managing at the time of system go-
live, you may be using these documents to set up those members in VirtualHealth. For other Members
that did not have an open case at the time of conversion to VirtualHealth but enter Care Management
again at some point in the future, these documents may be a good way to review prior case activity.

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12 Medical History
The "Medical History" allows users to view or edit the patient's medical history. To navigate to “Medical
History”. Select "Records" from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select client. If a client was already
selected, the "Summary" screen for that client will automatically appear. If necessary, change the selected
client by using the drop-down in the top right-hand corner. Select "Medical History" from the sidebar.
The "Medical History" module consists of 4 tabs to navigate through, edit, and add to the patient’s
medical history.

It is important to note that VirtualHealth does not have any screens with “Claims Views” representing all
the information from a claim in a single place. VirtualHealth does receive recurring ADT and Claims feeds,
but it splits up the information into the relevant Medical History locations you’ll read about below to
display the relevant information such as admission or visit information, the diagnosis/condition
information, relevant procedure codes, etc.

12.1 Encounters Tab

Allows a user to manually add a visit or admission data to the client’s medical history.

12.1.1 Adding an Encounter

Navigate to the "Encounters" tab of the "Medical History" module. Add Visit: Select "Visit" from the drop-
down list and select the "Add Encounter" button.
• Complete fields in the "Visit" pop-up that displays by manually entering information and using
the provided drop-downs. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required.
• Visit Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the date of the visit.
• Type – Use the drop-down list or type to select the type of provider visited.
• Description – Manually enter free text to provide a description of the visit.
• Facility/Location – Manually enter free text to indicate the facility or location of the visit. Note:
This field will typically will be auto-populated based on claims information sent to VH.
• Place of Service – Manually enter free text to indicate the place of service. Note: This field will
typically be auto-populated based on claims information sent to VH.
• Provider – Manually enter free text to indicate the name of the provider.
• Specialty – Use the drop-down list or type to select the specialty of the provider visited.
• Notes – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Select "Add" to save the visit to the medical history. Select "Close" to exit without saving the
entry. The entry will be saved to the encounters table below the gray search box. Use the fields
in the encounters table to sort or locate entries.

Page 49

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
12.1.2 Adding an Admission
Select "Admission" from the drop-down list and select the "Add Encounter" button.

• Complete fields in the "Admission" pop-up that displays by manually entering information, using
the provided drop-downs, and selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Fields marked with red
asterisks (*) are required.
• Admission Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the date of the admission.
• Discharge Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the date of the discharge.
• Type – Use the drop-down list or type to select the type of admission.
• Description – Manually enter free text to provide a description of the admission.
• Facility/Location – Manually enter free text to indicate the facility or location of the admission.
Note: This field will typically will be auto-populated based on claims information sent to VH.
• Place of Service – Manually enter free text to indicate the place of service. Note: This field will
typically will be auto-populated based on claims information sent to VH.
• Source – Use the drop-down list or type to select the admission source (e.g. Clinic, Court/Law
Enforcement, Emergency Room, Hospice, etc.).
• Status – Use the drop-down list or type to select the admission status.
• Notes – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Select "Add" to save the admission to the medical history, or "Close" to exit without saving the
entry. The entry will be saved to the encounters table below the gray search box. Use the fields
in the encounters table to sort or locate entries. Admissions will also be displayed under
"Admissions" on the "Summary" screen.

Page 50

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
12.1.3 Updating Encounters
Select the pencil icon on the appropriate entry in the encounters table. Update the fields in the pop-up
that displays as appropriate by manually entering information, using the provided drop-downs, and
selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Note: Users can only update entries created by themselves or other
care managers. If entered by an administrator, fields are locked for editing by the care manager. Select
"Save" to save the changes to the encounter to the patient’s medical history. Select "Close" to exit without
saving the changes.

