How To Prevent The U

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Peoria Today - 10/10/2018

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How to prevent the flu

t’s nice to give gifts vation of chronic nant during flu sea- of the flu by avoiding close virus and then touch your-
to family members medical conditions, son, individuals living contact with people who self. Try to get plenty of
and friends. They such as congestive in nursing homes or are sick. If you are the one sleep, stay active, manage
heart failure, asth- long-term-care fa- who is sick, try to keep your stress, drink plenty of flu-
appreciate your ma or diabetes. cilities, people with distance so others won’t get ids, and eat healthy foods so
thoughtfulness and you The flu spreads chronic health con- the flu too. You also should your immune system stays
feel good about sharing when an infect- ditions, health care stay home, if possible, from strong.
ed person coughs, Dr. Heatherann workers who have di- work or school. The flu is one thing that
your time, talents and ef- Bal
sneezes or speaks, rect patient contact Good health habits are is best not shared with oth-
forts with loved ones. and the virus goes into the and care givers of children especially important during ers. If you do get it, antiviral
But there is one “gift” air and other people in- less than six months old. flu season, which typical- drugs may be taken to help
that is best not given to oth- hale it. The best way to prevent ly lasts from about October make the illness milder and
ers, although it is some- Every year, between five passing the flu along to through February. Remem- shorten the length of time
times unwittingly passed and 20 percent of Ameri- your loved ones and others ber to cover your nose and you are sick. For more in-
along – the flu. cans get sick from the flu. is to get an annual flu shot. mouth with a tissue when formation about the flu, talk
Influenza is a contagious Most recover in one to two The flu vaccine protects you cough or sneeze, and with your doctor or call 877-
as virus that can cause severe weeks, but approximately against the three viruses then wash your hands often 934-9355 for a free referral
illness and even life-threat- 200,000 people end up be- that are expected to be the to protect against germs. to a physician near you.
ening complications. Flu vi- ing hospitalized for flu-re- most common each year Use an alcohol-based sani- Editor’s Note: Dr. Heatherann
ruses can cause high fe- lated complications. Those and usually becomes avail- tizer if soap and water are Bal is a family medicine
physician with Abrazo Medical
ver, headache, fatigue, dry most likely to develop flu able in the fall. It may be not available. Avoid touch- Group in Peoria, 10180 W.
cough, sore throat, runny complications are chil- given either as a shot or na- ing your eyes, nose and Happy Valley Road, Building A,
nose and body aches. dren between the ages of sal spray, depending on the mouth since germs are of- Suite 100.
Complications may in- six months and 19 years of person’s age and any exist- ten spread when you lay a
clude bacterial pneumo- age, adults age 50 and old- ing health conditions. You hand on something that is
nia, dehydration and aggra- er, women who are preg- also can prevent the spread contaminated with the flu


n. Kathy Knecht Knecht supports ful-
ly funding public educa-
vision for the state of Ari-
zona. Does Rick Gray re-
o This is your public forum. We’re excited to have a for Arizona tion, bringing transparen- spect his duty as state sen-
We welcome your opinions,
which can be emailed to
new market up this way!
For details and a full list of
State Senate cy to politics, supporting
legislation that ensures
ator and the people of LD
21 enough to attend these Farmer’s Markets in the The people of this com- children and seniors have events?
ts or posted online under the area check out our blog munity deserve a repre- access to quality health- We are LD21 constitu-
stories at — sentative who shares our care, brings high quali- ents who are registered
Upper West Side PHX values, our vision and who ty jobs to Arizona, takes Republican, Democrat and
What time does it start at? works with our communi- care of Arizona veterans, Independent.
Residents — Brittney Negrete ty to achieve a prosperous keeps government control Eva Osuna, Marleejean
respond Woohoo! — Christina Arizona. We deserve a rep- local and so much more. Johnson, Gustavo
Olshefske Hernandez resentative who will col- How do we know where Arteaga, Dr. Rebecca
o to evening Lyndsey Meewes is this laborate with all the people Knecht stands on all of Osuna, Armando
farmers market the one you’re going to? —
Michael Meewes
in our district — who puts
the people ahead of any
these issues? Because
Kathy Knecht is all over
Macias, David Flores

The Get Local AZ Farm- party. We have this leader our district talking to vot-
ers Market is now in ef- Thank you for the list! — with Independent Kathy ers about her vision and Letters
fect, Wednesdays from 4 Jane McCleary Cicinelli Knecht who is running for her values and has accept- We welcome all
to 7 p.m. at Camino A Lago Lindsey Obrzut let’s go!! state senate in our district. ed invitations to all four de- opinions. Please include
Park, 21111 N. 98th Ave., — Krystal Kay Kathy Knecht is not bate invitations. a name, address and
in north Peoria. The park Where is it? — Debra hard to find — she is at Legislative District 21 phone number so
is located next to Sunrise Ewan events talking to peo- has one more opportuni- we can contact you
Mountain Library, 21109 N 21109 N 98th Ave. Peoria, ple in our community dai- ty to meet the candidates for clarification or
98th Ave. Arizona 85382 at the Sunrise ly. From high school foot- — a candidate forum 6:30 confirmation. Because
o Events will be held al- Mountain Library — Kelly ball games to candidate p.m. Oct. 15, at the Sun of limited space in print,
most every Wednesday Renee Miller debates, Kathy will never City Country Club 9433 N. we may condense or edit
through April. Get Lo- Very cool. — Julie Moretti turn away an opportuni- 107th Ave. Kathy Knecht is opinions. Submissions
cal AZ has been hosting a PLANNING ty to meet with the people committed to sharing her should be about 300
farmers market in south My goal is to come bond! in her district nor will she views and will be at these words. To submit
Peoria several years. See — Erik Elderkin turn away an opportuni- events. Gray says he won’t opinions: Email to
how residents responded to Well, you get me! You’re ty to debate her opponent. be there. WVnews@newszap.
the event on©social
2018 Independent
media. Newsmedia Inc. USA,brother
bromance All rights reserved.
is work- 10/10/2018Her opponent, Rick Gray, The voters of LD21 de- com or mail to 17220 N.
October 10, 2018 3:06 pm (GMT +7:00) Powered by TECNAVIA ing tonight. — Tabitha Wall didn’t show up to a TV de- serve representatives who Boswell Blvd., Ste. 101,
bate with Brahm Resnik respect them enough to Sun City, AZ 85373

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