12.1.4 Removing an Encounter

Select the pencil icon on the appropriate entry in the encounters table. Select "Remove" to remove the
encounter from the medical history. A "Confirmation" pop-up will display. Select "Confirm" to confirm
the removal. Note: Users can only update entries created by themselves or other care managers. If
entered by an administrator, fields are locked for editing by the care manager. Removed items may still
be viewed in search results by selecting the "Show Removed Items" checkbox.
Search Encounters: Use the following options in the gray search box to filter the encounters table and
search for encounters.
• Begin Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the begin date of the encounter.
• End Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the end date of the encounter.
• Category – Use the drop-down list or type to select admission or visit.
• Type – Use the drop-down list or type to select the type of clinical facility the encounter involved.
• Show Removed Items – Select the checkbox to display removed entries in the encounters table.
• Apply the filters then select the "Search" button to display narrowed search results.
• Select the "Reset" button to remove all selected filters and display default results.
• Use the following fields to sort and locate entries in the encounters table: Admission/Visit Date,
Category, Type, and Entered By. Click on a row to view the selected entry in further detail in a
pop-up that displays to the right.

Page 51

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
12.2 Services Tab
Services Allows a user to manually add any services or history of to the client’s medical history.

12.2.1 Adding a Service

Navigate to the "Services" tab of the "Medical History" module. Select the "Service" button. Complete
fields in the "Service" pop-up that displays by manually entering information, using the provided drop-
downs, and selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required.

• Start Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the date that the service was initiated.
• End Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select
the date that the service ended.
• Description – Manually enter free text to provide a
description of the service.
• Facility/Location – Manually enter free text to
indicate the facility or location of the service. Note:
This field will typically will be auto-populated based
on claims information sent to VH.
• Place of Service – Manually enter free text to indicate the place of service. Note: This field will
typically will be auto-populated based on claims information sent to VH.
• Notes – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Select "Add" to save the service to the medical history, or "Close" to exit without saving the entry.

The entry will be saved to the services table below the gray search box. Use the fields in the services
table to sort or locate entries.

12.2.2 Updating Services

Select the pencil icon on the appropriate entry in the services table. Update the fields in the pop-up that
displays as appropriate by manually entering information, using the provided drop-downs, and selecting
the appropriate checkboxes. Note: Users can only update entries created by themselves or other care
managers. If entered by an administrator, fields are locked for editing by the care manager. Select "Save"
to save the changes to the service to the patient’s medical history. Select "Close" to exit without saving
the changes.

12.2.3 Removing Services

Select the pencil icon on the appropriate entry in the services table. Select "Remove" to remove the
service from the medical history. A "Confirmation" pop-up will display. Select "Confirm" to confirm the
removal. Note: Note: Users can only update entries created by themselves or other care managers. If
entered by an administrator, fields are locked for editing by the care manager. Removed items may still
be viewed in search results by selecting the "Show Removed Items" checkbox.

Page 52

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
12.2.4 Searching Services
Use the following options in the gray search box to filter the services table and search for services. Apply
the filters then select the "Search" button to display narrowed search results. Select the "Reset" button
to remove all selected filters and display default results:

• Start Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the begin date of the service.
• End Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the end date of the service.
• Show Removed Items – Select the checkbox to display removed entries in the services table.
• Apply the filters then select the "Search" button to display narrowed search results.
• Select the "Reset" button to remove all selected filters and display default results
• Use the following fields to sort and locate entries in the services table: Start Date, End Date,
Description, and Entered By.
• Click on a row to view the selected entry in further detail in a pop-up that displays to the right.

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This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
12.3 Clinical Tab
The clinical tab houses Conditions, Procedures, Immunizations, Allergies and Pregnancy information for
the member

12.3.1 Adding Conditions

Navigate to the "Clinical" tab of the "Medical History" module. Select "Condition" from the drop-down
list and select the "Add Clinical" button.
Complete fields in the "Condition" pop-up that displays by manually entering information, using the
provided drop-downs, and selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are
required. Users can modify an auto-populated entry or can create something new via free text.
• ICD9 Name – Type to select the appropriate
ICD9 Name for the condition.
• ICD9 Code – Type to select the appropriate ICD9
Code for the condition.
• ICD10 Name – Type to select the appropriate
ICD10 Name for the condition.
• ICD10 Code – Type to select the appropriate
ICD10 Code for the condition.
• Condition Status – Manually select the Active or
Resolved checkbox to indicate the status of the condition.
• Date Diagnosed or Reported – Use the calendar picker or type to select the date the condition
was diagnosed or reported.
• Treatment Reported – Manually enter free text to indicate if and what treatment the client has
received for the condition.
• Notes – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Select "Add" to save the condition to the medical history. Select "Close" to exit without saving the
• The entry will be saved to the clinical table under the gray search box. Use the fields in the clinical
table to sort or locate entries. Conditions will also be displayed under "Diagnoses" on the
"Summary" screen.

Page 54

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
12.3.2 Adding CPT Procedure Codes
Navigate to the "Clinical" tab of the "Medical History" module. Select "Procedure" from the drop-down
list and select the "Add Clinical" button.

Complete fields in the "Procedure" pop-up that displays by manually entering information, using the
provided drop-downs, and selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are

• Select the appropriate checkbox depending on the

procedure codes being used (CPT/HCPCS or ICD-10-PCS).
• CPT/HCPCS – Short Descriptor – Type to select the
appropriate shortened description of the procedure.
• CPT/HCPCS Code – Type to select the appropriate
CPT/HCPCS code for the procedure rendered.
• Long Descriptor – Manually enter free text to indicate the
appropriate long description of the visit.

12.3.3 Adding ICD10 PCS Codes

• ICD-10-PCS – Code Description – Type to select the appropriate
code description for the procedure. Users have the ability to
modify an auto-populated entry or to create something new via
free text.
• ICD-10-PCS Code – Type to select the appropriate ICD-10-PCS
code for the procedure rendered.
• Procedure Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the
date of the procedure.
• Place of Service – Manually enter free text to indicate the place
of service. Note: This field will typically will be auto-populated
based on claims information sent to VH.
• Service Location – Use the drop-down list or type to select the service location. Note: This field
will typically will be auto-populated based on claims information sent to VH.
• Procedure Report/Notes – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Select "Add" to save the procedure to the medical history. Select "Close" to exit without saving
the entry.
• The entry will be saved to the clinical table. Use the fields in the clinical table to sort or locate

Page 55

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
12.3.4 Add Immunization
Navigate to the "Clinical" tab of the "Medical History" module. Select "Immunization" from the drop-
down list and select the "Add Clinical" button.

Complete fields in the "Immunization" pop-up that displays by manually entering information, using the
provided drop-downs, and selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Fields marked with red asterisks (*)
are required.

• Vaccine Name – Type to select the appropriate vaccine. Users

have the ability to modify an auto-populated entry or to create
something new via free text.
• Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the date of the
• Facility/Location – Manually enter free text to indicate the
facility or location of the service. Note: This field will typically
will be auto-populated based on claims information sent to
• Administered By – Manually enter free text to indicate who administered the immunization.
• Notes – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Select "Add" to save the immunization to the medical history. Select "Close" to exit without saving
the entry.
The entry will be saved to the clinical table under the gray search box. Use the fields in the clinical table
to sort or locate entries.

Page 56

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
12.3.5 Adding Allergy
Navigate to the "Clinical" tab of the "Medical History" module. Select "Allergy" from the drop-down list
and select the "Add Clinical" button.

Complete fields in the "Allergy" pop-up that displays by manually entering information, using the provided
drop-downs, and selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required.
• Name of Agent or Medication – Type to select the appropriate
name of the agent or medication. Users have the ability to
modify an auto-populated entry or to create something new via
free text.
• Adverse Event or Reported Date – Use the calendar picker or
type to select the date the allergic reaction was exhibited or
• Reaction – Manually enter free text to provide a description of
the reaction.
• Notes – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Select "Add" to save the allergy to the medical history. Select "Close" to exit without saving the
The entry will be saved to the clinical table under the gray search box. Use the fields in the clinical table
to sort or locate entries.

12.3.6 Adding a Pregnancy

Note: This option will only display for clients with a sex of female in their client profile. Navigate to the
"Clinical" tab of the "Medical History" module. Select "Pregnancy" from the drop-down list and select the
"Add Clinical" button.

Complete fields in the "Add Client Pregnancy" pop-up that displays by manually entering
information, using the provided drop-downs, and selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Fields marked
with red asterisks (*) are required.
• Currently Pregnant – Select the checkbox if appropriate.
• Expected Due Date – Use the calendar picker or type to
select expected pregnancy due date. If Currently Pregnant is
selected, this is a required* field.
• Outcome Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select
date of pregnancy outcome. If Currently Pregnant is not
selected, this is a required* field.
• Pregnancy Outcome – Use the drop-down list or type to
select from the following options. If Currently Pregnant is not selected, this is a required* field.
o Term Birth
o Preterm Birth
o Induced Abortion
o Spontaneous Abortion
o Stillbirth
• Notes – Manually enter free text in the text box.

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This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
• Select "Add Pregnancy" to save the pregnancy to the medical history. Select "Close" to exit
without saving the entry. The entry will be saved to the clinical table. Use the fields in the
clinical table to sort or locate entries.

12.3.7 Modifying Clinical Entries

To update a clinical entry, select the pencil icon on the selected entry n the clinical table. Update the fields
in the pop-up that displays as appropriate by manually entering information, using the provided drop-
downs, and selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Select "Save" to save the changes to the encounter to
the patient’s medical history. Select "Close" to exit without saving the changes.

12.3.8 Removing Clinical Entries

Select the pencil icon on the selected entry on the clinical table. Select "Remove" to remove the clinical
entry from the medical history. A "Confirmation" pop-up will display. Select "Confirm" to confirm the
removal. Note: Removed items may still be viewed in search results by selecting the "Show Removed
Items" checkbox.

12.3.9 Searching Clinical Entries

Use the following options in the gray search box to filter the clinical table and search for clinical entries.

• Begin Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the start date.
• End Date – Use the calendar picker or type to select the end date.
• Category – Use the drop-down list or type to select from the following options.
o Condition
o Procedure
o Immunization
o Allergy
o Pregnancy (Note: This option will only display for clients with a sex of female in their client
• Show Removed Items – Select the checkbox to display removed clinical entries.
• Apply the filters then select the "Search" button to display narrowed search results.
• Select the "Reset" button to remove all selected filters and display default results.
• Use the following fields to sort and locate entries in the clinical table: Date, Category, Description,
and Entered By.

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This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
12.4 Social Tab
The user can add family conditions, work history and social habits in this section of the member’s medical

12.4.1 Adding Family Conditions

Navigate to the "Social" tab of the "Medical History" module. Select "Family Conditions" from the drop-
down list and select the "Add Social" button.

Complete fields in the "Family Condition" pop-up that displays by manually entering information
and using the provided drop-downs. Fields marked
with red asterisks (*) are required.
• Family Condition Name – Type to select the
appropriate condition.
• Family Relation – Use the drop-down list or
type to select the relation to the client.
• Notes – Manually enter free text in the text
• Select "Add" to save the family condition to the medical history.
• Select "Close" to exit without saving the entry.

Use the Family Conditions subtab to display the list of family condition entries. Click on a row to view the
selected entry in further detail in a window that displays to the right.

12.4.2 Adding Work History

Navigate to the "Social" tab of the "Medical History" module. Select "Work History" from the drop-down
list and select the "Add Social" button.

Complete fields in the "Work History" pop-up that displays by manually entering information and using
the provided drop-downs. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required.
• Job Type – Manually enter free text to indicate
the job type.
• Start Year – Use the drop-down list or type to
select the appropriate year.
• End Year – Use the drop-down list or type to
select the appropriate year.
• Hours Per Week – Manually enter hours per
week. This field must be a number.
• Site – Use the drop-down list or type to select
work site.
• Shift – Use the drop-down list or type to select shift type.
• Notes – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Select "Add" to save the work history to the medical history.
• Select "Close" to exit without saving the entry.

Page 59

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
Use the Work History subtab to display the list of work history entries. Click on a row to view the selected
entry in further detail in a pop-up that displays to the right.

12.4.3 Adding Social Habits

Navigate to the "Social" tab of the "Medical History" module. Select "Social Habit" from the drop-down
list and select the "Add Social" button.

Complete fields in the "Social Habit" pop-up that displays by manually entering information and using
the provided drop-downs. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required.
• Behavior – Use the drop-down list or type to
select the type of behavior.
• Start Year – Use the drop-down list or type to
select the appropriate year.
• End Year – Use the drop-down list or type to
select the appropriate year.
• Frequency of Use – Use the drop-down list or
type to select the appropriate frequency.
• Amount per Use – Manually enter free text in the text box to provide a description of the amount
• Notes – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Select "Add" to save the social habit to the medical history.
• Select "Close" to exit without saving the entry.

Use the Social Habits subtab to display the list of social habits entries. Click on a row to view the selected
entry in further detail in a pop-up that displays to the right.

12.4.5 Updating Social Entries

Select the pencil icon on the appropriate entry on the social table. Update the fields in the pop-up that
displays as appropriate by manually entering information and using the provided drop-downs. Update
fields in the pop-up that displays by manually entering information and using the provided drop-downs.
Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required. Select "Save" to save the changes to the social table of
the patient’s medical history. Select "Close" to exit without saving the changes.

12.4.6 Removing Social Entries

Select the pencil icon on the appropriate entry on the social table. Select "Remove" to remove the entry
from the medical history. A "Confirmation" pop-up will display. Select "Confirm" to confirm the removal.

Page 60

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
13. Interact Tab
The “Interact” tool allows users to track interactions and share content with clients. The “Interact” tool
includes the Interaction Tracker, where users record interactions required for coordinating patient care
and manage tasks and events. It also includes the interaction table, where interaction history is stored.
The Interact Tab includes contact list, messages, publications, pictures, and videos.

13.1 Interactions
To navigate to the “Interact Tool” select “Interact” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Click on
“New Interaction” button. User will be automatically directed to “Add Interaction” screen (also known
as Interaction Tracker).
Complete the fields by manually entering information and using the provided drop-downs. Fields marked
with red asterisks (*) are required.
• Client – Select the client that the interaction is for. Note: Selecting a client in “Client” field may
trigger more fields to be completed under “Care Management” section, based on the client’s
open episodes. For these fields, select “Yes”, “No”, or “N/A” regarding whether or not the client
consents to care management program.
• Direction – Select “Outgoing” if the interaction was initiated by the care manager. Select
“Incoming” if the interaction was initiated by someone else.
• Primary Participant – Select the primary participant in the interaction (select “Member” if the
client was the primary participant).
• Mode – Select the mode through which the interaction occurred.
• Select “Submit” to save the interaction and add it to “Interactions” screen or “Close” to cancel
and return to “Interactions” screen.

Page 61

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
13.2 Creating New Task
Select client from client drop-down field on Interaction Tracker screen by scrolling through the list or
typing client’s name (or part of the name) into the search field to filter the list and select. Select “New
Task” button. The “New Task” pop-up will appear. Complete the fields in the pop-up. Select “Create
Task” to complete or “Close” to cancel the action and exit the pop-up.

Note: Tasks created from the Interaction Tracker will appear at the bottom of the screen. They will also
appear in “Admin/Management/Tasks” tab, only after user submits the interaction. Tasks created in
“Admin/Management/Tasks” tab will not appear on Interaction Tracker screen.

13.3 Resolving Tasks

Select client from client drop-down field on Interaction Tracker screen by scrolling through the list or
typing client’s name (or part of the name) into the search field to filter the list and select. Select “Resolve
Tasks” button. The “Resolve Tasks” pop-up will appear. Click the checkboxes next to the tasks to be
resolved. Select all tasks by selecting “Resolve All”. Deselect all tasks by selecting “Unresolved All”. Enter
memo(s) into text box(es) if necessary. Click “Save” to complete (or “x” in the top right-hand corner of
the pop-up to cancel and exit). Resolved tasks will be moved to “Completed” subtab in

Page 62

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
13.4 Adding an Event
Select “Add Event” button. The “Add Event” pop-up will appear. Complete the fields in the pop-up. Select
“Save” to complete (or “x” in the top right-hand corner of the pop-up to cancel and exit). The event will
appear on “Calendar/My Calendar” tab.

13.5 Searching Interactions

Use the following options in the gray search filter box to filter the interactions list and search for
• Client Name – Click the drop-down arrow to view interactions associated with a particular client.
• Due Dates – Select dates to view interactions logged in a specific date range.
• Submitted By – Click the drop-down arrow to view interactions created by a particular user.
• Select “Search” to proceed.

User can sort interactions in ascending or descending order by clicking column headings (Date Created,
Submitted By, Client and Primary Participant). “Date Created” field is sorted from most recent to least
recent and the rest are sorted alphabetically. To remove filters, clear all fields and click “Search”.

13.6 Managing Interactions

Once interactions trackers are submitted and are in the table on the “Interactions” screen, user can
perform the following actions as necessary. The Update and Delete options are open until midnight of
the day the interaction was created. After midnight, the Update and Delete options become unavailable.
• View – using the eye icon directs user to “View Interaction” screen, where user can view the
details of the interaction; fields are locked for editing.
• Update – using the pencil icon directs user to “Update Interaction” screen, where user can edit
the details of the interaction; fields are open for editing. Select “Cancel” to cancel changes and
return to “Interactions” screen.
• Delete – clicking the “x” deletes the interaction.

Note: User can only update and delete interactions that he/she added. User can view all interactions.

Page 63

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Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
13.7 Adding Contacts
Navigate to Contacts Select “Interact” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select “Contacts” on the
sidebar. Select “Add Contact” button. The “Contact Search” pop-up will appear. Click the drop-down
arrow to select the type of contact to be added (Administrator, Care Manager, Care Provider, Client, or

Use the following options in the gray search filter box to filter the member list and search for members
who can be added as contacts:
• Type – Click the drop-down arrow to select or
change the type of contact.
• Last Name – Enter name or part of a name.
• First Name – Enter name or part of a name.
• Email – Enter email or part of an email.
• State – Click the drop-down arrow to select the
state of the member’s home address.
• City – Click the drop-down arrow to select the city
of the member’s home address.
• Zip Code – Enter zip code or part of zip code of
the member’s home address.
• Select one of the following buttons:
o Search – Runs the search and filters the
client list.
o Reset – Removes all selected filters.
• Once the appropriate search filters are applied,
scroll down to view the search results. Members
already in the user’s contact list will be highlighted
green. Select the checkbox to the left of each
member to be added as a contact.
• Select “Save” to save the contacts or “Close” to cancel the action and exit the pop-up.

Page 64

This document and its contents are confidential, proprietary, and the exclusive property of Community Care of North Carolina.
Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
13.8 Managing Contacts
Once contacts are in the list on the “Contacts” tab, user can perform the following actions as necessary.

• Search Contacts – Use the following options in the gray search filter box to filter the contacts list
and search for contacts:
o Quick Find – Click the drop-down arrow to scroll through the contacts list and select the
contact. Alternatively, manually enter the contact name (or part of the name) into the search
field to filter the list and select.
• View Contact Information – Select client name to view client’s role, e-mail address, and location
on the right side of the screen.
• Delete Contact – Click the “x” icon to the right of the client to be deleted.

13.9 Adding Groups

Select “Groups” tab in “Contacts” module. Select “Add Group” button. The “New Group” pop-up will
appear. Enter name for group in the text field. Add clients to group individually by clicking their names in
the left box. Alternatively, filter client list by entering names or parts of names into the “quick search”
text field and select “Add All” button. Remove clients from group by clicking their names in the right box.
Alternatively, filter client list by entering names or parts of names into the “quick search” text field and
select “Add All” button. Select “Save” to complete or “Close” to cancel and exit.

13.10 Managing Groups

Once groups are in the list on the “Groups” tab, user can perform the following actions as necessary.
• Update – Opens group’s pop-up. Follow the steps described above to edit the group’s name or
• Delete – Removes the group.
• Sort – Click column headings (Name, Size, Date Created, and Last Changed).

Page 65

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Any authorized reproduction or distribution of any of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited.
13.11 Messages
Users can use “Messages” module as a built-in inbox in VirtualHealth. To Navigate to Messages. Select
“Interact” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select “Messages” on the sidebar. The “Inbox” tab
will automatically appear.

Create and Send Messages: Select “New Message” button. The “New Message” pop-up will appear.
Select “Contacts” or “Groups” to filter the recipient list. Click the drop-down arrow to scroll through the
recipient list and select the recipient. Alternatively, manually enter the recipient name (or part of the
name) into the search field to filter the list and select. Enter subject of message into the “Subject” field.
Enter body of message into the “Text” field. Select “Send Message” to complete and send the message
or “Close” to cancel the action and exit the pop-up. Sent messages will appear in
“Interact/Messages/Sent Items” tab.

Note: User can customize the text by using the ribbon of functions e.g. bold, italicize, underline,
strikethrough, etc.

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13.12 Managing Messages
The user can perform the following actions in the “Inbox”, “Sent Items”, and “Trash” tabs:

• View Message – Select the subject of the message (blue text) or the eye icon to the right of the
• Sort Messages – Click column headings (Date Created, Sender, Recipient, and Subject).
• Mark as Read Mark as Unread – Select the checkbox next to the message to be marked read or
unread. Select “Actions” button. Select “Mark as Read” or “Mark as Unread” as needed.
o To mark multiple messages at once, select the checkboxes next to the messages to be marked
read or unread, select “Actions” button, and select “Mark as Read” or “Mark as Unread” as
o Mark all messages by clicking on the top checkbox to select all messages. Select “Actions”
button and select “Mark as Read” or “Mark as Unread” as needed.

• Delete Message – Select the “x” icon to the right of the row. Deleted messages will appear in the
“Trash” tab.
o To delete multiple messages at once, select the checkboxes next to the messages to be
deleted, select “Actions” button, and select “Move to Trash”.
o Delete all messages by clicking the top checkbox to select all messages. Select “Actions”
button and select “Move to Trash”.
• In the “Trash” tab, restore deleted messages by selecting the “Restore” icon to the right of the
row. Restored messages will reappear in the tab they came from (either “Inbox” or “Sent Items”).
The restore function disappears after 30 days, after which deleted message will automatically be
permanently deleted.

Note: Deleting messages from the “Trash” tab will permanently remove the message from the user’s

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14. Provider Tab
The "Directory" module of the "Providers" tool allows care managers to view, update, and manage a
client’s associated providers, as well as a directory of all providers. To navigate to Provider Directory select
"Providers" from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select client. If a client was already selected, the
"Summary" screen for that client will automatically appear. If necessary, change the selected client by
using the drop-down in the top right-hand corner. If a client was not already selected, select from the
drop-down menu that appears. User will be automatically directed to "Directory" module. The
"Directory" module of the "Providers" tool consists of two tabs: Associated Providers and Provider
Directory. Use the tabs to navigate through, edit, and add to the provider directory. Note: The Associated
Providers tab displays the information for the providers associated with a selected client, whereas the
Provider Directory tab displays all providers. Associated providers will also be displayed under Providers
on the Summary screen.

14.1 Associate Providers Tab

View Associated Provider Information: Click on a row to view the selected entry in further detail in a
pop-up that displays to the right. This window will display the following fields: Type, E-mail, Location,
Location Phone, and Specialty(ies).

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14.2 Viewing Care Provider
Select the eye icon on the appropriate entry on the associated providers table to view the most detailed
view of the provider.

This window contains six tabs containing the following fields:

1. Name/Location
2. Specialties/Codes
3. Office/Hours
4. Indicators/Affiliations
5. Networks
6. Additional Locations

14.3 Updating Associated Providers

Select the pencil icon on the appropriate entry on the associated providers table. Update the fields in the
"Edit Care Provider" window that displays by manually entering information, using the provided drop-
downs, and selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required. Select
"Save" to save the changes to the provider information. Select "Close" to exit without saving the changes.

Note: In most cases, sections of the provider profile will be locked to editing. Grayed out fields are not

14.4 Removing Associated Providers

Select the “X” icon on the appropriate entry on the associated providers table. Select "Remove" to remove
the provider from the client’s associated providers. A "Confirmation" window will display. Select "Ok" to
confirm the removal.

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14.5 Searching Associated Providers
Use the following options in the gray search box to filter the providers table and search for providers.

• Provider Type – Use the drop-down list or type to select the provider type (e.g., Individual, Facility,
• Last Name or Organization Name – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• First Name – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Specialty – Use the drop-down list or type to select the appropriate provider specialty.
• Provider ID – Manually enter the Provider ID in the text box.
• NPI – Manually enter the National Provider Identifier in the text box.
• Apply the filters then select the "Search" button to display narrowed search results.
• Select the "Reset" button to remove all selected filters and display unfiltered results.

Use the following fields to sort and locate entries in the providers table: Name and Specialty(ies).

Click on a row to view the selected entry in further detail in a pop-up that displays to the right.

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14.6 Searching Provider Directory
Use the following options in the gray search box to filter the provider directory table and search for
providers. The provider directory table will initially appear blank and will not display providers until the
desired search parameters are applied.

• State – Use the drop-down list or type to select state.

• Last Name/Organization Name – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• Select Service Areas – Use the drop-down list or type to select service area.
• NPI – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• City – This field becomes active after State is selected and displays city options for that state.
Use the drop-down list or type to select city.
• Specialty – Use the drop-down list or type to select provider specialty.
• Languages – Use the drop-down list or type to select one or more languages.
• Network – Use the drop-down list or type to select provider network.
• Postal Code – Manually enter free text in the text box.
• County – Use the drop-down list or type to select county.
• Apply the filters then select the "Search" button to display narrowed search results.
• Select the "Reset" button to remove all selected filters and display unfiltered results.

Use the following fields to sort and locate entries in the provider directory table: Name and Specialty(ies).

Click on a row to view the selected entry in further detail in a pop-up that displays to the right.

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14.7 Viewing Provider Directory
The provider directory table below the gray search box displays all providers, as narrowed by any default
or applied filters. Click on a row to view the selected entry in further detail in a pop-up that displays to
the right. This window will display the following fields: Profile Type, Email, Location, County, Location
Phone, Language(s) and Specialty(ies).

14.8 Viewing Care Provider

Select the Note: In most cases, sections of the provider profile will be locked to editing. Grayed out fields
are not editable. icon on the appropriate entry on the provider directory table to view the most detailed
view of the provider. This window contains five sub-tabs: Name/Location, Specialties/Codes,
Office/Hours, Indicators/Affiliations, Networks, and Additional Locations.

14.9 Add Existing Provider to Associated Providers

Select the icon on the appropriate entry on the provider directory table to add the provider to the
selected client’s associated providers. Navigate to the "Associated Providers" tab of the "Directory"
module to locate the newly associated provider on the associated providers table.

14.10 Updating Provider Directory

Select the pencil icon on the appropriate entry on the providers table. Update the fields in the "Edit Care
Provider" window that displays by manually entering information, using the provided drop-downs, and
selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required. Note: In most
cases, sections of the provider profile will be locked to editing. Grayed out fields are not editable. Select
"Save" to save the changes to the provider information. Select "Close" to exit without saving the changes.

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15. Settings Tab
The Settings tab is where users can update their profile, change email, password, and preferences.

15.1 User Profile

Users can update their personal information in "My Info". To navigate to User Profile, select "Settings"
from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Users will be automatically directed to "My Info" module.
Update the fields on the “My Information" screen by manually entering information as appropriate. Fields
marked with red asterisks (*) are required. Note: Grayed out fields are not editable. Select "Save" to save
the changes to the user profile.

15.2 Change Email

Select "Change E-mail" button below "My Information". Update the fields in the "Type New E-mail" pop-
up that displays by manually entering information as appropriate. Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are
required. Select "Save" to save the changes to the e-mail address in the user profile. Select "Close" to exit
without saving the changes.

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15.3 Change Password
Select "Change Password" button below "My Information". Update the fields in the "Type New
Password" pop-up that displays by manually entering information as appropriate. Fields marked with red
asterisks (*) are required. Select "Save" to save the changes to the password in the user profile. Select
"Close" to exit without saving the changes.

15.4 Preferences
Role filters exist throughout the Care Manager portal. By setting a default role filter, user can control the
results that appear in various screens and generate search results to only show the clients for which user
appears on their care team with that role, rather than the entire client population.

Navigate to Filter Defaults Screen:

• Select “Settings” from the toolbar at the top of the screen.
• Select “Preferences” on the sidebar.

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15.5 Configure Filter Defaults:
Select the desired role filters for each of the following:

• Member List – Configures the filter and results list in “Admin/Clients” page as well as the number
of clients displayed in the widget on the dashboard. Example: If "Primary" and “Care Coordinator”
are selected in “Member List” field, only clients for which the user is both “Primary” and “Care
Coordinator” on the Care Team will appear when user searches for clients in “Admin/Clients”
screen. Note: Care team roles that appear in each drop-down are user specific and are set by the
system administrator.
• Tasks – Configures the filter and results list in “Admin/Management/Tasks” tab.
• Risk – Configures the filter and results list in “Admin/Management/Risk” tab.
• Alerts – Configures the filter and results list in “Admin/Management/Alerts” tab.
• Authorizations – Configures the filter and results list in “Admin/Management/Authorizations”
• Click “Save” button to finish.

Repeat as necessary. (Filters can be removed or changed at any time.)

Note: When using the gray search filter boxes throughout the portal, selecting “Reset” will maintain the
filter defaults set in the “Filter Defaults” screen. In order to see a broader list of clients that users may
have access to, user must manually remove role filters.

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